R. R. & R. - Recreational Rape and Rupture.
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I'd known about it being there, since it opened a year earlier.
My sex radar went up right away and my cock went on high alert and chomped at the possibilities.
A high end, la-di-da woman's spa and get away, way off in the boonies named something like 'The Pampered Ego' or some similar too-cutsie-by-half name aimed at separating well-healed, spoiled women, and the power bitches, from their cash and inducing them to run up their credit cards.
But never in a million years would I have expected such a thing to happen. I was scouting the general area, again, because I knew the spa was such a prime source for potential kidnapping and rape victims and I was pulling up to a stop sign, on a deserted road that lead to another road that went to the spa. A snotty SUV in front of me was stopped and as I approached, it pulled off onto the shoulder but on the wrong side of the road.
It was somewhat peculiar, I thought, but what business was it of mine? Then I looked over at the Lexus and a mother and daughter, in the front, were going at it, at each other. They were headed for the spa and it figured. It was a heated exchange that resulted in the daughter jumping out of the passenger's side and taking off to the right, right across in front of me.
Well holy fuck and shit, we were in the middle of a sweltering heat wave and the girl was barely dressed. She had the flimsiest tee shirt and stretchy short shorts and the longest, slender legs I'd seen in a long time. She was a dead ringer for Sara Paxton.
Visit: http://www.sarapaxton4u.com/sara-paxton-gallery/sara-paxton-407-73.jpg
The same classic, all-American California girl look, long blond straight hair and slender like a stick, a breakable one. A straight up fuckable cunt, no questions asked. She looked to be about seventeen and was truly a beauty and my cock stirred just seeing her that briefly because she had just cleared the front of my commercial, windowless, victim transport van and the passenger's seat flew forward and another girl, about two years younger, fired out after the first one. There was all kinds of yelling and hollering and by now the mom noticed that I was noticing the big carry on.
She was an arrogant bitch and gave me the finger as if to say, mind your own fucking business and then she spilled out of the vehicle to go after her kids. As she passed my windshield she glared at me and I just raised my hands and shrugged my shoulders like none of it was of any consequence to me and what did I know for squat anyway?
Man were they an eye full all. The younger girl was just as provocatively dressed as her older sister and mom had a bit more class, because she was older, but it was easy to see she was fucking built and great looking too. A whole family of beauty queens or models, or however you wanted to categorize them, they were all lookers with lots of entitlement, they assumed, and it seemed given to theatrics and temper tantrums. They were mouthy, all of them and that suited me just fine. Mouthy ones tended to bust the best and resist the best until they broke.
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I was there scouting for victims anyway, and now I had a snap decision to make, as mom was hiking towards the clearing were her daughters had just disappeared into. It was a wooded, deserted area and it was a humid, foggy Sunday morning early, and no one was around. Just me there and three choice cunts headed off into the forest. While I wasn't specifically ready for the scenario, I was always, somewhat, prepared to grab a victim if the perfect opportunity presented itself. I had my rape kit briefcase with me always and my twenty-two pistol and handcuffs and ropes and knives and all the good stuff needed to take command over an unsuspecting woman, anytime, anywhere.
I suppose my rape kit was more of a capture one.
A capture kit.
Mom was out of sight by now. They all were, and my fucking heart and pecker were pounding. I got out, listened intently, both for other cars and for them and I could hear their voices, still raised, but some distance off by now. I checked her vehicle and in her haste and anger, she'd left the keys in the ignition. I put my cotton gloves on and pulled it up the road a short distance, in the direction they'd gone, and into the bush far enough it couldn't be easily seen. I raced back to my van and parked it in behind theirs. Neither was clear from the road.
The younger girl had left her purse behind and she had a cell phone in a pouch hanging from it. It was ringing some stupid tune so I stamped on it. I had my briefcase in hand and was decided to make a go for it, see what I might be able to accomplish or acquire.
I entered full shopping and hunting modes.
I snuck smoothly onto what seemed like a pathway they had taken and stealthed my way deeper into the hidden area. After about ten minutes, I could hear them again and someone was crying and someone else, was shouting.
What I could hear first was, who I assumed was the older girl, saying she wouldn't have an abortion. She wanted to keep the baby and she didn't care what anyone said. It was hers and it was wrong to even think of killing it.
I'd have to remember that, I chuckled to myself, as if, if I killed the mother the baby could live. I wondered if her tits were lactating yet. I loved that milk and never could get my fill of it. She was due but I was due for a milky disappointment.
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I closed in on them and I was breathing so heavily, like a panting wolf, I was afraid they might hear me. They were in a clearing and mom was standing with her hands on her hips like a commandant and a person of authority and the older girl was the one crying and she was facing her mom, about ten feet away sitting on a fallen log. She was rocking and hugging herself for comfort. The special thing about all this was the younger girl was drifting, like wandering off by herself, like she was bored or jealous or just didn't want to be involved any more and I could see I could get to her isolated and vulnerable, if I just crept around to her the right way.
My fucking cock was beating like a drum and my mouth was so dry I should have pissed in it and I literally gulped for breaths. I hadn't done anything major illegal yet, up until now, but that was all about to change. My prey was fully out of sight of the others and I was creeping up on her, from the side, but enough behind she couldn't see me. I was still some twenty feet away and she seemed to have no idea I was out and about, being a lurk and a hunter.
Fuck she was beautiful. A clone of her sister and so slender, tight little short-shorts too, with the same thin tee shirt. They basically dressed alike except for the color of their shorts. I could see her breasts, from the side now, and she was just starting to bud. She was hard and firm and she really needed a good shit kicking. Her head was bowed down and her long blond, straight hair fell forward blocking her view. It was like a curtain on each side.
I could see she was upset and pensive and pre-occupied. I picked up an egg-sized rock and tossed it hard, to in front of her. Her head snapped up to attention and she craned her neck to see the source of the noise. I wanted her to move towards the sound and then come back my way.
'Hello. Hello. Anybody there?' She called out meekly.
The silence was deafening and she took a few tentative steps the way I wanted her to. I slithered into position behind a big tree trunk and peered at her indecision and nervousness.
'Hello? Who's there?' She called out with more urgency and then turned to decisively come back the way she'd just gone. She was satisfied she was alone.
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I stood ram straight, hidden by the tree and she passed right by me and as she cleared the trunk, I reached out and clamped my hand around her face, from behind, and over her surprised mouth. I had heavy leather gloves on so she couldn't bite me. She looked so completely shocked and then I put the pistol barrel right to her temple hard and pressed even more.
I growled into her ear, 'One sound. One fucking sound and I blow your fucking brains out. I shoot you first and then I shoot them. Understand?'
She nodded her understanding. I held her tight that way and started to force her down onto the ground and she resisted a bit until I shoved the gun under her chin and she heard me cock it. Now she went all limp and soft, like the feminine cunt she was.
She'd never encountered anything like that before so she didn't know enough to fight. I got her down to her knees and I was down on mine too and I kept making her go further until she was laying prone, full face down. Her fucking little ass cheeks were quivering and so was my cock. I opened my briefcase and handcuffed her wrists behind her back. She was shocked and agitated and I turned her sweet face to face me and put the gun right to her mouth.
'Go ahead. Scream and I'll blow your fucking teeth down your throat.'
'No. No, don't hurt me. Why are you doing this? Who are you? I don't know you. Why are you?'
I had some pre-cut pieces of duct tape in my kit and I slapped one onto her lips. I smoothed it to her face and got another piece and applied it the same way for safe measure. Now she could try to scream all she wanted and they wouldn't hear. I still needed the element of surprise for them.
I just had to have good look see. To see what I'd just acquired. I couldn't help myself, I was so happy. I turned her onto her back to study her front and she could tell right off what I wanted. She may have only been fifteen, but lots of men had made passes at her (and her sister together often) and she well knew that look of lust. I appraised her breasts and her unprotected crotch and took hold of her shorts at the top. She figured I was going to rape her, there and then, and I certainly could have. I was more than up for it, and was getting more so by the minute.
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So she started to kick, since she assumed I'd slip my hand inside her panties first, and then get to the good stuff. I took a good hold of her hair and yanked her to her feet. She stumbled up and was unsteady at first but then got her balance better and started to walk in the direction I pointed her back towards where the others were. I took firm hold of her neck at the back and told her, 'Hold it. Stand fucking still.'
She stopped and froze.
What did I want now?
I went around in front of her and knelt down and was right down to her feet where I undid her designer running shoe laces. I slid one shoe off and then the other.
'Stand on one foot.' I said as I raised her left ankle and pulled off her sock. 'Now the other one.' And I stripped it off too. I stuffed them into her shoes and tied the laces together to bring them along with us. No evidence for the cops to find, should they come looking at that remote, unremarkable spot.
So as I looked up, I was looking right up into her pussy. Her shorts were pulled tight through her crotch and her molded mounds were nicely smoothed over. I looked further up her body and her tits were so inviting, just barely sticking out the way they did, but her nipples were erected out of fear and my face was almost at their level by now. I didn't know what to bite first, them or her labia. So all the sex shit was just hanging in the air and my pecker wasn't hanging around anymore.
It was becoming a boner and I wanted to bone her.
She so needed to be done and nasty.
She was trembling and becoming rebellious and she turned her crotch away to the side. I dropped everything and grabbed onto her shorts at the top and in one fast, smooth move tug, slid them and her underwear down to her knees. She didn't expect it at all and struggled to stay upright, not to tumble down, so she would end up laying on the ground in a perfect position to be fucked and raped.
I stood straight up and gripped her face in my fists and glared into her uncertain eyes.
'OK, so you walk like that. You fucking walk like that or I'll kick you right in your bare pussy. I'll cunt kick you. How'd you like that?'
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She got my drift pretty clear.
