Chapter 10
Emily was quite proud of her new spots. She smiled brightly and walked with a new bounce in her step that caused her breasts to be even more animated than before. She knew that people would view her as weird once they went home but she was fine with that. They were just ignorant about the importance of the spots.
Anna was somewhat embarrassed about all of the attention. She was just glad that she did not receive any spots of her own. She never wanted to be the center of attention and she knew that everyone would stare at her once they got back to the university. She remembered how everyone always gawked at the professor when she returned to school with spotted skin.
Emily’s master’s lust for her grew to new heights after she received her spots. She wasn’t quite sure how to think of him, though. Was he her master? Surely he kept her bound and loved to parade her around on a leash. That seemed like a master.
But he also might be her husband in the eyes of the villagers. That sent a chill down her spine. She expected to get married again someday but no time soon. And she didn’t want to have to explain to a future husband that she kind of sort of already had a husband on a distant island in the Pacific. Maybe he was just a temporary mate. Or maybe she was just a temporary play thing.
Regardless of what her status was, he was horny… always. She had no idea that anyone could get erect that often. And he loved to ravish her just about everywhere on the island. But Emily was always horny too, so that worked out perfectly for her.
Anna realized that she was always horny also. She was constantly wet, which was new to her. She had no idea why that was happening. It was okay to be that way here on the island but she hoped that it went away by the time she returned home or she would be staining all of her skirts and slacks.
It was really useful here, though, she realized. Her mistress’ master would plunge into her with barely a moment’s notice. He would lie her down on a mat or drape her over a railing or lift her up and then lower him onto his ever-rampant cock. It was fortunate that she was so well lubricated all the time or it could have been painful.
She was even wet during nursing time. This was one of the most bizarre rituals that the tribe had in her mind. The women would gather in the center of the village and would lay out their reed mats. Then the children would arrive and start nursing on breasts whether they contained milk or not. The children ranged from infants to teenagers and all of them helped themselves to the offered breasts.
Most of the women had their wrists bound behind their backs during this and had to put up with whatever the children did. There was no good way to stop them without raising a stink. So they endured the teeth and the harsh suction. Some children even treated the breasts as balls and would swat them back and forth. And Anna even found herself being groped and fondled and even probed at times.
“Do these children seem a bit forward to you?” she asked Jill at one point.
“It’s just a different culture, Anna. What seems forward to us might be perfectly natural to them.”
“Hmmmffff,” snorted Anna. “Well copping a feel is copping a feel. I don’t care what culture you’re in.”
“Of course they just seem to be copping a feel,” replied Jill. “They’re actually sucking your breasts and squeezing them. They’re too young to be getting to second base.”
“I’d be okay if they just played with my breasts,” complained Anna. “It’s when they diddle my clit or stab into my pussy that I mind.”
“They do that to you?” asked a surprised Jill.
“All the time!” said Anna. “They masturbate me!”
“Wow!” exclaimed Jill.
Jill watched Anna during the next nursing session. Sure enough, the girl who was suckling on her student’s breast had a hand between Anna’s thighs and was clearly stroking her clit. She decided that she should watch this over time to see how widespread the behavior was.
Jill kept watching and chuckled at one point as she saw Anna trying to squirm away from the finger. There was an immediate slap to Jill’s left breast by the boy who was nursing on her right breast. Fingers gripped her chin, turning her face back to watch her nipple being drawn between the boy’s lips.
What was that all about? Did the children of the tribe play some kind of dominant role in this society? This had never happened to her before but, then again, she had always been completely compliant as the children nursed on her breasts before this. She would have to study this behavior.
Anna started moaning and Jill glanced over at her student again. This brought an immediate spank to her pussy and caused her to gasp. She looked back at the boy who had a determined look on his face, clearly indicating that Jill should keep her focus on him and not be looking elsewhere.
During the brief moment when she had looked at Anna, she saw that her student was in the throes of orgasm. Her head was thrown back and she was moaning. Her face and chest were flushed with arousal. And the girl who was suckling on her breast was still moving her fingers to prolong the orgasm, occasionally slipping her fingers into Anna’s swampy sex.
Jill kept her eyes locked on the boy. He smiled back at her approvingly as he repositioned her and himself. He pushed her back until she was lying on her bound hands and then straddled her hips. His cock was standing in front of him, fully erect as he reached forward and pushed her breasts together. Then he leaned forward and started suckling on the other breast.
