Store Clerk
Chapter 3: Making friends
I took another long sip from the glass in front of me. My smile disappeared as I grimaced from the taste. This was not the fruity cocktail I was used to. No mixer tainted this concoction of liquors. This was pure and undiluted. My lips tingled but that might have something to do with those sweet lips that were just caressing mine. Looking in the mirror I saw my smile had returned. In addition to my smile I found my dance partner had also returned.
Sitting on my stool she stood a head taller then me. With a gentle tug she pulled on the lock securing the collar around my neck. Her eyes turned form the collar to the mirror. I was staring at her while she was looking at me. I blushed slight from the attention; she just giggled then wrapped her arms around me. Bending down she lightly rested her chin on my shoulder wrapping one hand around my chest she pulled me back into her. It was impossible to not notice the arm that wrapped around my chest and the hand now clutching my boob. Her other hand was in front of me dangling a shiny key.
�So is this going to unlock anything interesting?� she asked with a raised eye brow.
�Unfortunately no. Those areas need a combination.� The words slipped out of my lips without any thought. A tinkle of exhilaration titillated my senses. I had just flirted with her. I was actually flirting with another girl.
I couldn’t help but admire her beauty, she was wicked hot. Her outfit gave every boy a hard on and made my pussy wet. Well, it made me wetter anyways. Her black leather trench coat hung down to her calves but was left open in the front to proudly display her amazing body. Her waist was drawn in by her dark red leather corset that constricted her waist and heft up her enormous boobs placing them elegantly on display. Her most private area was scantily covered by the tight black latex panties which perfectly matched the gloves that nearly completely encompassed her arms from tip of finger to shoulder. The boots were something else. Colored in black to match everything else her hooker heels made her stand tall at six feet and wrapped her legs in leather from toe to thigh. Her attire screamed fuck me fuck you but her delicate embrace hinted at a compassionate soft side hidden beneath the aggressive leather.
�We’ll I guess I’m just going to have to help you find those,� she said as she licked my ear. �I’ll put this one here for safe keeping.� Her fingers plunged between my breasts and deposited the key in my cleavage.
I shuttered as a chill hit me. I was beyond excited at this point. She picked up the drink from the counter and held it to my lips
�Finish this and we’ll go have some fun,�
She tilled the glass up and I had no choice but to swallow the liquid pouring into my mouth. Quickly placing the empty glass on the table she didn’t even give me the chance to catch my breath from the long chug. I was pulled to my feet and being marched back to the dance floor.
The two of us were out on the dance floor. Others danced around us while the rest of the bar simply watched. I realized twenty minutes had passed when the toys within me sprung back to life. Their vibrations were just as strong as before but this time their effect was greatly reduced. At first I was thankful that the batteries were bad and dying off early but as I took stock of my body I realized the vibrations weren’t any weaker. My whole body was going numb; my mind was in a daze. All those drinks were hitting me and hitting me hard. Time became a blur. I wasn’t even aware of the fact that my kinky dance partner was collecting keys from the crowd until she deposited a few in my cleavage.
Although the alcohol induced numbness did reduce the effect of the vibrations it certainly didn’t inhibit them. It wasn’t long before my body was once again responding to the teasing tingle within me. This time was different then before. Instead of ramping the toys up to full and sending me into an immediate orgasm the person in control was choosing to throttle them down just as I got close to climax keeping me on the torturous brink. My legs were going weak and I had to excuse myself from the floor.
Stepping out of the dance floor lights I found Megs was standing in the shadows watching me. I immediately started walking towards her and quickly became thankful of the fact the toys were being throttled down. As I walked up to her Megs was looking past me to the dance floor and the girl I had been dancing with.
�So it looks like you’ve managed to find a friend,� Megan said. She smiled as she said it but the smile was forced and the happiness in her voice stressed.
�Yeah, I don’t really know who she is but yeah, we’ve been hanging out.�
�Well I didn’t mean to disturb your fun. I’m on break for a couple minutes and I thought I’d come down and check on you.� She glanced over at the bar with a hesitant look. �If you want I can get you another drink before I go back upstairs.�
Her hesitation at offering me a drink and the fact she had to get it for me quickly sobered me back up. This was a realm I didn’t belong to, at least not for a few more months. I was a minor in a bar and I didn’t even have a fake ID to try and bluff my way into belonging here. Serving a minor is a major offence even if the bartender thought the person was of legal age. Suddenly I was very self-conscious of all the attention I had received on the dance floor. My confidence was rapidly deteriorating fearing Megan might have to throw me out of the bar for my age to protect herself and to protect the club. On top of all that I was suddenly feeling partially devastated thinking I had just blown my chances with Megan who I was finding extremely attracted.
