The Nine-Inch Nail
By James X. Pendergrass (www.jamespendergrass.com)
Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I usually write Femdom stories, but I needed a change of pace. This is pure fantasy and I don't condone the behavior of the people in this fictitious tale. This story depicts scenes of rape and sexual assault, neither of which are remotely “okay” in the real world. All characters in the story are at least 18 years old.]
Daria Byrd cut class and rode her dirt bike down to the quarry where she had a hidden cliff-side nook that nobody else knew existed. There, she read Henry Miller and blasted the Nine Inch Nails at deafeningly loud volumes on her iPod. She enjoyed lip-synching each Trent Reznor lyric while painting her fingernails --always black -- and smoking Marlboro Reds. Marlboro Lights were for the cheerleader sluts.
Although no band could touch the Nine Inch Nails in Daria's book, they weren't the authors of her favorite song. That honor belonged to Joan Jett:
I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation.
Daria would play the song at least once per day. She considered it her anthem.
Which begs the question -- what was Daria Byrd's reputation? She assumed everyone thought she was a stupid, loner freak, and that was perfectly fine with her. After all, she kept to herself, and had told many an interested boy to fuck off. In fact, among the popular stoner boys she was known as the Fuck Off Girl.
Now a senior in high school, Daria maintained a C minus average. Just enough to get by. She theorized that having grown up in such a large, dysfunctional family made her long for the solitude of the quarry, especially lately when things had begun to get more complicated in her life.
In the past year, people had begun to figure out that despite her best efforts to deceive them, Daria was no dumbass. This became apparent when she surprised the hell out of everyone, including herself, by posting a remarkable score on her Scholastic Aptitude Test. When Daria received the results in the mail (99th percentile nationally), she immediately crumpled them up and threw them away. She worried it would mean she’d have to attend college. The next day her butch-lesbian guidance counselor caught her in the hallway and practically shook her with glee; Daria had a feeling the Lee Marvin look-alike had a thing for her.
And now her teachers, who had previously avoided Daria like the plague, were on to her. In math class just the other day, she was called to the front and forced to prove a difficult theorem that nobody else in the class had the balls to attempt. Two minutes later, after solving the problem, she put the chalk down and walked silently past her astonished teacher to her seat in the back corner of the room. "That was some Good Will Hunting shit right there, FuckOffGirl," said the annoying stoner who sat next to her.
For reasons Daria couldn’t entirely explain, in recent weeks she finally had started to apply herself at school. She speculated that her brain was changing in ways she couldn’t entirely fathom. Yesterday she found herself checking out some of the boys’ asses when she biked past the baseball field. It wasn’t as if Daria had never thought of sex before. The few boys with the guts to approach her were stupid, macho, baboon-turds, who weren’t worth the time or effort. And oddly it was these same baboon-turds who recently had been turning her head. The quiet, nerdy types whose brains occasionally registered original thoughts failed to pique her curiosity. What was the point of communication anyhow? Why couldn’t they just admit they only wanted to plug her hole?
Reviewing Daria's final self-perception -- was she, in fact, a freak? The short answer: it was debatable. The even-shorter answer: yes. Would you consider a young woman who wore black 100% of the time, painted her nails and lips black, never socialized with anyone, and rode a dirt bike to-and-from school to be a freak?
Additional facts about Daria Byrd are necessary when attempting to answer The Freak Question: She was five feet one inches tall, 100 pounds, had an incredible young body and a face that would have been considered angelic by any standard if its mouth wasn't perpetually turned downward in a pout. But what a mouth it was – narrow upper lip resting on incredibly full lower lip, all supported by a prominent jaw. The rest of her facial features, nose, ears, eyes (little eyes, but long, feminine lashes) were all quite small, giving her a porcelain quality.
Indeed, her perma-frown could not hide the fact that Daria Byrd was a petite, dark-haired beauty. The loose-fitting skirts she wore also failed to conceal the truth from the high school boys, as boys are naturally inattentive to the vast majority of life's details, but raptly focused when it comes to the physical properties of their female classmates. It was Daria's sleek upper body, narrow neck, and pert, budding breasts that gave her away.
Daria was Griffin and Ophelia Byrd’s ninth and final child, and they ran out of energy after the eighth one had vacated the nest four years earlier. Yes, in case you were wondering, Daria was a Mistake. Griffin and Ophelia were tired potheads who felt Daria was going through a phase and that she would eventually sort her shit out. And they were right. Daria would soon exit her Goth phase, go to college, and become a rather successful free-lance IT consultant. Which begs the question, what caused Daria Byrd to change? The answer might lie in a four-day Event that took place only a few months before Daria left high school.
Chris Saunders batted third for the high school baseball team and played shortstop. The team would have been better off if Chris batted fifth and played third base. But Chris's dad owned the superconductor company that employed 40% of the town and so Chris hit in the three-hole and played the most important position on the team.
The same was true for football. Chris played running back, even though he was more suited for fullback. In the weight room, Chris could put up 300 pounds and on the football field he could deliver a punishing blow to defensive players. But when it came time to make opposing players miss, Chris couldn't do it. In NFL terms, he was a white version of Brandon Jacobs.
Chris was one of the popular kids in school, though he probably wouldn't have been so popular if his family had not been been so wealthy. Since Chris's father was in between wife #2 and wife #3 -- and currently in the process of charming wife-to-be #3 at one of his other homes in Monte Carlo -- Chris had the house to himself, and so he threw keggers almost every weekend (the cheap fuck always bought Coors Light, but hey it was free).
Over the course of his high school years, Chris did okay with the opposite sex. He got laid here and there, though most girls found him too egotistical and obnoxious. He was blessed with a thick 9" cock, but much like his athletic endeavors, he too often employed pure force in his increasingly infrequent sexual escapades (word soon got around about Chris’s misogynistic tendencies), rather than finesse his way around a pussy. No chick ever let him deep-fuck her in the anus, which was his ultimate fantasy, though let's be abundantly clear -- Chris felt a surge of power when he was balls-deep in a girl's snatch. He loved the look of surprise in their eyes when he plunged his thick rod in there, and he loved how their cunts always betrayed them, becoming helplessly wet as his cock pounded in and out. Deep down, Chris was convinced that all young women longed to be sluts and it was his job to bring that out of them.
Chris had a thing for petite girls. Unfortunately petite girls tend to be prudes, and none of the petite popular girls would give Chris the time of day. His reputation preceded him as a well-hung meathead, and the petite chicks of Chris's high school wanted no part of that, so they took the necessary steps to protect their precious little sex organs.
Overall Chris was frustrated with his relative lack of success with the ladies. Things seemed to get worse senior year and he was having a genuinely difficult time getting laid. His reputation (which, unlike Daria, he gave a damn about) had gone south.
As Chris drove his BMW home, he wondered what he could do to get laid. He could always pay for it, but there were too many risks. He didn't want to get The Herps as all the guys called it. And paying for it was the easy way out anyhow.
Pulling into his driveway, Chris talked out loud to himself: If I could just find the right girl, some little bitch who just wants to get abused by my cock, it’d be so great. I’d teach her to love it. And I hope they resist a little bit – I want them to resist. I want to convert them into a slut. If only I could find the right bitch. How great would that be? Fucking them in every hole…filling them with my cum?
Pulling into his driveway, he came up with a crazy thought. It was a long shot, but he was only a few months away from graduation. Why not go for the gusto? If all the usual popular little bitches had no interest in his dick, why not try the most mysterious and coveted piece of ass in the entire school? He knew the girl's reputation and he knew the odds of him succeeding were remote. But his dad always told him that persistence was the most important trait a person could have. Now that Chris thought about it, his confidence grew. He thought he had seen her glancing over in his direction when she biked past the baseball field the other day.
Chris was also buoyed by a conversation he had with the right fielder of the baseball team. One day, a few weeks ago, when Dario’s name came up, the kid told Chris, “My older brothers went to school with her sisters. Do you know she has five older sisters? Well, according to my brother they were all notorious sluts. If it runs in the family…wink wink, nudge nudge.”
Daria Byrd was an enigma. Actually, Chris didn't mind the way she dressed. His one complaint was the loose-fitting skirts. Nobody ever got a really good look at that ass. Still, Daria Byrd was Chris's type to a tee. Every time he saw her, his dick would stir in his pants, especially lately because she seemed to have blossomed in the past year. Something he couldn’t quite put a finger on had changed with her. She had a feminine aura that drove Chris crazy. For all his brute clumsiness, Chris felt he had a sixth sense when it came to the female set, and he had a sneaking suspicion that Daria Byrd's blood would run very hot if a guy could ever force his way past her tough exterior.
Plus, she was so little and precious. When Chris thought of what it might be like to Manhandle her, his dick almost poked a hole through his zipper.
