The Entrapment of Susan Andrews
Part Five
By Masterofm
By 10.00 am The following Monday I had somehow managed to drag my aching bruised body into work, conduct the usual head of department meeting, take part in a pointless and annoying discussion with my deputy head, chat to my secretary and then at last, find some time to sit alone in my office and speculate yet again upon how on earth I could prise myself away from the frightful clutches of the Roberts family, truly the family from hell!
And on that that Monday morning I was every second still reliving my trauma, still feeling an horrendous aching deep inside me, asking myself would I ever loose the sensation that a huge throbbing penis was still buried deep inside my anus? Hurting me, filling me, possessing me, what kind of evil demented person had done that to me, first raping me from behind before spearing my helpless unprotected virgin anus with his huge member?,
Sitting there, at my desk I almost retched again in recollection of the seed bursting from him and splashing the walls of my rectum whilst above me, gripping my hair and hips, he growled the satisfaction of his conquest over me before forcing me to clean every inch his vile disgusting penis with my tongue and lips.
But by far the most terrible recollection was the appalling yet undeniable admission to myself that my rapist had created a series of unwanted yet inescapable orgasms within me and that when it was all over and Annie Roberts took me in her arms, clutching me to her naked body, muttering soothing noises toward her ‘little baby bitch’ whilst I sobbed uncontrollably, her soft caressing hands had roamed
at will over my equally naked body, exciting me yet again whilst I lay passively in her arms unresisting of her inquisitive tongue
Probing my own as her fingers inside my Virgina bought me, even after everything I had been through, tearfully to yet another climax.
Somehow, at around 10 o’clock bruised and battered but thankful the kids were away for the evening, I finally arrived home.
I poured myself the biggest brandy imaginable, gave a per functionary kiss on the cheek to my TV engrossed husband then fled to the sanctuary of my bathroom to once again try and wash a man’s sperm from both inside and outside of my body whilst reliving in my mind the astonishing proceedings to which I had been subjected and searching in my mind for the identity of my abuser, could this man conceivably have been someone I knew? Then I recalled Stefan’s statement to him whilst he so unsympathetically revealed and explored my defenceless body.
‘We can ring her if you wish!’ Stefan had said and my mind reeled in turmoil, the masked man had nodded his agreement. Who the hell was this man who thought he could discuss me with Stefan so cold-heartedly?
Only with the help of more large drinks did I finally find sleep that night, even then I was up at six the following morning searching internet sites for and downloading written material and images of ‘Pony Girls.’
What I read and saw there troubled me more than it should have for how else could one decide she had made a far better ‘Pony Girl’ than those young women in the photo images!. And as for those nipple rings I course I had seen those of Annie at first hand of course but with so much else happening on that fateful evening those little gold rings had captured my thoughts only for a short period of time, but as I sat there before my lap top computer viewing image after image of both women and men adorned with all manner of body piercing and reading of how easily these people were aroused by the simple act of touching those parts I shuddered in both fear and contemplation of how those rings would look upon my own nipples.
But were these people really planning to deface my body in that manner?, if so then my so far ill fated attempts to escape their clutches must be redoubled, as it was my treatment at their hands the previous evening had ensured that I must find a way out without destroying everything I had so painstakingly achieved over the years.
Sitting there still thinking about those nipple rings I absent-mindedly allowed my fingers to delve into my dressing gown and stroke my nipples and slightly arousing myself, oh god, if I only knew who my masked abuser was?. Still though and despite everything I continued arousing my nipples as in my mind I recalled visions of myself of being dressed in that strange equipment and running around that paddock, pulling Stefan’s little cart, of being washed down by the masked man before being led back into the barn, sure I had told myself that after winning the race I would be soon going home, but in reality I HAD known, known full well I would soon be all but raped by the masked man washing me down, the simple logic of looking down at the huge bulge in his leather trousers was enough to tell me that and the brutal truth was that at the time I found the very thought of such a thing happening to me actually exciting me!
‘I MUST escape them before it’s too late’ I told myself, suddenly aware that If I did not do so then the terrible hold these people had over me may eventually become superfluous!
Spending the rest of the Sunday as normally as possible required a massive effort on my part but I managed to pull it off and give the family a proper day together even if every spare moment was spent reliving the nightmare moment my masked abuser had speared my still sore and aching anus with his huge penis, indeed, to me it still felt as though it was alive and throbbing, buried deep inside my rectum and for a moment it had occurred to me that perhaps this was precisely what the man had intended, leaving with me an unending reminder of his power over me and so, with this awful
realisation consuming my thoughts I finally came to the conclusion that I must speak to someone and realistically, despite her husband Bob being a policeman, the only person I could trust was my best friend Liz.
