The Prisoner
Chapter 50.
Stewart knocked nervously at the door to Chief Wardress Farrow's office, his newfound confidence rapidly evaporating. The order to enter was immediately and he came to attention in front of her desk. A sinking feeling in his stomach told him that he was about to find out why she had deliberately remained aloof and unfriendly in the dealings that she had had with him so far.
She was flushed and furious:
"Where in the hell have you been Stewart? I sent for you hours ago!"
He tried to ignore the sudden change from addressing him by his first name to the formal surname usually reserved for the prisoners. He tried to explain how the message had failed to reach him because of someone else's forgetfulness rather than his own intent, but from Miss Farrow's expression, he had failed to get himself off her particular hook. Having not received any encouragement to relax, he remained rigidly at attention.
" You have officer status, but just remember that in my book you are still a prisoner. If I give an order I expect that you will obey it without question …immediately. You may not realise it but all probationary officers who are ex-cons are still subject to punishment by the senior staff until their positions are confirmed, and yours is far from being that. I could send you to the Lady Governor on a formal charge but it might well affect your future career in this Service. On the other hand I cannot let your slackness go unpunished".
She leant back in her chair, staring at him in his discomfort. Then continued:
" You are more than aware how prisoners are offered an unofficial punishment so that their records are kept clean. Would you prefer one of those from me?"
Knowing that he had no real option and that the last thing he wanted was to be downed to prisoner status, he muttered his words of acceptance, effectively placing himself in the Senior Wardresses hands for whatever she though appropriate.
At last her attitude towards him eased as she allowed a frosty smile to crease her plain face. She made a telephone call to a colleague mentioning the use of one of the punishment rooms, and on being told that it was free, stood up and went over to a drawer in a filing cabinet.
Stewart risked relaxing enough to take a sideways look as she retrieved what seemed to be a short whip. What puzzled him was that the plaited leather handle thinned into what should have been a long and cruel whip, but seemed instead to have been shortened and tied into a round heavy knot at the very end of a two-foot lash.
"I really don't like using this device on my staff as I believe that it is a real bitch to take. However, when I need to punish without leaving visible markings, I find it very effective. It would not do for one of the staff to display heavy marks from say a cane when they might find themselves stripped in the presence of one of the inmates, it would not do at all! You will be the first male that has felt it but I doubt that you will be any less sensitive than the young female probationers that have had it applied".
Stewart was now more than nervous, as he could not even guess to what part of the body such a whip could be applied. Knowing that he would soon find out he followed her down a series of corridors to one of the centres many punishment rooms.
They entered and she made a point of turning the pointer on the outside to "engaged" before she slammed the heavy door and locked it firmly against any intruder. As usual, the room was large, airy and well lit with numerous items of equipment for presenting and displaying its reluctant occupants. She turned to Stewart and handed the whip to him for inspection.
" You may well look puzzled Stewart, but once you feel it you will look somewhat more frightened if I have to hand it to you again, not one of the female officers has ever come back for a second application. It's called an anus whip. As it happens you will be the first male to receive it so I will be interested in watching your reactions."
Suddenly its use became obvious. Stewart held the tight knotted end and easily visualised the way it would have come down hard on the unprotected anus of one of the young females…and then…with a feeling of impending doom, thought of how it would come down on his own.
"The application will require both your acceptance and co-operation. You will lie on the ground, feet wide apart. I will then stand astride you and, having ordered you to use your hands and part your buttocks…I will apply the end to your anus. So, first of all…Strip!"
Stewart found himself rapidly assuming his old prisoner status as he automatically removed his clothes and stood before the wardress in the present position. Whatever was going to happen and however painful it might be, there was nothing further that he could do to alleviate his situation. It would just have to be endured.
Miss Farrow donned a pair of heavy rubber gloves and removed a sterile cloth from a container. She ordered Stewart to bend over and vigorously wiped his anal cleft with the cold wet material. He was then told to lie face down on the scrubbed tile floor with his legs spread wide. She kept him waiting for some time as she removed her gloves and binned the cloth. Then slowly, she walked back to where he lay and stood with her feet either side of his head facing his feet.
"Reach behind you and pull your cheeks wide apart. No matter how much this hurts you will keep those cheeks parted and, for your own good, don't clench them. I will lay on twelve strokes and if I miss the target for any reason, I will repeat that stroke. I will now wait for one minute for you to collect your thoughts."
It seemed to Stewart to be far longer than a minute until he heard her say: "Brace yourself!"
