Chapter 2 – The Pool and the Beach
"You have done wonderfully well there Emma. As you must have guessed, it was just a little test, but it won't hurt for you to have more practice eating with only your lips teeth and tongue when you dine here", Alena smiled.
"Did you like the food?" she enquired with some assurance I was going to say "yes" from the evidence of my enthusiasm for consuming it.
"It was great". I responded. "Just what were the ingredients?"
"That's a secret till I choose to tell you little lady! Alena teased.
"Have you things you want to do this evening, or would you like to meet a friend of mine: Fabrina?" Alena asked. And, without waiting for my answer, continued: "You'll love her. She's divorced, or at least she was 'married'-as-can-be to another girl, till a couple of years back. They are still in business together though. Fabrina owns a big estate with its own running track, a swimming pool and a stretch of private beach that goes on for miles."
"We'll need to fix up a fitness programme for you my lovely lady. Running some miles in the soft sand of the beach will get those glorious legs of yours in real trim. And Fabrina has a pool."
"Curious thing to have a running track with your home" I quizzed.
"Yes. I suppose it is", Alena answered absent mindedly thoughtfully. I call it a running track as if it were for athletics. I can understand why anyone would think that. When they were together, Fabrina and Gaynor used to train ponies on it. When they split up, Gaynor took that business out to Spain where the weather is a bit warmer. Fabrina would like to start again though. They've apparently come to an agreement, because the world is crying out for genuine English, or I ought to say British ponies, and Gaynor just can't meet the demand."
"Pity it's ended, I mean the ponies here", I said, "I would have just loved to have worked with them. I was stable girl once", I enthused.
"Well: I should have known you'd be a girl with a love for animals! Maybe, if Fabrina takes to you, you can join the ponies over in Spain along with Fabrina and I during the Christmas vacation. Would you like that?"
"Like it? I'd love it!" I cried out.
"Then shall we go and meet Fabrina tonight?" Alena asked as if she really needed to know my answer as I leapt from my chair and hugged her.
"You are a passionate little girl aren't you?" Alena laughed.
"We Welsh are pure passion, head to toe!" I joked.
Just as Alena was grabbing her car keys though, her mobile rang.
"Fabrina! Hi!"
"It's Fabrina", Alena silently mouthed to me as if I had not heard her phone greeting.
"Hi" Alena repeated into her phone, "We, me and a girl you'd love to meet, Emma, we were just on our way over………. Saturday? What's happening till Saturday?….."
"Looks like it's off" Alena breathed in a stage whisper, with her hand ineffectively over the microphone of her mobile.
"Okay. Saturday then. Yes I'm sure Emma would love to come. She's adorable; you'll just love her. A beauty with brains. She's a bay. Hey, Emma loves a swim, can she use your pool. No! It's not her asking she wouldn't be that presumptuous, she's too sweet and polite. It's me that's asking. Emma is a fitness fanatic see……… Look, you're obviously in a hurry to fly out to Spain. Glad you're getting together again. If you're back on Friday….. I'll ring you to check about Saturday this coming Friday. And don't forget Emma wants to use your pool! Emma is a student. Eighteen; well nearly. No years not hands: seventeen-hands or thereabouts. She is exquisitely beautiful and built like the Venus de Milo, you'll just adore her, you won't be able to help it…..Oh she's gone!"
As with so many mobile phone conversations, not least those where one party is in a chauffeuse driven car, Alena and long-time friend Fabrina had been cut off. Alena switched off her mobile.
"She won't ring back now. They were near the airport already. As you'll gather, Fabrina is away till Saturday, so you'll just have to do your fitness stuff around here." Alena concluded, as if I were bound to agree, which indeed I did.
"What was that bit about my being 'a bay' and 'seventeen-hands'?" I asked, with considerable curiosity.
Alena laughed, and then laughed again and the realisation of the silliness to an onhearer of the words she had used in her chat with Fabrina. "Some people think in euros, some in dollars, Fabrina was practically born in a stable, talk to her in feet and inches and she thinks you're talking gobbledegook! A hand is four inches and the height measure for such as ponies, but you'd know that having been a stable girl…." Alena explained. "And you are a bay, after a fashion, with your lovely brown body and your dark-brown, nearly black hair. I suppose I should have said negress, but I wanted Fabrina to get a clear mental picture of you, you adorable girl, and Fabrina, believe me, only eats, drinks, sleeps, and thinks ponies!" she smiled.
