Chapter 16
Please take note! Adults Only Literature
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.
Email HarryBerg01@aol.com with your comments.
Copyright 2004
"Smile, Dougie said you were to look happy and smile," said Martine focusing his hand held camera on Katie's face.
"Go get it, Paco, Puncho," Katie said as she tossed the Frisbee out across the lawn. The two large muscular dogs flew after the plastic disc that sailed across the wide well kept lawn that comprised the back yard of the ranch house. It was the same building where Katie and Beth Anne had spent the last days in the basement dungeon.
Paco leaped in the air to catch the disc in his mouth. Both dogs trotted back to Katie for her to repeat the throw.
Katie was dressed like a street whore. Gaudy rhinestone-covered white platform heels, white Daisy Duke shorts cut so they exposed the greater part of her ass cheeks and a white bikini top that barely covered her nipples comprised her costume. Consuela was beside Katie dressed identically except all in red and nearby off camera was Beth Anne in the blue version. The three were Andy Fastow's phantasmagoric idea of how three patriotic whores would dress for an Independence Day picnic that included sex with canines.
"Per Andy's instructions, you need to exhibit a positive attitude for the next video," Dougie had said as Maria and Consuela were working on Beth Anne and Katie's make-up and hair.
"Sort of the Happy Hooker look," Katie said looking in the mirror as she put on the big hoop gold earrings that Consuela had just handed her.
"Exactly, at first you and Consuela are out on the terrace playing with two of the dogs. Then Beth Anne shows up with the rest of the dogs. You three start making out with the pups and we let things develop from there."
"How many dogs are there?" Katie asked not that it mattered whether she had to fuck two or ten. The threat of more time on Andy's high tech Spanish Donkey had quelled any spark of resistance. Katie and Beth Anne were willing to do anything to keep their pussies from being placed on that knife like edge of hard Plexiglas for another ride.
"Six," responded Consuela.
"We'll be outside on the terrace," Katie queried. She had no idea the ranch had a terrace. Beth Anne and she had seen only the several rooms in the basement. The idea of being outside in the open air sounded good to Katie even if she would be expected to have sex with another species.
We've already screwed snakes. What does it matter if I get my ass fucked by a dog thought Beth Anne? It's hard to believe that less than 72 hours ago, I was a virgin. Now I've lost track of the number of times I've had a cock in me. Plus Mother and I just made a video of us putting snakes inside our orifices. All I want is to make Dougie happy and get out of this without having to ride the Spanish Donkey again. I swear that if Mom causes any more trouble I'll slap her face. I don't care who or what they want me to fuck as long as I don't have to do that again.
"Most of the action will take place on the terrace and around the pool. There are picnic table we will be using for most of the fuck scenes," said Dougie.
Katie breathed in the fresh air as she and the crew emerged into the bright sunlight. Ranch was something of a misnomer. The back of the large one story structure had a wide patio or terrace surrounding a swimming pool. There were two large trestle style picnic tables to one side. A well-kept lawn sloped down to a sizeable pond. In the distance, Katie could see a small herd of cattle.
"Drop your shorts and hop up on the table," said Dougie to Katie once they were on the terrace. Consuela was standing nearby holding the leash of two muscular dogs of a breed that Katie did not recognize.
"Why," asked Katie noting that once again Dougie was unzipping a leather valise?
"Andy wants a high energy performance and you two need a speedball. You looked fucked out," said Dougie taking a syringe out of the open valise.
"Speedball?" questioned Katie as she unsnapped the front of her shorts and pushed them down to her knees.
"Yeah, great stuff, half coke and half heroin. It'll pick you right up and get you in the mood for a little doggie dick," said Dougie filling the syringe half from one bottle then another.
Katie ignored the pinch as the needle pricked the skin of her upper inner thigh. The effect was almost immediate as the large veins in her legs quickly spread the drugs through her body.
"Wow, that's quite a rush," said Katie.
"Gets you in the mood, sweetheart," said Dougie rubbing his fingers over Katie's clit as he tongue kissed her.
"I want some," said Beth Anne who was standing nearby watching Dougie play with her mother's pussy.
"Eager little whore," commented Dougie as he continued to masturbate Katie. "How about you, Katherine? Ready to start in 'Canine Love Picnic #1'?"
"Yes, I'm ready," said Katie pushing her sex against Dougie's hand.
"Your turn, Beth Anne," said Dougie motioning for Beth Anne to replace her mother.
"Oh fuck, that's great," said Beth Anne responding to the two drugs spreading through her blood stream.
