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Review This Story || Author: Natasha Romanov

A Ukrainian Prostitute's Ordeal in Bangkok

Part 1

A Ukrainian Prostitute’s Ordeal in Bangkok

Helena and the other Ukrainian prostitutes were dressed

up in sexy lacy lingerie and wearing their coats, street

walking and offering themselves to both local and foreign

men for many many Baht (Thailand’s currency).

The prostitutes were standing by a pavement while their

pimp stood by them. Helena’s pimp was an Armenian named

Giovanni. He had thick black hair and swarthy features,

and it was he who brought all of them to Thailand, a

country in South East Asia. It was a country far away

from The Ukraine.

It was somewhere after 8PM and the streets were full of

cars and pedestrians, both foreign and locals. Many men

from all over the world come to Thailand just to go on

sex tours.

While all the Ukrainian prostitutes were pale and Blonde,

Helena was tanned and Brunette and highly resembled the

Russian actress in that James Bond film Quantum of Solace.

As Helena and the rest were all standing by, they were

approached by some American tourists. They were all white

American men.

Two of the men were skinheads. One skinhead was taller

than the other one. One was a tall guy with muscles and

black hair and wore an earring. The fourth guy had medium

brown hair and slanted eyes.  The last guy had blond-red

hair, wore a singlet and had a tattoo of a dragon on his

right arm.

The last guy was also the tallest of them all and stood

more than two heads taller than Helena.

“Hey Jack you were right. You can get even white hookers

in this stinking Asian rice eating country,” one of the

skinheads chuckled.

“These Russians would go anywhere just to whore themselves

for a couple of bucks,” the guy with medium brown hair

said in a stone cold tone of voice.

Helena knew and spoke some English and understood every

word they said.

Giovanni approached them. While Giovanni was as tall as

the Ukrainian prostitutes, and as slim as they were, these

American men were tall and muscular. They stood more than

a head taller than Giovanni and from the looks on their

faces and body-shape,  they looked like the type of men

to get into fights.

They looked like they could even rape the women and get

away with it.

One of the Skinheads put an arm over the tall Blond guy

and said, “We are looking for a nice white pussy for our

friend here. We have been in Thailand for more than a week

and he got tired of fucking the gooks.”

“Well you came to the right place,” Giovanni speaking with

a broken English.

Helena had met such men in the Ukraine before. Or even in

Turkey. Or even in Germany. They were white American men

from the South, normally the Redneck racist types. Helena

hated such men.

“Girls stand in line,” Giovanni shouted to Helena and

all the Ukrainian prostitutes, in Russian of course.

Helena and all the other prostitutes assembled in a line.

“So which of my girls do you like?” Giovanni trying to be

a businessman.

Giovanni walked towards a Blonde Ukrainian whore named

Svetlana and put an arm around her, saying, “Svetlana here.

She will take good care of you.”

Helena saw the Blond guy turning to look at the two guys

with black hair and brown hair, saying to them in perfect

English, “I know I want some white pussy but I can easily

get a fucking Blonde back home.”

As the tall Blond guy turned to look at all the Ukrainian

prostitutes again, he then turned his gaze on Helena. He

was smiling…wickedly.

“I want this one here,” the tall Blond guy pointed out at


“Hmm. You got good taste Ryan. She kinda looks like that

Russian chick in that new James Bond movie. What is the

name again?” the taller skinhead asked.

“You want Helena here?” Giovanni said.

“Yes,” Ryan smiled and nodded.


Giovanni led Helena and the guy called Ryan to a building

nearby. It was a run down building that was used as a

brothel. It smelled of piss and dead rats. Inside the

building Giovanni led them up the stairs and finally took

them to a small flat.

Giovanni opened the door.

“She is all yours. She can even speak good English,”

Giovanni said.

“How much do you charge per hour?” Ryan staring down at


Helena could tell that Giovanni was intimidated by Ryan

and that Ryan also knew that.

