Reformation: 2128
Excerpts from the Extreme Sexual Misconduct and Perversion of Justice (Amendment) Act, 2127:
Section 4 (2) (b) - Any male who wilfully and with malice aforethought commits an act of sexual contact upon the sanctity of the female body independent of her consent shall be guilty of an offence. Upon conviction his sentence shall not exceed the forfeiture of his penis by means of guillotine upon a public stage.
Section 4 (2) (c) – Prior to sentence for a conviction under s 4 (2) (b) proceeding, the condemned male will mark a public display of repentant respect towards the female form by means of placing his tongue upon the vulva of his executioner until such time as the crisis abates within her loins.
Section 4 (2) (d) – Upon manual preparative stimulation to a phallus condemned under s. 4 (2) (b), the discharge of ejaculatory fluid shall not be permitted.
Section 4 (2) (e) – Following sentence for a conviction under s 4 (2) (b), no anaesthesia or other form of pain relief shall be administered to the prisoner.
Section 23 (1) – Any male who is found to be intentionally tampering with his own urine as donated for the purpose of testing for sperm cell levels in his semen and should such tampering be proven to be for the purpose of the individuals attempt to avoid sanction, shall be guilty of an offence. Upon conviction his sentence shall not exceed the forfeiture of his penis by means of guillotine upon a public stage.
Section 23 (1) (a) – Prior to the sentence for a conviction under s. 23(1) proceeding, the condemned male will publicly display a mark of repentant respect towards the female form by means of placing his tongue upon the vulva of his executioner until such time as the crisis abates within her loins.
Section 23 (1) (b) - Upon manual (or other) preparative stimulation to a phallus condemned under s. 23(1), the discharge of ejaculatory fluid shall be entirely at the discretion of the appointed executioner.
Section 23 (1) (c) - Following sentence for a conviction under s 23 (1), anaesthesia for the purpose of pain relief shall be administered to the prisoner.
The Women’s Public Courts of Justice, Marble Arch, London, England
July 14th, 2128.
The Courtroom was small; perhaps no larger than a third grade school classroom. The walls were a brilliant blue-white crowned by a luminescent blue-white ceiling which provided all of the necessary lighting for the trial.
Upon entering the room, two benches were visible, one to the left and one to the right with the Judge’s position behind her bench at the end of the room.
Upon the two benches at either side of the room were rows of nine jurors who sat upon each. The eighteen women were adorned in black judgement robes as was the Judge at the end of the room.
The prisoner was led into the room naked by two armed female Police officers. His hands were shackled behind his back as he shivered with fright. The sheer terror in his eyes was unmistakable for he was sure that he knew what was coming to him. Defence lawyers for males had been abolished during the reformation. He was now at the mercy of those who had none; such was his sense of dread and despair. This was the Day of the Woman and they would stop at nothing to cause suffering to all males for the sins of their forefathers.
He was a mere twenty-four years of age, physically supreme as denoted by the sight of his muscularity. His hair was smooth and jet-back in colour and his eyes were a soulful shade of brown. His penis was flaccid before him; however it demonstrated the possibility for ample potential. The jurors gasped at the sight of his beauty as he entered the room. Several of them visibly reached under their robes, between their thighs in order to procure their own gasps of joy.
�Approach the bench,� commanded the Judge. She was a woman in her mid-fifties, very-slightly portly, however quite attractive, nonetheless. Her hair was cut extremely short and had been highlighted into a platinum, almost white-blond colour. Her tone was cold and officious and not to be dismissed as theatrics.
The prisoner was led forwards by the two officers. He trembled as he reached the bench. Even the sight of the placard at the front of the desk caused a chill to run through his veins; �Judge Marion Hillerman,� for this was the name of she who would authorize his destruction.
Judge Hillerman looked down at her notes and studied them momentarily. She raised her eyes. �Nicholas Trudeau?�
�Y-yes, your honour,� he managed to stammer.
�You have been charged with deliberately attempting to foil your own semen test. How do you plead?�
�Not guilty, your honour,� he pleaded as more of a literal �plea� for mercy that that of a legal plea.
�Stand back,� she commanded.
The two officers led him into the centre of the room where he became totally exposed, naked with nine women on either side of him, two officers holding him and the brutal eyes of Judge Hillerman just ahead of him.
�According to the report, your urine showed an abnormal concentration of sperm and when searched an opened packet of the chemical generically know as Seedfaker was found open in your pocket. How do you explain this?�
Nicholas’ eyes were wide with desperation. He would do or say anything to avoid what was to happen to him. �I-I didn’t put it there your honour, honestly.�
�Then who did?� Judge Hillerman’s tone said in itself I have already made up my mind.
�I don’t know,� sobbed the terrified young man. �I have tried to come up with an explanation, but I can’t. I don’t know who did this.�
�You were held under guard for three weeks following your arrest and monitored,� she mercilessly continued. �You were given another urine test yesterday and the sperm count was high.�
Nicholas sighed with relief. Did she actually accept his word?
�But nowhere near as high as it was during the original test,� she added with an aggressive and intimidating tone.
