Me and Mrs Jones
CHAPTER 1 The Trap is baited:
"Me and Mrs Jones
We've got a thing going on,
And though I know it's wrong
It's much too nice to leave alone."
I'd often fantasised about getting one over on the stuck-up bitch who'd been my teacher at school. She'd always given me a hard time in my opinion and when I left school and went into the local police force I plotted for ways to take my revenge.
One day I was going through records on my computer when I found some dynamite news. I saw right away that it was going to be good enough to really make the too high and fucking mighty Mrs. Janice Jones really sit up and take notice. In fact, it would put her completely in my power for as long as I wanted. I got really excited about it and talked it over with my own sister Lee. She was just as happy about it as I was and in fact she even came up with ideas as to how we could improve on my original plan.
I drove the patrol car over to the school she worked at. Her last class of the day had just finished and she was getting ready to leave. But she was about to get the shock of her life.
I knocked at the classroom door. Startled, she looked up and gave me a funny look, as if she couldn't quite place who I was. I made sure she saw my uniform, though. Stupid bitch must have thought it was one of her fucking students in trouble instead of her. Was she in for a rude awakening!
"Mrs Jones?" I began. "Do you remember me?" She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, I don't. Should I?" "That depends," I said. "Depends on what?" "I used to be one of your students."
She looked at me more closely and then a sudden dawning recognition came over her.
"You're Danny Jackson, aren't you? So you're in the police force now. Do you enjoy your job?" "Sometimes," I grinned. "But anyway, we're wasting time. I need to talk to you, Mrs Jones." "To me?" she looked at me all surprised. "About what?"
I paused for a moment to make the bitch uneasy. Then I just sat down and pulled out my notebook.
"Well, Mrs Jones, it seems you haven't always been such a good girl," I told her. "It seems that when you were a teenager you got into a lot of trouble. I've found a conviction for drugs, another one for shoplifting, even one for resisting arrest. Quite an impressive little file, I'd say. And I haven't even started to look any deeper yet. Who knows what other secrets we might find out about your past?"
Mrs Janice Jones looked at me with real fear in her eyes for the first time. She stood up, sat down again, and then stood up as if to leave before finally sighing and sitting down once more.
"That was a long time ago," she said finally. "I was a young kid from a broken home and I got into bad company."
The bitch looked at me as if she thought I might be sympathetic to that tired old line. Then she sighed and carried on a bit.
"Yes, I did get convictions for drugs and shoplifting, and I'm not proud of them, but that's all behind me now." "What about the charge of resisting arrest?" I asked."Resisting arrest? I was in a peace demonstration and the policeman tried to molest me. I was only defending myself." "That's not how the court saw it," I told her quietly. "Do you like your job, Mrs Jones?" "Of course." "And do your employers know about your criminal record?" "No," she sighed. "I got married and of course these were committed in my maiden name." "You still married?" "No, Sean and I divorced four years ago." "Does he know about your record?" "Of course." "And your daughter?" "Well, no."
I grinned as I let her sweat it out for a moment. I pretended to be making some notes in my book as I watched her out of the corner of my eye.
"So the school doesn't know, and your daughter doesn't know. Don't you think they have the right to know the sort of woman you really are?"
She gave me a long hard look then. I could tell she was working on ways to talk her way out of the situation. In the end she said pretty much what I expected her to say.
"All right, Danny, what do you want from me? Is it money? How much do you want?" I just laughed at that. "You really are stupid, aren't you? Trying to bribe a police officer is an offence, didn't you know? And I'm sure you don't want another notch on your criminal record - Mrs Jones." "So what do you want, Danny?" "Well, for starters, stop calling me Danny. You call me Officer Jackson. Or sir." "OK, Officer Jackson. What is it you want from me?"
I just sat there and grinned at her, letting her sweat a bit while I turned the screw a bit tighter. But I didn't answer her question.
"I'll be in touch, Mrs. Jones. You'll find out soon enough. Be good!"
The next stage in my plan came the very next afternoon. After letting the bitch spend a sleepless night worrying about what else she might have to hide about her past, and what else I might be planning to do about it, I got my sister to put the next part of the plan into operation.
My sister Lee's a real looker. We're all tall in my family; I'm 6ft 4, and Lee's 5ft 11. Plus she's got brains and beauty.
