Store Clerk
Chapter 4: Revelations
It didn’t matter how drunk I was. Watching someone else go through my bondage bag was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Talk about having your dirty secrets on display. Megan shivered from the cold air but my body was too numb to feel it. Megs didn’t waist much time using the cuffs to lock my wrists behind my back.
Grabbing my entire bag of bondage gear Megan headed back inside with me in tow. Once inside Megan sat me in a chair in the hallway while she rummaged through my things. My embarrassment cranked up a couple notches when one of the other bartenders wandered back and gave her a few suggestions. I couldn’t hide my face or look away. All I could do was sit there while they decided how many of my horribly embarrassing accessories they were going to send me back out with.
I was having more and more trouble focusing on what they were doing. The room seemed to want to spin. I realized I was starting to feel the two double shots I had pounded only a little while ago. I think it was only a little while ago. I knew I had taken them but I couldn’t really tell how long ago. My vision was actually starting to blur. I couldn’t believe I could be this drunk already but I really didn’t know how much I really had. I closed my eyes trying to maintain my composure as the grip of the alcohol took hold of me.
Suddenly I was aware that I was on my back. It felt like my body was floating through the air. The world moved by me in a blur. I realized it wasn’t the world moving but me. I could feel a strap across my waist and chest. I liked the feeling but it just wasn’t tight enough. I tried to tighten the straps only to realize my hands were free to move. What was the point of having my body strapped down if my hands are free, I asked out loud but realized I didn’t know who I was talking to. Before I could finish that thought, I felt my body being released. There was no strap, no collar or corset. I was naked, completely and utterly. My body was cocooned in softness but there was something warm and solid pressed up behind me.
Something stroked my cheek and traced circles around my ear. My eyes stung as I opened them. The room was filled with bright sunlight. As I regained my focus I realized I wasn’t in my room.
�Are you still alive?� a soft female voice asked.
The voice startled me. Turning around I stared into the compassionate eyes of the woman I was sharing a bed with. There was something familiar in the eyes, something I recognized.
I didn’t need to look down to realize I was completely naked. At first I felt embarrassed but confusion quickly trumped embarrassment as I realized I wasn’t the only naked one here. I suddenly had no idea how I had gotten here or even more disturbingly what had happened last night.
�Are you ok?� she asked more concerned.
�Sure,� I slowly said not aware enough of my surroundings to even form a real opinion.
The question of being ok or not, made me do a mental inventory of my body. The results were painful. I was suddenly very aware of a stabbing pain in my head. I tried to move a little only to find out most of my muscles were sore. The girl must have seen me wince.
I nodded my head.
I stared in amazement as she climbed out of bed and walked out of the room completely naked. In her absence I quickly checked my own body. I was just as naked as she was. I racked my brain but no answers came to me about last night. I didn’t have much time to think. Almost immediately she returned with Advil and water in hand. I was too stunned at first to take them. I couldn’t believe she was standing in front of me completely naked without a care in the world.
�Take it, you’ll feel better,� she said.
I took the pills and gulped the water. My mouth was as dry as a desert. I was definitely one of my bigger hangovers. I tried to start putting the mental pieces together but I was still too shocked by the naked girl for my brain to start working. It didn’t get any better when she sat down beside me and stroked the back of my neck. It felt really good despite the fact it felt extremely awkward.
�So how much of last night do you remember?�
My mind was blank. Last night? What day was it today? What day was yesterday? My mind was nothing but a fog. Suddenly a clear image came through the haze. I distinctly remembered yesterday being the day I wore my chastity belt to work and that Steph had found out. The belt was definitely off now but I couldn’t remember taking it off. I tried to remember taking it off but nothing came to me.
A wave of embarrassment hit me remembering that Steph knew I had come to work wearing it along with the whole remote dildo aspect I had added. I couldn’t believe I had shown her that. How could I possibly face her again? My mind jumped to a new question. Did this girl know about the belt? Looking on the floor I saw all my clothes. I closed my eyes and cursed silently seeing the belt right next to them. She knew. I felt so embarrassed having the person next to me know I wore that harness. I wanted to crawl into a corner. What did she think of me?
I still couldn’t remember anything about coming home with her. A flash of the bar reminded me where Steph had taken me. That was where I had seen this girl before. She was at the bar. But who? Why couldn’t I place her face? Finally it clicked. I remembered who she was. It took a second to get the name but it came as well.
�I remember Steph bringing me to the bar and meeting you there,� I said to Megan.
�How much of the bar do you remember?� Megan asked.
�I hung out with you for a while upstairs then Steph took me down stairs and made me dance.�
My embarrassment was renewed remembering being out in the crowd having Steph show everyone the outfit she had made me wear. I couldn’t believe I had actually gone out in public dressed like that. What was I thinking? I desperately wanted to go to my own bed, curl up and try to forget everything.