“Well I charge around eight thousand baht per hour,”

Giovanni speaking in an intimidated tone of voice.

“I’ll pay you when I am done with her,” Ryan smiled….wickedly.

“That is good. Very good. Helena why don’t you go inside and

sit by the bed,” Giovanni ordering Helena.

Helena walked into the flat, towards where the bed was and

sat down on the bed.

“So I’ll leave you alone then,” Giovanni said as Ryan walked

into the flat and rudely slammed the door behind him.

Helena was sat by the bed.

Ryan was stripping off his clothes.

“Take off all your clothes and lie down on the bed,” Ryan


Helena started stripping off her clothes until she was naked,

while her clothes and shoes were next to the bed. She climbed

on top of the bed and lied down.

Ryan was fully naked.

Helena could see that he had six-pack on his tummy and that

he had a very large cock.

“I want to tie you up. Where do I get all the things I need?"

Ryan asked Helena.

Helena pointed towards a box next to a cabinet.

Ryan walked towards the box, knelt before it and was looking

through it. she heard him tussling the things there.

“Ahh. What I was looking for,” Ryan picking up something.

Ryan walked towards Helena.

She saw that he was holding the bondage cloths.

He wanted to tie her up, like put her in bondage.

He then moved her arms and legs in a spread eagled manner.

Ryan tied her wrists and ankles to the four bed posts. He

tied her very very strongly.

She felt helpless. There was no way she could get out of

this one unless he untied her.

She was now his as long as he wanted her to be.

“Are you Russian?” Ryan asked her.

“I am Ukrainian,” Helena answered in a meek tone.

“Ryan angrily grabbed her hair and shouted at her, “You will

address me as Master. I am the client and you are the whore.

Got that,” Ryan yanking her hair.

Helena felt very scared.

“Yes…Master. I will remember that,” Helena giving in,

in fear.

“Good,” Ryan letting go of her hair.

“I might just fuck you for an hour or two, depending on

my mood,” Ryan chuckled.

He was looking down on her.

“Now you look nice and lovely,” Ryan sneered.

Ryan came on top of her. He was fondling with her breasts.

“You don’t have very large tits. But then again none of you

Slavic types do,” Ryan letting his saliva drip on her left


Her left breast felt sticky from his saliva. He basically

spat at her, a truly degrading act.

She had just heard him call her “Slavic”. She was familiar

about historical anti-Slavic racism coming from the mouths

of White Americans, the Germans and the Nazis.

Ryan sat down below her breasts. His weight was heavy and

she had to use all her body weight just to lift him up.

He was stroking his cock, letting it rest between her


“That is right. You Slavs are all the same. You have to

whore yourselves. At least I am of Germanic Anglo Saxon

descent. Hitler was right. We are the Master Race and you

are the serving race,” Ryan looking down on her.

Helena knew better than to fight back. She was tied up

and if she said the wrong thing to him, he would give her

Hell. If not him, then from her boss Giovanni.

“Now open that little mouth of yours,” Ryan bossed her


Helena opened her mouth.

With one quick move, he thrust his large cock into her

little mouth. He was grabbing onto her short brown hair

and then saying, “Now suck me good you Slavic bitch.”

Helena tried her best to suck him off. He was fucking

her head and hurting her entire little head. Her jaw

ached. Her skull ached.

“Ahhh you have a good head their. What Slavic heads are

good for,” Ryan riding her, using her hair as a horse’s

rein and fucking her head. And putting up with this

racist abuse.

He was ejaculating lots and lots of Anglo-American sperm

into her mouth, jaw and body.

Helena had to drink it all and she was on the verge of

being choked by it.

He fucked and pumped on her head for over fifteen minutes

until he pulled his cock out of her head/jaw.

Her mouth was dripping with sperm. As he was slowly

pulling out, with one stroke on his cock, the rest of

the sperm still coming out from the tip of his cock were

squirting towards her beautiful Ukrainian face.

Ryan laughed at what he was doing to her.

“You lost the Cold War. You lost to my Viking ancestors.

