Summer Vacation
by Zeferage
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Part V
Naked, gagged, collared, wrists handcuffed behind her back and locked to a D-ring attached her belt, Kim was lead from her bedroom. A willing slave to Wanda, her new found mistress, who pulled on the leash attached to Kim's collar and like an obedient puppy she followed.
However bizarre the scene may seem to an unknowing person, Kim felt like a giddy teenager again. Being bound and naked while walking through the house always thrilled Kim. Now, being at the mercy of someone new with no idea of what the future had in store for her, sent shivers of excitement down her spine. Her groin ached for the slightest of touches. She could not deny the feelings coursing through her aroused body. Truth be told, she loved being dominated by another loving person. Everything that had happen over the past, what, maybe 30 minutes or so peaked at Kim's curiosity and excited her sexuality.
Wanda, though frustrated at her own lack of an orgasm, felt fantastic at having achieved her goal of seducing and acquiring Kim. For months now, Wanda would stay up late into the night dreaming of such possibilities, while watching Lisa squirm within her bounds. From what Lisa had told her, to her own reading of Kim's utmost private thoughts, Wanda knew Kim had an irresistible urge for bondage and she used this knowledge to ensnare her.
Out of the bedroom, down the hall and stairs, through the living room, kitchen, dinning room and back to the living room, Wanda led Kim on a self guided tour of the house. Like a triumphant conqueror marching her subdued foe through the streets of her city, Wanda could subconsciously hear the cheering crowds roaring with approval. However mighty and proud she felt, pangs of guilt did gnaw at the edge of her thoughts for the lies and half truths told, however minor they may be. She privately consoled herself that the truth will soon be revealed to all.
Tingling sensations continued to pulsate throughout her body, as Kim was forced to follow Wanda through the house. Knowing the house like the back of her hand, Kim paid scant attention to the passing furnishings. Instead Kim hypnotically stared at the perfect features of Wanda's behind as it swayed back and fourth, the tight fitting bikini bottom shapely defining the curves of Wanda's behind, keeping her mind in an erotic fog. Thoughts of those lean, tanned legs wrapped around her own bound body kept Kim in a very horny state.
So caught up in her erotic day dreaming that Kim failed to notice that Wanda had stopped. She walked right into Wanda, with a groan of surprise and embarrassment. Taking a step backwards, Kim glanced downward and grunted a, " I'm sorry ."
With a critical eye, Wanda glared at Kim. "This is no way for a slave to act. Now turn around," Wanda said not as a request but a demand.
Kim did what she was told and felt Wanda's hand deliver two painful smacks to each of her already sore butt cheeks. Kim let loose with a muffled yelp with each smack.
"Turn around and face me," Wanda said with her sweetly demanding voice.
Kim turned around to face Wanda, fearing not Wanda's wrath but her own emotional turmoil. 'Why did I let this younger woman take control of me? Why do I enjoy this so much?' Her questions continued to boil to the forefront of her mind in an almost relentless avalanche. Staring into Wanda's bright blue eyes as she turned around, it was like someone threw a switch, her mind became blank as all her thoughts were lost.
Those eyes emitted a wave of dominant sexual energy that melted away any of Kim's doubts and concerns. She knew what she wanted and loved, and this was it! Why no longer mattered, if it ever did?
Wanda, again, cradled Kim's head with her hands and stared deeply into Kim's eyes. Speaking very softly, "Kim, I have not been totally truthful with everything I've said. But you do know my true feelings about you and Lisa. All I really need to know at this moment is that whatever may happen over the next few minutes, however you may initially feel, is that you trust me with all of your heart and that you will do as I say regardless of your feelings?"
Kim continued to stare deep into Wanda's eyes, intently listening to every word being said. Kim thought, 'What exactly was she getting at? Why are we standing here talking about trust? Didn't what just happened count? Is she planning on taking me outside?' The thought of going outside made her shudder a bit out of both fear and excitement. 'God, I haven't felt like this since college!'