�Do you remember anything after that?� Megan’s eyes were a little wide.
�Not really.�
Oh god, what happened? If I was drunk enough to black out there is no telling what I did. With my inhibitions loosened by alcohol the sky was the limit. I realized the fact that I woke up in bed naked with another girl was a good sign I hadn’t been thinking straight.
My thoughts were interrupted by three quick knocks on a door before I heard it opened. I could hear someone enter and walk towards the bedroom. I looked at Megan who seemed totally calm about someone walking in. Was it a roommate or a boyfriend maybe? I felt like I should be hiding or something.
�Hey there Wild Thing. How are you today?� Stephanie’s voice beamed as she walked in.
�Be nice,� Megan scolded. �She’s hung over and doesn’t remember much.�
�Which part?� Steph asked as she hopped on the bed.
�Wait a minute,� I interrupted. �I think I remember you leaving.� I couldn’t put a time on when though but it was a good sign my memory was coming back.
�Yeah, but I came back.�
My mind was blank. I had no memory of her being back.
�So pretty much you don’t remember anything?�
I shook my head no. What all happened that remembering being there and dancing counted as nothing. What did I do besides all that? Steph pulled her phone out of her pocket.
�Maybe the pictures will jog your memory,� Steph said.
�Pictures?� I felt sick.
�And a couple of videos,� Steph added.
I covered my face with my hands. Suddenly I remembered there being a picture of my harness. I wanted to curl up and die. I felt horrible knowing there were pictures of me wearing it. Who had them, I suddenly wondered. What were they going to do with them? I felt a tingle in my sex. I couldn’t believe the thought of those pictures being out there in someone’s hands was actually getting me aroused.
�Let’s hold off on the pictures for now,� Megan mercifully suggested.
�K,� Steph agreed. �You ready to go?�
�I am but I think we should do something with her,� suggested Megan.
�Sounds good to me,� Steph said as she pulled me out of the bed.
I stood motionless on my feet. I was as naked as can be in front of both of them. I felt embarrassed and excited at the same time. Steph disappeared out of the bedroom only to return with my bondage bag which left me feeling more embarrassed then excited. While Steph got that, Megan was busy pulling a couple of plastic storage tubs out of her closet. I quickly found out both of them were filled with naughty items.
�Why don’t you make her a smoothie for breakfast and I’ll get her set up,� Megan offered.
�Sounds good,� Steph said as she disappeared again.
Apparently I had no say in the matter. Megan quickly grabbed what she needed and started applying the restraints to my body. My hands were immediately locked behind me with a set of handcuffs. Leather cuffs were locked above my knees. My legs were split apart by the one and a half foot spreader bar connected to the cuffs. It made me feel very vulnerable having my legs split so far apart. The restraints had come from Megan’s supplies. The collar she locked around my neck was my own. I can’t describe how embarrassed I felt having her put it on me.
�That should keep you occupied while we’re gone,� Megan said as she snapped a lock on the buckle of the collar.
Megan threw some clothes on herself. She spent only a few seconds standing in front of a mirror hung on the back of the door to comb out her hair. She turned the door so that I could see myself in the mirror. Megan walked behind me and pressed her body into my back forcing me to walk towards the mirror.
From behind, Megan hugged me. Her embrace felt strangely good on my naked body. She ran her fingernails across my stomach sending chills and goose bumps across my body. Her fingers found my nipples. I sucked my breath in as she gently squeezed both. With my hands locked behind my back and my legs spread I was completely exposed and helpless. I felt an erotic rush course through my body knowing I was a slave to her whims. Her hands moved to the collar drawing my attention to the writing �Bondage Slut� written one word over the other in the very front of the collar. A large ring, ideal for clipping a leash on, was imbedded in the base of the collar below the writing.
I had bought the collar a while ago and tend to wear it frequently. I always get an erotic high from wearing it. I love locking it around my neck and wondering around the house with the windows opened. The thought of having someone see me wearing it gave me an enormous rush. I’ve always wanted to wear it outside but have never come close to working up the courage to try something that adventurous and exposing. Standing her now with Megan filled me with a mix of emotions. Mostly I was incredibly embarrassed but part of me was excited.
�I think you might just be the cutest Bondage Slut I’ve ever seen,� she said as she kissed my cheek.
She broke our embrace, opened the door and left the bedroom leaving me to awkwardly try to follow. Steph had finished the smoothie but quickly added a straw to it seeing my hands bound behind my back. Megan set the drink on an end table next to the couch before flipping the TV on.
�That should keep you entertained while we’re gone,� Megan said.
�Gone? Where are you going?� I asked worried about how long I would be left alone like this.
�We have to finish setting up your scavenger hunt,� Steph told me as she picked up a pile of stuff off of the counter.
