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Review This Story || Author: Sirbosk1

Brian's Sleep Walking Adventure

Part 2

Part 8, Brian’s Revenge

Brian’s Sleep Walking Adventure


Parts 1-7 were originally posted to a newsgroup. Many of the group members thought I had treated Brian badly while others disagreed, thinking he got what he deserved for cheating with steroids. To give the story a “happier” ending, I added this sequel, part 8, to the story. I hope you enjoy it.


My thanks to SlvGina for her help in developing the character of Brian’s Uncle and my thanks to the nice Louisiana family I met at a bar in North New Jersey who helped with the character of Jamal.


Part 8, Brian’s Revenge


Chapter 13


This story contains scenes of spanking, forced homosexuality and oral sex as well as other erotic themes involving adult men of college age or older. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places, events, or descriptions, is totally unintentional and a pure coincidence This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice. The author would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, and suggestions.




It was Monday night at the Gym and three young college men sat in the Coach's office, silently while another paced, agitated. The other three were still and somber while the fourth was excited and smiling.


Matt was thinking, I'm screwed, I am going to be a pimp and prostitute's bouncer because I was a drunken bastard and screwed up one of my Fraternity brothers. He's in a lot of trouble and it's my fault. If I don't go along, I'll be a prostitute as well, and might get beaten to death and raped too.


Mark was thinking, I've got to leave town or something, I have screwed up now. I will lose my scholarship and get arrested and jailed, just like Brian. We're sure to get caught by the police. Even if the authorities don't find out, the brothers will and they will beat the crap out of me and the asshole who talked me into screwing with Brian that night. My life over.


Bruno was apprehensive. He was deep in the closet. He had a crush on Brian after he saw what a great athlete he was, how hard he worked, how beautiful he was and how nice he was to everyone. At first he was mad at the man who had humiliated his former team and so obviously used drugs to help him do it. Now the man he loved most in the world was in trouble and his asshole former Coach had asked him to help fuck him up some more. He had to take the job to try to save Brian, even though Brian would never know why. Bruno had no money and didn't know anyone. What could he do, how could he help Brian get free? All he knew was he had to try.


Luke, completely unaware of what had happened at the Jail and what the coach was up to, was just happy his Uncle Joe had arranged for him to punish Brian and humiliate him for the next year and tonight, in front of his old team and a couple of Brian's buddies. That would fix that cheating bastard!


Luke's cell phone rang. The excited Luke listened and flipped his phone closed. "That was the coach. They're on their way. I thought that pervert was a homo, he's naked and he's going to suck the coach's cock all the way!"


Bruno's heart almost stopped, his massive fists clenched!


Matt and Mark cringed, Brian wasn't a homo. Everyone knew he was a straight virgin!


Luke grinned like he had just won 20 million in the lottery.




Meanwhile, Brian was naked except for his dog collar decorated with a big pink ribbon and another pink ribbon tied tightly around his package.


He was sucking the long thin cock sticking out of the coach's smelly crotch.


The coach was taking him to the Gym for further humiliation.


The beginning of a life of sin and degradation had begun.


Brian's ass was raw from the rape in the jail, his lips were chapped and his neck was sore from all the throat fucking he had endured the night before. Yet, Brian was feeling a thrill of excitement, adrenaline was pumping through his veins.


He shouldn't be excited by this "fate worse than death" but his pencil dick was as hard as a rock, throbbing and leaking from the visions of depravity the coach had painted for him in the court parking lot.


Brian was sucking the coach's cock like the pro the coach was going to make him.


The gang from the night before had trained him well and he was feeling a sort of victory about the moans and groans he was causing in the coach.


Brian was kneeling in front of the passenger front seat, his head in the coach's lap, stroking the coach's cock with one hand while he balanced himself with his other hand.


While he sucked and licked the coach's cock, the coach would periodically reach over and slap Brian's ass firmly to encourage him.


They had been riding along for nearly 20 minutes.


The relatively light but continuing spanking was making the endorphin's build and Brian was starting to float.


The endorphins were making the pain in his ass fade.


The combination of the endorphins and the strong manly smell of the coach were making Brian feel really good!


Brian mind started to drift, his lips and tongue in automatic.


He knew he had to get out of this situation. If he didn't, the perfect life he envisioned when he got his scholarship would be over. Any sort of worthwhile life would be over.


His parents would disown him if they knew what had happened, even though it was not his fault he had been kidnapped and later framed.