"TERRIBLE LIE!" Trent Reznor, lead singer of the Nine Inch Nails, yelled into Daria's ears, as she rode her bike down a quiet side street past a largely shuttered industrial zone, remnants of the dead U.S. textile industry that had long since migrated to third world countries. Because Daria had her headphones on, she failed to see the BMW that had pulled up alongside her, its young male passenger leaning across the front seat and yelling her name, trying to get her attention. Finally Chris had no choice but to pull up ahead and nudge his BMW to the right. He carefully slowed the car to a halt, forcing Daria to stop and awkwardly dismount from her bike.
"What the fuck?" she said, yanking off her headphones. She watched as Chris Saunders, one of the most annoying jocks in the entire school, got out of the vehicle and walked toward her with a sly grin on his face.
"Hey Daria," Chris began. "What’s goin on, babe?"
"What the fuck do you want?"
"So it’s not like we ever hang out. But we should. Ya wanna go to Wendy's with me? They got an awesome baconator."
"No." Daria turned her bike, intending to weave around the parked luxury vehicle currently obstructing her path.
Chris stepped to his right and blocked her. "Why so quick to say no? I'm a good guy. Ditch your silly-ass dirt bike and come experience German luxury."
"Fuck you," Daria said. "Move."
To Chris it felt like a punch. No girl had ever said that to him before. Initially, he would regret what happened next, but in time he would consider it the smartest thing I ever did. It was practically instinct. In one fluid motion, he hacked up a wad of spit, a real lunger, and launched it at Daria. It hit her right between the forehead.
Daria recoiled in horror. The back of her forearm whipped across her face and she began wiping away the pig's spit. She felt her body surge with adrenaline. Dropping the bike she stepped forward and began simultaneously trying to punch and kick Chris Saunders. "You mutherfucker!" she said. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." Daria was not the type to cry, but she felt her eyes well up. She tried several times to spit on him, but she couldn't get it on his face.
Chris Saunders was at first surprised by Daria's assault, but he easily deflected the blows and grabbed her. She was less than half his size. He marveled at how light she was as he whipped her around like a ragdoll so she was facing away from him. What a thrill it was to manhandle her! He felt her soft ass press momentarily against his groin and blood began to fill his organ. Her body continued to writhe but she was no match for Chris. "Take it easy, little girl," he said, chuckling. "Hey, take it easy!" He wrapped his arm around Daria's neck -- the violent and sexual urges merging inside of his brain -- until he felt her body yield to his superior strength.
"Let me go, or I'll fucking scream," she said. She would have already screamed, but Chris had his big arm around her throat and she felt his power.
"Why not try a little bit of what I have to offer, Daria?" he said into her perfect little ear. "I'll treat you well."
Daria grit her teeth. "I'd rather eat cyanide."
Chris felt the frustration surge through him. He could snap her neck if he wanted to, but he wasn't a psycho, so he released Daria and pushed her firmly away. "You're a fucking diseased cunt, Daria," he said, laughing in a self-protective sort of way and quickly moving to his car before she could react.
Daria turned and screamed, "FUCK YOU, APE!" She searched for a rock big enough to throw at his car, but none were to be found. So she began kicking at the back of his car, attempting to break a tail light, but her feet were ineffective and the car roared away, leaving her in a cloud of exhaust fumes.
She didn't calm down until she had arrived home and gotten on the computer. There, she began Googling Chris Saunders, as well as his rich father. When she had what she was looking for, she went back to her room, and stripped down to her black lace underwear. Then she blasted Trent Reznor at unhealthy decibel levels while staring at the ceiling.
3:17 AM. Approximately ten hours after Chris and Daria's initial confrontation...
The most exclusive part of the neighborhood was dark and quiet. Daria was thrilled to see that Chris had parked his BMW at the end of his driveway. She would have to move quickly and be ready to escape as rapidly as possible.
Removing the ball peen hammer from her backpack, she sized up the BMW. A part of her -- the smart, sensible part -- knew this wasn't such a great idea, but that part of Daria Byrd was rather underdeveloped at this stage of her life. She came around to the front of the car and took a deep breath.
She slammed the hammer into the windshield and watched the resulting spider web of damage. To her surprise, the car was not armed with an alarm, so she took the opportunity to smash the passenger and back seat window. Then she hopped on her bicycle and raced on out of there. As she rounded the corner and heard no noises behind her, she permitted herself a deep smile of satisfaction.
The next morning, Daria sat at the kitchen table eating fruit loops, while browsing the web on her cheesy-assed smart phone. Daria didn't get many messages. She wasn’t in Facebook, My Space, or Twitter, though she did participate occasionally in an online Nine Inch Nails discussion group. That was pretty much the extent of her social engagements. So it was a surprise to see an email in her in-box. Her heart jumped when she saw it was from Chris Sanders.
Hey Daria, check out the attached video. I'm prepared to report you to the police. I happen to be on first name terms with the Chief. Your only other option is to meet me back at my house (you obviously know where it is) tonight at 7:00. Don't be late, or I'll be on the phone to the Chief at 7:01. -Chris
Daria opened the attachment. Much to her chagrin, it was a video of her smashing Chris's BMW. Not only that, but the end of the video featured a still frame close-up of her smiling face moments after she had made a thousand small pieces of glass out of the passenger-side window.
This was beyond horrible. Daria was already on probation for a serious shoplifting stint at the local Target. The judge had told her she would have to do real time if she was busted again. "FUCK!" Daria said out loud. "That fucking cocksucker."
Daria thought about it for a while. She had to go to his place. What would he make her do? Whatever it was, it wasn't as bad as prison. She felt a tightness in her face and an unfamiliar ache beneath her stomach.
Seven o'clock rolled around and Daria arrived at Chris's via bike. When she saw the smug look on Chris's face as he greeted her at the front door, she wanted to kick his balls in, but that would probably not be a good idea. Her mind kept going back to the way he grabbed her yesterday and how strong he was when he hoisted her into the air. She knew she was no physical match for Chris Saunders.
"Come sit down," Chris said. The asshole was all cocky and smug. Daria wanted to gouge his eyes out.
"Well you shouldn't have fucking spit on me, asswipe." Daria said.
“I’m sorry about that,” Chris said, sounding almost sincere. “But you shouldn't have told me to fuck off just for asking you out. That was BITCHY."
“You spit in my face.”
“You told me to fuck off for no reason. That’s impolite.”
Daria studied Chris. He was a serious side of beef. Disgusting, for the most part, but menacing in a way ironically that piqued her curiosity. She felt another unfamiliar pang in her stomach. "Look, I'm sorry," Daria said. "I made a mistake."
"You sure did," Chris said. "I talked to Chief Hadley today. I asked him what kind of time someone would do with a prior. Yeah, I know about the shoplifting, Daria," he said mockingly. "Word gets around. You're looking at six months minimum at the Ladies Correctional facility."
“So what the fuck are you going to do, bribe me?” Daria stood and moved to the door. Fuck this shit, she was thinking to herself. His voice stopped her cold.
“It’s not bribery,” Chris said, surprising himself with his own confidence. Later, when he thought about it, he couldn’t explain it. “It’s for your own good. I don’t want you to go to jail and you could use a good stiff dick in your life anyhow.”
Daria laughed. “Oh, you think so?” At the same time she felt herself blushing and failed in her attempts to will the blush from her cheeks. “You don’t know what I need, you jock asshole,” she said, without as much conviction as she wanted to.
Chris was smiling. "So that's it. You're going to jail?"
"I guess so," Daria said. Suddenly she began to get choked up. She prided herself on never ever crying, especially in front of this douchebag, but the prospects of jail overwhelmed her. "Look, I can't go to jail," she said, her voice unsteady.
"Take your clothes off. Everything except your little panties.” Chris had no idea where his own confidence was coming from.
Daria paused. This was horrible! But not as horrible as jail time. Nowhere near as horrible as jail time. She surprised herself by reaching for the buttons of her blouse. “If I do, do I have your word that you'll drop this?"
Chris walked across the room and stood directly in front of Daria, looking down at her. "Here's how this is going to work, cunt. You're going to do everything I want you to do until Sunday night. If I'm satisfied," he gave her a wink, "then I won't press charges. And you have my word that I won't physically mistreat you," he lied.
“Don’t call me a cunt,” Daria said.
Chris leaned forward. “Take your clothes off, cunt.”
Daria’s mind went blank for a moment and then she moved to obey the command, not knowing exactly why she wasn’t putting up more of an objection.
Chris smiled triumphantly and sat down on the couch to watch her. His cock began throbbing even before she was half naked. As the clothing came off, the body of a beautiful young woman emerged. Daria had unblemished, milky white skin. Her waist, ankles and wrists were all narrow, like her neck. Nothing sagged in the least bit, which is to say that Daria had a firm body, but she also had lovely, gender-appropriate curves. It was the type of petite, nubile figure Chris had long fantasized about. And the best part was that Daria probably didn't even realize it. He had to resist the urge to grope himself when Daria's trembling fingers unclipped and removed her bra, her youthful breasts spilling into full view, small in circumference, but well conceived like the rest of her. He guessed she was a C-cup. Her nickel-sized nipples were not hard. Chris's eyes drifted down to her midsection. He could see her pubic mound protruding from the valleys of her hips.