She shook her head violently, 'no , no', side to side and started to walk forward stretching her shorts and underwear with each measured step. I was behind her behind, and wanted to tuck the gun barrel and my cock into her bum crack. Maybe even both at once, but then I might blow my own dick's knob head off, so that wouldn't be so good. She was plenty terrified and the sharp pathway hurt her feet so she picked her way along and crept gingerly like a cat coming up on a mouse, but she was the prey instead.
Soon we could both hear that her mother and sister had resumed arguing in the not too distant distance.
I could hear mom clearly, 'I swear we'll disown you if you bring this shame to our family.'
I found out later she was a racist, besides being a snotty, entitled bitch. The kid's father, the guy who'd stuck it in her precious lily-white daughter was black and she wanted no part of a Negro or Mulatto baby as part of the family tree and heritage. They were aristocratic and their blood line was pure, at least that's how she saw it. If the kid turned out all white, that'd be OK, but what were the chances and who could tell in advance? Plus she was afraid if it was a boy, it might grow a twenty inch dong, like all the brothers, and she liked big pricks so was she ever in for a little disappointment from me. Of course, I'd compensate in other ways, and I'm sure some of the head guys, the shrinks and psychiatrists would have figured I was doing that anyway. Making up for my dinky dink by wielding it like a club, assisted by all manner of evil and ingenious mechanical enhancements, which in a manner of speaking, I suppose, were penis extenders.
Mom was still bigoting on, 'If you bring that shame to us, your father will kill you.'
Funny, I thought to myself, I wasn't her father but I was sure up for the second part, so she wouldn't have to worry about what he thought or even about him finding out.
Then I stepped on some small branches and they must have heard us coming.
'Connie. Constance, is that you? Connie, where are you? Where's your sister?' Mom did all the calling and demanding.
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'I don't know and right now, I don't care.' The kid spat back.
'Well you'd better. We haven't seen her for quite awhile. Anything could happen to her.'
God, if they only knew, and mom sure got that right. Anything and everything was going to happen.
'Connie, stop playing games, if that's you. It's you, so time to come back. Time to come out.'
I made a few more crunchy noises on purpose.
'OK, enough. We're coming to see, if you don't come out. I told you, it's not funny. It's time.'
And it was time to come out.
It was time for her, for Constance, to reveal herself to them and their new shared predicament. We were behind a big tree and some thicket and they were turned away for a moment as I slowly slid their loved one out into plain full view.
I had the gun to her head, just under her ear, and used her hair as a handle for my other hand. Of course, her whole fucking crotch was bared and her yap neatly taped.
Her sister caught the first glimpse of us.
'What the? Oh God, no. What the Hell, Connie?'
'Becky, Rebecca what's wrong?' Mom responded to her kid's obvious anguish.
'Mom. Mom look.'
And she turned to see too.
Immediately, she could see her precious daughter's naked crotch and she started right for me but she was a good forty feet off. I let her get about three feet closer and I spun around and shoved the pistol barrel right into the kid's pussy and yelled out, 'Any closer and I'll blow the kid's cunt all over her crotch. I'll bullet splatter her pussy.'
Mom froze like a statue and she couldn't believe what she was seeing and worse, hearing. Her precious kid with a gun stuck half way up her vagina. Just what every loving mother needed to encounter, I thought. At least ones with good looking daughters.
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'No. No, don't. Stop it. Who are you? What do you want? Wait a minute, I saw you at the stop sign, where my kids jumped out. That was you. What do you want? How did you get here?'
She sure had plenty of questions and concerns.
'You stupid, arrogant bitch, give me the finger will you. Swear at me will you. What I want is to shoot her in the cunt, so how are you going to stop me? Flip me the bird again? Tell me to fuck off?'
'No. No, I'm sorry. I was angry and upset and you seemed to think the whole thing was funny and you were minding our business. It's a family matter and.. Tell me what else you want?'
'Lay down. Both of you, fucking flat as pancakes on the ground.'
They looked at each other as if to ask permission or seek approval from the other, or should they disobey, but they slowly, ever so reluctantly sank to their knees. Geeze they were both beautiful. The older girl, Rebecca (the Sara Paxton look-alike) actually was a teen model and that's how she'd got knocked up. By one of the other elegant male models, I believe he was Ethiopian. Mom was a beauty, about forty and pretty well as well turned out as the kids, but more classic and expensive. Three prime cunts for the price of one (smash and) grab. One scoop for multiple pussy kidnappings. Some guys just had all the luck and some bitches ended up with none of it. They may have had the cunts, but I had all the tools and ideas.
I got up back behind Connie and motioned her closer to the others. They were still on their knees and didn't want to capitulate, to being all the way down, especially mom.
'Flat down. All the way down or she gets it and don't make me say it again. Don't make me say everything twice.'
Now they sank and completed my command and I was pretty well assured of getting my absolute control over them. That was the single most important crux of my kidnapping expeditions, the moment control was handed over. That's when they began to die and they never even knew it. They always expected they'd go home and be free and live unhappily ever after.
I had spare cuffs in my capture kit. I'd learned from a previous outing, where I came up short, so now I always had four sets. I got a pair out and motioned for the prone sister to come to me to get them. She fought with herself, trying not to, but could see her sister's life, or at least her cunt, depended upon it so she took them up off the ground where I'd tossed them five feet forward. They were unlocked and I motioned her back with the gun to her mom.
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'Put them on her and good and tight and with her wrists behind her back.'
Mom looked up at her kid approaching with the cuffs and couldn't comprehend what she was being forced to do. How could this be happening to her? To them? They'd led such charmed and perfect lives and she was sure once the baby was aborted everything would have become that way again. But now this.
'Mom, I'm sorry. What am I supposed to do? Mom, what?'
'Just do as he says, so he doesn't hurt Connie. Just do as he wants.'
'What if he wants to hurt us all though. To hurt me and you and Connie. Mom, what should I do? I don't want to put these on you. You're supposed to take care of us. Protect us. How can you if you're handcuffed like he wants?'
'I know baby. I know. But I'm sure he won't hurt us if we do as he says. He won't. He'll have no reason to, so just do as he says.'
The girl wasn't so sure at all.
'But look at her. He has her half naked. He's seen her private parts and God knows what he's already done to her. That's not right. Not right at all so he must want more.'
'I know. I know and I swear if he does, I'll give it to him. I'll offer it to him. I won't let him touch you, either of you (it was a bit late for that, I chuckled into my smirk) and I'll give him what he wants if he wants that.'
It was always so fucking perfect getting a mother trying to protect her daughter's cunt. It's like a script written in rape heaven and I had two of her kids to ply against her and each other.
'Awhh, isn't that sweet. Now get the fucking cuffs on her and stop yacking about it, as if you have any choice.'
And with that Becky cuffed her mom's wrists just as I'd demanded, securely behind her back.
Oh, how excellently perfect. Mom's tits and cunt were helpless. She may have been strong and independent, but now she was fast becoming a helpless victim.
'Good. Good for you. Now you lie down flat next to her.'
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She slowly did and they gazed into each other's horror filled, uncertain eyes and muttered assurances between themselves how they thought everything would be OK. They exchanged courage, or so they thought, that strength and resolve would be enough to get them through and out of the situation, when it was what would assure they remained in it until they were dead.
I came right up to them now with Connie right in front of me and I forced her to the ground too, on the other side of her mom. I supposed it was a mom sandwich since a sandwich takes its name from what's inbetween the slices. And they were surely prime slices of life.
Mom looked horrified, even more, as she saw her baby's bare pussy out and unprotected and available for me to leer at and knowing I'd already probed her with my gun and only God knew what other indignities I might have had from her. While she tried to reassure her youngest, I cuffed her oldest, Becky the same way. Arms behind her back and now I was pretty pumped at how well it'd gone, with no hitches, so to say, and to think a half hour earlier I didn't even know their cunts existed. I got another mouth patch and closed the other girl's yap off. That left only mom to protest and I wanted to hear her heartfelt pleas. See how good a negotiator she was and what she'd offer to give up.
So picture this, if you will - two of them faced down fully clothed and handcuffed and one the same only her sweet little ass up in the air to the wind and a bit of her cunt lips showing through from behind. Who was likely to get it first? Considering my prick was like another tree trunk by now, and not a puny one either.
I was so ready to rape some body.
I took my pants off and my hard-on spronged out of my briefs through a leg hole. Mom saw it right away and went off in a tirade of orders and pleas, just as I knew she would.
I was standing over Connie's bare bum focused on how it was cracked.
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'No. No, oh please no. Don't. Do me instead. If you have to do that, I'm here - look.'
In her frustration and fear she'd turned herself onto her back and was pushing her hips into the air, like thrusting then at God, at the heavens and to my sex sensibilities and my cock's eye saw. She was offering to sacrifice herself pretty clearly. She was both gyrating her hips and spreading her crotch at the same time, like a stripper in a first-rate club and she was first-rate in every respect. It certainly got my interest and piqued my pecker's as well and now her tits were flopping around too. She was moderately busty and didn't have much of a support bra on. Also she was shimmying forward, up and away from inbetween the girls trying to get to me, and draw me along with her. To get me distanced from them.
I did the puppy dog thing and tagged along behind her until she was about five feet away from them and then when she arched her hips particularly high, her ass way up in the air and her cunt even higher up, I hoofed her in the ribs to the underside at her back. She flew up like a just-kicked football and twisted to the side yelling, 'No, Oww. Ouch. For God's sake, why'd you do that? You hurt me. You didn't have to do that.'
She was flat to the ground but curled up on her side in a fetal position. I often thought fetal positions could be fatal positions for rape victims since they couldn't see what was coming up on them from behind, see what was gaining on them and, of course, as often as not, that was me.
I was gained on her.
And I fucking wanted to climb on her and in to her.