�Scavenger hunt?� I asked.
�Yup, to make up for the one you didn’t finish last night,� Megan informed me.
�What?� I was confused. I couldn’t remember anything about scavenger hunts yet somehow it all seemed vaguely familiar.
�I can’t believe she doesn’t remember anything,� Steph said to Megan.
They both looked at me a quizzically.
�If she was drunk enough to not remember it do you think we should still hold her to the deal she made?� Megan asked Steph.
�Hmmm. That’s a good point. I guess if she was that drunk it really isn’t fair to say she was thinking clear enough to be making those kinds of deals,� Steph said, deep in thought.
My eyes were wide.
�Deals? What deals?� I was worried. �What did I agree to do?�
�You really wanted to be able to be able to take the chastity belt off by the end of the night so you made a deal to get all the keys back and end last night’s scavenger hunt,� answered Megan.
At first I was mad thinking that they might have refused to give me bathroom breaks or something like that in order to force me to agree to do what they wanted. The thought quickly faded as I stared at them. I had a sickening feeling my desire to remove the belt involved giving other people access to my restricted regions. The pit in my stomach dropped deeper realizing that both Stephanie and Megan were probably fully aware of exactly what that desire was. That was almost a guarantee since I woke up free of the belt in Megan’s bed.
�So I traded one scavenger hunt for another?� I said quickly trying to catch up on lost memories.
�Among other things,� Megan said with a sly smile.
�We had a pretty interesting conversation with you last night. Actually it was less of a conversation and more of us just listening to you talk about certain interests you’ve never told anyone about,� Steph giggled a little as she said it.
I was completely mortified. I was so incredibly horny yesterday. With alcohol added to the mix, I can only imagine what I might have said. A wave of nausea hit me. Now I was beginning to wonder if there was anything I didn’t say.
�What do you think?� Megan asked Steph.
�Let’s do it,� she answered without hesitating.
�Are you sure? I don’t really know.� Megan looked concerned.
�Definitely, this couldn’t be any more perfect. Think about it for a sec. She may not want to go through with it now that she is sober but that doesn’t change anything. Whether she was thinking straight or not for making decisions there is no denying what she was feeling. You saw how excited she got talking about it.�
�That’s true. You did get pretty horny when we talked about it,� Megan said, speaking to me.
�So the answer is whether she would want to or not sober, in the end she is going to enjoy herself. The fact she doesn’t remember just means everything will be a surprise. It’s perfect. We will literally be setting her up to experience some of her wildest fantasies without her knowing what’s coming.�
Megan was smiling. �I didn’t think of it like that.� She paused, �Your right. Cool. Game on. You ready?�
�Just one sec. I want to do one more thing then I’ll meet you out in the car,� Steph replied.
Megan headed out while Steph disappeared into the bedroom still holding all the stuff she had picked up off the counter. She was in there for a minute before I heard the distinct rattle and clink of bondage gear being moved around. Steph returned to me still carrying all the stuff under her arm.
Setting the things down on the counter she freed her hands. Her fingers quickly went to work on my nipples. It took mere seconds for them to become hard. I was powerless to do anything to stop her, not that I really wanted to. She ran her fingers from my forehead down my face. I closed my eyes and thrust out my chest as her fingers went back to work on my tits.
�I hope you don’t mind but while we are helping you live out your wildest fantasies I might just have to sneak in a few of my own,� Steph whispered in my ear.
�AWWWWW,� I screamed as my nipples were pinched.
�Enjoy yourself Wild Thing,� Steph said as she picked up her stuff and headed out the door.
The pain in my nipples was still there. I looked down to see she had put a clothespin on each one. They stuck out straight on my erect nipples. I wanted to take them off but with the handcuffs locking my wrists together behind my back there was no way to reach them. Trying to shake them off did nothing but increase the pain.
Settling in on the couch I watched the opening credits play out on the movie Megan had turned on. I couldn’t help but smile. The movie was the Matrix. The creators of that had to be fellow fetish enthusiast, everyone prancing around in leather and latex. If only life could be like that. I loved the thought of riding a motorcycle full throttle down the freeway wearing black leather and latex. It’s been one of my biggest fantasies ever since I first saw the second Matrix movie.
The pins on my nips became a dull ache that wasn’t too bad but remained impossible to ignore. My stomach grumbled encouraging me to start drinking the smoothie. I spent the next couple hours watching the movie and enjoying the drink. My hangover subsided halfway through the movie which came as a welcomed relief.
When the movie finished I took the liberty of wandering around Megan’s apartment. This was my first experience with a spreader bar. It didn’t take me long to decide I would soon be purchasing one of my own. The bar made walking challenging but still allowed me the freedom to walk where ever I wanted to go. I found it very erotic to have my legs forcibly spit apart keeping my private areas very vulnerable. The thought of Megan having a roommate or friend stopping by the house added to the thrill.