Nicholas’ heart sank. He knew he was lost.
�And your fingerprints and DNA were identified on the opened sachet of Seedfaker. How do you explain that if you didn’t put it there?�
Nicholas lowered his head and sobbed, unable to defend himself any further. He was guilty and there was no way out for him.
�Do you know the law regarding masturbation, Mr Trudeau?� asked Judge Hillerman.
He nodded through his tears.
�Are you highly sexed?�
He shrugged his shoulders.
�I think that we should find out, don’t you?�
Nicholas looked up, not knowing what to expect. Judge Hillerman turned to the jurors. �I require one volunteer to stimulate My Trudeau,� she requested to which each and every juror eagerly rose. �No, no, no,� she insisted in response. �This is a Court of Law and I will have some order in here. It will only require one hand, I am sure.�
The jurors lowered their heads in response to the mild, judicial scolding.
Judge Hillerman reached her arm out and pointed her finger to the nearest juror at her immediate right. �You!� she ordered. �Strip and do what you can, please.�
The juror rapidly stepped out from behind the bench and removed her hooded robe. It fell to the floor to reveal an extremely attractive brunette who appeared to be in her mid-thirties. Her body was slender and tanned; her breasts voluptuous and her vulva fashionably bald. Her only articles of clothing at this time were two extremely high- quality high-heeled leather boots. She approached the prisoner and knelt down before him. She reached out and took his penis into her hand and looked up at him. She smiled warmly, causing his spirits to rise and his body to relax somewhat. She sensed the first stirrings of an erection in her hand within moments. She gently coaxed it along with her fingers, sensitively stimulating the nerve endings and bringing him to a rapid tumescence. Nicholas breathed heavily as his arousal and need for release became exacerbated. Pre-ejaculatory fluid began to ooze out of him to dribble upon the fingers of the naked masturbatrix at his feet.
�Thank you, that’s enough,� came the voice of Judge Hillerman across the room.
The juror ceased her stimulation of him and reached down to the floor to collect her robe. As she stood, she placed the fingers of her masturbation hand into her mouth and savoured the taste of the pre-ejaculate which coated her fingers.
�You may be seated,� said Judge Hillerman.
The jurist threw her robe back on, pulled the customary hood over her head and returned to her place upon the bench.
Judge Hillerman, the jurists and the two Police officers stared at Nicholas’ penis for long moments.
�Well,� said Judge Hillerman with more than a little sarcasm in her voice. �That didn’t take long, did it? Just look at the size of you and all because you can’t withstand the sight of a woman’s nakedness and the touch of her hand.� She reached underneath her desk and took out a tape-measure from the drawer. �Officer,� she said to the Police woman standing to his right.
�Yes, your honour,� she replied.
�Measure it.� She tossed the tape measure over to her and the officer caught it without struggle. She unravelled the tape and laid it across the length of the still-quivering tumescence.
�Twenty-three centimetres,� she called out before snaking the tape around the circumference. �Fifteen centimetres girth.�
Judge Hillerman looked aghast. �How many centimetres? Ghost of Selina preserve us. The average is fifteen by eleven and that’s disgusting enough.�
The officer removed the tape measure from Nicholas’ erection and released a small leather whip from her belt. �I think that the Judge has seen enough of that.� She raised her arm and brought the whip down upon his penis. He winced as the stinging blow cut into his sensitive skin. She continued to lash it until, very quickly, all signs of his arousal had disappeared and his penis, although marked by the whip, hung pensive between his legs once more.
�That’s better, officer. Thank you,� said the Judge as the frown of disgust faded from her eyes. �Mr Trudeau, it is clear to me that with the evidence that we have here, you are a liar, a cheat and a man whose very body betrays his inherent desire to abuse women with its lustful ways.� She paused for a moment in order for the damning comments to register upon his mind. �We will reconvene in ten minutes,� she addressed the jurors. �During that time, I ask you to decide if this man is guilty or not guilty. His fate is in your hands.�
The hooded jurors stood and walked to the front of the Courtroom, past Judge Hillerman’s bench and disappeared through the electronic slide door behind it.
The two Police officers led Nicholas away and marched him back to his holding cell to await the announcement of his fate. He trembled relentlessly as he sat in the holding cell. Each minute was as an hour to him. He sensed a desperation within himself that he had never known before. If the penalty for a guilty verdict was what he suspected it could be, it was unthinkable. Even during his three weeks in custody, he had been too afraid to ask the question for fear of the answer.
After ten minutes, the Jury had returned with its verdict. An officer of the Court nodded to the two Police officers who were waiting in the hallway to the Courthouse, indicating for them to take Nicholas from his cell once more and to return him to the Courtroom.
The officers entered the room once again with Nicholas. He was terrified beyond description at what he saw. The eighteen jurors stood before him below Judge Hillerman’s bench. Judge Hillerman stepped from behind it and drew the hood of her own robe over her head in customary sentencing fashion. She made her way around from the bench to the front of the jurors, thereby completing a dark triangle of hooded females.
