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Part III
A prisoner not only to her self applied bondage but the cravings for her denied orgasm, Kim struggled in earnest. Not for escape, but for that undeniable, dreamlike feeling of utopia. Her unbroken thoughts and active imagination brought her across many highways of fantasy, from being a bound captive to her stepdaughter's desires to being an abducted princess. No longer conscious of her surroundings, all her thoughts, desires and energy were directed towards her one goal.
A goal that seemed to have finally arrived, as the first waves of her orgasmic bliss swept through her body. Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. Kim's excited fingers lost their delicate grip and her vibrator slipped from her grasp onto the bed. 'Not now, not now,' Kim thought, as she continued to gyrate her hips into the soft covers of her bed.
But the stimulation caused by the soft covers was not enough to carry her down that blissful mountain. Her mini-orgasm was not even remotely close to what her body craved and needed. With her concentration broken, moans of frustration escaped from her gagged mouth, as her withering body made its desperate attempt to locate the missing vibrator.
Her search seemed to be in vain, with her body rolling left, then right in its failed search for the missing object of her desire, her feelings of frustration intensified. Frustration quickly led to despair as her blissfulness began to subside. Her continued attempts at finding the vibrator failed... That's when two events brought Kim back to reality.
The first was a lack of sound from her vibrator. 'Why can't I hear it?' thought Kim, as she lay upon her bed, trying to compose her thoughts. Her heart pounding at a mile a minute, coupled to her lack of oxygen slowly forced her struggling to ease and finally cease.
With her thoughts and spirit slowly returning to normal, the second event once more intruded. Another flash of light penetrated her closed eyelids, only this time a very low-pitched whiney noise accompanied the light. Earlier, she had dismissed the light as part of her exhilarating high. With her senses no longer distracted, she felt that something was not quite right. Upon hearing the sound again, curiosity finally overcoming her orgasmic passion, she opened her eyes.
Her eyes needed a few seconds to adjust themselves to the lighted environment, but as her vision came into focus the image that greeted them shocked her like a bolt of lightning. Wanda, Lisa's best friend and almost a second daughter to Kim, stood but a few feet away, with a camera in her hands!!! Her eyes lit up as if caught in the headlights of an oncoming car as the light, again, flashed from the camera catching Kim in her moment of truth and panic.
Panic now set-in to Kim's now fragile emotional state. Struggling to be free of her bonds reached new levels of desperation. Fear of being found not just by anyone but by a person she loved as a daughter, who would probably mistake her craving of bondage for the antics of some lunatic type madwoman, was paramount to the ideas flooding through her mind.
After several moments of distressed twisting, tugging and turning in her endeavor to be free, realization that escape would be impossible without the keys to the handcuffs slowly crept to the forefront of Kim's thoughts. Her hopeless struggling diminished as she glanced, wide eyed, at Wanda, noticing that in addition to the camera, Wanda held the missing vibrator and her keys!
Panic slowly turned to intrigue as Kim watched Wanda. Deep down the truth of the situation came forth. The same fear which led to Kim's frantic struggles, had been and still was the basis for many of her deepest fantasies and true feelings. But what where Wanda's true feelings? Laying on her bed, Kim continued to stare at Wanda, who stared back with what appeared to be a loving passion in her eyes, and not the anger and outrage Kim half-expected and feared.
Wanda stood several feet away watching Kim struggle and coming to terms with her situation. Inwardly, she smiled to herself. Her planning and patience seem to have paid off. Now it was time to find out what Kim's true feelings are. If what Lisa had told told her is true, then she was about to have two slaves.
Stepping over and placing the vibrator, keys and camera on the nightstand, Wanda sat beside Kim on the bed. Reaching out with one hand, she started lightly caressing Kim's cheek she said, "After watching you for the past 4 or 5 minutes, yes I was there that long, I really believe you enjoy being tied up. I just want you to know that I do not find what you did to yourself appalling, especially if you enjoy it. You know, I enjoy bondage bondage just as much. As I stood there watching you, I realized just what was missing." Wanda's other hand began to lightly caress Kim's stomach.
