Chapter 3
Trace had stopped the scene just a little early. The camera missed Hole licking out to catch the string of saliva that stretched to his cock, then she looked like a striking snake as she swallowed the long cock one more time.
“Ahh.” She croaked. Then settled back on her calves. Trace just looked down and slowly shook his head.
“Break time.” He called. “We’ve got to reset the scene. Don’t go far, be ready in ten minutes.” He walked over to Hole.
“You’re amazing. So far, this isn’t exactly what I planned. But it’s hotter than hell, so we’ll go with it. The next scene requires a different costume…such as it is.” He grabbed a towel and wiped her face, neck and chest, then began to release her from her bonds. He removed the head harness, and she spit the dental blocks into his hand.
“Huh!” She exclaimed, shaking her head and working her jaw back and forth, up and down.
“You’ve done this a lot, I guess.” Trace asked.
“Not exactly,” She replied. “I’ve been into bondage a while, but not with a group of strangers. It’s a little unnerving.”
“Yeah, I can see that. But I am careful about who I hire and I brief them pretty well before we start. They have a financial incentive to behave. If they don’t, all they get out of it is the sex, plus no further shots at another film. There are a couple of other strings I’ve got as well. So they’ll do what they’re supposed to. You’ll be ok…at least you won’t be injured. You might be uncomfortable tomorrow, though.” He answered.
“I’m going to be sore already. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day brings.” She said in a low voice.
Trace grinned at her. “It’s a little bit more…intense in the next scenes. You’ll be ok. I understand you’ve done a lot harder stuff.”
She looked at him then asked, “Just what do you think I’ve done?”
“Well…Phil said you’re pretty tough, hard to discourage from finishing what you start.” Trace explained. “ He said you’ve got a lot of perseverance.”
She replied, “I’ll do what I say I’ll do. What did I tell YOU I’d do here?”
Trace thought a few seconds, “Phil said you do what ever I wanted to, once I described what the set up was. Of course, that was him, not you.”
Hole paused, then said, “Then I’ll do whatever you say. If that’s what he said, that’s what I’ll do.”
“You must have a lot of trust him then,” Trace said.
“You can’t imagine.” She answered
Trace was removing the rest of her bonds as they talked. The pouch, the mitts, then straps, then the body harness. She finally got a chance to stand up and stretch. Extending her legs, she started to stand, then staggered a few steps. Trace grabbed her and helped her sit down on the cart.
“Be careful. Your legs haven’t got enough circulation yet. Just sit a minute. Want something to drink?” Trace asked gently.
“Please. That would be nice.” She watched as Trace walked over to a cooler and extracted a bottle of water.
“This ok?” He asked.
“Great!” She smiled back.
“Ok. Take a break, I’ve got a bunch of stuff to do to get ready for the next scene.” Trace told her, then walked through the corner gap and disappeared.
Hole rolled her shoulders, then rolled her head back and forth from shoulder to shoulder. She then stood up carefully, testing each foot and leg for stability. She continued rolling her shoulders and swinging her arms, alternating swinging across her chest and over her head while walking around the stage. The kinks slowly worked free. Hole wondered what was next. She didn’t wonder long.
The drape frame at the open corner was pulled away slightly and several of her fellow actors pulled
in a large steel frame on heavy duty castors. It stood nine feet tall and five feet wide. It was actually a frame within a frame, with a pair of large axles connecting the two in the middle. At each corner was a welded ring, at the bottom, next to the rings, were a pair of flat plates. Hole knew immediately what was on tap. Trace walked over to her and put his hand around an elbow.
“Step over here and I’ll get you ready.” He told her. He steered her over to the box again, then began pulling out more items. First was a leather hood with laces down the back. Then he took out a pair of suspension mitts, next, ankle restraints. Trace put the hood over the top of her head, fitting the leather around her features. The nose was centered, then the chin. The mouth was unzipped, the nose had a series of small holes. The eyes were zipped closed. Darkness enveloped her as the hood was pulled back. She felt him start pulling the laces through the eyelets, tightening them as he went. The hood got tighter with every tug. Finally the laces were tight, he knotted them and tucked them into a fold on the neck of the hood. A strap was buckled and then locked at the back of her neck.
“Is that alright?” Trace asked. His voice was muffled by the leather.
“Yes.” Was her only reply.
He picked up a mitt and slipped it over her right hand and pulled it up her forearm. It too was laced, then a flap buckled over the end and locked. More straps were pulled and buckled from her wrist up to the end of the sleeve. Trace then did the left hand. Each hand was encased in a thumbless mitten that allowed her to wrap her fingers around a bar attached to the suspension straps. The ankle bound were almost like boots, but without a hard sole. They also laced up her leg to midcalf. A pair of straps hung down, each strap was finished with a ring. Trace pushed a short cock gag against her teeth, she opened her mouth as wide as the hood allowed, he pushed the gag in and worked it behind her teeth. A flange sealed it against the helmet, a hole through the middle allowed her to breath through it. The strap was cinched tight, buckled and locked. He led her over to the frame. Trace picked up her right foot and placed it on the step. He stepped up on a stool that had been placed next to the frame then grabbed the straps of her right hand, lifted them up and pulled her up onto the frame step. While she balanced on the step he reached up and locked the suspension straps onto the ring. He went to other side and repeated the actions. Then he stretched her feet to the edge of the step against the frame and locked the ankle straps to their respective rings.