�No, I don’t need another drink. Actually I think I’ve had too many. I desperately need to pee and I’m not even close to having all the numbers for the lock on my belt.�
�Well I can take care of that. I’m pretty sure potty stops qualify as a legitimate reason to unlock you’re belt. At least for a little bit anyways.�
Megan led me away from the dance floor and up the stairs. Instead of leading me to the bathrooms that were just off to the right she led me over to the main bar and the doorway behind it. This was the staff only section which meant I would actually get some privacy. I couldn’t help but notice the high energy Megan had shown when Steph and I had first come in was now gone. Her mood had changed and being around her just felt awkward. I knew my outfit wasn’t even close to being normal bar apparel but coupled with my behavior on the dance floor I figured it must have just been too much. How was I supposed to know how to act in a bar? Until tonight I had never set foot in a bar. It was only because of Stephanie’s influence that I had gotten into here and with her gone now there wasn’t much stopping them from throwing me out. I knew I needed to apologize to Megan but I just didn’t know how. I was having fun and really didn’t want to have to leave the bar but more importantly I didn’t want to leave Megan.
The back of the bar was a maze. I was lost almost immediately. Partially I was inebriated but mostly I was just lost in thought. Knocking first, Megs opened a door revealing the bathroom. The room was a normal sized bathroom and easily fit the two of us inside. In my head I said a little thank you for not having to endure the embarrassment of having Megs unlock my belt out in the hallway. As soon as Megan clicked the lock on the door I pulled up my skirt. It was one of those actions where you do it without even realizing what you are doing. Megan just stopped and stared at my belt and raised skirt with a funny smile on her face. My face turned three shades of crimson realizing what I had done. I just couldn’t stop myself, I really needed to pee.
�Wow, Steph wasn’t joking when she said you are on a serious pro-abstinence campaign right now,� she said as she knelt down to examine the belt.
�Oh god no. I’m extremely pro-sex. Believe me, I want sex right now so badly I couldn’t even begin to explain it. That’s why this morning I strapped this belt on with a vibrator in my pussy. Believe me I want to have sex. I want more sex then I can handle. That’s why I wired the remote for the vibrator into the motion sensor in the store. My original goal was to get more excitement then I could handle. The only reason I’m pro-abstinence is because Steph put a lock on that I don’t have the combination to.� Words steamed out of my lips without pre-thought. I was drunk and horny. I desperately wanted to trade out this artificial cock with anything else but couldn’t. With drunkenness teaming up with horniness any filters on my thoughts which normally would be in placed were now gone.
�So what does your new friend think of the fact your most delicate place is locked away and untouchable?� Megs asked as she slowly worked the combination on the lock.
�You mean the girl in the leather?�
Megan nodded her head.
�I don’t really know what she thinks. I’m not really sure I want to know. Honestly she kinda scares me.�
�Reaalllllyyy. You aren’t interested in her at all?�
MMMMMMMM. It was impossible to not notice the finger nails running up either side of the leather crotch strap.
OOOOWWWWW. Suddenly the fingernails were running down the insides of my thighs. Pant, pant, pant. I couldn’t catch my breath. Her hands reached behind and squeezed my ass. Opening my eyes and looking down I saw her staring up ant me.
�No. Well yes. But no. I mean, I don’t know. I didn’t go out to dance with her. She grabbed me and pulled me out there. Yeah, I had fun when I was out there but I didn’t go out looking for her she pulled me out.�
I paused. That was why I went out there but that wasn’t why I stayed.
�And yeah she might have pulled me out there but I had fun and didn’t want to leave. I don’t know, I can’t explain it. She’s fucking hot what can I say. Aaaannnddd I had fun dancing with her. I don’t know.�
I felt like an adolescent getting caught in a lie as they tell their story to there parents. I was starting to cry. I couldn’t believe a few pieces of leather strap and a pair of locks could put me through this. Tears flowed down my eyes like mountain streams. Desperately I wished I had never put this damn belt on. I should have known better. This was all so stupid. Here I was not facing utter humiliation all because I couldn’t control the desires in my pussy. This was my punishment for being so perverted, for being so fucked up. As hard as I tried I couldn’t suppress my tears. Megan stood up, I was still locked in this god damn belt and she was standing up not working on the combination.