His Minister, a hard liner, would expel him from the church for being a sodomite.


With no powerful friends and no money, what could he do? Where could he go?


Then, after a particularly hard strike from the coach, he snapped out of his endorphin haze. It was like he had been struck by lightening.


His Uncle Knute!


Chapter 14


Knute's family rarely spoke of him, even then in unflattering terms. Brian's Mother had disowned her brother. Brian's religious Father called him the spawn of the devil.


Brian didn't feel that way. He was proud of his Uncle, even though he could barely remember him. The last time he had spoken to him was during a brief visit in 1992, just after the first Gulf War. Every birthday there was a card, a short note of affection and a hundred bucks!


His Uncle had been 30 in 1991. Unlike Brian, Knute was brilliant but without formal schooling. With his hard work and using his brilliant mind, he had rapidly risen to the rank master sergeant.


During the first Gulf War, Knute was assigned to covert operations. His small team of tough young Green Berets had been dropped deep behind the lines in Iraq to coordinate NBC and Scud missile air strikes.


Knute had a facility for languages like many Green Beret and that was what got him noticed and recruited by that elite force. He could speak Arabic, French, Hebrew and several other languages used in the middle east. He had learned French in High School and the Army had found to their pleasure, that he could rapidly learn new languages.


Knute used his intelligence and gift to get the best out of himself and his teams.


He looked nothing like Brian except he was almost as tall. He was 6 foot 2 inches tall with black hair, coal black eyes, and weighed about 175 pounds. Knute was hard as steel but slender. Except for his pale skin, he looked like he was a native of the Middle East.


Knute's team was very successful finding targets and they even captured some important prisoners. One was a highly placed member of the Iraqi Secret Police.


The man was no fan of Saddam but like most still decent successful men in Iraq, he did what was necessary to survive. He was an expert interrogator and skilled at getting information from the men who were trying to defeat Saddam from inside and out but he did it without the brutal techniques of his less patient and sadistic colleagues. He knew the techniques from his training but also knew that they were less reliable than sensory and sleep depravation, withholding protein, close contact nudity with other male prisoners as well as other more subtle tools.


During the short time that Abdul was a prisoner of Knute's team, he developed a healthy respect and admiration for the hard brave American. Expecting torture and death, instead, he was treated professionally and fairly. After being turned over to US Army intelligence and largely due to Knute's behavior, he defected, finally free of the mad regime of the Dictator. After the war, the Dictator had lashed out, torturing and killing many of his subordinates, blaming them for his failure. Knute had saved his life and Abdul knew it.


As a result of the huge success of Knute's patrol and his obvious value as a covert operator, he was noticed by the CIA and recruited to work the Middle East. He left the Army and lead a successful but completely secret life as a covert agent, repeatedly promoted and given more and more power to get the job done. A very valuable man in their human intelligence poor service, he had the full confidence of the higher ups.




Brian had his head buried in the coach's musky crotch, his nose frequently tickled by the coach's wiry black pubic hair as he periodically plunged down the full length of the coach's long thin cock.


Over the 25 minute trip, the coach had Brian keep him on the edge.


Finally the coach was approaching the school and he ordered Brian to make him cum.


Fearing more punishment or return to jail and the gang, Brian did as ordered, sucking, licking and stroking for all he was worth.


The coach's balls tightened, the precum flowed and his ass raised up to momentarily trap Brian's head against the wheel, almost causing the van to crash.


The coach strained to force his ass back down to get control of the van, then, jet after jet of hot thick cum shot out of the coach's cock, at first striking Brian in the back of his throat. Over the long trip, the coach had built a massive load.


At first, Brian couldn't swallow fast enough, initially choking, coughing on the first stream, the thick white cum spilling out of his nose and lips, into the coach's hairy crotch.


Finally, Brian got control and caught up, greedily swirling his tongue around the head of the coach's cock, polishing the head and gathering cum like a starving cat, licking up the best cream.


Brian was beginning to like the taste of cum!


Slowing, to avoid an accident, the coach's van slowly approached the Gym parking lot and pulled into his reserved space, a small shed next to the Gym used to store outdoor maintenance equipment.


Chapter 15


The coach turned off the ignition and totally relaxed. That was one of the best orgasms he had ever had. He had a gold mine in Brian. This was going better than he hoped.


