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And Then He Caught Me

Part 1


By C

Part I

In the midst of the Old Forest was a green glade. For about a hundred feet in every direction, the gnarled, knotted ancient trees gave way to grasses, soft and lush. A stream passed through–its waters clear, unlike the murky stuff that oozed up from the ground elsewhere in the Forest. If you saw this place, you might think: What a delightful refuge! And so it was.

It was almost noon in the glade, when the near-silence that had reigned all morning was overthrown by a whir, starting out faint and getting steadily louder. No mystery here: three fairy ladies were descending from the sky. The sound came from their white, butterflyish wings, vibrating at hundreds of times a second to bring them in for a soft landing on the grass. They were–of course–very pretty ladies, one with hair of the brightest red, another with hair as gleaming-black as obsidian, the third with hair as yellow as a daffodil. Each wore a white halter top, with a mini-skirt and high-heeled boots of the same color as her tresses. As they descended, the air caught their skirts and whooshed them upward; their panties were brilliantly, spotlessly white.

The redhead–whose name was Rhodopis–touched down first and fell laughing on her back. She raised her shapely legs and pumped them at the sky. "We did it again!" she cried. "Oh, to be soooo wicked and get away with it! Isn't that the kickiest?"

The black-haired girl, Melantho, and the yellow-haired, Xanthe, fell laughing beside her and kicked up their heels as well. The source of their mirth? They had driven an entire village mad; its inhabitants had hanged themselves en masse . Then the evil trio had flown here at top speed. A special magic guarded this place, so that no predator large enough to harm them could enter. Until their next wicked foray, they were as safe as fairies could ever be.

Mirth quickly turned to lust, and before long the girls slipped free of their panties. Soon, the glade re-echoed with cries, groans, and sobs of pleasure. Then the wicked lovelies settled in for a well-deserved nap.

When they awoke, the sun had gone a good way toward the west. For some reason, it was unseasonably chilly, and they all hugged themselves and shivered.

"That's odd," said Rhodopis. "Someone remembers the big fluffy blanket spell, I hope?"

"Sure," said Melantho.

Xanthe gave a sudden, very audible shudder. "What's wrong, Xanth?" said her two friends in unison.

"G-goose walked on my grave, I guess. I don't know; I'm just cold."

Melantho snapped her fingers, and each girl now had a nice, comfy blanket.

"That's better!" said Rhodopis. "Oooo, I have to pee. Anyone else want to join me?"

"Definitely," said Melantho. Xanthe just nodded. So they got up, dropped the blankets with some reluctance, picked up their panties, and ran over to their customary spot. There they crouched down in a line and gave the ground a good watering. Each wiped herself with a clump of grass, then slipped her pants back on. Now they dashed back to the blankets, only to discover they'd been claimed by someone else. Seated on each, just like a little sphinx, was a small, white cat.

Such utter whiteness! They had no stripe or dab of black, or gray, or green anywhere on their bodies. Only their eyes—pale yellow—afforded any contrast. They appeared to be young males, with just a little more growing to do. The fairies looked closer and saw that each cat held something small and squirming under his forepaws.

"Oooo," said Melantho. "Kind of scary!"

"Definitely," said Xanthe. Her hands began to twist the hem of her skirt.

"Oh, relax!" This was Rhodopis. "They're cats, for crying out loud! They're too little to hurt us; if they could hurt us, they wouldn't have gotten past the magic! Now just calm down!"

"Y-you're sure?" Xanthe asked.

"Yes," said Rhodopis.

"W-what if they have venom?" asked Melantho.

"Well, duhhh." (Rhodopis rolled her eyes as she spoke.) "This is Mythica, you know. But it won't be enough from little guys like these. A nip might moisten you up a little–as if any of us needs help with that! But that would be it . . . . Now what do they have under their paws?" The girl came within a few feet of the cats, who just gazed at her with no apparent concern. Still nervous, Xanthe took Melantho's hand in hers and squeezed it.

When she got up close, Rhodopis could see that each cat had caught a Flutterby: a little fairy about six inches in height. The cats kept their paws pressed down on each victim's chest, so that–vibrate their wings, thrash their arms and legs as much as they wished–the prey could not escape. Despite all their kicking, it was easy to make out that these were two girls and a boy, for their underpants had been pulled to their knees. All three filled the air with their shrill, mournful cries. "Ohhhhh," Rhodopis moaned, and fell to her knees.

"What's wrong?" said Melantho. Xanthe clutched her hand so hard now that it hurt.

"Oh, the poor little things!" said Rhodopis. "It's got me . . . kind of hot. Come and see!"

So her two friends came up next to her, and they had to admit it was strangely exciting, in a sad sort of way. As they watched, the cats bent down and began to lick their victims between their legs. The captives cried and kicked harder. The girls' breasts heaved; the boy's cock was spurting. They seemed to take forever to die, though at last they did.

Rhodopis now slipped her right hand down into the front of her panties. When she withdrew it, her fingers were slick with fay honey. "Here kitty, kitty," she said, extending her hand to the cat in the middle, "why don't you try something stronger?"

"What are you doing now?" cried Melantho and Xanthe together.

"Just having some fun," said their friend as the cat reached out and began to lick her fingers. "Ow, his tongue is really rough! Here, you guys try it!" But Melantho and Xanthe kept their distance.

It was beginning to get dark. "All right, my little furry friends," said Rhodopis. I don't know about you, but we have a busy day tomorrow, and those are our blankets. So shoo!"

The cats looked a little indignant, but they got up and left, carrying their prizes in their mouths. The fairies wrapped themselves up and snuggled close together.

"I wonder why . . . ." said Melantho.

"Why what, Sweetie?" said Rhodopis.

"Why . . . that was so . . . interesting."

"Because," said the redhead, "sooner or later, something like that is going to happen to us."

"I wish you'd stop saying that . . . that sort of thing!" cried Xanthe.

"Well, it's the truth. 'For every fay, a catching-day,' 'No armor against fate,'–and so forth."

"Well I still wish you wouldn't say it."

"Honey, you have to have the right attitude. I just love it that so many hunters want my panties down. It's flattering as all get out. And every time I get away, every time I make a fool of some predator, I know that, in the end--when a predator finally makes a fool of me–it's going to be that much more explosive, that much kickier, when my pants come down for good. Especially if you two are there to share it with me."

"I sometimes think you want to get caught!" said Melantho.

"Not exactly," said Rhodopis. "You might say capture is the frosting on a wonderful, wicked life. I want it to be as . . . creamy as possible." And with that she giggled like a little girl.

"Well I'm sure I don't want to get caught," said Xanthe. I want to be wicked forever, and if I can't be wicked forever, I want to be wicked almost forever. You take too many risks, and if I weren't so in love with you, I'd leave, 'cause I've got a feeling you're going to get us bagged sooner rather than later."

"I'm glad you're in love with me," said Rhodopis, placing a hand between Xanthe's legs. It was the hand the cat had licked.

"You're changing the subject!" squealed the yellow-haired girl. There was something more than ordinarily tingly about her friend's touch.

"Of course I am. Come on, Melantho, I know you want to join in." Melantho did, and she noticed the same heightened sensation when Rhodopis went to work on her. The girls were soon sharing notes on just this subject.

"Do you think there's something special about these cats," asked Melantho, "or are we just imagining things?"

"Let's sleep on it," said Rhodopis.

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