"Turn around," he said.
There it was -- The Ass, even more perfect than he could have imagined. It had this "bubble" quality to it, with a precise delineation between the tops of her thighs and the beginnings of the oh-so-pert bubble. Chris marveled at the way her black lace panties flexed into the valley of her crack.
"Come sit on my lap," he said.
Daria was quivering as she approached him. This was not happening.
"You didn't say contact was part of the deal," she said. While she was terrified and angry, something about the look of lust on Chris's face gave her a surprising feeling of pride, which she tried to expel from her head.
Daria hesitated as she stood over him, so he grabbed her arm and yanked her onto his lap. "Just sit down, Daria," he said. "This isn't as bad as you think. I won't hurt you as long as you obey me." Daria grunted as she felt his dirty manhood press into her bottom and Chris’s hot breath on her ear.
“You don’t know it yet, Darr-ia, but I’m giving you what you need.”
Daria ignored the tiny, almost imperceptible tinge between her legs. “It’s not what I need.”
“Yes it is. You’ll see. Open your mind up. You’re gonna love it.”
Chris gripped Daria's hips and secured his massive arm around her waist. He slid his other hand down the small of her back and grinned as she shivered with apparent fear. His instinct was to rip her panties off and fuck the living dogsnot out of her, but, willing himself to be patient, he instead picked Daria up by her hips and placed her onto her knees in front of him.
"Unzip my fly."
"What the fuck?" Daria said. Her mind was telling her to run, but she felt the continuing “something-else” taking her over. It was almost as if instinct was telling her this was okay, even though it wasn’t.
As she began to comply, Chris added, "Say 'yes Master,' when I give you an order."
"Fuck that," Daria said. She wasn’t about to call a spoiled jock-dummy “Master.”
Chris leaned forward and grabbed her by her neck. He had no intentions of hurting Daria Byrd, but he felt he had established a certain amount of momentum and did not want to show any weakness when he was so close to his goal. "Say 'yes Master' when I give you an order!"
Daria felt her eyes water as he clamped down on her breathing passage. Her body went rigid and her hands instinctively reached for his wrists, but he was massive and she could not move him. When she felt his grip weaken, she tried to break free, but he immediately clamped down on her and shut off her air again. This time when he relaxed his grip, she whispered, "Yes, Master.”
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Chris let go of her neck. “But I fucking well am gonna get my point across to you. Any time I tell you to do anything, you'd better fucking call me Master." He pointed his finger at Daria’s face and gripped her shoulder in a way that told her he could choke her again.
“Yes, Master.”
"Now take my cock out, bitch."
"Yes, Master," Daria said, her voice cracking, but still she reached her hand in his open fly area. For a fleeting instinct she had the thought to grab his balls.
“DON’T grab my balls,” Chris said, his grip tightening on her shoulder. “Trust me. You DON’T wanna do that.”
And Daria carefully reached higher, for his ugly snake, with mostly dread.
When she saw it, her first thought was oh my god. It was massive. She was too close to it. It smelled funky. It was undeniably impressive though, and she couldn’t take her eyes off it, as it hardened rapidly in her hand, which was tiny by comparison, and its owner’s chest began to heave. Her attention diverted, she didn't notice his arm movements until she felt his fingers squeeze her ears.
"Suck it. Come on. Open wide, bitch. You don't have a choice."
His grip on her ears was tenacious. Any attempt to move her head away caused a searing pain as the skin connecting her ears to her head was stretched to its limit. He was pulling her toward his groin and the thing protruding from it. Now the head of his organ was pressing against her sealed lips. She tried to turn her head sideways, but didn't get far before she felt her ears stretched.
"Do I have to hold your neck again?"
The words had their desired effect. Daria's mouth opened, just a crack, and was immediately greeted with thick skin flute.
"Don't you dare fucking bite it or you're FINISHED," Chris warned, pulling even harder at her perfect little ears. “Come on, open wide.”
Daria relaxed her mouth and before she knew it, Chris's cock pressed against her tongue. It felt so hot, and the taste reminded her of one of her brother’s dirty socks after his cross-country races. She released a muffled groan and tried to twist her head away but the grip on her ears was fierce and gave her tearing pains when she tried to move her head. His cock was now pushing her tongue back toward her throat and she had no choice but to slide her tongue out of the way. Again a muffled cry, as she felt his cock forge persistently into the back half of her throat. She was losing the battle and she knew it. Her eyes teared up and she began to gag.
"Suck my dick, bitch." The opportunity to merely state those words to Daria Byrd caused an additional ripple of pleasure in Chris's groin. He felt her tongue involuntarily cradling the sensitive underside of his cock. Instinct took over, and with a victory cry, Chris pushed forward and rammed his cock right town her throat. He would never forget the incredulous look on her pretty face, her mouth stretched near its limit and her big brown eyes bulging out of her skull.
It happened so fast before Daria had a chance to react. She felt her gag reflex kick in and her body shuddered mightily as she began a series of violent dry heaves.
Smiling, Chris pulled his dick out of her mouth. “Breathe. That’s it. Breathe.”
He watched her gasping for air, the tears rolling down her cheeks as she caught her breath. Again he nudged his throbbing cock forward. "Stick your tongue out and lick it."
Daria was making these distressed groaning sounds now, as she began licking the underside of his mushroom head. To Chris, her noises sounded feminine and her silky tongue felt wonderful as it glided over the most sensitive part of his cock. He was emboldened him to keep the pressure on her. "Oh, that’s so fucking good. Flick your little fucking tongue, whore!"
Now Daria tasted something salty. She thought about pulling away before there was the dreaded explosion she had read about, the explosion that had admittedly fascinated her imagination, but that she wasn’t interested in experiencing. He had momentarily relaxed his grip, releasing her ears, and she could have broken free, but she had become lost in the moment. When she thought about it later, it occurred to her that she had been distracted by the groans of pleasure the big beast was making.
Chris's breathing intensified. He cradled Daria's cheeks, his pointer fingers creeping behind her earlobes, a silent reminder of what he was capable of. I'm going to possess this bitch, he was saying to himself, as he cradled her jaw in such a way that she couldn't possibly move it without risking breaking her own neck.
"It's going back in. Suck it like you mean it, Daria. It's not so bad. Love my fucking cock."
Back into her mouth it went, only this time, Daria was a little more prepared. "MMmph," she said, as she felt her salivary glands kick in. She wanted to bite down, but she feared his reprisals, so she tried her hardest to relax her jaw and just let it happen. It will be over soon, she said silently in an effort to reassure herself.
"That's right, a mouth full of cock. Aw, you suck so good," Chris said, breathing even harder. He was now forcing Daria's pretty head up and down, humping it repeatedly with his stiff cock. She looked uncomfortable, but at least her retching had become less pronounced. And her jaw was sticking forward, cradling him in such fine fashion as her thick lips involuntarily caressed his shaft. This was too good to be true, the way her lower lip rubbed back and forth on his ultra-sensitive underside. He pressed deeper and she began to retch with more violence again, so he pulled back and worked his way slowly back in. It wasn't that Chris didn't care about her retching; it was just that her mouth felt so fucking good that she'd have to find a way to cope. And truthfully, he didn't care that much. A little retching never hurt anyone.
Now almost rabid with pleasure, Chris had an idea. He pulled his cock out her mouth slid his hands under her armpits, hoisting her into the air. Ignoring her cry of protest, he placed her on her back on the big living room recliner so that her sweet ass was up in the air and she was facing the ceiling, her head hanging off the edge of the seat cushion. Cradling the back of her head, he straddled her face and again offered his cock to her mouth.
"Open wide," he said and he was pleased to see that she did as he instructed, her resistance ebbed by his physical superiority. In fact, Daria didn't open wide, but she did reluctantly open her mouth wide enough. If she knew what was coming, she might have tried harder to not let him back in, not that it would have made a difference. And so, with a coyote-like grunt, Chris plunged his stiff cock back down her throat until his balls were nestled against her chin.
Daria was in full gag mode again, only this time Chris didn't care. That was her problem. And he noted to his great satisfaction that Daria was managing her gagging a tiny bit better. Sure, her diaphragm was heaving with spasmodic retching and her eyes leaking like faucets, but he could hear her snorting the air through her nose. Her body, which had initially reacted so violently, was now only bucking a little bit. "There you go. Breathe thru your nose," he gasped. He began a rapid series of thrusts. It was a pleasing visual. Her eyes were wide open, the pupils darting wildly about, looking for a way out. Her once-black lips were now partially red as his stiff member rubbed the black off her inner lips. It gave him a perverse joy to see this petite prude, who roamed the halls of his school with such cool detachment, now so frantically disheveled.
