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Review This Story || Author: indianPilot

Chronicles of indianPilot

Part 3

It's late afternoon when I finally get a chance to send Master a quick email. "Your girl requests" I read back the message, he so hates bad spelling, "that when you enter the house tonight, please go straight to the family room, and wait next to your easy chair. I beg you not to come looking for your girl, or to turn any lights on."

My heart actually skipped as I hit the send button. He would be working late, and I'd been instructed not to bother with dinner. I noticed my reflection in the now darkened monitor. Could it really be me? I'd come so far in such a short time. Now happy, confident, sure of my place in the world…His. Without trying my mind drifted back to this morning.

I woke with something, my Master's cock, pressed against my lips. He smiled seeing my eyes flutter wide. A slight tug of my chain signals me to open and receive him. Our eyes lock, and with a slow single motion he eases himself into my mouth, over my tongue, deep into my throat.

I moan around his cock, conscious of the soft vibration that resonates through him. He grunts and thrusts deeper, showing his increased pleasure from my efforts. He knows I am his, anyway, anytime he chooses, but he always takes the time to let me know how much he appreciates me.

Many would look and wonder what I am doing, being a submissive to this man, to be at his beck and call. To be his toy, to be anything he wants. I chose this path freely and entered this union after long exploration of who I needed to be. His!

Hips thrusting into my face, is a signal he is close. With lips tightening around his cock, I'm no more than a suckling pig in search of nourishment.

His body stiffens and an animalistic growl rumbles through his teeth. I feel him thrust faster as his free hand grabs at my hair forcing my face deep into his crotch. Suddenly one, two then three fast spurts of his cum erupt into my mouth. Swallowing quickly, almost on the verge of my own orgasm, I milk his cock for all I am worth. Falling back, he watches like an intent small child as I lick him clean. "Thank you, Master" I say with true humility.

I am almost in post orgasmic glow as he favors me with a smile. This is not a sexual act, based in lust. It is far deeper than that. Some might even see it as being selfish. Many never understand the sheer pleasure doing this for him brings. To know that I am truly wanted, loved, owned even, is a state of mind I can hardly begin to explain.

Without a single word he slips out of bed and heads for the shower. Our day has begun.

The morning follows a fairly standard routine. While he showers I prepare breakfast, lay out the paper, get the things he will need for the office ready. As we eat, we go through the needs of the day, groceries, bills, and any special instructions he may have for me. When we first came together, Master stressed there would be times when I would stand behind him, times beside him, even times in front of him. Breakfast was probably the most equal time we have.

"Little one." He looks at me over the empty plates. "I have been extremely pleased with you of late."

I beam a smile that even a year ago I didn't think I had in me. "Thank you sir." I lower my eyes out of habit.

"Tonight I think you need a treat, a little latitude." He paused, watching my reaction. "Tonight I have to work late, but when I get home, I want you to surprise me. No restrictions except your imagination…absolutely nothing is off limit. Understand?"

I can't help smile. "Yes sir completely." He saw me blush.

"The chocolate sauce?" He smiled as he got up. I nodded. It had been a previous 'little latitude" game, one that hadn't gone to plan. I never knew so much sauce could come of such a small hole. Being in the middle of an orgasm, there wasn't much I could do about it either. Spent the best part of the next day cleaning the bedroom.

As per routine I am kneeling at the door as he readies to leave. He pauses, and with a finger slipped under my chin, he bends to kiss me goodbye. It is those little moments that make me so complete. To see the love in his eyes the tenderness of his actions. I can no longer think of a world that does not involve him

Suddenly the house is empty, quiet, time to think about tonight. Many would wonder at Master. He has total control over me, yet at the same time fills me with a sense of freedom. Few I know understand. When we'd first come together he'd been very insistent that I don't submerge who I was. In other words, become his submissive and nothing more. Exercises like tonight are to force me to think, be creative and grow as a human being. Master's overriding philosophy has always been, "Become the best submissive I can, not the best submissive for him." Strange I know, but I am happier now than at any other time in my life.