Wandering into the bedroom I snooped through the storage tubs of toys Megan had pulled out. The tubs were filled with all sorts of things. Unfortunately I could only look at the things on top. The handcuffs prevented me from digging through them. Even without being able to see everything she had I was still amazed with the amount of stuff she had collected.
Yesterday I thought I had a massive collection of goodies but today I felt like a beginner. Seeing my small collection of stuff spread out on the floor sent a small wave of embarrassment through me. I still couldn’t believe both Steph and Megan had seen my stuff. It made me feel incredibly self-conscious having my dirty secret exposed.
I was so pissed at myself right now for letting this all happen. I really couldn’t believe how stupid I had been. I let purposefully let my horniness get out of hand and let it take control. Going to work with that stupid chastity belt on was unbelievably idiotic. Now Steph, Megan and lord knows who else were fully aware of my kinky tendencies. The fact I had blacked out scarred the shit out of me. I really had no idea what I might have said or done given how horny I was.
My self deprecation was interrupted by the front door opening. I froze wondering if a roommate really had walked in. When I heard Steph’s voice I moved to walk out of the room to go meet the girls but walking through a room covered in clothes, restraints and all sorts of toys was no easy doing with a spreader bar between your legs. A vision of slipping on a dildo and crashing to the floor filled my head. Oh what a wonderful story that would make in the ER when the doctor asks how I broke my arm and why there are red marks on my wrists.
I listened to the girls talking to each other. They were surprised not to find me on the couch. I was stepping around a pile of gear as Stephanie came in looking for me.
�Jessica’s in here Megs. I think she was trying to find something to play with,� Steph yelled back through the doorway.
�Ok, I’ll be right there.�
�Go ahead and start pulling out the clothes. I’m going to help Jessica to the bathroom,� Steph yelled.
Steph grabbed my arm and led me into the adjoining bathroom shutting the door behind us. With her help I was able to sit down on the toilet. I did my business and Steph cleaned me up. Steph didn’t offer to help me up. Instead she gave the clothespin on my right tit a gentle flick making it bounce up and down. I winced from the pain.
Reaching down, Steph raked her fingernails along both sides of my pussy. A finger parted my lips and found my clit faster than any guy with a road map could. Her touch felt strange on an emotional level. Mentally I felt uncomfortable having another woman touch me like this. I knew girls aren’t supposed to play with other girls but there was nothing I could do. My hands were still secured behind my back and the spreader bar kept my legs wide open.
I grunted as the rubbing on my sensitive clit got harder and Steph pulled on the left clothespin. The pain in both places sent excited chills through my body. I couldn’t believe my body was responding like this. Mentally I knew this wasn’t right but physically it felt so good. My eyes went big as Steph gripped my clit between her two fingers and applied pressure. She stopped before it hurt but all she had to do was squeeze.
This was the definition of total control. Steph had my full attention and she knew it. With only two fingers Steph had gained full authority of my body. I shook my head no as she applied more pressure. Her squeeze wasn’t meant to hurt but to prove she was in charge of me.
�Try not to make a sound,� Stephanie said.
She used her free hand to remove one, then the other, clothespin. My nipples throbbed as the blood returned. The pain was far worse then when the pins had been put on. I wanted to scream but I didn’t dare. Steph rubbed my nipples which hurt at first but soon felt strangely pleasing. Steph released her pinch on my clit and started gently rubbing it. My body was so confused by pain and pleasure I didn’t know how to respond.
I felt a finger slide dip deep within me. Steph kept rubbing my clit while she finger fucked me with the same hand. I gave up debating the moral sides of right and wrong giving into the pure pleasure I was feeling. Steph teased me in ways I’ve never experienced before. I was getting hot fast.
Without warning she stopped rubbing me and picked me up onto my feet. Steph pocketed the clothespins and led me out of the bathroom. Megan was in front of her closet pulling out a leather jacket and pants.
�I think we had better get the show on the road,� Steph said to get Megan’s attention. �Jessica is definitely ready for a little action. Leaving her here with all this bondage stuff really got her juices flowing. Her pussy is practically dripping right now.�
�If you’re horny now just wait till you experience my favorite vibrators. I guarantee they will drive you wild,� Megan said to me.
Megan dropped the clothes along with a pair of boots on the ground before digging through one of her tubs of toys. While she was digging through the toys Steph removed the spreader bar and cuffs from my legs. Standing beside me Steph grabbed my handcuffs and pulled them up. As my arms were stretched high into the air I was forced to bend at the waist.
I closed my eyes not needing to look around to know what was coming. Truthfully I didn’t want to see. Megan walked up behind me. I felt the cold, lubricated tip of a butt plug part my butt cheeks. I tried to relax as best I could as the tip of the plug penetrated me. Once the tip was in, Megan wasted no time burying the rest of it in me. The plug quickly seated into place as the widest part slipped in leaving my sphincter clenched around the narrow neck at the base of the plug. My ass felt very full with the plug in place.
