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Review This Story || Author: Panther

Come and Knock on Our Door

Part 1

“Come and Knock on Our Door”

Come and Knock on Our Door


          “Jack, where are you?”  Janet Wood called out as she slammed the apartment door behind her.  She looked around their small living space but neither of her roommates was in sight. “Jack! Chrissy!   Where are you guys?  Roper is on the warpath again.  We’re two months behind on the rent and he’s not buying any more excuses.”

          The door of Jack’s bedroom opened and he strode out while doing up his fly, “What are you going on about now?”  He asked as he closed the bedroom door behind him so Janet could only get a glimpse of something moving inside, but she was sure it was probably another one of Jack Tripper’s many conquests.

          “We’ve got to come up with the all the back rent or Roper is going to put a padlock on our door,” Janet said, her voice brimming with exasperation.  “And I don’t think your cooking skills would improve much if all you had to work with was whatever you could find in a dumpster.”

          “It’s not my fault I lost my job at the sushi restaurant,” Jack stated.

          “You overcooked it Jack,” Janet said with a chuckle.  “How do you overcook sushi, when it’s served raw?”

          “Okay so a guy skips one cooking glass and the world jumps all over him.”  Jack said with a sigh.  “Now you don’t worry about Roper, he’s all bark no bite and I’ve got everything under control.  Why don’t you head down to the pub?  I think that’s where Chrissy is.”

          “Okay, I’ll go and find Chrissy, but when we get back whatever tramp you’ve got stashed in your room better be gone, because we have serious matters to discuss.  I don’t want to be living on the street this Christmas!”  And with that Janet stormed out of the apartment.

          “I thought she’d never leave,” Jack muttered to himself as he turned and headed back into his bedroom.  “Sorry for the interruption…now where were we?” He asked. 

          The person he addressed was one Lana Shields the nympho from upstairs, but she was in no condition to respond as she was stark naked, trussed up with rope, and with a huge red ball gag rammed in her mouth.  Red welts criss-crossed her breasts and belly, and rivulets of blood ran from the two pins that were piercing her nipples.  Her eyes are wide and pleading for mercy, but from Jack she knew there would be none.  She had come over to see Jack earlier in the day to borrow a turkey baster for the Thanksgiving Day dinner she was to cook for her visiting sister.   She couldn’t resist flirting with him as she had been trying to get Jack into bed for ages (she didn’t buy his gay act one bit), and so she wasn’t completely surprised when one thing lead to another and they ended up in his bedroom.  What she hadn’t counted on was what a sick fuck Jack was.  After some heavy petting Jack brought out some rope, and quickly tied her spread eagle on the bed.  She at first had no problem with that, as bondage games weren’t completely foreign to her, but when he stuffed a huge ball gag in her mouth, and proceeded to torture her nipples with three-inch long needles…well she was now hoping to just come out of this alive.  She pulled against the ropes as Jack positioned himself between her legs, but there was no escape.

          “Have you ever been fisted?”  Jack asked her, and Lana’s eyes practically bugged out of her head at the thought of a fist going up her pussy. She frantically shook her head no, a look of horror and panic in her eyes.  “Well it always good to enrich ones life with new experiences,” Jack said with a grin, and then slipped three fingers into Lana’s pussy. She struggled futilely against the bounds as he added a fourth finger.  “Now this isn’t too bad now is it?  Just the thumb to go.”  Jack then formed a wedge with his hand, curled the thumb in, and began to force his whole hand into her pussy.  He pushed it in further until her pussy lips slowly closed around his wrist while Lana thrashed around on the bed.  “Nice and snug…now comes the fun part.”  Lana then felt Jack’s hand curl up and form a fist deep inside her.  She groaned and her eyes rolled back in her head, the pain was incredible, and she was not sure how much more she or her aching cunt could take.  “Come on Lana, you know you like this,” he said with a huge smile on his face as he forced his fist even deeper.  She screamed into the gag as his forearm started to make its way into her poor ravaged pussy.  Her body bucked up and down, the ropes cutting into her flesh as her body twisted and turned in the throws of agony.  “Oh yeah baby, ride my arm!”  Jack laughed as he began to really go to town.

