Chapter 12: Kid in a Candy Shop
At about the same time that Patience was being relieved of her pony duties on the island, Grace was walking behind a horse again. After her defilement by the dogs and the long walk back to the manor house, the mistress had been hosed off and then brought indoors with the four "hunters." KC and her guests sat at the table, enjoying lunch, while Grace knelt on the floor between KC and Felicity. The only food that she ate was whatever morsels the other mistress or the teenager hand fed her.
"How did you enjoy your first fox hunt, dear?" asked the female guest.
"Oh, it was thrilling, Mama!" exclaimed Felicity. "Can we do it again tomorrow?" Grace stiffened at the question and the thought of being raped by a pack of dogs a second time.
"I don't think so, Felicity," said the mother. "We can't be imposing on Ms. Cartwright. Besides, you have a dentist appointment in the morning."
Felicity groaned. "Oh Mama, we can always reschedule that."
"And have your mouth full of cavities? I don't think so!"
"Well can we at least get us a fox so I can practice for the next hunt?" asked an eager teenager.
The mother laughed. "We'll see. Maybe if you learn to keep your room clean, Santa will bring you a fox." Felicity rolled her eyes and groaned again.
"I have a thought," interjected KC. Grace knew that nothing good could come out of the other mistress' mouth. "Take my fox for the evening. That way, Felicity can practice all she wants."
"Oh Mama!" cried the girl. "Can I, can I, can I?"
"Oh I don't know, dear," replied the mother. "That would be an imposition also."
Grace was mortified. She was being offered to someone who was less than half her age. Even the girl's mother was younger than Grace, even if it was only by a year. This was going too far! She turned to argue with KC but her eyes were immediately met with a stern look and the shake of a head. Grace's heart sank. It might have been an indignity but she had agreed to complete ownership.
"It's no imposition at all," smiled KC graciously. "You take Grace with you and you can return her tomorrow on your way to the dentist."
It had started to drizzle by the time that the guests made their departure. The parents and the daughter slipped into ponchos to keep themselves dry and mounted their horses. Grace's hands were once again tied in front of her and the rope was led up to the pommel on Felicity's saddle where it was tied off.
KC gave Grace's bottom a pat. "Have fun!" Grace turned her head and glared at the mistress before feeling her hands jerked forward. Once again, she felt like an escaped convict being returned to prison only, this time, she was a wet convict.
Even though it was a light mist that was falling, Grace was drenched by the time she reached the home of her new captors. Fortunately, they lived on property adjacent to KC's. Grace wondered what they would have done if they lived three doors down. Would they have walked the naked slave down the road? Probably, she concluded. Things were just weird enough these days for that to happen.
Thankfully, the mother intervened when they got to the house. Felicity had wanted to play fox hunt with her new pet but the mother decided that would have to wait until the weather cleared. In the meantime, it would be indoor games only. Grace was allowed a bath to clean up and warm herself. Even that was embarrassing, however, with Felicity sitting on a stool in the bathroom watching her new toy.
"What's it like being owned?" asked the girl while Grace was lying down in the tub.
"Humiliating," replied the reclining woman, honestly.
"I suppose it would be," nodded Felicity. "But I'll bet it's exciting at times too. I get a tingle whenever I think about what it must be like."
"Maybe it is for some. I don't get that tingle."
"How did you become a slave?"
Grace thought for a moment. She wasn't sure that she wanted to get into all of the details. But, in the end, she figured that honesty was the best policy. "I made a trade," she replied. "KC gave me one of her slaves. And I agreed to be her slave for two weeks each year."
"Wow! You must have really wanted that slave! Is she pretty?"
"Patience is beautiful," responded Grace.
"Is she as beautiful as you?" asked the teenager. Felicity slipped off the stool to kneel beside the tub. She had her forearms on the side of the tub and rested her chin on her crossed hands.
"Thank you for thinking I'm pretty," smiled Grace. "But Patience is far more beautiful. She's like a goddess."
Felicity reached forward and brushed her palm over the floating breasts. "I think you're like a goddess. You are very beautiful. And I love your titties. I hope mine get like yours when I'm older."
"I'm sure your titties will get larger. But they're very nice already. They are nothing to be ashamed of."
"But these are so much nicer." Felicity grasped the nipple closest to her and pulled upward, stretching most of the breast out of the water. She released it, letting it fall back to Grace's chest sending ripples of waves throughout the tub. Then she repeated it with the other lovely mound. "Doesn't it bother you when I touch you like that?"
