Chapter 13 Just one more blackmailed time !
"Now this is the way a cum slut like you should present herself to her master." Larry scorned. "A cheap cheating tramp like you enjoys showing off her body to your husband's friends and business associates, don't you slut?"
In reality there was always a slight thrills she could not deny, however, to be so brazenly display in the sanctuary of their own neighborhood, their home and possibly be seen by friends and neighbors so exposed frightened her. To be intimidated to submit to this asshole was even more difficult be she knew, at the moment, Larry had the advantage. She needed time to possibly figure out a better situation for herself. In the mean time she knew better not to show any signs of disobedience or reluctance. Make the scumbag happy for the moment. "Yes master. This slut enjoys showing herself to you." She lied but knew to deny him anything right now with herself so vulnerable would only invite pain.
"Get your fucken ass over her, slut."
Susan gave a quick glance around to check out the situation. Stepping over to where Larry had seated himself took her away from the limited coverage of the house. She'd be in complete view of the Daniel's back wall. She could only hope they were both at work. She obeyed.
Larry's hand went right up between her legs. "Soaken wet, like the a true whore."
It was undeniable. The shapely blonde's cunt was damp and already pulsating. Susan hated how it gave away everything she fought to conceal and at times like this didn't desire. "Turn around slowly with your legs spread apart." Sue began to blush so shamelessly displaying herself once more. It didn't seem to matter how many times now before she had done so, the shame still burned through her to be so shameless.
As her backside faced Larry he noticed how one palm lay open while the other was tightly clenched. When he touched her hand she tighten her grip. It took but a few second to pry open her hand to reveal the handcuff keys she was holding. "And why would the slut slave be holding this?" he asked.
Sue started to say something about it just being a safety thing but Larry broke off her explanation. "You deserve a punishment for trying to hold the key to your release don't you slave?" Sue began once again to explain why she would have it. "Don't you slut?" Larry shouted?
"Yes master." She sheepishly replied.
"How many houses down should I place this key?" he asked.
Sue looked stunned. It was late morning, not some night time game. Before she said anything more he suggested placing the key under someone's mat 6 houses down. "No please sir. I can't go out nude like this for 6 houses. Please." Larry seemed to think about that. "Tell you what slut, get down on your knees and hold your ass up so I can fuck it. If I enjoy the fuck, I'll reconsider putting the key six houses down." Sue immediately took the position. And as she did, she quickly thought about how her morning had gone from one of brightness to this degrading position, eagerly posed so this guy could fuck her ass, in hopes he would reconsider placing her cuff key 6 houses down by a neighbor.
Once more, Mrs. Banks endured the humiliation of being nothing but a depository for a man's arousal. Taking it in her ass out back of her own home had it's own added degradation. This had to stop soon. She couldn't be expected to just be a fuck hole anytime this man felt like fucking her and yet here she was kneeling naked with her ass held up to be used as he commanded with little fanfare.
Sue got little gratification from his quick brutal fucking. What was worse he didn't stop there with her debasement. He made her lick his cum coated cock clean while calling her every nasty name in the book as she completed the task.
Sue did not like the look on his face as she hoped he would tell her she performed satisfactorily enough to have him reconsider placing her cuff key so far down the block.
"Ok slut lets talk about your party performance." Larry said as he zipped his pants back up. "I have a chance to impress a few of my most important clients. Clients who know they can go to most any of 4 other suppliers but are clients, who, lets say have no qualms about weighing certain perks with their decision as to who they choose to deal with." Without warning or provocation, Larry's hand stuck out and slapped her breast so hard that both tits jolted to the side. "I love torturing these tits." He said matter-of-factly. "Do you have some rope around here?"
Before Susan could answer he threaten to make her punishment 10 times worse if she didn't tell him where they kept the ropes and toys he originally discovered her with, weeks ago. Sue told him they kept those things in the garage on the right side of the work bench. Suddenly she thought about some of the toys that were also in the box with the ropes. "I will get them for you master?" she offered.
"Alright!" he thought, the slut is getting into it again but he had one trick up his sleeve that he wanted to pull and said he would get them while she was to wait on her knees out here for him.
As soon as Larry came into the house he found Susan's purse and house keys. He pocked them before heading to the garage. He found the box with plenty of rope, along with a ball gag, the tie wraps they used to secure rings to her nipples as well as the ben wah balls. Upon returning, he made sure he turned the latch on the sliding door so it would lock behind him.
