Part 6 – Party favor
I awake suddenly, as someone throws a bucket of icy water all over my body. I quickly notice Im still bound just as tightly as I was earlier, but in a different position than before. First off I'm able to breathe out of my mouth, but not able to close my mouth as there is something keeping my mouth open and tounge down at the bottom of my mouth. I can see, kind of. My head is facing the ceiling and there are several bright hot lights shining down on me and there is something sticking up from in between my eyes, which partially blocks my vision, but not totally. My hair is tied to somewhere behind and below me, forcing me to keep my head straight up looking at the ceiling. I find that I cant move a muscle, as my arms are still bound behind my back, my elbows pressing together and then my forearms bent up and my wrists tied together and against my back. This tie causes my chest to stick out and separate (more than any bra ever did). My nipples have clamps on them again, this time with weights pulling on them, and swaying a bit with my movements. Moving down the rest of my body, my ass and pussy are still stuffed and tied, the only exception is that the pussy rope is pulling tightly up, causing a great deal of tension on my clit and over my sore swollen pussy lips. My legs were tied seperately and differently than Ive had before. I was on my knees, my legs spread wide enough to feel a strain in my inner thighs, while my ankles and calves were bent away from my body, and tied to something behind me. This made me look like a giant " W " with my poor knees bearing all of my weight and every muscle in my body straining to keep my balance.
With the water still dripping off of me, and my mind and body trying to get used to my new surroundings, I heard voices and heels clicking around me. "good morning whore, have a nice nap?" came from a woman close to me. She trailed something hard and leathery over my exposed breast as she spoke. "My friend Kari is lending you to me for a couple days. I needed a fuckhole to entertain some of my friends for a party this weekend and then of course someone to clean up at the end of the party." Tracing her crop over my breast, swatting each right below my nipples before she continued "You look pretty pathetic, even for Kari's standards. You had better not dissapoint my friends or you'll be in for a very very long couple of days. Tonight you are going to have the privledge of acting as a living fuckdoll, whipping post, urinal and anything else my girls desire. IF you do adequately at this, I will allow you to be fed and to sleep in a cage with a pillow. If however, you displease even one of my friends, your going to be spending the night like this with no food. Understand meat?" She slapped the crop across my cheeck for good measure. All I could respond with was a pathetic grunt in agreement. Which was met by several repeated swats to my breasts and stomach. Each strike would send me rocking a bit, causing my nipple weights to sway and my knees to ache. I had no idea how I was going to make it through the night without pissing off one of this mystery womans friends. The woman worked my entire body with her crop, making sure to touch up every inch of my exposed skin. She paid special attention to my breasts and my inner thighs. After the had whipped me to satisfaction, she straddled the thing in between my eyes and sat down on it. It was a cock, which she was now fucking right above my mouth and nose. When she got all the way down on it, her asshole found its way right over my nose. She took the time to grind on both my nose and the facecock. Soon, her juices were dripping over my forehead, over my nose, and my eyes. When she was finished, she got up and straddled my mouth, which was of course forced open and waiting. She started grinding my face, making me take all her pussy juices, and what little movement I could muster with my tounge, was used to lick her clean. She managed to position her pussy fully over my mouth and her ass over my nose again, smothering me while she grinded to another orgasam. I was helpless to not only lick, swallow and breath her musk, but also to absorb her added weight on my bound knees and pussy. Before she got off my face, she pressed her pussy against my mouth one last time, and began to pee in my mouth. I was not expecting this or ready, so it completely filled my mouth at first, which forced me to gulp it down very quickly. About halfway through, she raised up a few inches above my mouth and let her pee splash all over my face, trailing down my chest and neck. After finishing, and pressing her pussy back into my mouth for cleaning, she walked off.
