The Princess and the Toad
© 2004 by Naughty Puppy
Part 7 of 7
Destroying the Evidence
Erica blinked as consciousness returned to her still sluggish brain. She sighed as she realized she was again awake. How she preferred the bliss of slumber, what little she got of it chained to the post in her perpetual kneeling position.
The soft little blonde looked upward as she heard a door slam on the ground floor above. Footsteps followed on the creaking boards just over the joists. She glanced to her dozing sister and decided not to wake her; the brothers would likely do that soon enough.
Over the past week, Hank and Russ had used both of the teens in their increasingly degenerate cinematic endeavors. Erica had hoped that this shift in duties would provide her sister some much-needed rest. However, the blonde's inclusion in the depravity had had the opposite effect. Veronica's spirit appeared wholly shattered, her listless attitude only serving to raise the brother's ire.
Erica's scalp tingled as the sound of the single word seemed to hang in the stale air of the cellar. Her eyes widened as they eased upward toward the source of the voice. She tongued her just parted lips as she tried to decide what, if anything, she ought do.
"Hello?" the voice called again a few seconds later.
The younger sister looked to her still sleeping sibling and inhaled a massive breath. She turned her face again skyward and bellowed at the top of her lungs, "Down here! In the basement!"
Veronica stirred, then mumbled, "What is it?"
"I'm not sure," Erica whispered. "I think someone else may be here."
Veronica snorted and let her head fall her sister's direction. Pessimism clung to her sunken brown orbs. "Yeah. They probably brought their cousin Jim-Bob to join in the fun."
"Maybe," agreed Erica. "But maybe not." She turned her face back to the joists overhead. "Down here! Help us!" With that, she dropped her gaze to the cold concrete and prayed she called to an ally, or at least not to Jim-Bob.
The blonde stiffened as the door at the top of the stairs opened and the steps began to creak. Veronica simply allowed her head to roll the opposite direction as she brought her eyes to the staircase.
Erica's heart bounced with her spirit as she saw the slender frame come into view, followed quickly by the awkward mug of the third brother.
The lad tilted his head scratched the top as he got his first view the two nude girls chained to the post. "Rickie?" His face broke into a grin as he strolled to where the girls knelt. "Oh, my brothers must have hired you again. Yer playing one of them kinky games, huh? You girls have some fun job!"
Erica shook her head. "No. This is not a game and your brothers didn't hire us." She glanced to the floor and took a deep breath before directing her attention back to the lad. "Fred, there's no nice way to say this. Your brothers kidnapped us. And they've been holding us and raping us ever since."
Fred blinked as he scowled. "What?"
"Do I look like a hooker?" Veronica barked, her dark eyes squeezed to mere slits. She rattled her shackles for effect. "Don't you get it? We're prisoners. I'm a slave ; your brothers' personal butt-fucking, cocksucking, cum-eating fuck toy!"
Fred moved his head in a slow pivot. "Hank and Russ," he muttered. "They'd never do that."
"Oh, they did it alright," Veronica snarled. "They been doin' it to me a dozen times a day for more days than I can count. There's probably a puddle of Hank's cum under my ass right now if you want to check. Or maybe Russ was in there last; I forget."
Fred looked back to the blonde, his eyes riddled with confusion. "You must be joking."
"No," Erica replied quickly. "It's no joke."
"This isn't a game?"
"No, you lack-wit!" Veronica snapped. "It's not a fucking game! Rape is never a game!"
Fred shifted his focus once again to the blonde. "Really? Rape?"
Erica nodded solemnly. "Both of us. Everyday."
The lad's eyes started to glaze. "So, I raped you too?"
"No!" Erica snapped. "You didn't know."
Fred's lips quivered. "But you still didn't want to, did you? That'd make it the same."
"No," Erica repeated. "I mean yes! Yes, I did want you. I still would want to, if you did."