�Ladies of the jury,� she called, �have you reached your verdict?�
�We have your honour,� replied the juror who was immediately behind her.
�What say you?�
Nicholas was hyperventilating by this time.
�We the females find the defendant, Nicholas Trudeau���� there was an agonizing pause and Nicholas prayed, hoping against hope that the answer would consist of two words and not just one. And then, finally it came – from one of the sweetest and most erotic female voices that he had ever heard:
He collapsed. The two Police officers caught him under his armpits and forced him into a standing position once again. His becoming a lifeless heap would be to disgrace the Courtroom floor.
�On what charge?� demanded Judge Hillerman.
�On the charge of a violation under s. 23 of the Extreme Sexual Misconduct and Perversion of Justice (Amendment) Act, 2127.�
�Thank you for your service,� said Judge Hillerman graciously before turning to Nicholas. �Do you understand the charge and the sentence, Mr Trudeau?�
�I-I think so,� he sobbed. �I am not entirely sure.� He was still hoping against hope that it wasn’t what he thought that it was going to be.
�The penalty for a section 23 offence is one of rehabilitation Mr, Trudeau. It concerns punishment and an opportunity for your learning respect for women and what your position in society as a male really means.�
�What are you going to do to me, your honour?� his voice was choked with tears.
�You are to be taken from this Court to a place of public chastisement. Once there, you will be instructed on your duty of respect to your executioner after which, you will be stimulated and your erection will be taken to the guillotine.�
�No, please,� he screamed. �Please don’t do this, I beg you.�
Judge Hiller continued with her delivery as though he wasn’t even in the room. �Given that this is a section 23 and not a section 4, your executioner has the discretion as to whether or not to permit you one final ejaculation at the site of your punishment, therefore I would make every effort to please her well, if I were you.� There was another pause as Nicholas began to sob hysterically. �Nevertheless, it will have to be tomorrow afternoon rather than today because I’ve handed out five section four’s this morning; ergo there will not be sufficient time. Take him away,� she ordered.
As the officers led Nicholas away, Judge Hillerman turned to the jurors. �I am not even going to waste my time asking which one of you wants to execute the sentence. It will be decided by lot. A blade needs only one hand to release it.�
There was a brief pause as Judge Hillerman looked at her watch. �And let’s get a move on,� she snapped. �I’ve got a cunnilingus appointment at the salon at sixteen-thirty hours�
Desiree Harper was twenty-three years of age; a mere one year younger than her victim. She was tall, standing at 5’ 11�, with short fair hair and sparkling green eyes. Her beauty was apparent, even through her heavy application of make up. As a post-graduate student of Art, her current task was the highlight of her life up unto that point. To be given a granted a Court-appointed position of authority to be exercised in Public and before her piers was an adrenal high beyond any other experience.
She couldn’t believe her luck. She had been the juror who had been chosen to deliver Nicholas Trudeau’s verdict and also the one who had won the lottery to carry out the sentence: a one in eighteen chance. She had been given detailed instructions regarding her duties and how to operate the guillotine during her induction, that morning. The lesson had caused her to excuse herself to her Court-appointed private waiting room several times for periods of clitoral relief with her Vagi-stimulator.
As she stood in her own private preparation room adorned in a heavy black executioner’s robe, there was a knock at her door. She took a remote control device from the make-up desk and aimed it at the door. She depressed the touch-sensitive trigger and instantly the door slid open. In the door way was a woman of what appeared to be approximately forty years of age. She was dressed officiously and stepped into the preparation room with an aura of authority.
�Miss Harper?� she asked
�Yes,� replied Desiree.
�I am Ella Knights, your Court-appointed advisor. Is this your first time for executing a punishment?�
�Yes, it is,� replied the young artist. �I can’t believe my luck. I am so excited.�
�I’m sure that you are dear,� chuckled the older woman. �But I must advise you as to what to expect and what to avoid.�
�Ok, certainly.�
�At the outset, he will perform upon you orally. Will you be alright with that?�
�Are you kidding?� Desiree eyes glowed with the euphoria of the suggestion. �Have you ever seen him?�
�No, as a matter of fact, I haven’t.�
�He’s gorgeous.� Her voice raised an octave as she expressed her elation. �And he is so big�..down there.�
�Well, not for much longer,� replied Ella with harsh coldness.
�I know.� Desiree’s expression darkened a little and there was a slight hint of regret in her tone. �Quite cruel really, isn’t it?�
Ella stepped forward towards her as an expression of exclaiming her position on the matter. �This man is a lustful criminal and one who has perverted the course of justice in attempting to make fools out of officers of the law.�
�Of course,� replied the younger woman. The last thing that she wanted was to lose her position of authority no matter how temporary it was.
�Now, just a few extra pointers.� Ella clasped her hands behind her back as she prepared to deliver further instructional rhetoric. �He will need to be erect in order for the blade to make a clean cut and you may use any means necessary in order to facilitate his erection.�
�Any means?� Desiree was intrigued as to how far she was permitted to go with this.