I knelt down and put my hand softly on her hip. It was the very first physical contact I had with her, the first time I dared to touch her, (presumed to, as she would see it) and she turned her concerned face to implore me.
'Oh please, don't hurt us. Don't hurt me. You didn't have to do that. I said I'd co-operate. I said it to my girls. Oh, please let them go. Keep me. Keep me here if you have to, but let them go. Besides, my oldest, she's pregnant. She's going to have a baby.'
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I wanted to see how good a liar she'd be.
'When? When's she having it?'
'Soon. I said she's pregnant so you have to respect that. Don't you?'
It was her first sign of wheedling and weakening and becoming subservient.
'She doesn't look pregnant. She doesn't show at all. So when?'
'Soon, just like I said. Soon enough. She can't be hurt for the baby's sake.'
I knew it was all a lie, about being soon, and I'd make her pay good later but right now I had her shorts to deal with too.
'You wouldn't lie to me, would you? I know you wouldn't be that stupid.'
'No. No, I swear.'
'That's good. So let's say we see what's down there. What you've got waiting for me between your legs.'
'I. I, no please. Please don't. Not in front of them. Not in front of my girls.'
'And they're going to be my girls too, if you don't co-operate.'
She turned her head to the side, away as I gripped onto her shorts at the waistband and as I went to pull them down, I pulled way up on them instead splitting her labia with the crotch fabric. She cried out but didn't really fight. She was all so smooth and stretched I just had to kiss her. I nuzzled my lips to her lips and pushed my chin up into her crease. She parted and I could feel her clit crunching under the pressure I applied and as I increased it I could smell a bit of that familiar female aroma. She was offended and tried to close her legs to force my face out.
'Uh, uh. No, no. That's not a good idea. Either you co-operate or you don't. It makes no difference to me, but if you don't they both get it, and especially Connie, your youngest so I guess it makes a difference to you. I'll rupture her sweet little pussy and you'll be to blame.'
With the talk of rupture, she totally surrendered her ideas of resistance. It was the last word she wanted associated with her kid's young cunt. I pulled the fabric of her shorts harder into her split and then reversed direction and drew them right down to her knees. She still had her panties on but they were still jammed up, wedged into her crease and I was in no hurry to free them.
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I got hold of her thin knit sweater and hiked it above her tits. Her bra was enough see through I didn't have to imagine any more what she had. I reached down and grabbed it between the cups and lifted her by it to drag her back beside her daughters. It pulled way forward and both her tits were pretty well out and then as I tried to drag her, it just snapped and that was that. Tit-o-rama for mom. Both jugs bared and in a single snap. She flopped to the ground and I kicked at her lightly to get her to wriggle back to her kids. After all she was their protector and she should be there with them and there for them.
They were protesting wildly but under their gags and their eyes were all equally aflame.
Mom was finally back where she'd started from and collapsed crying softly, but not tears of terror, but tears of entreating me not to involve her kids. Not to touch them or make them watch me touch her and certainly to leave any sex out of it with them. If I was going to rape her, why couldn't I do it in private? Have at least that small amount of decency and the thing being she had no idea, not a clue, what horrors and abuses awaited them all. But that was for later and this was for now.
I got her shorts all the way off and mom was bare except for her ass and it was firm but nicely rounded. She was a strong woman, a work-out woman and she knew she looked good naked. Almost as good as her daughters half her age and I could see it right off also and, of course, my pecker's eye could too.
I had a wriggling pile of related cunts and asses and some tits that were out and it was going to be hard to know who to drill first. I wanted to hear their cries for help, and for me to stop, so I un-gagged the two girls and they sputtered and spat their invective at me right off. I yanked mom's one leg way up to spread her crotch and her panties were still stuck in her almost up to her cervix. I stuffed my face into her too and somehow as I did, unnoticed to me, Connie had half scrambled and half hobbled to her feet and she threw herself at me, with a mighty scream to distract me, and actually knocked me off balance and off her mom as well.
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Now they all sprang into action, as if they were become a killing machine, on a rapist annihilating mission. All their legs were free and you get a motivated mother, an insanely motivated one and she could kick like an angry mule and the others too. But mom was the strongest and the worst and she was trying to knock my block off and go for my balls at the same time. Talk about fighting dirty. The girls picked up on it pretty fast, so mom tried to smash my teeth in and the girls my testicles off.
You might say, for the moment, my situation was precarious.
I scrambled about like a little ferret in heat and managed to get my crotch protected from the girls trying to stomp on it, to stamp it out like a disease, but while doing that, mom got me a good hoof to the head. I went dizzy and everything was going red and I thought I might lose it, my consciousness and maybe even my battle with them. Like lose the battle and lose the war. Mom saw how she'd stunned me and went in for the second round, the kill kick, but luck was on my side. Becky wasn't paying attention to anything other than annihilating my nuts and just as her mother aimed to hoof me, she bent over and mom got her smack to the side of her head instead. She cried out and went sprawling to the side and well away from me.
'Oh God. God no. Baby, I'm sorry. Are you OK? God, I didn't see. Becky, speak to me honey.'
'Mom. Mom, I was going to finish him off. God, look he's getting away.'
I'd managed to scramble to my feet and I headed right for Connie. She was isolated and vulnerable and now sensed she should stop kicking at me. I plowed into her at full stride and bowled her over. I punched at her, in the side, and she screamed out shrilly for me to stop.
Mom and Becky both snapped around to confront me and they could see the other girl being wailed upon. I wasn't hitting her sexually yet, but I easily could have so it seemed I was getting back in control. Things had gotten pretty precarious for me, as I said, and then it got a whole lot more so.
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Becky saw it first and she got the gun, but she couldn't aim it properly with her arms behind her back. Mom was right there too and Becky passed it too her and while she couldn't aim much better, she could lash out with the orders now. The mistake they all made was to not try to keep on kicking at me and to think the gun would stop me. The main reason being, I always kept the first chamber empty, but I could act as if it wasn't to fool them into thinking they had wrested control from me and that they could lord it over me.
Mom managed to twist around and get a pretty good bead on me.
'You freeze. You fucking freeze. (I just loved how they thought swearing made them seem more dangerous and formidable.) Freeze or I'll shoot you dead. I swear I will. You mess with my daughters, you humiliate them and me and you think I won't shoot you. You'd be sorely mistaken, so believe me I'll kill you and not lose a moment's sleep over it.'
Boy, that was a good heartfelt speech I thought. Lots of emotion and truth and delusion.
'OK. OK, don't shoot. Don't. I give. OK. OK, you win. Just let me go.'
She should have offered (to let me go), not that I would have gone.
'Get away from her. Get away from Connie. Don't you dare hit her or touch her again.'
I moved off about two feet, like I was really concerned and scared and mom was satisfied she had some sway over me but kept the gun aimed. But being steady was so hard with her wrists like that.
'Give me the key, the keys. I want the keys to the handcuffs.'
I looked at her blank, as if I didn't know what she wanted them for.
'I don't have them. They're in my van.' I lied. They were in my kit.
Page 16.
She knew they were a long way into the woods now, over a mile, and it'd be pretty hard to maintain control over me for the long trek back and in the same breath she knew she had to try - something. She could sense I wanted to spring at any moment and she was debating whether or not she should become a stone cold-blooded killer and just shoot me instead. No questions asked, no discourse. Of course, she should have and she didn't and it was time to stop playing and horsing around with them, time for some serious consequences.
Connie was fully uprighted and she was set to stumble away from me, as mom beckoned her back. I zagged to the right, so Connie was in mom's line of fire. If she could have shot, she'd have blasted her kid instead.
'Connie, get out of the way. Get down. Get away. I can't shoot now.'
She tried to zig now and I lunged right onto her. I got my arm around her throat from behind and used the crook of my elbow to partially strangle her. I was almost choking her and I yanked her right up into the air that way, so her feet were off the ground.
Mom took a big risk. She thought she had a clear shot for a second, and pulled on the trigger and there was nothing but the deafening click. But the thing was the next go would be a real live bullet. I dragged Becky back and away from the unfolding situation and mom couldn't get enough of an aim to fire a live shot. Off to my right, I spied a rock about the size of a baseball soft-ball and I scooped it up and held it like I was going to batter Becky's brains out, or cave her skull in.
'No. No, don't. Don't hit her. No, I'm sorry don't.'
'Drop the fucking gun or she dies and she dies right now.'
She hesitated for a fraction of a second, for a fraction of a thought and let the gun tumble to the ground.
'Step away. Both of you, right away or she gets it. I swear.'
Page 17.
They crept back together, away from the only possibility of salvation they'd had. I pulled way back on Becky's hair, having released my choke hold on her throat and made her walk funny, like arched way back and doing the goose step. I matched her past the gun on the ground and then shoved her, like a stranger pushing someone in front of an approaching subway train, and she sprawled into the two of them almost bowling them over.
I retrieved my pistol and chided the bitch for having the nerve to wave it at me. I checked the ammo and I was fully set to fire into someone. Put a hole in some body's body.
I strutted up to them like Napoleon with a sword and pointed the gun barrel right at their frightened heads.
'Eeeny, meeny, miney, moe. I'm gonna shoot one of you stupid cunts for trying that. Who do you think you are, ganging up on me like that? You've got your fucking nerve and you better get some more because you're going to need it. I'm gonna blast one of you right now. Who? Fucking who?'
They were all meek and huddled into each other as if that could prevent a bullet from penetrating any one of them.
'Any volunteers? Come on, who want's it? Speak up. Who doesn't want it?'
Connie was not only the youngest, she was the weakest too.
'I don't. Oh, please don't. I don't.'
Didn't the stupid little cunt realize, that by saying that, she was setting up one of the other two? She was, in effect, volunteering one of them, by trying to eliminate herself.