You bitches always lose to us,” Ryan making fun of her.

Ryan got off the bed, walked towards the box and took

something out.

A  cloth.  For  covering  mouths.

He climbed the bed again.

“Open your mouth bitch,” Ryan enjoying his power over her.

Helena mustered an open mouth as the injury he inflicted

on her jaw and skull made her skull muscles hurting and

weakened. As her mouth was finally opened wide enough, he

put the cloth on it and tied it around her head.

“There. Now you can’t scream too,” Ryan laughed.

Helena looked in horror. He shoved his cock very quickly

towards her pussy.

Helena moaned in pain. She could not scream but tears

coming down her eyes were a sign that if she could scream

she would scream.

Ryan’s large cock was breaking her Ukrainian pussy. As

Ryan was fucking and hammering her pussy without mercy,

he was cruelly squeezing her breasts.

“That is a nice Slav. That is right. You live to serve us.

Us North-Western Europeans,” Ryan enjoying the sheer pain

he was giving to this woman.

Her pain – his pleasure.

As he was squeezing her breasts, he was twitching her

nipples twisting and pulling them.

Helena could only shake her head, letting more and more

tears flow down her eyes. She remembered that her Thai

customers were never this cruel to her. Not even those

from France or England.

She felt her pussy being filled up with cold violent sperm.

She felt her breasts being ripped apart. Her nipples felt

as if they were going to explode.

What seemed like an hour finally stopped.

Ryan got his cock off her, pulled down her mouth cloth with

one strong grip and then told her, “Open that little mouth

of your again.”

Helena closed her eyes, wishing this whole ordeal was

already over.

Her gave her a tight slap on the face.

“I said open your fucking mouth,” Ryan shouted at her.

Helena’s head was hurting but she still managed to open her


“I want you to clean my cock with that tongue of yours,”

Ryan making her look at his large cock.

Helena nodded her head.

As she pulled out her tongue, she was lapping her tongue

at wherever there was sperm stain. He held onto her hair

and guided her head as if she were a human Hoover.

“That’s it. Make it nice and clean,” Ryan watching her

lapping her tongue at his cock.

Her tongue touched the tip of his cock and Ryan seemed to

have enjoyed it.

“Your ancestors must have been doing this for centuries.

Pimped by your own fathers to your Viking masters,” Ryan

putting her down.

Helena just acted and behaved like a robot. She

concentrated on his cock and just tried her best to lick

it good.

“Now I want you to kiss my cock,” Ryan telling her.

As Ryan pushed the tip of his very large cock towards her

lips, she kissed it passionately.

Ryan still held on to her hair.

“Now listen. I want you to talk to my cock as if it were

a real person. Now this is what I want you to say to my cock.

I love you. I want to have your children. All Slavic women

worship big American cocks. Say it,” Ryan yanking hard on

her hair.

Helena starred at the tip of his cock as she was made to

stare at it.

“I love you. I ….I want to have your children…” Helena


“Now say the rest,” Ryan being forceful.

“All Slavic women worship big American cocks,” Helena spoke.

She then managed to kiss it.

“Now suck it,” Ryan yanking on her hair.

Helena opened her mouth and started sucking his cock.

“That’s a good Slavic girl. Even here in this Asian shit-

hole amongst the gooks, I can still get some other

inferior pussy. Not sure if there are any spics that

come here,” Ryan making racist remarks.

Helena just sucked. She did not want to pay attention

to the other things he was saying.

“Ok you can stop sucking me now,” Ryan telling her.

Helena stopped sucking him. She opened her mouth and

he pulled his cock from her jaw.

“Keep your mouth open,” Ryan commanded.

As Helena kept her jaw open, Ryan covered it again

and tied the mouth cloth around her head.

Ryan got off the bed, walked towards the box and to

Helena’s horror she saw what he was bringing with him.

Ryan was carrying a small box. She recognised it.

Ryan climbed back on bed next to Helena’s tied up body.