There was no whistle of the whip that would have warned him. The cruel knot simply hit down hard on the centre of his anus and Stewart immediately realised why the female staff hated it so much. Before he could draw a breath the second blow hit just at the top of his opening with some of the impact absorbed by his cleft. It was on the fourth stroke that he made the mistake of relaxing the grip that kept his cheeks pulled wide apart and the knot hit the obstructing cheeks rather than the target.
She moved her feet closer to him so that her shoes trapped his upper arms against his body.
"DO NOT TRY TO PROTECT YOURSELF!" snapped Miss Farrow. "I will lay that on again…now spread yourself".
The next hit the lower edge of the anal ring and impacted mainly on his perineum. He lay there gasping hoping that his scrotum and its sensitive contents were well clear, then pondering how a female in his position would feel given the proximity of her labia to the impact point.
It had hurt nearly as much as a stroke that would have been accepted by the wardress, so logically Stewart had little to loose by pulling his cheeks apart and baring his sensitive anus to the knot. Even so it took all his willpower to expose himself.
But somehow he did as over and over again the knot was brought silently down into his crotch and against his ever more sensitive opening. By the time the twelve strokes, the twelve acceptable strokes that is as three more were disallowed, had hit him he was feeling slightly sick with the pain. It was with some difficulty that he got to his feet when ordered and back to the present position. Still holding the anus whip Miss Farrow cupped his testicles and deflated penis in an almost gentle grip.
"It certainly prevents an erection," she smiled, "and I can't imagine any of my lady officers getting excited during the whipping".
She then cupped and lifted the testicles more firmly as if assessing their weight before ordering him to get dressed. After he had done so he was invited to take a seat in front of her desk, which he did somewhat carefully. Miss Farrow grinned broadly at his discomfort.
"Well, I did mention that none of my lady officers has ever come back for a second dose and I doubt that you will! Anyhow, that was well taken and we can now move on to the reason for me wanting to see you. I have decided that you should have your own squad of prisoners so that we can assess how well you control them."
Stewart was shaken by the news, he had been hoping to achieve such a position eventually but was amazed and not a little shocked by the speed at which the event had occurred. He did his best to appear nonchalant as the Senior Wardress continued:
"You will take them over at 6pm tomorrow evening so that will give you only a day to prepare yourself. You will need to check out the new barrack block that will house them, making any modifications that you think is necessary and draw up a list of the furniture that you want for the punishment room. Naturally, there is a standard set of benches, frames etc but I am sure that you will want to modify them or indeed change them for others that are in the brochure. Needless to say, your powers of punishment will be limited to three with the strap…but if you call in more senior help you will need to be able to present and restrain your charges. You will also have to get yourself down to the clothing store to decide on the details of the uniform that they will wear. You will find that we allow a wide discretion on the underwear and other personal items so that the squad wardress, or warder in your case, can "personalise" them to your own tastes. As regards hair styles and whether body shaving is permitted…well, that can wait until you meet them for the first time."
A somewhat shaken Stewart was about to leave when… a further bombshell was thrown at him:
"I noticed that you seem to be walking around with your balls dragging on the ground, no doubt as a result of your recent celibacy. Just remember that it is not Centre policy for any staff member to have relations with a member of their own squad. To remove any possible temptation in that area I have ordered that one of the other female prisoners be sent to your quarters tonight for "personal services" at seven pm. She has volunteered for the duty to try to improve her conduct record and is well aware that she must accept whatever you feel like doing to her…even so…don't hesitate to send her down to the guardroom for an "unofficial" if she lacks enthusiasm. I have found that sometimes two visits are required before the prisoner really joins in with the fun! She is down for a formal punishment this afternoon in front of the Governor so hopefully she should arrive at your place in the right frame of mind".
It was a rather buoyant Stewart that skipped through his lunch and found his way to the Centre uniform store, only too well aware of his first visit to such an establishment when he was first a prisoner. He was met by one of the civilian staff who introduced herself as Cecile. Aged around the mid twenties she was one of the many rather dull and dowdy females who provided the administrative backing for the operational staff.
She took him into the main clothing store where there were two female prisoners stacking various items on the shelves. They both glanced nervously in Stewart's direction as they busied themselves. A faint smell of new and washed clothing hung in the cool damp air.
Cecile explained to Stewart that the basic schoolgirl uniforms were standard issue but that he had a choice over the tie, the cut of the shirt and the length of the pleated skirt showing him examples. After some thought he decided on the striped tie, a tailored shirt that would hug the waist and accentuate any breasts that the prisoner had. Finally, he chose the shortest of the skirt lengths on option.