But then, as totally to be expected, mom offered mom.
'Shoot me, you bastard, if you have to shoot anybody, then make it me.'
'Not just anybody, bitch, your body. I'll fucking shoot your body where it counts.'
I walked right up to her like I was going to act on her offer.
'Open your mouth. You've got a big mouth, so open it.'
She did and I stuck the gun barrel right between her rows of perfect white teeth. She clenched her eyes shut awaiting the bang and the girls pleaded with me to spare her and they sounded like they meant it too. Regardless of the differences and the difficulties they'd shared in the past, they didn't want me blowing their mother's brains out - right in front of them, no grey matter splatter, so to say, nor a sight which would contaminate their visions for years even up to a lifetime.
Page 18.
I wasn't even tempted to shoot mom's tongue out. I just wanted her to think I was, and the kids too. They mewled and begged so preciously when they thought death was imminent.
She'd sunk to the ground, almost fainting and I followed her down with my gun hand. I knelt down, pressing the gun harder into her yap and I pulled her hair plenty hard at the side. She didn't seem to care since she figured she was about to get it.
'I should. I should do it right now. I should blow your fucking lips to kingdom come, for that, what you tried, you arrogant snot. I should put a whole bunch into you, you want me to do that? Right in front of them?'
She shook her head half out of defiance and half out of shame. She didn't want her daughters to see her murdered like that.
'No, I suppose you don't. So I'll tell you what. I'll do you a favor. I'll give you a chance. I'll shoot your other lips instead.'
Her fucking eyes went wider than saucers, even bigger than pie plates. She could not believe what I was getting at.
'You got it? You fucking chose then.'
I pulled the gun out to let her protest.
'No. No, for God's sake, no. Don't be crazy. Don't be insane. That would be indefensible. I was only trying to protect my girls. Please, please understand.'
'And so you still will. You'll still be protecting them, so which'll it be, in the mouth or in the cunt?'
She could see it was hopeless and so could the girls and they all started to wail and whine like a choir screeching the chorus and I must say, I never for a moment, doubted their sincerities and it all was music to my crotch.
Mom wouldn't choose, so I wheeled around and pointed the gun as if I was going to shoot her youngest. It never seems to matter how old they are, but mothers always have a particular soft spot for their last born, when they knew they wouldn't have any more.
'No. For God's sake no, don't shoot her. OK. OK, my vagina then if that's what you meant by my other lips. Shoot my vagina then, but not her, please.'
Page 19.
So there it all was.
I had it.
My perfect sexual compliance.
My perfect sexual storm and scenario. A beautiful, capable sexual woman asking, no begging, to be shot in her vagina and that's when you knew you had them for good and forever, at least for as long as they still had to live. They'd do anything, absolutely anything you asked or demanded as long as their offspring weren't harmed, and of course, once you started to actually torture the daughter, then mom would do all that much more to get you to stop. At least that was the way it always seemed to work for me and it was doing so, in a classic way, again.
She was textbook mother protecting her young.
'Very well.' I replied standing over her all powerful and triumphant. 'Spread your legs.'
Now lots of women, being raped, were told to spread their legs, for the cock, but how many were told to do so to get a bullet?
Not many, I presumed.
Just the deserving ones, the lucky ones, so to say, by my standards.
Talk about reluctant and an (almost) failure to comply, but she did, in her own sweet time and only her panties could keep a bullet out of her majora labia. (Or so she imagined that would be my target.)
I had her lying flat on her back on top of her cuffed arms and while it was uncomfortable, it wasn't an impossible position for her to maintain. I knelt right down, straddled, over her legs, just above her knees to do the unveiling. I pulled her panties tight up into her crease again and gave her a nice thoughtful kiss on her labia. She was firm and spongy and I could smell her fear. I ran my tongue along her crease and then started to slide her panties down. I had the top of her bush out but her mounds were still hidden. I slid up to caress her face and man-handle her breasts and gave her a nice mouth kiss. She could smell her cunt on my hungry mouth.
'See, that isn't so bad is it? Nothing bad's happened yet, has it? You know, you kiss pretty good.'
She acknowledged the obvious but was only worried about what was to come.
Page 20.
'So let's see, let's see what you have.'
And with that I returned to her panties and slid them off her.
Her cunt was trembling, but immaculate. There wasn't a bit of extra hanging out and her pubic hair was tailored. Her bikini line had just been waxed so she looked picture perfect and her cunt could have been used for a feature or an advertisement in a cunt magazine.
Perfection. Now there was feminine twat perfection.
I kissed her bared labia softy and wiggled my fingers slightly inside her. You'd have thought it was a red hot poker or a rasp or something that hurt, the way she winced and tensed. It was as if she would rather it be the gun barrel than me personally probe her. I got good and low down to her and shoved my thumb in as far as I could force it and caught the hard knot of her cervix. I was pleased and looked pleased with myself. When you start buggering with the cervix that's when you're really into it and you really have their attention - divided and undivided, so to say.
'Maybe I should blow that off. Blow that right out of you, right out your belly button.'
'No. No, please. You'd kill me. You said my lips, my other lips, so I assumed, no I know, you meant my labia. Just my labia, please.'
I took hold of a lip in each hand and pulled them out and then away, like really wide open for business, and all the internal pink meat showed slippery red and I could see her clit hanging around at the top of her divide. She knew I was focused on it.
'Tell you what. What you say I put a slug through that instead?'
How could she say yes to that, but what would a no lead to?
'Please no. That could kill me too. I could bleed to death. There's so many blood vessels there.'
She got that partially right because they were destined to become bloody vessels.
I arched my index finger forward, like tentatively and stroked her clit nut. It was like a fucking little spongy grape and started to swell. I flicked at it like you would send a fly flying off a table and so it got even harder and thudded with each flick. I surely could have bitten it off with one good chomp but she wasn't really up for losing it or losing out to me either. She had to divert me. She had to become a winner and not a whiner.
Page 21.
'You like what you see? You think I'm pretty, that I'm desirable?'
'Fucking right. Pretty fucking hot. You've got a great cunt, no a fantastic cunt and your fucking G spot, your clit bit, man, or should I say, woman, geeze you're put together nice.'
'So please listen. If you like me so much, you think I'm perfect, don't shoot me there. Make love to me instead.'
'There?' I asked.
'Uh? What?' She was quizzical.
'Where? There?'
'Yes. Of course. Have intercourse with me. Make love to me.'
'In your cunt?'
'Yes, in my vagina, but don't shoot me. Where else would we make love?'
She didn't think I'd noticed how she'd said 'we', like we were forming a relationship and she hoped to lower my carefulness. As if I wouldn't see through that in a second or a glance.
'How about I butt fuck you first.'
'No, absolutely not, no. I don't want to there. Just in my vagina and I'll make you really enjoy it.'
'Lots of fellatio then?'
'I can. If you want, I can do that too.'
She was a bit too dangerous, I figured, for me to actually stick my knob between her teeth, but at least she agreed and that was thoughtful of her.
'You know that's a pretty decent offer. I just might take you up on it, but tell me then, what about them?'
'What about them?' She asked me back worried.
'Do I get to make love to them too?'
Now she had to get smart and pragmatic real fast. Was I creating another opportunity for them to blind side me, to distract me and hopefully they could overpower me so they could finish the shit kicking on me they'd started?
'Please.. I.. Let me think, please.'
'Sure. OK. You think it out really carefully and sort out your options.'
'Please listen, listen. Let me talk to my girls. Let me talk it over with them. I don't want to make decisions that affect them without working it out with them.'
Page 22.
'You mean like not unilateral?'
'Yeah, I don't want that, so need to consult.'
'Sure. Why not? I suppose that'd be OK.'
She looked so relieved and I just sort of hung there waiting for them to start the big pow-wow. After a couple of minutes, mom told me what I'd known all along.
'Please. Could we have some privacy. This is very personal and we need to be alone together.'
I acted as if I was surprised they'd assume I'd agree.
'I don't know about that. Can I trust you? How can I be sure you won't just be trying to figure out how to defeat me, how to wrest control from me so you could finish trying to beat me up, or was that beat me to death?'
She looked sheepish.
'That's what you wanted to do, wasn't it? Kill me?'
I went right to her face and squeezed her cheeks in one hand and made her mouth look silly. I kissed it and then bit her lower lip. It was my first taste of her hot blood. She yanked her head back and licked her cut lip.
'Now tell me the truth, and make it sound good. That's what you wanted to do, what you were trying to do and is what you want to do right now?'
'No. No, it isn't. Not now. Maybe then because I was so surprised and scared and frightened for my girls and for me too, but now making love should be OK, as long as you don't hurt us anymore. So, please, let me talk to them alone.'
'Whatever. Whatever, if that's what you need. Whatever, but first I have to tie you all together. I don't want you trying to run off, not even one of you trying to go for help.'
I got a five foot piece of the thin standard yellow nylon rope and looped it through all of their cuffed wrists at the back. I left quite a bit of slack but it still meant one couldn't dart off by herself and as a group they couldn't run very effectively, too many legs pulling in opposing directions to ever become coordinated.
They needed a concerted effort and this wouldn't afford it to them.
Page 23.
I wandered off about thirty feet and sat down on a rock but kept the gun trained in their general direction. They watched me warily, at first, but after awhile went into a huddle. I would have loved to have been a fly in the trees there, or a nipple on one of their chests, but it was fun just to watch them plot and reason how they were going to reason with me.
I let them have twenty minutes and then I sauntered back to the pack, toying with my pistol like it was a kid's cap gun. I spun it around my index finger by the trigger guard and took pretend pot shots at their sex parts and made the silly sounds the make believe cowboys did.
'OK, so ladies, what's up?'
They all looked scared but I could tell they thought they'd arrived at a reasonable compromise, at a reasonable offer they could make to me and I couldn't wait to reject it or ostensibly accept it.