I work through the morning at creating the sort of home he desires, clean, welcoming, full of order and vigor. The whole time the problem of tonight is on my mind. Finally with the house complete it is time for the computer. Master has a number of business ventures; my job is to go through all the emails and other correspondence, marking things for his attention, answering the lesser queries. Many might consider this tiresome, for me however, it seems to draw us closer. We seek to create the perfect one, but it's the small things like this that do so much to further that quest.

I'd completed everything, and was browsing some online shopping sites I have permission to visit when an image flashed in my mind. Within seconds I made an almost mystical jump, before me I could see the entire night play out like a film.

I looked at the clock, there was time, but I would have to hurry if the illusion I had chosen was to be complete. A special outfit I had in the closet would do for the basics. It was the props, the little accessories that would take the time to make.

Since joining with Master I had discovered a resourceful streak in myself, I was always proud that the vast majority of the devices in Master's toy bag had been made by my hand. It was this skill I would put to good use tonight.

First was the wig, long flowing black hair. We'd attended a Halloween party last year. Very vanilla, but fun all the same. It was later that night I discovered the teenage crush Master had on Elmira. It had been perfect that time, it would be again. Ferreting around I discovered a plastic hair band, off cut felt material and pipe cleaners. Finally an old, very tired butt plug we have. I laughed as I inspected its surface, remembering the effort it had once taken to wear this mere toothpick, ah but times change, and sometimes for the better.

To my craft table and time to get busy, scissors almost a blur as I work on the hair. Hot glue gun at the ready, music firing in the background. I become absorbed with the task and slip into some sort of craft induced sub-space. Finally, with one last dab of glue, I lean back. Everything is ready.

Behind me, the clock chimes. Damn, that took longer than I thought. Hurriedly I gather everything together and dash off to get ready. Yes! A final thought strikes me, a last wonderful touch. I dash for the phone.

"Master" I sweetly say. "Will you please do something for your girl?"

"Go on" he replies. I can sense the smile on his face. He could ask, and I would feel compelled to answer. Not this time though, as impatient as he is, he knows that sometimes it is better not to know.

"It's for my task this evening. Could I trouble you to stop to pick up some milk, Sir?"

"It is out of my way." He hesitates. "But if it is important for my girl, I will do it."

I smile to myself recognizing the tone in his voice. Early in our relationship he discovered my joy of being teased, both sexually, but more importantly emotionally. He was never going to say no, but he wanted to put the element of doubt in my mind.

"Thank you my Lord." I use my little girl voice he loves so much.

The milk stop would delay him slightly, but I'd still need to hurry. Rushing around I feel things come together. The props are in place, the outfit, I check the mirror, is perfect. I am almost out of my skin in anticipation. Breathe girl, I say to myself. Slow, easy, get it under control. I sense the calm descend, the understanding that I had done all I could. Now I needed to let it play out, to become the role I had chosen and truly believe I was…

He's home, I hear the key turn in the lock, the door opens. I listen to his footsteps through the darkness. He arrives in the family room, a slight rustle tells me he is putting down the bag with the milk. Hopefully he won't notice the things I've left in the room.

I take one final deep breath. Drop to my hands and knees. "Show time." I chide myself as I begin to crawl forward.

Slowly I slink through the house. A tiny bell around my neck the only thing betraying my presence. I move through the darkness into the room. He is standing there, exactly as I asked. It is too dark to tell his reaction, to see any sign of approval on his face.

I pause, suddenly unsure. Am I being silly, will he be disappointed? I take another deep breath. To late now girl, I decide, better to be hung for a sheep than a lamb, I remember a favorite saying of Master's. I move forward again, turning in a small circle I arch my back, conscious he can see me in silhouette from the lamplight being thrown from the other room.

I move closer, aware he can see my figure accented by my black latex cat suit, complete with strategic cutouts. Best to always be prepared. I approach closer, allowing my body to rub against his leg.

I hear him sigh as I swing around behind him, pausing to nudge my head between his legs, I continue to complete the circuit before finishing in front of him.

I wait, heart racing. The next move has to be his. To give approval, show disappointment, to give me any sign at all. Suddenly I feel his hand on my head, stroking behind the pointy ears I now wear. Slowly he strokes a hand down my back, caressing my arched back, pausing at my arse before finishing with a gentle tug of my new tail. He chuckles as he gives the tail a harder tug. It isn't going anywhere. He later admitted he had no idea it was connected to our old butt plug, and that it was seated very deep in his new pet's arse.