"All right, let's get set up. Consuela, introduce Katie and Beth Anne to the puppies. The hounds both look like they're ready for a little female pussy," said Dougie removing his wet fingers from Beth Anne's cunt and placing them on her lips. Beth Anne's mouth opened and she took Dougie's fingers in and sucked them.
"Somehow I think you're looking forward to getting dog fucked," said Dougie.
"Their cocks are huge," said Beth Anne.
"Don't worry, honey, you can handle it," said Dougie.
"Paco and Puncho are love dogs not like the rape dogs that Uncle Ramon raises," said Consuela to Katie and Beth Anne. Paco's nose was nuzzling Beth Anne's crotch. The three females and the two dogs were seated together relaxing in lounge chairs waiting for Jose and Martine to finish setting up everything for the film. Maria was seated nearby fanning herself against the warm mid day sun.
"They are love dogs. They're so sweet," said Beth Anne spreading her legs slightly so Paco could push his snout deeper into her crotch. Katie stroked and scratched Puncho behind his ears. Both women had noticed that the dogs had unusually large cocks that at the moment were partially out of their sheaths.
"Your Uncle Ramon has rape dogs?" asked a curious Katie.
"Uncle Ramon was the one who got the Ortega's into the dog love business. Years ago, he married a Chilean woman who had a large hacienda outside Bogotá. Aunt Miranda's family owned several brothels in the capital. The brothels provided shows for wealthy customers who wanted to watch the whores have sex with burros and perros," said Consuela.
"Perros?" questioned Katie.
"Dogs," said Maria. "All the women in Miranda's family were whores. They even sold the girl children to rich gringos. Miranda's virtue was taken by a gringo banker for a few pesos when she was ten."
"Mama, let me tell the story," protested Consuela. "Uncle Ramon became interested in the perros and that became his job in the family business. He is muy intelligent about animals and he bred dogs that became famous throughout Chile for the size of their cocks and their stamina. He carefully selected dogs that had larger cocks and that could perform more than once. Few dogs want to do anything but sleep after they have been bred a single time. Customers came to the brothels just to see Uncle Ramon's dogs perform with the whores. Wealthy senoras heard about Uncle Ramon's kennel and before long he was selling them throughout the country. Women said they were better lovers than their husbands," said Consuela.
"Even to the nuns, he sold them," added Maria. "It was not enough for them to be married to Christ. They had to be sleep with one of his poorest creatures."
"One day, an emissary of General Pinochet himself came to see Uncle Ramon. The General wanted my uncle to breed a dog capable of raping a woman. The dog would force the female to have sex with her taking her against her will. The dogs would also rape a man or woman in the ass. My Uncle did not think such a thing was possible. His dogs depended on the cooperation of the female and he had never had a dog that would fuck a man in the ass. But the General insisted my Uncle try. And one did not ignore the General's wishes unless he wanted to disappear and never be heard from again," said Consuela.
"The General was a man of religion but he understood that the enemies of the church must be punished with the ways of Satanas," said Maria.
"Uncle Ramon searched for a certain type of dog throughout the Latino world but could not find anything suitable. Finally as he was about to give up and tell the General of his failure, he heard of a man who had such dogs," said Consuela.
"Where," asked Beth Anne?
"Outside of Chicago, a black man had bred such dogs. He was a retired professor of Animal Husbandry in the state's college for agriculture. On a farm outside of Moline, the professor accidentally discovered a breed of dogs that would attack women. The farmer who owned them was very old and sick. He sold the dogs to the black professor who took them to his small farm where he developed them further," said Consuela.
"The professor was not with God and he deserved his fate," said Maria crossing herself.
"He would pick up a prostitute off the streets of Chicago. He would drug her then take her to his farm. There he would lock her in his barn with the dogs and watch as the perros raped her until she was worn out. Afterwards he would slit her throat and let the dogs drink her blood. He buried the bodies on his farm," said Consuela.
"How did your Uncle hear of this?" asked Katie.
"The professor was caught and it made the newspapers. Instead of whores from the street, the professor kidnapped two schoolgirls from a shopping center. Someone saw him and wrote down his license plate number. When the police arrived, the girls were still alive but had been raped many times. The professor killed himself rather than face justice," said Consuela.
"So how did Uncle Ramon get the dogs?" asked Beth Anne.
"When he read that the dogs were to be destroyed by the authorities, he flew to Chicago and bribed the owner of the dog pound. He brought the animals back to Bogotá where he bred them with his brothel dogs," said Consuela.
"The General was very pleased with my brother," said Maria.
"A year after he had got back from Chicago, my Uncle had a private audience with General Pinochet where he was able to show what he had accomplished," said Consuela.
