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Chronicles of indianPilot

Part 2

I'd been keeping tehya on edge for over two weeks, two weeks of almost constant enticing, teasing and stimulating. Many submissives would see it as punishment, see it as disappointing their Master, not tehya. She thrived on the sensations, the energy such abstinence created. It was the expectation that drove tehya, the knowing that one day she would be allowed a release. Today would be that day, if she behaved herself.

I arrived home to the usual greeting, teyha, naked and kneeling with her hands clasped tightly behind head, eyes down in the classic submissive pose. The Princess Diana look we call it. Tehya is no Diana beauty; she is no classic baby doll porn star beauty. She has however the trademark Marilyn Monroe figure, heavy by today's standards, but in proportions to die for. Unlike Marilyn's almost pasty complexion, tehya has long flowing copper hair and skin betraying her American Indian heritage. In a word she is beautiful.

"We have a need?" I read the desire in her eyes. A vanilla woman would have raped me by now, but not tehya. She'd worked hard to take control of her body's needs and desires. She also knew the act of asking would make orgasms a distant memory.

Without lifting her eyes she gave a single childish enthusiastic nod.

Who was I to deny her the act of serving? With slow accentuated motion, I undid the fly of my pants. With gentle pressure I placed two fingers under her chin and raised her mouth onto my cock. Without the slightest reaction she allowed me to feed my cock down her throat. This simple act was a major victory for tehya. In the early days she'd become quite distressed at her gagging reflex. As with all things, she worked hard to over come this perceived shortcoming. Now she could take me all the way without the slightest hesitation.

Something I'd not had to teach her was how to perform orally on me. With trademark sucking and swirling of her tongue, she brought me to within an instant of releasing.

"Stop!" I said softly.

She froze. Again I accentuated the anticipation by slowly easing my cock out of her. Tehya's face became an image of disappointment. I couldn't help smiling at knowing what was to come. She took some small solace in sucking the string of precum that hung from the head of my penis to her upper lip, into her mouth. "Good girl." I smiled. Cleaning was one of her most important duties. One I knew she drew immense pleasure from.

Even though motionless the uncertainty of the situation was betrayed in her body language. Twice this week we had started like this. Twice I had stood mere inches from her face and masturbated myself to orgasm. Twice she'd been forced to watch me clean cum from the floor.

"Have I displeased you, Master?" She asked in tears after the second time. "Am I not worthy of your seed anymore?"

It was times like that she broke my heart. "No my little princess. This is not punishment, it is training. When the time is right, you will understand all." She'd calmed a little after that, but I could tell insecurity was welling deep inside her.

My sperm, and access to it, was something that drove her as hard as any threat could. In her eyes it was some vague ambrosia of the gods. More than any collar or mark I could place on her, tehya saw the delivery of my orgasm as the greatest gift she could attain. I had even seen her orgasm during the simple act of cleaning me after sex. There probably could have been an argument for punishing her for that indiscretion, but I do like to allow my subs the odd treat.

Come! I said, touching my hip. She sprung on all fours and crawled cat-like after me, desperate to keep some physical contact with my body. That was the prime rule for the 'follow' command. I could have hurried, made her fail, that would, mean the hairbrush. The one device she truly feared. No not tonight, I didn't want the mood broken. Tonight had to be special, perfect even, tehya was going to confront the hairbrush, confront her fear of it, learn just how much she had grown as my submissive.

"Up." We entered the bedroom. She hopped onto the bed with a well-practiced leap. That alone had taken months of training for her to perform to my expectations. She immediately dropped her head into the pillows, drew her knees up, displaying her arse for my enjoyment.

It was time to speed things up a little. I quickly cuffed her ankles, and added a spreader bar. I heard her groan as she felt me move to cuff her wrists behind her back. Tehya is a chains girl through and through. None of the Barbarellian leather for her. It has to clink, and it has to feel cold. That is my girl's version of sub heaven. Finally I removed her dress collar and replaced it with the thick leather piece we call the trainer. I added a dog leash for pure esoteric reasons.

Her body started an odd little quiver as the circulation begun to be cut off from her arms. Instinctively she knew there would be no denial. This time she was going to be used. Totally!

"What is your safe word girl?" I reinforced her understanding of the situation. In doing so, I knew her anticipation would rise a few more notches.

"Elephant." She said softly, knowing this meant she would have limits tested.

"And punishment for improper use."

"Six months without release."

"Good girl." I slapped her hard across the left buttock.

"Thank you Sir." She said automatically.