Meeeooowwww, I whine as I twist around to nudge his hand with my nose. He responds by opening the palm to my mouth and allowing me to lick with little quick flicks of my tongue. My actions have the desired effect. Master, over come with curiosity switches the small reading lamp on in the room.

I smile as our eyes adjust to the light. I search his face for some sign of approval. Have I succeeded… failed… what? I desperately needed a sign.

A very soft smile crosses his face, the tinniest of nods shows me he is pleased. Any more and the moment would be spoiled. I feel my body's reaction to his approval and my cunt is suddenly awash. Until now, I had not had time to think about my own reactions, now I couldn't ignore them.

Seductively I turn before him, rubbing against his legs once more. I purr in kitten delight. With a delicate feline stretch, I lower to my elbows, dragging my hardened nipples softly across the carpeted floor. I mew again thrusting my arse into the air, desperately begging to be petted. He sits to enjoy the rest of the show.

I parade a cat on heat, seeking her mate, wanting to be taken. I let him enjoy the sight of my pointy new ears, the pipe cleaner whiskers, claws sharpened, dipped in Masters favorite shade of red for effect. And finally the piece de resistance – my tail made from the discarded wig, fletched ingeniously, if I say so myself, into the butt plug.

I use my nose to push a hidden empty bowl to Master's feet. Giving him my best 'feed the little kitty' look before pausing to lick my paws. He gets the hint and bends to pour some milk. I am now totally feline, his little minx, not just a pet in name, but also in attitude and looks. I delicately lower my head and try to lap up some of the milk with my tongue.

"There you go my sweet little pussy." He croons as he gives me a little scratch behind my cute little ears.

I pause before letting go a long silky meeooowww. With every second my confidence is growing. It is obvious Master is pleased with my efforts, I might even go so far as to say he is enjoying it. I push my nose back into his hands begging for more of his touch. Slowly I crawl between his spread legs and plop my paws on his lap. I dig my nails into the top of his thighs, mimicking the kneading motion all kittens instinctively know how to use.

Constant rubbing of my head against Masters groin has the desired effect. With efficient motion he releases his cock from his pants. I pause, studying this development like it's a trapped mouse. Then with a slow deliberate movement I lick my softer-than-kitten's tongue across the tip of his organ. I pause, trying to think like a kitten, testing, examining the new tastes and sensations. Time to get serious, with a long wet slurp, I run my tongue along the full length of my newest toy.

His hand drags down my body and I arch my back to the stimulation. So good, my cunt seems to be streaming as the whole sexual side of the pet fetish world comes into focus, no wonder they are always smiling on Jerry Springer. He pauses at my tail. Finally, I sniff at his feet. He gives the prop an experimental tug, then winds the hair through his fingers. My ass quivers from the sensations running though it.

I give another little low meow that draws Master's attention to the leash I'd left for his use. With a trademark finger under my chin, he attaches the length of leather then tests it with a slight tug.

The heat in the room is obviously rising. Master usually loses his erection once stimulation stops, not this time. Without a word he rises from the chair. With surprising confidence he moves forward, leading me with the leash. This is nothing new for me, being part of my training from the earliest days. However this time it was something else. Primal, animalistic something even deeper. I've now become so focused on my role that everything feels desperately natural.

Without even thinking I prowl a little faster, trying to claw my way up his leg. We are both so on edge, it will be interesting to see who would break first. I almost squeal as he yanks the leash hard and drives my mouth onto his cock. I pull back, kittens don't normally perform oral sex, and I hesitate sniffing, pawing at his groin. "Naughty kitty," he growls and grabs my head with both hands and begins to fuck my face violently.

It's too much for me. The anticipation, the setting, Masters reaction, quite simply I orgasm, a mild rolling orgasm, but none the less an orgasm.

Suddenly in my mind we are on the African plains. I the reticent pride lion, my Master the Alpha male of the group. He rips me away from his cock and throws me on the floor. He grabs the tail and physically drags me to my knees, forcing my tailed ass high into the air.