"It doesn't matter," replied Grace as she watched the impish girl return to the first breast to stretch it into the air. "I'm owned."
"That's amazing," giggled Felicity. "And to think that, for tonight, I own you. You're the first person I've ever owned. I can't wait to tell my friends."
Grace winced as she felt Felicity's fingernails accidentally dig into her tender nipple. "I wouldn't do that," advised the slave. "Slavery is illegal. You could get yourself and your parents into a lot of trouble if you told others."
"Oh," sighed the girl. "I guess that's right. Besides, they'd just want to play with you too. And I want you all to myself." Felicity finally abandoned the glorious breasts and slipped her hand under the water. She ran her palm down Grace's tight belly until she got to the slave's mound.
"Why don't you have any hair down here?" she asked, letting her fingers dance over the denuded flesh.
"It wasn't my idea," shrugged Grace.
"Oh." Felicity furrowed her brow as she considered the response. "Well I like the way it looks. It looks sexy. Do you think I should do that too?"
Grace wanted to be annoyed but she found herself liking the girl. Felicity was the perfect combination of naiveté, curiosity, and youthful exuberance. The treatment may have been humiliating to Grace but she realized that was not Felicity's intent. She was just a kid in a candy shop. Grace just happened to be the candy.
Felicity finally left Grace to finish her bath. Grace was to meet her downstairs when she was finished. When the older woman asked what she should wear, Felicity's response was short and simple. "Nothing, of course." That worked out well because Grace had no clothes anyways. As she was coming down the stairs, she heard a door close. When she reached the kitchen, she found Felicity sitting alone at the table.
"They had to leave for awhile but they'll be back in time for dinner," the girl advised. "Mama said that I might want to check out your tongue. Do you know what that means?"
"Yes," whispered Grace, feeling her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Good," grinned the girl. "Because I had no idea what she was talking about but I didn't want to let on. So show me your tongue." This confused Grace but she obediently poked out her tongue.
"What's so great about that?" asked a genuinely bewildered Felicity. "It's just a tongue."
"I don't think that's what she meant," whispered Grace again.
"What?" asked Felicity.
Grace spoke a little louder this time. "I think that she meant that I should make love to you with my tongue."
"Oooohhhh!" exclaimed Felicity with her own cheeks turning crimson this time. "Where should we do that?" she finally asked.
"Your bedroom?"
"Oh, right," nodded Felicity, trying to compose herself. "Bedroom. Right. That makes sense."
Felicity led her charge back upstairs and into her bedroom. Stuffed animals adorned the bed and shelves and Grace realized she was definitely crossing a line. After today, she couldn't stoop any lower. She had sex with five dogs in the morning and was cradle-robbing in the afternoon.
"So what do we do now?" asked Felicity.
"Well," said Grace and then she paused for a moment. "You should at least take off your slacks. Or you could take off everything."
"Right, right. That makes sense." Felicity kicked off her shoes and slid her slacks and panties down her legs. Then, with a what-the-heck shrug, she took off the rest of her clothes.
Grace was very impressed with what she saw. She didn't know what to expect of Felicity's body, but it exceeded all of her wildest expectations. Under different circumstances, and a few more years on Felicity's age, Grace would have considered capturing her to become her own slave. But for now the roles were reversed. Felicity stood in the middle of the room for a moment and then moved to the bed, scooting over until she rested against the pillows.
Here goes nothing, thought Grace as she moved to the bed to join her owner. She wasn't sure if she should just dive between the legs or make it a more erotic moment. Since she didn't know how sexually experienced the girl was, she opted for the erotic. After all, everyone deserved to have fond memories of their first, although she doubted that there were many women who remembered their first as being with someone twenty three or twenty four years their senior.
Grace stood beside the bed and bent at the waist, lowering her face to Felicity's and kissing her. "May I pleasure you, Mistress?"
"Mmmmm" murmured the girl, lifting her head for another kiss. "Please do."
"Yes, Mistress," replied Grace. She placed her hands on the bed to steady herself and then started planting little kisses all over Felicity's face. The girl closed her eyes and sighed happily, enjoying the sensations that her slave was giving her. Grace's lips brushed over her mistress' chin and then down her throat to her chest.