In a short time, Susan's tits were once again tied into tight swollen balls. Her elbows were pulled tightly touching each other and right after gagging her with the ball gag, Larry shoved the ben wah balls up into her soaking wet cunt.
Larry had placed the box to the side and inadvertently covered the nipple rings with the tie wraps. Sue noticed this and gave a sigh of relief as she recalled how brutally he attached them to her nipples in the past. As it was she was completely helpless as well as once again restrained so she was all tits and cunt. Larry made her kneel one more time as he explained the situation. "I decided your ass fucking was as slutty as ever and I will not put the key 6 houses away." Susan let out a small sigh of relief for her small victory. However she was dealing with a cheating scumbag. "I decided, I will put the key 10 houses down because you obviously love playing these games so much." Susan furiously shook her head and grabbled out some sort of intelligible protest which Larry of course ignored. "Don't try to thank me now. You can do that on Friday. You will be ready no later than 8pm on Friday night in an outfit that I will send you. Don't worry, you need to pack anything for the weekend." Again Susan let out a scream from behind the ball. "Oh did I forget to tell you? I got some information that your hubby is being sent on a little trip for the weekend. He'll be gone from Friday through Sunday so you will be partying with me and my clients, from Friday till Sunday." Sue tried to make her protests but her garble was so ineffective that it was useless. "As a man of my word, you will get any photos I took of you with those boys but you better be on you best obedience behavior or you'll pay dearly."
She hated his victorious grin. She should have challenged him from the start but how? It didn't matter, she thought looking down her body now. She was lost once more to restraints and blackmail.
"I know you would love to take your time getting the cuff keys but I took care of that so you'll be forced to enjoy yourself. I left a note on the dinning room table for Bob telling him you are playing your kinky games on your own." Larry was lying about the note but loved how it put the pressure on his helpless victim. She would surely take chances with the stress of destroying the note before her husband found it. "And don't even think about going back inside to try and get some of that stuff off you. The doors are locked and I will put these keys with the cuff key. Also don't forget kids will be coming home from school around 3 or so. I would think you would want to get your naked ass inside before they are around to see Mrs. Banks running around." Again he couldn't hold back a giggle, thinking about her up coming exploits.
"Oh just two little more things." You know Kevin Hampton at Bob's office don't you?" Sue's eyes once again widen with fear. "He sure knows you. Well your hubby has been putting off finalizing a pretty sweat deal for me and he is using the excuse their head accountant wouldn't approve such a big deal at this time. He's going to be one of my honored guests at the party and your sweet ass is going to be the deal clincher." Once again Larry slapped her now bound taunt tits when she tried to protest. "Shut up, slut. We are also going to work on a few other of my clients, so get use to the fact that if you aren't 100 submissive, old Bobby will be finding his wife's ass in jail charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors when he returns from his trip."
Larry let this settle in on the almost broken wife.
"Have fun slut." He said hurrying out the back gate.
In reality Larry had no intentions of leaving either the house or cuff keys down the street. He figured he would let the slut run around for a couple of hours and return to his helpless slave and make her offer anything to let her get back home before Bob returned from work. He figured he'd sneak back and maybe watch her darting from house to house for awhile after he took care of a little task he wanted to do at the hardware store.
Sue appraised her situation. It was almost hopeless but to force herself to perform his sick treasure hunt. But it was daylight and her neighborhood. She heard Larry's car start up and then realized he didn't say which way he would put the key 10 doors down. She was just about to run out and see which way he was leaving when she heard a man's voice.
"Gas company. Meter reading." It came from the Daniel's house but their house was next. The damn gas meter was here in back. Sue scampered to the side of the house opposite of the gate to hide. The trouble with that was this side of the house left her exposed to the street in front but Susan had little choice now that she had run there to hide. Her heart began to pound as she contemplated making a dash for the side of the garage instead of remaining so exposed to the front. Her hesitation to make a break for it was her downfall. How long does it take to read a meter she wondered as she kept looking back at the street and her possible exposure to anyone coming down that way. Just when she took 4 steps and was about to run for the garage, she heard his voice once more. "Meter man!" he was definitely coming into their yard now. Susan turned and retreated back to the side of the house and pushed her back up against the wall to try and cover herself as much as possible. She wished she could stop herself from panting. And tried to ignore the tremor the ben wah balls were delivering to her quivering cunt.