Still suckling on the coach's cock, Brian too was coming down, embarrassed and humiliated that he had enjoyed sucking another man's cock.


Finally recovered, the coach grabbed Brian by an ear and firmly pulled him off of his shrinking and now tender cock.


He opened the driver's side door and slid out facing the interior of the car with his fly still open. He reached down to zip up and found his fingers got wet from the cum spilled in his crotch. Angry that Brian had been sloppy and his pants might get wet and stained, he ordered the snorting Brian out of the Van.


"Get out here cocksucker, on your knees and clean up this mess," he said, dropping his pants and shorts.


Brian quickly slid over, jumped out and kneeled on the cold pavement. He looked around trying to figure out how he could do as ordered.


"Lick up the cum running down my leg and on my balls. Suck the cum out of my pubic hair and lick my cock off. Don't spend all day doing it!" Ordered the irate coach.


They made quite a picture, the big coach standing in his reserved space, shed door still open, his pants around his ankles while a big naked jock licked his cock and balls.


Brian couldn't believe what the coach was forcing him to do. What if someone came along or drove by?


"That's enough cocksucker," said the coach.


The coach turned around, bent over slightly with his legs spread. "Get your slutty tongue on my ass and clean the cum off my asshole. I can feel it running down."


Disgusted and retching from the strong smell, but afraid to refuse, he started to lick the coach's ass crack.


"Deeper ass licker. Get in there and tongue my asshole," ordered the coach.


Brian wiped the flat of his still cum covered tongue, up and down the coach's hairy ass, running it over his sticky asshole on each long swipe. It tasted bitter and smelled worse. Still he did it over and over until there was no taste or smell at all.


Despite the pleasure Brian's tongue was giving him, the coach looked at his watch and decided it was time to go in. Brian could finish up later and learn to suck his hot asshole when he took care of the rest of the team and the probation officers.


Coach pulled up his shorts and pants. While he buttoned up and tightened his belt, he pointed to a threadbare pair of oil stained work coveralls that hung on a hook next to the exit door. "Put those on pervert. We can't have you wandering the halls in your uniform."


The coach knew that the four probation officers were waiting in his office and the team would be back at school in time for the 6 PM party. This should be fun.




The coach, with the frightened Brian close behind, entered the coach's office.


Instead of the four probation officers, only Bruno remained.


While Brian and the coach were on their way back, everything had changed.


When Luke announced that Brian was a homo and was sucking the coach's cock, Bruno had flipped out.


"What the hell are you talking about," hollered Bruno. "Brian's a straight virgin."


Looking at the two fraternity men, Bruno hollered, "What the hell happened Saturday night."


Matt and Mark, big men but still intimidated by the massive enraged Bruno, stumbled and stammered out how Brian had sleep walked into the Living Room and stripped, tried to curl on the couch they already sat on and freaked them out. They explained they were drunk and how they had taken the sleep walking Brian to North Central and left him in Luke's Laundromat, nude. They pleaded that they had really screwed up and admitted they were stupid assholes to try to calm the irate monster. They choked out that now the coach, with the help of Luke's Uncle Joe, were blackmailing them to help the coach turn out Brian as a male prostitute and gay porn star. They explained that tonight's activities were going to be secretly filmed like the video of the jail rape and sold along with more films planned for the University football team. They wanted to help Brian but were afraid of the coach and his brother the Judge. The coach had threatened they would be arrested for conspiracy to commit a sex crime and taken to jail to be raped like Brian.


Stunned, Luke couldn't believe it. He had interrupted their story over and over, not believing what he and his Uncle were involved in. They just wanted to humiliate Brian a little, not enslave him. Not only was it real wrong, if it came out, it would ruin his whole family.


Finally, Bruno calmed down enough that Matt and Mark were no longer afraid of getting beaten to death by the massive football player. Brian raped, videos of it, more planned of the high school and University football team, prostitution? Jesus Christ, Brian was in a whole lot of trouble and now, so were they all.


Bruno told Matt and Mark to go back to the University. Somehow, he would see to it that Brian got back to the house. He told Luke to go home, but not call his Uncle and tell him what was going on in case he was in on it. Protesting his Uncle's innocence, he finally agreed when Bruno convinced him that Luke's Uncle was better off not getting further involved for now.


Everyone left except Bruno. He sat down heavily, his head down, eyes covered with his massive hand, tears streaming out. He tried to think.


