I was walking home from the party, my hair tussled and my step staggered. I didn’t drink much, but enough to leave my vision a little blurred and my speech slightly slurred. I turned down the alley shortcut and got a few feet before I felt an arm around my arms and torso and a cloth over my mouth. I barely was able to scream before the effects kicked in and unconsciousness took over my body.
I woke up and opened my eyes but saw nothing but black surrounding me. I blinked and realized that I had a blindfold blocking my sense of sight. More than the blind fold, my arms were bound above my head and my feet tied together. I tried to cry for help but the gag ball was preventing all but slurs and choked moans. I was laying on a hard surface and as I squirmed determined it was a concrete floor. When I heard a door open, I froze, afraid of whoever just entered.
“Look at you,” he exclaimed. “You’re quite the catch, especially when you’re dancing and doing body shots off of other women,” he exclaimed in his deep rough voice. From the little he spoke, I gathered he was in his thirties. I felt him standing over me, watching me. Then he spoke again, a tone of arrogance in his voice. “You know, you should never walk home alone, especially when you’re drunk. A girl like you, oof, I’m just lucky I saw you first. You’re probably wondering where you are, who I am, and what’s going to happen to you. Well, I’ll tell you this, you are in the basement of an old house in the middle of nowhere. Quite literally, the next house is about 32 miles away. You can and will address me as Sir or Master. No exceptions. And as far as what’s going to happen to you, well that will be decided at a later time.”
I stayed calm and unmoving as he explained. I knew that in my state, it would be quite foolish to try to protest and even worse to cry. Giving him that power over me would make this worse for me. It would just be a matter of time before I made a move. When he finished speaking, I tried speaking through my gag, asking him to remove it. He laughed but clearly understood my request for he removed it. “Speak,” he said to me. I smirked. “I never asked to speak, sir. I just wanted to close my mouth.”
He grabbed my face in one hand and squeezed it. Shoving the gag back into my mouth and strapping it tighter, it was obvious he did not find me funny. “I don’t take to smart mouths very well, just obedient ones. Until you learn how to be respectful, you’re jaws will not close.”
‘Funny, I find it hard to respect a bastard who kidnapped me’ I thought to myself. He snatched the blind fold off my head and I blinked at the sudden flood of light that came toward me. When I finally focused my eyes, I looked down at my body, fully clothed in what I was wearing at the club. Then they wandered up to the man who I was to call ‘master’. He was in his mid to late twenties from the look of him. He had a good looking face with a defined jaw, straight nose, and perfect blue eyes that popped against his tan skin and black hair. He was wearing a white button up shirt under a grey and jeans with black chucks. I hated the fact he was good looking. He smiled then slapped me. “You don’t look at me unless I tell you to,” He laughed as I flinched my head away, bringing my attention to the room I was in.
It looked like a dungeon with hooks on the wall and a concrete slab that looked like it was used as a sleeping quarters. There was also a chair with pointy studs all over the seat, back, and arms of it, a cage that was attached to the ceiling by a chain pulley, and another chain that hung from the ceiling. He picked me up and carried me over to the chain and took the loop from the rope that held my arms together hooking it to the chain. With my hands so far above me, I was forced to stand on my tippy toes. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a pair of shears like the kind my mom had used on my prom dress three years ago. He lightly tickled them from my temple to my neck causing me to freeze. He started to cut my shirt down the center.
I was finally started to break, a few dry sobs escaping before the wet ones, as he ripped my shirt off. He then started with my low rise jeans, bringing the sharp shears so close to my skin that I winced every time he moved them. Finally I was in only my underwear, a purple lace bra and a matching pair of panties. Tears freely streamed as he cut through them both, exposing my most precious parts. “You’ll learn quickly, dear… oh how rude, I never did ask you for your name,” He laughed as he ruffled through the purse he brought with him from where he picked me up. Getting my license out, he smiled. “Candice L Marks,” he paused as he walked over and stared into my eyes, bloodshot from crying. “Contacts. I knew your eyes couldn’t be that bright. Says here that you have green eyes.” He reached up and I closed my eyes tight, only to get a slap. He took my contacts out, leaving my sight so blurred I couldn’t make out his face that well anymore. “Ahh kaa hee,” I tried explaining, my eyes watering again.
He just ignored me and walked back towards the wall with the drawers pulling something out. I squinted to see as he turned around, but I couldn’t make it out. Walking behind me, he tickled my spine with his index finger and got close to my ear as he whispered, “You know what I love most about you naughty types?” I shivered as he grabbed my ass. “I love to punish them,” and with that he pulled away and 3 seconds later I heard a crack and then felt a sharp pain on my back, jumping and twirling. As soon as I stopped, I heard another crack and again jumped. I had watched people getting whipped in movies, but never thought I would be getting whipped myself. My screams were not as loud as they felt and the gag prevented me from breathing out of my mouth forcing my breaths short from my nose as I flinched and jumped and moved like a mad woman.
After ten strokes, I could feel the blood on the back of my legs, dripping from the numb scars on my back. My eyes were filled with tears and my whole body ached. He walked around and grabbed my face again. “Maybe you’ll think about that the next time you think to be a smart ass to me.” He dropped my face and walked away, I heard a click as the door locked behind him. I wanted to curl up in a ball but I was still hanging from the ceiling.
