Chapter 30. The Cure for Jealousy
(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, by Aurelius)
The story so far:
(Ch. 26) Rude food. Alex tells Riccardo of Kate's pregnancy.
(Ch. 27) The Ponygirl exercise program. A wedding. Rachel the puppy-girl. Kate is auctioned
(Ch. 28) The falcon position.
(Ch. 29) The Straightjacket and the Bunny Hop
Alex passed several hours at the Bunny Hop festival before returning to his room mid-evening. He brought back a companion. Lina's swaying hips had worked their magic on him. She was dressed how Alex preferred his women - naked except for a slave collar and hands neatly roped behind her.
His bedroom suite was in darkness, save for the ghostly reflection of the night sky on a wall mirror. Alex made Lina stand to wait in the middle of the room while he went to the bathroom. She giggled to herself, hearing him humming a tune as a splash sounded from the toilet bowl. Then, sensing Alex's imminent return and what would surely follow, she had the urge to check herself in the mirror. Moving toward the moonlit mirror she kicked something soft.
She recoiled, and in the gloom barely made out somebody sitting on the floor. The toilet flushed and Alex entered the bedroom, turning on the main light.
Lina looked warily between Alex and the hooded and bound woman on the floor, wondering what kind of game she had been ensnared into.
“Don't worry about her,” Alex said dismissively, “she's here to learn.”
“What can she learn like that?” Lina asked.
Alex pushed Lina hard against the bed post at the foot of his four-poster. “The cost of her jealousy.” With practiced ease and a compliant victim he soon had Lina re-tied with her hands above her head with her back resting against the bed post.
Jessica was fixed into the falcon position exactly as she had been the previous evening. Alex knelt down in front of her to inspect her bondage. It was every bit as tight as he expected: the hood, with only a hole for her nose, the belts keeping each leg folded under itself, and of course the red rope rising from the floor and threading through her labia and nipple rings. It was, Alex thought, a fine way to subdue a jealous ponygirl.
As Jessica took each deliberate nasal breath the rise of her chest cavity caused the intimate rope to tug on her nipples, reminding her that not even her breathing was free.
Lina swayed her hips and hummed a passable version of the tune she'd earlier been dancing to. Alex turned around and smiled at her. It felt good to be seduced like that, and already aroused by Jessica's state of submission, he undressed as Lina continued to dance and hum.
“Your skin matches the colour of the wood. I think I might keep you permanently chained to my bed post,” Alex joked.
“I don't mind,” said Lina coyly.
“You'd have to be taken away sometimes, for bathroom visits and to keep you smelling as nice as you do now.”
“And will you make love to me every night, Sir?”
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “I think I probably would.”
Lina's dance turned to an anticipatory squirm as Alex pressed his body against hers. He found her body as soft and warm as her face. She squealed as he entered her, his erection lifting her onto her toes as he did so. Her bound hands, tied about her head, made involuntary random shapes like a kind of erotic sign language. On the brief moments when Alex pulled his lips away from hers she audibly gasped for breath as if surfacing from water.
For Lina, it was almost perfect, but how could Lina tell him she also liked to feel coarse rope biting around her ankles? Perhaps he might do that next time, she hoped. Alex grunted quietly, like a gentleman, as he came. and stayed inside her, enjoying the sensuous union of her soft and warm body against his. That was when he heard the tinkling of bells two yards behind him.
Jessica had tried to sit still, but just couldn't. She imagined it was her tied to the bed post instead of Lina, as indeed it was supposed to be before Master Alex's fit of pique.
“No, please don't do that!” Lina begged desperately.
Alex had picked a light cane from a drawer, glaring at Jessica. He smacked it firmly against his hand to gauge its weight.
Lina repeated her plea, but it was too late. Alex swung the cane with full force against the top of both Jessica's breasts, two inches above the nipples. A whoosh of the cane was followed by a sickening thud as it met Jessica's flesh. Alex had no need or desire to deliver further blows.
The sudden terrible pain on her breasts felt like violence rather than punishment. Jessica became enraged, her whole body erupted beyond the point her bonds allowed, as if engaged in mortal combat with the metal, rope and leather of the falcon position.
Lina started to sob. “Stop her. She's going to get hurt!”
Alex could only stand back, biting his lip, as he waited for Jessica's temper to subside. The tightly laced hood, with its built-in rubber gag rendered her attempts at shouting incomprehensible.
Defeated by her inability to take in enough air, Jessica's shouting and her struggles gradually subsided; although, Alex observed, the heavy red mark running across both breasts seemed only to get more pronounced.
Finally Jessica's head dropped until her sturdy collar dug into her chin, and she slumped forward as if in a faint.