She wanted to look around to see if all of the women were being dominated this way but she did not want to upset the youth again. Instead, she just watched him feasting on her fleshy orbs, seeing his cheeks hollowing with each suck, and feeling his very hard cock brushing against her belly.
“But I’m not dominant,” explained Jill to the chief later that day. She had just described the dominant behavior that she observed in the children. His response was that they were being trained to be dominant. The boys were always raised to be dominant. Now, they were going to raise the girls the same way. Some of them would still turn out to be docile katahuas and harem girls. Others might become future Leopard Girls.
“Why are you raising the girls to be dominant?” she continued.
The chief shrugged his shoulders and then stepped forward lifting her breasts in his hands. “I know that it is not a perfect plan. Treasures such as these should be protected so they can be enjoyed.” He bounced the breasts to illustrate what these were.
“But you have seen three attacks on our island,” he continued. “You were taken during one raid. I would have been killed if not for you on another. And the village would have been taken and destroyed in the third one if not for you and your katahua. We need more defenders. The girls are the only answer that we have. We will raise Leopard Girls from now on.”
Oh, no, thought Jill. She had been right to worry about changing this society. Because of her, traditions that were centuries old were being changed. No good could come from immersion research, she reminded herself.
“But the women should be protected,” she reminded him.
“You are not protected when you charge into the enemy,” he said. “And you are a woman. A very fine woman.” He illustrated this point by bouncing her breasts again and admiring the jiggling orbs of flesh.
Jill groaned. She wanted to roll back the clock but she could not imagine how that was possible. It appeared that, despite her best efforts at being unobtrusive, she had permanently changed the culture of this simple tribe.
“Come, my Leopard,” he said, grasping her nipples and pulling her forward. “We fuck now.”
She would not have resisted him. She would always comply with her chief’s wishes and desires. She was his katahua and she belonged to him. But she could not have resisted in any event. With her wrists bound behind her back as they almost always were, she was only able to follow him.
Normally, she enjoyed sex with the chief. Actually, after spending a few years as her boss’ slave, she had gotten to the point of enjoying sex with just about anyone. She certainly had been taken by enough people over the years before she was finally released from her enslavement. Enjoy wasn’t actually the right word. It was frequently humiliating and debasing to be used as a sexual object that was owned by another. But she had gotten to the point where she could escape into her own private world and find pleasure. She almost always climaxed.
Today was different, though. The chief was as tender and caring as always as he slid his thick cock in and out of her sex. He caressed her body softly in a way that she always enjoyed. But she wasn’t able to get into the spirit of the lovemaking. She was too worried about the damage that she had done to the tribe.
He noticed it and spanked her ass which was upthrust in the position he had her in. “What’s wrong, my girl?”
“I am sorry, my lord,” she replied after gasping at the surprise swat. “I will do better. I promise.”
He reached around and grasped her breasts, using them as handles as he started to piston in and out of her again. The normal coos and moans were still not there, though, and he abruptly pulled out of her, causing her to gasp again and leaving her lying over the rail where he had been impaling her.
“You are not pleasing today,” he told her as he moved around to her head.
She sighed. “I am sorry, my lord. I will try to do better. I promise I will. How can I make it up to you?”
“You try again later,” he said as he tied his loincloth around his waist. “I will not give you the normal punishment for a katahua who is not pleasing her master. But the next time, I will.” He left the hut and Jill struggled to her feet.
They have a punishment for katahuas not being pleasing? That was the first she had heard of that. She wondered what that consisted of.
Chapter 11
Jill continued to worry about the potential damage that she had inflicted on her tribe. What would this mean about this loving tribe’s future? How would future generations where Leopard Girls were developed possibly reproduce? Would Leopard Girls have babies? If not, then the population would likely dwindle over time.
The children continued to get bolder by the day. Anna had been the first one to notice that she was being molested by the young ones. Within days of that observation, all of the children were toying with whoever they were nursing on at the moment. Jill constantly had at least one finger moving in and out of her pussy and frequently had more than one. And it was quite common to have a breast bounced or slapped around as the other one endured the nonstop suction of young lips.
The result was that nursing time became pornographic scenes of masturbation. And it wasn’t just Jill and Anna and Emily who were being abused this way. All of the women were being masturbated and toyed with and the entire village was filled with moans and whimpers during nursing periods.
All of her worrying continued to distract Jill from being able to please her master, the chief. He let her go the first time with a warning. After several days of it, however, he could no longer ignore her errant behavior. Something had to be done. Jill finally discovered how katahuas are punished when they are not pleasing.
