by Zeferage
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Part VI
Pulling on the rope encircling and lifting her wrists overhead for the umpteenth time, Lisa knew she was to thoroughly tied to escape, even if she wanted to. For almost two full years now, her and Wanda had been practicing bondage games and during those two years they had both become very proficient at their bondage. Each greatly enjoying the pleasures of both dominant and submissive roles, though Wanda had a much better flair at being dominant.
So naked and helplessly bound, Lisa could only stand there, sexually simmering under the relentless teasing vibrator. Pressure from the crotch rope buried deep within her only fuelled her flames of desire. Her feeble attempts at creating any friction from the crotch rope or coming into contact with the vibrator where utterly useless. The more Lisa struggled, the greater her feelings of vulnerability which in turn increased her sexual tension causing her to struggle more to bring relieve, and in an seemingly endless circle, the cycle continued.
The undeniable consequence of Wanda's actions, the bondage and teasing, and her own struggling kept her teetering at the edge of fulfillment. To Lisa, her love of this teetering was almost an addiction in itself. A quick fulfillment to her lust would, at times, seem like a huge disappointment to her innermost desire. It was this very denial for a quick orgasm that gave her some of the best earth shattering moments of her young life.
In fact the longer she stayed hot and helpless, the greater her gratification would be at the end. Sometimes her need would be so great that she would need a long row of heart stopping orgasms to cure her animalistic hunger. To date, the longest stretch of heart stopping orgasms she had ever needed topped out at eleven, followed by a good night's rest.
Her perception of all the different elements directing her down that lustful road became paramount in her thinking. Lisa could feel each strand of rope as it wrapped around her wrists and waist. Her nipples throbbed, agonizingly at full attention, aching to be touched. Inhaling as deeply as her predicament allowed and thrusting her chest forward simply intensified her aching need. She felt her saliva dripping, from around her gag, onto her chest. Only her toes, besides her fingers, could she really move and as she curled them this reminded her of her trapped ankles, keeping her sex wide open and available, further intensifying her growing craving. Blindfolded, she could not see her moist body glistening to the ambient light as it struck her body, but she has seen pictures of herself from previous bondage games to prove how seductive and enchanting she looked.
Slowly but steadily, as time marched on, frustration mounted from her lack of progress towards an orgasm. Her animalistic hunger for a desperately needed orgasm, which could not be quenched in her current predicament without help, grew in leaps and bounds. Regardless of her resolve to prolong their game, she knew that soon she would be begging Wanda for an orgasm! Promising to do anything Wanda wanted, for her own little piece of total bliss, and this is where the fun really begins!
Lisa could feel her body begging for an end to its torture. Fatigue was a problem, she knew she had been tied for some time but not exactly how long. Not to mention that Wanda had kept her up most of the night before, continually teasing her sex starved body to the brink of an orgasm then abruptly stopping. But regardless of the time or fatigue, her lustful hunger would not subside but slowly increased the longer she remained captive.
Unconsciously her hips gyrated to their own beat as soft moans of pleasure continued to emanate from within. Lisa knew her time for self control had come and gone. Her pleading whimpers went unheeded from her lover, No soft touches, No licks of a tongue, not even a pinch of her nipple or a slap on her butt, Nothing. Nothing! Where was Wanda? Lisa felt herself slipping down that wanton slope, fast. With no bottom in sight, how far would she go?
She did not know nor cared at this point. The only fact the concerned her was that Wanda was not by her side. ' I'll bet she's sitting in a chair watching my torment, as she uses a vibrator on herself,' Lisa thought. The thought of Wanda sitting and doing nothing but using a vibrator on herself, lent fresh energy to her frantic struggles.
As much as her sexual feelings were towards bondage and struggling, a more basic biological fact became evident. With her mouth filled with a large gag, her nose could only supply a limited amount of oxygen to her lungs and her body. Slowly, her frantic struggles began to ebb as her oxygen depleted muscles could no longer carry on.
