Chapter 11 - Meeting Mandy.
That evening, just before bedtime, Sally took Todd to the bathroom where they went through the usual ritual of Todd having to urinate whilst squatting over the bowl in full view of Sally. Once that had been completed, she spent some time gently and carefully washing his still sore genitals. Despite the fact Sally's soapy fingers rubbed and massaged his organ for some time she was unable to induce even a hint of an erection. She finished washing him, dried him off and then produced the penis restrainer once again. Todd's few hours of freedom were obviously over. Todd looked down at the devilish metal cylinder as Sally pushed it over the head of his penis. Satisfied that it was correctly positioned, she began to tighten it down so that the small internal spikes dug into his flesh. Todd gritted his teeth as his penis became suddenly painful once again.
Sally took him to the bedroom and secured Todd to his bed in what had now become the standard position. Todd lay on the bed, on his back, and held his wrists above his head so that Sally was able to easily attach the chains which were deliberately short so that he was unable to reach below his neck. Once his wrists were securely fastened to the top of the bed, she reached between his legs and lifted up his genitals so that she had easy access to the metal ring secured to Todd's balls. To this ring she attached another length of chain that was then pulled taut and padlocked to the bottom of the bed. There, Todd would remain until the morning, securely fastened to the bed by his wrists at the top and by his balls at the bottom with his cock clamped in the tight metal restrainer for the duration of the night. Such steps were taken to prevent escape or masturbation and both were very effectively prevented.
When Sally had fastened the chain to his balls, she felt a tingle between her own legs and for a moment or two she had considered making use of Todd before he went to sleep. It would only take a moment for her to remove her shorts and pants and then straddle Todd, forcing her pussy into his face and demanding that he lick her. She could even pull his cock around a bit whilst he did so. It would be fun, but she took pity on him. Perhaps he had suffered enough for one day, so she decided against her idea. She left him alone after briefly explaining that in the morning, he would meet the final family member Mandy. She then wished him goodnight, switched out the light and left Todd alone in the darkness.
As Todd drifted off to sleep, he began to wonder what Mandy would be like. He thought back to what Kevin had said to him, 'Now she may look pretty and cute but she's a true bitch, similar attitude as Lynne and Sally, but worse then both of them combined. Watch yourself'. He drifted off to sleep with a degree of trepidation as to the future.
The next morning, Mandy arrived about 11am. After the anticipated family greetings, Todd was introduced to her. Mandy looked similar to her sister Sally, although a little smaller and not as well developed physically. She had sun bleached blonde hair, cut collar length in a page boy style, blue eyes and a dazzling smile showing perfect teeth, obviously a family trait. She was slim, but not thin, and her body was developing in all the right places. She could only be regarded as a very pretty young lady. Todd was wearing only his brief, white pants, but Mandy appeared not to consider this in any way unusual.
For the next three days, little occurred. Todd got on with his various jobs, including doing a pile of laundry that Mandy had arrived with, but at least there were no punishments. Kevin had demanded that Todd 'please him', his euphemism for fellatio, on the second morning and Todd had sucked him off. Perhaps Kevin did have some influence thought Todd, and if it meant pleasing him occasionally to maintain that influence, then Todd would suck his cock for him. He may not particularly enjoy it, but it was not too distasteful and it seemed to save him the possibility of punishments.
It was the morning of the forth day when things took a turn for the worse.
Everyone was out doing various things, apart from Todd and Mandy. Todd was clearing up in the kitchen when Mandy walked in and seeing Todd dressed only in his pants, decided it was time to have a little fun. She watched him for a moment or two and then walked towards him and said,
"What's that?"
Todd looked at her and, unsure to what she was referring said,
"What's what, Miss?"
"That," she said, pointing at Todd's stomach.
"That bulge in your pants?"
Todd immediately realised she was referring to his genitals.
"It's nothing, Miss," said Todd with some hesitation.
"Can't be nothing," she said, "Bulging like that. What are you hiding
down there?"
Mandy stepped a pace closer, a small smile playing on her lips. She knew full
well what Todd had in his pants, but this was fun teasing him.
"It's, er, it's my penis, Miss" said Todd, hoping that would placate her and be an end of the matter.
"Your penis?" she said with a puzzled expression on her face.
"Oh," she said surprised as if she had suddenly understood. "It's your cock is it?" she asked, "Is that what you mean? That bulge is being made by your cock?"
Again Todd hesitated.
"Yes Miss," he responded quietly.
"Looks like a big one," said Mandy, smiling slightly, "Is it? Do you have a big cock Todd?"
Todd shuffled his feet and merely mumbled. Mandy was enjoying her teasing, acting as if she were an innocent little girl.
"Show it to me Todd. Let me see how big it is," she demanded.
Yet again Todd was in a dilemma.
"I can't do that Miss, I have to keep my pants on at all times."
"Todd," she said slowly, "I want to look at your cock, now show it to me."
Todd was in a dilemma as he had been told that he must keep his pants on whenever the younger sister was around.
"I can't do that, Miss," he replied with some degree of hesitation.