It must not happen often. In all of her years of studying this tribe, she had never witnessed the punishment of a katahua or even heard of it happening. So she had no idea what to expect.
It came as a surprise that the entire village would be involved. Early the next morning, the chief led her to the center of the village where everyone was waiting for them. The other katahuas were assigned the task of preparing her and they worked efficiently to get her ready.
Their first step was to bind her into a frame. It was rectangular and her limbs were stretched to the four corners where they were lashed securely. This left her bound tightly in a spread eagle position.
She learned that the frame could be rotated in many different directions and the other katahuas swiveled it until she was horizontal and looking up at the sky. Several of them poured oil over her body while many hands rubbed the oil in. Something was in the oil, she realized, because the more they rubbed, the more sensitive her flesh became. It was not painful. But she could tell that her sensations were being heightened by whatever ingredient was in the oil.
The katahuas finished with her front and the frame was rotated again. Now she was looking down at the ground. Again, oil was poured onto her skin and the feminine hands rubbed it in.
Half of Jill wished that Anna was not in the audience, even though she knew that her student was there. As her katahua, Anna was one of the people who w as rubbing the oil into her skin. But she wished that her girl would not be forced to witness whatever was about to happen to her. The other half of her was glad that Anna was there and she hoped that her student took very good notes. This was a ritual that she had never observed before and she wanted a good record of it.
Anna was indeed there. She was not sure what to do but Inkin was instructing her on the proper way to prepare a katahua for punishment. She had just finished rubbing oil into the firm ass cheeks of her owner and now they glistened in the bright morning sun.
Inkin’s next instruction was to coat the inside of Jill’s ass. Anna gasped at the instruction and shook her head defiantly. She couldn’t do that to her mistress!
Inkin was understanding but insistent. She poured some oil between the taut globes of flesh and then grasped Anna’s wrist, guiding her hand to Jill’s little pucker. Anna had a dazed look on her face as she watched Inkin pry her fingers open and then straighten one. She gasped again as she watched Inkin push her finger into her mistress’ rectum and heard Jill groan as her bottom was violated.
Jill groaned loudly at the intrusion and Anna felt the tight sphincter gripping her digit. Anna watched in disbelief as Inkin moved the finger in and out. She gasped yet again when Inkin straightened another finger and pushed it into her mistress.
Jill groaned again as the second finger stretched her bottom. She immediately felt the drug or whatever it was going to work inside of her as she became more and more sensitive to each movement of the fingers.
They finally finished working on Jill’s backside and Anna was thankfully allowed to extract her fingers. The frame was rotated again and, once again, Jill was looking up at the sky. Her skin felt tingly all over at this point.
One of the katahuas went to work at Jill’s head while Inkin and Anna stood between the bound woman’s legs with the older katahua instructing the younger one. The one at her head was fitting an ivory ring into Jill’s mouth. It was wide and the katahua had to work carefully to get it in place. Eventually, however, the ring was seated behind Jill’s front teeth. Her mouth was stretched open painfully and it was obvious that she would not be able to remove it herself.
Once again, Anna was horrified at the act she was being forced to perform. Inkin had coated the girl’s hand with the oil and then formed the fingers and thumb into a cone shape. The cone was then pushed into the captive’s sex. Anna was once again in disbelief as she saw what Inkin was doing with her hand. Inch by inch, the fingers were pushed deeper into her mistress’ sex. Jill was groaning constantly at this point and seemed to be protesting the violation, but the words were garbled and unintelligible because of the ring gag.
Anna felt the resistance getting stronger and heard the protests getting louder as her fingers moved deeper. And then the resistance was gone and she heard her owner let out a long, low groan. Her hand was now fully embedded in Jill’s sex.
Oh my gosh, thought Anna. She had never even seen this act before, let alone done it. She knew about fisting a woman but she always assumed that it was just fanciful talk. Nobody really did this sort of thing, did they?
But obviously they did. She saw her wrist disappearing into Jill’s womb and could feel her fingers brushing against the soft, warm insides of her vaginal walls. This was so unreal!
Inkin continued to control the girl. She turned the wrist this way and that. She pumped the hand in and out. “Spread your fingers, Shark Girl. Move them around. Spread the oil so she is fully coated.”
As if in a hypnotic trance, Anna obeyed. She moved her fingers and stroked the soft membranes, probing every nook and cranny to ensure that the oil reached everywhere. Inkin stood behind Anna and held onto the girl’s wrist with one hand throughout all of this bizarre ordeal. With her other hand, she reached around Anna and toyed with her nipples, alternating between the two luscious breasts, as she murmured words of encouragement to her pupil.
