By slave ruthie
Her mum was crying again - she hadn't really stopped for weeks. Julie cried less now but she still felt so empty inside. Why had Nikki done it? Why had she run away like that without telling her? Julie shared everything with her big sister - they were only a year apart and ever since their dad had left when they were little, they stuck together. Some people even think we're twins, she remembered sadly. Nikki had left all her stuff. Not even a letter or a phone call. The police officer said she'd emptied her card account on the day she left but that wasn't like Nikki. Nikki and she were saving together in that account to buy their mum a special 40 th birthday present but the only present that mattered now was for Nikki to come home! The police officer had been very kind but asked all sorts of questions about Nikki - private questions, stuff about her health and if she had a boyfriend. Julie felt guilty for getting angry with him but her sister was only just 16 when she left and no, she didn't have a boyfriend. He wanted to know all about her too but she couldn't understand how that would help. He had said she was pretty just like her big sister. Nikki used to say that she wasn't the pretty one and Julie had all the looks but that wasn't true - Nikki was always getting looks off the boys but she was too shy like her younger sister…
Julie kept trying Nikki's mobile number but it never answered. She even tried to text her but nothing came back. Until one day, on the way home from school, her mobile bleeped. One message - she nearly dropped the phone in the street! "meet top car pk miller st now dont tell not even mum". Julie panicked. She wanted to phone her mum, to get her but what if Nikki ran away again. She dashed across the road and reached the bottom of the car park. Why here? The lift was broken! She raced up the stairs to the top floor and burst through the door. There was no sign of Nikki. Only a dark van nearby with the engine running - was Nikki in there? She didn't feel safe but if her sister was here…
As soon as she was close enough to the back doors, they pounced. Two men wearing masks suddenly grabbed her arms and hair. She cried out but a ball on straps was being forced in her mouth! Julie fought and kicked out desperately as the straps were fastened behind her head. Her arms were jerked behind her back and pinned with handcuffs. They were holding her legs together - more cuffs went round her ankles! She was being dragged towards the back of the van - her school bag was thrown inside. As she was pulled inside the vehicle, a black hood was roughly pulled down over her head. She heard the doors slamming. They were holding her down, forcing her to lie face down on the floor! The van roared off and she tried to pull loose. There was a sharp stabbing pain in her left buttock! Moments later, she began to feel very dizzy, very tired. Her heart was racing with fear but her arms and legs felt so heavy. The sounds of the engine seemed like down a tunnel. She was so sleepy, so sle…
…What? What was wrong? Her mouth tasted awful - something in her mouth! Why were her hands stuck - her legs too! Oh my head - I feel so dizzy, so sore, she thought, trying to make sense of what was happening. I must be in hospital, I must have had an operation - yes, I've had anesthetic…but why is the bed so hard? Julie's eyes flickered and she blinked rapidly to clear the film over her vision. The hospital room swam into view - it wasn't a ward! She gasped and stared wildly around - no furniture, no bed, no windows, nothing but stone walls and a big metal door! She was lying on the ground. Her ankles were still cuffed together but these were different - wider and heavier! She desperately felt with her hands behind her back - big thick metal cuffs! Julie burst into anguished tears and tried to spit the round thing out of her mouth but it was tied in! Something hard was round her neck. She tilted her head from side to side and whatever it was pressed against her chin - a collar?! She was half-dressed - where were her socks and shoes, her jacket, and her school stuff? All she had on was her school skirt and blouse. She tried to get up but fell back. Rolling on her tummy, she struggled up on her knees and steadied herself against the wall while she got to her feet. Her ankles were locked so close together that she could only take tiny steps! Somehow, she hopped across to the metal door. There was no handle and no keyhole. She was trapped! Julie stumbled aimlessly around the bare room. She was bursting for the toilet too. There was a drain in the corner - she HAD to go or wet herself! Somehow she managed to pull her panties down to her knees and squatted with her skirt up. It burned when she peed - she hadn't been for ages. But how long? Julie was hungry and thirsty. She eventually got her knickers up and hobbled back to the door. Almost too frightened to make a noise, she began to whimper past the gag. "Hlp! Plsss Hlp! Plsss!"