After a about 15 minutes of not thinking of any long term solution, he called the team captains and told them the team meeting was off and would be rescheduled. He needed time to think of a solution. He would tell the coach that Brian had to be back right away to explain what had happened to the University coach or he would be suspended from the team for skipping Sunday and Monday practice with no explanation. Bruno figured the coach wanted Brian on the team so he could get the video of them gang banging him.


Ten minutes later, the coach came in and Bruno explained he had cancelled the team meeting for the coach and sent the rest home because Brian couldn't attend. He explained that the coach could have another meeting next Sunday, a better time since the school would be empty and it would give the coach more time to set things up. He added, it would give Bruno more time to smooth things over with the University coach. He agreed to drive over the frat boys and Brian whenever the coach wanted them back on Sunday.


Disappointed but seeing the sense of it, he turned Brian over to Bruno and starting making calls, dismissing them both.


Bruno grabbed the confused but relieved Brian by the upper arm and marched him out of the coach's office to his truck.


Chapter 16


"Brian, you're in a whole lot of trouble. I just literally saved your ass back there." Said Bruno, softly.


Brian started sniffing, trying not to cry. "I can't believe my life has been destroyed in three days. I didn't do anything to deserve this. What am I going to do Bruno?"


"You asshole, you took steroids and cheated Luke out of his scholarship. God's punishing you for your selfishness and for being a lazy jerk off."


"I know I screwed up in High School but I haven't taken steroids in a couple of years. I have been working hard since, trying to make it without them," blurted out Brian.


"I know, I have been watching you. I really like you but I don't know how to help you. Do you have any money, know anyone that can help us out of this mess you've made? Coach is a more powerful man than I imagined with the county Judge his brother, hooked up with big time criminals and with the officers of the jail and county cops against you, I don't know what to do?" Said Bruno. "We can't let the coach film you having sex with minors on the high school team or with the men on the University football team. He'll blackmail us all for the rest of our lives."


"My Uncle Knute might be able to help. He works for the government in Virginia and told me if I were ever in trouble to call him. I have his number back at the house." Offered Brian.


"Well, it is better than nothing. What does he do?" asked Bruno, hopefully.


"I don't know but he was a decorated Green Beret in the first Gulf War. Maybe he knows someone that can help." Said Brian.


They rode back silently the rest of the way, both trying to figure out what to do, each hoping the other would think of a solution and somehow Brian's Uncle could help.


When they got to the Fraternity, Brian snuck in and packed a bag, got his address book and class books and returned to Bruno's truck. Brian would stay with Bruno while they figured out what to do.


Bruno helped Brian up to his apartment and told him to get out of the overalls. He didn't want them to stain his furniture. Bruno didn't know what Brian was wearing or not wearing underneath. While Brian was undressing, Bruno went into the bathroom and took a shower, returning with a towel wrapped around him to tell Brian it was his turn.


There in front of him was a nude Brian, clothed only in his collar and ribbons. Stunned, Bruno froze in place. Before him was the fulfillment of all of his fantasies. Brian was dressed like a birthday present, just for him. He couldn't help it, his eight inch long and almost two inch in diameter cut cock was stirring and growing. Almost instantly, it was at full mast.


Brian couldn't miss the large cock tenting the thin towel. Knowing his salvation rested with his friend the huge football player, he instinctively knelt down with his hands behind his back, head down.


Bruno asked, "Do you know what you're about to do? Are you doing it because you have to or want to?"


"I've liked you since I got here Bruno and you're helping me when you don't have to. I thought I was straight but that gang and the coach showed me that I like to suck cock and get fucked. Let me pay you back for all you're doing. I want to please you."


"Brian, I love you and if you're sure, then we're going to make the best of it while we figure out how to unravel what you've gotten yourself into." He reached down and released the towel, walking forward, his cock bobbing as he advanced on the beautiful submissive kneeling Brian, his lover at last.


With the massive Bruno inches in front of him, Brian reached up and cupped Bruno's hard hairy ass.


He gently pulled Bruno towards him, licking his lips to moisten them.


He opened his mouth wide and engulfed Bruno, proud of the skills he had recently learned and happy he could use them for once on someone he liked and not get forced and degraded for a change.


He gently licked around his large cock head, swiping up he precum that was already flowing from the iron cock sliding into his hot wet mouth.


With the tip of his tongue, he licked under Bruno's cock head, making the big football quiver and involuntarily shove more of his large cock into Brian's hot mouth.