Even though she's only 18, three years younger than me, she is the smartest lady I've ever known. And, best of all, she's a student in the Jones bitch's class.
After the end of the last lesson, the teacher was getting ready to go home when Lee moved over to the desk and started talking to the bitch.
"Mrs. Jones," she began. "Yes, Lee?" "We need to talk," she said. "I understand you had a visit from my brother yesterday."
Apparently she went bright red when she heard her say that. She looked at my sister in anticipation.
"Did he give you a message for me?" she asked finally. "Just close the door," Lee told her.
The stupid bitch got up and closed the door. When she got back, Lee was sitting in the teacher's own chair. She looked a bit annoyed but just sat down on a student's chair in the front row.
Lee gave her one of her superior looks.
"Did I say you could sit down, Mrs. Jones? I want you to stand right in front of me at my desk." " Your desk?" she protested. "It's my desk, not yours. I'm your teacher, Lee, you can't talk to me like that." "Can't I?" Lee smiled. "You'd better stand in front of the fucking desk or I'll see to it that full details of all your criminal activities get released - not just to the school, either."
She paused for a minute before tightening the screw a little.
"How old is your daughter, Mrs. Jones? 14 years old, isn't she? And this is a very conservative community here, you know. You wouldn't just lose your job, you know. You'd lose custody of your daughter too. Any court round here would find you an unfit mother straight away. So fucking stand up in front of me and wait for me to give you permission to sit down!"
Stunned, Janice got up and stood in front of her student, who was now sitting behind her desk and threatening her. She wasn't at all happy at how things were turning out. But Lee just looked across at her teacher, feeling really good about the situation. At last she had the bitch where she wanted her! And she meant to use her newly acquired power to the full.
"Well, Mrs. Jones. I'm going to put a proposition to you. Remember that I hold all the aces. Oh, and by the way, if you try and deny it - well, my brother's got the evidence from police records, and he also has a tape of his conversation with you the other day in which you confessed everything. So, basically you have two choices. You can either do what I tell you or you can face personal and professional ruin. Do you understand me?" "Go on," said the bitch, looking nervous as hell. "Just tell me what you want." "All in good time," Lee told her. "Let's go. We're going to meet my brother. Get a move on, bitch!"
The stunned Jones woman got up and followed Lee meekly to the car park. She was just about to get into the driver's seat when Lee stopped her.
"I'll take your keys," she told her. "I'm driving." "OK," she sighed, getting into the passenger seat while Lee drove her to meet me.
They drove out to a deserted warehouse on the edge of town without saying a word to each other. In my sister's case, it was to pile the pressure on a bit more, in the teacher's case, I expect it was fear and shock. Either way, it suited my plans very well.
The idea for doing something about Jones had come to me two weeks ago when I first found out about her record. But Lee had come up with so many improvements to my original plan that I just had to go along with them.
When she finally turned up at the warehouse I opened the door and let Lee drive the car inside. I signalled to her to close the door and then I got down to business.
"OK, bitch," I began. "The three of us had better start talking now. Or rather, the two of us will talk and you'll listen. If we want you to say anything we'll tell you. Got that?" "Yes," she mumbled, still in a state of shock. "Good," I said. "Well, let's start off with explaining our terms."
I paused a minute just for dramatic effect and to get the bitch worried about what I might say next.
"To begin with, my sister wants your car. You can hand over ownership of it to her right now. Call it a down payment on future bills."
The Jones bitch looked at me coldly. I could see the anger rising inside her. But I held all the aces, and she wasn't going to be able to get out of anything we wanted.
"Got that?" I asked. "Yes, you want me to give my car to your sister. It's a top of the range Merc. You're asking me to just hand over a lot of money. Anyway, I love that car." "So fucking what," I sneered. "My sister wants it, so you'd better give it to her. Unless you want me to release full details of your criminal record to your daughter and the school."
I paused to let that one sink in. The bitch was furious but she didn't really have any choice. Either she handed over the car or else she was history.
"All right, I'll give you the car," she sighed. "What else do you want from me?" "Well," I told her, "for starters I want you to strip naked in front of me and give me a blow job. And I want you smiling while you strip - and smiling during and after I've fucked your stupid gob."
