Summer Vacation
by Zeferage
(Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Attached files will not be opened.)
Chapter VII
Keeping a watchful eye towards Lisa, Wanda knew she would have to hurry. Lisa's high pitch whimpers, ragged breathing and flexing muscles were very familiar signs that she was rapidly approaching her orgasm. Wanda rolled Kim to in front of Lisa, but glancing down at her very vulnerable and beautiful new toy, Wanda couldn't resist tweaking Kim's frustration just a bit more. Smiling to herself, Wanda stood up and walked behind Lisa delivering a hard, painful smack to each of Lisa's bare butt cheeks.
A very startled Lisa screamed "MMMMPH?!", followed by "AAARRRGH!" through her gag. Completely lost within her fantasy, she had forgotten where she was. But reality swiftly swept Lisa from her rapturous daydreaming and a soft cry of despair sounded followed by her whimpering pleas for an orgasm.
Wanda inwardly smiled, along with a silent sigh of relief, knowing she had not allowed Lisa any gratification. She had feared she had taken to long in getting Kim from the bedroom to being helplessly bound before them, but there was little to be done to speed up the process. She needed to give Kim the time to become comfortable with the situation before proceeding with each step. Wanda delivered several more but much less painful, though just as irritating, smacks in quick succession to each cheek just to be sure Lisa was completely broken of her daydreaming before continuing.
She had been so close! So fucking close! Hard pain, like the two slaps which broke her daydreaming never aroused Lisa and would do the exact opposite. She wanted to scream again from both pain and frustration. A scream which changed to a groan in her throat as another, softer, smack landed on her butt, quickly followed by many more gentler smacks landing on and around her naked rump. Lisa hung in her bonds in helpless defeat murmuring faint moans of enjoyment with each much more pleasurable slap. The sudden stopping of her approaching orgasm just as it was about to launch her into orbit broke Lisa's spirit, but this is were the fun really began. With her lustful craving just a finger rub, or two, away she would now do anything to get it back.
After cruelly breaking Lisa's peaking sensuous arousal, Wanda needed to rebuild Lisa's orgasm, but under her own terms and in front of Kim. After smacking Lisa's butt a few more times, Wanda walked over to their belongings to retrieve a small, 12 inch long, riding crop. Returning, Wanda started to gently smack Lisa's body, down her back, butt and legs, around her chest and stomach carefully avoiding Lisa's most sensitive areas, her loins and breasts, which were being saved for later. Occasionally her one hand would caress Lisa's bare skin quickly resulting in a deep sigh from Lisa.
Once Wanda was fully confident she had Lisa's full attention and desire, she decided to continue her immediate game towards its conclusion. Wanda knew both Lisa's and Kim's secrets, or at least many of them, and with everything out in the open the three of them could hopefully have a wonderful time together. Setting the riding crop down, Wanda turned off the vibrator, much to Lisa's disappointment, then untied and removed both the vibrator and the ropes holding the vibrator from Lisa. Wanda also decided to undo Lisa's crotch rope, which was connected to Lisa's tied wrists via the rope going over a hook in the ceiling, and retied Lisa's wrists to the ceiling hook thereby continuing to hold Lisa's arms upwards towards the ceiling but now with some slack. Picking up the riding crop, she continued her playful smacking of Lisa, this time with special attention paid to Lisa's inner thighs.
Highly enjoyable, that was the best way Lisa could describe it. The preceding bitter pain had subsided to be replace by the pleasurable swats of whatever she was being hit with. ' Probably the riding crop,' she thought. Losing the vibrator followed by the crotch rope was highly disappointing but helplessly bound as she still was there was little that could be done. When the pleasurable smacking continued between her very sensitive thigh area, Lisa's faint moans of pleasure grew a bit louder in sound.
Light smacks in rapid succession landing between her thighs with an occasional smack landing on top of her clit helped to fuel her re-growing lust. Soon thoughts of the recently unsatisfying past waned as thoughts of a new orgasm gradually gained momentum. She wanted to deny Wanda the satisfaction of knowing how good this new torment felt but her body betrayed her. Her moans were more audible as her knees bent, as if they had a mind of their own, trying to bring her pussy closer to the riding crop.
