Ten minutes now, holding Him deep in her throat, not permitted to do anything yet, He is casually smoking His pipe, sipping at the liqueur, at peace with the world, how can He be so cruel, finally, a snap of His fingers, her tongue begins to swirl around the base of his shaft while her mouth sucks gently, carefully, Master will be annoyed if she brings Him off too soon. At last, the finger snap that tells her to begin her work in earnest. And work it is, too, Master has the most incredible control, Ghandi would have been jealous. Twenty minutes of ardent licking, suction and throat action before she is at last allowed to swallow what feels like a gallon of the good stuff. No worries now about being hungry, any other treat would be wasted on her. Her Master's voice percolates through what passes for her consciousness:
"Don't bother with the vacuum till the morning, but do what you can about the dust level in here."
She allows His now softening erection to slip out of her mouth, giving it a last lick while it is still within reach. She kneels back and looks up at Him with naked lust in her eyes.
"Thaaank you, Maaassterrr."
He rearranges the equipment comfortably in His pants, does up His fly, releases her right arm, strolls across to His music corner, takes down the Guarnerius which occupies pride of place in His collection. A few arpeggios sound all right to her untrained ear but her Master requires perfection in everything. A tweak to the G, slightly sharpen the D, the A passes His test but that E; fifteen minutes of the subtlest adjustments, suddenly, the solo part from the Beethoven Violin Concerto, 2nd movement, sounds brilliant but He isn't satisfied.
"I believe I mentioned something to the effect of doing something about the dust levels in this place?"
"Yes, Master, pretty ass was trying to recover a tiny bit of strength, she will get right on it, she is sorry to be so displeasing, please, Master, keep on playing, pretty ass will be quiet, pleeassse"
"I suppose I need to practise for tomorrow night, OK an hour of reels, with a couple of waltzes to close it off."
He reaches down His 1815 German Strad copy, gives it a rough tuning and breaks into a set of fifteen reels, with repeats, at five minutes per, this is forty-five minutes non-stop, no music, and he claims to be a hack fiddler, right and Stradivarius was an instrument maker of some small ability.
"Have you finished with the dust, Pretty Ass?"
"Yes, Master, until the morning, this is the best your slavegirl can do."
"Right, then, bed!"
"Yes, Master."
She sashays to the kitchen, reaches her toothbrush from under the sink... then a dry wipe of her thighs with an old dishtowel, and she presents her body to be bound for the evening.
The blindfold first, she thrills to the click of the padlock, then a lock through her wrist cuffs behind her back, on her belly now, her legs folded up to her ass, a lock through her ankle cuffs and the wrist lock, a simple hogtie, her dancing chain is just meaningless decoration now, flipped over onto her back, lying on her bound wrists and ankles, her knees automatically spreading, she can't see anything but she knows that her wetness is going to be maintained through the night. Sure enough, she feels a square box with wire being hung from her belly bangle, she can feel its weight pressing against her belly just above her clit, a click as something is connected and she feels a dildo, not as large as Him, thank god, but this will be a vibrator, the man is a sadist, she will be a wreck by morning, it slides alllll the way in, oh no, it's the one that projects over her clit, has He no sense of mercy at all?, the gag, now, this time a ring gag, this is just to tease her, she knows Master will never fit through this one, click, click, click, click, the cage is being lowered about her, it is four foot by three foot, even if she weren't in a hogtie, she couldn't straighten out anyway, no moving about for her tonight, Master is strapping her knees to the sides of her cage, she will spend the night lying on her bound wrists and ankles, the vibrator keeping her aroused, without providing any relief, Master is soooooo cruel, no wonder she loves Him so.
End of chapter seven
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