As her uncontrollable struggles slowed, Lisa's sexual thoughts turned away from her helplessly lustful dilemma and onto the only path her tired body could allow. In her hypoxic state, her imagination blended her thoughts of fantasy and reality until they became one.
Lisa could vividly remember all those adventures she shared with Wanda, where either one or both of them ending up helplessly tied and sexually tortured. Several of those escapades were more daring and dramatic than the others and these came as powerful bursts of spiritual energy to her tired body and mind. But one of the most provocative and latest adventures they shared occurred near the end of this past spring semester.
It had started one evening with Lisa and Wanda going to a local bar for a party but soon became bored and left to go home. Upon arriving back at their dorm room, Wanda challenged Lisa to play a game of bondage poker with the loser agreeing to do whatever the winner said the next day.
(For those dear readers not familiar with this game, it is quite simple; its played like strip poker but when one loses their clothing, articles of bondage are then applied. First person, or people depending on how you are playing, to be tied, gagged and blindfolded loses. The blindfold is applied last.)
Kim thought she was doing pretty well. In fact, she was so sure of victory she started taunting Wanda as to what would happen the next day. Kim had good reason to feel this way, she had Wanda naked with her ankles cuffed together by a large pair of handcuffs and gagged, when bad luck struck. Kim lost the next five hands, forcing her to strip completely, followed by applying cuffs her ankles, then gagging herself with a small ball gag, and lastly handcuffing her wrists together, in front.
Kim couldn't believe this turn of events. One more hand and she would lose! Wanda sat in the chair across from her, giggling through her gag. Fortunately for Lisa, Wanda lost the next hand forcing her to handcuff herself. This forced the final do-or-die hand.
Both women had tried to concentrate their minds on the card game. But the small amount of alcohol consumed earlier had gone straight to their loins resulting in the fact that neither girl could stop staring at the other with lustful desires. Now, each girl's nakedness and helplessness only served to stir their infatuation towards each other.
Playing cards with cuffed hands is not easy but Kim managed to deal the next, and last, round without much of a problem. A couple of the cards were accidentally turned over, but this game was not about money but sexual gratification, so neither one cared. Each girl stared over top their cards at each other, thinking the same thought, win or lose I win.
After discarding their unwanted cards and re-dealing, Kim smiled as much as her gag would allow. She laid her cards down, face up, which showed three aces. Kim reached for the one blindfold on the table and stood up to place the blindfold on her prize only to notice Wanda sitting there with a smile of her own showing around her gag. Wanda revealed her cards to show a full house. Slumping her head, Kim thought, ' No freaking way,' as Wanda tried to pump her arm up and down in a victory celebration.
Standing up, Wanda made her way, slowly and carefully, around the table to Lisa. Lifting her cuffed arms over and around Lisa, Wanda gave her a loving hug. Lisa attempted to place her arms around Wanda but being cuffed as well, she could only bring her right arm so far back has her left arm was forced to follow. The two nude friends stayed in the comforts of each other's arms for many minutes.
Breaking their embrace, Wanda lifted her arms from around Lisa, brought her fingers under Lisa's chin and lifted slightly until their eyes met. They had used small ball gags so their lips went almost completely around their gags. Wanda leaned forwards until their lips and gags met in an cumbersome but passionate kiss. Straightening her back, Wanda took the blindfold from Lisa's fingers and applied it over Lisa's eyes.
Wanda then led Lisa to Lisa's bed, picking up the handcuff key as they past the desk where it was placed. Unlocking her own cuffs, Wanda picked up some rope, laid Lisa, face up, on the bed and tied her ankle and wrist cuffs to their respective ends of the bed. For many hours into the night, Wanda played with Lisa's body, from tickling her to teasing her with a vibrator. Wanda enjoyed several good orgasms while giving a near hysterical Lisa a small orgasm at the end, for being a good sporting slave, before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Wanda finally untied Lisa so they could wash up and get ready for the coming day. For Wanda today was perfect. She had one lecture this morning to attend and since Lisa did not have any classes, she would accompany Wanda to class. Actually, ever since Wanda started attending this lecture, particularly the classroom, she had planned and waited for the perfect opportunity for Lisa to come with her. Thoughts of Lisa becoming the star attraction were too tantalizing to ignore. Wanda always had a devious mind and was constantly thinking about new ideas of pushing their excitement for lustful helplessness to new levels.