Wanda smiled at the response she was getting. Lisa's body was to well aroused from the constant teasing of the past 24 hours not to respond. Moving forward in her plan, Wanda placed the riding crop to the side.
Lisa felt her body surrendering to the sweet craving for more. The slight pain prevented her from daydreaming and did little to provide the warm comforting touch she knew was close at hand. Nevertheless, the smacking of her inner thighs rekindled her lost fire and it slowly spread from between her legs. Each smack producing a modest moan of pleasure but the feeling within her started to surge forward. Knowing Wanda well, Lisa suspected she would not have to wait long before another change of pace took place, and she did not have to wait very long. Soon her pleasurable moans changed to begging sighs when the smacking was replaced by two roaming hands.
Gentle, soft hands caressing ever-so-lightly Lisa's tanned skin along her cheeks, neck and shoulders, down her back, butt, thighs, down her legs and around her feet. Around her breasts, her stomach but never touching the two areas she most desired to be touched, her breasts or crotch. Lisa helplessly squirmed in her bonds trying to bring her highly sensitive body parts into contact with those skillfully tormenting hands. Her whimpering pleas rapidly turned more urgent sounding as they seeped around her gag as those two wondrous hands roamed around and around her body paying no heed to her passionate needs.
Kim could only sit in her chair salivating over the spectacle before her. Forced to helplessly watch Wanda tease Lisa was really and truly making her incredibly horny, not that she wasn't horny already. With her legs spread wide and tied over the arm rests, she could feel a light breeze blow over her moist and aroused clit giving her horniness an additional agonizing torment. Kim kept trying to move her legs in some way to help relieve the sexual pressure that remained built up within her and bursting to be set free but the ropes held her firm, increasing her tease-full torment. Soon, she was unable to stop her squirming as her rapturous feelings slowly overcame her rational thought.
Wanda loved the feel of Lisa's silky soft skin under her playful hands. As her hands glided over the soft skin, Wanda's eyes watched Kim helplessly squirm on the chair as her own erotic arousal climbed steadily upward. After many long minutes, Wanda decided her own swim suit felt constrictive and needed to be discarded as she quickly stripped off her top. After sliding her bottoms off, Wanda decided to undo Lisa's ankle restraints as well. Standing up she leaned against Lisa to continue her torment, her bare breasts coming into contact with Lisa's skin instantly sent electrifying waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
Lisa smiled around her gag the second she felt Wanda's bare breasts against her. Having played with Wanda numerous times over the past several years, Lisa knew Wanda's own sexuality was peaking. She leaned back against Wanda as best as she could and slithered her own nude and slippery body over Wanda's.
Wanda closed her eyes while deeply inhaling, thinking, ' The little minx is trying her best to seduce me and its working! Damn her!' She had always loved Lisa's smooth, soft skin but with it now pressing against and moving over her own highly aroused body, her own erotic pleasure greatly intensified. G oose bumps of excitement rapidly began popping up all over her skin. Her hands stopped their roaming as they wrapped themselves around Lisa's breasts and gently squeezed while pulling her own body closer to Lisa's.
Lisa would of closed her own eyes to enjoy the moment in full if it wasn't for the blindfold. The squeezing of her breasts finalized that final link between sanity and infatuation, starting a chain reaction within her that needed to be completed. Her squirming intensified as she did her best to rub against Wanda. Her pleading whimpers intermingled with moans of pleasure as her left leg attempted to wrap itself around Wanda's leg.
Her own raging hormones barely under control, Wanda needed to take care of one remaining item before the three of them could be satisfied. She reached up undoing Lisa's gag, quickly discarding it off to the side, Wanda whispered into Lisa's ear, "Do you remember the numerous discussions we had about this week?" .
Moaning, Lisa replied a simple, "Yes."
"Good, I thought you would." Continuing her squeezing of both of Lisa's breasts, Wanda asked a little louder, "Who are you?"
"I'm yours."
Wanda's right hand left its breast, wondered down to Lisa's butt and delivered a light smack while asking, "What was that?"
"I'm your slave, mistress!" Lisa replied breathlessly. Pausing briefly for a deep breath Lisa continued, "Please Mistress, I have been a very good slave. Please Mistress, let me cum!"
"You indeed have been a very good slave. But now I wish to hear something."