�You may masturbate him and you may suck his penis if you choose, although I can’t imagine you wanting it in your mouth.�
�Actually, I wouldn’t mind.� Desiree’s youthful libido was raw and adventurous and she wanted to experience the full impact of her rights during the event.
�Really?� came the surprised response. �Well that won’t be the first time for a section 23 penectomy. We had one Court-appointed executioner last month, in fact, who actually took her prisoner into her vagina whilst he was strapped into the guillotine.�
�No way!� Desiree was wide-eyed with excited disbelief. �Is that legal?�
�Of course. You will notice a handrail secured to the edge of the platform just in front of the guillotine.�
�Really? I can’t remember anything about that from my induction.�
�I’m not surprised,� replied Ella. �Although President Sterling was in favour of it, many members of the English authorities are opposed to male/female intercourse.�
�What about the handrail?� The young woman was so new to all of this that even the most obvious elements required a little more elaboration for her.
�The handrail,� explained Ella, �is for you to grip onto, should you wish to take him inside you. If you bend over you can slide him inside you from behind, grip the handrail and move yourself back and forth upon him.�
�Oh, wow,� she responded with delight.
�I personally would advise against it, for a woman of your few years.�
�Why?� Desiree was bewildered. It was not as though she hadn’t experienced a penis inside of her before.
�Trust me on this,� was Ella’s only response. �However, you may also permit members of the audience to play with his erection once it is strapped in,� she continued, �and you can take as long as you like but if he ejaculates, you must release the blade immediately.�
Desiree frowned with the look of confusion upon her face.
�If he ejaculates,� explained Ella, �he will lose his erection rapidly and then the blade may not make a clean cut. Of course you don’t have to let him ejaculate. That is entirely up to you.�
�Well, I’ll see.� Desiree’s attitude appeared to be complacent but she had already decided in her heart what she wanted to do with the prisoner.
�You must also remember to activate the restrictor ring before you release the blade.�
�Yes, they told me at the beginning.� Desiree made another face which demonstrated a degree of distress. �Is it true that if it’s not secured�..that he’ll die?�
�Yes,� she confirmed. �He could bleed to death. Do you understand the importance of the ring?�
Desiree nodded but did not speak.
�Ok, are you ready?�
Desiree pulled the hood over her head and stepped through the open door. Ella followed her along the neon-lit, windowless corridor towards the door at the end.
When they reached it, Ella held her hand over the release sensor on the wall to the right. �Would you like me to go out there with you?�
�I think I’ll be alright, thank you,� she replied, confidently.
Ella nodded and touched the sensor and the door slid open.
Desiree first beheld the guillotine covered with a huge, black curtain and the vision of the streets of Marble Arch ahead of it. The curtain was a necessity in the summer given that it was a metallic construction. The intense sunlight would render it too hot to handle if exposed for long periods of time.
The crowd cheered as she came into view. Desiree outstretched her arms as a motion of greeting her crowd; an ocean of women whose breasts were totally exposed to the summer heat. The crowd were a mere three feet below the surface of the platform.
To her left were two qualified first aid/aftercare nurses from the National Medical Directorate, along with a stretcher to attend to Nicholas following his punishment. They were both in their forties but remained very refined and professional-looking women.
Desiree turned to notice Nicholas’ beautiful body glistening in the heat of the July afternoon at the foot of the steps. He stood with his head bowed and his hands secured behind his back by electrum shackles; three armed Police officers with Tazers trained upon his naked shoulders from behind him.
During the colder months, the guillotine was transported inside to the heated holding area of the detention centre from which Desiree had just emerged.
�Send him up,� she ordered. As she spoke those three words, she sensed her vulva twinge with a mild contraction induced by the excitement of the sense of power which it gave to her.
The officers released Nicholas from his shackles. He reluctantly ascended up the seven steps following a nudge from a Tazer in his back. His heart was racing as he slowly strode towards the end of his manhood.
Desiree watched as he came closer towards her. Her respiration increased which was visible to the cheering crowd as her fulsome breasts rose and fell in rapid bursts from beneath her robe. She briefly turned her head to the right and saw that she was standing right next to the chair: the chair with the plush and comfortable leather and silk-lined �V� shaped seat. She smiled inwardly.
Nicholas reached the top of the platform as Desiree turned her head towards him. He raised his head to look into her eyes. He knew that pleading for mercy would be futile. Even if she had any mercy within her and she decided that she couldn’t go through with it, another would take her place the following day and he didn’t believe that he could endure another night of sleepless dread.
Desiree turned away from him and sat upon the chair. She positioned her legs upon the right-angled leg-rests with her buttocks comfortably settled upon the soft, cushioned leather surface. Once she was settled, she reached down and grasped the two separations of the robe which hung over her inner thighs and threw them over the sides of her legs. The crowd cheered again as her bald vagina was exposed to the people of the City.