I looped a length of rope around the cuffs and attached it to a bolt in the ceiling. Our bedroom is like that. Need somewhere to attach things? We have it. Floor, walls, everywhere. Can be a total bitch when relatives come to stay. One day we will tell them everything. Not yet, tehya simply isn't ready for that step.

"Brace." I said sharply. Seeing her body tense, I pulled on the rope, moving her off the bed. Her feet found the floor, but the rest of her body was now hanging at a forty-five degree angle, with all her weight being taken by the muscles in her arms and shoulder blades. A soft grunt was her only acknowledgement to the pain.

I waited a few moments, allowing her to work herself into the zone as she calls it. The place deep in her mind that focuses pain and discomfort into sexual energy. It never pays to rush such scenes. Apply, then wait. Apply again. A submissive has far greater endurance when given a little time to accommodate new stimulation and sensations, before moving to the next step.

From behind I teased her pussy lightly. She groaned as I tugged on the tiny ornate padlock holding her pierced pussy lips together. A small dribble of vaginal fluid leaked as she reacted to me removing the lock. There had been times in the past where this act had taken her over the edge. Not tonight however, tonight her mood and attitude screamed the need to please me. Nothing was going to risk my disappointment.

I slide a finger deep into her. With a practiced little twist I found tehya's secret place. Her G spot, the point where every sexual nerve of her body met. The place she proved with the greatest intensity the ownership I had over her. I pressed a little harder, felt her pussy tense. Harder still, she gasped. It would be so easy to take her over the edge. To drench my hand with her ejaculation…

"Should I?" I teased.

"Please no Master." And she meant it. Sure tonight was about release, but also something more, something deeper. Times like this, I believe she would refuse the orgasm, even if I gave her permission.

"I love you." I whispered as I withdrew the finger. She gave a contented sigh in response. Either way we both had bigger fish to fry.

Now to prepare her. From the tool bag I got two vibrators, small, slinky travel numbers. Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum we called them in our lighter moments. They were large enough to stimulate small enough not to trigger an orgasm.

I spat on her anus, then drove a finger in to loosen her up. "Oh thank you Sir." She hissed as her buttocks clenched against the intrusion. Starting with a gentle probing motion, I worked her harder and harder till I was buried to the second knuckle. She never saw the vibrator coming. One easy stab and I'd forced one deep between her puffy lips. I waited a moment to let her come back from the brink, then stabbed the second one into her arse. I forced the device in so far, her anus closed over the thing holding it in her forever. We'd worry about getting it out later.

With more effort than I needed, I reattached her padlock. It was a shame how often I accidentally brushed her clit, each time it was like an electric shock to her body. In the end even she was smiling from the obvious teasing.

"Good?" I asked.

"Oh God yes Sir." Tehya knew better than to lie. Failing a task, forgetting a function, these could be dealt with. Lying was grounds to be released from my service. Honesty always carried rewards. At our local club other Doms queried such tactics. I explained I rather deal with the raw honesty of emotion, than to hear my sub say the things she thought I'd wanted to hear.

I sensed slight tension in her voice. Tehya was easy to read this way. The more vague and unfocused the answers became, the closer I knew she was to her limit. This quirk had saved her more than once from being pushed 'too' far. Right at the point panic should set in, I would stop what I was doing, let her come back to Earth. Even after all this time she never figured out how I knew exactly when to stop.

Moving in front of her, I reached under the bed and showed her the dreaded hairbrush, designed for tough tangled hair, it was virtually no more than an ornate wire brush. It was the only device in the house designed purely to punish. A situation I felt was time to be remedied.

"Say hello to your new friend." I lifted the brush handle first to her face. Reflexes took over as she drew the brush into her mouth and began trying to blow the inanimate object. I let this continue for a few minutes, conscious of the growing blueness of tehya's arms. We were going to have to hurry.

"What do you want?" I asked in a soft controlled voice.

"To be yours. To please you…to make you proud."

"Yes." I nodded. "But what does tehya want right now?"

"To cum." She dropped her eyes in shame.

"Good girl." I rewarded her honesty with a long sensual kiss. Natural submissive flair forced tehya's tongue into my mouth. I responded to the intrusion by clamping my teeth around her tongue, softly biting and tugging the organ. Tehya moaned loudly through the open-mouthed kiss. She'd admitted that this was the moment she craved over all others, the moment when the true spirituality of the joining of O/one becomes more than mere words. All the talk of journeys, and explorations are expressed in this single act. Tehya has also admitted, if I allowed it, she would probably cum in an instant. One day I would find out.