Megan had a little more fun with the dildo that went into my pussy. Slowly she slid the first two or three inches in. She was holding onto the shaft of the dildo with the majority of it in her grasp and only a small portion of it inside of me. Suddenly she started fucking me with the dildo. She wasted no time accelerating to a fast and furious pace. I immediately started moaning as she pounded my pussy with the dildo. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. It wasn’t just the fucking, it was everything. The fact a girl was getting me off, the fact I was bent over with my arms held above me, the complete lack of control. Everything was combining to heighten the experience and drive me wild.
I was moaning like crazy as she fucked me. Her hand kept pounding into my pussy as she thrust the dildo into me. I felt her pace change slightly. Suddenly the entire dildo thrust into my pussy. Megan’s hand was flat on the base of the dildo. She didn’t stop pushing up till her hand pressed against my pussy. I gasped having the dildo suddenly so deep within me.
Steph released my hands and let me stand up while Megan maintained her hold on my pussy. Steph picked up my chastity belt off the floor and buckled it around my waist. Megan didn’t move her hand until the crotch strap was pulled between my legs. Steph wondered off letting Megan finish up with the belt.
I was beginning to curse myself for buying this damn harness. My most personal place, the place that I immensely enjoyed playing with, had become off limits to me and the property of strangers. While I might be the technical owner I no longer possessed control over it. I couldn’t decide when to use it or as I was just reminded, what was thrust inside.
Despite the embarrassment of having another woman in control of my sex I couldn’t deny the arousal I was feeling. Consciously I hated having someone else control me like this yet somewhere deep within me something forced me to let it happen. That dark something in my mind seemed to love every submissive moment I was experiencing.
Megan loosely buckled the crotch strap in place. I opened my eyes feeling a string slip between my skin and the crotch strap. Both plugs jerked as Megan pulled out the slack in the wires trapped under the belt. The wires were running from each plug, up my butt crack and over the top of the waist belt. Turning around to look I saw Megan was holding a box in her hand that had wires leading out of it. Those wires were connected to each of the plugs inside me. The box was really big compared to any normal vibrator controller. My eyes bulged realizing it would hold substantially more batteries than a regular one. I had a feeling these plugs were going to last for a very long time. Megan clipped the box onto the back of the waist harness then whistled into it. Suddenly the plugs came alive but died immediately after she stopped whistling.
I suddenly realized these were sound activated vibrators. At first I was confused why Megan loved these so much. It seemed like it would be a pain to be trying to get off with your toys and constantly have to make noise keep them vibrating. Then a thought dawned on me. What if Megan didn’t use these at home? These could be for out of the house where noise is plentiful. A heat wave flashed through me thinking what noisy crowded place Megan might think would be fun to stop by.
The leather belts around my waist and between my legs were tightened ensuring there would be no removal of the plugs. As soon as Megan had the straps of the harness pulled tight she slipped shiny metal locks through the buckles. Once again I was going to be stuck spending the day with naughty adult toys trapped in front and back. The front I wasn’t complaining too much about but the back still wasn’t much fun. I prayed this pattern wouldn’t continue on through out the weekend since yesterdays toys had been replaced with a pair from Megan’s personal selection that were noticeably larger then yesterdays.
While I was fretting over the devastating effect these toys might have, Megan was busy lacing a corset around my waist. The thick black leather was strong and stiff. It wasn’t going to allow me to bend at all. In little time she had me tightly laced into the corset.
Megan had me sit on the edge of the bed as she slipped black thigh high latex stockings up my legs. From toe to upper thigh my legs were encased in tight, constricting latex. The feeling of having my entire leg squeezed by the stockings was amazing. Boots quickly followed the stockings. These were patent black leather with a zipper on the inseam. Megan slid the zippers up to the tops of the boots which extended past my calves stopping just below my knees. The heels of the boots were two inches wide and five inches tall but made comfortable by the two inch platform at the toe of the boot. Megan locked leather ankle cuffs over the boots.
My fears about the vibrators and being led through a public place subsided as Megan held out the next item. There was no way she would take me in public wearing that. She unlocked the collar before slipping a black latex hood over my head. The hood had holes for my eyes, nose and mouth. The bottom of the hood was secured beneath the collar as it was replaced and relocked. Without resisting I opened my mouth to accept the large red ball gag. She pulled the straps tight enough to ensure there was no spitting the ball out but still managed to keep it comfortable. Like everything else, a lock was slipped through the straps of the gag.