"Yes mistress, anything."
"Tell me about how you became fascinated with bondage?"
"But you already know .. ooowe!" Lisa cried as another smack landed on her butt.
"I asked you a question," Wanda said. Again standing directly behind and against Lisa, she brought both hands to Lisa's breasts and gently squeezing and releasing them, Wanda continued in a soft soothing voice, "Now tell me what I asked for."
"From watching TV shows and movies when we were little, I became interested in watching the person struggle when tied up but I did not actually practice bondage. Later when we played cops and robbers as kids, I was the one usually tied.." Lisa stopped, inhaling deeply as Wanda lightly pinched her nipples. Lisa dropped her head back onto Wanda's shoulder attempting to kiss her, "Please mistress, please."
"I didn't tell you to stop, keep going," Wanda said as she unwillingly moved her head away from Lisa's luscious lips, releasing her nipples and breasts to caress Lisa's stomach.
"I seemed to constantly be one of the victims being tied up, along with you, and this started something within me I still can.. not," she stuttered as Wanda's hands found her breasts again. "..not fully explain. But it felt very good and with my allowance I bought the first of many pairs of handcuffs. Alone at night I practiced some self bondage slowly, over time, realizing just how it effected me."
"When we helped Kim move into the house, I accidentally found her.." another deep breath as Wanda's fingers lightly rubbed her nipples. "I...I..found...diary... I couldn't.. PPPLEASEE!" Lisa could not take the agony of hers nipples being caressed anymore. Uncontrollably twisting and squirming against her bonds and rubbing against Wanda, she again leaned her head back attempting to give her a kiss.
This time Wanda kissed back. A long passionate kiss, which when finally ended seemed disappointing to both . But Wanda needed this to continue for Kim's awareness, "Continue," as she herself continued to caress Lisa's nipples.
"I couldn't help but be nosey and read it. Her...her.." those damn hands decided to lightly pinch her nipples again. "College adventures were very erotic, well written and ..I...needed..need..PPlease I need it!" Lisa leaned back for another kiss.
Wanda again kissed back, this time their tongues met in yet another loving display. Breaking the kiss, Wanda slapped Lisa on the butt, "I did not say to stop. Continue."
"I tried some.. of the self bondage..." Lisa's breathing was becoming ragged as one of Wanda's hands slipped downward to play with Lisa's neatly trimmed pubic hairs. "I loved the feeling.. being helpless. Over time... tied my... self when possible borrowing some of Kim's toys I found." Leaning back Lisa could barely pant, "Please, let me cum," as they kissed.
"You have been very good," Wanda said looking at Kim, who remained helplessly bound in her chair.
So erotically enticing where the unfolding events, that she could no longer control herself. ' They must both have read my college diary!' Helplessly squirming against her bonds as thoughts of what Lisa was saying kept running through her head was like someone pressing a vibrator against her. The revelation to Kim was like sweet music. Kim often thought about what Lisa would do if she had ever found out about this. ' Not only did she not think less of her, but Lisa even loves playing!'
Wanda continued, "Now I have one more thing for you to do before you are allowed to cum, slave."
"Yes, anything!"
"I know. I am going to retie your arms. Do not do or say anything, " Wanda said, as Lisa nodded. Wanda reached up, untied the rope holding Lisa's wrists to the ceiling as well as the rope holding her wrists, brought her arms behind Lisa's back and retied them. With the second longer length of rope, Wanda wrapped it around Lisa's elbows several times and pulled until her elbows just about touched, then tying and cinching the rope, wrapping the additional rope around Lisa's chest just under her breasts.
"Stay," was all Wanda said as she walked over to the bed, retrieved two pillows and a collar, and walked over to Kim. Double checking the wheels locking mechanism, placed the pillows directly in front of the chair, kissed Kim around her gag while pinching both nipples, producing a sensuous moan from Kim, whispering very softly, "Be very still."
Walking back to Lisa, Wanda strapped the half inch wide, soft leather collar around Lisa's neck. Threading her finger through one of the D-rings, she said, "Come," and giving a slight pull, lead Lisa to in front of Kim.