After thirty seconds of wild pumping, Chris felt the most terrific tingling in his balls. It was the beginning of what Chris knew would be one of the most intense orgasms of his life. He pulled his hips back so only the top half of his cock was in her mouth. Now her lips were ringing his upper shaft, just beneath the head. He applied additional force to the back of her head so she knew not to stop. Incredible pleasure expanded up and down his cock and he waited as long as he could before he could finally wait no longer. He could feel the semen flooding his urinary canal. And then, Blamo! He began to shoot. This wasn't an ejaculation. This was AN EJACULATION! Semen shot so hard out of his cock that he felt a pinching pain in his urethra as it was unable to handle the sheer volume of thick sperm, which flooded the back of Daria's throat.
Daria closed her eyes. She knew what was happening, so she did her best to let her mind drift off to somewhere else until he finished, but it was almost impossible to mentally check out, especially with all his macho yelling, especially when she felt him begin to ejaculate. It was like someone had jammed a squirt gun into her mouth and was pulling the trigger again and again.
Chris injected Daria's mouth with thick jets of sperm, all the time groaning loudly with each pleasurable thrust, each wad an individual life lesson for this conceited, know-it-all Goth bitch. He pumped so rapidly that sperm began to ooze from the corners of her lips. To Chris’s delight, her eyes had taken on a defeated appearance; they had stopped darting about and now were now half-open, staring listlessly at the ceiling, a wordless acceptance of her fate as Chris used her mouth to his complete satisfaction. After a good minute, when Chris had finished ejaculating, he let out a final, mighty groan, and removed his cock from her beleaguered mouth. But before he did, he made sure to thoroughly rub the head of his cock on Daria's lower lip. He grinned as he noted how much sperm had pooled in her mouth.
Daria managed this pathetic, girlish gurgle as Chris's cock temporarily vacated her mouth. Thick streams of semen ran out down her cheeks. She instinctively attempted to hack up the sperm lodged in her throat like a giant lunger of phlegm one might get during a cold. At the same time she began to turn her head so she could spit the mess onto the floor. But before she could turn her head more than a few degrees, she immediately felt a stabbing pain in the back of her neck as Chris squeezed her with his powerful hand and secured her head so she was still facing him.
"Don't you dare spit a drop! Swallow it! Fucking swallow it."
Daria's eyes bulged as she processed the command. She would have ignored him and spit anyway, but the way his thumb and forefinger were pinching his neck, it was impossible. Her eyes glazed over as she gurgled repeatedly, still not able to bring herself to swallow the surprisingly thick deposit of fluid in her mouth. She flailed instinctively, her hands reaching behind her head, trying to dislodge him so she could turn her head and spit. Her hips bucked and she tried to knee him from behind. The last thing on earth she wanted to do was give into Chris in this way. Her body surged with rage and indignation.
Chris chuckled at her feeble attempts. He watched with great pleasure as her eyelids flickered rapidly and her breasts shook in place. Her pathetic grip on his wrist was weakening. He had effectively shattered all of her resistance and now it was time to deliver the ultimate humiliation. "I said, fucking SWALLOW IT, CUM SLUT!" And he squeezed her neck even harder.
When the new wave of pain hit Daria, she had no choice but to relax her hips and chest. She felt her arms fall listlessly away from Chris's wrist until they hung limply by her sides. She heard herself issue the feeblest of moans, as her mind finally realized she couldn’t get out of this. And so, with three hideous gulps, she swallowed Chris's spunk-load. It had a vinegar-like flavor, only it was thick and it stuck to the walls of her throat, causing her to begin gagging once more. Her hips bucked again, this time involuntarily, but they were not the least bit of bother to her male tormenter.
Chris groaned with pride as he watched her concede defeat. "That's it. Guzzle down my nut, bitch." He used his cock to usher the remaining sperm from her cheeks back into her mouth. "C'mon, smack your lips together like you enjoy it." He squeezed her neck again and watched her compliantly smack her lips, though it was quite obvious she wasn't enjoying anything (her eyes were again glazed over and looking off into the recesses of the ceiling). When he was satisfied he'd accomplished what he set out to do, he relaxed his grip and placed her onto the floor, quickly moving aside before she could kick him.
Daria let out a screech and began spitting on the floor.
"It's not that bad," Chris said, as he pulled on his underwear. "You're doing what you were born to do."
"Fuck you!" Daria cried, pulling her body into a fetal position and sobbing openly.
"Don't say those words to me again," Chris said, standing over her, his voice getting that edge it got when he wanted to bully someone. "Or there will be additional consequences."
Daria's eyes again widened with fear and she managed to say, "Sorry."
"You can leave. I'm finished with you for now. C'mon get up." He leaned down to pick her off the floor, and laughed as she pushed him away and jumped to her feet.
As Chris watched her dress, he had an idea. His dad would be out of town the entire weekend. "I want you back here Saturday morning."
"Don't make me dominate you again, Daria," Chris said.
"How long is this going to last?" Daria was crying again.
"As long as you obey me and do as I say, I'll release you Sunday night at eight PM."
"Haven't you already done enough?"
Chris was unmoved. "No. Not even close. This doesn't have to be so bad, Daria. I'm gonna teach you to love my cock."
"This is bullshit! Didn't you get what you wanted?"
"You're only making it worse for yourself. Maybe I should just call the Chief. Or maybe I should grab you by your neck again and stuff my cock down your throat. How would you like that?" Chris moved quickly, menacingly getting up in Daria's face.
"Wait," Daria put her hands up and felt the fear course through her as the beast invaded her personal space. "I-I'm sorry, Master."
"Much better. Look, I'm a man of my word. As long as I get what I want to get out of you this weekend, it'll be over Sunday night and you can go back to doing whatever the fuck it is you do. Though I think you might have trouble riding your bike for a while."
When she realized what he had in mind, Daria broke into fresh tears. "Why? Why do you have to do this?"
"Because you're a su-wwweeet piece of ass. Because you make my cock harder than a rock. You should be proud of yourself."
"Oh, god."
Chris grabbed Daria beneath her armpits and hoisted her into the air. She stopped crying. "Try to loosen up. Just because I call you names and was a little rough with you doesn't mean anything. You're a hot babe. That's a compliment." Still holding her, he walked over to the front door before releasing her, only at the same time he got up in her face and pinned her against the door. He realized then how he towered over her. "Now I want you to arrive Saturday morning at 9:00 sharp, wearing a tight miniskirt, WELL ABOVE THE KNEE. No fucking panties. And wear high heels. I want you in high heels. I'm talking stiletto, fuck-me high heels. Got it?"
"I don't have a miniskirt OR high heels."
"Then go to the mall tomorrow and buy them. Otherwise I'll extend this shit until Wednesday. Got it?"
As Daria biked home that night, she found herself experiencing unexpected emotions. On the one hand, she felt lingering anger and fear. Anger over what had taken place and fear over what was to come. These emotions were expected. If anything, they weren't as intense as she imagined they might be. In terms of the unexpected emotions, she felt an odd sense of anticipation bordering on excitement. She couldn't help but think of what had happened. Her mind kept going back to the feeling of having Chris's giant organ forcibly rammed down her throat. It gave her a strange sense of purpose knowing that Chris wanted her so badly, knowing how excited she made him. She kept replaying his groans of pleasure in her mind, and it made her angry to think that he'd violently forced her to swallow his foul-tasting sperm, but at the same time she had never been the object of male desire in this way. And he had called her a hot babe. Wasn't that a compliment?
And what about Chris himself? He was crude and unkempt, but Daria had to admit he had animal appeal. Something about his rugged features, the shaggy head of hair, the thick limbs, and his overpowering strength made her curious. And when she thought of his scent, though undeniably foul, her nipples began to tingle. The realization of this made her nauseous.
Her mind kept going back to Chris's final words: I'm gonna teach you to love my cock. When she thought of having to purchase a little skirt and high heels -- fucking high heels for goodness sakes -- she felt a buzzing below her navel. "Fuck that!" she said out loud, as a way of proving to herself that she wasn't a slut.
Chris woke up at 7:30 with an erection. Now nearly 90 minutes later, he remained painfully hard. Daria had three minutes to get here. All he could think of was her pussy and what he was going to do with it. He had shown some great self-discipline the other day, not ever removing her panties. But he would show no such restraint today. That was for sure.
He had thought long and hard about how he should treat Daria. Ultimately he decided that the girl needed it rough. She might not realize it now, but Chris was convinced deep down inside, on some subconscious level, Daria needed to be manhandled. He reminded himself not to show too much leniency and to stay the course with her.
The doorbell rang and there was Daria. Chris was pleased to see that she had followed his instructions. She wore a black miniskirt and 6" pumps. It was funny to see how awkward and unsteady she looked on her heels, but at the same time, they did wonders for that pert ass of hers, forcing her hips forward in a way that caused her ripe caboose to jut out invitingly. The best part was that Daria didn't realize how luscious she looked in her new outfit. He grabbed her roughly by her arm and dragged her into the house.
"Hey, wait! Ahh!" said Daria, tumbling forward.
Ignoring her protest, Chris hoisted her over his shoulder and gave her ass a squeeze. "We're going downstairs," he said, inhaling deeply. “What kind of soap do you use, Daria? You smell sooo good.”