Leon King was a probationary employee with the gas company. In actuality, he was one of several ex-convicts on a rehabilitation program the gas company offered. The pay was ok. The work was easy. But it pissed Leon off to see what these white folks had that he didn't. The homes weren't anything huge but to a guy who never lived in anything larger than a 2 bedroom apartment they seemed like mansions. It pissed him off that his half sister and his mother had to work like dogs for the man while half of the women of this neighborhood were home watching fucking soap operas.
Today especially wasn't a good day for Leon. Two blocks up he came in back to read a meter and some fucken fat bitch who was out by her pool with her top off. She screamed at him and told him to get out. How he wanted to say, "Fuck you. No one wants to see your fat saggy tits not no way." But he didn't he just said he would do an estimate reading and left.
Not more than 15 minutes later, he open a gate and a fucken dog came charging at him. He just barely got out. But the real pisser was just on this same block, a group of white bread bitches, were on the back deck playing cards or some shit like that. When the owner spotted him, she called out. "The meter is on the side of the garage, boy."
This was too much. He said "who you calling boy?" And probably said a few other things he can't remember right now but she called into the company and within 5 minutes he was getting lectured by his parole officer who heard from the project's administrator. They didn't want to hear anything he had to say but to be polite to the customers and give them the respect they deserve.
He was pissed and mumbling to himself, "Fucken uppity white bitches."
Damn would he have liked to have taken out his frustrations on whomever's fucken bitchen poodle was two doors down. By now he had had it but the little fucker was fast when Leon tried to punt the yappy dog out of the yard. He just felt foolish with his meager attempt.
It wasn't a good day, until he turned the corner of this house. "Fucken A." He said to himself. "Another naked bitch but what little he caught of this one she wasn't a fat cunt." Leon stopped at the meter. He paused to think. If he went around the side of the house to check where the cunt ran off to, he could always say he was looking for the meter, but he didn't want another damn complaint coming in to the office if she was just some ugly scant. Then he thought about the mirror he had to check meters in tight or hard to locate places.
The ropes bit deeply into Sue's bound tits as she watched the young black meter man standing with his back to her with his clip board in hand. "Why was he away from the meter writing or whatever he was doing?" She thought. If he turned around from where he was, Sue was sure he would spot her.
Leon was more than just spotting her. When he adjusted the mirror and was able looked back over his shoulder, he was fucken stunned at what he saw. The cunt was not only a fine piece of ass but she was some kind of kinky slut. Her tits were a dark red in color because they had ropes around them. She was completely naked and it looked like her hands were restrained behind her back as well as it looked like she had something stuffed in her mouth. "Leon has struck gold." He thought to himself.
There was just one problem. Rape would send him right back to prison. But then a fine piece of ass like that might be worth it.
Leon thought for a moment. How could he have it all? Then he came up with an idea.
If this cunt was into some kind of self bondage or other games, it would be best to pretend not to have spotted her but check her out from better cover. As Leon pretended to finish up and leave the yard he noticed the box with ropes and other toys out on the back deck. "This cunt is into some pretty heavy shit." He told himself. "Maybe she wouldn't consider it rape?"
Sue let as big of a sigh of relief as her restrained breasts and gagged mouth would allow. The fear of being caught was terrifying but there was much more. Susan had always been afraid of blacks. She knew a lot of her convictions were media created. The street pimp or drug gang impression of inner city blacks. Then there was this movie she never forgot that she saw with some teenage friends when her parents strictly told then not to go. It was about a couple of white teens who went to a crack house to buy some drugs. They were kidnapped, forced to do all kinds of degrading things then sold as slaves to some foreign suppliers. It was one of the most intense movies she even saw. The way all the black guys wanted to fuck a white woman and how they enjoyed treating them lower than dirty.
As Susan thought about the movie and her situation now being so helpless and vulnerable with a black man so close to catching her, she felt an orgasm coming on. Instead of suppressing it she worked it and was soon rolling around the ground, smashing her own bound tits on the ground and bucking wildly. Leon watched this from over the fence. He got on his cell phone.
"Jimmy, it's me Leon. You ain't going to believe whats going down here. Some knock out hunky slut is tied and handcuffed and just waiting for some dicks up her ass." Leon peaked up to see Sue still climaxing. "No, I ain't shitten you. Where you at?"
"The 400 block of Maple." Jimmy, another program ex-con working nearby replied.
"Listen, get a hold of Vi and tell her we'll just fill in the rest of our route sheets while we enjoy some white cunt. I know that lezzy will want to get her hands on her too. Listen, change out of your gas company shirts into civvies so there won't be no problems getting fingered and get over here right away."
Leon gave Jimmy the address and waited and watched.
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