“Good girl, Anna.”
“Feel her squeezing you. Feel her heat.”
“You are helping her to become better, Shark Girl. You are such a good katahua. You are such a loving girl.”
Anna’s head was spinning. It was so unreal to see her arm embedded in another woman’s body. It was so erotic at the same time and she felt her pussy pulsing with arousal. And Inkin’s ministrations were heightening that arousal as the older katahua played with her nipples and teased her.
Eventually, Inkin pulled on the girl’s wrist, slowly extracting it from Jill’s body. Anna was amazed at how coated her wrist and hand were with the arousal of her mistress. Inkin led the young katahua away from the captive and sat down, drawing Anna down with her. Then the mentor began to make love with the young girl.
Jill’s head was spinning now too. The oil had made every nerve in her body come alive. She could feel everything much more intensely now. Even the gentle sea breeze felt like a gale across her exposed and vulnerable body.
The remaining katahuas started the first torment. Each of them had a feather and each of them lightly drew their feather across the sensitized flesh of the captive woman. Jill gasped through her gag and pleaded for mercy as the plumes sent waves of sensation through her. But again, all that came out were garbled sounds as she struggled unsuccessfully against her bindings.
Inkin was all over Anna, kissing her and stroking her and fondling her. Anna tried to watch as her mistress was tormented by the feathers but Inkin kept turning her face away and ravishing her as the rest of the tribe alternated between watching the punishment of the negligent katahua and the Sapphic display being put on by the other two katahuas.
The feather dance seemed to go on for an eternity. Jill howled and gurgled as her sensitized skin was assaulted by the ticklish implements. Her body tensed again and again and she was quickly a trembling mass of tightly stretched female flesh that was being abused by the women of the tribe.
Near the end of the feather torment, Jill received her plugs. One was inserted into the ring gag. The long, hollow, phallus-shaped plug fit neatly into the ring and was pushed partially into her throat, causing her to gag. Because it was hollow, she was still able to breathe through it but it was very uncomfortable and thoroughly degrading.
A second one, even longer than the first and much thicker, was slowly pushed into her sex, filling her and stretching her around it. Finally, the third one was inserted into her ass. Thankfully, it was much narrower than the one in her pussy but it seemed impossibly long. The shaft seemed to keep sliding into her bowels forever, causing her belly to cramp painfully.
The katahuas were finished with their work. They rotated the frame again and positioned Jill upright. Then they each returned to their masters.
Anna peeked again at her stretched mistress but Inkin kept turning her face away. Then Inkin guided Anna’s face between her thighs and the younger katahua began to dutifully lick the petals and clit of the older one.
Jill saw one of the males step forward and drop his loincloth. The man’s cock was already fully erect as he reached forward, extracting the phallus-shaped object that was plugging her sex. She knew what was coming next but was still caught by surprise as the male thrust his member deep into her sex. He started to slowly pump in and out of her and her sensitized tissues went on overdrive. It was almost as if his cock was electrified and she was quivering uncontrollably with the arousal that shot through her body.
She climaxed and then climaxed again. Still, he kept pumping and her body danced in her bindings. He reached up and grasped her large breasts and she felt her skin come alive as his fingers sank into the abundant orbs. He grunted and she could feel each spurt of his seed as he deposited his load of sperm into her sex. The last thing he did before leaving was to push the plug back into her pussy.
A second male came forward, approaching her from the rear. Again, she knew what to expect but again she was surprised as his beefy shaft plunged into her ass. Once more, her body quivered and danced and trembled and shook as orgasms raced through her body again. He too gripped her breasts and squeezed, causing the over-stimulated flesh to send waves of sensory overload through her.
The male finally grunted and withdrew, leaving her hanging limply in the frame and making gurgling sounds through the hollow phallus in her mouth. How long would this go on? How much of this could she take? Were all of the men of the tribe going to rape her as part of this punishment?
She looked around to see if another one would step forward. Instead, she saw several of the youth move toward her. What did they have planned?
That question was quickly answered. Each of them carried an implement of punishment. One of them carried a switch which he whirled through the air a few times, making a swooshing sound. A girl carried what looked like a short, crude whip with many soft strands of leather emerging from the handle. The third carried a flat leather strap. She was going to be whipped!
The girl with the whip started first. She swung it upward between Jill’s stretched legs to land with a wet slapping sound against her exposed and vulnerable labia. Then she adjusted her position and swung downward, catching Jill’s clit. She howled at both strikes, feeling pain shooting through her body.