But sitting at my desk on Monday morning I wondered if I really had chosen the right person to unburden my troubles upon, but Liz had been my closest friend and confidant for many years so, I telling myself that as we had confided in each other many times over the years I could surely rely upon her discretion, I had arranged to meet her for lunch that day.
Much of my morning had been spent shamefully neglecting my work, thinking instead of just how much, or little information regarding my plight I should relate to Liz over lunch, eventually though, after our usual hugging and cheek kissing greeting I settled down and nervously gave my increasingly astounded friend a very much abridged and less than truthful account of the problems confronting me, leaving aside my more intimate experiences at the hands of the Roberts family, my introduction to the world of ‘Pony Girls’ and my ordeal at the hands of my masked rapist I condensed my account into that of being stupid and naive enough conduct without a witness my disciplinary meeting with Jason Roberts, allowing him to accuse me of sexual harassment toward him as a minor and then to compound my stupidity by going out to the Roberts place, again without a witness or even telling my secretary, there to confront the boy’s parents with Jason’s accusations in the naïve belief this would then put an end to the boys nonsense.
Ever more mindful of Annie’s parting shot that I would soon be viewing another ‘stunning’ DVD of my ‘Pony Girl’ initiation and much more besides, ‘better even than the one that had starred in earlier’, I completed my much abbreviated account by telling Liz that the Roberts boy’s parents had disbelieved my version of events and that unless I agreed to take part in certain sordid sexual acts with them they would have no hesitation in reporting my ‘advances’
to both the school governors and the ‘appropriate authorities’, that my subsequent visit to their house had simply been to further my advances toward their son.
‘What do you mean by ‘sordid sexual acts’ whispered Liz across our lunch table.
As always these days I was aware gold chain around my waist, along now with the aching in my rectum giving me a constant reminder of these horrors, but I just couldn’t bring myself to explain to Liz about Pony Girls and nipple rings, not to mention masked anal rapists, even to my best friend.
‘Bondage games I think’ I replied softly.
Liz nodded her head.
‘Oh my God Sue, that’s terrible, but surely they cant get away with it ,no one would believe these people if they were to do such a cruel thing as to lie about you that way, I really think that you really must report these people to the Police!’
I had half expected Liz to say something like this and
Seeing the look of determined anger upon her features I then summoned up the last and hardest piece of information I had decided to impart to Liz, a half truth, half lie that would surely dissuade her from any more talk of reporting the Robert’s family to the Police or my school.
‘That’s impossible you see I think there is another Man involved in this, one that I somehow know and there is one more thing I should tell you Liz,……..I. well, It was utterly stupid of me I know, but the Roberts have a, well a compromising photo of me, one that could destroy my career, you see when I decided to leave their place that afternoon Stefan Roberts had given me a choice, he told me that I could either leave right there and then, in which case they would report my so called sexual harassment of my son or I could strip off and reveal my body to Mrs. Roberts who was, said Stefan Roberts, always keen to compare her own body with that of another, as he put it, ‘beautiful woman.’
‘Oh my God Sue, don’t tell me you did’ whispered my astonished friend.
‘Please Liz’ I pleaded with her. ‘I was desperate, you must
understand I was watching my whole career disappear before my eyes and I really thought it would have bought an end to the matter there and then, Mr. Roberts told me it would be a private gesture between myself and his wife and assured me that afterward I would be free to go.’
‘….stupidly I believed him Liz, you see his wife showed me into a small room where I was to remove my clothes before she came in and compared our bodies’
‘Eventually I summoned up the courage to do so, but only as far as my Bra, pants and hold ups, then I waited for Mrs. Roberts to come in,….but, oh my god Liz, It wasn’t Mrs. Roberts walking through the door, but, oh Christ, it was Jason Roberts, the very boy I had excluded from school!’