Patiently waiting while Kim thought about this, Wanda thought about her own problems. 'What if Kim and Lisa are not ready for this? What if Kim or Lisa refuses to cooperate? What if I cannot pull this off? What if John comes home?' The 'what ifs' kept coming, like anyone else right before a big exam, but deep down Wanda already knew the answers.
Both Wanda and Kim continued to stare at each other but not really looking at each other. Each lost to their own personal thoughts. So when the grandfather clock struck on the hour, the 'dong', though not loud, resonated through the room startling both women.
Kim glanced towards her grandfather clock and was shocked to see the time said 6:00, in the evening. She had been in bondage for nearly two hours! Glancing back at Wanda, Kim attempted to say, "I think its time to stop," but all that was heard were a few indecipherable moans.
Wanda repeated her question, "Will you trust me with whatever happens?"
Kim starred at Wanda. ' Was she meaning to keep me like this until Lisa comes home? Or does she have something else in mind?' With so much going through her mind and not truly understanding what was going on, Kim lethargically nodded yes.
Wanda gave Kim a warm, friendly smile. "You will not regret anything," Wanda said as she turned around and led Kim downstairs.
Kim, who had not realize they were standing in front of the stairs leading down to the basement, willingly followed with innocent curiosity. But the sight which greeted her at the bottom of the stairs was anything but innocent. Standing in front of her wide, shocked eyes stood a bound and naked Lisa!
So surprising was the sight before Kim, of seeing Lisa, that her mind emptied of almost all her previous misconceptions. She was expecting almost anything, but not in a million years would she have ever guessed this. Kim just stood there stunned, trying to fathom the highly arousing sight that stood before her.
The way the rope wrapped and cinched around Lisa's wrists seem neat and expertly done. The rope pulled her arms upwards, through a hook in the ceiling and came back down behind her, to be seen again as a tight crotch rope. A vibrator was tied to but not touching her most sensitive area, which was very neatly trimmed to the point of being almost bald. Her shapely legs spread further apart the closer you came to her ankles, which were bound three feet apart by a spreader bar.
Slowly, Kim's mind began to register the thoughts collecting in her mind. Her first thoughts were not about such things as this is wrong or I must stop this. No, her first thoughts about this awe inspiring sight before her consisted of how beautiful and content Lisa looked. The long sensual moans Lisa made, along with the slight twists her body made to connect with its devil, took this erotic scene to a place Kim had not felt in quite some time. The sexual highs of a few minutes ago paled in comparison to this forgotten feeling
Not an orgasmic feeling but a much finer feeling. A feeling not easily defined because such an assortment of emotions were involved; a mixture of erotic love, beauty, bondage, naughtiness, and of watching the desperation in Lisa's body for her want of an orgasm. A definition best described as: when you see and feel it, you just know.
Kim stood there, near the base of the stairs, stirring in her own juices, absorbing the sight before her. Her own need for an orgasm began quickly to gain momentum. Kim briefly thought of her college days when she and her close friends shared their passion for bondage and adventurous fun together. Unconsciously, her legs started to rub together, her hands just managing to reach her upper butt cheeks and squeezed, producing her own lustful moan.
Wanda had been standing to the side not wanting to interfere with Kim's emotions and thoughts. Watching and waiting for the right moment to further seduce Kim and complete their triangle of submission. Wanda not only wanted Kim and Lisa as her slaves, not the thoughtless, mindless, obedient slaves one may think off when the word slave is heard but rather fun-loving, thoughtful, submissiveness slaves who want to enjoy a good time, but she also wanted her own bit of torturous satisfaction as well. Unknown to Kim, Wanda, who loved being dominate, also harbored a submissive side as well.
Wanda heard a soft moan come from Kim and smiled to herself, she knew her time was now. Stepping over to stand beside Kim, so their bodies rubbed together, Wanda gently caressed Kim's cheek and spoke softly into her ear. "I told you, you would not be disappointed. I know of your lust for watching erotically bound women, withering within their captivity and I dare say that Lisa clearly fits the bill. I know of your lust for being bound and dominated, how else could I have so easily seduced you?"