Alena moved to her kitchen and called out to me from there: "She's off to Spain as you'll have gathered. Gaynor and her are hoping to get back together…….Well, more than hoping really. Sounds great news. I love them both dearly!"
Alena then reappeared with a cup of coffee for herself.
"You must only drink water from now on" she told me: no beverages and no alcohol"
After last night I don't ever want alcohol again I thought to myself, so I willingly humoured Alena by accepting the jug of ice-cold water and the empty glass she brought me.
"You must start your weekday three-mile runs tomorrow Emma" Alena all but ordered.
"Why?" I asked: "What is all this about Alena"
"Do you trust me Emma?"
I blushed.
"I don't know", I answered.
"Please trust me to know what is best for you young lady" Alena joked. "Early to bed, early to rise, three-mile runs every morning and five at the weekends, unless we can get you in at Fabrina's place for the pool and her private beach. And only water to drink. Promise?"
"Only if you kiss me" I challenged.
There was a long silent pause, with Alena looking at me in clear admiration of my beauty.
Then Alena said emotionally, "I cannot kiss you in that way Emma".
"You are a beautiful young virgin and one day you'll find someone or some way worthy to surrender yourself to. Keep yourself pure my darling. Just go along with my wishes about the training and not drinking anything but water. Add to that, keeping away from boys and other girls. It's only till the end of Christmas term. Now Fabrina and Gaynor are back together, I'm sure we can make Spain at Christmas for certain. So you only need to do basic fitness here and we can share the winter sun in northern Spain over winter!"
I felt and must have looked very downcast.
"Cheer up you!" Alena teased. "I didn't say we couldn't hold hands did I?"
I cheered up instantly. The thought of holding hands with this compellingly lovely older woman tuned me on incredibly. We sat in her lounge together with my pretty left hand in her right, and the gusset of yet another fresh pair of panties soaking up the droplets evidencing my surrender.
"I wish I hadn't told you I was a virgin now" I teased.
"I'm so glad you did", Alena responded in a loving tone, "It makes you very special as well as very beautiful……….. You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but are you saying you still have your hymen? I mean, your hymen is still intact? You do know what I mean don't you?"
"Well if you must know Miss Nosey Parker!" I responded with mock superiority, making Alena laugh
"You are? I mean, it is, isn't it?" Alena asked again, seemingly almost anxiously.
"Yes" I said "I'm intact. There are no half-measures with us Welsh girls", I joked again, to hide my embarrassment.
Alena turned to me, lifted my left hand in both of hers, turned it so the white palm faced her and kissed my palm with gentle adoration. "Sweetheart, that is so very wonderful. For you to be completely untouched is so incredibly erotic!"
"Well, I'm glad it pleases someone", I mocked humorously.
"You silly darling girl. You should hold your head up with pride that you are so pure."
"But what use is it to me, if you won't even kiss me?" I challenged. "It's not because I'm half-black is it?"
Alena suddenly seized both my hands and looked at me until my wondering doubting troubled eyes were firmly fixed on hers.
"Emma, you are the most wonderful advertisement for the mixing of the races I have ever beheld. The loveliest girls in the world are the loveliest girls in the world because they are the colour they are, whatever colour they are, and to mix two of the most beautiful colours to arrive at the likes of you……..well, I wish it would happen a million times more often!" Alena whispered passionately.
"Oh, so only a million times more then is it?" I joked, and Alena squeezed my hand gently, laughing at my mock protest.
Then standing up from her seat next to me, she announced, "It's about time you went to your bed now young lady. Come on. I'll see you home. You have unpacked?"
"Yes" I answered, "But can't I stay here?"
"No sweetheart, no" .
"Did you locate the running track here at the university?"
"Yes, I took a jog earlier…." I answered.
"Good. Then I'd guess it must be three or four circuits of the track for you tomorrow, in order to keep those stupendous legs of yours as sexy as they are!" Alena instructed.
"I'll make a deal with you my lovely lady. If you do your three miles every day this week up to and including Friday, and if you still want me to by then, on Friday night, I'll give you a kiss!"
I instantly hugged Alena as we stood in readiness for me to reluctantly leave.
Every morning for the rest of that week, I religiously ran my three miles. I found it easy. I was used to running and my lungs were attuned to the steady pounding of my trainers round and around the track. I found it so relieving and relaxing too. For me not to have run would have been the more tiring and taxing option. Running was, for me, as natural as walking talking and breathing. I was no Olympic athlete, and had no wish to compete, but I felt I could not live without my daily run.