'OK. OK, please, first you have to promise. You have to give your solemn word you won't hurt us anymore. None of us, and you won't strike us. Also don't keep playing with and waving the gun at us. It might go off accidently and one of us get hurt. We'll co-operate, so you don't need to threaten us with the gun. You don't need to threaten us at all.'
I still left it pointed right at them.
She waited for me to re-aim it, just to move my hand a little and I didn't. It was all so intentional and it discouraged her. Maybe their terms weren't so reasonable after all or maybe I just wasn't the amenable type. It knocked her off stride, how she'd pictured it going, so she sucked in a deep breath of courage and continued. 'We'll have sex with you. I will and Becky will, she's just got pregnant so she's not a virgin, but you have to agree to leave Connie alone. The two of us will do it with you as long as she's not part of it. In fact, we'd like to do it together with you.'
As if I hadn't expected that. So there it was again. Her hopes for a big opportunity for a trap if she could get me to think with my prick head and not my brain head and go for the manage-a-twat. She figured the two of them would be strong enough and the younger girl could keep her hymen.
Page 24.
'She's a virgin. Constance still has her cherry?'
'You're being disgusting and you know she doesn't. You broke her when you violated her with your gun barrel. But sexually, as far as intercourse, yes, she's virginal.'
'And you figure your two used cunts are worth her one pristine one?'
'Stop it. That's our offer and the best we can do.'
'What about it, Connie? What do you have to say about it? You think that's a fair deal? You'd go for that too?'
I sat down beside her and wrapped my arm around her slender, shaking shoulders and hugged her to me, like she was my own kid and not one I was going to smash.
'You think that's right? That sound's fair? They get all the sex and you get none?'
'I.. Please, I don't want any. Please.'
'You don't want any of this?'
I displayed her my erect penis.
'No, no please.'
'Well he's hurt and offended. You think that's a good idea, to insult him?'
'No. No, please I just don't want to be raped.'
'Raped? No, no, you got it all wrong. I was going to make love to you.'
'I don't want you too. I just don't. I've never..'
'So don't knock it, if you haven't tried it.' I fed her the cliche.
'I don't want you to.'
'But they do?'
'No, of course not, but if you're going to do it anyway, take it anyway, they're trying to make you a compromise.'
'OK. I see, OK. So what do you think I should do?'
'I don't know. Oh, please just leave me alone. Leave us alone and let us go.'
'Connie, I think what I need you to do is make up your own mind. Make it up on your own. Make up your decision about something by yourself and stop being such a cry-baby girl.
'I'm not a baby, but I am a girl. I'm just a girl, please.'
It was as if she thought girls shouldn't be raped. Just women, like adult ones her mother's age. I wondered if she thought her sister should be done instead of her too.
It was better than delicious.
The set-up was better than excellent.
Page 25.
She was confused and had no idea what I was talking about or getting at. I supposed I wasn't saying it very clearly, more like a riddle.
'You think you can do that?' I asked her still.
'Yes. No. I'm not sure. I'm not a kid. I'm not a child. I get straight A's, like in the mid nineties in school so I'm not stupid.'
'I'm sure you're not then and in fact you look smart, all of you do, so here's what I'm thinking. I can go for their deal. Your mom and sister only, but you have to agree to something also.'
I looked right into her searching, bewildered eyes all set to reveal my next secret (horror).
'If I only do them and I don't do you too, when I'm done I'm going to cut their nipples off, all four of the little suckers, or do you think that should be sucklers? What do you think?'
My joke didn't register at all, but the images of my threat went right to her mind's heart.
She cried out and sang the saddest tune, 'No. No, oh never. No. God why? Why would you do such a horrid thing?'
The others could hear her distress and piped up, 'What's going on. What are you doing to her? What are you saying?'
'It's our business and none of your fucking concern so shut the fuck up.'
'Connie, Connie, you spoiled little bitch, settle down. It doesn't have to be that way. That's only if we don't have sex together. That's how they pay if you refuse, understand?'
She knew she was completely fucked. She knew her sweet cunt was going to get it, in spite of the best plans of her mother and sister, because she just couldn't let such a horrible mutilation befall her family.
'I.. I.. What do I have to do then, so you won't do that to them?'
'Have sex with me. Pure and simple. We'll have intercourse and they'll be alright. You think you can do that? Spread them wide enough for me to crawl inside, or how about a little fisting at least?'
She didn't know what fisting was but that was easy to rectify.
Page 26.
'I'll have to, won't I? What choice do I have?'
'So we're agreed then. That's what you'll do?'
She nodded her head out of resignation and agreement and tears streaked down her rosy cheeks. She had a peaches and cream complexion that was about to go sour. I patted her head like I cared and cooed at her, 'Good. Good sweet baby. Sweet little pussy, come to daddy. It's time. It's always been time.'
She looked up at me like her eyes yearned to see me gone. Like I wasn't there or was at least invisible. But the leer and the drool on my lips jarred her back to her impending reality.
'Yeah, I know you're afraid, but don't be. I can make it not hurt. It doesn't have to hurt. So let's get to it. But remember, I can make it hurt a lot if I want to. You ready?'
She'd never be ready.
For some simple misguided reason, she'd thought I meant later, like some time in the (distant) future. Not right away.
That's what false hope does. It delays the inevitable, or at least hopes to.
'Uh? What? What? Now? Not right now.'
'It's as good a time as any and look how he's all ready.'
I patted my pecker and then waved and shook it at her.
'In fact, sweets, he can hardly wait, or he'll explode.'
'No, please no. Not now. Not here.'
'Not here? Where then? You really haven't thought this out, have you. With your teenaged, girly brain. You're dealing with adult matters now and this is going to be mature intercourse. Understand? Do you?'
'I don't know if I do. No. Yes. Please I have. I just thought it'd be later. I guess I hoped. I didn't think straight at all, I suppose.'
'Well later's now. No time like the present, as they say. Ha, ha. Time for you to make a present of yourself to me. Ha, ha. So we need to get started and oh, there's one last thing.'
She couldn't even try to act brave, not when I still had something extra to add.
Page 27.
'I'm gonna tie them off to a tree, together and then we do it right in front of them and you don't say a word to either one. Not a fucking word or so much as a squeak. Oh, they'll yell and ask you questions and plead with you, to stop me, but you say nothing back in return. It's like you're fucking mute and you can't speak. Oh, you can hear them alright, but you can't say back. Got it? You got it?'
She seemed to understand but her rebellion was building and she wanted to defy me at the same time she needed to give into me.
Talk about a catch two hundred and twenty-two.
Or a catch twenty-two bullet aimed her way.
'I don't know if I can do that. They'll want me to say something. To tell them. How can I not?'
'I'll tell you how. If you do, the same fucking thing then. I'll cut four nipples off and then yours too for good measure, so it'll be a pretty costly conversation, won't it? An expensive exchange of words, wouldn't you say?'
Now she knew she was utterly trapped and simply had to go along and I could see it in the resignation in her body language.
'Good, then. Good you clearly understand.'
'Yes. Just don't hurt me. Promise you won't and let's get it over with.'
'Excellent. Spectacular. You're a very brave and courageous little girl and I know they'll appreciate it and the entertainment.'
Along with her, I was back to the other two and mom started right at me. 'What were you saying to her? We've agreed to have sex with you so what were you doing with her and for so long?'
'You'll find out, but right now I'm going to secure the two of you to a tree.'
'No. No. Why? You have no need to do that? How can we do it with you if you do that?'
'My need is because I want to and I can. Get it? I have the fucking power and you have none, so that's going to have to be good enough for you. Power is a gun and handcuffs and you're on the wrong side of them both.'
Page 28.
Mom really sensed our agreement, their offer to sacrifice their cunts to me, hadn't meant for much, if anything at all. I looped a piece of rope around a nearby tree and tied it off. I tied each loose end to the chain part of their handcuffs. They looked confused and rebellious at the same time, and mom was livid.
I moseyed on over back to Connie and guided her to a spot about ten feet in front of her family.
They had front-row-center seats, but standing room only, so to say.
They watched in worry, expecting something to happen but had no idea what, but it wouldn't take many split seconds for them to get the general idea.
I took my briefs off right in front of all of them and my pecker was like a tree branch bull-rush wick and everyone knew I was ready to dip it.
Mom and Becky still assumed we had a deal and this wasn't supposed to be a part of it. They knew nothing of my new, much improved, deal with Connie.
I sort of stood there cock sure of myself and just took the whole unfolding situation in. Like surveyed my kingdom and dongdom. It was all so sweet and the air was pregnant with sexual tension and underlying dread.
And then I started to paw the kid.
I started with her sweet face and gave her a nice deep probing kiss. I pinned her head with my firm grips.
Right off, the other two got at me. Mom blasted away. 'No. No, don't. That's not our arrangement. I told you, not Connie and we co-operate. Leave her alone. Stop. Just stop it.'
I circled Connie with my arm and pressed my bare chest to her tea shirt and started to drag her down to the ground using my weight. I folded her down, and in on herself, like you would a letter and sent the image right to the heart of her mother's anger center. Talk about, light my fire, the flames raged in her eyes as she had to see her little girl being set upon and set up for the cock invasion. I commanded everything about the situation and they both knew it, only mom knew it more better. You'd think it was an army of peckers marching on her, instead of my own sole heroic soldier aimed to carry out his duty and if he didn't get in there soon he was going to commit suicide by explosion.
Page 29.
Connie's knees resisted and then they buckled and we were both kneeling before each other, like kids would to play, like circling each other. I wasn't being rough in the least. Just firm and unyielding, so I don't know what mom was bitching about so much and at the top of her lungs by now.