Just as Alex was about to relent and pull off her hood Jessica began to sob, her chest palpitating with each staccato outburst of her breath.
Lina gazed down piteously; her face glistening with her own tears. She glared angrily at Alex, but felt some pity for him too. His naked body was the least of what he'd revealed to her that evening.
Alex picked up the telephone handset that hung on the wall beside his bed. “Erik? Can you collect the ponygirl from my room as soon as you can.” Erik queried something, and then Alex spoke again. “No, I don't mind what you do with her. The torture garden would be fine.”
Appearing flustered, Alex hurriedly pulled on a polo shirt, shorts and sandals and muttered “I'm going for a drink,” as he walked out of his bedroom.
A half hour later he returned to his room - fortified and calmed by a couple of generous measures of Glenlivet at the bar. Jessica was gone. Erik had taken her as requested.
Lina was still standing tied to the bedpost. She was trembling. Alex just sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. After a silent ten minutes, he released her from the bedpost and took her to bed. After binding her hands and feet, they neither talked nor even touched, and were soon asleep.
The next night, Jessica was again in Alex's room, and again secured in the falcon position. She hated this recurring torment, particularly having experienced Alex at his most loving one night, and cruel the next. Although having been hooded before leaving the ponygirl quarters, Jessica could sense Alex's room by the barest hint of his deodorant in her nostrils, and for the first time ever, the delicate smell made her fear what might be in store for her.
Alex arrived, and from the muffled sound through the leather hood Jessica could tell he had somebody with him. She prayed it wasn't Lina again.
It was a bunny - a blonde girl Jessica would have recognised had she had the privilege of sight.
“Kneel on the floor, head down, and wait!” Master Alex commanded gruffly.
The girl, with her arms crossed behind her in a Japanese rope harness, did exactly as she was told. While Alex went to the bathroom, she glanced briefly at Jessica, but there wasn't much to see; just another falcon. She'd seen them before. They just knelt, passive and anonymous, like ornaments. This one, she observed, had a horizontal welt etched on top of each breast, evidently the result of a single harsh blow. She might have been surprised to know it was inflicted by the man of this room, having been on the Island long enough to learn that Alex was far from being the cruellest master.
The toilet flushed, signalling the end of Alex's necessary ablutions. The blonde touched her head to the floor to await his command. Alex grabbed the intersection of several ropes on the girl's back, pulling her to an upright position. She turned her head, noticing he was naked. She took in the lean, slightly pale body, quite adequate for a man in his fifties, settling on his crotch and his semi erect penis.
“Turn around!” Alex said, almost amused that her eyes would dwell on him like that.
He stroked her thick sun-bleached hair, which had been plaited and tied to the other ropes at her back. Alex enjoyed the symbolism: a woman bound by her own crowning glory. She should be grateful that such a binding were possible, he mused, thinking of Jessica's cruelly shorn head beneath that leather hood.
“Stick your tongue out!”
She did so, and Alex - standing behind and leaning over her - could verify for himself that what others said about her was true. Her tongue was the longest he'd seen in quite some time. Its length was broken up by a large steel barbell pierced one inch from the tip. Although the Island inflicted a variety of piercings on its bunnies, whether for usefulness - such as pony piercings - punishment, or to add a particular attraction, this piercing came with the girl, so to speak. Alex was amused that the blonde had decided to have her tongue pierced when no other part of her body was so adorned.
“Open,” Alex said offering a ring-gag to her lips. He wedged it behind her teeth and buckled the retaining straps around and over her head. “That looks good on you,” he added when securing the chin strap. Harness gags always looked better on blondes, Alex felt.
The bunny become aroused merely from Alex stroking her leather-strapped head with his hand. He kissed her on the top of the head, kissing the leather strap as much as he did her hair. Alex chuckled to himself, recollecting how he pushed his betting slip in her anus the day before.
“Spread your legs and lean forward, slut,” he instructed his kneeling slave as he reached into his toy drawer, “time for some good vibrations.”
Alex switched on the vibrator, allowing its humming sound to fill the air as a prelude. The slut's anticipation seemed to grow merely from the sound of it. Alex bent down behind her and pressed it against her labia, gradually letting it find its own way to her clitoris. His objective was teasing, not torture, so he modified his movement based on her reactions. It was easy to gauge. His left hand resting on her back had been gripped by her bound hands, as if holding on to him for life.
His cock grew to fullness, poised barely a foot away from her entrance. He paused the vibrator, sensing the blonde was rapidly approaching her climax. Suddenly he tugged on her plaited hair, forcing her sitting upright. He moved himself in front of her and pushed his erect cock into her ring-gagged mouth, pulling her head harshly back and forward several times. Gasping and dribbling, her blue eyes dancing wild and distracted, she was highly aroused by such treatment and needed no further encouragement to work his penis.