Kim stared at Wanda, her mistress, with a new sense of wonder. 'But how does she now about me and my passion? Obviously, she's not telling me everything. There must be more!' Kim wanted to ask Wanda just how and what she knew, but being gagged proved to be a big problem as her words were mumbled. As the frustration mounted, both of her lack of communication and her need to know, a realization struck home like a thunder bolt of lightening, that this whole sequence of events had to be planned!
So obvious was this realization that Kim stood there totally stunned. For several very long seconds she tried to collect her thoughts as this earth shattering fact rumbled through her brain. How oblivious had she been to all the tiny clues laid before her over the past two days? All the little hints of bondage or mistress or spanking that Kim, who had liked to think of it as real, treated it as a game between them. But the facts were unmistakable now, from their previous talks to the girl's use of the ceiling hook to using Kim's own spreader bar, and as the truth dawned upon her, her need for some explanations elicited a steady string of unintelligible grunts, grumbles and whines from Kim.
Watching Kim, Wanda lifted an eyebrow, smiled and placed her hand over Kim's mouth. "Shhhhh. You know I can't understand what you're saying, but you sound so cute," giggling out loud as she pinched Kim on the cheek. Continuing in a soft whisper, "Now quiet down, you will understand everything in due time. I asked you to trust me, so please do so."
Kim nodded her head in agreement, she needed to know everything. Besides, being bound and gagged she could do little else.
Wanda whispered, "Good." Setting the gym bag, full of bondage toys, down she retrieved the keys to the handcuffs. Standing up, she looked Kim into her eyes and said, "I am going to untie you. Do not un-gag yourself and do what I say, agree?"
Again, Kim nodded her head in agreement.
Wanda stepped behind Kim and unlocked the handcuffs. Reaching around Kim's waist Wanda undid the Kim's belt, gently placing the belt and handcuffs down so not to make much noise as Kim stretched her arms and shoulders. Wanda rechecked Kim's breast bondage, whose breasts bulged slightly due to the squeezing ropes wrapped around her chest, making sure the ropes were not too tight.
Satisfied, she bent down to retrieve a length of rope, about 8 feet in length. Doubling it over she wrapped the rope around Kim's waist. She pulled the rope ends through the doubled over end and tightened, adjusting the knot so it would be in the middle of Kim's lower back. Next, she pulled the rope tightly down through Kim's butt cheeks, but instead of completing a traditional crotch tie, she separated the two rope ends and brought them up on either side of Kim's crotch, squeezing the sensitive nerve endings of her labia together. Bringing the rope up, looping it over the waist rope and tying a knot, Wanda brought the remaining rope back down to just above Kim's crotch and threaded the ropes around the crotch rope and pulled, tightening the crotch tie even more, to were only the tip of Kim's clitoris poked through. Knotting the rope, Wanda neatly tucked the loose ropes ends away.
Kim watched Wanda's handiwork with a bit of intrigue. At first wondering what Wanda was up to, then wondering just what it meant. Kim moved a little after Wanda was done and found that the slight pressure exerted inward did not press directly on her sexuality, but pressed the folds of her skin down upon her erogenous zone. With her moist skin rubbing against itself, Kim found this very pleasurable and moaned with delight.
Wanda smiled, picked up an assortment of ropes of different lengths and with a sideward turn of her head she whispered "Come," and led Kim to an average-looking chair.
The chair had four legs with wheels so it could easily be moved, five dowels supporting a low back, an arm rest for each arm, but what made the chair so special was the middle of the seat could be removed to give full access to a person's genitals. Kim felt a shudder course through her body as she briefly thought back to the number of times John had tied her to this very same chair. Leaving her to squirm and moan in sexual frustration as he ignored her and practiced his pool playing abilities. Kim briefly wondered if Wanda discovered this secret?
Pointing, she had Kim sit on the chair. Spreading Kim's legs wide, Wanda placed each leg over an arm rest of the chair and tied Kim's knees in place. Wanda took two more strands of rope and tied each ankle to the corresponding front chair leg. Next, Wanda brought Kim's left arm and shoulder over top of the low back and down the side of the chair towards its rear leg. Picking up another length of rope, she secured Kim's left wrist to the left rear chair leg by snugly wrapping the rope around Kim's wrist and chair leg five times then cinching it.