She turned her gaze to Nicholas and pointed between her legs. �Kneel,� she commanded. As she issued her command, she sensed another involuntary contraction within her vagina. He stepped over to her and rested his knees between her thighs. His mouth faced her abdomen area and so she spotted the control sensor panel just ahead of her fingertips upon the right arm-rest of the chair. She touched it delicately and the chair began to rise, gently. Within moments, the lips of her femininity were parallel with the mouth of the prisoner at which instant she removed her hand from the control sensor. The movement of the chair halted immediately. Desiree and Nicholas looked into one another’s eyes for one intimate moment until she knew that she was ready. �Respect me!� she ordered him.
He moved his head forwards and pressed his mouth into the opening of her vulva. His tongue entered her moist cavern to the sound of further rapturous, female cheering. Desiree gasped and threw her head back as the tongue probed the inside of her dripping flesh.
Gradually, the tip of his tongue located her clitoris and began to pleasure her by making circular motions around the perimeter of her nub of pleasure.
With that, she was lost. Her sense of power and arousal had already brought her to a frenzy of sexual urgency and within minutes, the tongue of her victim had obliterated her ability to contain herself.
Despite the sense of doom which the circumstances instilled within him, the act of performing upon his beautiful executioner in such a way caused his arousal to ignite. His penis began to grow tumescent independently as it protruded between his thighs.
She cried out with a moan of sheer delight as she climaxed. She gritted her teeth and gripped the arm-rests of the chair as she shared her intimate experience with her cheering crowd.
Nicholas drank her lubrication deeply and winced with frustration at his cunnilingus-induced erection.
Once the last remnants of sensation had been licked from her genitals, Desiree placed the pressure of her palm against his forehead. �Enough, now,� she said through laboured breathing. It had been an intense experience for her and he had been extremely proficient with his tongue. He had caused her to climax within less than three minutes. �Anja’s Passion!� she exclaimed through heavy respiration. �That was good.� She looked down into his eyes. �You are so gorgeous, you know.�
�And this is how you will repay me,� he replied motioning to the penis guillotine behind him with a backwards nod of his head.
She threw him a half-sad smile before lowering the chair once more. She stepped off of it and around her-still-kneeling prisoner. Her robe fell back into place, concealing her womanhood once again. �Come on, stand up,� she commanded.
Nicholas knew that there was no escape. Armed Police surrounded the platform from the ground. It was either his penis, or his life. He stood to reveal his impressive erection. The crowd gasped as he turned, bringing it into view.
Desiree took hold of it and began to stimulate him further. He closed his eyes trying to savour every second of the woman’s attention, knowing that this was the last day that his penis would ever feel anything.
�What a waste,� she said with a note of regret as she fondled him. �Come on. Let’s get you in there.� She led him by his erection across to the guillotine and reached out and pulled a cord which hung over the back. The curtain fell away immediately to further applause and cheering.
The guillotine was a slender construction which stood ten feet high; only twelve inches in width. It was, after all, only designed to accommodate an erect penis and not a man’s head. It was constructed from gleaming black titanium with a series of sensors and LCD readouts along the two side pillars.
Nicholas shivered as he glanced upwards to see the razor sharp blade as it shone like a mirror in the sunlight.
Desiree guided his penis onto the lower half of the circular ring. The upper half was raised somewhat so as to facilitate the insertion. She arched herself around to the right hand side of the apparatus and searched along the row of touch-sensitive controls until she spotted an LCD display which read �PILLORY – UP� followed by a sensor with an upwards-facing arrow and �PILLORY – DOWN� followed by a downwards arrow sensor. She touched the downwards arrow sensor and the upper half of the pillory electronically slid down and magnetized itself to the lower.
Nicholas closed his eyes with dread even though his penis was only half way through the hole. It would have been so easy for him to pull himself out at that moment but he knew that they would have secured him in at gunpoint if he even moved one millimetre backwards.
�Just a little further,� she encouraged him as she tapped his naked buttocks. She could clearly sense his distress which was disconcerting for her. As the time drew closer, the excitement and fantasy were giving way to the very human reality of fear and torment. She was beginning to want to comfort him as much as she wanted to cut off his penis. She arched her neck upwards slightly and touched her mouth to his ear. �Don’t worry. I will let you come before it happens, I promise,� she whispered. The pangs of sadness were rapidly becoming dispersed with her feelings of power and lustful excitement. It was at this point that her feelings were beginning to change. To Desiree’s heart, there was suddenly something about all of this that just simply wasn’t right.
Nicholas moved forwards until his entire nine-inch penis was inserted into the hole.
She returned to the right hand side pillar and found the LCD which read �SECURE.� As she touched the sensor, Nicholas sensed the powerful magnetic force locking his waistline onto the pillory and his wrists onto the back of the side pillars. He simply couldn’t escape from the guillotine. From the opposite side of the frame, no such effect could be experienced. It was polarized for a one-way effect.
His fate was sealed.