I stayed there alone for what was probably 10 minutes, immobile, sore, and smelling of the mystery womans pee. I didnt even know what to think about what was happening to me. How could I be "lent" to someone by Miss Kari, where was I, what was going to happen to me, how long was I going to be here. It dawned on me that, with today being the start of a long weekend, I could be with this mean woman for 4 days. Even with all that had happened to me the past couple days with Miss Kari, and my summer spent with Miss Courtney and MIss Britney, I could already tell this woman was a whole new level of tough that made those three look like candy stripers, and that scared me. What scared me even more is I found myself wishing I was back with Miss Kari.
I didnt get to think too much longer because the first of the "friends" came in soon after. Again, all I could see was a female shillouette approach me, and feel her spitting on my face "God your a pathetic whore, stop slouching and get straight up on those knees, and keep that god dammed dildo straight!" Her sharpness shocked me, as she slapped my breasts and face and kicked the inside of my thighs spreading my legs wider and putting more pressure on my knees. She circled me swatting me if I moved or even breathed to hard. Her swats were swift and painful. Much more so than the first woman who used me. She liked to swat my inner thigh right next to my pussy, she hit it so hard it felt like it was on fire. Tears started forming in my eyes, which were mixing with the other fluids running all over my face. "God you stink like a fucking pig. How pathetic do you have to be to let yourself stoop this low pig? Sluts like you disgust me" She barked as she took her whip and swatted me squarely on my pussy lips. I let out some godawful sound, which just caused her to get more mad. I was trembling and afraid, wondering how I could have been so stupid to get the first person to come in so mad at me, afraid I'd be spending the whole night like this. The woman continued calling me names, slapping my body with her whip and spitting on me. Telling me I was a dirty disgusting worthless animal. I started believing her, feeling small stupid and helpless. By the time she left my mind was mush and I felt like the lowest form of creature alive.
The second group of visitors came in shortly after. It sounded like a group of at least three women hovering around me. I guess there were men at this party and they had just sucked some of them off, because the first just leaned over my face and then began to spit semen fromher mouth into mine, telling me to swallow it. The second, followed suit spitting the semen on my forehead, so some dripped over my face and eyes, and some got in my hair. The third didnt spit anything, rather she straddled my face much the same as the first mystery woman, and grinded on the cock on my forehead til she came. The three of them took turns peeing on me, one peeded in my mouth, another on my face and hair and another on my chest. The rest of the night was a blur after that, I was used as a fuck doll for these women, I was beaten, I was completley physically and mentally broken down, and I couldnt think at all by the end of the night.
Finally, the first mystery woman and the woman who was so merciless at whipping me came back into the room. "my my, she smells awful. I wonder if dirty pigs always smell that bad?" The beater asked. "Probably. Stupid dirty haired tramps, they have no class or sense of self respect. I wonder if she likes the way she was treated tonight?" "Honestly... do you give a rats ass Candi?" They both giggled at that one. "Well, I'm too tired to hose it down, so I guess we should put it outside for the night" The first mystery woman commented, as they took me off the frame I was tied to, and plopped me onto a cart and carted me out a door into a huge backyard. There, I was dumped off the cart onto the floor, and my elbows and breasts were unbound and the plug and dildo were removed from me. Finally my gag was removed. I was slapped and told to keep quiet or it would go back in. I nodded in submission, and remained silent as they placed a steel collar around my neck and locked the collar to a small ring on the ground. The chain was only a few inches long, so I was unable to move my head more than a few inches off the ground. Next they shackled one of my ankles to the ground several feet away, forcing me to lay down for the night. With me secure, the two of them walked away, leaving me bound to the floor outside the remainder of the night. There I stayed the whole night. On the other side of the yard, I could see some women having drinks, chit chatting and just generally milling about with music, tikki torches a pool, the whole nine yards. Where I was however, was very dark, and all the fluids on my body had managed to attract the attention of flies, other insects and mice. I was helpless to ward them off and had to endure these bugs and animals crawling all over me. This sunk me to a whole new level of degradation, I started crying and twitching hoping to get them off of me, at least temporarily. Eventually I nodded off, not knowing what tomorrow would bring