As her body was slowly being bound to the chair, Kim's eyes never left Lisa's withering body. The sexual sight of a naked Lisa, tied up and highly aroused, in front of her while her own body was being placed into tight, inescapable bondage was highly stimulating. But what excited Kim most about the sight were the continuous ever-so small movements by Lisa in her attempts to reach her own zenith, causing her own lustful pendulum to swing back towards the long overdue orgasm Kim was denied before.
Picking up another length of rope, Wanda doubled this over and tied the first portion of this rope around Kim's wrist. In small, tight circles starting just above Kim's wrist, Wanda took the remaining rope and encircled Kim's arm, up her forearm to just above Kim's elbow, fully securing Kim's arm to the chair. Picking up two more lengths of rope, Wanda repeated the process to Kim's right arm. Finally, Wanda added more rope around Kim's chest, waist and thighs so Kim would be unable to lift herself off the chair.
Satisfied Kim was firmly bound to the chair, Wanda stood up, leaned over and tenderly kissed Kim along the soft skin of her neck. Wanda's arms encircled Kim's chest and toyed with Kim's breasts. Wanda's hands gently roamed over Kim's luscious breasts as her fingers lightly pinched and pulled Kim's sensitive nipples.
Already highly aroused from staring at Lisa's sexual torture, Wanda's electrifying touch adding that bit more stimulus, plus the added bonus of herself being bound and gagged, sent Kim's own sexual appetite surging. Within seconds Kim's nipples were rock solid as soft moans emanated from within. Kim tilted her head, giving Wanda unrestricted access to her sensitive neck.
Inwardly, Wanda smiled at Kim's uncontrollable urge for satisfaction. Her manipulation of Kim's body was masterful and she knew it. Wanda let her right hand snake down Kim's stomach towards her crotch, were her hand found the tip of Kim's clitoris and very softly rubbed the tips of her fingers over and around it.
Closing her eyes, Kim slowly inhaled deeply as the variety of sensations marched her towards her much needed and anticipated climax. Slowly exhaling, a different, new, sensation poked its way into her thoughts. The ropes around her pussy were acting as a type of clamp allowing the heat and moisture to slowly build up within her without release. She could feel the ropes press inwards but not against the area she most desired for. Her hips tried to move but the ropes held, but instead of this being unfulfilling, the combined sensations drove her crazy with lust.
But when the soft touch of Wanda's finger applied itself to the tip of Kim's over reactive clitoris, Kim's excitability shot through the roof! Her desperate need for that denied orgasm consumed her, irrelevant were all other needs and concerns. No longer able to control herself, an inelegant but strong grunt resounded from deep within as Kim attempted to impale herself onto Wanda's finger, her hips thrusting upwards as her legs closed around Wanda's arm.
At least this is what Kim wanted to do, but her bindings had a different agenda. Bucking and squirming for all she's worth, Kim tried to break the ropes confining her to the chair and impale herself on that finger but the ropes held fast against her ravenous appetite for an orgasm. All Kim succeeded in doing was to allow the chair to make its own groaning noise against her relentless assault.
Just as quickly as Wanda's fingers and lips assailed Kim's body, they were gone. Kim attempted to scream, "NOOOOO!" but all that came out was a very muffled, "mmmmph."
Wanda's smile was as large as the Grand Canyon. A part of her felt sorry for Kim but she knew Kim was having the time of her life. Standing up, Wanda, extremely thankful for the wheels being quiet, pushed the chair until they were about five feet in front of Lisa.
Close-up, Kim could easily tell how excited Lisa was; her unsteady breathing, the way her skin glistened against the low light, continuous low moans and the tell tale smell of an aroused woman were all very evident. Kim did not know who she felt more sorry for, for lack of an orgasm, herself or Lisa.
Wanda bent down and kissed Kim on her check while lightly pinching her nipples, Whispering into Kim's ear "Listen up and many of your questions will be answered," Wanda stood up.
Extremely frustrated, Kim watched helplessly as a smiling Wanda walked behind Lisa.
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