The boy with the strap started in after that. He swung it, hitting her hard across the ass and eliciting another howl as her overly sensitized skin was abused. Both the boy and girl continued swinging their implements of torture.
The other boy went to work once the other two got into a steady rhythm. To Jill’s horror, she discovered that his target was her breasts. Being whipped across her breasts would be horrible under any circumstances. But being whipped in her highly stimulated state was inhuman in her mind. Her howling grew louder and became a garbled shriek each time the switch bit into her tender orbs.
She looked down in disbelief and saw the thin, flexible switch slice into both breasts, denting them deeply. A loud crack accompanied each strike and a thin, angry, red line was left across her precious mounds when the switch was removed. This was sheer torture!
Thankfully, the punishment ended after only a couple of minutes. She was panting and trying to regain her composure as she hung in the frame, being stretched tightly toward the four corners.
The rapes, as she thought of them, began again. This time, the frame was rotated and she was looking up at the sky. The tube in her throat was removed and it was an easy task for the male to impale her mouth by slipping his cock through the ring that held it open. It was a long cock and it too was pushed down her throat, causing her to gag anew. And eventually, the male climaxed in her mouth, shooting his sperm down her throat before putting the plug back in and backing away to let the next one have his turn with the beautiful but errant katahua.
The frame was shifted again, this time to slightly raise her hips, but she was still mostly horizontal. She felt the dildo being removed and quickly replaced with another cock. Her breasts were used as handles as the male used them to pull himself deeply into her and her skin felt every subtle movement of his fingers and every not-so-subtle thrust of his cock.
After that male erupted inside of her, the frame was rotated, leaving her horizontal and looking down at the ground. The butt plug was removed and she groaned as a huge cock was buried in her over- stimulated rectum, stretching her painfully.
This pattern was followed throughout the day. She would be raped three times by the males and then would be turned over to the children. The children would torture her for several minutes and then she would be raped again.
The abuse by the youngsters of the tribe was the worst part. They were very creative and very devious in their ways of torment. At one point, she was upright in the frame but upside down. This left her pussy pointing upward which made it an easy target for the girl with the leather strap. Another time, when she was horizontal, two girls caned the soles of her feet. She had no idea how sensitive feet were and she only hoped that the ordeal had not crippled her.
She was exhausted and barely able to keep her eyes open by the time her punishment ended. But that’s when the chief stepped between her stretched thighs.
“Are you ready to behave, my katahua?”
“Oh, yes, my lord,” she blurted. All of the plugs and the gag had been removed by that point. The only remaining things on her were the ropes that secured her to the frame and a pair of nipple clamps that a girl had fastened to her earlier. “I am so sorry, my lord. I promise to do better.”
“We shall see,” he replied. He stepped closer and let his cock slide easily into her well-used sex. The drug had started to wear off but her senses were still elevated. She could feel every slight movement of the pole that impaled her.
Anna tended to her mistress once she was released from the frame after the chief deposited his seed into her. Jill was barely able to stand and Anna helped her into the chief’s hut, bathed her, and then laid her down to rest. Anna spent the rest of the evening riding the chief’s shaft as Inkin once again toyed with the young katahua’s body, enjoying the firm curves of the Shark Girl.
Chapter 12
The chief never said another word about the punishment. Jill apologized once more the next day and vowed to do better. Then the incident was left behind.
What Jill found truly remarkable was that there was not a single mark on her body the next day and there was no pain whatsoever. She had been whipped and flogged and paddled and caned. Each of her holes had been violated multiple times throughout the day and stretched painfully around those huge cocks. And she was concerned that she would never walk again because of the assault on the soles of her feet. But she awoke the next morning and it was as if nothing had happened.
Inkin explained that it was because of the oil. She had never been struck hard. None of the cocks had been as huge as they seemed when they were plundering her. Even the nipple clamps that had sent intense pain through her breasts had only been tightened enough to hold them in place.
But the oil contained an ingredient that heightened her senses. Every slight tap felt like a punishing blow. She would feel the pain but there was never any risk of her being harmed or damaged.
She would also climax easily because of the oil. Jill admitted to Inkin that she experienced more orgasms the day before than she ever had in her life. She didn’t admit that she was worried that she was a pain slut, although that concern had gone through her mind. She was just very relieved that her wanton behavior was drug induced instead a manifestation of some sick perversion that she was unaware of.
There was less than a week left before they were to return home. Emily would be staying behind as part of the purchase agreement but the other two would be leaving the island in just a few days.