I pushed Connie firmly away from me and pulled up the bottom of her tee-shirt. Her fucking little breasts pounded me in the eyes. I almost couldn't control myself from punching them silly and flatter than they already were. But her nipples were what you'd call puffy. They had that extra conical areola part behind the bud and they were making me insane. I aimed my mouth and latched onto one and bit and chewed lightly as her bud hardened. I had to be so careful I didn't bite right into it or through it. I had no reason not to, nothing to prevent me from doing so other than I didn't want to maim them yet. With my mouth still fastened to her, I twisted her down further until she was laying on the ground, but not comfortably. Mainly she had her legs clamped together at the crotch and her knees crossed so they looked like pretzels. I looked into her fighting eyes as I slid my hand down her bare belly headed for her bared pussy.
'Come on baby. All in good time. Time for a good time. Time for daddy to come home.'
My hand was still a foot away from her clit.
Becky cried out, 'For God's sake, stop it. That's not what we agreed to. Here. Here look at me. I'm better. I know I am. I know what to do better, so leave her alone.'
She just didn't get it. None of them did. It didn't matter a whit what they knew better, it was what I knew how to do better and that was all that counted and what it meant for them to be conquered, that counted too.
Mom picked up the cause. ' I swear if you rape her, I'll kill you. I will. We'll co-operate if you leave her alone, now. We still will if you don't do any more. But if you don't stop, I'll kill you. Leave my baby alone, please. please.'
'I'm gonna make a baby with your baby. How's that? Then you'll have two of them preggers.'
God, I hated that word, but I just had to use it since it, somewhat, ridiculed and demeaned the condition, which that part was excellent. I just hated the sound of the word.
Page 30.
And then her entire demeanor changed and she exploded at me, 'Leave my fucking baby alone, you monster.'
What I think she really meant to holler was - leave my baby alone, you fucking monster - so I guess I had her pretty upset and going around in mental circles by now.
I suppose she saw the error of her cry, when she heard it back in her head, and she burst into tears and cried and begged more, at the same time she started to call out to the kid.
'Connie, if I can't stop him, if we don't, just relax yourself. Don't get all tense and tight and it shouldn't hurt and just pretend you're somewhere else and it isn't happening to you, and Connie, Connie honey, pray. Connie pray and pray and pray. And we'll pray with you and for you.'
The girl looked at her mom with such concern and understanding and quiet courage it was almost heartbreaking but still she didn't utter a word.
Did I really have to bust her little pussy?
Some questions are just plain dumb.
And the thing was, if my prayers were being answered, how could theirs be at the same time? They were a gift to me from rape heaven, so they needed to get a grip about all the prayer shit. Their biggest problem was they expected everyone to abide by the unspoken rules of decent civility, of human behavior, of what it meant to be a human being. And isn't that the crux of psychopathy, no conscience, no empathy, no mercy?
They were better off praying to me than to their remote invisible God. I was present and accounted for and I could make their dreams or their nightmares come true. Only me. They needed a reality check. God didn't give a flying shit or fuck if they died or lived but I did and I held that choice between my legs and ears.
Pray, Connie, pray.
Pray, pray, pray to me, that I'll make it quick and painless.
Talk about another false God answering falser pleas.
Like Leonard Cohen so eloquently phrased it in his song, 'The Traitor' - 'My falsity had stung me like a hornet, The poison sank and it paralyzed my will.' But it was their falsity doing the stinging and paralyzing. Their hopes and their chances were all tied up in their misbeliefs and it would kill them, murder them all and not save a single one of their wretched souls or bodies.
For Martha Wainright's utterly mesmerizing and haunting rendition of the song visit: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ8Jn1JvtdE
Page 31.
Stupid cunts. They just didn't want to get it, to accept how utterly alone they were. True, they had each other but that just made it worse. The jeopardy of numbers, since I could constantly play one against the other or two against one.
Safety in numbers? That arithmetic simply didn't apply to my outlooks and aspirations.
She still didn't utter a word, but she did make some sounds. She was mewling and whimpering but she was being really brave and courageous (in the face of my plans) and a good daughter, like a good kid.
'OK, Connie. You ready?'
She nodded yes but her eyes screamed no.
I slid down and uncrossed her legs at the knees, using her ankles. I really had to pry her apart to spread her gams. Her pussy looked like a pure white lily, or an orchid. It was so delicate and finely featured with just a hint of blonde pubic hair. This was an angel about to get fuck busted right in front of her only allies in the whole world, all at that moment.
I brought my index finger to her narrow crease and wiggled and stroked it in about half an inch. She was soft and pliant even though her vaginal muscles were clamped closed, like a steel trap, from fear. It seems labia don't have them, muscles, that is, just nice strips of fatty flesh. I nuzzled my thumb up until I isolated her clit. The little fuck bitch had already been playing with herself quite a bit so she knew well what to expect as I massaged it.
She looked like she was going to moan.
Page 32.
Fuck. Fuck and fuck, why not?
I had a better idea. It just sprung into my pecker head.
I stopped everything and went right up to her ear for a whisper.
'Connie, sweetie, there's a new game. A new plan, so you just listen and don't say a fucking word. You still understand why you don't?'
She nodded her head in tentative agreement.
'So listen sweet thing, I want to watch you masturbate. I'm sure you've been doing it by now, the way your clit rose to the occasion, so I want to watch you jiggy jiggy yourself.'
She looked at me crestfallen and like she was about to speak out loud.
'Not a good idea. Not a word. You haven't forgotten already have you?'
I was pulling on her hair to give her mouth a kiss.
'Sshhh. Susshh, not a word - sweet cunt.'
She was crying softly, finally.
'Come on now. It's not that bad. You just show us how it's done. Give them some lessons and me too.'
She looked confused. Of course, to do it her hands couldn't stay cuffed behind her back. She was pliable and limber but not that much so.
'I'm gonna undo your hands all together. You won't try anything, will you? You're not that stupid. Just nod that you understand.'
She did and I retrieved the right key. I'd color coded them, to a matching dot on the cuffs, since they all looked the same, and like lickety-split, her arms were loose. She massaged her thin wrists where they'd left marks.
'Do you want to stand or sit?' I asked and then caught myself. 'No. No, I know what's better. Lie flat on your back with your legs spread wide. That'll be nicer and we can all see better. You don't have to see to do it, just us.'
Page 33.
It's the way she pretty well already was, except her cunt was facing away from the others and I wanted them to be able to see into it too, so I spun her around on her sweet cheeks and opened up the view for all to see.
I went to join mom and Becky and they didn't appreciate my close proximity because, as I glared at them both, I cunt grabbed them together. I had four outer labia lips crunched in my iron fists and they hated it as much as I loved it. I twisted and yanked on them a bit and then freed their genitals and gave them both a knowing, self-satisfied look, like look what I just did and you couldn't do a thing to stop me and you can't do a thing about it either.
Mom berated me and Becky backed her up.
So they could do that much that was useless, I supposed.
'OK, Connie. OK, anytime now. Lights, camera, action, lots of action, let the peep show begin.'
She didn't even try to finger her pussy, she was too ashamed and it was just too personal and for whatever reason, she didn't seem to understand if she didn't perform, nipples were coming off the same as for the other reasons. I hadn't explained it to her because I didn't think I had to but that wasn't right either now. She just laid there with her little belly crying and jiggling and her beginner's tits doing about the same.
'Are you going to start? Fucking when? Next week or next year? I know Christmas is coming, but you don't have that long and neither do they. You get my meaning? So get the fuck to it. Start fucking yourself.' I said it mean, like I'd hurt her.
But still no reaction or action from her.
I marched over to her, all four steps, and stood astride her with my pecker pointing out to her chin and her mouth too. I dropped down to my knees and my bone head brushed her lips, her mouth, with my hand's help to guide it.
'Open up. You fucking little defiant cunt, open up.'
She was getting bold and stupider by the moment.
I pushed my finger onto her teeth and scrapped at her gums at the top front. She snapped her head away and I pushed and snarled my words into her ear.
'One more time, and that's it. That's fucking the end. You suck me off and you do it good and then you masturbate or..' That part they all could hear, so now I got real close to her brain so they wouldn't know what was said and I repeated 'All the nipples come off. All of them and yours first now.' I pulled back away and said loud again, 'You got it?'
I loved being secretive, making them wonder and worry.
Page 34.
She nodded and popped open her mouth, and took hold of my eager dick head, which surprised me, and popped it in. She wasn't much good at it at all. She'd never given head before, never fellated a man, or a boy for that matter before, and mostly all she did was gag and almost croak and she was so afraid she might bite me and hurt me.
So wasn't that just the richest, when what she should have done was bite it off while she had the chance. She'd have to clamp and chomp and saw, but if she tried hard enough, she should have been able to sever something of mine and it'd be fairly safe to assume my attention would be diverted elsewhere, especially if she swallowed the chunk and so I might just get to kill her, and not the others, but then again I might become so preoccupied with my pre-dick-ament, I didn't even achieve that, and none of them would die instead of all of them inevitably.
But that's ever the conundrum of opportunity. Unless the person being awarded it recognizes it as such, it just passes them on by. And the thing was I wasn't so eager to have mom fellate me. She was much tougher and worldly and pragmatic. She just might seize the moment and my dick head. The spoils of war, so to say, or at least a good fight for her life and the lives of her kids.
But the golden moment was gone and I still had all of my pecker.
Enough of amateur night was enough, and it was time for her solo performance. I extracted my dick from her gullet and pinned her head one last time to admonish her, 'This is it. Go for the gold. Go for your pink, or I'll go for them.'
While the others were confused, Connie was not and as soon as I was in position, between her family, to watch and see good, she started with the pussy patting. First it was light little smacks to her labia and then she got firmer before she started to manipulate her fingers like she was tickling the ivories on a piano.