�Hey, if you want to hang with her its fine, I have no problem with it. The only reason I bring it up was because when Steph left you I offered to take care of you. Only now it looks like you’ve got your heart set on staying with someone else instead of staying with me.� Megan couldn’t even look at me as she spoke. She just looked down and to the side.
�Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no. I do want to stay with you. I really do want to be with you.�
My actions were the result of pure impulse. Reaching out I grabbed Megan and pulled her into me. With a nod I stroked her cheek with my nose. As she turned towards me I locked my lips onto hers. I pulled her closer feeling her boobs press into mine. An erotic chill ran down my spine as a hand ran through my hair. Out lips released and I stared into her eyes. A slight glance down and I saw the grin on her lips. Suddenly she was back on her knees. I thrust my hips out suddenly wanting one thing before I remembered there was leather covering my pussy. She fiddled with the lock and almost immediately I hear a snap.
�Alright. Go do your business then we’ll have a little fun.�
Butterflies filled me seeing her smile as she released me from the confines of my leather prison. Going into the stall I made no delay squatting over the toilet. Like before I removed the dildo from my pussy to do my business. I had just started doing my business when the vibe in my hand began to vibrate. Soon the plug in my rear followed suit. Good god, have you ever tried to pee while the plug in your ass is vibrating. Yeah, I didn’t think so. I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop. I felt like I was going to explode. Thankfully the vibrations didn’t last too long but I can’t say the same for my stay in the stall.
Feeling immensely better having finished my business I exited the stall. There was no reason to pull my skirt back down. Megan was going to be seeing my pussy in a minute anyways. I walked out of the stall carrying the dildo since there was no way I could keep this slippery monster in my pussy with out the leather crotch strap. Megs was standing next to the sink. To my surprise I saw both the remotes in her hands. Watching her fingers move I simultaneously felt the vibrations in my ass increase as Megan cranked the plug up to full before turning it back off.
�Come over here and put your hands on the counter facing the mirror,� she said, moving out of the way so that I could assume the position.
As I stepped up to the counter Megan stepped up behind me. With her hands she patted my inner thighs. Obediently I widened my stance spreading my legs out. Pressing up tight against my back Megs ran her hands down both of my arms then circled her fingers around my wrist. She stopped when my hands were wide apart forcing me to bend over slightly.
Her fingertips traveled up my arms leaving behind a wake of goose bumps. Staring into the mirror I watch her work and saw my own reflection. Seeing her smiling as I watched my own lips quiver sent a surge of heat to my pussy. Megan rested her head on my shoulder as her hands grasped my leather encased boobs. Seductively she took my earlobe into her mouth before gently pulling on it with her teeth. Her grin broadened as she felt me shudder from the chill that ran down my spine. Pulling herself even closer into me with one arm around my tummy and one around my chest I beamed with joy feeling her squeeze. Her cheek pressed against my cheeks. Smiles were painted on both faces.
Releasing her grip on my lower abdomen, Megan reached into her pocket to pull out both the remotes. Despite the tightness of the corset she managed to tuck the bottom portion of each control into each of the breast cups. Her upper hand could now easily toy with my tits and controls at the same time. I watched in the mirror as she reached over to my hand, my hand that still clung onto the latex penis still glistening with my juices. As she took it from me her smile changed to one which did little to mask her naughty intentions.
With her upper hand she turned the plug on at its lowest setting. Her hand disappeared below the counter top but there was no mystery as to where it was headed. I gasped and moaned as the vibrations found my swollen pussy. I tried to suppress my sounds but I just couldn’t. Megan placed the vibe flat against my cunt spreading my pussy lips. She slid it back and forth between my tender lips all the while never taking it off of my blood engorged clit. I felt a finger tip explore my pussy lips before the dildo was removed from between my lips, its very tip remained held on my clit. Slowly she cranked up the vibe.
�Oooooooooooooo,’ I moaned. There was no suppressing it. She had the vibe on full keeping it poised on my clit. My eyes were closed so I never saw her action. The vibe in my rear sprang to life. My knees buckled. Had Megan not thrust her hips into my butt pinning me to the counter I would have with out a doubt crumbed to the floor. Megan’s hard thrust forced the plug even deeper into my rear increasing its effects.