The chief decided that he should take advantage of the Leopards’ last days on the island to train his warriors. He scheduled a day when Jill and Anna could help the men become better fighters.
Jill was assigned to teach the bow and some games of skill were developed that would test what the men were learning. Fixed targets were set up in the forest. Moving targets in the form of rolled coconuts and dummies in canoes that were pulled by a rope were created. And a scoring system was put in place to let the men know how they were doing.
Anna was assigned to teach them hand-to-hand combat. The warriors were then divided into two groups and each Leopard took their students off to instruct them.
The chief did not participate but he did wander from group to group to monitor progress. He was very proud of himself for having thought of this training. This would help his tribe significantly.
He was very pleased with how his Leopards were conducting the training also. They boiled each topic down to the basics and communicated everything clearly. They demonstrated everything so that it could be easily understood. And they were patient as people were introduced to new techniques.
But he was appalled by the performance of his warriors. They were good but not as good as his two Leopard Girls. He knew that ahead of time. This was why they were holding the training. What really appalled him, however, was the fact that his men were not improving as the day went on.
Could it be that they were just not capable of improving? He couldn’t believe that to be the case. These were his men, after all. He decided that it must be because they weren’t focusing. That was understandable. Even he, himself, had difficulty focusing on anything when the two beautiful girls were around him.
That’s when he decided to give his men an incentive. If one of his men beat a Leopard during a contest, he could fuck her. If the Leopard won, the male would be fucked. He sent for Emily to help with administering this incentive.
The men were aghast at the chief’s announcement. This was totally unheard of! There was a tribe on an island nearby that practiced gay sex between men but it was a totally foreign concept to their tribe. A man’s ass was sacred and was never to be violated.
The chief led Emily to the class that Anna was teaching and then the contests began. The first contestant to face Anna was trembling like a leaf and Anna quickly leveled the male. He was bound over a log and Emily donned a rope harness that held a wooden dildo in place in front of her sex. Then she plundered the unfortunate male’s ass as the other students watched in horror.
The second contestant fared no better, although he did last longer than the first. Soon, he was draped over the log and howled as Emily plugged her fake cock into his ass. This was great fun as far as Emily was concerned but the male obviously did not share in her glee.
It became clear that none of the men were going to defeat Anna. She was just too quick and too skilled for them. They moved as one when the next contest started and all eight of them attacked her.
Anna was very good and she managed to stay on her feet for a long time. She even managed to drop a few of them to the ground during the fray. But she was not good enough to hold off eight men. Finally, one stepped behind her and reached around, grabbing her breasts. She tried to get away but he held on tightly, using the fleshy mounds as handles to hold her in place. He took some punishing blows from her elbows and heels but eventually the others knocked her to the ground and subdued her.
“Is that fair?” asked Inkin who had been watching the contest as she stood beside the chief.
“They are expected to win in battle,” replied the chief. And then he grinned at her. “I don’t care how they win; as long as they win.”
Now it was time for the men to have their fun. The eight men who participated in the contest split into two groups. One would get Anna as their reward and the other would get to use Emily.
Emily was fine with this arrangement. She would take sex in whatever form she could whenever she could. It was totally humiliating to Anna, however, for a couple of reasons. First, she lost. She was not used to that. And even though she had faced overwhelming odds, she still thought that she should have won. The other reason, and more important reason, was that it was humiliating to be treated as a sexual plaything. She did not view herself as a toy to be won as a prize. This was so degrading.
The men enjoyed their prizes two at a time. One would fuck the girl’s pussy while his partner fucked her ass. This was their idea of a perfect school day.
Anna and Emily each received two loads of sperm and then their men were replaced by two new ones. The chief smiled as he watched his happy warriors enjoying themselves on the feminine delights of their prizes and then wandered off to see how the other training session was coming along.
Jill was very good but she was not as dominant with her bow as Anna was with her martial arts. She had beaten three of the men in shooting contests and she had dutifully donned her artificial penis and raped their bottoms. But two of the man had beaten her. One had already satisfied himself on her luscious body. The second one was enjoying her exquisite feminine form as the chief led Inkin into the clearing.
Jill was on her back with her arms bound behind her. The male was kneeling between her widely stretched legs with his cock pistoning in and out of her. He kneaded her full breasts and moved his lips from nipple to nipple, occasionally biting lightly on them.