I broke the kiss.

I took the brush, rubbed it bristle side down across her shaved pussy. She winced but remained silent. I then moved to her nipples. Hanging the way she was her breast swung pendulum like in front of her body. From the extended appearance of her nipples, she was beginning to understand the reason for this position. A gentle scrape of the brush over fleshy tips of her nipples gave her the answer if she wasn't convinced.

"How are we going now." I paused. Often with scenes like this, the anticipation is a greater aphrodisiac as the act.

"Still good Sir." She answered through gritted teeth. Her vagina was becoming more and more soaked. Much longer and we would have a puddle. Two weeks without release is a long time for any sexually active woman. For a woman as sensual as she is; it was a life time.

"What does tehya want now?"

"To cum…even more Sir."

"How?" I already knew the answer.

"Hit me Sir." Her eyes dropped again, cheeks shading in a deep blush.

Tehya is interesting in this aspect. Normally her pain tolerance is set pretty low. Lower than just about any submissive I have known. However with the right amount of erotic pleasure, this girl can take things bordering on torture, and then ask for more. In the wrong hands I have often feared this ability could lead to some very destructive tendencies. It is the single biggest reason I have never loaned her to another Dom. They wouldn't be able to handle her; she'd probably die trying to please them.

I slapped her across the cunt once with the hair-brush. The blow was lighter than she would have expected, and I made a point to miss her clit. Still she flinched enough to show me it hurt.

"Thank you Sir, may I have another."

I struck a little harder and higher this time, the clit had come into play. "Oww." She paused, thank you Sir." We stopped again. That one had really hurt and I knew it. I gave her a minute to get her breathing under control, let the pain ebb slightly.

Part of tehya's standing instructions is to always wear liberal amounts of mascara. Call it a kink, but I enjoy the sight of a girl crying with both pain and joy. Call it some vulnerability trigger, but I do enjoy the streaky aspect of non-water proof mascara flowing over her cheeks. It's the times I most worry I am not a born sadist.

"Still want to cum?" I asked

"God please Sir."

I reached up, struck her right breast square on the nipple.

"God Shit." She screamed, convulsed once, then finally added. "Thank you Sir." With almost clinical care I saw the discharge from her vagina had become even stronger.

I reached up again, high over my head. I saw the primal fear in her eyes as she waited for the blow to land. After a long pause, I brought the brush down on her left nipple. She made a noise; I wouldn't call it a sound, because it came from somewhere deep, from the true animal place of her mind.

"Thank you Sir." I hardly recognised her voice through the pain.

"Is Mr Brush your friend now." I tapped her lightly three times on the right breast. Not hard, but enough to leave a slight reddening of the skin

"Yes Sir."

"And he can make you cum?" I absently hit the other breast with the same lack of intensity.

"I…umm…I don't know Sir." Good finally the first sign of stress.

"Girl." I tried to sound accusing. "Your body betrays you. I can see your nectar dribbling down your legs." I leaned forward scooped a rivulet onto my finger and offered it too her. The suckling pig, we often called it.

"You want to hear the words don't you slut."

"I…yes…umm no….um I don't know Sir. God… I can't think, I am so sorry Sir."

"The answer is really no isn't it." I paused. She was so close to the edge of panic. I'd need to be so careful. "Look deep inside girl. What do you REALLY want."

"I want you to hit me Sir, hurt me Sir."

"And let you cum."

She nodded yes.

I leaned back again and just watched her. Saying nothing, doing nothing. It was time, but the moment had to be just right. Like preparing a six-course meal, timing is everything. Before me now was my girl. Absolutely everything she was/is, she hands to me. Nothing held back, nothing concealed. For tehya these hanging moments are not about playing or pleasure, they are about the true fiber of what she needs to be. Mine.


Without warning I put all my force into four heavy blows across her left breast

"Owwwww" She screamed. Through tear streaked eyes she said a trembling thank you.

Her stress was reaching critical levels. It had to be now, or she would use her safe word, and hate me for making her do it.

"Do you want more." I asked

"Pleasssse Master. Harder." She cried

"Why?" I wasn't going to let her of lightly.

"Because I want it." I smiled. She'd broken; she was a true animal to the pain now, needing it, hating it. Wanting…denying, all in the same thought. "I want to cum." She added in a sobbing voice.

I sprang. Eight huge strikes on the right breast. Halfway through the count I was chasing a moving target. Even tightly bound and held by her spreader, tehya was mustering enough strength to convulse between the blows.