Kim lay on her bed listening to the comforting words Wanda softly spoke, helping to calm her fragile emotions. Kim closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of Wanda's soft, caressing hands, soothing Kim's panicky state, reheating her simmering loins. Soft moans of passion reverberated through Kim's gag, her denied orgasm screamed for release.
As much as her body wanted this to continue, her fear of the unknown was still there, and thoughts from it soon followed. 'What if Lisa walked in on us,' Kim thought. 'Here I am, tied up naked on my bed with Wanda sitting next to me, playing my body with those wonderful fingers! Seducing me!' Suddenly the thought of Lisa and what she would think gave a quick rise to Kim's anxiety, but Wanda's magical fingers caressing her body swelled her feelings of lustful desire.
As the two separate emotions of fear and excitement struck home, Kim's body did not know how to respond. Her eyes opened wide out of fear but the moaning coming from her gagged mouth sounded more like a plea for more!
Wanda seem to understand what was wrong. "Don't worry," she seductively whispered, "Miss. Tillman from down the street called and needed help with something. So Lisa went over to help, she'll be gone probably for an hour or so." Wanda turned her head and body so she could reach for the discarded vibrator, turning just in time to hide her devilish smile which she was unable to suppress. Taking a moment to regain her composure, Wanda turned back towards Kim. She laid the vibrator, turned on low, on the bed between Kim's legs but not touching her sensitive zone. Her fingers continued their playful but gentile teasing of Kim's body, moving slowly and lightly up and down Kim's neck, chest, sides, hips and legs. Laying on her left side next to Kim, Wanda placed her right leg over Kim's right leg to prevent Kim from closing her legs around the vibrator, providing extra comfort and emotional support.
Kim's fear and nervousness quickly melted away under the relentless assault of Wanda's fingers. Wanda's words and the vibrations coming from the vibrator, felt through the bed and air, caused her blissful state to return with full force. The feel of Wanda's bare leg draped across her own provided a stimulating, warming touch that she had seriously lacked before. Whimpering through her gag, Kim strained against her bonds, attempting to move closer to her captor.
Wanda continued to soothe Kim's emotions and arouse her obviously excited body with soft caresses and softly spoken words. "You are one of the most beautiful and intellectual women I have ever known. Ever since I first met you, my thoughts never strayed far from thinking about you. You know I would never do anything to you that you don't want but I truly believe you love being controlled," as a moaning Kim nodded in agreement. "I love the way your body trembles as I touch your skin. Your nipples are so appetizing," with this, Wanda leaned over to run the tip of her tongue over Kim's right nipple. Kim squealed in delight from this unexpected pleasure.
Continuing her attempts to conquer Kim's mind and body proved fruitful as Kim's gagged mouth produced a continuous stream of desperate moans and delightful whimpering. Wanda did nothing else for a time except to torment Kim's body with her hands, occasionally with her tongue, and kept Kim's thoughts in place by whispering soothing words into her ears. With her teasing reaching its crescendo, Wanda felt the time was ripe for her conquest. "Kim, I want you to be my slave," stated Wanda not as a question but as a demand!
Kim laid on her bed starring wide eyed at Wanda. Numbness settled across her body as Wanda's words sunk in. 'Slave,' that's what Wanda said, 'Slave!' 'No, this isn't right. She means too much to me and Lisa for this to happen. I can't! NO!' thought Kim. But the caressing felt so gooood! 'No, I must not think of myself! Lisa would not understand, she is Lisa's best friend!' But her hands! 'No! Lisa! John!' thought Kim, and with what seemed like the last of her will power shook her head no.
Wanda laid next to Kim as her fingers continued their wandering. She watched Kim's face as it seemed to mirror the internal struggles going through Kim's mind. Wanda knew the devotion Kim both showed and felt towards Lisa and John. So when Kim finally shook her head no, Wanda wasn't at all surprised.