Every night that week, after college lectures, I went to Alena's home, and ate one of her delicious meals with my lips and tongue only. This was weird. There is no other word for it. It pleased Alena though to let me learn the skill. By the third night, she had me eating with just my lips and tongue, standing up. She told me that, henceforth, I must always eat at her place standing up and lowering my head into the bowl to lick up my food, and I drank that way too.
I know you'll think it kinky, but I rather got to enjoy this: it was a challenge and I loved to master challenges. There was also the funny side to it: like when her neighbour rang the bell, and Alena had to hide my bowls and give me a glass to drink from but fast!
Then too, there was another odd thing Alena began to do. When she was pleased with me: when I had done something well, she would take my hand and kiss it, which I adored, but she would also gently stroke my nose.
She would just gently rest the part of her bent forefinger between the first and second knuckles, at the top of my nose, between my eyebrows, and stoke my nose downwards and do it several times. Truth told I found it soothing and very sexy. Sometimes it would make me want to sneeze, and I would shake my head for a little. Alena would wait for me to settle again and stroke my nose over and over, sensuously once more.
The way she would talk to me when she was stroking my nose was also a turn on for me. It was baby talk: "Dares a gwood wikkle gwirl" she would coo over and over as she stroked my nose. It sounds so silly written down, but believe me it was so soothing and calming.
Friday evening came and the kiss I had been promised. What a lie that turned out to be! Alena just kissed my forehead and giggled at my sigh of disappointment, before taking me in her arms, hugging me, and telling me once more that I was adorable.
It was on the Saturday morning at the end of the first week that this biography takes up with another strange event.
I arrived at Alena's flat at 7.00, by arrangement, only to meet her coming out already. At her insistence I was dressed only in my tracksuit and trainers, very unglamorous I can tell you! To be wearing no bra and panties also felt really weird.
Alena smiled lovingly at me, then took my right hand in both hers, lifted it to her pretty lips and kissed my palm. I just so loved it when she did that.
"Stamina, training for you this morning my little lovely" she announced gaily.
Of course I was wondering what on earth all this was leading to. But I did not ask. I was in love: love means trust. Alena was taking me where she wanted me to go. By now, I trusted Alena implicitly. The more I was with Alena; the more I trusted and loved her, even after only a week. We Welsh girls are that passionate! Believe me it's true!!
We drove out through the pouring rain to meet her friend Fabrina, who was back now from Spain. Fabrina lived five-miles and more away from the university in an old mansion near some cliffs with an entirely private all-sand beach below. And Fabrina's home well, "massive" is not a big enough word. And all her wealth was from training and selling ponies, if I understood aright what Alena told me! They must have been very special ponies, I thought to myself.
Fabrina herself was about fifty, much older than Alena. She was black and she was beautiful. There was also something about her that the word "strictness" does not entirely convey. I didn't think she could ever be cruel, but she had, an aura of authority. She seemed warm and friendly, but with me at least, though she praised my beauty fulsomely and genuinely, she seemed distant, as if she did not consider me quite to be an equal: almost as if I were of a different species you might almost say.
We had barely arrived and introduced ourselves one to the other, when Alena enquired of me: "Do you trust me Emma?".
"Of course I do!", I answered in surprise.
"Then undress for us. Leave your trainers on but let Fabrina look at you in your full natural exquisite beauty".
This was so embarrassing. I would do anything for Alena by now though, so I, blushing all the while, unzipped my tracksuit top. Without removing my top though, I next undid the drawstring around my tracksuit bottoms and lowered these before stepping out of them, and then, only after that, removed my top.
"Turn for us, so we can admire you fully, Emma, you are perfection my love, believe me" Alena asked and assured.
Alena had only to ask and of course I would do what she asked me to do. But then, upsettingly for me, the two women began to talk about my body as if I were not there or was stone deaf or, and it seems horrible to think it, again as if I were some kind of animal and not a girl.
"The udders are superlative and entirely natural" said Alena to Fabrina. "Just look at the rump: big strong and firm. And the hind legs: have you ever seen such long wonderfully powerful but still stunningly shapely hind legs before?"
"She's perfect" Fabrina responded. "Such a gorgeous face. And she is yet to have her heaven's gate breached?"
"Sorry about this", Alena apologised to my hanging-headed near-tearful blushes.
"Yes, that's right. She's wonderfully bright and very fit, she just needs to build her stamina," Alena continued to Fabrina.
"Oh please: this is very embarrassing!", I sighed. "Please tell me what you two are talking about…."