‘ It was crazy Liz, I was so astonished that before I recovered from the shock of seeing him there the dreadful boy had pulled my bra away from my breasts and pushed my body downward until I had no option but to kneel in front of him whilst he pushed his groin into my face, try as I might Liz I just couldn’t move away, then he was holding me with one hand gripping my hair and forcing my mouth over the erect penis he had taken from his pants…I know I should have bitten it or something Liz but by then I could see Stefan Roberts to one side, taking photos of me and before I knew it Liz, the boy had cum in my mouth….Oh god Liz, it was so revolting, his sperm was running out of my mouth and down my chin, then the disgusting boy was wiping his member over my face, spreading his sperm 0ver me whilst all the while his father took picture after picture with his camera, then he showed them to me Liz, telling me they were hard irrefutable evidence of my perverted desires and that I would from now on do exactly as they say…. oh my God Liz the photo’s looked for all the world as if I was willingly committing a lewd sexual act upon a pupil!, not only that, somehow they had taken photo’s of me removing my clothes beforehand to give the unmistakable impression the whole thing was my own idea!
‘Oh Jeez Sue, you poor thing, I’m so sorry……..what a mess…..I mean the whole thing, I can see why you don’t want this getting out but what other option do you have than tell report these people, surely you can’t allow them to dictate to you in this way ?
‘None at the moment Liz, that’s why I’m telling all to you, so my best ever friend can help me think of a way, there is no one else, no even my husband, you know how vulnerable he is Liz, this could finish us completely, at the moment I am in the clutches of a family from hell with no means of escape other than ruining myself and my family’
‘So you have told no one else at all Sue, no one at school, what about your deputy, Alan somebody or other, or are you worried he may be even be in on this?’
‘God Liz, who knows, I hope not, anyway there is no way could I confide in him, he would readily stab me in the back just to take over from me, no Liz, you are my only hope’
Which certainly was true, maybe Liz could think of a way out of this mess for me and although I was no nearer discovering the identity of my masked rapist Liz’s mention of my deputy Alan Palmer had shaken me little, could it have been his huge penis penetrating my Anus?....why else would my assailant have worn a mask and carefully avoided speaking unless emitting almost unintelligible grunts, could it be a plan to take my job, or was I now being totally irrational by blaming the first person who came to mind but hadn’t Alan admitted to knowing the Roberts family?
‘I’ve an idea of how we can end this for you Sue but we are going to need Ian’s help’ said Liz, breaking a silence that had come between us.
‘Oh God no!’, I replied fearfully, no way would I allow Liz to bring her detective husband into this, but Liz, holding up her hands to my ploughed on.
‘Hear me out Sue, not all of what you have told me need be passed on to Ian, he can go and see this crazy family unofficially and, as they say, lean on them rather heavily, all Ian needs to know is that the
Roberts are trying to blackmail you for sexual favours, that that you are innocent but don’t need the resulting possible sneering and snickering a court case would bring, Ian can threaten them with the very long jail sentences their attempted blackmail would surely bring them, in effect frighten these people into a cessation of their activities.
Liz’s idea certainly had its merits but I wondered again if getting a policeman involved, even unofficially and although knowing Liz’s husband for over ten years now I had never really got to know him that well, perhaps it was his Police background but I had always seen Ian as a hard, powerful Man, friendly enough to me but always treating me as, well I thought at times, an inferior, as though I should in Some way be deferential toward him although in a very paternalistic way, but Strangely I had never taken offence at this thought, indeed I felt myself respecting him at all times even to the extent of sometimes finding myself annoyed when he seemingly took no notice of my sometimes less than deferential and mischievous attitude toward him when after having one to many drinks during our occasional dinner parties.
‘You must ask me’ Ian had said to me, leaving me confused and querulous at the time and even now, given his obvious attachment to Liz, still no the wiser about this strange statement.
But I knew Ian was a man you could trust and so, with no other alternative I took up Liz’s idea, stipulating only that Ian must promise to keep everything to himself, no one else must every know.
By that afternoon sat again at my desk I knew I would be on ‘hot pins’ for a couple of days until Liz got back to me after discussing my plight with her husband, but I still had my worries about Alan to consider plus the return to school of Jason Roberts, certain as I was that it wouldn’t be long before that particularly unpleasant young man, my initial rapist, was causing me trouble again for already I had received reports Jason had taken up with another troublemaker, Billy Jones a thuggish youth the same age but somewhat bigger even than Jason himself.
It turned out to be the Wednesday morning before Liz rang my private line to give me the news. Ian, she told me, had been very annoyed to hear of my problems and would be ‘taking appropriate action’ on my behalf, but he would need a few days to ‘check out’ the Roberts family before confronting them, before then I was, Liz told me, not to aggravate or ‘displease’ the family if at all possible, Ian wanted, he had told Liz, to catch them ‘relaxed and off guard’.
Still though I again expressed my concern to Liz about my dreadful secret being revealed, even to her husband, he was after all a Police Detective. But Liz had again assured me I could rely on Ian’s ‘absolute discretion’, after all was I not the best friend of his wife and there was no way would Ian would do anything to betray her, Liz told me.