Smiling inside with the power he had over his protector and friend, he pulled on Bruno's ass and swallowed him whole.


He started to slowly bob up and down on Bruno's fat saliva soaked cock, sucking hard on it and swirling his tongue around the crown as it withdrew.


Brian moved his right hand down to pull gently on Bruno's hot large balls, making Bruno groan.


Encouraged, Brian pulled off of Bruno's steely cock, making Bruno moan in protest. Brian took his finger, ran it over Bruno's leaking cock, put it in his mouth and sucked the precum off with an intentional pop.


He stuck his index finger back in his mouth, pulled it out wet again and popped Bruno's cock back in his mouth.


Brian slowly inserted his wet finger into Bruno's loose hot ass and like Jamal taught him, massaged Bruno's hard full prostate, making Bruno jerk back and forth out of control.


They stayed that way, Brian sucking, massaging Bruno's balls and prostate until Bruno couldn't hold back any longer.


Bruno's ass cheeks squeezed together tightly, driving his cock deep into Brian's throat once again but this time he held Brian's head tightly against his thick thatch of pubic hair, smothering the happy Brian and pumping him full of cum.


Finally Bruno relaxed, empty and done in. He pulled his wet softening cock out of Brian's mouth, walked a few feet and plopped onto the couch.


Smiling and proud of the job he had done, Brian crawled on his hands and knees, bumping the top of his head gently against Bruno's knee, turning and resting his head on it, his cheek against the inside of Bruno's hairy thigh.


Bruno reached down and gently scratched Brian's blond head, like a faithful dog. They stayed that way for several minutes, savoring the moment.


Bruno ruffled Brian's head, telling him it was time for bed. Even though it was early Monday, they had both had a traumatic couple of days and needed to rest to face tomorrow.


Bruno walked into the bedroom, Brian crawling behind, too tired to stand. Bruno climbed into Bruno's small bed first and lie on his back, beckoning the unsure Brian. Brian crawled in slowly and lie on his stomach, snuggled in with his head resting on Bruno's massive chest. Bruno kissed his forehead and pulled him close with his strong right arm. They fell asleep immediately, a smile of satisfaction and safety finally on Brian's face.


Chapter 17


The next morning, Brian called his Uncle Knute and poured out the sordid details of his dilemma. His Uncle listened carefully, asking a lot of questions about Jamal and the threats presented by Luke's Uncle, the jail sergeant and the coach. Brian told his Uncle that Luke didn't think his Uncle was involved but Brian wasn't sure and didn't fully trust his old enemy.


Knute told Brian to go along as much as he had to and he would get right back to him. He needed to research Jamal and see if he was someone that was involved in another case he was working with.


During the hurricane, Knute, along with many in the agency, had volunteered to help rescue the stranded citizens of New Orleans. He had saved a woman from drowning when her car had been swept away when a levee had broken. She had raved about her nephew Jamal who had been moved up to Indiana just before the storm hit. Jamal was a "good boy" that had chosen the wrong path but he had promised to send money to help her. He had checked on Jamal then and thought he could help him with a terrorist he was trying to turn. Maybe now?


That had been quite a while ago and he had lost track of the women. It was time to check up on her and see what was going on.


It didn't take him long to find out that she was indigent and in bad health. Like many, she had fallen through the cracks. Knute made sure she had medical attention and made arrangements to have her moved into safer quarters. He made a couple of calls to some of the operatives under his command to give them some important orders and then another to Jamal's attorney. Within three hours of speaking to Brian, he had arranged for an emergency flight on one of the agency's jets. He was on his way to Indiana.


Knute arrived at the small jail late Tuesday afternoon and arranged to see Jamal. He met Jamal's lawyer and they went to a conference room in the jail.


"I just spoke to your Aunt. She raised you, didn't she," asked Knute.


"I don't know what business that is of yours," snarled the apprehensive Jamal.


"I think she told you she was rescued by a big tall white man during the hurricane?" Said Knute.


"Yeah," said Jamal.


"She told me you were arranging to get her money when she lost her home and car. When I looked in on her situation today, she was real sick and homeless, living in a shelter. Is that how you take care of the only person in the world who gives a shit about you?" Barked Knute.


Jamal was stunned. Joshua, the coach and the sergeant, told him they were sending regular payments to his Aunt for his help getting the porno and prostitution business going. "Those son of a bitches," growled Jamal.