In a kind and loving tone Wanda said, "You cannot fool me, I know more about you than you realize. I know you secretly love being teased by someone unexpectedly. Your love for John and Lisa is unparalleled, but I have known them far longer then you have and I deeply care for them as well. Please trust me on this."
Kim could only plead with her innocent looking eyes, while withering under the endless onslaught of Wanda's hands, as they continued their ever-so-soft roaming across Kim's shuddering body. Again, Wanda's hands approached Kim's mons, and again Kim's hips thrusted towards them desperately straining for release, and again Wanda's fingers lightly brushed against Kim's very neatly trimmed hairs to continue their journey. Whimpers of frustration erupted once again, the one place Kim desperately wanted attention was bypassed.
"You can not fool me," said Wanda. "I know you love what I am doing, its in your eyes and shows in your body. If you agree to be my slave, I promise, you will not be disappointed and best of all no one will be hurt, not Lisa, not John. If you're a good slave, you may be pleasantly surprised by some things." This time there was no answer from Kim as she lay there. "I am going to undo the gag, if you promise to be good," said Wanda as she reached behind Kim's nodding head to unbuckle the gag.
Kim liked the foam gag for the simple fact that the foam would fill her mouth making speech almost impossible without over stretching her jaw. Wetting her dried lips, she still felt grateful for the gag's removal. "Wanda, I just.."
"Shhhhhh," whispered Wanda, as she removed her leg from it's resting place on Kim's thigh and helped Kim to roll onto her side so the two beautiful women could face each other. Wanda slid her left arm under Kim's head so it would rest on her forearm, placing her left hand on Kim's back for further support. Wanda's right hand continued its teasing of Kim's body by lightly pinching her nipples. "Slaves do not talk unless spoken to."
"But Wanda I, " Kim started to say, but the sound of a firm smack followed by a startled "ooouch!" ended the sentence. Wanda had smacked Kim on her butt, hard enough to sting, but not to hard.
"I told you, slaves do not talk! Am I going to have to gag you again?" said Wanda.
"Wanda, I, OOOuch!!" This time the smack was harder.
"I do not wish to hurt you, but.." Wanda let this hang in the air for a few minutes. The room became quiet enough to hear a pin drop as the two stared at each other with bewitching lust. Wanda gently rolled Kim onto her back, sliding herself over until her body pressed tightly against Kim's. Her left arm slid a little further under Kim's head until she was able to bend her elbow and reach Kim's left nipple. At once, both left and right hands started pinching Kim's nipples, at the same time Wanda leaned over and kissed Kim on the lips.
A long, passionate kiss lasting an eternity as far as Kim knew, but she did not care as she hungrily kissed back. Her nipples being pinched and played with sent her into a quivering frenzy. No longer caring or thinking, her one thought and desire turned back to her denied orgasm. Straining with all her might against her bonds, Kim leaned towards Wanda for far more attention. Managing to roll onto her left side and looping her ankle chain around Wanda's foot, Kim wrapped her legs around Wanda's right leg, rubbing her aching mound into Wanda's leg.
Wand broke their kiss and smiled. "I think my pretty needs something more?" While running her right hand through Kim's hair.
Kim could only muster a breathless "Yesss!" As she attempted to continue their kissing.
"Will you be MINE?"
Wanda broke their embrace, reaching for and inserted a yellow ball gag into Kim's not so willing mouth. Kim wanted to scream no, she needed more than the one kiss, but all that came out was "mmmmph, mmph, mmmph!", as Wanda buckled the gag in place.
Wanda laid beside Kim, placing one hand under and slightly lifting Kim's head, as her other hand snaked in between Kim's legs and applied pressure in small circles to Kim's erogenous zone! "Kim, will you be my slave?!"
Tears of joy and aspiration rolled down her cheek, as a wave of sexual ecstasy swept through her body. All Kim could do was nod her head yes!
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