All very well, but Jason had returned from his exclusion on Tuesday and already we had crossed swords, that, together with my now near obsession that my Deputy head Alan was indeed my masked rapist after Liz had sown the seeds of doubt in my mind was causing me to tremble in fear whenever I came across either Alan or Jason,
For it seemed to be that I sat at my Head teacher’s desk every day
fully aware I had been raped and abused by a pupil whilst suffering a similar yet more brutal rape and anal rape from my deputy head, indeed, every time I saw Alan I could not help but look toward his crotch and again decide it surely must have been him, been his penis so brutally penetrating me, controlling me, possessing me.
Was that a sly smile every time he looked at me, spoke to me?, surely he must have been aware of my flushed features, my staring at him, at his crotch.
But it was on the Thursday of that week that Jason was sat on an outside wall alongside his new friend Billy and casually called over to me during the break time I had decided to supervise that day.
‘Hey, Mrs. Andrews!, get those big tits over here’!
Suddenly stunned I looked around; thankfully at least we were out of earshot of other pupils aside from the boy with whom he sat, and so, knowing I would ignore the boy at my peril I made my way across to
them, conscious yet again of the image flashing before my eyes, that of kneeling before Jason after he had all but raped me and having to lick both his and my own juices from his penis after he had cum in my mouth.
‘Got something here for you bitch’ said Jason, handing me a DVD case.
‘The old man say’s for you to look at it and then he’ll be in touch with you about some more Pony Girl training’.
Although stunned by Jason’s imperious attitude toward me I had at least been expecting something like this but what worried me more was the Billy didn’t appear to be the least bit surprised by Jason’s taunting remark and simply sat on the wall staring intently at my body, so without replying I took the proffered DVD case and turned to go, grateful at least no one else had overheard Jason.
‘Hey, before you go Susie bitch, I told Billy here you have the best and biggest tits in school and about that gold chain you are wearing before you get your tits ringed properly, but Billy does not believe me about your tits so you are going to have to show those big jugs to him, we will come to your office at going home time, then you can strip off for us !’
Turning on my heels and walking away I was of course Infuriated yet powerless to prevent this worrying turn of events, it was bad enough that Jason Roberts seemingly now had ‘carte blanche’ to do as he wished at school, but, hoping it would be only a temporary position until Ian managed to extricate me from my dilemma I had at least come to terms with the idea, but I never imagined Jason, normally a loner at school, would introduce another pupil to his evil objectives. To have refused Jason would most certainly have led to an unsightly
confrontation before a host of other pupils and of course only the previous day Liz had passed on to me her Husbands advice to neither aggravate or displease the family, leaving me for the time being at least, no other option but to accede to Jason’s demand.
Later, hearing the bell signalling the end of the school day I turned toward my office window desolately and dejectedly watching the usual ‘rat run’ of pupils of all ages rushing toward the school exit to either laughingly walk home, catch the bus, or await the arrival of parents cars, a happy everyday normal occurrence a world away
from my current sordid plight and so it was, thinking of the DVD sat in my briefcase as I continued to watch the scene below me that from behind me I was stunned to hear, unannounced, the emboldened voice of Jason Roberts.
‘Okay Susie Bitch, get stripped, it’s time to show off your big tits and nipples to Billy here!’
Whirling around in surprise after momentarily forgetting it was my secretary Janice’s afternoon off, I saw that both the boys I had seen earlier were standing casually beside my desk, Jason smirking in his usual malevolent manner toward me whilst Billy Jones, a boy I had come across only once or twice before now at least looked a little uneasy now that he was in my office, so Billy’s nervy demeanour at least gave me some hope I may yet be able to dissuade theses boys from forcing me to strip for them so, I directed my reply toward Billy.
‘I really don’t think this is a good idea, do you Billy? think about it for a moment, what would your parents say if you came home excluded from school’ .
For just a moment, as he turned and looked in askance toward Jason I really thought I had got through to Billy, but then Jason was interrupting.
‘So, go ahead and exclude him Susie, and me again whilst you’re at it, go on do it now, after all I’m sure Billy can get by for now just watching my fucking the living daylights out of you on this DVD Mrs. Andrews, hey, we can even use your own laptop,’
To my dismay Jason was holding a DVD case in his hand, tapping it against the laptop computer sat on my desk. It dawned upon me that this was no casual attempt to demonstrate to his friend the power he held over me, no, knowing my secretary always had a half day Thursdays Jason had carefully set this up, probably selecting his friend Billy some time ago to provide a further catalyst with which to humiliate me, so all that was left for me at that moment was to plead with them, Billy especially in the hope he may at least feel some form of guilt and have second thoughts, so looking at each boy in turn I did just that.