Fred sniffed twice quickly before replying. "You were playing games last time I saw you; weren't you? And you lied about wanting me. Maybe you lie about my brothers too."
Erica squirmed in her chains. "No! Look at my sister. You know it's true."
"Look at me?" Veronica added. "Hell, smell me! Who the fuck would smell like this by choice?"
"Wait," Erica cried. "I know! Go upstairs. By the TV. There's a box with movies in it. Movies they made of us. Watch them; you'll see. They try to make us act like we're willing, but you can tell we aren't. Just look at all the gross stuff they make us do! You'll see."
The young girl paused for a moment, hoping the boy would reply, but he did not. "Please," she begged. "You have to believe me. They're getting even meaner. It's like every day they have to get their jollies by making us do something even more disgusting. You have to help us! I know they're your brothers, but we'll be dead soon if you don't help us."
"What do they make you do?" Fred asked.
Erica shook her head. "Go watch the tapes. You won't believe it if I just tell you. And they're getting worse. Just today they said something about getting some real royalty to make the next movie with the princess."
"That's what Hank calls Veronica," Erica noted. "When he's not calling her slut, or bitch, or whore."
"Yeah," Veronica added. "He said something about getting me a real prince and somebody else for Rickie."
Fred swallowed as his brow sank. "Duke?"
"Yeah," Erica nodded. "I think that was it."
Fred's wide eyes wavered but a moment before he turned away. "This is bad. Real bad. I need to go think on it a spell."
"No!" Veronica cried. "You need to let us go!"
Fred shook his head. "I don't think that will do. No, not now. I gotta think."
"Yes, now!" Erica pleaded. "Please. I know you're a good man. You didn't mean any of this. It's not too late. You don't have to be a part of this. Please! "
"No," Fred said absently. "I'm not a good man. If I was, God wouldn't make this happen to me. I musta done something wrong. The priest taught me right, but I didn't learn it. Nope, I thought I could maybe slide the rules a bit, but God knows. He knows everything. Yep, he knows."
The lad continued to mumble to himself as he walked back to the stairs and slowly up them, ignoring the girl's continued pleas behind him.
"He's just like his brothers," Veronica snarled as the door at the top of the stairs closed. "Now we'll have three cocks to suck. You watch."
Erica dropped her head. "I thought he was different."
"Maybe, deep inside, all men are just worthless pigs," Veronica said. "Every God-fucking-damn one of them."
"No," Erica said. "I'll never believe that just because of what two men did to us."
Veronica closed her eyes and shook her head. "Three," she insisted in a whisper. "Three men."
* * *
Hank opened the door with due caution, unsure what he would find inside the house. He released a small sigh of relief as he spied his youngest brother reclined on the sofa, casually watching television.
"Hey, Fred," the older man said. "Saw your truck outside. Didn't expect you until tomorrow."
Fred shrugged. "No work at the silo. Got tomorrow off."
"Oh," Hank nodded. "That's good." The next second he heard his own voice from the television. His eyes gaped and his blood ran cold. He walked around the tube to see Veronica's doubly penetrated lions presented squarely to a wobbly camera.
"You been holding out on me," Fred said in the most matter-of-fact tones.
"I could o' been over here fucking those two babes like rabbits," Fred explained. "That wasn't very brotherly of ya keeping them a secret."
Hank scratched his head. "Me and Russ, well, we weren't sure you'd understand."
"Understand what?" Fred asked. "Free pussy; and ass ? Hell! What's to understand? And where is Russ?"
"He's gone looking for the, uh, dogs." Hank said. "We saw the both of 'em in the neighbors field and I let him out to go fetch 'em."
Fred nodded toward the screen "That's perty cool how you made the one of them film while you both fucked the other one at the same time. That dick's really up her ass too, ain't it."
"Yeah," Hank grinned. "Wait until you see what we make her do next." He grinned as he pressed the fast forward button until the tape reached the desired place.