Desiree turned to address her crowd. �This beautiful man has been convicted of the following: masturbation; the use of Seedfaker thereby perverting the course of feminine justice and further attempting to pervert the course of justice by lying to his superiors in a Court of law. What say you?�
The crowd of women cried out: �Cut it off! Cut it off;� in a unison of repetitious rhythm. She permitted them to say it seven times before she raised her arm to silence them. They immediately ceased. She reached down and gripped Nicholas’ deflating penis through the hole and began to stimulate him, once again. The touch of her hand, combined with his extremely high-level of youthful testosterone and denial of ejaculatory outlet brought him up again in moments. �Just look at the size of him, though,� she called out to the crowd. �Isn’t it a waste of a gorgeous specimen?� Her growing reluctance was implied within the question.
�Cut it off,� they repeated. �Cut it off!�
�Not yet,� she called back to them. �First, I will make use of it. Who would care to join me?� She experienced an urgency to delay her duty for as long as possible as her conscience continued to plague her soul.
Only a spattering of four hands rose.
Women were raised by their mothers and fathered, mostly, by genetically sound sperm which was extracted from male milking servants. Such men were physically supreme and acquired their livelihood purely from their donations. It was ironic that male masturbation was a criminal offence and yet a handful of elite males were paid to experience repeated relief. Desiree thought to herself what a wonderful milking servant Nicholas would have made. Nevertheless, this way of life resulted in a socially constructed revulsion of anything male. Very few women chose to take advantage of their right to have their own male partner.
�Join me here,� Desiree invited her four volunteers up on stage. They eagerly made their way through the crowd accompanied by gasps of shock from the others.
The four women made their way up the steps; their breasts heaving with excitement.
Desiree approached the first of them. She was a woman who appeared to be in her late thirties with short auburn hair, a slender waist and fulsome, clearly surgically-enhanced breasts. There was a look in her eyes which demonstrated a hint of shyness, as was apparent with her three companions. �And what would you like to do with the prisoner today, madam?� asked Desiree in a tone loud enough for the crowd to hear.
The volunteer lowered her head in embarrassment and quietly spoke. �I want to see if I can deep throat him,� she confessed.
Desiree turned to the crowd. �Did you hear that?� she asked flamboyantly. A vision of shaking heads suggested a negative. �She wants to deep-throat the condemned penis.�
There were gasps of revulsion and fascination from the crowd. Desiree moved over to the top of the steps and whispered into the volunteer’s ear: �Don’t make him ejaculate. We want to save that until the end.� The volunteer nodded and walked over to the guillotine. She slowly walked around to the front, gazing upon the prisoner’s incredible physique. She looked him in the eyes and gave him a brief, uncomfortable smile. He responded in like-fashion. She knelt down and took his member into her right hand. Reaching her mouth forward, she used her tongue to taste the large and shining purple head of his sex. Something within her which was beyond her twenty-second century education overcame her upon the feeling, scent and taste of penis. It compelled her to throw her mouth onto it.
A quite cry of pleasure escaped from Nicholas’ throat.
She slid her lips over it and moved them backwards before plunging her mouth back down again, a little further than she had done the first time.
Gradually she managed to go down on him further and further until finally, her lips touched the titanium pillory.
�She did it!� cried Desiree as though she were a games show host. The crowd’s cries of revulsion and excitement were ear-splitting.
The volunteer began to work away on Nicholas in earnest. She thrust her mouth upon him from tip to base in hungry and rapid strokes. Nicholas’ eyes began to roll as he cried out in ecstasy.
Desiree noticed his condition and the volunteer becoming carried away. She ran over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. �You must stop now,� she insisted.
The woman grudgingly ceased and stood up. She made no eye contact again with Desiree, Nicholas or the crowd. She kept her head down and departed the stage, quivering with the effects of lust as she returned to the crowd.
Nicholas’ frustrated organ jerked visibly with the need for release through the pillory.
One of the waiting nurses approached the guillotine with a shining silver cylinder, approximately fourteen inches in length. She turned to the front of the guillotine to face Nicholas, raising the cylinder to his eyes. �Don’t worry,� she said to him warmly. �It’s not time yet. This is purely for hygiene reasons.� She placed the device over his penis and pushed a button positioned close to the end. Nicholas suddenly experienced a delightful warm and wet spinning sensation around his shaft. It lasted only for a moment before it ceased. The nurse slid the apparatus off of his glistening shaft. �I will have to do that after each fellatio in order to clean you for the next lady, alright?�
Nicholas nodded. The nurse gently patted his cheek before returning to her position.
�May we have the next volunteer, please?� asked Desiree with the same expressive flamboyance as before.
A young woman of approximately twenty-eight stepped forwards. She was not quite so attractive as Desiree and the previous volunteer but had the look of lust in her eyes. �And what would you like to do with the prisoner, madam?�
The young woman beamed with arousal as she replied. �Ever since the guillotine penalty was introduced, it has been one of my hottest fantasies. I am so horny right now and I really want it inside me, but�..�
�Yes?� Desiree prompted her.
�I don’t think that I can go that far,� she concluded. �I’ll just see if I can match the last performance.�
Desiree turned to the crowd again. �Another deep-throater!�
The crowd cheered. Many of them had overcome their inhibitions and had begun to masturbate openly, right before Nicholas’ eyes. It further compounded his sense of despair that so many women were becoming aroused at the prospect of him enduring severe physical pain and the permanent mutilation of his very being.