‘Please……please boys, don’t make me do this, not here in my office, its still busy in school, you know there are teachers and students still around, please, not here, think about what you are doing please!’
But even as I pleaded with them Jason turned toward Billy, jerking his head toward my office door, Billy was quick on the uptake and moments later my door had been locked and the light I always had on even during the day, switched off.
‘Hey, there you go Susie bitch, no one is going to disturb us now, not unless you want them to watch this porn movie with us!’
After holding out the DVD case and laughing at his ‘joke’ Jason then decided to sit in my own leather swivel chair and, turning toward me, still stood by the window, his attitude then turned far more fractious.
‘Now you are starting to get on my fucking nerves bitch so start showing Billy here what his Head Teacher is hiding under those fucking clothes before I rip them of myself!
Humiliated and defeated once again and fully aware of Billy’s young eyes taking in every single movement of my fingers, I slowly unbuttoned my white blouse, dreading the moment when I would have to remove it, I held my hands by my sides after undoing the final button only for Jason to then tell me to drop my skirt.
‘Hey Billy, you want to see Susie’s cunt before her tits or what’ said Jason to my horror when my black skirt lay in a pool around my ankles, leaving me shamefully standing there wearing only my black panties and hold up stockings beneath the white blouse.
Aware now it wasn’t just my breasts I was expected to display for those young monsters I couldn’t help but to glance at Billy, sat on
the edge of my desk next to Jason, his young face red and intent his nervous demeanour had disappeared and now emboldened by Jason’s power over me, Billy looked up at me with greedy eyes.
‘Let see your tits next Mrs. Andrew’s so get rid of that blouse and come over here!’
‘God, what a mess!, Jason was bad enough but now I was also expected to submit to his friend, but fearing the resulting exposure should I refuse this demand more than my current humiliation and with my heart pounding the walls of my chest, I eventually removed my white blouse, leaving me as good as naked, standing before a sixteen year old student and his friend.
‘There you go Billy, I told you the bitch had to wear a gold chain, it marks her out as a Slave’! Said Jason as I stood before them, mortified at being spoken about in such terms in my own office, me, the Head Teacher, degraded by my pupils, but that comment was as nothing compared with the utter degradation what was to follow.
‘Okay Mrs. Andrews, Jason reckons he fucked you, is that right?
What could I do, what could I say? Humiliatingly I nodded my head looking anywhere but at Billy or Jason.
‘Tell him!’ barked Jason.
‘Yes Billy’ I whispered in disgust.
‘Okay then, so if Jason Fucked you the least you can do for me is take off that Bra and show me your tits isn’t it?’
‘Yes Billy’ I whispered and slowly, disgust churning in my stomach, I unclasped and removed my bra, allowing the black material to drop from my fingers onto the floor beside me as I stood there, my large breasts and, to my horror, semi hardened nipples now fully on display a couple of feet away from Billy, now noticeably breathing heavily and whistling between his teeth and now, spurred on by what he saw as my subservience toward him Billy stepped up his malevolent treatment of me.
‘Wow, that’s some set of Jugs you got there Mrs. Andrews now be a good girl and hold them up to my face with your hands, I want a good look at those big nipples!’
Shortly afterward and surprised by my compliance, Billy Jones had placed his hands behind my back and, clasping my buttocks, was
pulling my body toward him and then, to my repulsion, was taking each of his head teacher’s nipples in turn between his lips.
It was to my eternal shame that, with me still cupping each of my breasts in my hands, I had closed my eyes as my nipples responded to
Billy’s treatment of them as, kissing and gently biting each nipple in turn, they were almost immediately hard and throbbing, so much so the throbbing sensation was rapidly repeating itself between my legs..
Aside from a murmured ‘please…no’ I hadn’t really fought Billy’s advances, the idea had seemed pointless, I would just allow this boy have his grope of me. Certain he would soon be on his way home, perhaps there to relieve himself and masturbate in the privacy of his own room.
Only when I realised Billy hands were around the waistband of my panties and beginning to pull the black material over my hips did I show defiance, dropping my hands from my breasts to grip Billy’s only though to find the cold steel of a pair of handcuffs snapping over my wrists.
