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And Then He Caught Me

Part 4

Part IV

The lions rested now in the snowy glade, each with his paws on the bosom of a captured girl. They had long since finished their tongue-work and were now waiting for their venom to have its last effects. The girls' wings fluttered uselessly. Their legs were on the ground, rather than up in the air as before. In their first, most hurtful spasms, they had kicked their panties completely off. These now lay in little heaps near their feet. They still kicked of course, but with nothing like the initial frenzy. They still trembled and sobbed, but less violently now. From their cunts a pink, frothy nectar was oozing; the lions had avidly lapped this up at first, but now they seemed to have gotten their fill.

"W-what's that . . . who's that over there?" said Melantho.

With some effort, Rhodopis turned her head in the direction her friend seemed to be looking. Near the northern edge of the glade stood a man, burly and black-haired, in a travel-worn gray cloak and brown boots. He was watching the three bagged beauties with an expression of detached amusement on his face.

"A h-hunter," Rhodopis said. "I'll bet he's the one . . . who left these . . . sh-shape-shifters just outside our refuge. As little kitties . . . they could wander right in. Th-then, we gave them a reason to . . . to grow."

"And now . . ." said Xanthe with a bitter sob, "now the man can wander right in after them! Our magic . . . all undone. Our plans . . . our little pleasures . . . our b-beauty. All undone!" Her voice faltered then, and she just cried and cried.

"Shape shifters," said Melantho. "From the far North! I've . . . I've heard of them. Of course a man . . . a man must have brought them here. I . . . I feel so strange! . . . I think I'm . . . oh God, God, God . . .!" For her, the final pain, the final pleasure, had begun.

When it was over, Xanthe, who had recovered somewhat, spoke: "She's . . . she's gone."

"Sh-she always came a little too fast," said Rhodopis.

D-did you know . . . this would happen?"

"Of . . . of course not!"

"But you . . . you helped bring it on. My panties are down forever . . . because of you . . . ."

"I . . . suppose so, but isn't it better like this than it . . . might have been? That m-mangy man isn't pawing at us, eh? And here I am . . . p-panties down. . . . right next to you. Do you . . . forgive me?"

"I . . . I love you . . . . It's not the same thing."

"It's enough . . . I . . . unnnnhhh, dear Lord!" And Rhodopis got very kicky one last time.

Xanthe spoke once more before her final tremors: "He . . . snapped at the mosquito, he . . . snapped at the flea, he . . . he snapped at the minnow, and he . . . snapped . . . at me. He caught the . . . mosquito, he caught the flea, he . . . caught . . . the minnow . . . and then he caught me! And then . . . he . . . caught me . . . ."


Review This Story || Author: C
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