A few feet to his left was Jessica, not exactly moving, but trembling; yet not enough to cause her nipple bells to ring. Her skin was flushed red, Alex noticed as he pulled his straining cock from the blonde's mouth.
He gripped his penis tightly in his right hand, aimed it at Jessica's collared neck, and spurted.
A string of semen was splattered down her leather-covered face. More landed on her shoulder, both breasts, and onto her thighs. After taking a few long deep breaths, he returned his penis to the blonde's mouth with a gruff instruction. “Clean it!”
Alex sat on his bed and gazed at Jessica as an artist might scrutinise his most recent strokes upon a canvas. Between them sat the bound and confused blonde, disappointed that she hadn't been the object of Alex's ejaculate.
Finally Alex spoke to the blonde. “Now you can clean her.”
He watched intently as the blonde shuffled the few feet across the floor to Jessica. She licked tentatively at the semen spattered leather hood, her licking made awkward by the ring gag, but her long and agile tongue served her well. She didn't require further instruction or correction as she moved to Jessica's shoulder, her first physical contact with this seemingly impassive ponygirl.
She reached Jessica's breasts. Both needed cleaning. Tenderly she dabbed her tongue against the spillage of semen that had intersected with the horizontal welt across the breast. She felt she was licking the ponygirl's wounds as much as giving a erotic display of submission to this enigmatic master.
Jessica gave a throaty groan of resistance, fearing she was being provoked, but the blonde continued to lick, moving down to the nipple, gratuitously teasing this substantial and erect ringed nub, circling and then flicking it upwards, causing the nipple bell to ring. Behind her, Alex had moved for a better view, now sitting at the foot of the bed and leaning forward in rapt attention.
“And the other breast,” said Alex unnecessarily, perhaps just to remind the girl of his presence.
She moved as requested, but not before attempting to remove a small glob which had landed on the knotted rope linking Jessica's breasts.
Her tongue reached Jessica's inner thigh to clean the last spillage of Alex's cum. She looked up at him, noticing that he seemed pleased with her display, and evidently aroused by it too. Her reward was to be roped in a very tight spread-eagled position on his bed, for the purpose of a vigorous uncomplicated mating.
That night Erik removed Jessica and the blonde from the room so that Alex could sleep alone.
Alex was packing boxes in his office when he heard a knock, tentative yet familiar, at the door.
Carol entered upon hearing his permission. She behaved with her usual coyness which belied her intimate friendship with Alex; and she had her usual intensity too, something that seemed to give gravity to the most mundane of conversations.
Alex smiled, surprising even himself.
“You think I look alright?” Carol asked, her hands held up at her sides like wings.
She was dressed in black leather trousers, so shiny it might have been mistaken for latex. The silhouette of a black pushup bra showed provocatively beneath her silky white blouse. High heels and a slim red leather collar completed her sexy ensemble, with its hints of both dominance and submissiveness. It was a vast improvement on Carol's usual wardrobe of shorts, tee shirts and summer dresses.
“It was the committee's idea,” she said apologetically, “they think I should appear more dominant when I'm working with the bunnies.” She fingered the half-inch wide collar snug about her neck, “it's permanent. Look, you can't even see a join.”
Alex already knew of these infinity collars, with their seamless interlocking ends. Once snapped together the joint was almost invisible, and there was no evident means of unlocking it. Within the leather were layers of thin steel to repel attempts to cut through the collar.
Then Carol fingered the two-inch hoop earrings she wore. “And these are permanent too,” she frowned, “they fixed them on me this afternoon.”
“You look nice,” said Alex honestly, “very cute.” Very cute indeed for a forty-year-old, he thought.
In fact, he regretted that she hadn't dressed like that before. As a retired companion slave, with little need or desire for men, Carol was reluctant to dress provocatively, much to the dismay of the Island's committee members. For reasons unknown to Alex she had finally relented to their demands. He liked the result, particularly her shapely buttocks in the leather trousers.
“Still packing?”
Alex sighed, forbidding himself the temptation of a sarcastic reply as he placed a heavy textbook into an archive box. He looked up at the empty bookshelves above the desk. “I had no idea I'd accumulated so many books here.”
“Got room in your box for a stowaway?” Carol asked, almost whispering.
Alex hmmm'd, knowing where the conversation was leading. “She can't hear you. I've had her ears plugged.”
Carol looked down to her side at Jessica, kneeling in the falcon position for the fourth consecutive evening. Jessica had the same hood, the same handcuffs and the same roping of her pony piercings, and now she was deaf as well as blind, mute and immobile.
“Still not cured her of jealousy?”
Alex smiled. “I think the last three nights would have done it.”