Wanda had Kim dress in some very provocative lingerie: an half-inch width black leather collar, Kim's own leather corset with garters and 1/4 cup which pushed her breasts up and left her nipples exposed, a pair of black thong panties which were one size to small, for a very snug fit, and had a small dildo stitched into place with some mini bumps over where her clit would be, jet black stockings and a pair of thigh high, black boots with a three inch heel and lacing up the side. Over this, Kim put on a some very conservative clothing to hide the enchanting intimates; a turtle neck sweater and an ankle length skirt.
While Lisa was putting on her clothing, Wanda was also getting ready, when she was able to. She had to keep barking commands at Lisa to get ready and not to play with herself. Wanda knew Lisa was still in a very horny state and did not want to give her any opportunity to pleasure herself. After dressing, in addition to her notepad and book, Wanda placed a gag and ropes into her backpack and a little box with some dials on it into her jacket pocket.
After putting on their finishing touches of makeup, they headed of to breakfast. Lisa had butterflies dancing around her stomach as the two of them walked across campus to the cafeteria, stood in line, then finding a vacant table, one in a back out-of-the-way corner. Being incredibly horny was one thing but marching around campus knowing what she had on underneath was an entirely different matter.
To make matters worse, every time she moved the wool sweater would rub over her sensitive nipples sending not-so-tiny quivers of excitement surging through her body. With every step the dildo inside her would make a very distracting move causing further erotic pleasures for her overloaded mind to handle. So by the time they sat down, Lisa was so wound up from fright and lust, that when their close friend Stacey put a hand on Lisa's shoulder to say hello, Lisa almost hit the roof!
(Wanda and Lisa had met Stacey early in their freshmen year at college. Between living in the same dorm and all three being on the long distance track team, they quickly became close friends, even sharing many of bondage experiences together, but that is another story.)
"Relax girl! Its just me," Stacey said.
"I'm ok, just my nerves."
"What's wrong?" Lowering her voice to a whisper, Stacey continued, "You being punished for something?"
"No Stacey. She lost a bet and is now suffering the consequences," Wanda replied, not even trying to suppress a her huge grin.
"Really? Do tell!" Stacey said in an excited whisper.
Nodding her head, Wanda pulled out a chair, next to her, from underneath the table and patted the seat, telling Stacey, "Sit and learn." Stacey quickly sat down, next to Wanda, with Lisa sitting across the table from them. Wanda related what happened last night and so far this morning. "And best of all, she doesn't even know about the special feature yet."
"What special feature?" Stacey and Lisa said at the same time.
Wanda pulled out of her pocket the little black box with dials on it. Keeping it beneath the table so Lisa could not see, "I bought this a couple of weeks ago and have been dying to try it out on Lisa."
"What is it," asked Stacey as Lisa half-stood up, trying to peek over the table to see what Wanda was holding.
"Ok, I was holding this as a surprise until later. But I guess I'll show you now." With this, Wanda flipped the switch, on the side of the box, to the on position and turned the one knob from zero to three, with three very soft clicks.
Stacey stared at the box for several seconds, waiting for...something? "Uhhh, I don't get it? What does it do?" Stacey asked, glancing up at Wanda. But Wanda was not looking at Stacey nor the box, her eyes were fixed onto something else as her grin broaden to a beaming smile. Stacey followed Wanda's stare to see Lisa sitting at the edge of her chair, mouth slightly opened, eyes seemingly unfocused as if lost in a trance.