"I'll tell you exactly what it is about" said Alena. "Fabrina, among other skills, is a glamour photographer, and we, or rather she, would love you to pose for her camera. If you agree, we'd put a website together. You have a heavenliness that it is your duty to share with the world, Emma".
"You mean you want to take dirty pictures of me?" I enquired with a hint of upset in my voice.
"No. Never ever would that be so" Alena responded with a hint of upset for me in her voice. "Nothing would be published that did not show your exquisite loveliness at its best, and, above all, nothing that you had not approved beforehand. Look Emma, you love to swim. We'll set you up in the pool, and after you've had your exercise, Fabrina can show you the kind of photographs she does, and then it is entirely up to you. Okay?"
"Okay, I'll think about it if I may." I answered with a smiling laugh at this reassurance.
"Good" said Fabrina, speaking at length for the first time. "I'm glad you said you'll consider it. And, don't forget, little lady, that the earnings for a beautiful girl like you can be the far side of fantastic. The only reservation is that the camera always lies. You look gorgeous in real life, but what we will have to do, is find if the camera loves you. You can see what I mean later if you wish to. Alena won't mind me showing you pictures I took of her. It just didn't work. Alena is stunning when she troubles to make herself look lovely, but it just didn't come through with her. The camera could not capture her. It just happens sometimes".
"Now, the swimming pool is out the back" Alena told me.
"I've no costume" I observed.
"We're all girls together and nobody can see the pool, though it is in the open", Alena coaxed.
This concluded, in just my trainers, I followed Alena and Fabrina out into the heavy rain to the pool, the first sight of which nearly made me giggle, as indeed I would have if it had not been rude to do so.
My imagination had pictured an Olympic sized ocean of a pool with high diving boards. But this was no more than a hole in the ground almost. It was maybe eight feet by six feet, and, as I approached, I could see the water would be about to the depth of my chin as I stood in it.
I say: "as I stood in it", but it looked to me more a case of "if I stood in it". It appeared to be a complete waste of time. I was also already getting chilled as the rain soaked my short-cropped curly hair and trickled down my girl-smooth delightfully delicious bare brown skin, with sexy occasional droplets dripping off my extraordinarily huge eye-compelling nipple aureole.
I looked up to see that both women were clearly enjoying the erotic compulsiveness of the sight of a naked girl with the streams of heaven's cascade tumbling in tributaries turning to rivers head-to-ankles down her flawless soft brown skin: nature's natural oils dividing and sub-dividing the streamlets that followed the heavenly girl-curvature of her perfect charms, leaving bright droplets that bediamoned her: heaven's jewels awarded to confirm her girl-perfection: my girl-perfection.
Fabrina broke the spell by pulling back a cover to reveal a waist-high lever and a wheel atop a broad shiny metal pipe, that dived into the ground, presumably to pour water into the pool, and then seemed to come out the other side of the pool, round in a circle, through some kind of pump.
"I don't mean to be rude, but it's a very small. You see, I'm a good swimmer and …."
"You're not being rude Emma" said Alena, "You're puzzled and I don't blame you one bit. This is a training pool. You don't swim in it as such; you run in it".
"How's that then?" I asked.
"Well, Miss curious" Alena teased, "Down at the bottom is a rolling-road, it's quite safe even though it is electrically powered and under water. You run on the rolling road whilst in the water of course. Running under water is at least twice as hard as running on land, so it adds to the strain and builds up your legs and your stamina, whilst the water is also a cushion against strain and injury. The water flows too, making you run against the flow of the tide all the time. You need some weights on your pretty ankles to compensate for not being on land and so that your body is not just buoyed up…. They do this to train ponies", Alena explained.
I shook my pretty head and the raindrops with which my short dark curly hair was totally bejewelled flew in a light-catching rainbow-inducing halo.
"Sorry about the weather Emma, but you must get used to the open air…." said Fabrina.
"Must I? Why?" I asked, deeply puzzled.
"That was a statement not an instruction Emma" Alena intervened, with a smile.
"Fabrina knows you do a lot of open-air running…"
"Well" I said, I can't be wetter in the pool than stood here!"
"That's my Emma!" Alena cooed, "Fabrina will put your weights on, and you can exercise for an hour. Later, we'll have you running on the beach, that will be great for building up your lovely rear legs too."
"What do you mean 'rear legs', that's at least twice I've heard that from you ladies. I only have two legs. I'm a girl remember?" I challenged.
