When Bob awoke the next morning, his delectable wife was still sound asleep. This kind of surprised him in as much as he thought for sure considering what was planned for today, he figured she would me a bit anxious. After all, Bob thought his plans for this evening had to be the most daring thing she would ever experience. Little did he know his wife only got to bed 3 hours ago. Between the bar scene with Larry and that guy who drove her home, it had been a long night. Well, he kind of drove her home. She was dropped off on her street near an alley about 2 and a half blocks from her home. She was naked with her wrists cuffed behind her back with no way to cover or protect herself. She knew she had to get home as fast as possible both before anyone from the neighborhood might spot a naked woman out on the street and to get in the house before any of the drugs she had give her own husband might have worn off.
It turned out to be a task not easily accomplished. In spite of it being close to 3 in the morning, things were very perceptible in the night setting. She could only imagine how visible she could be to others. Sue soon learn this was no easy task. She made her way house by house trying to keep close to any of the house’s shrubs or any other covering she could use all the while studying each house to make sure there was no one who she might attract attention to. Even though she had been seen naked by many different people over the past weeks, this was different. First and foremost these were her and Bob’s neighbors and secondly like any neighborhood, sounds around someone’s home are often investigated. She tried to be careful yet quick.
It took her about 15 minutes to make it the first block. She began to get a little bolder with her success until she was 3 houses from her home. Suddenly her ass received a zap stronger than she had felt all that night. She remembered what the man who dropped her off told her but with her concentrating on keeping herself out of sight and trying to get home she had already forgotten. Susan tried to continue onward but the pain shooting into her ass hurt like hell. Quickly she retreated until she was out of the range of the transmitter. Sue tried to evaluate her situation. Her house was so close she could see the front door. By trial and zap she discovered just how far she could approach the transmission field. After several attempts she figured it might be a better idea to try and approach this from behind the houses in hopes the transmission frequency might be blocked or at least hindered by the houses. The only problem was she’d have to go through the Palmer’s backyard, naked and cuffed as she was and she knew they had a couple big sliding glass doors leading out to their patio and yard. Still there was no better options so she made her way along the house until she reach their back gate. Thank goodness they had a string that was attached to the gate’s lock. Sue bit on the string and pulled. The gate opened. She held her breath as the wooden gate squeaked as she pushed on it. Inch, by inch she slowly open it while trying to keep the squeaking to a minimum.
Finally she was she was in. She was panting. Her situation along with the danger was getting to her but not in a negative way. She cursed herself but knew she was getting excited from the danger and her vulnerability. “What a sicko I am.” She thought to herself.
That was when she spotted one of the Palmer’s
After regaining her wits about her, she crossed the patio area only to discover the fence. There was no way around it to get to the next yard.
So close. It was only a 4 foot fence. And she knew there was a gate on the other side of her neighbor’s yard that would give her clear path to her house.
A simple pair of hand cuffs and no clothing seem to render her completely helpless to a little fence. Sue was about to go back out front when she spotted a small step ladder they must use to trim bushes and trees. Even with her hands behind her back, Sue managed to position the ladder on a solid surface right up to the Daniel’s yard. She carefully stood on top of the now shaky 3 foot step stool ladder. She had to jump up a little and over the fence. It wasn’t a big leap but without arms and the wobbly ladder she would be thrusting from, it was frightening. She refused to let herself be scared out of this and jumped. She just barely made it.
Sue tumbled to the ground and rolled. Then she felt the pain. Not so much from her jump and fall but she once again entered the transmission field for the zapper shoved up her ass and now there was no retreat from the electrical jolts. Sue had to suffer and run to the gate. She willed herself forward through the pain and only had to open the gate and then run straight to her front porch to shut off the transmitter.
Even though the Daniel’s fence gate open the same as the Palmer’s, Sue struggled to get it open as he ass received jolt after jolt of shocking electricity. Her eyes filled with tears. She moan in pain as she struggled to get it open. Here she was only a few feet from her own back door which she left unlocked in case of an emergency and it was useless to her. She had to force herself to go to the front porch and turn off the transmitter and retrieve the keys to her hand cuffs before her torture would be over.
Susan sprinted to the front of her house. The pain prevailed
over any caution as she ran into the exposed front yard of their house. She
bolted up the steps to find a note on the front door. It read
: Opps my bad! The controller and
key to the cuffs are at your back door.
Sue nearly screamed as the pain was becoming unmanageable but some how she managed to return to nearly the same spot she was only at a few moments ago to find the plastic control box. She was gasping and whining when she finally found the switched that stopped the shooting pain deep into her ass.
In spite of the cool night air, Sue was panting and perspiring. For nearly 5 minutes she laid still cuffed on the grass. Her night was finally over.
- -
“Hey you goen to wake up, sleepy bones?” Bob asked nudging his wife.
Susan was exhausted from her night. She glanced at the clock on the night stand. It was near 8 AM. “Please let me sleep some more.” She mumbled.
Bob was confused. Susan was always the first to get up. Often she had coffee made and had her shower even before he turned over most mornings. “Ok.” He said thinking maybe she didn’t sleep much after all if she was thinking of what he might have in store for her. He slapped her naked ass and said, Go ahead and get some more rest. You’ll probably need it for tonight.”
Those words resonated in her head. “Oh, not more. This has to stop she thought.”
“Bob.” She whispered without even turning over. “Maybe we should forget this tonight. Maybe this has gone too far.”