Megan held out a pair of black leather pants for me to wear. Despite Megan being only slightly smaller than me the leather pants were extremely tight. These would have been tight on her but for me they would hug every curve. The pants and the boots seemed odd if we were going to be staying in the privacy of the house. I was assuming the girls weren’t going to take me anywhere public collared, gagged and handcuffed. My side thoughts were interrupted as Megan forcibly worked the pants around my hips.
The fact that the pants had zippers running down the outside seam was the only reason she was able to put them on me. I felt the pants constrict around my legs as she worked the zippers from my thighs down to my ankles where she stopped just short of the base of the pant legs. She slipped a lock through each of the zippers and secured them to rings on the ankle cuffs.
Megan unlocked the handcuffs as she brought over shoulder length latex gloves. Having the tight material constrict my arms was bizarre but good. Like my ankles, leather cuffs were placed over the gloves. Next came a black leather jacket, it was also a tight fit. I had to fight to get my gloved hands through the sleeves. The sleeves of the coat had zippers running from elbow to wrist making it possible to get your hands through the ridiculously narrow sleeves. I wasn’t surprised when Megan added locks to connect the zippers on the sleeves to the wrist cuffs.
As the coat was zipped up in the front I felt an erotic rush having the leather rub against my naked boobs. The jacket was probably the tightest squeeze of everything. The jacket had a high collar that would cover my neck if zipped up all the way but Megan stopped short. This time Megan was grinning from ear to ear as she put the lock on the zipper. The lock connected to the D-ring on the front of the collar to the zipper.
Putting my fingers around my neck I could feel that the tall neck of the jacket completely covered the collar on the sides and back. Megan’s smile was all I needed to know the front of the collar with the lock and words �Bondage Slut� were clearly visible.
Megan went through a drawer in a bedside table and pulled out a handful of condoms. She stuffed them into the every pocket in the pants and jacket. The distinct condom package bulge of a square with a circle in the middle of it could clearly be seen.
�Don’t worry, you won’t be using any of those. I just love the ‘I’m looking to fuck someone’ look it gives you,� She said as she picked up her black motorcycle helmet.
Megan slipped the helmet over my head and buckled the chin strap for me. It was a full face helmet with tinted visor. I realized that the helmet would cover the latex hood and ball gag which meant I probably would be going out in public. I felt relieved know as long as I had this on no one could see my face and gag but worried knowing the collar would be visible.
The thought of people reading the collar made my pussy tingle. I realized last night I must have told the girls about my little fantasy of wearing the collar in public. Suddenly I was embarrassed having them know, worried what else I had told them and aroused knowing I would be outside soon. I felt a wave of excitement rush through me as Megan ushered me out the front door before locking it behind us. Steph was nowhere to be seen as we left. Leaving the front door Megan walked me out to a neon green Kawasaki Ninja crotch rocket.
�Are you still sure you can drive a motorcycle this big?� Megan asked.
I nodded my head yes not remembering when we would have talked about it before.
�Ok. We talked about this last night but since I’m not sure how much you remember let me run through it real fast. This is Kekie my Kawasaki. Today you are going to ride her to do an old-fashioned scavenger hunt. The game is simple, just follow the clues on the GPS unit. The thing is in one of the saddle bags. Your first destination is at a park and ride seven blocks down the road and two blocks to the right. I’ve got to run a few errands then I’m headed over to the bar to do inventory. The bar is programmed into the GPS if you need me for anything.�
I’m not sure if Megan could see my eyes through the tinted visor or not but somehow she sensed that they were bulging.
�Trust me, you’re going to enjoy this. Like I said last night, bondage scavenger hunts are hands down my favorite games to play. I’ve never tried it with the little twist to the game you came up with but they shouldn’t be too bad. Let me give you one piece of advice though. Whatever you do, don’t speed. Seeing as you’re gagged and have no ID on you, meeting a cop is best avoided. For that matter do your best not to get noticed. If anyone sees what you’re caring I don’t know how things will turn out but I’m pretty sure you will be in for a world of embarrassment. Like I said, I’ve never thought of bringing stuff like that along so I can’t say how it will work out but you were pretty excited about it so we went with it.�
Megan headed for her car leaving me alone by the bike. My heart fluttered. I couldn’t believe I was going to be out in public with a gag locked in my mouth. Standing in the open driver’s door, Megan turned to me.
�Remember that if, god forbid, someone does ask you what is going on the note you wanted is in the saddle bag. I’m really curious to find out how that little idea of yours works out. I know really and truly you are hoping you don’t have to pull that out but I’m kind of hoping you actually do have to use it,� she said smiling and giggling.
It was obvious the explanation on the note was not going to be to the benefit of my self-esteem. If it really is a note I came up with last night I’m positive it isn’t something I want anyone reading today. Megan drove off leaving me all alone on the road. My heart was racing. I felt terrified being outside like this. Cars drove passed on the road and I turned my body so they couldn’t see the front of the collar. A lone guy was walking up the sidewalk on my side of the road. He had already noticed me and made little effort to hide his stares. He was still too far to see the locks or the collars but he had definitely taken an interest in my leather clad body.