Stunned at this turn of events I belatedly realised that whilst I had stupidly allowed myself a moment of madness in enjoying Billy’s treatment of my nipples, unnoticed by me Jason had obviously slipped from my office chair to stand behind me, his handcuffs at the ready so now, naked and completely powerless to prevent these students from doing as they wished, far from allowing myself to believe I was at least partially in control of my situation, things had taken a far more menacing turn and from behind me Jason was telling Billy.
‘Right Billy lets get the fucking bitch up on her desk’
Despite my pleas for them to think again about whatever they were planning to do with me it took these strong young boys no more then a few seconds to clear a space on the top of my desk then seemingly effortlessly lift me upon my desk, laying me face up whilst, ever mindful it was quite possible a member of my staff could knock on my door at any time, I continued s pleading with them, albeit for fear of being overheard, far more quietly than I would have wished to, for whilst Jason held my ankles down and one of Billy’s hands gripped my long hair and forced my head to remain on my desk, his other hand began exploring my body, Stroking my breasts and nipples, then running his fingers down my stomach and into the waistband of my panties.
Before long I was gasping in shock and surprise when I felt his fingers entering me the slip deeper inside my Virgina which to my horror I realised was wet and slippery.
‘Jeez Jas. Mrs. Andrews is as wet as a sponge!’ commented Billy humiliatingly whilst, unable to break free of Jason’s iron like grip on my widely spread legs, I squirmed helplessly around the leather surface of my desk begging these boys to stop this debasement of my body.
‘Yeh Billy and I bet she’s gagging to give you a great blow job’! Replied Jason with excruciating degradation and moments later with his crotch level with my head, twisting my hair, Billy was forcing my face toward the young erect penis he was withdrawing from his pants.
‘Please Billy, please no, don’t do this’ I pleaded, but the young student had long lost any sense of remorse he may have felt and was pushing the plum like head of his penis against my lips and although for a long moment I defied my student by keeping my lips compressed together, it took only a single but very spiteful squeeze of my nipples from Jason for me to submit to Billy’s demands and allow his penis to slip inside my mouth.
‘You had better give Billy the best blow job ever or he’s going to have to fuck you as well Susie’ warned Jason, squeezing my breasts and nipples as Billy began sliding his young hard penis back and forth in my mouth.
The last thing I wanted was Billy inside me but fortunately he was at least clean and fresh smelling so in the hope I could get this nauseating task over as soon as possible and be rid of these monsters I began to service Billy’s penis with my lips, pressing them hard against his iron like shaft then lapping my tongue around its plum like head before pushing it into the little slit at the top, tasting and swallowing his now very evident pre cum juices to leave Billy groaning in pleasure and rewarding me with his unwanted declarations of appreciation by stroking my face with his hand as one would an obedient pet and telling me.
‘Ah Jeez Mrs. Andrews, that’s great, none of the girls I’ve had have given me a blow job like this, Jeez Jas. I think I’m going to cum in a minute’
‘Make her drink it all Billy, then clean your dick on her face and tits’ laughed Jason cruelly, but to my anxiety, as he said this Jason was also climbing up upon my desk and moments later, having spread my legs apart, was kneeling between them.
‘WATCH’ Demanded Jason’, and feeling his hands upon my black panties I averted my eyes from Billy’s body to see, not for the first time, Jason’s huge menacing Penis, now hard and erect and pointing almost vertically upward from his groin. Jason’s strong young hands were then ripping the thin nylon material of my black panties into small shreds and yanking the pieces away from my groin.
I realised Jason had tricked me into complying with them, maybe Billy wasn’t going to fuck me but Jason most certainly was. I wanted to shout and plead with Jason, to beg him not to defile my body again but Billy’s penis throbbing deep inside my mouth was growing ever larger and harder and aside from my futile attempts at removing those cold steel handcuffs encircling my wrists behind my back and squeezing my thighs together, any idea on my part of protesting against Jason’s actions was all but impossible and then suddenly I was helplessly looking on as with an iron like grip Jason was gripping the backs of my legs, behind the knees and spreading my legs obscenely wide, lifting my bottom from the desk with his strong arms and pushing them up and over his shoulders whilst his kneeling frame, spearheaded by his huge penis slowly inched forward toward my now very exposed sex until to my horror-struck anguish I suddenly felt it nestle inside my pubic hair before coming to a halt at the very entrance of my sex lips.
‘Look at me Susie; look into my eyes’ Demanded Jason of me in an intimidating manner far more mature than his tender years, then;
‘Don’t you dare take your eyes from mine’ he continued when I had obeyed his demand.