He looked down as the second volunteer set about him with her mouth.
For over one hour, Nicholas had endured total humiliation and excruciating sexual pleasure and frustration at the hands of Desiree and the crowd. Of the last two volunteers, the first had only sucked him briefly due to her youthful self consciousness and the last; an eighteen year old student could only manage a little manual stimulation of his rampant member.
Desiree had been touching herself from under her cloak in preparation for her pleasure during the volunteer sessions. As the last one departed she stepped forward to face Nicholas one more time. His level of passion had attained such a height at that moment that his desire for release was at such a height that it was overcoming his fear of the blade.
�I am going to take you inside me, lover,� she said to him before dropping to her knees. She took hold of his erection and studied it for a moment. The bulbous head was shining with the effects of the cleaning and his own pre-ejaculate which was dribbling from the tip relentlessly. The thick and solid shaft had become a deep shade of purple with the veins protruding from underneath the skin. Desiree watched with lustful fascination as she observed it quivering and jerking involuntarily and of its own volition. She shuddered for an instant before taking him between her lips. She threw her lips hungrily upon him and tasted him with vigour.
Nicholas closed his eyes tightly together with the effects of his passion. With only four strokes of her mouth, he sensed the first spasms of climax approach. Desiree sensed it also and withdrew her lips. �Perhaps you need a little break for a few minutes.� He nodded with the effects of crisis upon his face. She stood again and stroked his cheek compassionately. His heartbeat was audible to her even across the sound of the crowd. She turned back to her audience, threw the hood of the cloak back and threw the garment to the floor. Her body glistened with perspiration. The heat of the day combined with the cloak had been oppressive. The crowd cheered once again.
Desiree positioned herself between the guillotine and the handrail and inched her way backwards. She reached back to touch Nicholas’ penis and sensuously guided it between her legs before bending down to grasp the handrail with her free hand. With the other hand, she nudged the crown of his phallus into her waiting cavern and sank back onto it with a groan.
�Oh, my, my�..� Nicholas wept. The sensation of the vagina was the most divine experience that he had ever known. It strengthened his resolve. Perhaps he never would have experienced the intimacy of a woman’s body had it not been for his being sentenced to The Penis Guillotine.
Might it not be a pleasure that was actually worth the price? He considered to himself.
Desiree pressed her buttocks up against the penis pillory as a means of accommodating as much of his erection into herself as she could. She pulled herself forwards on the handrail and thrust back again repeatedly.
She cried out with the pleasure. The perspiration fell from Nicholas’ brow as he fought to hold back his final orgasm. The crowd looked upon the spectacle, mesmerised.
Desiree sporadically slowed her pace as she sensed the rigidity in his erection; the herald of his spending. She knew that he wasn’t going to last until she climaxed for a second time and she needed to come again, desperately. She sank back onto him, taking all of him that she could once more, reached between her legs with her right hand; her left resting upon the handrail and began to rotate her fingertips around her clitoris. She writhed and convulsed as her masturbation was enhanced ten fold by the sensation of having Nicholas inside her.
She threw her head back as she reached her orgasm. Her eyes were bleary and rolling around in their sockets as the orgasm took her. After several moments, she released her clitoris from her grip and rested her forehead upon her hands on the handrail with Nicholas still inside of her.
After just over one minute she composed herself and stood; the prisoner’s condemned penis sliding out of her. She turned to him as a tear began to form in her right eye.
�Are you ready?� she asked with a voice choked with emotion. �One last time?�
Nicholas smiled and nodded to her.
�I have chosen to let you orgasm,� she told him. �By law the crowd must see your ejaculation otherwise I would have brought you off inside me.�
�I understand,� he replied with renewed spirit.
Desiree took hold of his erection in her right hand. The veins stood proud and vulgar upon it with the effects of his overpowering arousal. She proceeded to masturbate him, using her own vaginal juices as a lubricant. He moaned with delight at the effects of her obviously well practiced hand. She didn’t slow down. She wanted to end his misery and continued to sensuously manoeuvre her gentle-yet-firm grip back and forth along his throbbing tumescence.
The pressure began to well up within his loins. He closed his eyes and struggled to suppress the inevitable. The pleasure was beyond description and he knew that at the far side of it, the very worst awaited him. Nevertheless, his struggle was in vain. He braced himself for the last time that he would ever experience such delightful release. Her hand continued to draw him closer to the edge until the pressure within him reached a crescendo. He cried out as a thick rope of dense white sperm flew from the slit in his penis across over the edge of the platform to fall at the feet of two topless onlookers. There were gasps of shock as another ejaculation issued forth, landing just at the end of the platform. Desiree continued her expert handling of his precious organ as the spasms continued. Five such spurts were released accompanied by Nicholas’ cries of release and pleasure. Desiree’s hand and wrist were covered with his seed as was the front of the platform. Gradually she slowed her pace as the flow of semen ceased. She looked him in the eye, soulfully, one last time. �It’s time my lover,� she said with even greater sadness in her voice. �Forgive me,� she whispered.