Lisa knew precisely what the box did as soon as Wanda turned the knob. Not from any sound, but from the instantaneous vibrations she felt coming from within her. Quickly, Lisa sat back down, holding onto the table for what seemed like dear life as her lust filled desire, unquenched from last night, urgently returned in full force. Her train of thought gradually lost awareness of the happenings around her, the one thought filling her mind was her much needed orgasm, as her mounting sexual desire very quickly gained momentum. As her desperation for her orgasm mounted, her thoughts encountered strict resistance from her subconscious mind silently reminding her about not letting anyone around know what was happening to her. She would absolutely die of embarrassment if the whole school found out that not only was she wearing very kinky undergarments with a built in dildo, but a vibrating dildo at that!
Thoughts of enduring the humiliation, of her dropping to the floor in a screaming orgasm, barely kept her sane enough to remain rooted to her seat. She feared any excessive movement would stimulate her body enough to cause an earth shattering orgasm. Not the she would mind that, her body was near its begging point for them to either stop or to get it over with, but it still came down to that humiliation factor.
On and off the vibrator went as Lisa was forced to remain invisibly bounded to her chair for many long, torturous, minutes as Wanda and Stacey played with the remote control. She discovered, during this time, that not only does the dildo vibrate but it also wiggled and the little bumps sitting over top of her clitoris vibrated as well. All this combined to place Lisa in such a sexual fog that she became unaware of all events occurring around her. Her arousal from the continuous sexual stimulation started overwhelming her sense of total humiliation. Just as she was about to take that plunge into sexual heaven, the vibrations stopped and did not restart.
Lisa remained in her chair, eyes closed, whimpering, for several more minutes. Her body and mind slowly regained their composure. Her senses restarted their awareness of her surroundings, she became aware of the seat, a slight breeze and of talking. Finally, Lisa opened her eyes to see Wanda and Stacey sitting across from her, both grinning.
Wanda watched Lisa for a few more seconds before turning her head towards Stacey, "SO, what do you think?"
Stacey sat there intently watching Lisa slowly come down from her near orgasmic experience. Stacey was stunned into silence, from both jealousy and envy. Finally, getting her own thoughts straightened out, "Can I try it?"
"Try what? Wearing it or controlling her?" Wanda asked in return.
"Both!" Stacey replied enthusiastically.
"Sorry. I only have the one pair. But maybe later, we'll let you play, if your good," Wanda said, smiling. "Anyway, we have to get going. We have a class to get to."
"Ok, I guess," Stacey said with a pouting voice. "I guess I should go to my class as well. I'll see you guys later."
Wanda looked over at Lisa, "Are you ready?"
Lisa was still in a place of reverence and still not totally aware of what was happening. She lazily glanced at Wanda, "Huh?"
"Come on, time to wake up. We have things to do." Wanda got up and brought their half finished trays to the return table. Walking back to Lisa, "Are you ready?"
Lisa looked up and nodded her head. Her strength and composure had not yet fully returned so she needed help from Wanda standing up. Walking proved to be difficult as well, as she was a little unsteady on her feet at first and had lean on Wanda her support. Lisa was constantly reminded of the little intruder within her, with every step the dildo moved slightly. The wool sweater proved just as big of a distraction as it brushed over her swollen nipples.
Otherwise, the walk proved mostly uneventful. Several of their friends had stopped to ask if every thing was ok. Wanda would cover for Lisa by saying, "Every thing is fine, she's just feeling a little sick."
Finally, to what seem to Lisa felt more like a cross country hike, they made it to the lecture hall. Lisa had never been to this particular lecture hall before. It was like a small amphitheatre with the capacity to hold three hundred or more people. The stage was about ten feet in depth and about thirty feet across, had a ten foot high projection screen in the back with curtains to either side and a small pedestal near the front left of the stage. No one else was present, yet.
Wanda placed her purse, Lisa did not bring one, on one of the seats towards the front right and led Lisa to the stage. Stepping onto the stage, Wanda led Lisa behind the curtain on the right side. Lisa was surprised to see all sorts of stuff back here.
Wanda noticed Lisa looking around, "They practice and occasionally perform small plays here, this stuff is for the current production. Now quickly, take off your skirt and sweater."