Trace walked over to the ring of beefcake watching the procedure.
“Who has ever used a whip on another person before?” He asked. Don lifted a finger, but Trace knew that he was experienced. Charles, the tall black actor also raised his hand. “Anyone else?” Several shook their heads to indicate “no”.
Trace started handing out whips and cats. “These are all either latex, pvc or soft suede. They let you swing it pretty hard then make a sound that is louder than it actually feels. Try them on your thigh, then trade swings with someone else. Swap them around so you can feel what they’re like.” Each man swished his implement of chastisement. A few started hitting his own leg, then his back. Don picked out a single tail and a heavy flogger. Charles chose a long horsehair brush flogger and a long crop. The other men were slashing at each other, getting accustomed to how each felt to give and receive a few lashes.
“Just because these don’t hit too hard doesn’t mean you don’t need to pay attention to what your doing. We’ll start with one on either side of her, then add another per side, then rotate the first two away so that four are whipping her at the same time. With all of these going at once, even a soft cat can sting after a dozen strokes. I want you to build on the scene, plus it’ll help y’all get ready for the follow-up. I need a quick recovery from that bj you got earlier. I don’t want her injured, just warmed up. When her skin picks up a pink glow then
Don and Charles will pick a few specific points to stimulate. Once they’ve finished their first round we’ll shift her.” Trace wanted to make sure that the inexperienced guys didn’t get too enthusiastic and bring the shoot to a premature finish.
Trace set the camera on a tripod and had an assistant hold the shot. Another strapped on a Steadicam Flyer harness. He was actually a professional photographer Trace used when the shoot justified it; this job more that justified him. The Flyer allowed the cameraman to move smoothly around, getting graceful shots and pans from angles and positions that weren’t possible with just a hand held. Trace motioned the guys to move around and lined up the sequence he desired. He made sure everything was ready, then yelled
“ACTION!” And two of the actors moved up and started lightly flogging Hole. After a few minutes, two more moved up and the first two shuffled to give them room. The lashes fell all over her, tits, shoulders, ass, legs, feet, arms. The guys moved all over, selecting a new target after a half dozen strokes. The tension from being stretched into immobility, the isolation of the hood, the smell of the leather and her sweat, added to the falling lashes of the whips, landing without warning of the target, quickly cranked up her endorphins. In the melee of her senses she vaguely realized that the frame was just too perfectly fitted to her. She suspected that she would be visiting this new toy again in the not too distant future. Hole squirmed as much as she could, the bondage allowing but little movement other than her head. Her low moans could barely be heard. Trace picked up on one of them and grabbed a shotgun microphone and aimed it at the helmet. He fitted the mic to a stand and kept it focused on her. The bondage made it easier to keep it on target. Her skin began to glisten from her sweat, the aroma more than just normal perspiration. The guys picked up her pheromone scent unconsciously and their pricks began to stand up to attention. She was lightly striped all over and her skin was holding a pink cast. Out of the camera angle, Trace motioned for Don to step up to her back. Don started swinging the single tail back and forth while the other guys backed out. Charles stepped up to her front and began rotating the brush around vertically. Don gave her a few seconds rest then moved the lash to barely graze her butt cheeks just at the bottom of her spine. Back and forth, moving lightly down her butt. As he got to the top of her legs the whip picked up a bit of speed and gathered a more direct stroke.
“MMHHH.” Came from the hood. At that point Charles moved in with the horsehair and painted her left tit, moving to the right.
“MMMMMM.MMMMM.” The leather under her nose pulled in tightly as she pulled for more air. She sucked through the gag as hard she could, straining for every molecule of oxygen she could gather. She caught up to the action, breathing as deeply as she possible, being stretched as tightly as she was, slowing down her gasps as the intensity built. Don worked down one leg, then started at the top of her other leg and worked down. He backed the circle of rotating hair back and positioned it to just contact her right nipple. It felt to Hole like a flame was being passed across it with every touch. She started to quiver, so Charles moved to her left nipple and got the same response. Charles worked under her arms then down her stomach, the rotation moving in a counterclockwise direction. They worked methodically until she was completely covered. Trace motioned for Don and Charles to move back and two others to move in, moving his hand palm down up and down, signaling to “hold it down”. After thirty seconds he yelled “CUT”. And the whips stopped. Hole hung there, breathing as deeply as possible. Trace stepped up on stool and unlocked the gag, prying it out of her mouth. She pulled large lungfulls into her chest, her tits moving up and down even through the tension of her bondage. While she caught up, Trace explained the next part.