Mandy said nothing but just stood staring at Todd, face to face. Neither moved for several seconds and nothing was said. Finally, Mandy looked away.
"Ok," she said and walked out to the garden.
Todd breathed a sigh of relief but thought that he best mention the incident as soon as either Lynne or Sally came home.
Todd was upstairs making the bed when he heard someone return to the house. He carried on doing the bed for a few more minutes and was about to go downstairs when he heard Sally yelling for him. From the tone of her voice, she did not appear happy.
"Todd, where the hell are you?" Sally's voice boomed as she ran up the stairs. He was just about to respond when the bedroom door was flung open.
"There you are. What the hells been going on? I'm disgusted with you!" screamed Sally.
Todd was taken aback. What was she on about he thought? Nothing had happened whilst she had been out. He was about to reply when he saw a tearful and obviously upset Mandy standing in the doorway behind Sally.
"I go out for an hour and no sooner have I gone than you are attacking my sister, pulling down your pants and demanding that she play with you. How dare you?" she yelled at him.
Todd simply stood there, mouth open, totally speechless. He looked behind Sally at the now grinning Mandy. What a bitch, thought Todd. She had told a pack of lies and Sally had believed her.
"Bend over and grab your ankles," demanded Sally, showing Todd the garden cane in her hand that he had not noticed until then. Todd was about to protest, but he knew that in reality, Sally would never believe him. She would never take his word against her sister. Begrudgingly, Todd complied and bent over.
Sally at once came behind him and yanked his pants down, tearing them slightly in the process.
"Take them off," she yelled, still obviously furious. Todd kicked the pants to one side and stood still, bent over with his backside in the air.
"Miss," said Todd weakly, "perhaps if you will allow me to explain. You see…"
"Shut up you pervert," she snarled at him.
Sally lashed at his exposed flesh, the cane making a crack sound as it made contact with his right buttock. It may not have been the most accurate or effective of cane strokes, but it still hurt like hell. Sally adjusted her position slightly and lashed out again, catching Todd cleanly across both buttocks, the stroke landing a fraction lower than the first, causing Todd to yell out. He didn't have time to recover before the next stroke whistled through the air, followed by a loud crack. He jerked and yelled again, but managed to stay in position. Once he had received six, he hoped and prayed that the ordeal was over, but it wasn't. God it hurt. It felt as if his backside was on fire but he dare not look up or attempt to stop the punishment.
"Feet apart more," demanded Sally loudly. Todd shuffled his feet apart.
"Further than that, and bend right over." Again Todd shuffled his feet further apart and bent further over.
Sally glanced at her target area and grinned slightly. Between Todd's open thighs dangled his balls, those sensitive orbs which surely deserved to be caned. Sally took careful aim and lashed her cane upwards, hitting Todd firmly on his upper thighs, just where the top of the legs joined the buttocks, a very sensitive area of flesh. More importantly, the cane also slashed into Todd's exposed testicles. Todd collapsed to the floor and the resulting scream that Todd emitted sounded almost animal like, as if a human could not have made such a noise.
Todd clasped his hands to his injured testicles as if holding himself would diminish the pain, which it didn't. He was aware that Sally was now straddling him, pulling his wrist behind his back. He felt the cold metal of the handcuff being secured around his wrist, and then she began pulling his other hand behind his back. Face down on the floor, he looked through tear filled eyes at the grinning face of Mandy who had witnessed everything. As Sally secured the handcuff to Todd's other wrist, she demanded that he get up. Somehow, he managed to struggle to his feet, now naked with his wrists fastened behind his back and his backside feeling if it were ablaze.
"And you touched yourself during that caning. That's not allowed and you will be punished for that later," said Sally. "Now stay there."
She left the room and went downstairs.
Mandy, still smirking, walked over to Todd who was by now sniffing and trying to wipe his eyes on his shoulder.
"It really would have been much easier to have done as I said in the kitchen, wouldn't it?" she said gloating at the punishment she had just caused.
Todd, at that moment could have cheerfully murdered her, if he had been capable of doing so.
"So much fuss about a simple thing like showing me your cock."
She looked down at Todd's now exposed genitals and gently took hold of his
penis in her right hand. She turned his organ first one way and then the other,
examining it whilst he remained still.
"Perhaps next time I tell you to do something," she said quietly so her words would not be heard outside the room, "you'll do it. If you don't, well," she leaned forward to whisper in Todd's ear,
"I can tell my sisters you've done all sorts of things can't I? And who do you think they will believe, you or me? I can arrange for lots of things to be done to you, lots of nasty, painful things that you won't like at all, but which I shall love watching. Best you do as I tell you in future."
Sally could be heard coming back up the stairs so Mandy stepped back and changed her expression to one of sadness and distress, sniffing and pretending to wipe a tear from her eye. This girl was evil thought Todd, truly evil.
"Right Todd, get outside in the garden and remain standing in the centre of the patio, in the sun mind you, not the shade, and stay there until I call you," said Sally on entering the room. "Once Lynne gets back we will decide on what course of action to take, but don't think for a moment you've heard the last of this young man."
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