"Also, this weekend, I understand the coach's cousin had you rape an innocent young college boy? Why was that?" asked Knute.


"Innocent, that guy was a rapist. The jailer threw him in with us for some street justice.' Replied the indignant Jamal.


"The sergeant lied to you too. The young man is a friend of mine and he was framed but that's a personal matter. Raping him might get you some more time though."


"I just spoke to the Prosecutor from Louisiana on your case. I am an operative for the CIA, high up in the CIA. You're already under investigation for your contact with a known terrorist and some gun running operations. I believe he's also a client of your male prostitution ring? I need something on this asshole to turn him and I have the Prosecutor's authority to have you and your posse released into my custody if you agree to help me with the terrorist. I also have that  private matter I need your help with as well. I am pretty sure you will like what I have in mind.


I don't give a damn about your prostitution activity or the drugs either. People own their own bodies and can do what they want with them as far as I'm concerned. My investigation revealed you deal with consenting adults only. I'm not a moralist. Your business is none of my business except as it relates to that terrorist. You can go back to your old haunts under my protection, business as usual. The charges against you will go away like they were never there and stay that way as long as you help me."


"What do you say?" asked Knute.


The attorney nodded. He had talked to the Prosecutor too.


"You have a deal. How do we start?" smiled Jamal.


"Your release papers will be here tomorrow morning and one of my staff will meet you outside of the jail with money and  a nice new car in your name so you can get back to Louisiana at your leisure. Now to the private matter," growled Knute.


Jamal knew the look in Knute's eye well. He was glad that he was not the object of this hard man's hatred.


Chapter 18


The coach and the sergeant were waiting in a  deserted outdoor movie theater. They had been working all day on Brian's debut next week. Officer Joe Frankovich had called for a meeting with them to go over the plans Luke and he had made for the event. They needed some privacy.


A large black SUV with heavily tinted windows pulled up in front of their car and another behind.


The back driver's side door opened and Jamal stepped out, followed by his four big men.


They all had semi automatic handguns trained on the coach and his partner, the sergeant.


"So you pocketed the money you were sending my Aunt. She almost died because of that." The gangster said menacingly.


The coach and sergeant paled. They knew that Jamal was a ruthless sadist. "How did you get out?" stammered the coach.


"It seems that your new punk, Brian, has a powerful Uncle who took an interest in your activities and has decided to intervene." Smiled Jamal. "We're waiting for a friend of his."


Just then a Mercedes pulled up and four Middle Eastern men got out, smiling. One of them about 45 said, "Hello Mister's Joshua. I'm a friend of Brian. My name is Abdul. We're here to take you on a little trip."


While Jamal's men held the two at gunpoint, Abdul's men stripped the two and cuffed them. When they tried to struggle, they were bitch slapped and kicked in the balls, immobilizing them.


Their curled up bodies were thrown into the Mercedes and two of Abdul's men drove off with them.


Abdul said, "Here's $70,000 we found at the coach's house and another $1,000 at the sergeant's. They won't be needing it now. Knute said to give it to your Aunt for a new house. We also found all the copies showing the jail rape along with some other videos that won't interest you. That incident never happened. I can assure you that your revenge will be complete for their betrayal and my benefactor and friend will help you as agreed. I appreciate your assistance with the scum that are ruining my homeland. If you need to reach me for information concerning the Joshua's, contact me through Knute."


Jamal said, "I would like to help you with those two." A gleam in his eye.


"I'm sorry that can't be arranged. They're going for a long flight to eastern Europe where they will be persuaded to confess and later help us with the terrorist. I'll send you some videos of the beginning of their lessons. My friend will be using them to lure your old client into a compromising situation. They’ll be trained and then they'll be sold to an Sudanese brothel that specializes in S&M, a favorite of Moslem extremists. They should be popular. In three months, their families won't recognize them."


Abdul was looking forward to reviving the training he had received from Saddam's secret police academy. Payback would be hell for the two degenerates and Abdul would see to that personally.


The next day, after hearing testimony from Matt, Mark and Luke, Brian's convictions were reversed and the records expunged by Judge Joshua. Later, after seeing his relatives confess on tape, the Judge announced his retirement and started to make plans to move out of the region.


The day after the hearing, Knute met with Brian and his lover for lunch where Uncle Knute gave them the good news.


Life would never be the same for Brian.


In fact, his life had just started.


The End


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