Fred features contorted as the scene unfolded before him. "Wow," he muttered. "You think they'd puke."
"Yeah," Hank snorted. "The fat one did the first time. Right there in fact." He pointed to an irregular olive stain on the carpet. "We got that on tape too. You wanna see?" He began to dig through the stack of cassettes in the box.
"No," Fred replied. "This is pretty good just like it is. Just let it play."
"How about I go get one of the girls?" Hank said. "Or better yet, both. Me and Russ love you have them suck us while we watch their movies."
"How about you make one of them picture shows of me with one of them?" Fred suggested.
"Yeah," Hank nodded. "That's good. I love it when I have one suck my balls and the other my cock. And there's nothing better than watching your cock go in and out of some girl's ass on the TV while it goes in and out of her mouth for real."
"That does sound good," Fred agreed. "I think I'd like to watch my dick go in and out of that tall one's ass. I need to take piss first though." He started toward the toilet.
"I'll set up the camera," Hank called after him. "And, hey, Fred…"
The lad stopped and looked over his shoulder. "What?"
"Sorry, I misjudged you." Hank offered.
"It's ok," Fred replied. "Reckon I regret misjudging you too."
Hank walked back to the living room and started setting up the camera. He had hardly begun when the third brother entered the room.
"I got them," Russ announced. The two hounds rushed inside with the man, running and sniffing about.
"Well," Hank said. "Put them back outside. Didn't you notice Fred's truck?"
Russ furrowed his brow and looked over his shoulder. "No, I guess I didn't." Then he wheeled back to his brother. "Fred! He's here?"
"Relax," Hank said. "Fred's ok. We're even gonna make a movie with him and the princess. Now get them dogs out of here."
"Awright!" Russ bellowed as though to wake the dead. "I told you Fred would like fucking them too!"
Veronica looked upward at the joists, then to her sister. "You heard that didn't you? Your fucking hero is just another fucking asshole, just like the other two."
"Yes," Erica sighed glumly. "I heard."
"What'd I tell you about men?" Veronica muttered as she rolled her eyes. " Three guys and three holes; I can do that math."
"I really thought he was different," Erica sighed, her eyes clouded.
"I know you did," Veronica said. "And I wish you'd been right. But you weren't."
Erica shook her head. "It's just that he seemed so…."
"What the hell?" A voice roared overhead.
As the girls looked up the disturbance on the ground floor, a boom shook the house. The girls jumped in unison. The sound was followed quickly by a dull thud and then a second, similar, explosion. The siblings heard a low moan, some footsteps, unintelligible words, a door opening, and finally a third blast, slightly duller than the previous two. And then, silence.
"What happened?" Erica wondered in the succeeding quiet.
"I don't know," Veronica admitted. "But that sounded like a gun. What else could it be?"
"Maybe Fred changed his mind and they shot him!" Erica gasped.
"Serves the stupid fuck right for not letting us go what he had the chance."
Erica opened her mouth to protest, but the sound of footfalls overhead left her mouth both agape and silent. The two pairs of eyes moved in tandem as they traced the path of the steps from the entryway across the floor to the top of the stairs.
Veronica passed a large breath and then looked to her sibling. "I love you, Rickie."
The blonde turned as her ducts lost a single tear. "I love you too." She clamped her eyelids closed and prayed as the door atop the stairwell opened.
Veronica simply stared, not daring to pray, or hope, for anything. "It's Fred," the older sibling whispered as the man came into view.
Erica's eyes bolted, yet she didn't risk a smile as her gaze settled upon the shotgun that hung from the young man's right hand.
Fred did not speak until he had walked to where the younger girl sat. "I mean to let you go, but I has to insist you makes a promise first."
"What's that?" Erica asked timidly.
"You has to shoot me."
"What?" Erica gasped.