Underwear however, would be a more difficult choice. His basic decision would be between dressing them in a very formal and old-fashioned style with thick stockings, a large suspender belt and voluminous knickers as worn by schoolgirls in the early part of the last century. The brassieres would then be taken from the range of heavy old-fashioned styles that would almost cover the breasts of even the larger females. Cecile explained that the younger wardresses sometimes chose this frumpy retro-style to contrast against the more feminine underwear that they wore themselves.
At the other end of the scale were thin black nylon stockings with matching lightweight suspender belts, brassieres and panties. The latter items could be flimsy to the point of half-cup bras and thongs.
Having run the various items through his hands he decided upon the thin stockings but with a lightweight three quarter cup bra and bikini panties that were cut away at the rear leaving much of the buttocks exposed. This would be his squads "parade" dress but naturally they would also be issued with the thongs and quarter-cup bras for dress on social occasions in the Prison.
Social for the staff that is.
Cecile asked about the sizing of the articles mentioning that most squad leaders preferred a tight fit to both the panties and brassieres. Stewart decided on the tight, uncomfortable fit for the panties around the crotch with the bras to be the normal chest size but one-cup size lower to accentuate the breasts. The nightwear he chose was a short cotton top held up by tapes across the shoulders from front to rear that could be undone with one tug. He selected a small style of bikini panties that would be worn in bed rather than allow them to sleep with bare bottoms.
Cecile then told one of the girls to bring the box marked "Underwear-Disciplinary" over to their side of the room. She nervously placed it in front of the staff member and retreated. The contents were tipped on to the table and Cecile explained their use.
"Sooner or later you will need to put one of the squad into an under strap, punishment bra or some other item of restrictive wear…so we had better make sure that you have sufficient. I would advise that you keep at least one of each on display in your office so that the prisoners realise that they are available to you. Here is the new version of the under strap, you can see how they have made the knots on the thong totally moveable…they slide up and down the with these little metal beads that lock in place when they are released saving all that fiddly tying and untying the knot to adjust it for maximum effect".
Stewart held one of the nasty little knots and saw just how easy it was to adjust its position. It was certainly an improvement and would enable him to really centre the irritating lump of leather on the most sensitive parts. The girl could then waddle as much as she liked and it would still be felt.
The bra, explained Cecile, was of a new style that a Miss Finch had recently been to demonstrate. Stewart remembered the lady only too well and how she had demonstrated her goods on the prisoners. He made a mental note to meet her on her next visit and picked the garment up.
It seemed to be a normal white bra apart from the absence of cups and their replacement with leather thongs. Try as he might he couldn't fathom how it fitted but Cecile quickly came to his help.
"You girl!" she snapped to one of the prisoners, "Get yourself over here".
The girl, or woman, was in her mid thirties. Of average height she was a little plump and certainly her breasts noticeably thrust forward under her uniform shirt. It took only one brief order before she had stripped off her tie, blouse and bra and stood before them at the present, her large floppy breasts hanging down her chest and with an expression of fear on her face that Stewart found almost appealing.
The supervisor quickly fitted the brassiere device on to the girl and, with her obliged to lean forward at ninety degrees from the waist, started pulling tightening the various thongs ignoring the gasps from her model. When she again ordered her to the present her breasts were now encased in tight circles of leather thongs that dug deep and forced the globes into a cone shape leaving just the nipple exposed.
"It is certainly tight and uncomfortable," the supervisor remarked, "but it really starts to have an effect when the girl bounces around in a gym. These thongs really chafe it would seem. Mind you, it is rarely fitted, as it's easier for the staff to simply award a breast demerit for any offences that would warrant use of the punishment bra. Anyhow, this one can remain in the bra until the end of the day-it won't do her any harm".
Other selections were offered to Stewart such as the modified modesty strap that he had seen Miss Finch demonstrate. This was still the thin stiff strip of material that was supposed to offer the female some protection to her modesty when she was splayed on a horse for a thrashing. The two probes that entered the vagina and the anus had been changed; the former now was thicker and ribbed to provide some grip to keep it in place and the anal probe had been produced with uncomfortable plastic spikes around the shaft to discourage clenching during any punishments. Even he was impressed with the effort that went into keeping the centre equipment up to date.
He was just about to leave when Cecile leant towards him and lifted his punishment strap clear of his belt clip.
"Mmm, one of the new ones I see, how about if I did you a real favour and swapped it for one that has just been handed in? One of our squad wardresses has just been promoted and therefore gets a heavier grade strap to use. She had it unofficially modified with a little more weight stitched into the tongues. She mentioned that it was a real bitch to take and how it had really helped her to maintain discipline and helped her to get the promotion. Why don't you try it out on one of these females? I can always say that she has been slacking," she said with a nod in the direction of the tall, slim twenty year old.