With that, she walked around to the left side of the guillotine which offered three LCD’s and control sensors. She touched the sensor which was below the LCD reading �RING� and suddenly Nicholas gasped as an incredibly tight constriction shot out from within the pillory to bind itself to the base of his penis. For one moment, he thought that the deed had been done until he noticed his penis still protruding through the hole.
Desiree next moved to the sensor below the LCD reading �GUILLOTINE.� As she depressed it, it immediately caused the LCD below to appear with the reading �RELEASE.� She closed her eyes as she guided her fingers on to the release control sensor. Nicholas gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes shut as a prepared himself for the terrible pain.
She touched the sensor.
The blade shot down to the base of the frame and back up to its original position in the blink of an eye. Desiree and the crowd were startled momentarily. So rapid was the speed of the blade that it had returned before Nicholas’ penis had reached the floor. He screamed; the tears falling from his eyes as the crowd cheered at the sight of his fallen manhood.
The two nurses rapidly moved into place. The nurse who had attended him earlier took out an electron-syringe and pressed it onto his right shoulder. She depressed a sensor upon it and a shot of a fast acting pain killer was injected into his system. The stinging sensation almost immediately faded from him and his screaming abated.
The nurse nodded to Desiree who collected her cloak from the platform and threw it back onto her body. She stepped around to the right of the guillotine and deactivated the magnetism which held him to the frame. He fell backwards into the arms of the two nurses. The other wrapped a towel around his waist so as to conceal his missing flesh. He was sobbing, inconsolably. The nurses gently helped him the few feet across to the top of the steps where, during the proceedings following the volunteers from the crowd, they had secured the stretcher to the mechanical rails to at the sides of the steps. The procedure created a �chair lift� type of effect in order to assist the prisoner the three feet to the ground whilst he was still suffering from shock. From there, he would be transported to the medical centre.
�N-never again will I k-know that,� he cried. �Never again. Why? Oh dear God, why?� He sank into hysteria with Desiree and the crowd looking on.
The younger of the two nurses knelt down as they guided him onto the stretcher; a tear welling in her own eye. She pressed her mouth to his ear and silently whispered a word of hope to him: �It isn’t over,� she murmured. �There is a way.�
The stretcher descended to the ground.
Overcome with emotion, Desiree turned to the back of the platform. She touched the door release sensor which had been pre-programmed to accept her fingerprint and it sprung open. She hurried inside and closed it with the sensor from the other side. As she ran along the corridor and into her preparation room, she began to sob.
She turned the corner to find Ella Knights waiting to greet her.
�Why do you weep, dear?� she asked.
Desiree shook her head as the tears fell from her eyes. �I thought that it would be exciting,� she cried, �and it was. But he didn’t deserve that. He didn’t.�
Ella placed a comforting hand upon Desiree’s cloaked shoulder. �You took him inside you, didn’t you?�
Desiree nodded.
�I warned you.� Ella’s tone was indicative of an I told you so. �You are too young to engage in sex with a man and then cut his penis off without becoming emotionally affected by it.�
�I don’t understand.� Desiree’s confusion was exacerbated by her emotional state. She was consumed with guilt and a feeling of sadness. The image of Nicholas’ handsome face would not leave her mind.
�Sexual intercourse causes women to become emotionally connected to men and that is why we don’t encourage it.� Ella threw her arms around the young woman’s shoulders.
�But I’ve been with men before and I haven’t felt like this. There was something so good about it; so real and warm. It was so much better that a Vagi-stimulator. It feels as though I have done something terrible; destroyed something very precious�
�You haven’t. It is the addictive nature of men which make them dangerous to us.� Ella was determined to assuage the young woman’s pain. �Before the reformation, they almost annihilated the Earth with their savagery.� She suddenly broke the embrace and gripped Desiree by the shoulders. �They are dangerous.� Her tone became immediately assertive. �You must not allow yourself to fall under their spell, lest we fall prey to their barbarism once again.�
��Barbarism?�� cried Desiree. �What do you call what I just did to that beautiful man out there? Civilized?�
Ella broke away from her in exasperation. �I have tried to explain to you but you just don’t listen; the folly of youth.�
�No, it isn’t,� replied Desiree through her tears. �I have learned something today. This is wrong. It is cruel, barbaric and wrong. The reformation is not how the World was meant to be. I know that now.�
�How can you know that at twenty-three?� barked Ella.
�I believed in Stirling,� she cried out with her emotions. �I believed in the reformation, but now I know that there is something greater.� She pressed her palm to her chest. �Something in here. He made me see that.�
�Well, I thoroughly enjoy a good penectomy,� screamed Ella in angry retaliation. �Nothing arouses me more than the screams of men, their pleas for mercy and the sight of a falling penis. In time your heart will change.� She abruptly departed the room and touched the sensor to close the door behind her.
Desiree stood alone contemplating upon the other woman’s words. Perhaps she was right. Maybe someday, her heart would change. But at that moment, all that she wanted to do was make love to the man whom she had just ensured would never make love again.
Or had she����.?