"I figure," Fred began, "that after raping you and killing my brothers that I'm perty sure bound for Hell, but the priest always says suicides is a straight way to get there, so I needs you to kill me instead; you know, just in case I still have a chance. I figure it ain't no sin neither for your soul to kill a murder and rapist."
Erica's features melted. "No! You didn't rape me! And whatever you did to your brothers, well, you did it saving us, didn't you? You can't go to Hell for that!"
Fred nodded. His own eyes glazed as he saw the girl's sorrow. "You and I know them boys got what they had comin', but the law ain't gonna see it that way. I ain't sure God'll see it, but figure I'll know that soon 'nough."
"Just let us go," Erica pleaded. "You don't need to die!"
"There ain't no other way I can see," Fred declared. "Everyone'll say I should have just called the cops instead o' shootin' them. I don't want to go to no prison where some big ugly man will make me his wife. It's better I just die with my brothers, you see? I ain't never been afraid o' dyin', ya know. Lotta times it seems better than livin' anyhow."
"Dammit!" Erica cried. "You did not rape me! I..." the girl stalled, considering how much she dared say. "I love you, Fred. I know you probably don't believe it, but I do. You are the kindest boy I know. You were my best lover- ever , and you saved my sister and me. You're my hero, Fred." She paused to swallow. "I could never kill you."
"How old are you?" Fred asked.
Erica hesitated a second before replying, "Eighteen."
Fred snorted. "No you ain't. I may not know much of the law, but I know it's still rape if you ain't no adult. And you ain't, is ya?"
"I really am eighteen!" Erica cried. "You won't go to jail!"
"I'll kill you," Veronica interrupted, in the most simple and solemn of tones.
The other two heads swung, replying in concert, "What?"
"I'll kill you," Veronica repeated, only her mouth moving. "Just let me go."
"Ok." Fred nodded shallowly. "It's a deal." He put down the shotgun and knelt beside the older girl.
"No!" Erica screamed. "You can't "
"It's the only way," Veronica argued.
"It is not!" Erica countered. "I'll hate you forever!"
"Go ahead," Veronica replied callously as the man continued to unshackle her. "At least you'll have a forever to hate me with."
Erica continued to plea, ever more loudly, but after several seconds, the other two simply ignored her. The younger girl's words had become an unintelligible wail of sorrow by the time the door at the top of the stairs closed, leaving her alone in the basement.
The pudgy blonde tried to resolve to kill her traitorous sister, but hate was not in her nature. Soon she began to weep uncontrollably. Then the emotions she had kept bottled up for far too long were abruptly released in one agonizing shriek of misery.
Veronica and Fred heard the extended lament above, but they proceeded silently onward as if they had heard nothing at all.
Erica's chest heaved as a lack of oxygen finally forced a pause to her wailing. Her lower lip hung loose as she cycled rapid breaths. She continued to pant between sniffles until several minutes later a forth and final blast, more distant and duller than the other three, ripped the early evening air.
The young blonde's head slipped slowly toward the floor, drawn by gravity as if all life had gone from her. Her glazed eyes fell as well, to focus on an arbitrary spot amid the shadows of the amorphous concrete slab.
The first thing Veronica noticed when she returned was those same eyes; little green beacons of malice, glistening and streaked with just enough red to look almost demonic.
"I hate you!" Erica sneered, her stubby nose wrinkled above her clenched teeth. She pulled against the chains in an entirely symbolic, but still effective, gesture. "How could you?"
Veronica knelt by her sister and looked into the younger girl's spite-filled face. "Don't be silly," she said softly. "I couldn't anymore than you could have." The brunette shifted her eyes down at once, directing her attention to matching the set of keys in her hand to the locks of her sister's restraints.
Erica gulped as her gaze wandered. "So; you didn't?"
"Nope," Veronica muttered as she tried a second key. She smiled as it twisted and one less cuff held her sibling. "Nice of them to label the keys, don't you think?"
Erica remained motionless, except for her chest, which rose and fell in a marked rhythm. "So Fred's ok?"