“She has to want to be cured!” said Carol with a wag of her finger. “For some bizarre reason this poor thing likes you. Is that so terrible?”
Alex sighed, as if irritated with the line of questioning. “Let's just say it's unhelpful. She needs to rid herself of such notions. Tomorrow I'll be leaving the island for six months. Soon after that she'll be freed, and back into her own life with all memories of this experienced wiped from her mind. ”
Carol was taken aback by Alex's annoyance. “I feel guilty. She thought we were lovers. My requesting that you tie me to a frame, beat me hard and vibrate me is hardly a relationship. We're just friends. Why didn't you just explain that we've never been lovers?”
“A Master doesn't explain himself to his slave.”
Carol smiled, and let Alex's Freudian slip pass without comment.
When Alex returned his attention to packing the last of his books, Carol knelt down in front of Jessica and began running her fingernails over Jessica's most tender places, her inner thighs, her breasts, her belly. It was fun, Carol thought, teasing this beautiful and beautifully restrained body and watching how it began to respond.
“You have a pretty nose,” Carol said to Jessica. It seemed to twitch, perhaps in response to Carol's scent rather than her words. Her fingers continued to provoke Jessica's body, encouraged by the slightest movements. Then Jessica leant forward slightly, placing her breasts in Carol's hands to be further teased and squeezed. Carol giggled as her fingernails continued to arouse Jessica's flesh. Inevitably Jessica's nipple bells jingled as Carol massaged her breasts. “I bet I can make you come,” she whispered to Jessica.
“Stop it, ” Alex interrupted, “the falcon position is for decoration, not for sex acts.”
“Aw, come on, sir. Who's going to know?” Carol asked.
“Everybody... given the ponygirls' tendency to gossip. Have you heard how they talk when they're sitting at the table polishing the harnesses? Sometimes I think they know more about this Island than we do!”
Reluctantly Carol obeyed, leaving Jessica slightly agitated and confused by her treatment. “Perhaps I'll see you in the bar for a nightcap?” she asked hopefully.
“In half an hour,” Alex reassured her as she left. He finished packing shortly after Carol's departure, and then with nothing else in the room to distract him, turned his attention to Jessica.
“Carol's right. Who's going to know?” Alex sighed. “Besides, after last night I owe you one!”
He knelt in front of her, reaching out to grip her breasts. Jessica couldn't possibly fail to notice the difference between Carol's and Alex's touch. He repeatedly squeezed her breasts knowing she liked that. The rope linking her nipples and labia to the floor hindered the progress of Alex's hands and yet the awkward progress of his hands against her rope-linked treasures seemed to arouse them both. Even though Jessica's labia were linked and laced with red rope Alex managed to insert two fingers into her moist sex.
“You like this, don't you Jessica?” Alex teased. “Being tied up and helpless. Being forced to come. Unable to make any choices for yourself.”
Jessica groaned, as if in agreement with his statement.
Alex's fingers continued to work deep within her. “Come for me, Jessica.”
She groaned again and her nasal breathing became faster and shallower. Her body was warm, almost hot, and seemed to tense and twitch. That was what Alex liked, a woman tugging against her bonds and the resulting muscular tension heightening the intensity of her orgasm.
Jessica came with a gentle shudder and a languorous muffled sigh which left Alex in no doubt of his success.
He cleaned her perspiring skin with a handkerchief, musing on the fact that their final contact for many months, should have been for Jessica's pleasure rather than his own.
The following morning a Sea King helicopter landed in the corral, the deafening noise of the rotors shattering the island's peace, until it too fell silent and tranquillity was restored.
Two ponygirl carts approached it, each hauling trailers laden with the luggage of several departing guests.
Frank and Bruce helped load the boxes from the trailer into the side bay of the helicopter, while Alex and a couple of guests said their parting words to those bidding them farewell.
Vince and Dr. Schmidt were there to see Alex off. The doctor was sad at losing his intellectual companion and occasional chess opponent, while Vince was losing the man he felt a duty to protect. He rather enjoyed being Alex's sidekick and self-styled ‘henchman'.
But their feelings were nothing compared to ponygirl Jessica who stood motionless in her tight ponygirl harness, unsighted by her position but at least able to hear the conversation, and Alex's last words to Frank before he boarded the helicopter were unmistakable:
“Take good care of the ponygirls, won't you?”
End of Chapter 30
Coming soon... six months later. Master Alex visits Rabbit Island. Kate's departure.
Still reading? Please let me know if you are enjoying this story. Any comments, criticisms, suggestions and reviews are always welcome, and encourage me to continue.
A SPECIAL MESSAGE: wabbit, I miss you terribly. Please write and let me know how you are.
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