Just as I had in the Robert’s Barn I forced myself to stare into Jason’s hard young eyes during a sexual act, but this time I was lying on my back, on my own desk in my own office, knowing Jason’s penis would soon be pushing aside my sex lips whilst another Student’s penis was I knew, about to about to explode in my mouth.
Had this been a happier loving occasion, had it been my husband taking me, just as I had fantasised he one day would when I had first entered my new office, I would have been amazed and joyful at his capability to retain his composure, his ability to remain nestled just between my sex lips without thrusting into me, but I wasn’t, it was Jason Roberts who was about to take me, smiling malevolently into my eyes as Billy, with a sudden roar of; ‘Oh Jeez I’m coming!’ suddenly began gushing his hot salty juices into my mouth, very nearly choking me as huge globs of semen filled my mouth, sliding down the back of my throat then bubbling out from my mouth onto my lips, still glued around the erupting penis Billy had continued to hold against my lips as all the time Jason Roberts, his own Penis still nestling just inside my sex lips, stared coldly into my despondent eyes, demonstrating again his effortless and crushingly mature subjugation of me, his cold eyes needing no words were telling me that no matter how much I wanted him to get his evil undertaking over and done with, he would take me only when he himself was ready and that, I assumed, would only be when Billy had completed his shameless task of cleaning his Penis on my skin, leaving trails of semen over my mouth face, neck and breasts even as
I maintained eye contact with Jason.
And then I was gasping aloud, Jason had pushed his huge penis just far enough for its enormous plum like head to slip between my sex lips and set my clitoris throbbing with appalling spontaneous desire and whilst I gasped in a futile attempt to hide my desire I was suddenly wide eyed eyes in surprise to hear a sudden knocking upon my office door.
But if I thought this sudden intrusion would jolt these boys into fearfully curtailing their abuse of me I was soon mistaken for Jason simply smiled down at me, callously exclaiming.
‘Take you eyes of me and you get hurt real bad’ before pushing another inch or so into my sex.
But horrifyingly for me, my locked office door was being shaken but pushing himself a little further inside my Virgina Jason again ignored this attempted intrusion into my office.
‘Susan, are you in there, are you okay Susan?
My deputy head’s voice was shouting through the locked office door, leaving me horror-struck and fearful of discovery.
‘Shall we invite him in’ asked Jason of me, seemingly unbothered by this sudden turn of events.
‘Please…oh…god no…please no!’ I whispered in disbelief.
‘Then be a good bitch for me and wrap your ankles around my neck’ replied Jason immediately.
Without hesitation I quickly complied and soon the backs of my thighs rested upon the tops of Jason’s after my buttocks had risen even further from my desk allowing me to clasp my ankles together behind Jason’s neck, the effect of which was to push Jason’s penis inside me right up against my clitoris and with his hands now and squeezing my cum covered Breasts and nipples, Jason began gradually pushing further and further inside me, creating the most incredible sensation had I ever experienced as I lay passively upon my desk, all the time willing Alan Palmer to go away, but to my utter consternation Alan was again knocking upon my door.
‘Susan, are you okay?, you must be in there because your car in still in its parking slot’
Yet again Jason was totally indifferent to my deputy’s ever more impatient entreaty and locking eyes with me, his face much closer now, Jason pushed himself as far as he could go until his huge rock solid Penis was pushing against my cervix, completing filling and possessing me as he taunted me.
‘Perhaps Billy should let Mr. Palmer come in and join us Susie, hey, maybe he can fuck you when I’ve finished with you, how about it Susie?
Shaking my head in panic I again whispered.
‘Oh god please no Jason, please don’t’
‘So you just want me to fuck you then Susie?’ replied Jason.
With his penis buried deep inside me and realising I was now trapped in Jason’s verbal taunting I had little choice but to agree.
‘Yes…..only you Jason’ I replied.
‘What about Billy Susie, you have to ask Billy to fuck you as well’
Oh God, this was awful, the worst moments of my life, but what choice did I have?