"Kneel," Wanda stated, having Lisa kneel on top of the pillows placed directly in front of Kim. Wanda placed her hand in-between Lisa's thighs and started swatting them saying, "Wider," until they were they same width as the chair's legs. Picking up some rope, Wanda tied Lisa's knees to their respective chair leg.
When Wanda retied her arms, Lisa knew what would follow. She would be forced to pleasure Wanda before she, herself would receive any pleasuring.
Standing up, Wanda retrieved the discard riding crop and another length of rope. Walking back to Lisa, Wanda stood as close as possible to being in front of Lisa, as if she was the one sitting their. Threading and tying the rope through the front D-ring, she pulled the on the rope forcing Lisa to bend forward to within a couple of inches of Kim's pussy, quickly tying each length of rope to either arm rest.
Grasping the riding crop, Wanda gave a couple of soft swats to Lisa's back and said, 'You know what to do slave, get to it."
Lisa immediately leaned forward to start pleasuring Wanda, and just as immediately thoughts of something being not quite right, of being out of place, bore fruit. Though this did not stop her from her assigned duty which she preformed admirably. Her first thoughts where of why was there a crotch rope encircling Wanda's pussy. This was not something Wanda would do to herself. Her second thought occurred but seconds later.
Kim could not believe what was happening and her thoughts turned from her highly sexually charged situation towards the events of the past several minutes. In a matter of what seemed like minutes she discovered her stepdaughter's best friend Wanda had a gentile sadistic nature and turned Kim into a willing slave of hers, and both Wanda and Lisa were not only experienced in bondage but both knew what Kim's diary from college said, and it said a lot. She had written more than just her normal college experiences in it. Many of her college experiences and escapades were written down along with her innermost feelings, and just like that it hit her.
The scene unfolding before her had seemed oddly familiar but she couldn't explain why, until now. One weekend night during her third semester at college, Kim had been getting ready for bed when Wendy, her best friend and roommate, entered. Wendy was also her bondage partner and upon entering ordered Kim to strip, which Kim obediently and excitedly did. Soon afterwards Kim found herself bound and gagged almost exactly like she is now, except for the crotch rope, and for many minutes afterward Wendy played with Kim's body until she needed to cum badly. Suddenly but not unexpectedly Wendy stopped, stood up and left the room which was totally unexpected. All Kim could do was to sit there with a puzzled look on her face wondering what Wendy was up to.
Several minutes later Wendy walked back into their room carrying something. That something Kim quickly identified as a leash attached to... Ann! A shy girl who also was in her third semester and lived in the dorm room next to theirs. Upon seeing Kim tied to the chair and nude, Ann blushed and glanced downward but didn't try to pull away.
The leash was attached to D-ring which in turn was attached to a leather collar wrapped around her neck. Ann was not wearing any type of clothing leaving her body nude for all to see. Her hands were tied behind her back by some rope and just above her knees another length of rope was firmly wrapped around her legs and cinched causing Ann to take short steps. Her large breasts jiggled with each step causing Kim to smile with excitement. Kim had never seen Ann wear tight clothing let alone nude and was astonished to see Ann must of exercise regularly for she had a well trimmed body.
Closing and securing the door, Wendy led Ann to the center of their room. Stepping behind her, Wendy untied her wrists only to retie them in front. Picking up another piece of rope Wanda looped this around Ann's wrists bringing them up towards the ceiling and tying them to a hook. Wendy preceded to sexual tease both Kim and Ann until the wee hours of the morning, well after the point when both of the women began pleading for an orgasm.
Thinking of this particular past experience Kim lost track of her current happenings and the second Lisa's tongue found its mark all of her thoughts running through her mind evaporated into smoke. Her pent up frustrations of the past hour for lack of another orgasm melted away and once more her one and only thought returned with full force. A loud moan of lust escaped from around Kim's gag as her body returned to its uncontrollable squirming within its bounds.
Lisa's warm moist tongue felt more than absolutely marvelous as it ran over and around the tip of her exposed clit. Feelings of intense rapture lead Kim further and further down the road of blissfulness and the longer Lisa's tongue stayed the more desired and intense Kim's feeling became.