There was a noise - the door was opening! Julie shrank back in fear at the sight - two men were coming in! They weren't dressed, nearly naked except for tiny leather briefs and black masks! Before she could react, they caught her and half-lifted, half-dragged her out of the room. Julie struggled desperately as strong hands gripped her body - they were touching her breasts! More hands were on her buttocks and down below! It was dreadful! She was being taken into another room. It was bigger and had a chain hanging down from the ceiling. They made her stand under the chain and held her arms tightly while her left wrist was briefly freed from the cuff. She tried to pull loose but her hands were forced together in front of her tummy. They were cuffing her left wrist again! When her arms were forced above her head, she knew they were locking her up to the chain by the cuffs - she would be stuck in the middle of the room! There was a sickening sound of clicking. Her hands were being pulled higher until she was forced to stand on tiptoe to stop it hurting her wrists.
She screamed at the sight of the knives. They were stripping her - the buttons of her white blouse were cut off and the sleeves were being ripped open! Her school tie was next - slackened then cut through at the neck. She was helpless to stop them and stood shaking in terror. One of them was unfastening her bra at the back - he was slitting the shoulder straps! With a shriek, she felt the sudden cold on her breasts as she was left naked from the waist up. There was a hand behind her back then she felt the zip on her gray school skirt opening! Moments later, the skirt fell down around her feet but was pulled away. Julie hung there, quivering in her last remaining clothing - a pair of pale blue cotton panties. She felt fingers hooking through the sides! Very slowly, cruelly, the panties were peeled down her hips until her buttocks were exposed. They were slid further down until her pussy was revealed. She reddened with shame as their hands explored her body.
One of the men took pleasure in running his fingers lightly all over her back, arms, shoulders, and legs from behind, sending shivers up her spine. The other started to fondle her small breasts, gently pinching her nipples! His hand slid down her front - NO! She jumped as he pushed his hand under her body and ran a finger along the fold of her private parts. NO - Please!!! Julie tried to beg to mew for mercy, for them to stop but they just ignored her. She felt her panties being pulled tight against her thighs. There was a tearing noise! She wailed as the man in front lifted up the remains of her panties - she was naked! The insides of her ankles were being touched. Suddenly her feet were loose. But there was something being locked to the cuff on her left leg, which she couldn't see. The man was pulling her calf out to the side, making her bend her knee until her foot was up behind her thigh. The other man was doing something to her right ankle. It was a bar - her legs were being kept apart by a bar! Julie whimpered when they suddenly let go. She had to hop her right leg out so she could touch the ground with both feet. The pain in her wrists got worse because she could only reach the floor with her toes! One of the men went out and returned with two square blocks of wood. He lifted her right leg and put one block under her foot. When the second block went under her left foot, she was standing off the ground. The chain was tightened again so she was forced back up on tiptoe! They were looking at her, watching her crying, struggling, and mewing for mercy. Julie was terrified - she felt so naked, so helpless and exposed.
One of the men went behind her. He came closer until his chest pressed against her back. She felt his hands moving across her ribs until they were cupping her small breasts. He pinched her nipples between his fingers and thumbs - he began to squeeze hard! Julie wailed in pain as her poor tits were crushed by his vice-like grip. Through a blur of agony, she saw the other man moving closer to her front. He had his hands on her buttocks and was pulling them open! She felt a sudden pain up her bottom. NO! He was pushing his penis up between her cheeks! Julie screamed for mercy - his member was pushing inside her anus! She strained and tried to wriggle away but he was too strong! It went deeper and hurt horribly! Her bottom felt like it was being split apart - she knew he was going to rape her in her back passage!
The other man was still in front of her. He moved closer. Oh God No NOOO! She was a virgin! She tried so hard to twist free, to get the man behind to leave her alone, to stop the awful pain in her bottom. She felt the end of the man in front's penis between her thighs. It was pushing in, pushing up! Julie wailed and arched her back as he forcibly entered her. The pain, the pain! Her feet wouldn't touch the blocks. She was being held up, impaled on them, unable to get them to stop. It was awful, so awful! No! NO!! They were rocking her back and forth, making noises; she knew what was happening. They were fucking her - they were going to cum! She felt it happen, felt them squirting inside her. She couldn't stop it, couldn't get off them. It was horrible!
They left her hanging, bleeding from her bottom and pussy, dripping with their semen. She was sobbing raggedly, shaking and trying to stand upright. "Just like her sister - a fucking fighter! She looks like her too. Pity she got sold to that mad Arab bastard - we'd have got lots for them as a pair!" When she heard their cruel words, her hysterics began. Oh God! Oh NO!! N-Nikki - SOLD? Ohhh m-mum - MUMMY! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!………
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