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Review This Story || Author: Hurt Girl

Revenge of the English Teacher

Part 2

It was a week later.  The boys were lined up naked with their hands on their heads again.  It had been almost two whole weeks without sex for most of them.  They had no earthly idea what to expect this time.  There had been no assignment.  Miss Scottoline wasn’t even there.  They had just been given the directions to come in, strip and stand with their hands on their heads and their backs to the door until she got there.  They had been standing almost an hour.  The way they were standing, they couldn’t see the door.  If someone came in they wouldn’t know who it was.  They were nervous and as the minutes ticked by they became more on edge.  Their legs were tired.  Their backs ached.  Their cocks pulsed in the cages fasten around their waists.  The door opened behind them.  Someone came in the room.  Who was it?  They couldn’t see behind them.  They didn’t dare move. 

“Good job boys,” Miss Scottoline said.

“Oh, I’m so glad it you!” Andy said.

Jodi smiled.  She was glad to see the boys were nervous.  They were so cute.  After being deprived from sex so long they were also so eager.  She looked at their cocks bulging in their cages.  How far could she push them before they went insane?

“Ok, we are going to try something different today.  You guys made me run through the shopping mall naked.  Today I’m going to make you run.  We are going to have a race,  20 laps around the football field.  I’ll fuck the winner.  Everyone else has to wait another week.”

The boys gasp.  None of them were really athletes.  They had all struggled running around the field one time in PE class.  20 laps, how could any of the do that?  She gave each of them a small pair of running shorts. 

“The race starts right now.  You have to run out of here and around the field 20 times.  I’ll be watching.  If anyone doesn’t make it around the track all 20 times then they also lose their shot next week.  On your mark. . .  Get set. . . GO!”

They took off running, knocking over desks, slamming into each other as they went through the door.  Hard and fast they hit the track.  Jodi followed them and sat down on the green grass at the side of the field.  She began very carefully counting their laps.  The boys pushed themselves hard in the sun for almost 4 hours.  Their skin started to burn.  Blisters formed and popped on their feet.  They ran through the pain.  Three of them got sick and vomited from the physical effort.  None of them stopped running.  Alex crashed the finish line first, just a few feet ahead of the rest of them.  Michael was right behind him.  He collapsed on the ground after making it across and crawled over to Jodi.

“Please Miss Scottoline.  I need it please, please, please,” he begged.  He wrapped his arms around her legs and started to cry hysterically.  “Please, please, please.  I can’t stand it anymore.  I need it so bad.”

“Enough Michael.  If you boys don’t get control of yourselves then we are going to have to just forget about the contests and keep all of your cocks caged for the next three weeks.”

“Damnit, don’t fuck this up Michael!” David said.  “If you don’t get control of yourself, we are going to kick your ass.”

“Now boys,” Jodi said.  “Hit the locker room and shower up.  Meet me back in my room in ten minutes.  Alex, make sure you get real clean.”  She gave him a coy smile and walked away.

The other boys acted cold towards Alex as they were showering up.  Michael was ashamed of the way he had broken down in front of everyone.  “Look guys,” he said.  “She’s playing us against each other.  I don’t know what to do, but we are all going through this together.  The least we can do is support each other.” 

“He’s right,” Charles said.  “Listen Alex, when you get back to the room she’s going to tease you and ride you as hard as she can.  You need to be ready for that.  Try and focus all your mental energy on something non-sexual, something that will really turn you off, something really disgusting.  Focus for as long as you can and maybe you can last long enough to make her cum.”

They guys started to make up.  They gave Alex some pats on the back to congratulate him.  They ran back to the classroom so they wouldn’t be late.  Soon Jodi had the five naked boys in front of her again. 

“All right Alex, are you ready?”  she said as she unfasten his belt.  “Try to last longer than poor Charles did last week.”  She pushed him back onto the table and climbed on top of him.  She pulled her dress over her head and soon was naked on top of him.  She grabbed his hair and violently yanked is as she gave him a passionate kiss right on the mouth. 

Alex steeled his nerves and focused all his mental effort on not cumming.  As she eased down on his shaft he realized that he needed more control of the situation.  He rolled over on the table so she was pinned underneath him.  He grabbed her arms and pinned them over her head with his right hand.  He rotated his hips, swirling his cock around inside of her. 

Jodi was taken aback by the change of position.  Suddenly he was in control and she was the one who was being dominated again.  She was very quickly aroused.  The cock inside her hit every sweet spot.  She knew she was going to climax quickly and needed him to cum first.  She flexed the muscles inside her and made her vagina as tight around his cock as she could.  Alex gasp.  Each thrust of his pelvis brought him closer to the end.  He had to hold on.  He thrust harder and faster, driving her harder.  The fingers of his free hand ran down her back.  He brushed them between her buttocks.  His fingers pressed on her sphincter.  She couldn’t hold on.  Her body began to spasm.  She tried to buck him off of her.  He kept driving it in as hard as he could.  She screamed in a fit a passion.  He body shook all over, one convulsion after another.  Finally, his cock released inside of her.  He collapsed on top of her and they held each other, trembling. 

“Oh, God!” she said. “That was amazing!”

The other boys looked on in awe.  Their friend had had brought their teacher to multiple climaxes right in front of them. 

Review This Story || Author: Hurt Girl
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