From the box, he took out a needle. Ryan looked at her

and smiled. She couldn’t help but look scared.

“You can take a guess where this is going,” Ryan moving

the needle before her eyes as if the needle was a wagging


Ryan thrust the needle to the side of her right breast.

Helena moaned in pain, letting tears go down her cheeks.

She shook her head frantically and heard Ryan laughing at

her pain.

Ryan took out another needle and he slowly thrust its

tip to the side of her left breast.

Helena squirmed from more pain.

It was like Chinese acupuncture.

Ryan kept on taking out more and more needles and

stacked both her breasts with needles.

Finally, he stacked both her nipples with a needle on

each nipple’s tip.

“My. My. You look lovely,” Ryan enjoying the sight of

her breasts being used and abused.

Ryan pressed his palms on the needle stacks of each breast

and was making her feel a lot of Hellish pain.

Helena’s body was slowly adjusting to the pain.

Ryan got off the bed and Helena saw what he was doing.

Ryan was picking up her own clothes.

She recognised her shirt.

Ryan wrapped her shirt around his right fist and was

moving his right palm all over brown pubic hair.

“Your pussy is still covered with my healthy American sperm.

But not to worry I can still pull out your pubic hair,”

Ryan laughed.

Helena looked at him. She stared at him. she shook her head

and begged him not to do what she knew he was going to do.

Ryan cruelly gripped some of her pubic hair, using her shirt

as a glove, and yanked some sticky brown hair out from her

cunt, like pulling out a grass root.

Helena squirmed and moaned in pain.

It hurt. It really hurt.

Ryan showed her some of her pubic hair. She could see some

kinky brown hair straps on her shirt.

“That felt so nice,” Ryan cruelly teasing her.

Ryan then unwrap her shirt from his right fist and then

pressed both his palms towards the needles on her breasts/


Helena squirmed again.

Ryan laughed. 

He then turned to stare at a certain direction. He quickly

grabbed her shirt that he used to pull on her pubic hair

and walked towards the direction of the room he was staring at.

Helena could see what it was.

She was squirming even a lot more.

She saw a rat.

Ryan quickly grabbed the rat with her shirt and brought the

rat with him towards her bed.

Helena kept on squirming helplessly and struggled helplessly.

If she was not tied up, she would be ion the run by now.

Ryan was bringing the rat to the bed.

Helena saw Ryan smiling at her.

"I got something for you," Ryan slowly bringing the rat.

Towards her pussy.

Helena struggled like never before.

She saw and felt the rat make a landing on her pussy and

pubic hair.

"Now see that. Smell that," Ryan pushing the rat's head

towards her pubic hair.

Helena felt the rat starting to nibble at her pubic hair.

She felt it starting to gnaw at her pubic hair.

Oh My God. This is a Hungry Rat, Helena thought.

As she felt the rat gnawing at her pubic hair, it was gnawing

very very quick.

Helena's pussy felt very free. It felt free as she lost a

great amount of her brown pubic hair.

She then felt the rat gnawing at the pussy surface.

And then it started gnawing at her pussy skin.

Helena squirmed IN PAIN. Tears rolling down. Her head shaking.

She moaned and moaned.

Ryan, her American client, kept the rat's head down to her


"I think the rat is really hungry," Ryan being cruel.

As Ryan continued to force the rat to gnaw at Helena' pussy,

he was just standing there, watching her squirm and move


As Helena shook her body, her boobs shook too.

As her boobs were shaking, the needles moved along with the

boobs. They made some shattwering type noises.

Music to Ryan's ears.

Finally Ryan threw the rat to a corner in the room.

Helena just lied there helplessly.

This was one HELL OF A NIGHT.


More than an hour had passed.

Ryan put his clothes back on and he opened the door.

Helena did not dare to look towards the door but she heard her

pimp Giovanni and Ryan conversing about payment for Helena's


The last words Helena heard were, "She is one hell of a bitch."


                                       THE END

Review This Story || Author: Natasha Romanov
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