Alena laughed perhaps a little too amusedly: "You must think us silly Emma, and I don't blame you one bit. Pony talk again. Fabrina thinks in no other terms and when I'm with her, and remember we've worked together for a long time, I get into the same bad habit. Sorry. Yes indeed, you are a girl!"
Fabrina had knelt to put individual heavy bands around each of my ankles, bands loaded with lead. I was obviously to keep my trainers on, which concerned me, but the older women assured me they would provide brand new ones and keep these present ones, once wet, for my pool training.
I lowered myself down the steps into the cold pool, my huge natural firm soft breasts erotically buoyed up, as I went down with the weights till my head was only just above the water if I kept my chin high up, neck bent back. Either side of me were two rails I could grasp with my lovely hands down by my side, as if I were a soldier standing at attention.
I answered that I was ready, when Fabrina asked and, after she had pressed a button to start it going, I began to move my legs to run on the spot under water to keep the rolling road from pulling my feet from under me.
I found it challenging. It was not dissimilar from running on the open road but, because of the resistance of the water, it was as hard to lift my lovely legs at the beginning of this underwater run, as it would normally be at the end of an open-air run, when I had tired my legs out.
"I'm going to open the sluice, turn on the pump, and get the water flowing now. That will increase the difficulty for you Emma", Fabrina announced. "Are you okay?"
"Fine thanks!" I called from my mouth, which was only just out of the water as I jogged along. I seemed to be running on the moving road at the base of the pool, as if I were in the film scene where the lovers meet on the station and run to each other's arms in slow motion. It was very challenging to my strength.
As the water began to flow toward me with the pump working I called up: "This isn't easy. I can see why it would build my legs and my lungs"
"You'll have the loveliest hind quarters that could be wished for, when you've done some days of this and the running in the sand on the beach. They are both great for building wonderful rear legs, and staying power. They do it with ponies for the same reasons", Alena called down from her squatting position beside the pool.
"Was the pool for training ponies then?" I called up, already a little breathless from my continuing physical efforts.
"Yes it was. I suppose you could also say that it still is too" Alena answered.
"You're at half-speed. Will you be okay if Fabrina and I leave you for a while? We are getting soaked in this rain. You're alright in the rain my lovely, being naked. If you need anything, just call out. We're sure to hear you." Alena instructed as she rose to go indoors for a while.
"I'm fine", I answered trotting briskly in the constant onrushing tide pumped into the pool through the broad pipe I had noted.
Running in that pool was harder work than I had imagined. An hour of such exercise would be like a half-marathon, I thought. But I loved exercise and was determined to master this challenge.
It was an hour-and-a-quarter later that Alena and Fabrina came to turn the machine off. I was so relieved. I had never been more exhausted in my young life. I had been absolutely determined not to call for help, even though I knew I was reaching almost beyond my limits at the hour interval. My legs shook like rubber-jelly as I climbed up the ladder out of the pool.
Alena held out a full-length white towelling robe, and I nearly fell into it. It was wonderful to be in that warm robe and in Alena's arms. As Fabrina took off my ankle weights and saturated trainers, Alena kissed my forehead: "You little angel! You have done perfectly!"
I leaned against Alena as I tried to walk on my incredibly aching and shaking legs: legs that would hardly move anymore.
"See what I meant about the need for stamina, Emma?
I nodded. It was all I could do; I was so exceedingly weary.
"Fabrina and I have been talking about what is best for you. We want you to run at least three miles on the beach this afternoon"
"Oh must I, I'm worn out?" I sighed.
"You must. Also, we want you to stay here with us all the rest of this weekend and indeed the next couple of months. A pool run for an hour each morning starting tomorrow, and a beach run of three miles minimum, working up to five miles every afternoon. By the end of the two months we'll have so much pent up strength in your hind legs… I mean you legs….that you'll feel like a kangaroo!" Alena coaxed me.
I looked at Alena with big sleepy eyes.
"Do this for me, you adorable sweetheart" Alena coaxed. "When you run on the beach you can go naked too."
"No. Please, I can't…" I protested mildly, so mildly it was more a 'yes' than a 'no' to the proposal.
"You'll have your trainers on!" Alena quipped.
"The beach is entirely private. Nobody, but nobody will see you bar Fabrina and me. And, the very good reason for you running around nude as nature intended, is that Fabrina will be photographing you for your website, and that's when the money will start to roll in for you, you incredibly lovely girl".
"I'll look so silly" I protested quietly and tiredly.
"You'll look wonderful and wonderfully erotic" Alena assured me.