He was truly enjoying this opportunity. It was almost unheard of to be able to fuck another man’s katahua, especially when that man was the chief. He had lusted after the gorgeous redhead for years, ever since she started visiting the tribe. Now, she was stretched around his cock as it kept plunging into her tight steamy sex. It was divine. He was in heaven. He only hoped that there would be enough contests throughout the day that he could enjoy her sweetness again.
Jill was not disgusted as she looked up at the male who was buried in her sex. She had tried her best to win but he had tried harder. He deserved to win the contest. But she was shocked at the stakes of the game. Katahuas were never shared with others except during the manhood ritual and during a katahua’s punishment. Even when they were shared during the manhood ritual, they were shared only for their sexual expertise; not to provide pleasure for the male.
And she had never heard of Incunu men allowing anal intercourse. Their assholes seemed to be inviolate.
But the chief had introduced both of these notions into his tribe as part of the games that were developed for the training. Were these things that were already part of the tribe and she just hadn’t discovered them yet? That was possible. Certainly she had never discovered how katahuas were punished before this trip.
Maybe, however, this was something new. Maybe her immersion research had caused these changes. Once again, she regretted having started down this path. But she quickly shook that concern out of her head. She could not get distracted again. She could not afford to be punished for not being pleasing again.
She cooed and mewled as the male’s cock moved inside of her. She could feel her orgasm building and only hoped that he would last until she achieved it. He bit down on one of her nipples again, eliciting a squeal from her. He plunged particularly deep, causing her to grunt but also pushing her over the edge. Her body tensed and was overwhelmed with an explosive orgasm just as the male reached his peak.
The two of them moaned together and the chief smiled. His men seemed to be enjoying the training program that he had designed.
Chapter 13
Anna finally stopped blushing at about mid-day. She had been followed and hounded all morning long between classes. Even when she was able to reach what should have been the safe sanctuary of a classroom, the onslaught continued.
People wanted to talk to her. People wanted to be near her. People wanted to touch her. People wanted to have their pictures taken with her. And most of all, people wanted to get her autograph.
It was bad enough that the posters had been mounted all over campus. It was just like a year earlier when the Leopard Girl posters seemed to adorn every wall on campus. Certainly Leopard Girl posters were in abundance this morning also, although they were new pictures showing a naked and spotted Dr. Jill Wallings.
But now, there were posters of Shark Girl all over campus too. It was truly humiliating for the young college student. And all of the attention she was receiving as a result of them was almost too much for her. There were three different poses of her that Anna had seen so far.
One showed her naked with a bow drawn and standing on a rock. She was seen in profile and the painted image of a shark head on her breast was clearly visible. Her hair was a wild mane that was blowing in the sea breeze as she aimed at a group of canoes, each filled with five or six men who were shooting arrows back at her. An arrow could be seen whizzing past her right hip, dangerously close to hitting her. She had to admit that she looked determined and defiant in the image. She was the very picture of confidence and strength. But it was so humiliating to see her naked body on display for all of her fellow students to see.
Another poster showed a different image. It was obviously taken the same day as the first one and occurred during the attempted invasion of the village. Anna’s image was full frontal in this shot. She was perpendicular to a male who was holding a dagger, obviously threatening her with attack. Every muscle in Anna’s body was tensed and her leg was extended, delivering a punishing blow to the male’s face. She looked very much like a warrior in this poster too.
But she looked like some kind of lewd, pornographic caricature of a warrior. Her dyed breasts with their shark heads were bobbing upward and the stiff nipples betrayed her obvious arousal. Worse yet, with her leg extended the way it was, her pussy was fully exposed and her labia were parted. The tropical sun reflected off of her slick petals, showing how wet they were. It was totally humiliating to Anna.
The last poster was the most humiliating to her, though, but probably because she knew the circumstances that it captured on film. She was not sure that anyone else would fully understand what was being depicted in the picture. In this image, her eyes were cast downward. Her wrists were tied behind her back and a rope was tied around her neck. Jill held the other end of the rope with her head up proudly and a hand on one of Anna’s bottom cheeks, obviously squeezing the ripe mound. Both women were completely naked. This picture had been taken only moments after Jill had bought her and she was being led back to serve her new owner.
She was sure that none of her fellow students knew what was going on. They probably just saw it as a lesbian bondage image, which was probably a good thing as far as Anna was concerned. She would hate to think that others knew that she had been bought as a slave just prior to the picture being taken.
The afternoon continued like the morning with throngs of people flocking to her as if she had come kind of celebrity status. Her hand was achy from signing so many posters but she continued to ink her signature. It seemed like the easiest way to get rid of her admirers. All three of the posters seemed popular but the one that was presented to her for signature most often was the third one, which exhibited her in the submissive pose.