Wanda walked over to her belongings and picked up a chastity belt along with a double ended strap-on vibrating dildo. Quickly wrapping the belt around her waist and buckling it, she threaded the crotch strap through the dildo, inserting one end of the dildo into her own moist pussy and buckling the crotch strap into place. At the last second she also picked up a pair of nipple clips and applied them to her own nipples with only light pressure for her enjoyment. She then walked back to Kim and Lisa to fulfill her own desire.
Lisa knew something was amiss when she felt the ropes encircling the pussy she now was pleasuring. But hearing muffled moans as if a gag was in place and feeling who ever was on that chair struggling as if they were bound to it sent pulses of excitement and intrigue through her body. She no longer believed that this was Wanda as she continued her dutiful job, but who was it? 'It couldn't possibly be who I think it is? ' Lisa thought to herself.
Kim's squirming increased until she was bucking and twisting her body any and every way possible as her need for an orgasm took total control of her. Moans of pleasure streamed from around her gag. But no matter how close she felt or how much she squirmed she could not break through that invisible barrier.
Unbeknownst to Kim, the ropes holding her pleasure zone tightly closed where designed for this very moment. Her most sensitive spots, where she most desired to be touched, were shut away from any direct stimulation keeping her from achieving a rapid orgasm. Instead a long slow build up towards her goal kept her teetering at the edge of insanity as a constant stream of stimulating impulses swept through her body in a never ending barrage of pleasure.
Lisa could feel the build up of pleasure sweeping through whoever sat in the chair. The intense struggling the person did steadily increased along with their moaning. The knowledge of knowing this and the thought of this person being forced to endure this pleasurable torture sent waves of pleasure coursing through her own body. The feelings rapturous bliss building within her own body caused Lisa to redouble her efforts towards this pussy, with absolutely no more thoughts as to who it might be.
Wanda knelt down on the very pillows Lisa currently knelt on and in-between Lisa's tied and spread legs, she angled the dildo for a smooth entry. She suspected Lisa no longer believed it was her sitting on that chair but if not Lisa would know in a second. Wanda's fingers felt their way around and into Lisa's drenched pussy, spreading the lubricating moisture onto the dildo. Suddenly, with one swift thrust Wanda pushed the dildo deeply inside Lisa, followed by her quickly switching the vibrator on.
Insistent moans of pleasure sounded from Wanda and Lisa as both women deeply craved their own orgasm. Even still, Wanda was not interested in hearing anything from Lisa, reaching up she pressed her head back down into Kim's crotch.
Kim no longer had any rational thought as to what was happening around her. The momentous orgasm building within consumed all her thoughts. When moans of pleasure, with their subtle vibrations, emanating from Lisa mixed with Lisa's tongue the resulting synergism battered upon that invisible barrier. Cracks started appearing throughout this barrier and showed no signs of slowing.
The roller costar ride was coming to an end for Wanda and Lisa as well. The dildo inside Wanda moved slightly and only by increasing the tempo, rocking back and forth and thrusting the dildo in and out of Lisa faster and harder did she feel each thrust generate the much needed stimulation to herself. Her hands left Lisa's head as she needed them to maintain her own balance from the frenzied activity.
Lisa was the first to cross the finish line. The dildo being slammed in and out of her along with her dangling breasts slapping against the chair's seat with each thrust pushed her forward that little bit and she screamed out her orgasm on top of Kim's pussy.
The quick change to this highly pitched vibration was all Kim needed as she rapidly followed Lisa into an orgasm, and not just any orgasm. Thrashing uncontrollably on her chair as that invisible barrier shattered into a thousand pieces, the orgasm that followed consumed her like no other in recent memory.
Listening to Lisa's and Kim's orgasms was all the additional stimulation Wanda needed as she let go of herself altogether and gave into her own wanted orgasm. Wanda's thrusting slowed as she allowed herself the pleasures of the moment.
Lisa on the other hand had already started to come down from her immediate high and decided she needed more! Rapidly she began thrusting her hips backwards, once again impaling herself on the dildo.
A dildo with two ends with the other end still inside Wanda and as Lisa began to move Wanda's own orgasm did not stop.
Soon Lisa was again lost with lust, her head tilted back and upwards with her mouth wide open emanating moans of pleasure, as another orgasm started to roll through her.
In the seconds right before her second orgasm hit, Lisa's blindfold was removed by the out stretched arms of Wanda and she found herself looking straight into Kim's loving eyes.
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