We had walked to what was a bedroom. I now stood on still unsteady legs, dressed only in the towelling bathrobe. Alena pulled back the duvet on a king-sized double bed: a bed I longed to just fall onto, into, and into sleep forever.
"The shower is in there", she indicated: "Shower and rest sweetheart. Let's see, it's coming up to 11.00. Let's call it two o' clock this afternoon for your first run on the training sands".
I was so tired I made no comment, but merely took my still wobbling legs into the shower. Was my love for Alena worth two solid months of this? Then I smiled to myself. Of course it was. And what about missing lectures? Oh hang lectures; college could wait. I was going to be a rich glamour model wasn't I?
To drag myself out of that warm wonderful bed for the afternoon run that first day was almost torture. Bleary-eyed and still with aching legs from the morning trot in the training pool, I donned new dry trainers and, otherwise as naked as nature, glided my feline leggy way out to the beach.
Once there, in what was now warm sunshine after the morning rain, I woke myself up with a steady jog. It was, as predicted, very much harder running in soft sand than on a hard running track. And so it was intended it should be. The training in the pool and on the soft sand of the beach was to put me under greater strain and thereby increase the power and indeed the staying-power in my lovely legs and my lungs.
Fabrina was, as had been planned with my consent, photographing me as I ran to and fro past her. But how she could expect a sweaty girl to look her glamorous best in the pictures she was taking I just could not understand.
I found this run quite a strain. I had thought I was fit, but the extra effort I needed to trot in the soft shifting sand tested my lungpower such that I was gasping for breath after the second mile, and only by sheer willpower was I able to drive myself into running the third.
There was another discomfort too. Running naked might sound like great fun but, believe me, it is no fun for a girl with a big chest. Nature had endowed me with a perfect thirty-eight inch double-D-cup breasts. And a girl with big natural breasts has them slap her hard and often as she trots.
I had tried running with my breasts bare beneath a t-shirt before now. That had resulted in very sore nipples. Sore nipples were not going to be the problem running, bar my trainers of course, totally nude, but the slapping of my breasts on my chest was very uncomfortable.
The slapping was uncomfortable because it was unpleasant. But the fact it was unpleasant and uncomfortable was also surprisingly sexy. As I ran I found my mind becoming obsessed with the bouncing flouncing flicking flowing frolic of my breasts as they danced upwards at each stamp downwards of my feet.
Indeed, I began to run with my arms held down by my side in order to give my beautiful breasts freedom to dance and prance as it pleased them to dance and prance before me. And I was all too aware, as the dampness in my minx was leaving me in no doubt, how very sexy my free-floating and flowing chest was both to me and all onlookers, including the video camera Fabrina was now pointing at me.
All thought of complaining that I would never run in future save in my sports' bra disappeared with the coming-on of the moisture in my minx. And when at long last my run was over I felt such a pleasure tingling in my mounds and my minx that I had the hardest job imaginable to hide from Alena and Fabrina, that I had been and still was aroused, sexually aroused, by running naked.
If to run in the sand on the afternoon of the first day after a morning in the training pool was hard work, so much more so was it to face the same routine the next day and the next. But, by the end of a fortnight I was finding it no strain at all. By the end of three weeks by body could not have done without these demands upon its wonderful structure.
I stayed at Fabrina's home throughout this time, being driven to and from there by Alena who took me thereby also to and from my studies at the university. I was up each morning at six o' clock for the pool, and on the sands at five in the afternoon, under floodlights as the daylight grew shorter in the English autumn.
My runs in the sand were regularly four and five miles by the end of the second month and my pool runs were long since with the water flow at full and nearly overpowering flow. I felt supremely fit and yet, at the same time, became more and more skittish with my nerves on the ragged edge, such that Alena would have to calm me by stroking my nose gently and cooing to me.
Of course, being no fool, I knew that all this fitness training was for a purpose and that that purpose was something additional to ensuring I looked good in the pictures that were now on my website. But I was totally ignorant and innocent of the purpose that was in mind for me.
I had heard yet more talk of my wonderful "hind legs" and my breasts being referred to as "udders" or "teats", but I had put this down to what Alena had told me about Fabrina being obsessed by ponies, or to some kind of "naughty talk" that turned on these two women and, come to that, me also.
It was coming close to Christmas and the trip to Spain I had had dangled before me as a promised gift if I adhered to my training. I had done all that had been asked of me. I was assured the trip to Spain for Christmas was on. I was going to make that journey, but not in the way I had imagined.
'Midnight-Pearl' (by Eve Adorer)
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