Chapter two
My arms had gone numb two hours ago, my back still burning, and my eyes puffy from all my shed tears. But I finally heard the door unlock and the footsteps coming up behind me. He pulled me off the hook and carried me over to the concrete slab, untying me completely. As soon as he finished, I took a risk and backed into the corner and grabbed at the strap around my head. He didn’t stop me as I pulled the gag out and laughed as I struggled to close my stiff jaw. He began speaking in a serious, business-like voice. “Now Candice, as you have figured out, I am not a nice guy when I am mad, and as you have yet to figure out, I can be the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.” I gave out a loud and nervous laugh. “You? Nice? Hah, that’s the best joke I’ve heard in years,” I blurted out before I clamped my hand on my mouth but he just kept talking, not correcting me or changing his face. “I have rules, serious rules, that must be followed. As I know your back still burns with the fresh wounds, you know that I can hurt you. My number one rule is that you never speak unless you are spoken too. Two, as I’ve mentioned, don’t look into my face unless I tell you to,” immediately I looked to the floor. “Three, don’t try to escape. Even if you manage to get out of the basement you won’t make it far before I catch you. And four, do anything and everything I tell you to do without protest. This include kicking, biting, screaming, fighting, ect. Now I will leave you here to sleep and think about these demands for the night. I’ll be back bright and early.”
It was not bright, but it was early, when he woke me from my nightmare. “Up,” was all he spoke as he stood over me. Slowly, I began to stand only to be pushed down on my knees. “That’s another rule, no walking on your legs unless given permission.” I looked up at him but quickly looked back at the floor, remembering the rules. “Get to work, Candy,” He said with impatience in his voice. I didn’t know what he wanted me to do, or at least I didn’t want to know. When I didn’t respond with movement, he slapped me. “Now.”
He pointed to his crotch and I backed up, falling against the wall as I shook my head. He knelt down. “Remember my rules? How you’re supposed to do what I tell you to, no protest?” I shook my head as the tears came back and I whispered with a dry throat, “Please, pl..please, do..don’t ma..” I was cut off with a slap to the opposite cheek. “You are only making this harder than it has to be for both of us. Now be a good girl and do as I am telling you to do.” I only closed my mouth tighter and shook my head. He grabbed a chunk of hair, shoved my face into his crotch as he undid his pants with his free hand, and held my nose shut when they were down. When I finally opened my mouth he shoved his cock into my mouth and down my dry throat. I gagged, moaned, and tried to push away as he suffocated me with it.
In frustration, I bit down hard and hit my head on the wall as he pushed me back and yelled. I protected myself with my arms when I saw him come down, but it did no good as he grabbed my hair again, pulling me over to the studded chair. I cried and screamed as he slammed me into it and locked my arms, legs and waist down. He pulled out a new kind of gag and strapped it into my mouth. It held my mouth wide open and let me move my tongue around.
“That will help you get used to holding your skanky mouth open, you stupid bitch. That will be the last time you ever bite me again.” With that, he spit in my mouth and left, shutting the lights off and leaving me in uncomfortable darkness.
I looked at the clock next to my bed, a privilege I was surprised I still had. It blinked 2:37 in big red numbers. I was nervous as I looked out the 2 foot thick glass that gave anyone walking past my cell an open look into my daily routine. The hallways were dark outside, no one was walking past now. I decided to try my luck. Wearing the only ‘outfit’ I had, a white sports bra, white spandex short-shorts, and my white sneakers, I snuck up to the door. Grinning as it opened, I peeked outside, down the hallways, looking three times both ways before I stepped out. As quiet as possible, I ran down to the small hatch door about 50 feet from my room. The laundry chute. Smiling as I nudged my body in the chute, I managed to crawl down the vertical drop. It took me nearly an hour to make it to the bottom, but when I did, I realized the drop was a good 20 feet. I wasn’t sure how to drop myself without getting hurt. I then heard a door open below me. I didn’t dare move and tried my hardest not to breathe. I was too afraid to look as I heard multiple pairs of heavy feet below me. Then my heart stopped when HE spoke.
“I am counting to three, Natalie. If you don’t drop down, you’re not going to enjoy your punishment.” I could hear his anger. ‘Shit, shit, double shit,’ I thought as I realized I was caught. I heard him start counting, and on two, I let go, screaming in fear of spraining my ankle. I was surprised as my body was stopped by a trampoline held by 7 of the familiar guards. Three on the side Sir was standing on let go and I fell onto my ass. Quickly, before he could speak, I crawled to him with my head down, too afraid to look him in the face. I grabbed his pant cuff and leaned down to kiss his shoe. “I..I’m..and…”
“Shut up, Natalie. I don’t want to hear it.” He cut my stuttering explanation off and I jumped at his tone. I sat there for at least a minute in silence before I felt him grab a handful of my hair and yanked me up. I flung my hand up and screamed in pain. I closed my eyes as he grabbed my face with his other hand. “Open your eyes and look at me, Natalie.” I complied with his command, tears swelling in my eyes, blurring my vision, but I could tell he was glaring at me. “I am not happy with you,” he started to speak, his voice deep and uninviting. “This is the 4th time this month you’ve tried your luck at getting out, and your 4th time getting caught. I am not going to be easy on you anymore, do you understand me?”
“Yuth,” I said through my puckered mouth, his grip strong around my chin. After I answered, he threw me back down to the ground and told me to crawl behind him. I followed as we walked out a door into yet another white hallway. My knees hurt as I had to crawl extra fast to keep up. When I got to the staircase, I started to stand but I turned and shook his head pointing to the floor. “But Sir, I can’t cra..” His slap cut me off and I grabbed my face in shock.
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