Within seconds the prisoner was lying across the top of the counter with her legs hanging down and hands gripping the far edge. The supervisor quickly raised her skirt and pulled the panties down to her knees revealing a slim pair of buttocks heavily bruised from an earlier correction.
"Give her two good ones with each strap and watch the reaction." Came the advice.
Stewart did.
There was no doubt. Even though the strokes did not overlap, the victim lurched appreciably higher when the well-oiled replacement strap landed. Stewart knew that it was unnecessary to make any allowance for the tenderness of the girl's backside, as that would be the same for both straps. He had a formidable piece of leather now that could only help to maintain order and discipline.
Having placed his orders and arranged for the squad to spend the next morning in the stores being kitted out, Stewart walked over to the newly constructed wing where his squad would be accommodated. He was greeted by the smell of fresh paint as he first looked over what would be his office.
Everything was in place as he expected it would be. He only had to ask for a few small modifications such as a row of clothes hooks to be placed along one wall and a smaller stool to be placed in front of the desk.
The bare and functional room that served as a dormitory had already been equipped with six beds on either side of the room. The floor was wooden and still dusty from the construction. It would soon be brought to a high polish with the efforts of the prisoners thought Stewart. In between the beds were a small chest for underwear etc and a wardrobe that would hold their uniform items, shoes PT kit etc. A bag for their dirty laundry hung to one side. There was no need to provide any space for personal items, as they were not allowed even the smallest luxury. He made a note for a small hook to be placed on the bottom rail of the bed for their night panties to be kept during the daytime.
The adjoining toilet block was complete. There were four toilet stalls, four Asian floor toilets and four double showers. Naturally, no doors were installed in the toilets and no screens for the showers following the Centre policy of not affording the inmates the slightest amount of privacy. He made a mental note to patrol the area first thing in the morning after the girls' first night to emphasise their vulnerability. He examined one of the rolls of toilet paper hanging in one of the stalls and noted that it was the cheapest type available and rather coarse to the touch. He must ensure that they were reminded that the paper would be strictly rationed along with soap, washing powder deodorants and other essentials. As he was in charge of the budget this would be just one way that he could cut costs whilst making the prisoners life even more unpleasant.
Two prisoners carried in what seemed to be a large wooden high chair of adult dimensions. This was placed next to a wall under a bright ceiling light. He noted the cut away seat and widely spread foot rests almost at the level of the seat itself. A young wardress then entered who was obviously there to supervise. Noticing his interest she murmured, out of the hearing of her charges that it was a shaving stool that gave access to a seated female when pubic and anal hair needed to be removed. Yet another decision to be made thought Stewart having been reminded how it would be up to him to decide what if any body hair his squad would be permitted.
The punishment room was a scene of frantic effort as a work squad of females unloaded the items from a lorry and placed them in the room under the continuing orders of the young officer. Stewart either recognised each item from his own experiences as the occupant or could work out their purpose with a little thought. One low wide bench upholstered in a plastic material had him foxed and the wardress seeing his puzzlement again wandered over with a warm smile.
"It's a new idea so you may not have seen one yet," she said, "you know that the basic intent is to humiliate them as well as hurt them in here…well…they have to lie along this bench with the lower part of their legs and feet hanging either side. Because it is so wide, it really splays them and everything is on show. Then when the cane is used, it has to be one buttock at a time and the rod will land along almost the entire thigh. The plastic covering is better than leather in case of any…well…little accidents when the prisoner might lose control. Remember, they will have not just the pain to cope with but they will hardly be in a position to clench their thighs together".
She called one of the work parties over, a heavily built blonde in her late twenties and told her to mount the bench. Stewart looked down at her as she struggled to position herself wondering if this could possibly be the one who would be reporting to him that evening, then snapped his mind back to the present as the wardress leant over the girl and flicked the back of her skirt up over her waist.
It only took a little imagination looking at the tight panties to appreciate what would be on display if they were removed. The thighs were pulled so wide that the crotch was stretched to the maximum with a wide area of pubic hair exposed either side of the material.
"With a support under her waist to lift her stomach clear of the bench, this will also present a prisoner for a crotch punishment. Even the tightest ones will have to display some "pink"." She added with a grin.
There then followed a few suggestions as regards the layout and equipment that Stewart was grateful for. He wanted the room to create a terrible sinking feeling in the stomachs of any prisoner that entered and the your wardresses ideas would certainly help.
