Chapter 3: Twin Torments
Patience awoke with a start as she felt soft hands lifting her. Looking around, she saw four naked girls holding onto her lifeless limbs and carrying her out of the plan into the darkness. The air was warm and quite balmy, although a steady breeze across her naked body made it quite comfortable.
"Where are you taking me?" Patience asked in a demanding voice.
"Hush little one," said KC who suddenly appeared at her head, holding and lifting her head. Patience was able to look across the expanse of her limp, nude body and could only watch as the naked women loaded her onto the back of a cart. Even though she felt like a sack of potatoes, the girls were gentle and handled her like precious cargo. Unbelievably, Patience saw that two other naked girls were attached to the front of the cart.
"Is this for Thursday's auction?" asked the woman in the driver's seat of the cart.
"I don't think so," replied KC who sat in the back of the cart with Patience, stroking the helpless girl's cheek. "I'm thinking about keeping this one for myself."
"Can't say that I blame you," responded the driver. "Prime meat. But that means we'll have to go find another one. We promised the buyers an even dozen."
"Maybe," replied KC, leaning down to kiss her new pet. "Or we might just sell one out of inventory."
Patience was shocked at the kiss. She wasn't into women at all. But the kiss was soft and caring and Patience decided that protesting would be useless without any means of defending herself. Besides, she rationalized, this woman had already taken worse liberties with her body. How bad could a kiss be after all of what she had already gone through?
The conversation made her blood boil, though. Prime meat? Auction? Selling out of inventory? And now her kidnapper was announcing that she planned to keep her? It was as if they viewed others as property that could be bought and sold and appraised for value. It almost made her want to scream. But she bit her tongue and stayed quiet.
The driver snapped her whip and one of the girls yipped. But Patience felt the cart starting to move. KC remained in the back of the cart and continued to caress the motionless naked body beside her.
KC lifted Patience's head again. "Aren't the ponies pretty?" KC asked. Again Patience's head was swimming. Not only do they treat others like property, she thought, they even treat them as farm animals. This was all too much to fathom. Patience simply closed her eyes to shut out this strange world. Tomorrow, she would do something about it, but tonight she felt totally drained.
As promised, Patience could move her arms and legs in the morning. At least, she would have been able to if she had not been bound. Some time during the night, someone had placed shackles on her ankles and cuffs on her wrists. Her arms were held behind her back and a chain ran from the cuffs to the shackles, effectively immobilizing her. She had to wait in bed until someone came to release her.
That someone turned out to be two someones. A pair of radiant redheads came into the room, chattering away as if everything was normal. But nothing was normal about the scene as far as Patience was concerned. The two women were completely naked and did not seem to have a single hair on their bodies from the neck down. And they were walking in on a naked and bound woman. How could they not be shocked or at least surprised?
"Hey!" shouted Patience. "Shut up and let me loose!"
"Oh my," said the first redhead.
"Yes, oh my," agreed the second. "You must be new around here."
"Of course I'm new!" hissed an irate Patience. "I was kidnapped yesterday and brought here against my will last night! Now let me loose!" Patience wiggled her body to rattle her chains for effect.
"Well that's what we're here for," said the first one. As they got closer, Patience realized that the two women were identical twins, and beautiful identical twins at that. Each had long auburn hair that was gathered into a ponytail and allowed to splash across their backs. Each had lovely green eyes that seemed to sparkle with every word that they spoke. And each had wonderful figures with a richness of curves that gave them ideal forms.
"I'm Jan," said one of the girls. "And this is Jean. What's your name?"
"Patience," she muttered. "Hurry up!"
Both girls giggled. "Not very patient." They fiddled with the chains, much to Patience's relief. "It's very nice to meet you, Patience. There we go."
Patience was stunned. The girls were finished but she was still bound. "What do you mean 'there we go'? I'm still all locked up!"
"No, not all locked up," smiled Jean as she held up a length of chain for Patience to see. Patience groaned as she realized that only the chain funning from her wrists to her ankles was going to be removed. At least it was a start, she supposed.
"Now we can help you get ready," said Jan. Then the two girls each grasped an arm and half-carried and half-dragged Patience to the bathroom. Patience objected to the way she was being handled but her complaints seemed to fall on deaf ears. The girls resumed their chattering and continued it after they had placed Patience on the toilet.
"Time for pee pee," instructed Jean.
"Release me this instant!" screamed Patience. "And then get out of here and give me some privacy!"