She was so fucking vulnerable and embarrassed and hesitant, but as she got to the good nerve endings she started to respond and I supposed knowing she couldn't fake it, she shouldn't even try because the consequences could be too great and grave, so now she was giving it full-throttle. Her little hands and fingers were building to a blur, like she was playing a rhapsody, they wiggled so fast and I could see her dig at herself up under her clit sponge nut which was become almost rock hard. It was almost as dense as my prick was already from watching her go to it.
You go girl. You fucking go to it girl.
Bugger yourself. Bugger beggar your own clit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The slobber was dripping from my wolf chin and my crotch was sweating cum.
Becky and mom were horrified, but something told them to butt out. (Ha, ha. Butt out or butt in, what difference?) They sensed that if they interrupted her, like coitus interruptus or spunkus interruptus, she'd lose her building urgency and tension leading to her little girl orgasm and that might cost her worse. It never occurred to them it could cost them worse, so they thought I might punish her more severely than the distress she was feeling now. I'd never heard a clit called distress before, but in this case I suppose it fit.
Regardless of their misguided motives, they let her spunk herself and her sweet little legs went into tiny angelic spasms and her hips arched way up as she blew her tiny load. She even cried a sweet little moan. She'd been at herself for twenty minutes so her hands were tired. Sort of like a guy thing, I supposed.
Page 35.
I could have killed her at that moment.
I suppose, for her sake, I should have.
I could have stamped right on her little, sopping wet pussy and cracked her pubic bone. That's what she had coming for her blatant display of shameful public cumming and exhibitionism.
But I went and kissed her mouth instead, to sooth her, and then got right down and dirty to her vagina and I continued where she'd just left off. But I had to work her good to get her even to start to firm up again. And eventually the harder I pinched and poked at her, the harder she got. But I had to poke and stab at it with my finger nails like I was attacking it. What I really needed were some real nails but they were in my capture kit and so what? Mom wasn't pissed-off enough yet, so why not up the ante? I scampered away, from her, like an excited kitty, or more like a horny tom cat and got me a good nail, a blunt one. I didn't want to pierce her. I only wanted to bruise and tear at her.
I made the rounds and showed it off proudly to mom and Becky. Their eyes were wide with distrust and uncertainty. What could I possibly want that for?
I flopped down onto Connie's cunt again and dug my fingers right up and under and into her clit. She was ready to scream out but held it in check. Then I got nasty. I poked the nail end right to the center of her swelling g spot and shoved hard against her pubic bone. It went in like a big dimple. I laid it along the center of her swelling and pushed even harder the same way. It was split just like her ass was. Her little clit looked like a tiny bum and I started to saw back and forth. I had my nose right to the grinding and the grind stone, so could smell every squirt of her lubricant she shot out. I suppose her vagina was trying to protect itself, like lubricate the source of the friction more to make it hurt less. Hah, fat fucking chance, it never hurt less.
Mom was freaking and just as Connie was about to scream out, she passed out instead. Her timing was auspicious and smart.
Enough was enough, it was time to fuck her proper. I slapped her face silly to get her to revive and dispensed with the nail thing. I started manually jiggy jigging her again and they could all see clearly I wasn't done with her yet. I double thumbed her and pried and tried to see up to her cervix. I spread her so wide, for the first time she failed. She had to cry out. I was tearing her lips asunder and she was afraid she could lose them or at least they'd be ripped.
Page 36.
'God. God. Help me God. No stop it. You're killing me.'
I may not have been killing her but it seemed I was murdering her vagina.
Mom screamed at me like I was the Devil raping her kid, instead of just an ordinary guy, and her threats grew even more determined and almost bizarre.
'I'm going to curse you. I'll put a curse on you and it'll follow you all the rest of the days of your life. God sees what you're doing and He curses you. You're a monster and you'll die a horrible death because of what you're doing here. It may not be us who get you, but someone will, you mark my words. You've destroyed your own Karma and Dharma.'
'I've heard of Karma, but what the fuck's Dharma?'
'It's the natural rule of things. The rule that governs all life. It's about what is right, the right way of living, and that it's right to do right and you're so wrong. You're wrongheaded and have a broken soul. You are untenable. There is no defense for your behaviour.'
'Here's what I think of your Dharma shit.'
I shoved my thumbs way in harder and got her cervix jammed into her womb. I tried to reach in with my thumb and fore finger to pinch on to it and pull out on it, but I couldn't get a good enough grip and it kept slipping out of my pincers. I needed fucking needle-nosed pliers and of all the stupid things to have done, like being unprepared, I'd left them back at the van. Still it hurt even more than she thought possible and Connie was more freaking now. It was like nobody's nipples mattered any more, just own her personal cervix.
I was just about spunking into the air and figured I better get my erection buried into her. My knob nuzzled her minora and then launched and bashed her vix and smacked it into her uterus. Her canal muscles all revolted and contracted and constricted and it was like magic. The way she was clamped around my thrusting pound-master. The magic-canal, in the enchanted cunt-land forest, that's what it was.
Her tits were sliding up and down and I caught hold of the blunt nail again and dug it so far into one of her puffies, it almost came out her back. I could have punctured her nipple, if I'd shoved a bit harder, but didn't really want to yet. I tensed every muscle in my rape repertoire and shot her a load that near came out her nose and ears. If she'd had her mouth opened to mine, I could have swallowed my own cum, as it came. I was pinned to her like an arrow in a heart and she was pretty well about to pass out again and her mom was wailing more like an air-raid siren than a banshee, now. I shot her cum for about a quarter minute and then collapse, winded on top of her, but didn't draw out of her. I'd never been more satiated in my life, even when I fucked them at the moment of death.
Connie was special and she'd always have a certain place in the heart of my rape memories. She was numero uno for the audience fucks, and there was truly something special about doing one cunt while another watched - and awaited her turn, and in this case there were two more who had to step up to the plate, step up to my bat, so to say.
Page 37.
She was whimpering and dejected and so needed her mom to fix her. She wasn't all that bloody considering how I'd rammed her and tore into her cervix at the lining. Her tits were relatively unharmed except for a sorely bruised nipple and some mashed milk sacks and lobules. It was all teenaged shit and still just forming so didn't matter much anyway.
I laid my head on her inconsequential breasts like they were a sex pillow and I could hear her sweet little brave heart pitter patter like a racing clock. Her blood was blasting through her veins the same as her fears were crashing into her thoughts.
Everyone expected me to get out and up and move onto my next agenda items, but I knew I could probably get hard again, in a few minutes, if I got some really good nipple sucks and bites and if Mom would only really yell it at me. Shoot me some lightning bolts filled with her invective. It was such a turn on hearing her try to protect her kid, and wasn't it a bit late by now?
I picked on one of her puffy ones with my teeth, the one I hadn't speared, until I drew some blood and my boner, in waiting, didn't disappoint me. I was getting firmer and harder and I hadn't even pulled out of her, but had been wiggling around inside her. I was starting to slide back and forth again, almost imperceptibly at first and then I gave her a mighty, unexpected shove upward and I fucking just had to do it. I jerked my cock out of her and rolled her onto her side and punched her in the gut, square in her sweet hard tummy. She convulsed up and coughed and wheezed and mom was a holy terror.
'No. No. Don't hit her. Don't start hitting her. She's just a little girl. You don't have to hit her.'
'Yeah, mom, you know you're right, but I like to. Look at this.'
And with that I caught her belly button with my hammer fist again.
The girl was like mush and I flipped her facing face down so her sweet little ass and cheeks were up.
Mom knew.
Becky knew.
The moment they saw her like that they knew.
Connie didn't know - yet.
Page 38.
I was standing over her and I stooped down and pulled her head way back by her hair. I grabbed hold of her throat, at the front, and fucking choked her. It was like I was intent on killing her then. Her sweet tits were hanging down as best they could and they were just asking for it. Tits hanging down, like jugs, need to be shot off or smashed or punched at the very least and I drove her to the side of her budding breast and sent her puffy one flying and heard her rib crack. Now she was reacting out of reflex and (finally) called out to her mother for help.
'Mom. Mom, for God's sake stop him. He's breaking me. He broke me. Help me. Stop him. Mom. Mom. Do something.'
That was it for sure, as far as I was concerned. Four, no make that six, fucking nipples had to be cut off.
'You stupid, little cunt. Look what you've done. Look what you've just cost your mom and sister. You stupid little useless bitch, just couldn't help yourself, could you?'
And I suppose that was more the truth of the matter than I realized. She couldn't help herself and they couldn't either. Nobody could except me, and I was more inclined to help myself to her.
'No. No, please. You hurt me so bad. So hard. I couldn't help it please. I'm only human. It just slipped out. Don't do it to them. Please don't, I didn't mean to.'
The other two picked right up on the deeper content of what she was begging about.
'No, what Connie, what?' Mom pleaded.
Becky added, 'What in earth are you talking about.'
'Go ahead, tell them. You couldn't keep your big yap shut so go ahead and tell them now.'
I had reached around to her front and hooked my fingers into her pussy and was pulling hard up on her now. Her clit was mashed again, against her pubic bone and I was bruising her even better.
'Tell them or I swear I'll pull this fucking thing right out of you and eat it, I swear. Or maybe you'd rather eat it. Wouldn't that be something, munching on your own pussy pate.'
I hoisted her, by the pussy, to face her two loved-ones she'd just betrayed.
'Take a good look at them and think of what you've just cost them. Now bend the fuck over.'
Page 39.
She figured it all was lost now, so she wasn't so inclined.
She should have sensed, by now, I loved punching beautiful women and even girls better.
I smacked her in the kidneys and she folded like a cheap deck of cards house crumpled in a heap on the ground at my feet.
I should have had her lick them and suck my toes.