Veronica brought her focus again to her sister's now hopeful facade. "I know real heroes are supposed to ride off into the sunset on a some great stallion," she said. "But yours drove off in a rusty pickup with a couple of stupid looking dogs hanging their tongues over the tailgate. I hope that will do."
"So he's ok?" Erica repeated.
Veronica suppressed a chuckle. "Unless he had an accident since he left, yes, he's fine."
"But I didn't hear the truck!" Erica argued.
Veronica looked serenely into her sister's face. "From the look of your eyes, my guess is you couldn't hear much over your own bawling."
Erica gulped and nodded as her eyes sought to well again. "But I love him."
"I'm sorry I made you sad," Veronica offered. "I never intended to shoot him."
"Well," Erica started, her scowl returning in an instant. "You sure had me fooled!"
"I had him fooled too," Veronica noted. "And that was what mattered at the time."
Erica's angry expression dissolved as rapidly as it had formed. "So what did you do?"
"I told him pretty much the same things you did," Veronica related. "Told him it wasn't his fault, he was the good guy and we'd tell the cops Hank and Russ were the only ones we ever saw."
"And he believed you?"
Veronica nodded. "Yes."
"Why did he believe you?"
The brunette shrugged. "I expect because he loves you in the same goofy way you love him. I guess he knew I didn't give a shit about him, so I guess he figured I must be telling the truth."
"What was the gunshot?"
"Oh, that," Veronica began, her eyes still sparkling in the fading light. "When I was coming back to the house, I came across Hank lying on the porch. I'm afraid my mood got the better of me and I blew his balls off."
"You did what?"
"I blew his balls off," Veronica repeated. "I know he didn't feel it, but I sure did. And it felt pretty damn good!" The brunette smiled as the last shackle fell from her sister's ankle. "Who knows, maybe I sent the bastard to the next world sans nads. I doubt it; but I can still hope!"
"So Fred's really ok?" Erica asked again, oblivious to her sister's vengeful gloating.
Veronica looked into her sister's bright eyes. "Look, I know what you're thinking; and forget it. You can't ever see Fred again, no matter how you might want to. Just think about it for a moment and you'll see how that would look."
The older sister paused to allow her sibling a moment of reflection before continuing, "I know you still have feelings for him; and that's ok. You should be happy you two shared something special. Weird , but special. But really, and trust me here, what you two shared is not a basis for any real relationship. This is one of those times where you have to be thankful for what you had and let it go."
Erica sighed. "I know you're right. But he was so nice. And he did save us. Is it ok to want to see him again?"
Veronica shook her head as she stroke her sister's thin, pale locks. "It's ok to want to, but it's not ok to plan to."
The blonde's eyes moistened again. "But I didn't even get to say goodbye."
"I know," the older girl whispered. "And I'm sorry. I did thank him for the both of us, as best I could. I don't want you to imagine I'm not grateful for what he did. But we can thank him for it best in the future by pretending we don't even know he exists."
Erica nodded as she rubbed her stiff wrists. "I already said you were right."
"I just wanted to be very clear."
"You were." The blonde stood and started to stretch her legs. "What now?"
"First thing," said Veronica as she bounced to her feet. "We destroy some evidence."
"What evidence?"
"Picture this," Veronica suggested, unfolding her hands in mock drama. "A bunch of fat-ass cops are huddled around a VCR down at the police station. They're sipping coffee, munching donuts, and examining some of the evidence Hank and Russ videotaped. You like that picture?"
Erica's jaw fell a second before her head began a slow pivot.
"I didn't think so," Veronica said. "So let's go take care of that first, just in case the cops are already on the way."
The sisters moved up the stairs as fast as they could, their underused muscles protesting the exertion. Erica tensed as she saw Russ's prone form in the living room, a massive crimson stain in the center of his equally massive chest. The young girl simply stopped where she was, transfixed by the corpse.