“These pins,” he pointed to two pins on the outside edges of both sides of the frame, “come out, allowing the frame to rotate her upside down. Do it S_LO_W_L_Y so it doesn’t flip over too quick. I don’t want any of you getting hit and I don’t want her to toss her lunch.” He grinned. “She’ll get a chance for that later. We’ll pick back up with the same pair in about the same place to match the previous shot, then Don and Charles will pull the pins and turn her over. Then put the pins back in and we start over with her upside down. Same order as before. Ready?” He asked the men. Nods all around, then he pointed to the other cameraman and the assistant getting wide shots. They also nodded. By now she was breathing more closely to normal. He replaced the gag and locked it. Trace stepped out of the scene and said
“Ok, roll it….ACTION!”
The same two guys began again, renewing the stripes. Then Don and Charles moved in, held the frame steady and pulled the pins. They smoothly turned her over, catching her at the bottom of the swing so she wouldn’t pendulum. They fitted the pins back in and stepped back. Back came the whips. The lashes caught the same skin, but the sensation was different. Hole was expecting the change, but it was still disorienting. She had no visual reference, little aural reference and her balance had to settle down to set her position. The lashes started again - of course no warning - falling on already very sensitive skin. The lashes found the inside of her thighs, her ankles and of course, her cunt. The very tender undersides of her tits also received attention, as well as her underarms. Since she was already warmed up, Trace motioned them to move a little faster through the rotation. Finally he motioned for Don and Charles to step back up. This time Charles had her back and Don her front. They had changed their weapons, Charles with the crop and Don with the flogger. Don knew that he had to be careful not to swing hard enough to deliver large bruises; she was already starting to bruise from the action thus far. Plus the flogger could render serious damage. He wanted to impress the viewers without sending her to the hospital. Don started out tapping her feet. The movement had allowed her feet to drop down off the steps, providing a juicy target. Her feet were already sore from the fiberglass canning she received from Don, so Charles carefully picked each toe, moving across with each digit getting a single sting. The moved back and forth until each toe had six strokes, then popped her insteps. Her legs jerked slightly, the foot twisting as much as the restraints allowed. Charles easily followed the slight movements, never varying a slow methodical rhythm. Then he moved to the back of her knees. Down to her ass, moving from one thigh to the other. He delivered several light strokes then a brisk one, but with no discernible pattern. Finally he reached the juncture of her legs and paused, allowing the anticipation to build. He started rapidly and lightly tapping around her cunt and asshole, increasing the velocity. The entire area, devoid of any trace of hair, was a bright cherry red. He paused again and then popped her directly on her anus. Then he did the same stroke a little bit further forward, slicing into her cunt and catching her clit with the looped tip. This brought as much of a screech as she could muster. She began to tremble, her abdomen jerking back and forth. Each strike of the crop into her cunt splattered juice, more was running down her ass to her back. Don was slapping her randomly, hitting her hips, her abdomen, of course the underside off her tits and upper sides. The flogger served to distract her from the crop, until a sharp stroke refocused her attention. Another louder moan came from the hood and she twisted violently again. She jerked with every impact of the crop, apparently cumming with great ferocity. Trace didn’t want to leave her upside down too long. She had already had enough chastisement to use in several other films. After a half dozen strikes each to her cunt and asshole, each time drawing a jerking shudder, Trace yelled,
He made a flipping motion with his hand and Don And Charles righted her. He hurried up to her and removed the ball gag and unlocked first her feet then her wrists. He caught her in his arms and put her down on the cart, her legs splaying off the sides. He turned her onto her side, unlocking the strap and loosening the laces. He worked the helmet off, her hair a soaking mess. Copper curls slid out, pulled by the helmet, covering her face. Her eyes were partially closed, she breathed hard. Her mouth was open, nostrils flaring with each breath. Trace started to rub her shoulders and she jerked. He realized that there wasn’t much skin that hadn’t been tormented. He rubbed her temples and her cheeks. He bent down close to her and said gently. “You alright?” She didn’t reply but after a few seconds gave a slight nod. His assistant came up with a mister full of water. Trace sprayed her shoulders and chest, this produced a shudder and a deep gasp, then long, slow deep breaths. Trace misted her back, then her front, making sure to sooth her tit and pussy. She twitched as the water mist hit her cunt, but didn’t move away. She slowly moved to turn onto her back and grimaced as her back made contact with the cart top. Her eyelids fluttered and opened a bit more. “Drink. Water.” She croaked and Trace realized how dehydrated she was. He motioned for a water bottle, opened it and allowed a few drops to hit her lips. She licked them then opened her mouth. Her eyes were still half closed. Trace poured a small sip into the side of her mouth, she swallowed and opened her mouth for more. He continued until she had drunk half the bottle and then she slowly opened her eyes.
“MOTHER FUCKER!” She croaked, then looked around. The guys all cheered and clapped, she gave a slight smile. Trace said. “Let’s take a break.” Hole weakly nodded and closed her eyes.
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