I hoisted her back to standing up, but she was tottering and swaying like a hula dancer. I gripped her under her armpits, from behind, and bumped my jaw into her ear and growled at her.
'You fucking stand up and then you bend over. I want you to tell them, you let them know, with my cock shoved in your ass so far it's into your guts, then you tell them.'
She was still swaying, almost teetering over as I spread her sweet cheeks and ran my fingers around her anus pucker. I licked my hand to wet her and eased my meat into her meat. I held onto her hips hard, at the hip bones, and got buried into her rectum right up to my hilt. Her eyes were rolling in her head and she was getting pretty faint.
I growled at her even more menacingly, 'Pass out again and I kill them both. Right in front of you, I'll cut their cunts out and then I'll do the same to you.'
She managed to keep conscious and I was buggering her slowly and it was time for her to talk, to spill the beans, so to say.
'Tell them what they need to know.' I encouraged her with an extra hard cock shove.
'Mom. Mom. No. He said. He told me. He said. Mom. Mom.'
She had never seen her baby like that, so distressed and disoriented. But then she'd never seen her baby raped and buggered before, so what did she expect. Stupid cunt, needed to be worked over herself and soon.
'What baby. Calm down and think. Just think. And just tell me, tell us.'
'Mom, I can't. It's. I've. I've never heard anything. Mom. Please.'
'Connie, just stop and then speak slowly.'
Oh man, was it rich. Mom had no idea how much she didn't want to hear what her little cunt daughter was going to share with her and here she's coaching her, like an athlete, to excel at speaking her secret. Oh man, I couldn't have loved it more.
Spill the beans, Connie. Come on, dump a whole shit load of them on them.
Page 40.
'Yeah, you heard the bitch, tell her good and slowly so she understands good. So there's no misunderstanding.' I was giddy with my power and pumped-up ego and pumping cock.
'Mom, he said I had to have sex with him, even though you'd agreed to do it with him, he changed the story and he said I had to and it had to be in front of you, of you both.'
'Yes baby. I can see that honey. I. Yes, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him and prevent it. and I swear he'll pay. He may not think he will but he's a jerk and I know better.'
'Yes. Yes, but mom. But mom he said. No, that's not all. He told me.'
'Connie. Just say it. Whatever it is, just say it and I'll deal with it.'
God was mom super delusional.
'He said I couldn't cry out to you for help. He said I couldn't say anything to you during or after it. That's what he said.'
Now she was clueing in. Mom knew there was more. There had to be something terribly more.
'Or else what? Connie, what did he say? What did he threaten to do to you if you did?'
'No. No, not to me mom. To you and Becky.'
Now they both looked scared. It hit them like a speeding ton of bricks and mom wasn't so anxious to know any longer. It wasn't her fuck daughter who was up for grabs, but them. Her and her other one. She hadn't counted on that and never saw it coming. Like a bullet to the back of the skull or through the clit, they never see it coming.
She was trembling and her lower lip was quivering and she ever so softly said to Connie, 'What baby? What? You know and I have to know. So baby tell me what?'
'He said he'd cut your nipples off, yours and Becky's if I did. That's what he said and I'm so sorry mom. I tried but he hurt me too much and too often and I don't think he would have stopped until I broke my word to him. I think that's what he wanted to do all along so he was counting on it. That I'd weaken and break.'
Page 41.
I got out of her ass hole and dropped the kid to the ground like a useless sack of spent shit.
I confronted mom.
Nose to nose.
Ego to ego.
Victimizer to victim.
'So? Satisfied now?'
I brushed my hand down her front barely brushing her breasts, but enough it would have been sexual assault anywhere else, under any other circumstances. Now it was just a ploy. A prelude to enhancing and enacting on my threats.
She had no fucking idea what to say to me next, and Becky was inconsolable. Connie was a crying, buggered and raped heap, heaped on the ground and her others, the others were fractured in their minds.
I started to slide my hand up to caress mom's first nipple and the lower contour of her breast was hanging heavy and full. She had fucking magnificent tits, about a 34C, and she was perfectly tipped. I was looking right at the little indentation at the center of her nipple as if I was seeing it cut off and mom had to divert me. She had to plead me out of doing such an unimaginable atrocity.
'What can I say to change your mind? Please, please tell me.'
I gave her a blank look, like go fuck yourself.
And then she got all motherly again on me.
'And if I can't, please leave Becky alone. Do whatever you have to do to me, but not to my girls, please.'
'Who said anything about Connie? I never said I'd cut her nipples off, just you two.' I lied through my front teeth and Connie went to speak up but thought better of it. Somewhere deep inside of herself, she hoped it didn't really apply to her too, and was secretly glad to hear me say it, even though I'd said differently before, in the heat of getting ready to ass fuck her. There was no need to cut six nipples off, when four would do, and in fact, one was more in the order of the day. That way it left the rest for ingenious tortures.
A severed nipple felt no pain, at the very tip, where it mattered most.
Mom took a labored breath and went to throw up. She convulsed twice and spewed a good stream of vomit out like a geyser. She was being overwhelmed.
'Look at that you poor cunt. You've gone and gotten yourself all worked up and over what? A couple of nipples, OK, four fucking nipples. Hell, women have mastectomies all the time. The whole fucking tit comes off and they live just fine, so why are you freaking so much over some erectile tissue and a few dozen missing milk ducts?'
Page 42.
'You're insane and you know you're insane. You're a monster, but please just me a monster with me. Do your monstrous things to me. What'll it take for you to leave Becky out of this?'
'Oh, I don't know. Let's say I kill Connie right here and now. I put the little cunt out of her misery. Or you put her out of her misery for me. That work for you, and for you?'
I motioned to Becky.
'Go to Hell. We can't talk to you or reason with you. You're evil incarnate so just go back to Hell where you already came from.'
I grabbed mom's face and squeezed her teeth. I kissed her and let my other hand drift down to her crotch. She was stiff as a corpse. I slid into her panties, onto her bush and into her crease, all the time locking eyes and glares with her. She defied me right back and I defiled her more. I barely moved a muscle now as I controlled her vaginal responses and then I pulled back, pulled my fingers out of her and kneed her hard into her labia.
I gave her a fast little series of knee shots and she squawked and her whole body jerked upwards, violently, and finally she fell over forward unconscious and surely ruptured. I went to stamp on her crotch but thought better of it, besides Becky was screaming at me to stop.
I marched to her and kissed her open, yelling, mouth.
She expected me to knee her in the groin too, so tried to keep her crotch to the side. It didn't fucking matter. I just brought my fist around to labia smack her. It took three lip wacks before she passed out too.
And now the really stupid thing was, Connie tried to run away. I have never had such sport. I let her get a ten second head start and then took of after her like a hound dog. She was fucking naked and bare foot running through the woods with a madman tearing after her. She kept looking back to see if I was gaining on her, which I wasn't because I wanted the chase to go on forever. Not looking where she was going, the careless cunt ran right into a tree and sent herself flying splat onto her back. I was ten feet away and could have overpowered her at any time but I wanted to see what she'd do or try next.
She hobbled to her feet and turned to face me, her forehead bruised and bloody with a bit of tree-bark lodged in the wound.
She looked terrific, pathetic but terrific.
All of a sudden she became her mom. She became an adult feminist woman, way beyond her years and means, confronting her naked rapist.
Page 43.
She looked all around, like she was cornered, and spied a fair sized tree branch club. She seized it and waved it at me.
'Come any closer and I'll hit you. I'll hit your head and kill you. My mom said we should kill you the first chance we get and now it's all up to me, so I'll do it.'
The branch was shaking so much, in her trembling fist, she was almost breaking it. And then, just like a woman, she was holding onto it, for her dear life, with both hands. She really did look fetching, like I should go and just get her.
I took two steps towards her and she got more threatening.
She swung at me, still with both hands, and it made her tits arc out. Fuck, she didn't want to be doing that in front of my bare cock. I got three more steps closer, about five feet away, and I held out my hand for her to hand it over to me and just give up.
She didn't quite do what I expected. She threw the wood at me and took off again, running as best she could considering the injuries to her crotch, but now I had her weapon.
It was easy to get ahead of her. I'd had the forethought to slip my shoes on so the ground didn't hurt my feet like it was cutting hers and as she came up on a big tree, I popped out and whacked her arm with the club. She whirled to get away back and I grabbed her shoulders and shook her like a rag doll. Her head flopped back and forth and her tits up and down and that was more than enough for me. I went at her again, on the ground, for about five minutes in the cunt and juiced her half a cup. I got her up and pretty much kicked and smacked her back to where the others were still unconscious.
She ran to them and shook them and tried to revive them, so someone could help her. She needed assistance and 911 wasn't available. She pulled at her mother and didn't see me looming over her from behind. I had things to do and places to be so it was time to gather them all up, like scattered possessions. I gut kicked her and she tried to turn away again but not far enough and I caught her two good more punches to the belly and elbow smashed her temple. Now there were three of them all out cold. Three little pussies all in a row.
Page 44.
I gathered everything together at the attack site. I was able to get my van within three hundred feet of where the unconscious heap was and I carried each of them, in succession, to dump into the back of it. The girls were pretty light and mom was about one forty pounds, so it wasn't too hard to get it all done. I re-cuffed them, wrists behind their backs, and I tied them all together and taped their mouths. I pulled their Lexus back onto the shoulder and let the air out of one of her tires. I was fast back to my van and everything was in perfect order.
We were on our way quickly, but carefully, to my special hide-away torture house. I'd taken a big chance doing them there in the woods but it was well worth it. It was exciting and different, and variety and lots of spice and I just knew the three of them would provide much more to come.
Lots more for me to cum, I sang to myself, a stupid little ditty, as we motored merrily, merrily, merrily along our way.
Drive, drive, drive the road,
Carefully in my van.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Just because I can.
Douche bags.
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