I caught my breath as the vibe was removed from my clit but it only lasted a second. My pussy lips were parted again but this time it was as Megan penetrated me. The vibrating rubber penis burrowed into my cunt guided by Meg’s hand. She started slow working the dildo into the full depths of my sex before starting a slow two inch stroke back and forth. My body ran on autopilot as I rhythmically thrust my hips into the counter in time with the motions of the cock.
As Megan began to increase the strength of the vibrations she also increased the speed in which she was fucking me. The slow two inch stroke became full length thrusts. My hips quickly lost pace and I resided myself to standing there while she fucked me. My moans became screams, unsuppressed, un-muffled. An orgasm of epic proportions was building. My whole body shook from the fierce pounding of the dick. The mirror started to blur.
�ooo, ooo, ooo. Oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m cumming, I’m cumming, IIII�MMMM CUMMMMMMMMINNNNGGGG.�
What came out of my mouth after that weren’t words. Raw, primitive noises poured out of my mouth like a flood with ear shattering volume. Waves of ecstasy crashed through my body. My body went limp and I slouched over the counter completely consumed by the feelings filling me. The waves grew in intensity as Megan continued to fuck me with the dildo. Everything went black. My mind was overwhelmed by the pleasure filling my body.
I was only vaguely aware of the fact the vibrations had stopped. I felt Megan pull the crotch strap between my legs re-trapping the pair of plugs in my holes and I heard the snap of the lock but my brain didn’t comprehend any of it. Megan kept me pinned to the counter preventing me from falling to the floor. Her hips thrust against my butt. I could feel her fingers running through my hair but I didn’t comprehend it. My body shook with pleasure.
The overwhelming smell of sex filled my nose as Megan reached in front of me with her other hand. Her hand was covered in my juices. She rinsed her hand in the sink. My senses were slowly coming back. I basked in the warmth I got feeling her arms wrapped around me. Her hands moved away to dry leaving me slightly saddened. I wished they could stay wrapped around me. Those hands did return to pick me up away from the counter and stand me back on my leather encased feet.
Megan turned me to face her. Her smile was beautiful and feminine. Mine was just goofy and stupid as the euphoric aftermath of that tidal wave of an orgasm continued to course through me. Reaching behind she grasped the back of my collar and pulled me towards her. Our lips met and my euphoria cranked back up. Her lips were sweet and soft.
�You think you’re ready to go back out?� She asked as our lips departed.
�I don’t know. I feel like jello right now,� I answered. In truth I didn’t really want to go back out. That little scare about being in trouble was lingering in my mind. Fear welled up inside of me thinking about being busted by the cops for being a minor in a bar. It boggled my mind thinking about what the cops would do once they found out my clothes were locked on. Spending the night in jail with dildos locked in my pussy and ass did not excite me.
�Well too bad, you’re going,� Megan said as she opened the door and hauled me of the bathroom.
Applause erupted as soon as we exited. Half the staff was lingering in the hallway. They must have followed us when we left the bar area. My cheeks burned from embarrassment. Instinct caused me to try to bow my head and hide my humiliation but the strict collar kept my chin up high. I was marched through the mob with head held high.
Thankfully Megan didn’t lead me back to the bar. Instead she took a door that was blissfully marked EXIT. Cool night air enveloped my skin as I went through the door. A chill ran through me as that cold air found my very moist inner thighs. Megs had led me to the back of the bar to a small parking lot. The area wasn’t well lit but it was shady for an entirely different reason. I quickened my pace to get close to Megan. Nervous anxiety filled me being this exposed in a dark alley like this.
Our short walk stopped at the back of a car. Megan made no move towards any of the doors. Pulling keys out of her pocket she pressed a button on the remote. Clunk, the trunk popped. I nervously looked around the parking lot as Megs opened the trunk I took a half step backwards. When she turned to look at me she had a wicked smile across her face. Moving her body to the side she revealed the inside of the trunk.
My jaw dropped seeing what she had been hiding. There was no mistaking what I was looking at. Megan walked up next to me putting an arm around my waist. She pulled me up to the back of the car till my legs touched the back bumper. It was just the two of us in the dark back parking lot. Apprehension over came me. Reaching into the trunk Megan gave the bag inside a jostle making a few of its contents rattle and clink. We weren’t looking at just any bag. This was my very own bondage bag. Picking up a set of hand cuffs she let them dangle from one finger as she held them up at eye level.
�I’m thinking you might need a few more accessories before I take you back in for the rest of the night.�
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