          “Jack what are you doing?”  A voice from behind him asked.  Jack turned around, arm still buried deep in the girls pussy, and stared into the doe like eyes of his other roommate Chrissy Snow, who was standing in the now open door.

          “Oh, hi Chrissy, I thought you were down at the pub,” Jack then quickly came up with an idea, a devilishly evil idea.  “Lana came over for some cooking tips, and I’m giving her the benefits of my expertise.”

          “But why is she naked and tied up?”  Chrissy asked with complete innocence.

          “This is a German teaching method,” Jack explained.  “It is to help the pupil learn to sympathize with the food, and gives them a different perspective.”

          “But Jack, why is your hand stuck inside her?”  She inquires.

          “I’m showing her what a stuffed turkey feels like,” Jack replies with a grin.  “Would you like to help me with the lesson?”

          “Is it hard?” Chrissy asked.  It’s very hard at the moment Jack thought as he stifled a laugh.

          “I bet you will be a natural, now take off your clothes we wouldn’t want to stain them,” Jack advised her.  Chrissy quickly stripped down to her birthday suit and Jack was practically struck dumb by the sheer perfection her nubile young body.  Even Lana, who was in complete agony, couldn’t take her eyes of the vision of loveliness that was Chrissy Snow.

          “How can I help?” Chrissy asked all full of bubbling enthusiasm.

          “Well it is important for the meat to be properly tenderized,” Jack told his eager new student.  He pointed at a riding crop that was sitting on his dresser.  “Use that on the breasts, and remember it’s important to be give each swing a strong follow through.”  Chrissy practically bounded across the room as she snatched up the crop.

          “Won’t this hurt awfully?” She asked with a wicked gleam in her eye.

          “Only if you do it right,” Jack answered as he gave his arm another thrust so that his fist pounded up against Lana’s cervix.  Lana groaned around the gag as she felt her pussy lips tearing under the onslaught.  She felt on the brink of passing out from the pain when the first strike across her left breast from the crop brought her mind into sharp focus.

          “Oh, this is fun!”  Chrissy exclaimed as she rained blow after blow down onto the poor bound girl’s tits.  She was carefully to not hit the needles that were still sticking out of Lana’s nipples, but with each strike she did her best to add more rivulets of blood to the mess that Lana’s breasts were becoming.  Soon they were a red, black, and blue and Lana had finally retreated into the safety of oblivion.  “Jack, she has fallen asleep.  That is sooooo rude.”

          “Well that is disappointing,” Jack said as he yanked his hand out of the woman’s tortured pussy.  “Well maybe if we marinate her she will come around.”  Jack stood up on the bed, towering over the unconscious girl, and proceeded to piss all over her breasts and pussy.  Chrissy giggled and clapped her hands, she then removed the ball gag and placed her pussy over Lana’s mouth and let loose with a steam of urine of her own.  This got the result the two wanted as Lana quickly awoke, choking and spurting on the horrible acrid piss.  Jack’s urine stung as it washed all over her open cuts that she had received from the brutally lashing Chrissy had given her breasts.  Lana cried, sobbed, and gurgled until her tormentors finally ran out of piss.

          “Please stop, I beg of you,” Lana cried through tear and urine stained eyes.  “Whatever have I done to deserve this?”

          “Is that how you thank Jack for giving you cooking lessons?”  Chrissy asked, looking very cross at Lana.  “I think you need to be punished.”  She then bounced out of the room only to quickly return with her hands full.  Her treasures included a huge candle, sewing needle and thread, and cayenne pepper.

          “Ohhh god noooooo!”  She began to scream as she saw the items in Chrissie’s hands, but was cut off as Jack stuffed the ball gag back in her mouth.

          “Class is back in session,” Jack said with a huge grin.




Review This Story || Author: Panther
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