"Can't we talk about this?" gasped Daria.
"No. Just do as I say and I'll take care of everything."
Down into the basement they went. Chris was prepared. He planted Daria's wriggling little ass onto his padded workout bench. Then he grabbed her wrists and pulled them up over her head. He used a rope to tie them together and then stretched the rope tight before securing it in the basement rafters.
It all happened so fast. Daria felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. "Wait. You don't need to tie me up."
"Shut your yap-hole! The only part of your body I'm interested in right now is your VAGINA," Chris practically slobbered the words.
"Oh fuck. Wait a second," said Daria, her voice cracking as she pondered the latest development. "I can't handle you. You're too—You’re too big! I'll-- I'll give you head."
Chris laughed. "You didn't really think I was only interested in your mouth? Why do you think I had you dress the way you did?" Now that her wrists were secured, Chris leaned forward and put his hand on her stomach, moving his hand down until his fingers slid just beneath the waistband of her miniskirt.
Daria began wiggling her ass. "No! Fucking no, Chris! I can’t!”
“You can and you will. Your twat is built for childbirth. I think it can handle my missile,” Chris said, grabbing her hips.
It was that word, missile that drove Daria into a frenzy. “NO!” she said. “You don’t have to do this.”
"Go ahead, fight me," Chris said. "It will make it more fun when I finally pop your little cherry."
Daria began kicking her legs around. She almost caught Chris with one of the stiletto heels, but he grabbed one ankle and then another. He quickly tied one ankle to a support beam on one side of the chair. Then he tied the other ankle against a heavy hardwood table that must have weighed 250 pounds. Now Daria was spread-legged. She bucked her crotch up and down. "You bastard!" she said. "I'm gonna kill you when this is all over."
Chris ignored her. He was busy yanking off his sweatpants. His cock was so stiff that he feared he might lose it too soon. When Daria saw his thick cock, she began bucking her hips even harder. Chris just laughed. "Do you realize how futile that is? Just relax and get ready for a hot beef injection."
“This is RAPE!” she screamed.
“No it isn’t,” Chris said. “By the time I’m done with you you’ll be thanking me.” He stood between her legs. The set-up was perfect. Daria's ass was on the edge of the chair right at cock level. Chris salivated with lust as he peeled back her mini-skirt.
"Hey, I told you not to wear panties, bitch!" Chris leaned over and looped his thumbs under the corners of Daria's black panties. RIP! Off came the panties.
Chris had been anticipating this moment since Thursday, and he was not disappointed. Daria’s vagina was a perfectly symmetrical mound, elevated from her thighs and stomach in such a way that conveyed its elite status as the most vital part of her body. It was the most beautiful object he had ever laid eyes upon. For such a messed up girl, the center of her was a testament to grace. Chris knew at once Daria took a great deal of pride in her sex. She had this very fine, dark pubic hair. He felt like a boy who had been given the ultimate Christmas present, or the sweetest, most delicious dessert in the world. He knew what he had to do.
"I'm not going to let you in!" she said, struggling even harder.
Chris didn't say a word as he methodically brought his purple cock head up to Daria's opening, his hands trembling. In a way he was glad she was going to resist. It would make penetration even more satisfying. Although Daria's legs were tied open, he could see she was squeezing her vaginal muscles tightly. Daria's slit was narrow and well-conceived, a perfect straight line, dividing her unblemished white sex organ into two distinct halves.
He began gently rubbing the tip of his cock back and forth on the slit, up and down. Holy fuck it felt so smooth. He avoided rubbing the underside of his cock against her because he didn't want to blow his load yet.
"Go ahead, resist me. I've got all day," Chris said.
Daria couldn't believe this was happening. She valued her "hole" as she called it. It was the most sacred part of her body and she spent more time tending to it than all her other body parts combined. People thought she was unkempt, but she treated her hole with respect and had always kept it clean. Now it was under attack and she felt an instinctual desire to defend herself. At the same time, Chris's rigid flesh, and the way it brushed up and down the opening of her hole, felt okay. She shook her ass in an attempt to prevent his rubbing, but Chris used his free hand to grip her hip. He squeezed and she felt pain knife through her as his thumb probed what had to be some sort of nerve ending. Now she was totally stationary. And his rubbing was relentless. She could feel the beginnings of moisture from within her and it was creeping closer and closer to the opening. She groaned with frustration as she was hit with the realization that her hole was betraying her.
Chris grinned when he felt the first hints of wetness. His massive cock-head began to glide smoothly up and down her slit. It felt better than wonderful; it felt like the time he scored that 29 yard touchdown and bowled over that hapless defensive back from Westchester High. Just like Westchester High -- a small, overmatched school -- Daria's overmatched defenses were breaking down.
“I knew you’d like it,” Chris said.
“I don’t fucking like it,” Daria countered, squeezing her muscles even tighter.
Unable to wait another moment, Chris seized Daria's hips with both hands, bent his cock at a downward angle, and thrust his hips forward. It didn’t matter how hard she squeezed. Chris had plenty of natural lubrication to work with and now it was a simple matter of physics. Apply enough pressure and…"UHHH!" He watched as the head of his cock disappeared inside of Daria and Daria let out a scream.
God, she was so fucking tight. Her opening was so slow to yield. But he knew she was no match for his power. Progress was slow, but steady. Chris pulled back a half inch or so and plunged forward with his hips again, gripping her ass for leverage. Daria screamed again.
This time he managed to wedge a good three inches of his cock inside her. The head was fully embedded, as was some shaft. Holy shit! Her pussy was so hot and so incredibly narrow. Now he could feel her young vaginal muscles wrapping snugly around his throbbing shaft, reluctantly embracing him. At the same time, Chris felt a flood of lubrication encase the part of his cock that was embedded inside of Daria Byrd. Now he had the needed lubrication to do what needed to be done. With a triumphant yell, he pulled back and plunged forward a third time, embedding his cock deep into Daria Byrd's now-defenseless vagina. YES. This time he felt her completely yield to his invasion, as his cock surged past her overmatched internal defenses and his gonads slapped up against her bottom.
Daria screamed. It was the type of scream women made in horror films.
Chris he pulled back a few inches and waited for her to calm down. He had no intentions of stopping; he only wanted to weather the initial storm. When her screaming devolved into guttural groans, Chris began fucking her with determined thrusts. He soon figured out that as long as he didn’t penetrate her to the hilt, she seemed to be able to withstand the pain. That said, after 15 or 20 thrusts, he could actually feel Daria's tight hole surrendering, its muscles offering less resistance. And so he permitted himself to go deeper. Daria's limbs shook against their restraints, her muscles instinctually firing randomly as her nervous system sought escape, as her hole continued to be stretched in ways it had never been stretched before.
Chris was euphoric. "I'm gonna shoot my load!"
"No! Not inside. Oh no!"
But Chris ignored her. He let out a victory shout, and ejaculated deep inside. When he was good and satisfied, he pulled his cock out and used the top of her mound as a cum-rag to help clean off his shaft. He stepped back and watched his cum ooze out of Daria. He noticed his cum was mixed with blood and almost felt bad about it. Her opening remained partially open and was inflamed in a way that it hadn’t been moments ago, but other then the pastel-pink spunk that leaked out, there appeared to be nothing in the way of tearing, or anything really bad.
“That was so fucking amazing. Tightest pussy I ever fucked,” Chris said, hiking up his pants. When Daria said nothing, Chris went upstairs.
Daria moaned softly. She was in a great deal of pain, but at least it was over for the time being.
Now Chris was back with a glass of water. "Here's some Ibuprofin," he said. "Take it. You're going to need it. I'm not done with that tight snatch."
When Chris returned from practice, he headed straight to the basement and yanked down his pants. Still sweaty, he nonetheless didn't shower first. He had spent much of practice fantasizing about Daria and how much he enjoyed having his dick inside of her. He was also increasingly convinced that Daria had shown a few subtle hints that she could eventually be trained to love what he had to offer. She might be a foul-mouthed freak on the outside, but she was purely female when Chris had stripped her of her dignity, and females were born to worship big cocks.
Daria was sleeping when he arrived but quickly awoke when she heard her tormenter coming down the stairs. During her time alone, before drifting off to sleep, Daria had contemplated her situation. It was horrible, yet shockingly tolerable. If she weren’t in Chris’s basement, she’d probably be smoking butts and listening to music. In a way, it was a change of pace, and at least she wasn’t bored. Just because she was supposed to feel outrage over basically getting raped didn’t mean she had to. Yes, it had hurt like hell, but toward the end it got a little less painful and she was again fascinated by the novelty of Chris. The way he groaned like a Harley Davidson and the way his face contorted when he came. He sure did seem happy. And now here he was again, hard as a rock, wanting more from her.
Chris brought his thick cock up to her face and took firm hold of the back of her neck. He squeezed just hard enough to remind her of what he was capable of, while permitting her to breathe.