"General Pinochet had kidnapped the family of a supporter of the Communists," said Maria.
"The dog, his name was Nero, first raped the two young daughters while the mama and papa watched. The mama begged the General to take her instead but General Pinochet just laughed and said that the entire family was responsible for the sins of the papa. The girls were virgins until Nero mounted them and took them. Nero's strength and the size of his cock astounded the great man and the General gave Uncle Ramon a jeweled dagger that he had received as a gift from the ruler of Saudi Arabia," said Consuela.
"The dagger is on the mantle of our hacienda in Guadalajara. It is in a place of honor," added Maria.
"After that, he raped the Mama who was pregnant and then the Papa. Nero had raped the entire family," said Consuela.
"Whatever happened to the family?" asked Beth Anne.
"Who knows? Asking such questions in Chile is dangerous," said Consuela.
"But your Uncle is back in Mexico," said Katie.
"After Allende was killed by the CIA, General Pinochet used Uncle Ramon's dogs to restore order. The General ordered my Uncle and all his rape dogs to the Esmeralda," said Consuela.
"Esmeralda, like in The Hunchback of Notre Dame?" said Katie.
"No, the Esmeralda is a large sailing ship that the Navy of Chile uses to train its cadets. It is one of the largest sailing ships in the world," said Consuela.
"So your Uncle and the dogs were on a sailing ship," said Beth Anne.
"Yes, and the General sent enemies of the church and state there to interrogate them," said Consuela. "My Uncle and the dogs were busy morning and night. The General insisted that every woman and many of the men be given to the dogs as part of their punishment. Husband and wives were made to watch as their spouses were raped. Some women went mad. Others killed themselves because of the shame," said Consuela.
"Communists and atheists, they deserved their fate," said Maria.
"How else did they punish them?" asked Katie.
"Beatings, electrical shock, various ways. Some they let go to warn the others what would happen to enemies of the General but most were taken out to sea and dropped overboard. After the General returned the government to the civilian authority, my Uncle decided it would be better to return to Mexico. The authorities were starting to talk about trials for those who served aboard the Esmeralda. Miranda had died and Uncle Ramon had a considerable fortune. He brought all of his dogs to Guadalajara and invited Mama and Papa to join him in the business. Uncle Ramon still works with the rape dogs but Papa raises the love dogs," said Consuela.
"And you sell the dogs?" asked Katie.
"Uncle Ramon sells his rape dogs throughout the world. His customers include many of the Security forces in the world. The Egyptians and Jordanians buy all the dogs he will sell them. Wealthy landowners in Brazil buy them to terrify their farm workers. If a worker causes trouble by suggesting a union, he and his family wind up with a dog's cock in their asshole. He has many customers in Columbia among the government, the paramilitaries, the terrorists, and the drug dealers," said Consuela.
"And the love dogs, who buys them?" said Beth Anne.
"Makers of pornography but mostly wealthy women in the US and Europe who have heard what a great fuck they are. There is a widow living her in Houston who has two of my Papa's dogs. She has put a $10,000 deposit on Paco's next puppy," said Consuela.
"Her husband's cock is useless," added Maria.
"Senor Fastow's wife has one of Poncho's puppies. His name is Esteban and he has an enormous curved cock that few men could match in length and girth," said Consuela. "Senor Fastow has also asked Uncle Ramon to reserve one of the rape dog puppies for him. It is to be the property of the special club that he and the Senora belong too."
"We're ready, ladies," interrupted Dougie. "Katie, you and Consuela start off innocent playing Frisbee with the pups.
"And what about me?" asked Beth Anne.
"Sweetheart, you are coming on later in the DVD. In the meantime, Jose and I need to fuck that sweet little butt off yours so hustle your ass over to him and get started," said Dougie.
As Katie prepared to throw the Frisbee again, she glanced back toward the house. Her daughter was on top of one of the picnic tables. Fat, hairy Jose was between her legs fucking her. Her tanned girlish legs were wrapped around his pudgy waist pulling him into her each time he thrust forward. Beth Anne's head was hanging down off the end of the table. Dougie was thrusting his cock into her mouth. The sides of Beth Anne's throat bulged each time Dougie pushed inward. Beth Anne's nose and chin were buried in his pubic hair as he ground his cock into her throat. Drool was dripping out of Beth Anne's mouth and nose.
Katie returned her gaze to Paco and Punch who were eagerly waiting her to throw the Frisbee again. She felt her cunt stir as she contemplated the size of the animal's cock and the muscles that rippled through their back legs and haunches. This may be one of the best fucks I've ever had thought Katie as she threw the plastic disc again.
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