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Review This Story || Author: Pauly

Twenty First Century Sex

Part 1

Twenty first century sex

The tale of a guy who has seen the future, a future in which men and women are experimented on against their will in an explicit sexual way.

“Come and meet our latest subjects that we intend to experiment on” Said Gisela the commandant.

I was escorted into the preparation room. It was quite a large room with a low ceiling, stone walls, adequately lit, with benches along all four walls. There were four men and two women in their late teenage years or early twenties sat along one row of benches. They appeared to be wearing civilian clothes, which suggested to me that they had not been in the building that long. All were blindfolded cloth gags filled their mouths and were tied around the back of their heads. Each subject had his/her hands cuffed behind their waists and ear muffs blacked out most of the sounds. Many of the captives grunted and groaned into their gags unaware of what was about to happen, but aware that that they were not alone.

“Why are they kept like that?” I asked.

“As you are about to see, my four preparation clerks will prepare each subject for their ordeal. Whilst this is carried out we ensure that there is no chat, no seeing what is going on, and only fear” Gisela replied.

"Today we will experiment with a drug that stimulates the genitals and enables the person to achieve multi-orgasms" Said Gisela "Today, we are mainly experimenting on the men. Those who are not injected with the experimental drug will just be recipients for the subjects to use". Once they are all ready we will accompany them in the research room.

The preparation clerks entered the preparation room. They were men, probably in their late twenties, naked except for a leather pouch to hide their private parts. They were slim, muscular in appearance with dark toned skin.

I watched as the preparation clerks went about their business. Not a word was said by any of them. In pairs they went to each subject roughly pulling them to their feet. The first one to be de-clothed was a guy called Joseph. He was of around 21 yrs of age, about 6ft tall, thin with short brown hair. One of the clerks held him round the neck from behind as the other used very sharp scissors to cut through the waistband of his trousers, which were yanked down to his feet. The guy struggled in the arms of the other prep clerk as this process was carried out but his objections were calmed with a fist in the stomach from the clerk doing the de-clothing. He was half held up spluttering into his gag as his trousers were cut away, leaving him in just his pants. The top part was easy as he was only wearing a short sleeved shirt with buttons down the chest. The clerk doing the undressing ripped the shirt open revealing the guys thin but not muscular chest. The one situated behind him yanked it off his shoulders and down his back. It hung down from the guys secured hands like a piece of ragged cloth. Sharp scissors were used to remove the garment from him. Wearing only his under pants he was placed back on the bench panting and groaning.

We watched as a blond girl of around 22 years of age called Blue who was around 5ft 8 and slim figure was man handled to her feet. She protested by struggling against her captures as her tracksuit bottoms were tugged down her legs. Her body was jutted forward projecting her ample breasts as she moaned and struggled. She yelped as the leading preparation clerk pinched the skin of her left thigh as a punishment whilst her piled up tracksuit bottoms were roughly yanked from each of her standing feet. She was held in a bent forward position as her jumper was cut down the middle of the back and ripped in pieces, followed by her blouse which was ripped from her waste to her neck leaving the girls pale white back vulnerable with only her white bra straps showing. Once Blues garments had been removed, she was slammed back down on the bench. Her blindfold remained in place.

“Right” Said Gisela addressing two of the preparation clerks “we are one subject down in the experiments being carried out in the treatment room at the moment” She said “ Take this one down there now and put her to good use”

Blue whimpered, as she was man handled from the bench and was taken from the room.

We watched as Josephs friend Jade was pulled from the bench. The teen who was only 5ft 6 tall and of slim build appeared disorientated with his lack of sight as he was jostled back and forth whilst the prep clerks removed his foot wear, cut through the waist band of his jeans, ripped away his jumper and shirt from the upper part of his body and pushed him back onto the bench.

Next to be prepared was apparently Josephs 19 year old sister Lisa who winced and groaned into her gag, her long straight black hair was tossed backwards and forwards as she struggled against her tormentors. She was pulled to her feet and jostled to the middle of the room. Lisa was 6ft tall and of stocky build with a terrific pair of breasts. The Preparation clerks continued their business by ripping Josephs sisters long dress away from her body revealing her white bra containing the girls 38inch breasts and her curvaceous body and large hips. She was slammed back onto the bench in just her bra and panties.

Whilst Lisa was being dealt with Jed, a 20 year old male was being seen to. The pair of prep clerks grinned as they pulled him from the bench and placed him on his knees on the floor of the prep room. He cried tears of fright into his gag as his shirt and jeans were slowly and skilfully cut from his body and legs. Naked from the waist up and wearing only a simple pair of boxer shorts, he was returned to the bench.

Unaware to him, Jeds brother Zen, an 18 year old student was going through the procedure. He received attention from all four prep clerks as they taunted and teased the deaf mute and dumb subject. His footwear were removed whilst he was sat on the bench, and his body was forced forward until he his head was between his spread legs as eager hands went about cutting away his upper garments leaving his bronze chest and back exposed. He grunted as he was pulled to his feet and held fast as his cord trousers were undone manoeuvred down his legs and removed from his feet. He was placed back onto the bench wearing only a pair of Bermuda style Y fronts.

“We are a subject down with that girl having been removed earlier, but we are almost prepared” said Gisela. and ready to begin the task”

“What will happen now?” I asked.

“They will each receive an injection of a mind relaxing drug in the shoulder. That will make them more compliant, and we will then escort them to the treatment room before things continue” announced Gisela.

I accompanied Gisela across the corridor to an adjacent room, deep in the building. It looked rather like a dungeon to me with its stone floor, walls and concaved stone ceiling. A fellow preparation clerk manned the checkpoint. Gisela nodded to him as we continued through.

“Only members of authority are allowed clothed beyond this point” She told me.

The floor had recently been hosed down but it did not conceal the smell of sweat and sex in the room.  Low wattage light bulbs hanging some 3 feet from the ceiling did nothing to illuminate the room at all. In the room there were benches with restraining devices, cages and other apparatus used for experimental purposes.

“They have been mopping up since the experiments that took place two hours ago” said Gisela.

“What happened then?” I asked.

“Very much the usual” she replied “Just six or seven young men and ladies assisting us with our experiments”

“If you look over there you will see that female subject who was with us earlier. She has been put to work as part of our experiments”

Oh god, she had been poor girl. The one from earlier called Blue was interlocked in an unwanted sexual manoeuvre. The main section of her body rested on the top of a waist high trysail. Her presence was undignified as her arms had been spread and tied by the hands to the lower section of the fore-facing legs and the girls legs were spread backwards and attached to the rear legs of the trysail. It looked uncomfortable with the girls chin resting on the front padded section of the trysail. There was a man (a fellow subject) stood in front of her not by choice as his legs were shackled to the front legs of the trysail. His crutch was at the level of Blues face. He appeared to be exhausted and with no other restraints his body, waist upwards, was resting on top of Blues Back causing her more distress. Her body looked sweaty and her long straight hair dangling down either side of her face was matted and she did look tired.

“Right” Said Gisela “Lets get started on our other subjects. We will let anyone who reads this story what happens in our next instalment” She giggled.

Review This Story || Author: Pauly
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