Holding up my arm I stared at the lock that shined in the sunlight. Looking down I saw the locks on my ankles were almost as noticeable. I doubted anyone could see them at a distance but once I was riding down the road people would be right beside me. Reaching behind I felt the bulge of the vibrator controller. The jacket hit the box itself but I could easily feel the outline of it. I needed a chance to figure everything out but standing here on the sidewalk was not that place. Megan had locked her door so going back into the safety of the house was out. My only option was to ride away.
Stepping to the bike I threw a leg over and knocked the kickstand up. The bike felt massive between my legs as I balanced it. It was far larger then my dad’s old dirt bike and enormous compared to my little scooter. I knew it was going to be a little bit of a challenge to ride but a bike was a bike. I took a minute to familiarize myself with controls.
My time here was quickly running out. The man was not far away now. I was still standing while I got the feel for the bike. Now that I was familiar with the weight of the bike I took my place on the seat.
�Uuuuhhhhhhh,� I moaned
Both plugs were forced even deeper as I straddled the seat. Peaking up I checked to see how close the man was. He was almost up to me. I had to get out of here. Megan had left the key in the ignition. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Twisting the key the bike started immediately. I felt a fierce vibration between my legs as the plugs rumbled to life. I gave the throttle a tentative twist. The engine revved, the pitch went from a deep hum to a screeching shriek. My legs quivered as the plugs went ballistic.
The plugs slowed as the revs dropped but he effect lasted. My body was shaking from the adrenaline rush and my breath came in gasps. I desperately wished I had time to think about this, to prepare myself but the guy was only a couple cars away.
Grasping the clutch, I tapped the toe shift into first. Very gently I let out the clutch and gave the throttle a small twist. The bike immediately responded and I was heading down the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the man’s mouth drop open as I passed. I’m pretty sure he was able to read the collar. It made me feel embarrassed but there is nothing I can do about it now.
Putting that little embarrassment out of my mind, I focused on my driving. It took me a couple of blocks to get a feel for the heavy two wheeled vehicle and far longer to get used to the vibrations between my legs.
I kept the bike in as high a gear as it could manage without stalling to keep the revs low and quiet. I was so distracted by the vibrations I nearly missed the turn I was supposed to make. The only reason I didn’t miss it was because cross traffic had the right of way and I had to stop. I watched a lot of heads turn towards me as the cars crawled by at 25mph.
I eagerly took the first opening I could find and quickly sped off in the direction of the park and ride. Thankfully, I made it to the park and ride without having to stop. I turned into the parking lot and made a B-line to the back most corner of the lot. I stopped in the emptiest section I could find and turned off the engine
My body calmed as the as the vibrators shut off. I took a second to breathe and catch my thoughts. Scanning the parking lot I searched to see if anyone was staring in my direction. My senses were in overdrive. The fear of someone seeing I was covered with locks and gagged under the helmet made adrenaline pump through my system. I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking. Despite my fears of people staring, I saw no one with eyes turned in my direction. I felt a little relieved realizing despite being in public my bondage was remaining just as private as it would in my own home.
I was ready to check out what the girls had left me in the side compartments on the back of the bike but the corset prevented me from just turning around. Getting off the bike, I moved to stand behind it and opened up the left bag. Immediately I put the flap back down and held it in place while my eyes shot in every direction. Thank god there was no one around. I was scared to death to open the flap back up in public but I knew I had to find the GPS unit Megan had left for me. Looking around I double-checked to make sure no one could possibly see me.
Lifting up the flap I gazed at all the stuff Megan had put in there. I couldn’t believe she was letting me drive around town with a small fetish store worth of stuff on the bike. There were two bondage magazines, a porn DVD, several butt plugs, dildos and lube. On top of all that was a piece of paper with a hand written note on it.
The note read, �This is in case of emergency. This girl’s name is Jessica. She is leaving my store wearing a bunch of the gear she ordered. I couldn’t talk her out of taking a kinky joyride so I forced her to take this note incase she needs to explain why everything is locked on. She is supposedly on her way to a bar to meet her friend. The friend is setting her up on a blind date with a stranger who is going to play with and punish Jessica for the rest of the weekend. Jessica has been looking for a playmate that is as kinky as she is. I’m putting her friend’s number on here if whoever reads this needs any more information.� Megan’s number was at the bottom. This was definitely not something I wanted to be sharing with anyone else.
I put the note back and closed that bag. The right side wasn’t much better but it did have what I was looking for. There were more porn magazines and movies along with several sets of handcuffs. As I pulled out the GPS unit I noticed a ring of keys.
