Chapter 10: Fox Hunts in New England
Another year later found the interior of the new home being finished as the landscaping was being started. Alana was overseeing the work and had sent Patience to the island since the young architect knew she was going to be too busy to tend to a slave.
Even though she was now a mistress, Alana continued to supervise her construction projects as she always had. She did it naked. Well, almost naked. She wore a white hardhat and black leather safety boots. And lately, she had added a web belt that hung seductively around her waist and onto one hip. She kept a water bottle on the belt and it finally provided her with a place to carry her pencils and tape measure.
Alana was the favorite of the workers on the site and she was able to get much more productivity out of her subcontractors than other contractors were. She had a way of creating goals and contests and always provided a coveted prize if the goals were met. If a foundation was finished ahead of schedule, she might provide blowjobs to the entire crew. If the wiring was done on time and under budget, she might let the electricians have Patience for a day.
She was using a different reward for the landscaping crew. At this point, Ted was a full-fledged…. Well, she wasn't quite sure what he was. His chest was rivaling her own at this point, thanks to the hormone treatment. His figure had responded well also due both to the hormones and the corset training. His employer had fired him a few months earlier, citing sexual deviance in the exit interview. And now, he was a tool for Alana to use.
At the beginning of each day, Alana would establish goals for the landscapers. Ted, or Edwina as he/she was being called these days, would be tethered in a section of the property being worked on by the crew. The rule was that the landscapers could do whatever they wanted with Edwina all day long but they could not fuck him unless they had achieved the day's goal.
It was not uncommon for Edwina to give numerous blowjobs during the breaks each day. But each day, the workers strove to hit their targets. And at the end of each day, Ted would find a line of burly men waiting for their turn at his ass.
Grace and Alana had decided on a complex of structures that joined in a common area. Each wing of the structure was its own mini-mansion, complete with living areas, kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms. The common area included a pool, spa, exercise room and dungeon. Since Alana was now the designer of choice for dungeons and playrooms all around the globe, this dungeon had to be particularly spectacular. It was actually four dungeons in one. It was huge and was located beneath the party room. A secret staircase would allow partiers to move from one level to another if that kind of party was being held.
The entire dungeon was open with no walls but each area was referred to as a room. The "Inquisition Room" came equipped with racks of two different designs for stretching victims. A cell could be used to lock up slaves awaiting punishment and torture and Alana had even found an old jail cell complete with rusted bars and door that she had disassembled and shipped to be reassembled in the dungeon. Getting the door to squeak and groan had been difficult, but she had managed it.
The "Bondage Room" had rings embedded in the walls and floor copiously for attaching slaves. It even had an Iron Maiden and a cabinet with every type of shackle, straight-jacket, rope and chain imaginable.
The "Modern Room" had the electrical equipment and sensory deprivation chamber. Subs and slaves could enjoy hours on end of voltage coursing through their nipples or penises or could be turned into temporary zombies in a pool where they could not see, hear or feel anything.
The "Medical Room" still sent a chill up Alana's spine whenever she went into that area. She expected that its primary use was going to be for piercings and occasional needle play. But Grace did comment once that this was where Edwina would be made complete. She had images of a groaning Ted on the operating table looking at his testicles in a jar of formaldehyde.
The center area held a whipping post, a trapeze and two types of crosses. This area would be for public punishments of selected slaves.
Alana was alone at the new home at the moment. Kelly had taken both of her slaves to the old house this morning. Patience was in residence on the island. And Grace had left two days earlier for a week of vacation at KC's estate in Connecticut. She was glad that the two mistresses enjoyed each other's company so much but was puzzled why Grace never brought KC to visit them. It was always Grace who did the traveling. She knew that her jaw was going to become very tired if she was going to keep the landscapers on schedule. She might even have to grant them greater liberties with her body to keep her jaw from locking up on her.