"No can do," giggled Jan. "We have jobs to do and we're going to do them."
These two were becoming extremely annoying. They appeared to be a few years older than Patience but they behaved more like children. One of the pair reached down to rub Patience's belly and the bound girl snapped her head forward to bit her assailant.
"Hey, that's not nice," said the redhead as she jerked away from the girl on the toilet. Patience had lost track of which one was which by this point. "I was just trying to help. It always helps me to pee if someone rubs my tummy."
"I don't need any help! I don't want any help! I want out of these chains! And I want some privacy!" stormed Patience. "And then I want a phone so I can call the police!"
Both girls tittered at the brief little tantrum. "There aren't any phones here," said the first one.
"And no police either," the second one chimed in. "Unless you consider Mistress Elke to be the police. She's kind of the enforcement around here."
"But I don't think she'd be very sympathetic to your complaint."
"Get out of here!" screamed Patience.
Both girls sighed in unison. "We can't do that," said one of them. "We were sent to prepare you. We'd get in trouble if we didn't do that."
"So we'd appreciate it if you cooperated," nodded the other one.
"I'm not going to cooperate!" said Patience angrily.
"Well that's okay too. We were given permission to punish you…"
"Although neither one of us likes to do that," said the second one, finishing the sentence of her sister.
"We also have permission to play with you…"
"And we love to do that," giggled the second twin.
"GET…. OUT…. NOW!" growled Patience.
Again, both girls sighed. They had hoped that it would not come to this. But they moved efficiently and, very quickly, Patience found herself in a new predicament. A pair of rubber coated hooks were placed in her nostrils and pulled back. The chain attached to the hooks was attached to a hook on the wall, thus forcing Patience's head back cruelly. Patience screamed but quickly discovered a new indignity as a ball gag was forced into her mouth and the straps fastened behind her head.
One of the auburn beauties leaned down and kissed Patience's cheek. "You really should learn to be more cooperative."
"Yes," said the twin as she ran a finger around one of the upthrust nipples. "This place is so much better when you cooperate. Look Jan! These are really nice!"
"Mmmphhh!" grunted Patience as she felt each twin grasp one of her defenseless breasts. The older girls seemed fascinated with them as they squeezed and pinched and stretched them. Patience was grunting louder now but dared not move too much for fear of ripping her nose off of her face. The women kept playing with the "nice" breasts, bringing their lips and tongues and teeth into play as they amused themselves with Patience's very stiff nipples.
The redheads finally released the breasts to concentrate on the task ahead of them. Jan rubbed her palm lightly over Patience's taut belly in a soothing way, trying to help the bound girl to relax. Patience was anything but relaxed, however. She jumped and twitched with each motion of the hand.
Jean was busy pressing inward on Patience's lower abdomen. She figured that, if she created enough pressure, she could help Patience to pee. Each girl kept listening and craning her head to check the progress. But nothing was seen and nothing was heard. They sighed in unison.
"This calls for drastic measures."
"The catheter," was the sister's response.
"Mmmphhh" was the only comment from the victim.
Jean went to a drawer and returned with a small package, which she tore open. She reached in and pulled out a menacing-looking tube causing Patience's eyes to open wide. When Jean knelt down, she moved out of the bound girl's vision but Patience could tell that her captors were hard at work as she felt fingers prying her labia apart.
"Oh look!" said one of the twins in a singsong voice. "She must like this." Patience felt more fingers rubbing along her sex and felt her face burn with humiliation as she realized that they had discovered how wet she was. How could her body betray her like this? Why was she wet?
Patience was getting desperate. She tightened her abdominal muscles and kept grunting, hoping to avoid the need for what she was sure would be a painful and even more humiliating indignation. Finally, she was rewarded with the sound of water and could feel herself peeing. A few minutes earlier, this act would have been the most humiliating of her life. Now, however, it was a welcome event to avoid an even more embarrassing act.
The twins stood up and clapped gleefully. "We knew you could do it!" exclaimed one. "You're such a good girl," exclaimed the second. Thankfully, the catheter was discarded and Patience vowed never to refuse to pee again. When she was finished, one of the girls dabbed her dry as the other loosened and then removed the hooks from her nose. As soon as she could move her head again, Patience glared at the two girls and grumbled a long list of unintelligible expletives around the gag.