�Yes,� I screamed in my head. Despite the gag I was smiling. Megan had left me the keys. That meant I didn’t have to wear all these locks around in public. Dropping the GPS I pulled out the keys. Looking around I made sure no one was looking. I tried my right wrist first, then left, followed by the collar and ankles.
�Shit, shit, shit,� I screamed in my head.
None of the keys on the ring unlocked any of the locks. I was stuck wearing all this. I couldn’t believe Megan had made the mistake of using the wrong locks. I just prayed she had the right keys somewhere.
I switched the keys for the GPS to find the bar. I prayed Megan knew where the right keys were. As the unit came on it showed I had three hundred feet to go to reach my destination. I pulled up a menu and found a list of saved locations. There were tons of locations with random gibberish file names. The only point that actually had a real name was the one saying Bar. I hesitated for a minute. While I was scrolling through all the points, I was thinking about how Megan could make such a stupid mistake.
�If this is a scavenger hunt, what was Megan hiding if it wasn’t the keys?� I asked myself.
I started thinking about the facts. She had locked the clothes and gag on me without telling me where the keys are at. She had locked me out of the house without a key. All of that was done for the purpose of sending me on a scavenger hunt. Since she said the bar was programmed into the GPS in case of emergency I assume that meant she never planned on having me go there. That meant at some point in this scavenger hunt I would find at least a key to the house. Since I was naked under the pants and jacket it made sense the keys to my clothes would be in the house.
That brought me back to the keys I had. Megan or Steph had intentionally packed the bike with all the stuff, which meant the keys were probably there for a reason.I realized there were two strong possibilities for the keys. The first was that I would need them to unlock things for the scavenger hunt. The second dealt with the note. If I had just been at a store and decided to lock this stuff on that would mean I would probably have the keys to those locks. Despite being the wrong keys it would make the story look more convincing.
I closed out of the menu and looked at the current destination programmed into it. I remembered Megan was running errands first so going to the bar now wouldn’t do me any good. Since I wasn’t far away from the first location I decided to check it out. Selecting the tab ‘notes’ I found ‘light pole’ written for the point. I started the bike and cruised closer to the bus loading area.
My nervousness increased as I neared the area where everyone was lingering. The vibrations between my legs seemed to stir up butterflies in my stomach. As I crept through the parking lot the distance to the point dwindled. Stopping next to the curb, I killed the engine. To my surprise the vibrations between my legs did not.
An equally loud motor from a stopped bus kept the plugs alive. The bus was parked on the roadside of the loading zone with people onboard but no one was getting on or off. I considered waiting it out but the thought of sitting in this public of a location didn’t sound too appealing. No one else seemed to be lingering around outside making this as good a time as any to go find the clue.
Getting off the bike I followed the GPS to a series of light poles at the very end of the loading area. The noise and vibrations increased as I got closer to the bus. Following the GPS I stopped at the light pole closest to the road. The pole was just off the sidewalk. There were bushes growing around the back of the pole, which hid a white envelope from any curious bystander. Thankfully, I needed no keys to remove it. As inconspicuously as possible, I retrieved the envelope.
Just as I was turning to walk away, a bus drove up behind the first one. The breaks squealed as the vehicle slowed. On cue the first bus revved its engines and started down the road driving right past me. The sound was deafening and the vibrations were overwhelming. My knees buckled. The light pole was the only thing that kept me standing.
If I had the option I probably would have spent ten minutes there letting my body recover but the new bus was releasing its passengers. The idle of the bus kept the plugs vibrating on low as I tried to calmly walk back to the motorcycle before anyone else could.
I only made it to the bike a little ahead of everyone else getting off the bus. I quickly tossed the envelope and the GPS into the saddle bag using my body to block anyone’s view of its contents. The curves of the streetbike along with my body covered in skintight leather was drawing a lot of attention. I quickly started the bike and hauled ass out of there before anyone approached me.
In no time I was out of the lot and heading down the road. I had no route in mind. I just made as many turns down back allies as I could to throw off anyone who might be trying to follow me. It wasn’t till I found an abandoned alley a good five miles from the bus station that I stopped to look in the envelope.
Inside was a single piece of paper with the words �Waypoint xy73�. I found the waypoint in the GPS and instantly I had a new destination to go to. Looking at the map, I saw the point was located at a train station. That’s just great, I thought to myself. Trains, possibly the loudest possible form of transportation around.
So this was the scavenger hunt. The girls were going to send me all across town from one noisy public place to the next. My pussy tingled thinking of walking around a train station like this. A pit then formed in my stomach realizing that little fantasy was about to become very real. With the bike in neutral, I revved the engine enjoying the buzz between my legs. Gripping the clutch I dropped the bike into first. Taking a deep breath, I let the clutch out and sped away.
�Here I go,� I said through the gag.
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