At the same moment that Alana was contemplating how to keep the landscapers productive, Grace was scrambling through the brush on KC's secluded estate. Limbs snapped at her tender naked flesh as she ran as quickly as she could. She wasn't really running toward anything because she did not know the area. But she knew what she was running away from. The constant yipping and barking of the dogs propelled her forward. She was terrified at the thought of what might happen if they caught up with her. She was on a New England fox hunt and she was the fox.
If she could just keep moving, she could avoid humiliation and gain freedom at the same time. KC had told her that, if she evaded capture, she would be released from her contract. But if she were tracked down by the dogs… it was too horrible to even think about.
Mud splattered on her calves as she ran along a creek trying to confuse the dogs. Her heavy breasts bounced uncontrollably with each step. And the sounds of the dogs drew nearer.
Grace knew that KC was riding along behind the dogs. She had been decked out in her finest equestrian garb before the hunt, as were the three riders with her. A neighboring couple and their daughter joined KC for a spirited ride through the countryside.
The dogs were not the normal selection for this type of event, if there really was anything normal about a full grown woman being hunted in New England. Usually, hounds were the order of the day. A normal fox would be chased by a pack of hounds until the fox escaped or the hounds trapped or killed it. The pack chasing Grace was made up of dogs larger than hounds. A German shepherd, two Labradors, a greyhound and a boxer were her enemies this day. And each knew her scent. KC had stood the naked Grace in the courtyard and used her finger to arouse the temporary slave. Then, she had led each dog, all of which were males, to the steaming sex for a sniff and an occasional lick. The whole scene had been humiliating for the former mistress but it was not nearly as humiliating as what would happen if the dogs caught up with her. This thought gave her the energy and determination to keep moving.
Grace emerged from the woods into a field. She knew that open ground would work against her but she couldn't go back into the woods. The dogs were coming after her through that forest. She darted out into the field, hoping to make it into the woods on the other side.
She was halfway across the field when she heard the dogs more clearly. She turned her head and saw the dogs loping across the pasture directly toward her, sending a chill down her spine. She quickened her pace but soon found herself surrounded by yipping dogs. She kicked out at one, hoping that it would send a message but another dog bowled into her from her blind side, sending her sprawling.
Again, she lashed out with a leg and tried to punch another dog with a hand. Both blows missed their targets but her efforts created an opportunity for one of the Labs. The black-coated dog closed his teeth around Grace's neck giving her a deep-throated, menacing growl. Grace froze on her hands and knees as she felt the teeth holding onto her. The dog was not trying to kill her. It was simply telling her that the chase was ended.
Grace stayed on her hands and knees for several minutes until she heard the clip clop of the riders approaching. "The fox loses again," chirped the daughter of the neighbors. "What happens now? Do we skin her?"
"Hush, Felicity!" scolded the mother. "We don't do that in this country."
"Your mother's right," agreed KC. "We let foxes live for future hunts. But the dogs should have a reward for such a noble hunt. Don't you agree, George?"
"Indeed I do," said the father.
Then KC clapped her hands. "On Jupiter!" The boxer immediately sprang into action and moved behind Grace, mounting her. Grace started to crawl away but the teeth and another deep-throated growl caused her to freeze in place. She felt her cheeks burning in shame as the dog moved his hips. She felt the unsheathed cock bouncing against her bottom and thighs until, with one successful thrust, the boxer buried his cock inside of her. The dog pumped frantically, holding his prey in place with its forearms, until it had spent itself inside of her. All four riders clapped in appreciation when the deed was done.
One at a time, each of the five dogs mounted the slave, pumping their long cocks into the thirty nine year old woman. After the third dog, Grace collapsed onto the ground, too exhausted and too humiliated to go on. The snap of the whip on her naked bottom, however, reminded her that she was expected to provide more entertainment so she struggled back to her hands and knees.
When the dogs were finished, Grace's hands were tied in front of her body and a rope was led to the saddle of the young girl. Grace was led back to the mansion like a prisoner or escaped slave, behind the horse of the neighbor's daughter.
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