She felt Bob, sit on the edge of the bed. He pulled back the covers. His hands rubbing her naked back and ass. It felt so good. “What’s the matter honey? My little wild woman getting nervous that her husband might turn her on too much tonight?” She felt him move to get something out of the nightstand drawer. Suddenly she heard the familiar sound of her vibrator and soon felt it at her cunt lips. Bob was surprised Sue was already wet when he worked the vibrator up into her slit. Next he moved her hands behind her back and before she knew what he was doing he locked handcuffs to her wrists. Sue was too tired and becoming too turned on with her vibrator to argue.
“I see my little wild thing has been playing with her handcuffs recently. Your wrists have red marks from them.” Bob once again slapped his wife’s ass as she began squirming from the stimulation the vibrator was giving her. “I’m going to leave you two alone but I’m taking the keys to the cuffs with me. No chickening out on me today. I went to too much trouble to plan a great evening for you.” He said as he left the room.
Sue involuntarily clenched her legs tightly together to enjoy the vibrator more. She came and came again while emitting grunting sounds with each climax.
Bob went about getting things ready then checked his e-mails. There waiting was the promised e-mail from D.B Slaver.
Hope everything is
going as planned. After reading this e-mail reply with a confirmation so I know
everything is a go.
First off, if you
bought her a sexy outfit like I suggested, I think it would be fun to show her
off a bit to get both her and your juices flowing. However not at the kind of
place she’d enjoy flirting about. There is a bar called Willys just on the
outskirts of Brookdale. It’s patronized by bunch of retired or near retired
truckers. They are the type of guys who are usually pretty uninhibited when it
comes to a women in their bar and yet can be controlled. You might want to
think of a few things you want to have your wife do while there but it’s
important that she not have more than one drink. We don’t want a drunken
captive who won’t get a thrill from her kidnapping. You on the other hand can
probably get drinks for free depending on how far you want to push her limits
there. If she questions about going there, tell her it’s just for a drink
before your dinner reservations.
to the set up. Make sure you
park your car on the side of the building. There are no
lights out back and this area is blocked off of any view from the road
too. If you get to Willys at or about 6:30 it will be dusk but parking there
will not seem ominous. However it will be plenty dark when
you leave in an hour. I will be parked in a van. After you arrive and go
in, I will park the van right along side of your car. I’ll give you a good
30-40 minutes to have fun and will come in but not approach the bar. I’ll enjoy
your teasing with her for about 15 minutes and after you see me leave finish up
your drink and tell her it’s time to leave for your dinner reservations. Once
you reach the door, tell her you need to take a piss before you leave but make
sure you send her to the car. If she says she’ll wait, tell her you don’t think
it would be such a good idea after getting all the guys so horny for her.
This does two things.
First you have implanted in her head she teased guys to the brink so when she
is grabbed outside it will seem plausible but it should get her to rationalize
that it would be safer in the car.
Once she goes to the
car I will grab her and subdue her. I will turn my parking lights on as a
signal to you that she has been restrained and blindfolded so she won’t see
you. When you get in the van, of course you can’t speak but I will refer to you
and you should only reply with a grunt.
There is a dirty road
right behind the place to a heavily wooded area. It like only several hundred
yards away. That is where we can strip her, tie her and fuck her. We can even
leave her safely blindfolded alone for awhile before returning for more fun. We
can be off and be able to talk if you want to add anything to this scenario.
See you tonight.
DB Slaver
By the time Bob finished reading the plan he came in his pants. He had a few reservations like could this older guy really subdue Susan alone? After all Susan was in her late twenties and he was an older man. He also wondered about this bar. What if these guys got too riled up? Bob’s dick jumped to life again as he recalled Susan’s plight at the bar and pool table. They both enjoyed that night. Hell if it happens, it happens. He knew his wife was in for most anything.
By noon Bob felt it was time for his wife to finally get her ass out of bed. Her day with him was about to begin. He came into their bedroom holding a box with a bow. “I got a present for a sexy slut wife.” He toyed with her. “Susan rolled over on her cuffed wrists to see what her husband had. “It’s an outfit I bought you for tonight. The lady at the store couldn’t believe my wife would wear such an outfit but she is wrong isn’t she?
Sue gave him a pouting look. “Let me see it.” She said.
“Not until you tell me you love it and will wear it for me.”
“How can I say that? I haven’t seen it yet.”
“You can promise me, because you want to. That is the only reason.” He replied.
“Ok, I promise, now let me see what you picked out.” Bob helped Sue into a sitting position. She asked him to take the cuffs off but he ignored her as he opened the box. He pulled the silky silvery dress from the box. As he did, the vision of her in it at the bar made him horny once more. Not only was the dress’ deep cut front going to expose a lot of tit and cleavage all the way down to her belly button but Bob went one more step after buying it and took it to a seamstress and to have wide slits added to the dress. Not simply slits but inverted V’s. From the waist line the inverted V cut spread wider until the bottom where it left a five inch gap on each side of the dress. More importantly to the wearer, the slits left only two 6 inch panels of silky silvery material to cover her pussy and ass. Bob did not show her that modification when he held up the dress.
Susan snickered at her husband’s enthusiasm but questioned where were they suppose to be going where she could wear such a deep cut dress. “Don’t you worry about that sweetie. I got it all planned out. Now are you done with your, bitching so I can uncuff you and you can get up and get something to eat?
Sue couldn’t deny her husband his fun. She knew she would have to have a serious talk with him after tonight about putting a stop to this whole thing and to somehow tell him how Larry had taken advantage. Well not every detail but she had to make sure Bob wouldn’t do something rash about the scum bag.
- * * To be continued
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