"Oh God Oh God." She screamed. "OH God Master….another…..ummm." She ended in a strange gurgling sound.

I obliged.

With one huge underhand swing I slapped her directly on her cunt.

"Cum" I roared as the blow landed. I was amazed at how her body reacted. She actually jumped a good three feet in the air from the pain. As she came her legs buckled causing the rope to snap. She fell heavily to the floor cannoning of the edge of the bed.

"Ohh god ohh god!" She screamed as an orgasm tore through her. She flopped around the bedroom, a freshly gaffed fish. Her vagina was a fountain of ejaculation fluid. It gave two more squirts, pulsed once in dry reflex, then exploded again.

Watching her I needed to get it just right. Soon I saw her reactions slow slightly.

"Again." I snapped.

Her eyes blinked open as her body exploded again. She was full of lust, of pleading. It was all I could do to resist the need to throw myself on her and fuck her stupid. But this wasn't' my time. It was hers.

She didn't ejaculate this time. It was a softer release, triggered by her mind rather than any stimulation from me.

This orgasm released her body faster than the last one. "And again." Now my turn had come. I pulled out my cock again. Stood straddled over her and began masturbating.

"Please" She begged her eyes never leaving mine.

"Who are you." I demanded stroking faster, feeling my need climb.

"Yours Sir. Your cunt…Your hole. Your fuck toy."

"Another one." I was so close. .

She peaked again, this time ending on her side. Her body was covered in sweat glistening against the scarlet orgasmic rash. "What do you want." My voice was strained fighting my own desire.

"To cum again." Her voice was harsh from a dry throat.

"How?" I asked.

"The brush." She didn't hesitate. "I need the brush Sir. I need you. I need…" She began to sob openly never finishing the sentence.

I pushed her onto her back opened her mouth and forced the handle of the hairbrush into her mouth.

"Hold!" Her eyes betrayed confusion.

I was there, holding myself on the edge; the knot in my stomach grew bigger, the tightening of the balls. I knew the signs, but time was still not right.

We hung there for a suspended moment. Tehya fully expected me to take her, anywhere or any part of her. That was her role in my life. She also knew I would never take the easy option. Expect the unexpected was our motto.

I came.

The first glob hit across her right breast, the next her throat, others sprayed like rain across her body. One final large gush landed strung out across her face like a liquid scar. "CUM" I growled coming down from my own orgasm.

It took a few minutes for me to recover and recognize where I was, or what I was even doing. Later tehya told me she finished her own final orgasm with a little ejaculation. She even managed to grunt a thank you around the handle of the hairbrush still in her mouth. At times she does the cutest things.

I started with the spreader bar, then the foot restraints. I needed to see if she'd been injured during the fall. "You okay?" I removed the brush, and gently probed her shoulders fully expecting at least one dislocation.

Oh God my Master yes yes yes."

"You did very well princess." I helped her into a sitting position. "And your arms." I released the wrist cuffs, eased her hands back in front of her body. "How do they feel."

"Sore." She rolled her shoulders and stretched like a cat. Good I thought. Full movement, no damage. I hate having my property damaged, especially when I have caused it.

"Go to the mirror." Look at your body for me please girl.

She stood awestruck for a moment. More tears flowed, not pain or stress, simple pure joy. Her breasts where a mass of mottled bruises, with a huge livid mark proving how much force I'd used on her pussy. "Oh than you my Lord." She fell to her knees beside me. "This girl is so lucky to have you in her life."

Hush I lifted her, moved her on her back to the bed. "This Master is also lucky to have you in his life. Do you want the anal vibe out yet?" I asked.

She smiled in a dreamy way. "Let nature takes its course. It actually feels kind of nice."

"Enjoy." I said as I pushed my mouth onto her wounded vagina. There was no rush, we had all night if she wanted it. Slowly I kissed and teased her clit. Figure eight after figure eight took her closer and closer. Despite all the previous intensity she had no trouble getting close to the edge again.

"Master?" I heard the question in her voice.

I stopped. "In your own time, in your own way. No restrictions."

She sighed as her thighs clamped around my head and she went over the edge one final time. Long after the orgasm had passed I continued licking and sucking her. Feeling her body relax, her breathing become deep and regular.

I looked up with a smile. I looked passed the marks on her pussy, the now lumpy damaged breasts, passed the streaked make-up and sweat sticky hair. "Love you princess."

She said nothing. She was already asleep. A soft flutter of her closed eyelids and the ghost of a smile told me she'd heard me.

Review This Story || Author: indianPilot
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