By the time he had concluded the inspection and ordered the changes he required, it was time for the early sitting in the staff restaurant. He wanted to be ready for the prisoner's arrival at his room at seven and certainly didn't want to interrupt the evening for a meal break. What eating arrangements the prisoner needed or had made were not his concern but he doubted that she would have much of an appetite following a formal punishment that Miss Farrow had mentioned. He then found that he had little appetite himself and he was reluctant to sit making conversation with the other staff with his mind was on what was to happen later.
A lady wardress however soon had his attention:
"I believe, Dave, that you are getting the services of one of my squad this evening, I do hope that she will be satisfactory. I'm afraid that she is one of those stuck-up little bitches who hasn't done herself any favours with the staff here. I won't spoil your fun by telling you about the formal she received this afternoon but I do hope it knocks some of the overbearing pride and superiority out of her".
And one of the policewomen joined in the conversation:
"I'm on duty in the guardroom until midnight so if you want to send her down for an unofficial…... On the other hand, we have several staff on duty so you could give me a 'phone call and I can drop round with the paperwork and something that we can encourage her with…in fact that might be a lot more effective as there will be no witnesses in your apartment…and don't worry, I don't shock easily and can keep my mouth shut."
Stewart lost no time in thanking the officer for her offer and promised that he would no doubt be in touch later. Somehow he managed to finish his meal and departed.
It was just after seven when he reached his accommodation and hurried up the stairs. As he looked down the corridor he saw a prisoner with flame red hair in a ponytail standing outside his door. She was dressed in the standard school uniform but with an unusually long skirt and what seemed to be thick stockings. As he got closer she snapped to attention staring straight ahead, wondering no doubt whether he was the staff member who lived in the room and would be in charge of her for the evening. Stewart ignored her completely and even walked past her, sensing her relief that the time had not yet come.
He then stopped, turned abruptly and stared at her intently.
A look of panic came over her pale freckled face as she smartly curtsied to him, resumed the attention and spoke:
"Prisoner 963 Millard-Stokes reporting for personal duty…err… Sir!"
Her voice was that of a well-educated young lady from a privileged background. She appeared to be in her early twenties and stood around five foot seven inches tall with a round pleasant face with large green eyes. She looked a little heavy around the hips and had a noticeably large bust. Her legs, as far as he could see were sturdy rather than slim.
She was visibly shaking and felt wretchedly apprehensive with a myriad of thoughts rushing through her mind: No one had told her that she would be under the control of a male officer tonight and she had wasted valuable time trying to come to grips with the concept of being a personal servant to a lady officer. It had seemed almost acceptable after she had thought the situation through and allowed her mind to consider what the consequences of any reluctance would be. She had after all, a little experience of other females at her girl's boarding school, but having a male in charge of her was far more terrifying. Since leaving the all girl environment and with no need to have a proper job, she had spent most of her time working at her friends riding stables. Apart from one boyfriend that lasted only a few weeks, she had found little time to socialise with males.
She looked into the officer's eyes and could only see a hard dispassionate man who would tolerate no reluctance on her part and offer no kindness or compassion. He was well built with a good body but not one that she could feel any yearning for in the present situation. She wondered what he would want of her and whether he would make any allowances for her inexperience- but then instinctively knew that he would not. She knew the things the female staff ordered prisoners to do and knew that the male version was likely to be even more inventive and intrusive. It was bad enough having to strip in front of a wardress…but would this man make her parade in front of him? Would he want her for just sex or would he be as sadistic as some of the female staff members and look for excuses to inflict pain? If he did, how could she cope after the punishment they gave her this afternoon?
Stewart continued to stare at the girl, running his eyes up and down her without any attempt to help her embarrassment. So this was to be his first real prisoner, to do with virtually as he pleased. She had been undergoing a formal punishment whilst he was checking on the new accommodation so she was probably still more than a little tender and, hopefully, reluctant to commit any further infractions of the Centre rules.
But there were always errors to be noted and corrected no matter how hard she tried.
He would certainly use her for sexual relief…but only when he had asserted his authority on her in every way that he could think of. It was reassuring for him to remember that she was just a 'phone call away from a caning-whether she deserved it or not. It was going to be a long night for him and an unbelievably longer night for her.
He opened his door and with a curt flick of his head towards the opening he gave her the first of many orders for the evening.
"Move yourself girl!"
To be continued?
Following this change of direction, could this be an opportune time to end the account of Stewarts life in the Correctional Centre?
Or would readers like more?
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