"Clean my sweaty nut-sack with your tongue, you hot bitch," he said. "And you better put your soul into it." He sighed with pleasure as Daria complied without hesitation, her tongue snaking beneath his balls into the area beneath.
Daria wrapped her lips snugly around his hairy scrotum and slid her tongue back and forth, feeling his pubes clinging to her tongue, and resisting the urge to gag. His skin was clammy and pungent. But she persevered anyhow.
"Good little bitch," he said, groaning with pleasure, as his cock extended to its full length and pulsated against her nose. Her tongue was giving him goose pimples everywhere. Unable to contain himself any longer, he took hold of his throbbing cock and plunged it into her mouth, arching his back and driving it as deep as he could. Then he pulled back so just the head was in her mouth. "Suck it, bitch. Suck it like you mean it."
He held his hips stationary and made her suck his cock for a minute or two. He was pleased to see that she was bobbing her head up and down, an obedient little whore. They're all whores, he said to himself. It drove him crazy to see Daria's sexy little mouth clamped around his dong. "That's the way I want you to do it. Suck harder! Faster!" he added and part-groaned, part-laughed when she complied.
Daria was surprised to note that she didn't gag much at all when Chris rammed his cock down her throat. Not only that, but she felt some of those unexpected feelings come over her, the idea that she was the object of Chris's desire and she was turning him on. She still didn't enjoy what was happening to her, but she supposed there was something not entirely horrible about sucking cock. She cursed herself silently for her own thoughts.
Chris was close to losing it, so he yanked it out and moved down between her legs. Now he gripped her narrow waist.
"Oh NO!" Daria said, for she did not take any joy in having her hole violated. It was as painful as a knife. This time, her pussy, weakened by earlier violations, put up little fight. She was moist from before and Chris had no trouble at all penetrating her. To her surprise, Daria noticed it didn't hurt as much as it did the first time. She also noticed that her pussy went through a series of rapid contractions around the hard cylindrical object that was penetrating it. Her nipples began to tingle and her screams turned into moans -- angry moans, but moans nonetheless. In the back of her mind she began to wonder if she was going to have an orgasm. It was still very painful but it was a different kind of pain.
Now Chris had pulled out and the tingling sensation stopped. What was he doing? Why did he stop? Oh no! He was bringing his cock back up to her face. Now thick jets of cum began shooting out. The first two landed on her chin. The third one went into her left eye. She blinked reflexively but it was too late. Now his cock was on her chin. "Open your fucking mouth," he panted. And she did so just in time for a huge spurt to splatter against the roof of her mouth. Now it was coating her tongue.
Chris had her neck again. "Swallow it, bitch! And clean your cunt juice off my cock!"
Daria did as she was told.
"Show some passion!"
Daria pretended Chris's cock was a grape popsicle. Only it was much too hot to be a popsicle. And popsicles didn't ooze slime. But with that massive hand squeezing her neck, she would have to use her imagination. Once again, she felt a strange sense of accomplishment as she felt his body shudder mightily and his cock begin to soften ever so slightly in her mouth. She made sure to wrap her lips extra tightly around his cock and thoroughly suck him to completion. She pressed her tongue against his pee hole and rubbed it gently back and forth until she was certain no more salty fluid was coming out. It took a while, but eventually she was pretty sure she had it all. Her mind drifted and she almost forgot where she was, so focused was she on making sure her Master was cleaned off properly. His groans of ecstasy gave her an unmistakable feeling of accomplishment.
"That's a good little fucking whore. I think you're starting to get it." He pulled his cock out and smiled as Daria's tongue attempted to chase it. “Oh, you want it back in your mouth?”
By the time Daria realized what had happened, Chris had noticed. She had stuck her tongue out instinctively. Now he was calling her out on it, which put her in an awkward position. “I—I, no. It wasn’t intentional,” she said.
“Sure it wasn’t.”
Chris "rewarded" her by slapping his meat onto her tongue a couple of times and patting her condescendingly on her cheek. Her mouth remained obediently open, tongue fully extended, and her eyes had a focused, serene quality to them.
Chris decided to untie Daria and drag her up to the shower with him. Having been tied up for several hours, she had a hard time walking, so he decided to carry her. Once in the shower, he made her get on her knees and scrub him down. His cock began to throb again as she carefully used a washcloth to wipe down his thighs, and ass, eventually working her way to his scrotum and cock.
He studied Daria from above. Her breasts and thighs glistened with moisture and her long dark hair looked especially lovely when wet. Unable to resist, he picked her up and turned her around so she was facing away from him.
He pushed the shower nozzle down and dragged her to the back of the tub, whereupon he sat down and pulled her toward him so she was seated on his lap. She had become a malleable rag doll in his arms. It was as if he had his own personal fuck-dummy.
Daria could feel his cock lying comfortably between her ass cheeks, a jumbo sausage in a bun. His massive hands slid between her thighs, once again forcing them open, this time with zero resistance. He took the soapy facecloth, and began scrubbing her vulva, making sure to lather up her pubes. Now he was gently sliding his fingers up and down her sore slit while rubbing her mound in a circular motion with the cloth. His head was positioned just behind hers and he took note of her erratic breathing.
Daria's nipples were tingling again. This was so much different than the rough treatment from before. Resisting the urge to moan, she found herself gasping for air and her trembling hands seemed to move on their own until they were cradling her breasts. Her fingers began pinching and tugging at her own nipples. She bit down on her lower lip and cursed silently as she threw her head back until it was resting on Chris's massive shoulder. An involuntary "Ohhh!" escaped her lips.
"Tell me you like it," Chris said.
"I--I like it," she gasped, and for reasons related to pride, she tried to tell herself that she didn't mean it. But Chris's hands were relentless, the way they rubbed at her swollen opening. His soapy thumb had found a certain spot and the gentle rubbing was causing her to clench her ass with undeniable pleasure. The tingling of her nipples became more pronounced. Daria arched her back and her neck and moaned again and again, as waves of pleasure surged from the spot that Chris was rubbing, and the pleasure radiated to her toes, fingertips, and nipples. Daria’s chest and ribcage buckled against Chris who maintained a firm hold and intensified the rubbing.
"That's my good little cocksucking whore," Chris said, as Daria's body went completely limp in his arms and drool leaked from the corners of her mouth.
When they got out of the shower, Daria knelt before him, drying him off thoroughly.
"C'mere," Chris said when she had finished drying him off.
They went into Chris's dad's room. Chris was poking around. Finally he threw something pink at her. "I want you to wear this."
Daria hated pink, more than anything. She examined the garment. It was a lacy pink satin slip. Chris made her put it on and stand in front of the mirror. It only half covered her ass. She had to admit the silk felt good on her body. To her great surprise, she began to feel sexy for the first time in her life. Until his voice jolted her out of the fantasy.
"Go clean the fucking kitchen and make me dinner. There's steak in the fridge."
Daria wasn't much of a cook. In fact, she didn't know anything about cooking. So it shouldn't have been a surprise to her when she burned the steak.
She had tried to pan fry it. She used a lot of butter. She left it on there too long. Chris was on the internet and not paying attention. By the time he felt the burning smell waft over to his side of the house, he was too late.
"You stupid fucking bitch," he said, grateful for the opportunity to exert his authority. When he saw the fear in Daria's eyes, his cock hardened. "Now you're going to get my nine inch nail again."
It came out spontaneously. Chris had to laugh at his own cleverness. "That's your favorite band, right? The Nine Inch Nails. How fitting," he said, reaching for her.
Daria recoiled in fear and anger. How dare he associate his fucking meat -- that diabolical weapon between his legs -- with her music? Suddenly, everything was wrong again and Daria felt her old rebellious self come flashing back. She avoided his grasp and ran into the other room, with Chris and his boner hot on her heels. What had she been thinking before, getting off on this? This guy was a fucking animal and she hated him.
Daria made it to the other side of the house before Chris cornered her in the study. He was laughing and that only made her angrier. She fought him, punching and kicking, trying to nail him in the balls, but Chris was too strong and athletic. He grabbed her and put her in a bear hug, squeezing the breath out of her lungs until she had no choice but to relax her body and surrender yet again. The room had a huge mirror. Daria was shocked to see herself in her frilly outfit. She looked so small and helpless in the grips of the monster. Her struggling had caused her pink slip to ride up over her hips and her sex, swollen from repeated violation, was exposed. The image led to another unexpected tingling in her chest as the stain ran over her nipples, but the feeling was short-lived. Chris dragged her over to his dad's favorite recliner chair and pulled her face down across his lap. He grabbed her flailing arm and twisted it behind her back until she cried out in pain and ceased any form of resistance. Only then did he begin spanking that delicious ass.
"Bad girl!" He said. "Now I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."