With fingers digging deep into my hips he mounts me and drives his cock deep. My rational mind collapses, as my cunt becomes the center of the universe. With a series of animal growls Master begins to fuck me. My body joins with him as one. I can feel the carpet burns on my nipples as he pushes harder, deeper into me.

I try to meeooow, one last attempt at keeping my role alive. Afterwards Master said it was one of the most primal noises he'd ever heard come from a human being. He also said it pushed him over the top. I could feel his nails tearing at me, adding to the intensity, the room was filled with our joined screams of lust, the slapping of two bodies together.

I came… once.

Then again!

Then I never stopped cumming.

At some point during my continuous releases, Master also climaxed. Who knows how long this all took, but afterwards Master told me he never lost his erection, but continued till he reached his second orgasm. That had never happened…ever.

Eventually the world started to make sense again. We'd collapsed in a heap on the floor, covered in sweat, the room full of the smell of sex. Still panting and gasping, neither of us seemed capable to utter a word… if we had, I'm not sure there was anything to say anyway.

Master eventually climbs to his feet. With a firm tug of my leash he signals I am to follow. Now what? I wonder. In my mind I assumed the scene would end with this outpouring of animal lust, it was obvious now I was wrong.

In total silence, he leads me through the house. He strides like a man on a mission, me, scuttling beside him on all fours, trying to maintain the persona of loyal companion.

Finally we are at the back door. He opens it, indicates I am to go outside. "Time to go potty before bed my precious little kitten."

Potty! My mind reels, he wants me to relieve myself outside, in the open, on the grass. I slip back onto my haunches to gain time to think, to wrap my mind around what he'd asked.

Me of all people, the girl who needs the door closed when she uses the bathroom, who almost gags at the sound of a toilet being used. He tugged the chain again, this time more firmly – this time it wasn't a request, this time it was an instruction.

Slowly with as much grace as I could muster, I eased myself down the stairs into the yard. The humiliation of the act burned my face, but more, it sent an electric shock through my body – Suddenly, despite the recent orgasm I felt myself becoming wet again. How does he do this to me, I wonder as I move slowly across the dewed grass? How does he know just how to get to me?

I look up with kitten eyes and give another soft meow, maybe I can somehow change his mind. It doesn't work. "No princess." He favors me with 'that' smile. "Please do your business so I can go to bed."

His power engulfs me, embraces me. I have to do as he asks. Almost on auto-pilot, I fuss around a section of grass before squatting in a classic kitty pose.

I feel the muscles in my bladder relax, within seconds I can hear the soft tinkle of my own pee. "Good girl." He coos scuffing me behind the ear. All sense of humiliation evaporates in those two words. Again I feel complete, whole…needed.

The flow slows to a trickle, then eases to a stop. I look up to him with a flash of defiance in my eyes as I start scratching at the grass, trying to erase what I had just done. "There, I did it Master." My eyes say. "I did it for you, are you proud of me?"

He turns and heads back inside. Beside him, suddenly happy at my conquest, I prance like a six-month-old kitten.

Purring all the way to our room, I wait to see his reaction to my last prop, my last act of kitten- hood. Beside the bed, on his side, I'd laid some old blankets in a nest for me to sleep on. Without missing a beat he leads me onto the blankets, drops the leash and begins to undress for bed.

At last he is ready for sleep. With a flourish he takes the leash, making a complicated production of the process, he ties me to one of the bedposts. This done, he sits, and begins softly patting my head.

"Thank you." He says with a yawn. "This has been a wonderful surprise."

"Meow." I beam at his praise. With a soft kiss on my nose he climbs into the bed and pulls the covers over himself.

"Good night sweetheart." He whispers as he turns off the lamp. In the darkness I feel I am in heaven. I've pleased Master, had great sex, conquered a fear, yes a good day.

I shuffle around the blankets trying to get comfortable. I suddenly feel incredibly tired, and want an uninterrupted night.


I freeze, feeling my body hit something small and hard. I take the item from the small of my back and hold it up to the faint light of the bedroom window. I smile as I recognize the shape's silhouette. It's a small plastic mouse with a squeak box. I pull it to my breast, cuddling it like a childhood doll. He knew, my mind screams. My Master knew all along. A part of me is disappointed, but a part is proud my mind could be so open to the man I love.

"Meow." I whimper one last time.

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