"Hey," Veronica barked, snapping her sister from the trance. "What did you expect to see? C'mon. We may not have much time."
"Are you sure they're dead?"
"Well," Veronica sighed. "I think I gave ol' Hank a pretty good test, and he passed with flying colors." She paused to smile. " Literally ." The brunette sighed through a smirk as her naive sister failed to grasp the gory jest. "And Russ there," she continued. "Well, you tell me if he's dead."
"He looks dead," Erica agreed. Suddenly the young girl paled. She pointed to a path of bloody boot prints. "Fred's footsteps!"
"Already taken care of," Veronica explained. "I have the boots. We'll just tell the cops I wore them."
Erica still looked apprehensive. "What else will we tell them?"
"Simple," Veronica said. "We'll claim the brothers chained me in a hurry when they left the house. I've lost some weight and wiggled out of the cuffs. I came upstairs, found a shotgun and gave them what they had coming when they got home. After what those bastards did to us, nobody's going to go over our story with a fine toothed comb. Hell, what jury would convict us of anything if they did?"
Erica nodded. "I guess you're right."
"Ok, then," Veronica said. "A little wood and some fuel should do the trick on this cardboard box. I bet there's some gasoline in the garage. If not, there's the truck and we know where there's a hose. Grab those other boots by the door and let's go check."
"How do we know they're all there?" Erica asked, pointing to the box of videocassettes.
"Good idea," Veronica nodded. She knelt on the floor and dumped the cartridges on the carpet. She picked up the first one and read the label: " Princess to Porn Star, Vol. 3. Wanna bet that's my first anal adventure? If we had to burn just one, that might be it."
Erica grabbed another tape. " Princess and the Toad, Vol. 8 ," she related. "Sad, but I don't even know what that was."
"Me neither," Veronica admitted. "So let's stop reminiscing and start sorting."
Shortly the girls had all twenty-one tapes neatly arranged on the floor.
"Well, I think that's all of them," Veronica said. "Three volumes of Princess to Porn Star and eighteen of Princess and the Toad . At least there aren't any missing in the sequence."
"Shouldn't we watch the last one?" Erica suggested. "Just to make sure, well, it's the last one?"
Veronica scowled. "Do you really want to?"
Erica shook her head. "No. But we have to."
Veronica nodded. "You're right." She grabbed the highest numbered volume and stood, attempting to cram it into the late brothers' archaic tape player. Her brow furrowed as she encountered resistance. "What's wrong with this damn thing?"
Erica reached for the 'eject' button. Another tape sprang from the device.
"Oh," muttered Veronica, grinning at her own foolishness. She grabbed the newly ejected cassette and turned the label skyward. "Volume nineteen." With a smirk and tilt of her head, she pushed the video back into the machine and hit 'play.'
Both girls released a long sigh as they saw themselves on the screen.
"That's last night," Erica said, turning to her sister. "Right?"
"I think so," Veronica nodded. "I guess we should fast forward to the end, just to be sure." She reached for the buttons again and the girls proceeded to examine what they hoped was the final video chapter of their ordeal.
"Yep," Erica concluded. "That's it."
"I agree."
"How do we know there aren't any more?" Erica inquired, looking about the living room.
"I guess we don't," Veronica admitted. "But at least we aren't missing any numbers and the highest number is the last one. I say let's burn these first and then we can search for more."
Erica looked back at the rows of cassettes on the floor. "Yes. Let's!" she agreed with a broad smile.
Ten minutes, two gallons, and a pile of scrap lumber later; a trail of flame, sparks, and billowing black smoke rose from the driveway into the night sky. Both girls watched with glee as the plastic cases and the videotape within began to melt into one amorphous bubbling blob.
Erica looked to her sister and laughed.
"What's funny?" the brunette queried.
"We're standing out here in the middle of nowhere," Erica noted, "Totally naked except these stupid old boots."
