Chapter 8: Owned
"Just a moment" Jarvis called as Claire was about to leave that afternoon. She stopped and turned, mindful of the decision she had made that morning. "Come here a moment please Claire". Reluctantly she walked back into Jarvis's office.
"You did a good job with Adam this afternoon - he has signed the contract" Claire breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps he would reward her in some way, or at least not whip her again.
"So there will be no punishment for you today" said Jarvis "quite the reverse in fact".
Claire had a nasty feeling that this might not be quite as good as it sounded.
"I think you will enjoy what I have in mind, and it will serve two purposes. First of all it will reward you for your work today, and second it will ensure that you come back tomorrow, as I suspect you might be having doubts"
Claire started. How could he know? She had given no indication that she intended to run away tonight and not return. What did he have in mind for her?
"Follow me" Jarvis walked off in the direction of the door that led down to the punishment chamber.
"But ....?!" spluttered Claire
"Oh don't worry, I don't intend to punish you - I just need to prepare you for going home. Come along"
Prepare her? Nervously Claire followed as instructed.
"Stand on the platform where you were whipped last time and take off your clothes" commanded Jarvis
Knowing better than to refuse him again Claire obeyed, standing defenceless and vulnerable. Jarvis approached and attached the same wrist cuffs as she had worn last time, but left her ankles free as he walked over to the control box. With a whirr her wrists were pulled up above her head and she was left dangling and helpless.
"When ladies put on their corsets in the eighteenth century they used to hang from a bar so that they could be tightened", said Jarvis "this is just the same"
He was carrying a heavy leather corset with straps and traditional laces. "This particular corset has metal reinforcements so it can hold you very tight. I know from your clothes that your normal waist size is 24 inches. I have had the corset specially made and it will make you 16 inches around the waist"
"But you said you would reward me ...." whined Claire.
"Don't be such an ungrateful girl - you don't know what I have for you yet" said Jarvis as he started to fix the corset in place, first with the straps and then pulling on the laces.
"Mmmmph" grunted Claire as the device started to get tighter. Working methodically Jarvis tightened up the laces until Claire's waist was a shapely and thin 16 inches, curving in unnaturally from her breasts and out to her hips.
"Now for the fun part". Jarvis produced a strap, similar to the one she had worn during the day with two dildos attached but this time with a much more comfortable looking leather strap. Claire gasped as he expertly inserted the dildos into each orifice and fixed the strap in place, finishing the process with a padlock front and back. Finally he attached a small box to the back of the strap where it met the bottom of the corset.
"Let me explain" said Jarvis as Claire hung before him. " The corset is not too uncomfortable now but it will be very tight when I let you down. You will be able to breathe but it might take a bit of getting used to. The dildos you have inside you can thrust in and out, expanding and contracting, and they can also vibrate to varying intensities. They are connected to a box which is wirelessly controlled by me - as the control works over the cellular network I can operate them from anywhere. I also have some programmed sequences and settings on the controller my end so I don't have to operate it all the time. Oh, one more thing, if you try to remove the device it will set off a special trigger in each dildo which will release a strong acid into your pussy and ass - even removing it quickly, which is pretty much impossible, the acid would have done considerable damage before you could get water onto it. Right, let's get you down"
The motors whined again as Claire came down to the ground. He was right, the corset had been tight but not too bad when she was hanging by her wrists, but as she took the weight on her feet everything changed. The air was pushed out of her lungs and her internal organs fought for position in the new shape of her body
"I can't ......." she panted "ple .....se. Can't bre .....athe"
"Just relax a moment" said Jarvis "it's not a big deal, ladies wore these all the time in the eighteenth century"
Claire panted in short breaths, all she could manage in the restricted space her lungs now had to operate in. At first she panicked but eventually she calmed and, whilst far from comfortable, she could get enough air to survive.
"Now a little test to see if it works" said Jarvis as he pressed some buttons on his hand held control panel. Immediately the pussy dildo began to thrust slowly into her.
"Ooh!" exclaimed Claire, expanding this to a longer squeal as vibration was added to the gently thrusting dildo.
"Good, that works" said Jarvis as he pressed more buttons, "now let's try this"
The thrusting dildo was replaced by a similar sensation in her ass as the second dildo came to life.
"Excellent. Now here is the good news - you can get dressed in your normal clothes and go home. Do whatever you would normally do: see friends, watch TV, sleep. But remember I have control over your dildos and I can bring you to orgasm any time I choose. Oh and by the way, I see in your diary that you are meeting friends for a drink later on - you are not to cancel - I will know if you do. Now off you go and see you in the morning - that acid switch can go off if you are late for work as well so I would try and be punctual if I were you!"
Claire felt desperate - not only had her plans to run away been thwarted, he was now invading her home life as well. But there were aspects of this that weren't all bad - for one thing she had to find a way of putting an extra fold in her skirt as it was now much too big. When she checked herself in the mirror before leaving she was impressed at her new shape; perhaps these eighteenth century women knew a thing or two she wondered as she left the office.
As she walked down to the bus stop a gentle vibration started in her pussy - mmm, she thought - nice - I can live with this. It didn't increase and was hardly there, just enough to give her a warm feeling. She was getting used to the corset - it was very tight and she had to take short breaths but apart from that it wasn't too uncomfortable. Whilst in the bus queue there was a sudden burst in intensity from her pussy vibrator - Claire let out a small squeal and swallowed it immediately as people turned to look. She looked away and tried to avoid their stares. Throughout the journey home the pattern continued: long periods of gentle humming with occasional intense periods - the overall effect was to make her extremely horny.
Jarvis had told Claire to keep the date with her friends at the pub and she was certainly going to do so. In fact feeling as sexy as she was Claire decided to put a little bit more effort into her appearance this evening: she wanted to make the most of her new figure after all. There was a mini dress that she had not worn before because it was too tight - now it looked great although she did wonder about the length - it really only came to just below crotch level - she would have to be careful to keep her "equipment" covered.
"Wow Claire, you look amazing" said Sarah as she arrived "who's the lucky guy?"
"Oh no-one" said Claire happily "just felt like making an effort"
Soon more of the group arrived and there were seven of them, four girls and three guys, all of whom had complimented Claire on how she looked - she decided she must do this more often.
As soon as they sat down the buzzing in both vibes started, this time accompanied by gentle thrusting. Claire felt herself going red, she shifted in her seat to try and ease the senstation but it made no difference. She was getting hotter and nearer orgasm - surely not here - not in front of them? Claire dashed for the toilets thinking she would have her orgasm in private - but as soon as she got up the buzzing and thrusting stopped.
"Are you OK?" asked Sarah as she returned to the table
"Yeah fine" replied Claire casually as the vibes sprang to life again
The pattern repeated itself but each time Claire was getting closer and closer to orgasm and more and more frustrated. How did it know when to stop - was he watching her? Finally she went off to the toilets, thinking that she could bring herself to orgasm, only to find that she couldn't get her fingertips to her clit, the strap was too wide and tight.
Once again the invaders started doing their work as soon as she sat down. Her friends had stopped talking and were looking at her. The frustration was unbearable, she had to come, she simply had to. But if she stood up again she would be denied yet again. Every bone in her body wanted to run from the staring eyes of her friends but the pumping in her pussy and ass was getting harder and she so wanted it to carry on. As they watched open mouthed she flung herself back on the chair and uttered an animal moan as wave after wave of orgasm crashed through her.
Although immune to their stares for the few seconds she was in the grips of the most powerful orgasm she could remember, reality dawned as she came down from it.
"Sorry" she muttered "I, err ..."
And she fled the room, humiliated that her friends had seen a glimse of what she had become.
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