‘Please……Billy, I..I want you to fuck me as well’ I whispered, hoping Jason’s taunts would now be over, but almost immediately I was gasping in the unavoidable pleasure created by the continuous friction between his member and my clitoris as Jason first withdrew his penis a little and then once again plunged deep inside me and with his eyes burning deep into mine he told me,
‘Tell me then Susie; tell me how much you want me to fuck you, tell me how much you love my big cock, talk dirty to me while I fuck you,’
Foul language had always been anathema to me, but now required as I was to utter such obscenities whilst Jason’s penis sawed back and forth into my Virgina and against my clitoris giving the most unwanted yet complete sexual experience I had ever known, I suddenly found those words so much easier to voice, even as I heard Alan Palmer shout through my office door:
‘It know your in there Susan, I’ll come back later’
With my eyes still locked into Jason’s I gave him my utter obedience by thrusting upward onto his Penis and shamefully telling him,
‘Oh my god Jason, fuck me hard, fuck my wet cunt. .yes that’s so good, I love it, I love your big cock fucking my cunt this way, Christ I’ve never been fucked this way before….oh my god that’s so good…Christ your cock is so big Jason..
God, I want to feel your cock inside me forever…I want you to cum inside me Jason… I want to feel your hot spunk slashing inside my cunt… I want my tongue to taste my juices on your wonderful cock’.
Shameless deplorable words that to my absolute shame and disgrace bore more than just a passing resemblance to the truth, for as Jason gradually increased the tempo of his see saw like fucking of me the first of a series of incredible orgasms began coursing through my body , taking me to heights of ecstasy never before dreamed, whilst during this feverish coupling Jason’s triumphant eyes remained locked into mine, giving me the implicit message that I was his property.
So my hope that these boys would soon gone evaporated along perhaps with my hopes that my best friends husband would ride to my rescue like a knight in shining armour, for now it was hardly likely these two young tearaways would slip unnoticed from my life when they had finished with me, a thought soon reinforced when from beside me Billy was telling Jason.
‘Jeez Jason, that’s some fucking you are giving Mrs. Andrews, I think maybe I’ll drop back here next week to give her a good fuck, then she can better compare who gave her the best fuck’!
But Jason was now beginning to groan in pleasure and his eyes were telling me he was about to cum inside me. By then I had lost count of the number of Orgasms I had achieved and as Jason gripped my nipples ever harder his body suddenly went rigid and stiff , another huge orgasm flooded through me and suddenly, just as he pulled back from me a little, I was aware of the first spurt of Jason’s hot sperm splashing against the walls of my womb, guilt I knew, would come later and lots of it, but for now I was lost in a world of ecstasy I had never before known existed.
‘Ohh….Shit….here it comes Susie; here it comes’ exclaimed Jason and Much to my unending self abhorrence I found myself thrusting upward toward him, clutching his neck harder still with my ankles as Jason’s cock began pumping his seemingly never ending stream of hot juices into me. A week or so beforehand I had worried about the possibility I may carrying a rapists baby inside my womb and the strength of Jason’s virility during this current coupling between us could only reinforce this possibility, but even though my wrists were cuffed together behind my back , such was my blissful collusion and obvious pleasure toward Jason’s continuing use of me there could no way any witness to this act would have said I was being raped in any way shape or form.
Then it was over, Jason had filled me to overflowing and when he had finished with me he and Billy had flipped me over onto my stomach. I begged them to spare me further indignations but Billy
simply unlocked my handcuffs and told me he would be back
soon to take his own place on my desk and as I sat upon the inlaid leather top of the desk, my guilt and tearful humiliation then really did set in for both boys had spotted a trail of Jason’s semen emerging from between my sex lips and were now laughing at my embarrassment.
‘Hey Susie, you had better clear up that mess, maybe I should get you one of my moms butt plugs for you cunt’
said Jason cruelly.
Then they were gone, not though before Billy had taken my bra and ruined panties, according to Billy, ‘as a souvenir’, and then to my astonishment told me.
‘Maybe I will show them to your son if you don’t come across for me, he plays in the same football team as me Mrs. Andrews, a little young maybe but good all the same’
Leaving me shocked to the core and to tearfully clean myself as best I could before dressing without underwear and all the while ask myself why I hadn’t replied to Alan Palmers incessant knocking upon my door, surely if I had just shouted to him in distress I would have been spared and left only to explain to Alan my situation in shameful embarrassment.
As much as I tried to dismiss it over the following hours, the reprehensible and appalling truth was that me doing so would have brought a premature end to the most erotic and licentious sexual encounter I have ever experienced, perhaps worse was the unquestionable stimulus I felt at being aware of the presence of Alan Palmer, that he was outside my office door, waiting for me to answer him as I asked myself if he really was unaware I was inside, laying naked and handcuffed upon my own desk whilst two of my students were taking me ? It was these thoughts that to my utter shame had provided the exhilarating illicit catalyst for my sexual excitement!
End of Part Five
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