The gag remained in place as the girls ran the bath water and then Patience was hoisted and placed in the hot water. The twins set about their task with one girl shampooing Patience while the other one washed her body. The one with the washcloth seemed to gloss over her limbs but paid particular attention to her breasts and sex.
When they were finished, they lifted Patience out of the tub and stood her on the rug in the middle of the bathroom. There, they toweled her dry and then closed the toilet seat, moving patience to a sitting position again. Patience's feet were unshackled but then were spread wide. Her ankle cuffs were attached to rings that had been thoughtfully embedded in the floor.
Patience's eyes flew wide again and she started to grunt and struggle as one of the redheads stepped between her legs with a can of shaving cream and a long razor.
"We can't have her moving like that," the girl said.
"I'll fix that," responded the other. Patience quickly found her head being yanked backward again and again she felt those horrible hooks digging into her nostrils. She was totally vulnerable and the pain in her nose took all of the fight out of her. She sat completely still as she felt fingers rubbing the shaving cream into her mound and then felt the razor scraping across her skin. The redhead was very thorough with her task. Labia were stretched and the razor scraped. They were even able to spread her bottom cheeks and scrape the razor through that hidden little valley. Eventually, oil was rubbed onto her mound and the nose hooks were removed. The twins stood the captive again and faced her toward the full length mirror.
Patience was appalled by the image that looked back at her. Her sex was completely bare! "I look ridiculous!" she thought. "I look more like a teenager than a woman!"
One of the twins ran her finger over the recently denuded flesh. "Good job!"
"Thanks," grinned the other.
Patience's heart sank when she studied the rest of her image. With her arms held behind her back, she looked like she was all breast. The gag did nothing to enhance her beauty, she thought, with much of the black ball showing between her parted lips. And with her hair still wet and disheveled, she thought she looked awful.
The final step was to dry the hair. Jan and Jean worked together with combs, brushes and hair dryer. When they were finished, they turned Patience back toward the mirror again. Patience hardly recognized herself. She normally allowed her straight blonde tresses to flow freely over her shoulders and back. The two twins, however, had teased her hair into something akin to a lion's mane. It gave Patience a totally different look; a wild and untamed look.
Finally, the two girls led her out of the room and down a hallway to a living room. Then, they had her kneel and one of them started fiddling with the leather strap that was fastened behind her head.
"You'll behave, won't you?" asked Jen.
"Otherwise, we'll gag you again," chirped Jean. Patience reluctantly nodded her head and the gag was pulled out with a popping sound. Patience flexed her jaws, thankful that the awful gag was gone and then looked up at the smiling twins.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because we were told to," replied Jan.
"On this island, you quickly learn to do what you are told," added Jean.
"But why am I being treated this way? Why am I cuffed? Why was I shaved?"
"Oh, that's just standard procedures for all new slaves," responded Jean.
The word 'slave' shot through Patience like an arrow, piercing her entire being. "Slave?"
"Yep," nodded Jan. "You're a slave. Probably for the rest of your life too. I don't know what kind of slave you'll be, but I do know that you are owned."
Just then, KC walked through the door and both girls stood back and at attention. "Good morning, Mistress," they chimed together.
"Good morning, pets," replied KC as she walked slowly around the kneeling girl. "You girls did very well. I'll see that you get a reward later."
"Thank you, Mistress," they responded in unison.
KC then crouched down in front of Patience so she could look her captive in the eyes. "Welcome to the first day of your new life. You look ravishing, by the way."
"You should let me go," warned Patience. "The police have to be looking for me and it would go easier on you if you turn me over freely."
KC laughed, causing her exposed breast to bounce and sway. She was wearing something akin to a toga. A short skirt gathered at her waist, showing off her shapely figure. Rising from the waist of the skirt was a swath of white cotton that swept over one shoulder and down her back, covering her left breast but leaving her right breast visible. "If they are looking for you, they would be looking in the wrong place. You and your honey were seen leaving on a flight to Hawaii last night. The records will show that the two of you were married and it will look like you extended your break for a honeymoon.
"You can't do this!" screamed Patience.
"It's already been done," replied KC as she reached out to cup the magnificent breasts before her, causing Patience to jerk backward. KC tightened her fingers around the breasts and squeezed hard, causing Patience to squeal at the pain. "You belong to me now. Get used to it, slave."
"Never!" spat Patience.
"Find an open pole for her," KC said as she arose. "We'll try again this evening." With that, she strode out of the room.
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