Lisa, feeling very self conscious, grudgingly stripped off her outer clothing, placing them onto a nearby chair.
Wanda directed her towards the rear wall, just a couple of steps away. Placing her knapsack on the floor, Wanda reached in and took out two lengths of rope. Standing up, she turned towards Lisa and said, "Back against the wall."
Lisa turned around and leaned her back against the wall. Wanda wrapped and tied off one of the lengths of rope snugly around Lisa's right wrist and brought the rope up to a hook in the wall, outside of Lisa's reach, and tied it off. Wanda tied Lisa's left wrist the same way and tied this wrist to a hook to the left, again outside her reach. Reaching back into her knapsack, Wanda withdrew a penis type gag. The penis is two inches in length and an inch and a half in width with a hole running the entire length for extra breathing. "Open up," Wanda said as she inserted the gag into Lisa's mouth and buckled it behind her head.
"This is the deal. The professor will be standing about fifteen feet away, talking to a room full of students Here you are in very kinky lingerie, a dildo in your mouth and cunt, helplessly bound and nothing but a one-eighth inch thick curtain separating you from them. Have fun! Oh, by the way, I wouldn't make to much noise if I were you," laughed Wanda as she walked away.
Lisa was at least grateful she could lean against the wall for support. She thought about why she let herself be placed into this predicament, because a bet was a bet. Besides she trusted Wanda completely and knew Wanda must think that this was reasonably safe, even though the thrill of the unknown was still there.
She also wondered why Wanda had not tied her feet? She thought about this and other problems for a few minutes, until she started hearing voices, then many voices, soon lots of voices. Soon, it seemed to her, the entire room was filled with people.
At first, Lisa felt unquestionably terrified. She could see, with some difficulty, through the curtain all the people walking around, though she could not identify anyone, and wondered how long it would take before someone looked through the curtain and saw her. This anxiety feed not only her fears of humiliation but also her sexual fantasy as well. Soon, with her sex heating up, she was prancing in place, longing for an orgasm, and realized the reason for her free ankles. This actually made her feel very vulnerable, and vastly increased her horniness.
Soon the lecture began and the professor seemed to make it exciting for his students who volunteered to be here. But for Lisa, the talking seem to roll on and on and she quickly became bored with the lecture, even her sexual hunger started to abate when she realized no one would be able to see her through the curtain. This was short lived since suddenly the vibrator started humming and twirling again. This last for about 30 seconds and abruptly stopped. After a minute or so, the vibrator started again, and again, and again. Each time the vibrator stayed on for a short period of time, just enough time to get Lisa terribly sexually frustrated.
Knowing she was on stage, in front of all those people, being sexually teased, and like a puppet, unable to control herself, rapidly increased Lisa's appetite for orgasmic release like never before. Every now and then, in her struggles, she thought she brought her foot down hard enough to be heard by the professor, who stopped talking. She stood there for several long seconds, she thought her heart pounding alone was loud enough for everyone to hear, before the professor would start talking again. This went on for the rest of the class.
But now, here she was standing in her parents basement, nude, helplessly bound and blindfolded, daydreaming about this event. The more she thought about this past event, the more she could feel her love juices flowing freely, moistening the devilish vibrator below.
Deeper and deeper her imagination carried her until she was one, within her mind, with her fantasy. She could easily imagine the curtain being, ever so slowly, drawn back, revealing herself for all to see. With each passing link, she could feel hot-flashes rush through her electrified body.
Her imagination completely took control of her thoughts, manipulating her body to the brink of her ecstasy. So consuming was her dreaming that Lisa failed to notice all the tiny noises coming from across the basement room.
She could feel her body building for that all-consuming orgasm, which her whole audience would gleefully witness! The edge of the curtain was almost in front of her but now, instead of black the curtain started changing colors as if fireworks were going off in front of her eyes, her breathing had become ragged, as her toes curled and fingers clenched. As her all-consuming reward started surging through her highly anticipating body, two painful slaps across her bare buttocks broke her concentration.
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