Jones turned pale when I said that. She looked at me as if she was really going to walk out of there and risk the scandal. I nodded at her coldly.
"Of course, you could try seeing how understanding the school and the community and your daughter will be about finding out the sort of criminal you are, but I'd advise against it if I was you. But it's your call, Jones."
The Jones bitch stared at me for around a minute before sighing and shaking her head.
"All right, I'll do it," she said. "But I think you're a sick pervert and a disgrace to your uniform." "Fuck you," I told her. "Just strip, you fucking whore."
Then the Jones bitch stripped off for me, smiling all the time as I'd told her to do. She got down on her knees as I told her to do and then sucked me off. It wasn't the greatest blowjob I'd ever had but it was the most satisfying.
I particularly enjoyed knowing that she was sucking my cock completely against her will. The stuck-up bitch was being forced to degrade herself and I fucking loved it.
"OK, Jones," I grinned. "Aren't you going to say thank you?" "You really are sick," she snarled. "All right, thank you, sir." "That's better," I grinned. "But you haven't said what you're thanking me for. And I want you to tell me how much you fucking loved sucking my wonderful prick!"
For a minute I thought she was going to explode again and maybe walk out on me. Then she gave a huge shake of her head and looked at me.
"Thank you for allowing me to suck your wonderful prick," she sighed. "I fucking loved it!" "Now say it again but this time with a big smile on your face." "OK," she sighed.
But at least this time she did smile and look happy while she was saying it. This, of course, was all part of our plan. What the stupid cunt didn't know was that we'd rigged up a hidden video camera in the warehouse and now had an even better blackmail weapon to use against her. Naturally we would have to edit the tape a bit to make it look worse for the bitch, but basically she was toast now. No school, or maybe even court of law, would let her keep custody of her daughter after that, let alone her job.
"OK, bitch," I told her. "We've finished with you for the time being. But we'll be in touch soon to let you know how you can help us. You'd better co-operate. You don't want Kathy taken away from you, would you? And I'm sure you'd quite like to keep your job too. For now, though, you can just fuck off."
Jones looked at us both in a state of almost total disbelief. She looked around the warehouse for a minute and then back at us. I could see her beginning to get angry again but I didn't care about that. We held all the cards and the bitch was ours now. For the rest of her miserable fucking life!
"Where is this place?" she said finally. "How far out of town are we?" "About ten miles," I grinned. "Ten miles? And your sister's taking my car? So how am I supposed to get home from here? Walk back?"
I laughed out loud when she said that.
"Well, you could probably use the exercise," I told her. "But for now just get dressed and wait outside. Lee will drive you back home. But the two of us need to talk in private first. Just wait until we're finished. Got that, Jones?" "Yes, Officer Jackson." "Good. Then just fuck off outside till we're ready."
After further discussions about how we were going to put the next stages of the plan into operation, we finally settled on a great strategy to make the Jones bitch's life a total misery. Then we opened the warehouse door and smiled at her.
"OK, Jones," I said. "My sister's driving you home now. But don't think you can travel in style any more. Get in the boot while Lee drives you back."
The look of horror and indignation on the bitch's face was priceless. She was almost choking with anger when I told her how she'd have to ride back home in the boot of her own car.
"But.. that's inhuman!" she protested. "And in any case, I'm claustrophic." "So fucking what?" I sneered. "You ride in the fucking boot or you walk back home. It's your call, Jones."
She shook her head in disbelief but got into the boot all the same. I grinned at Lee, both of us relishing the thought of our once arrogant teacher now riding home in the boot of her own car! It was a real turn-on for both of us.
I left Lee to it and drove back to work. Policing our town wasn't too bad, no major crimes or anything like that for quite a while. I went back to the office and got to work on "updating" - or you might say "improving" - the records on Janice Jones.
As well as my creative ingenuity and wicked intentions, I also had a stroke of luck in that department. I soon found out from records that there was another bitch known as Janis Jones who had a far more colourful criminal record than the teacher. It didn't take me too long to get her records mixed up with the Jones bitch we knew and to swap photos on the records with our new toy. This was really going to give me an even bigger hold over the cunt! And by the time Lee had finished driving home the nails, the Jones bitch would be putty in our hands. What a fucking dream come true!
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