When the pain of 1,000 angry hornets hit her ass cheeks, Daria kicked and screamed and tried to get away, but it was hopeless. Chris had huge hands and he was playing for keeps. Soon she was crying and begging for him to stop. She couldn't believe how much it hurt. His hand seemed to find the most sensitive part of her backside and he methodically switched from cheek to cheek. Daria kicked her legs, but it was completely futile. She couldn't move. When the pain became too much to bear, all her muscles fired at once in a spontaneously last-ditch effort to wriggle off his lap. The effort almost worked. She managed to slide her lower torso off his lap, and her knees banged painfully onto the floor. Chris laughed and easily gathered her back up. This time he pinned her between his powerful legs.
"I told you I'm going to teach you a lesson that you're NEVER going to forget," he said. With that, he focused his spanks on the reddest part of Daria's ass.
When the pain returned, Daria bucked her hips once and then twice to no effect. Realizing she was once again completely under his control, she threw her head back and burst into deep, anguished sobs. "Ohhhh I'm sorry!" she said. "I'm sorr-hoo-hoo-hoo!"
Realizing he had succeeded in completely breaking her spirit, Chris stopped spanking her.
"Are you going to obey me, slut?"
"Say 'Yes, Master,'" Chris said, giving her red ass another hard swat.
"Yes, Master!"
"Who’s your daddy?"
"You are, Master! You are!"
Chris pushed her off his lap and back onto her knees. When he saw fresh tears rolling freely down her cheeks, he wanted her even more. "You know what to do," he said, pointing to his cock. "Show serious passion or I'll light your ass on fire again!"
Chris was pleased to note that his threat had the desired result. Daria’s strong jaw was paying huge dividends now, her lips generating suction driven by fear, all the time her tears sliding down her cheeks. Watching her lips stretched around his cock made his teeth chatter. Her head bobbed like a buoy in an ocean cyclone. He was about to shoot another salty load down her throat, but he had another idea. Pulling out, he got up behind her and pressed his massive cock against her ass. Using his thumbs, he spread those perfect ass cheeks and began applying more pressure as he tried to wedge his stiff prick into Daria's anus.
As one might expect from a slender young woman, Daria had a tight ass. Unfortunately for her, Chris's rod was incredibly hard; every blood vessel was filled to the max. And his cock was well lubricated by Daria's saliva. Eventually, inch by inch, his cock began to achieve penetration.
Daria screamed so loudly Chris had to put his hand over her mouth. "Shut up and take it, bitch," he said, grunting with pleasure as he felt her anal juices around his throbbing cock. With one final plunge, he drilled it deep inside her. Now he wanted to hear her scream so he grabbed her chest, using her little titties as leverage, and began fucking her in the ass with everything he had. "Scream all you want, bitch. Nobody can hear you."
Her ass was even tighter than her twat. Fortunately, Chris had already came a couple of times that day so he lasted a few minutes. Daria's voice soon went hoarse from all the screaming she was doing and the primary sound in the room became Chris's grunts of pleasure, and his balls slapping up against Daria's vaginal lips.
Daria felt the pain get less sharp. Still, it hurt so much. And she felt so helpless, like a ragdoll. I'm being ass-raped, she thought to herself and the thought made her rage with humiliation. Her body was totally under his control. He had her tits firmly in his palms and with his cock slamming into her ass, she literally could do nothing except flail with her limbs. Again, there were flickering feelings of pleasure amidst the pain. In a way, it felt safe to be so owned.
Suddenly she heard him grunt louder and then she felt the painful spurts from deep in her anus as he began to ejaculate. If the pressure wasn't bad enough, this made it worse. She began to scream again, but it came out as a whisper since her voice was shot. She twisted her heard so hard that she almost broke her own neck.
Now his cock was no longer in her ass. Now she felt herself being flipped onto her back. She let out a moan of surprise, momentarily getting her voice back. Wait, what was he doing? Oh no! Now his cock was coming toward her face. It was spurting wildly, thick white cum oozing out of the head. A thick glob hit her chin. Her mouth was barely open, but the next spurt found the narrow opening and splashed onto her tongue, causing her to flinch. (At that moment, it occurred to Daria how jarring it was when his cum squirted into her mouth; it had a worm-like feel to it, the way the main part of the wad would go deep, while the lingering tail made the violation more complete. It would take some time to get used to, the slimy filth of it all.)
"Open wider!" Chris yelled.
Defeated and knowing what he wanted, she opened her mouth just in time for another volcanic spurt to coat her tongue and throat. Now he had her neck again and she had no choice but to wrap her lips around the meat. That's when the taste of her own bowels hit her. Her eyes got big and teary and she gagged. But the gag stayed within her since there was no room to release it. She felt him deposit the rest of the load into the back of her mouth, as she retched. Now he pulled back so the head of his still-oozing cock forced her lips open. She felt more salty sperm on the tip of her tongue. At least the powerful spurts were finished, this time around…
"Clean off my piss hole with your tongue, like a good cum-guzzling whore," Chris said triumphantly. "That's it. I knew you loved it." He squeezed out the last few drops of sperm onto her tongue, which was darting frantically and obediently around his pee hole. He shook his cock up and down, slapping her outstretched tongue with it. He was pleased to see that her entire mouth and the area around it -- her chin, the corners of her lips, and the brow below her nose, were coated with sperm. With a sigh, he plunged his cock back down her throat and pumped as hard as he could for ten seconds, watching as she went bug-eyed again. Then he pulled back and again rested his cock on her lower lip.
"I want you to lovingly suck off your Master's cock, bitch. I shouldn't have to move. Clean it off if you know what's good for you."
Daria wasn't about to disobey Chris. She had grown to fear him to the point where she wanted to please him. "Yes Master," she said, almost robotically and began sucking his cock in earnest, ignoring the way it tasted, grateful that he was finished squirting.
Chris just sighed. Man it felt good getting his cock sucked like that. He made her suck him slowly and gently for a good five minutes. Daria never thought it would end. When he pulled out and she thought it was over Chris then pushed her balls forward and made her give them a thorough tongue bath for another five minutes.
Finally he pulled his nuts out of her mouth and used his now semi-hard penis to push some of the male discharge that was on her cheeks and chin back into her mouth. Daria struggled to show him the respect he commanded, for the last thing she wanted was another spanking, though the sperm seemed to taste stronger now that it had cooled down a bit.
“Thank me for the tasty snack!”
"Thank you Master," she said.
“For what?”
“For the tasty snack.”
“Smack your lips and show me how much you love it…That’s it. Now go to fucking McDonalds and get me dinner."
When Daria returned from McDonald's, Chris ordered her back into the slutty pink slip, which now was fittingly stained with his cum. He was fully clothed now and it gave him a feeling of dominance to have her wait hand and foot on him, as he ate dinner. She was quick to obey him now and answered everything with a "Yes, Master."
After dinner he had an idea. He went into the downstairs closet and took out his old golden retriever's collar. Gus, his old dog, had died earlier that year. Chris had saved the collar and leash. Now he attached it to Daria's neck. "I always wanted a bitch," he said grinning down on her. He made her pant like a dog, roll over, and lick his feet.
Daria didn't dare defy him. Her ass was still so sore from being spanked and subsequently violated. She was exhausted and figured the best course of action was not to resist.
“C’mon bitch. Stick your cum-stained tongue out! Roll over again. I’d better see obedience bitch, or you’ll be in trouble. Now on your knees and beg. That’s it. You just want more cock, right?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Then BEG for it. I know you can talk. Let me hear you beg for it. Talk and bark at the same time!”
“Ruff, ruff! More cock, Master. I need more cock. Ruff!”
“Not right now, bitch. I’m tired. Lick my feet.”
Chris made her fetch him beers while he watched a movie. When it was time for bed, as a final indignity, he made her lie on the bed. There, he positioned his ass over her face.
"Deep-tongue my ass, whore! If you don't do it right, I'll give you a bedtime spanking."
As Daria cleaned his ass, she could feel her old hatred and anger bubbling up inside her. This was disgusting! But once again she thought of the pain of being spanked and she didn't dare defy him. Suddenly she felt a rush of hot air and the stench hit her.
"Ah, a McFart," Chris said laughing. "Don't stop, bitch!"
Chris wondered about his own cruelty, but he decided to trust his instinct. By putting her through these incredibly humiliating trials, he was effectively solidifying his dominance over her. Now that he owned her, he could employ the type of tenderness he applied in the shower and she would melt in his arms. In the end, he was certain she would into a willing, grateful cum-slut who feared and respected him. She would worship him like a king and willingly offer all of her orifices to his throbbing cock. And life would be perfect.
As she accepted his disgusting fart, Daria struggled not to gag. Fortunately she had plenty of experience over the past few days with foul tastes in her mouth. Though this was the worst one of all, it didn't stop her from continuing to clean out her Master's ass. To her surprise, her anger was quickly replaced by a single-minded determination to please the large beast which had so thoroughly conquered her body and mind. She felt an unusual sense of devotion as she lapped away at Chris's hairy hole.
Chris was pleased to feel Daria's tongue continue to slither at his anus, even after he farted in the poor little bitch's mouth. It validated his brutal course of action. His cock became very stiff again as he wiggled his ass on Daria's tongue and grunted with pleasure. But he decided it was enough for one day and he would wait until the morning before assaulting her again. When he was finally satisfied, he made Daria lay down on a blanket at the foot of the bed. Within two minutes, she fell into a deep sleep.