Grace decided to avoid the nipples for a bit but moved her lips around the base of each breast, circling each with kisses. She had to crawl up on the bed and now had one hand on the bed on either side of Felicity. The teenager was already squirming, but she managed to keep her hands to her sides to let the older woman pleasure her.
Again, Grace marveled at the prone body. This girl had nothing to be ashamed of. Her figure was trim and perfect. Her skin was flawless and soft. The breasts, which were currently the subject of the slave's attention, were ideal. They probably would grow some more but Grace guessed that they already filled a C-cup bra. And they were amazingly firm. Grace had never experienced breasts on someone so young. She couldn't remember what hers were like at Felicity's age, but she wished she had paid more attention to them back then.
Felicity's nipples were rock hard at this point and Grace had not even touched them yet. And they were long. Grace was bad at estimating sizes but she knew that each one had to be longer than a half inch. She paused to blow lightly over the little nubbins and smiled as she saw her mistress tremble. But the girl never moved.
Grace repositioned herself on the bed. She knelt between Felicity's outstretched legs and lowered her head to the first breast. Lightly, she flicked her tongue once over the nipple. The girl stiffened and moaned. Grace did the same to the twin nipple and elicited the same response.
Grace kissed between the breasts and then moved downward, leaving a trail of kisses behind. Felicity whimpered and Grace was not sure if it was because she had left the nipples behind or because she was moving toward another target.
For the next sixty minutes, Grace played with the teenager's body and mind. At times, she would focus on the girl's sex, parting the delicate petals with her tongue or piercing between them to use her tongue to probe the girl deeply. She totally avoided the cute little clitoris for the first thirty minutes.
Grace would spend a few minutes between Felicity's thighs and then slide her body up over the girl's. Sometimes, she would stop and spend time with the beautiful round breasts and their succulent nipples. Her attentions to those nipples were either flicking them with her tongue, suckling on them with her lips or nibbling on them with her teeth.
Other times, she would bypass the breasts. Cradling Felicity's head in her hands, Grace would passionately kiss her mistress. Her tongue would explore the girl's mouth and dance with her tongue. When she started her journey back downward, the girl would be a whimpering, quivering mass.
Several times, she simply gave the teenager a quick kiss and then kept moving upward. Grace would dangle her pendulous breasts over Felicity's lips for the girl to enjoy. Felicity was eager but relatively unskilled at first. She would suck a proffered nipple into her mouth and then simply suckle it as if she were a baby being breastfed. Grace would shift her chest back and forth, ensuring that the girl was treated to both breasts equally. After a couple of sessions with the large, wonderful breasts, however, Felicity started to be more creative and learned to enjoy the tender buds with lips, tongue and teeth as Grace had been doing with her.
After awhile, Grace started to pay attention to the erect little clitoris. After scooping her tongue up between the slick petals, or plunging her tongue into Felicity's sex, or nibbling along the girl's labia, she would flutter her tongue over the sensitive little stalk. But she would stop as soon as she saw her mistress' belly quivering. Then, she would start another journey upward to the groans of a frustrated girl.
Felicity's body became damp with perspiration and Grace enjoyed the feeling of the slickness as she would glide her body over the girl's. Her mistress' sex was very responsive and Grace ended up swallowing copious amounts of her juices each time she scooped her tongue up through the available sex.
There was nonstop moaning after about an hour of this treatment and Grace decided that it was time to give the girl a release. On her last visit between her mistress' thighs, Grace spent a few minutes suckling on the engorged labia, letting her teeth scrape lightly over the slippery flesh. Then, as a grand finale, Grace wrapped her lips around the equally engorged clitoris and sucked it as deep into her mouth as she could. She clamped her teeth lightly around the base and then let the clit slowly slide from her mouth. She had planned on doing this several times until the girl climaxed but, before her teeth even reached the tip of the clitoris, Felicity's body tensed and the girl let out a long, deep groan.
Felicity wanted to cuddle afterwards. The two females lay on the bed, facing one another. Each girl draped an arm over the other to hold them close and little kisses were exchanged. "That was awesome!" exclaimed Felicity. "Thank you."
"Thank you for allowing me to pleasure you, Mistress."
Felicity slid her body down so that her face was even with Grace's large breasts. She sucked a nipple into her mouth and just held it there. Within moments, Felicity was sound asleep, suckling contentedly on the breast of her first slave, a woman over twice her age.
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