"Yeah," Veronica shrugged. "I guess so. I wonder if clothes will feel funny now."
"I say let's go find out," Erica suggested.
"I say let's go find out what a real bath feels like first," Veronica countered.
"Yes, let's!" Erica agreed.
The pair sprinted for the house, the longer-legged girl easily outdistancing her sibling.
Veronica stopped in the living room. "You can go first," she offered.
Erica smiled. "We've shared everything so far," she recalled. "And I do mean everything . I think we can share a tub."
Veronica again smiled at her own foolishness. "Good point."
The girls resumed their dash in an almost giddy unison. Soon they each issued sighs of pleasure, eyes closed and faces pointed slightly upward, as the warm water of the shower cascaded over their bodies. They lathered and washed at some leisure. As the water washed the dirt from their forms, it seemed to somehow cleanse their souls as well.
"This does feel so good," Veronica noted in an extended moan as she began to shampoo her matted tresses.
Erica opened her eyes and looked at her sister. "Yes, it does." she paused to swallow before continuing. "You know what else feels good?"
"What?" Veronica asked, her closed eyes still pointed toward the ceiling while her fingers massaged her scalp.
"Licking your pussy."
Veronica shuddered. Her eyes flew open. She snapped her focus to her unexpectedly wanton sister. "What?"
Erica did not blink. "You know I never would have done any of the stuff they made us do, but licking you was somehow different. I'm sorry if you think I'm weird or sick, but I liked it. I always hoped maybe I made you feel good, at least for a while anyway."
"You did," Veronica admitted in a whisper. "You definitely did."
"I lied to Fred too," Erica announced.
"I told him he was my best lover," Erica explained. "But he wasn't. You were."
Veronica's hands left her scalp and fell to her sides. She chewed her lower lip as she struggled to find the right words. "Oh, Rickie," she finally began. "I don't know if it was just the situation or what, but no one ever loved my pussy like you did. It was so weird, and yeah, maybe sick too, but it sure was wonderful."
"I want to be sick and weird again," Erica declared in a tone more fitting a sermon than a seduction. Her twinkling eyes locked on her sister's, the blonde moved forward, offering her just parted lips to her sibling.
Veronica hesitated but for a moment before accepting. Neither sister had brushed her teeth for a month, yet with all the other sundry things they had tasted and smelled, each found the other's flavor nothing short of a delicacy. Water poured over their heads for untold seconds as passions poured through their interlaced mouths.
Erica licked her lips for a salacious moment as the girls finally parted. Then, without a word, she slowly began to drop to her knees. Her bright green orbs moved upward in their sockets as she slid downward, her gaze locked like radar on her sister's equally brilliant brown eyes.
Veronica felt her hips squirm in anticipation as she gauged her sister's intent. Without hesitation, she moved one foot to the rim of the tub, effectively making her womanhood completely available to her sibling. Her entire body shuddered with delight as she felt her sister's welcome tongue once again grace her flesh. "This is so wrong," she whimpered.
Erica did not stop to reply, using her mouth instead to ingest a portion of her sister's labia.
"Oh, Rickie," Veronica gasped. "I love it when you suck my pussy lips!" She paused to emit a whine of pleasure before continuing, "I always liked it. I was just afraid to tell you. I was afraid to admit I liked it so much."
Erica's head popped away from her sister and into view. "I was afraid to tell you too," she replied. "But I just had to. Your pussy tastes too good. Promise me you'll always let me lick it?"
"I will," Veronica insisted. "But you have to let me taste yours too."
"You want to lick me too?" Erica inquired excitedly.
"Oh, I do," Veronica purred. "And I will, soon ." She put her hand to her sister's head, subtly urging her to cease talking and resume licking.
Erica issued a knowing smile as she felt the gentle pressure. "I love you, Ronnie."
"Oh, Rickie," Veronica gasped as her sister's face disappeared again into her loins. "I love you too."
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