Chris leaned over the bed and studied her body. Her nipples were raw and her vagina was swollen. The area around her slit was especially black and blue. But she was young and a decent night's sleep would do it some good.
The next morning, Daria felt herself awoken by a jerk on her leash. Chris was standing above her, his huge cock ominously presenting itself.
He leaned down and hoisted her into the air. It pleased him to hear her cry out in surprise as he plopped her down onto his bed. The chick was still half asleep as he ordered her to spread her legs and lift her legs high over her head.
Daria braced herself for a painful violation, but instead Chris cradled her body and began rubbing the tip of his massive cock around her opening. She felt herself gasp with pleasure and moisten quite rapidly. Chris smiled knowingly and took a firm hold of Daria's hips. She held her breath as she readied herself to get painfully rammed, but to her surprise Chris took a very gentle approach, penetrating her one millimeter at a time.
"Look at me when I fill your hot cunt, Daria," Chris groaned, a lustful smile on his face. And to his great thrill, she did as she was told, with a "Yes, Master."
Chris's cock was still difficult to handle, but Daria was much better prepared than the day before. Although her hole was quite sore, she found herself enjoying the feeling of being filled. She realized she was getting dominated, and that was okay. In fact, it was better than okay. Master’s cock felt shockingly good as it glided back and forth inside of her. A part of her wanted him to fuck her harder, but she didn't dare say a word. She bit down on her lower lip to keep from moaning out loud.
Chris was once again salivating as he felt Daria's steamy little cunt begin to pulsate rapidly against his cock. It was remarkable to him that her petite body was able to accommodate him. Her unbridled contractions felt so fucking good! He only lasted three minutes before he pulled out and shot a huge load all over her tits and face. He rested his cock on the bridge of her nose and let the final spurts ooze down the sides of her nose before pulling it back and offering it to her mouth. He could have melted as he watched Daria lean forward and take his dripping member into her hungry mouth as if it were a delicious ice cream treat. Look at the way her jaw works in perfect concert with her lips, he thought to himself. He felt a sudden urge to hold her and kiss her tenderly.
Daria found herself disappointed that he wasn't still inside her, but oddly satisfied as she deep-throated his shaft. She made sure to slurp every drop from him, carefully curling her tongue just beneath his pee hole and lapping at his head until he pulled out. When he finally did pull out, she kept her mouth open and her tongue dutifully extended while Chris slapped her tongue with his cock and then playfully slapped her cheeks with it for a good half minute. He hit both sides of her jaw with cock uppercuts and he felt like the king of the world, owning this once unapproachable little piece of ass the way he did.
Daria watched him as he went to the bathroom. The deep, manly sound of his pee splashing in the water made her hope he'd come back and give it to her again. She imagined the thick stream of urine coming out of his beautiful hose and she wished she were standing next to him, hose in hand, guiding her Master's piss into the bowl.
Chris plopped back into the bed next to Daria. She had a dreamy look in her tired eyes and as soon as he was next to her she began stroking his chest and stomach, and eventually his cock.
“What’s gotten into you?” Chris said, smiling and quickly hardening again, as Daria voluntarily lifted her own legs up over her head.
Fluid was now leaking freely from Daria’s vagina onto the mattress. “Fuck me please, Master,” she said, licking her lips provocatively. “Fuck me HARD.”
“You want to get nailed?”
“YES. NAIL me please, Master. PLEASE I’m begging you. NAIL ME.”
And so Chris began nailing her with wild abandon, pressing his nose against hers and looking deep into her eyes. Almost immediately, Daria began moaning and saying, "Oh my God," again and again. At some point she began to squeal like an animal being slaughtered. Based on her screaming, and her vaginal contractions, and the way her eyes rolled back in her head as though she were a zombie, Chris had the pleasure of knowing that he was ramming his little Goth slave's cunt into next week. It got even better when she shouted, "Oh yesyesyes! Fuck me! FUCK ME!"
Chris pumped his hips as hard as he could, each time pulling back until the head of his cock had almost exited her snatch before plunging forward until his balls slapped hard against her ass. He had no idea how he wasn’t hurting her. Daria's pussy was violently contracting now, a series of disjointed muscle spasms that rapidly took him over the edge. In one motion, he removed his cock from her snatch and pulled her down beneath his loins, so he could shove it down her throat. This time it wasn't necessary to hold her in place. Daria's mouth eagerly accepted the offering.
Their eyes met and it was clear to both of them that the dynamics of their relationship had undergone a dramatic change.
Daria stared up at her Master with puppy-dog eyes as she deep-throated his cock, locking her lips around it as tightly as she could. Chris was pumping rapidly, but with good control now, having had some practice recently. Daria felt incredibly connected to him, and for the first time it felt wonderful each time her Master's mushroom head slid part way down her throat. She wouldn't gag; she would make sure to do her job until her Master was fully satisfied. His face was behind her on the bed, so she had to look back over her head, but she made sure she locked eyes on him. She was thrilled to note that he had a look of pure glee on his face, which meant she was making him happy and that was the most important thing. His cock began to quiver against her tongue (later she surmised she had felt his ejaculate surging up his urethra) before he began spurting in the back of her throat. Daria didn't miss a beat, continuing to suck with as much love as she could possibly offer. It was only fair, she thought, to be nice to something that had just given her the most pleasure of her young life. She forgot where she was. She forgot who she was, so focused was she on worshipping her Master's cock.
Chris was tempted to berate her, but instead he groaned with pleasure and savored the incredible sensations while studying her cock-worshipping face. I've done it, he said to himself with sheer delight. I've turned her into a woman. As the thought crossed his mind, he groaned with pleasure as he felt the final intense spurts come out. He watched her throat muscle acting as a pump to convey the fluid into her belly as Daria efficiently slurped up every drop. Feeling suddenly light-headed, Chris tried to pull out of her mouth. Without missing a beat, Daria's head rose off the bed. She wrapped one of her hands around the base of his shaft, and began pumping the bottom half of his cock with her tight little fist, while her other hand cradled and tugged at Chris's deflated scrotum. Her lips were still wrapped around the head of his cock and she was sucking with such intensity that his spent penis head kept popping and out of her mouth like a lollypop, each time making a sound like a freshly opened bottle of champagne. Her tongue continued to work ferociously on Chris's pee hole. It was clear to her that the coordinated efforts of her hands, lips and tongue were yielding additional spunk. It tasted delicious now, and she wanted more, more, MORE! She wouldn't stop until he instructed her to do so.
"Okay baby," he said, laughing. "I have baseball practice. You can go now." He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Four Days Later...
Daria had cut class again. She was riding her bike down the same street where Chris had cut her off only nine days ago. She didn't have to ride this way -- it was, quite frankly, out of her direction, but she had found herself in the past couple of days taking this route. In the back of her head, she knew why she was doing it -- she wouldn't admit it out loud to herself, but she hoped maybe a certain BMW would cut her off. Then again, there was no reason for Chris to be on this side of town.
Daria's few friends had commented on her changed appearance that week in school. She still wore all black, only for the first time she wore a snug fitting skirt along with black stockings and black ankle-high boots. Her lipstick color had changed, from its perennial black to a striking deep red. More than one high school boy noticed the change and there were whispers among the girls about her altered appearance, unfounded rumors and innuendo. Still, both boy and girl could agree on one thing: Daria Byrd had taken flight.
Now, riding down the road in the semi-deserted industrial part of town, Daria smiled as she thought of the strange looks she had been getting from her classmates. Although her appearance changed, her motto remained the same: I don't give a damn about my reputation.
What Daria Byrd did suddenly give a huge damn about was "it," a.k.a. The Nine Inch Nail, no plural needed. It had been on her mind constantly in the past 72 hours. She had very little control over her thoughts when it came to it. She felt a deep, instinctual longing that would not go away, no matter how hard she tried to push it out of her head. Her mouth would water and her middle (both front and rear) would tingle every single fucking time the thought of it crossed her mind.
Chris had been out of school. The team was on a road trip. It was on a road trip, which meant it wasn’t in town and she was afraid to ask when it was coming home.
Suddenly, Daria heard a roar. An anticipatory smile came across her red lips. A familiar late-model BMW pulled ahead of her and parked. She felt an unmistakable pulsing between her thighs as she slowed her bike and pulled up to the passenger side of the car. There, in the front seat sat The Brutalizer with a gleam in his eye. Daria’s mouth watered and all three of her key body cavities began to tingle in unison.
Shortly thereafter, the car left in a cloud of dust, leaving only an inanimate object in its place -- a rusting old dirt bike.
A few minutes later, the BMW pulled up to a traffic light. To a pedestrian crossing the street, there appeared to be only one person in the car, a strapping young man behind the steering wheel. The pedestrian couldn't help but notice the man had an odd look on his face. He looked quite flushed and appeared to be breathing heavily, which was strange...
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