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Review This Story || Author: JensenDenmark

Career Choice

Part 2 Holiday

Career choice

Career choice

by JensenDenmark

2. Holiday


One day Maria entered my room. She wanted to talk to me.


“Rick. What about your future? When you become 18 you will get control over your parent’s money and it is a small fortune.  What would you do for a living?”


“I will move out to a small apartment – buy a new car and basically enjoy life.”

“That is totally irresponsible.”


“That is my choice. Next year I will be 18 and then you have seen the last of me.”


“Why do you hate me?”


“Because you first played with me and later with my father - I don’t trust you.”


She left the room.


A week later she popped in again. “Rick. I have been thinking. What about us two taking a holiday down to Mexico, where we can enjoy life on the beach? I know that things have not been good between us lately, but take this offer as a kind of a kind of apology of my lack of understanding about the impact that your fathers death had on you. Of course you should be allowed to mourn, but I think that you also should recognize that life - as hard as it is - goes on.”


I agreed. After all it had been a month where I barely had left my room. After she had left, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had neglected my body. Numerous pizzas and soft drinks had left traces on my body. I must be at least 15 pounds overweight. Well, I had to exercise a little during the holiday.


Fourteen days later I was sitting in the car next to Maria, who was driving. When we had crossed the border, Maria started to talk about her family. She had been born in California, but most of her family lived in Mexico. She wanted to drop in on a social visit with her cousin Hector. I did not mind. An hour later we stopped in front of a large building.


“Large house your cousin live in.”


Maria nodded but did not answer. As we entered the house, we came to some kind of reception and a man come over to us and immediate embraced Maria. “Maria!”


Maria presented us. “Rick. This is my cousin Hector Gonzarles. Hector. This is Rick Normann.”


We went into some kind of office, where two strong looking staff members sat in some chairs.  Something was wrong here. I began to be nervous. Once inside Maria turned to me. “By the way: This is your new boarding school.”


“My what!!!”


“Your new boarding school. In fact is a motivation boot camp where children like you, who for some reason has come to a stop when it comes to living, can regain motivation and experience emotional growth. Hector. You can take it from here.”


“Welcome to Herbaceous Perennial Learning Center (HPLC) - Rick Norman. As you should have guessed by now, I am the director of this facility. We have already arranged for your high school papers to be transferred here and it seems that we have so little time to get so much done. Please follow these two staff members so you can get your school uniform on.”


I tried to pull back, but they grabbed me under my shoulders and carried me out of the office. We can to a bathroom where I was told to undress. When I was naked they showed me over to a trestle similar to the one I had been spanked on at the school. They could see how nervous I was.


“Relax – senor. We are not going to hurt you, but you have to be cleaned totally before you can enter the school. Please lie down on the trestle.” For the second time in my life I was strapped down on a spanking trestle. Every minute I expected Maria to enter through the door ready to spank me. But instead they pulled a leather hood over my head. It was the same type Maria had used on me when I was younger. The openings for eyes and mouth were closed when the hood was laced.


I was lying in darkness and did not know what to expect. Suddenly I felt pain in my rear. They had put something inside me! Then I felt something to flow inside me. It was some kind of fluid. Very soon it became unpleasant. The fluid began to press against my guts. It hurt! I tried to shout but the gag made it impossible. To make matter worse the ball gag inside the hood was hollow so I began to drool without control.


I tried to wrist and hurt a little so the pain could be a little more manageable. Then I noticed. The flow had stopped. I felt that they removed the nozzle. Instead something cold was applied. Suddenly a sharp pain came from my sphincter. Something big was about to enter me. At once I screamed into the gag and tried to pull at the restraints, but I could not move. Suddenly it slipped inside. A shock went through my body. The discomfort was intense.


Once inside it seemed to grow for some seconds, then it stopped. I could not spill the fluid they had put inside me and I so needed to go to the bathroom. I tried to let them free me. I pleaded, sobbed, cried, but the hood and the gag made it impossible. The pain increased and it felt like my stomach was going to explode. It was unbearable. I lost consciousness.


When I woke the hood was off and I was no longer restrained.


“Senor. Come with us.”


When I rose from the trestle, the stomach cramp started again. I sank to my knees with grunt.


“Just try to follow us so you can go to a toilet.”


When I waddle over to the toilet, I notice a tube with a pump hanging out from my behind. One of the staff members took rubber gloves on and told me to position myself over the toilet. Then he pressed something on the pump and I felt something deflate inside me. With a quick move he pulled whatever they had put inside me out which was a little painful. I began to empty my guts. I was so good.


I was told to sit down in a chair where they restrained me once more with straps. Then they shaved my head including my eyebrows. I looked like a monster when they were finished. I sobbed. This was not a school, it was a torture camp. Finally they let me shower.


They took me to another room for school uniform. Inside there were cuffs hanging down from the ceiling. Soon I was wearing them and they hoisted me in the air just so my feet did not touch the ground. I was blindfolded again. I felt them wrapping something around my waist. Then they pulled at it so I felt they were cutting me in half. I protested but they did not care. Eventually they were finished and I was lowered to the floor. The next thing they applied was a collar which forced me to look straight and a little up. It was connected with a strap to the waist belt. I felt them put a leather piece over my member. I hurt a little when they pulled it tight. My hands were freed only to be put into other cuffs, which was connected to the waist belt, so my arm was immobilized along my body. 


They told me to bend over, which caused pain because the waist belt cut into my skin. One staff member held me while the other inserted something in my behind. Because they had stretched my sphincter before I did not hurt so much. The blindfold was removed and they showed me over to a mirror.

What a bizarre look. My waist was compressed by a wide waist clincher with a large strap going up to the wide collar. There were D-rings several places on the clincher where each of my arms were fastened two cuffs at both upper- and lower arms. My genitals were covered by a leather pieces and some kind of rubber tail was hanging down from my behind. As I stood there with a surprise look on my face one of the staff members forced a rubber bit into my mouth.


They followed me back to the office were Maria and Gonzales waited. Maria was happy.


“That certainly improved your posture and waistline. I am going to leave you know and return when my cousin reports of progress. I will personally see to that you get a proper education. That I have promised your father. Bye for now”. She left.


I sobbed. She had told me that we were going on holiday and then she just dump me here as a kind of slave.


Review This Story || Author: JensenDenmark
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