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And Then He Caught Me

Part 2

Part II

The next morning, the temperature had returned to normal. The three fairies got up, had a nice, satisfying pee, ate some meadow flowers for breakfast, then took flight for new mischief. Today, they flew all the way to the Great River, to test a levy-charming spell that Rhodopis had learned. Sure enough, the levy gave way, and the resulting flood destroyed a village with all its inhabitants.

"Too fast!" said Rhodopis with a pout. "I wanted something I could savor a while."

"A bounty hunter's going to savor us if we don't high-tail it home," said Melantho. Rhodopis wanted to have more fun, but her friends were firm. So, with some reluctance, she followed them back.

It was late in the day when they returned to the glade, and once again it was strangely cold.

"Brrrr," said Melantho, "if this isn't the darnedest weather! I wonder what . . . ."

Just then, the cats walked into view. Each had something wiggly in his mouth. As they got closer, it became apparent what they had caught this time: three Mini-Mers from the stream that ran through the glade. These were the smallest of mer-folk, only about eight inches long. Gripped firmly at mid-body, the Mers were trembling and thrashing their miniature dolphin tails. This time the victims were all male: their tiny cocks were stiff in the manner of every fay-boy who knows his time is near. Rhodopis and her friends hear quite plainly their little sobs of despair. Once again, the cats went to work with their tongues. The boys sobbed even harder, and soon little jets of come exploded from their cocks. Their captors kept at it till there was nothing left to spurt.

All three girls fell to their knees this time and smeared their fingers with their own honey. The cats left the dead merboys where they lay and eagerly lapped up what was offered. Then they took hold of their prey once more and wandered off.

The fairies nearly tore each other's panties off this time. And as each got a good stroking from one of her friends, she had to agree: there must be something in the cats' saliva. It tingled, it almost stung, and the orgasms it prompted were tremendous.

"I'll bet it's . . . overwhelming for their victims!" Rhodopis said with a gasp.

"I . . . I'd imagine so," Melantho replied. "Are you (oh!) . . . sure this is safe?"

"Nope," said Rhodopis. "But the . . . (whew!) magic barrier let them in, so it should be OK. Now . . . if they were leopard- or lion-sized, we'd be . . . singing another tune!"

"There you go again!" said Xanthe. "You actually enjoy thinking about it!"

"What of it?" said the redhead. "Wouldn't big, beautiful cats be a lot nicer than some icky human? I know I'll have about zero say in how it really happens, so why not fantasize a little?"

"Why not think about it as little as possible?" Xanthe retorted.

"Why not get some sleep?" Melantho interjected. And so they did.

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