They had returned on Saturday and Anna had quickly learned what Jill had learned after returning from her previous trips. Clothes were a nuisance at best. Shoes and bras were pure torture. And combs and brushes were completely irrelevant.
Anna glanced down as she walked across the campus to her next meeting. She had just shed the last of her paparazzi and was truly alone for the first time of the day. It was a very nice feeling.
She had considered wearing clothing that was more concealing when she got dressed this morning for school. She could have covered her spots but she decided against it.
Anna too had received her Leopard spots before leaving the island. It was true that she was Shark Girl. But after the defense of the village, she was declared to be a leopard too. The dyes on her breasts were fading at this point but the more recently applied leopard spots were still quite evident. People would see them eventually, she concluded. She decided against trying to hide them.
She wore what she normally wore to class… mostly. Her blue short sleeve cotton blouse allowed the spots on her arms to be seen. She eschewed the overly casual attire of her fellow students and usually wore a skirt. The mid-thigh khaki skirt left many of the leopard spots on her legs on display.
Like her professor, she had found all of her other clothing to be something akin to torture. Today, she was barefoot as she crossed the campus. And she had foregone her bra this morning, meaning that her breasts bounced and swayed with each of her steps, delighting most of the people who saw her. And her hair was still untamed by a comb or brush. Currently, she had it tied with one of her leather thongs in a wild-looking ponytail.
She sat down on a park bench to calm herself. It had been a hectic day. Maybe tomorrow would be better. She certainly hoped so.
Should she have gone on the expedition? She wasn’t sure at this point. It had certainly been thrilling and she had certainly learned a lot. Plus, it would look good on her resume to have the hands-on field experience. But a lot had changed as a result of the trip. She had changed.
She thought back to her final day on the island. She had been dreading that moment and wasn’t at all sure that she wanted to leave. Despite their unusual attitudes and chauvinistic behavior, she had grown to love the Incunu. They were her tribe.
She would especially miss the chief and Inkin who had taken her into their home. On the final morning, she asked to be able to serve them once more before leaving.
Her ability to serve them was hindered by the bindings which held her wrists behind her back. The chief was lying on one of the mats in the hut and she had lowered herself onto it, being guided by his strong hands circling her waist. She let the long thick shaft that stood erect from his body slowly penetrate her sex, wanting to enjoy every inch of its progress during this last fuck.
Once the cock was fully embedded in her, she stayed motionless, feeling it filling her completely. She half expected the chief to become impatient with her and start moving her up and down, but he didn’t. He just let her stay still. He must have known what was going through her mind.
It felt divine to be so stretched around his cock. This was the chief. This was her chief. And he was her owner’s owner.
After a little while, she did start to move, raising herself slowly until just the tip of the cock was nestled between her slick labia. Then she slowly lowered herself, again feeling the thick rod traveling into her body.
Finally, she established a slow, steady movement and was gliding up and down the shaft which was well oiled now with her juices. She asked that Inkin move closer and she leaned forward, kissing the older katahua’s mound.
Her tongue snaked out and she ran it up and down Inkin’s petals, tasting the sweetness of the woman. Inkin sighed contentedly as she looked down at the girl who was bouncing up and down on her mate’s cock as she tenderly licked and probed at her sex. She would miss Shark Girl. She loved the young woman who had joined the tribe only a month earlier and especially loved her talented tongue.
Inkin stroked the girl’s cheek with her fingertips and Anna looked up as her tongue scooped through the wet folds and her shapely form moved up and down the shaft buried within her.
The lovemaking lasted for over an hour. None of them wanted it to end. But eventually, they realized that they were running out of time. Inkin was the first to climax, followed shortly by Anna. The chief took that as his cue and launched his hot seed deep into the beautiful girl’s body. Soon after that, Jill and Anna were led, bound and naked, to the beach. Their clothes were waiting for them and they were allowed to dress before the boat arrived. There was much hugging and kissing and even a few tears were shed during the farewell. And then the journey for home began.
Looking back on it, Anna could not believe all that had occurred during the trip. She had grown to love those people in such a short time. How could that possibly have happened?
She was owned almost from the moment she arrived. Then she was given to the chief’s son. Then she was bought by her professor. How did she feel about becoming merely a piece of property?
And she had become a sex-crazed slut. Before the planning for the trip had started, she was very selective about who she had sex with. Now, it almost didn’t seem to matter. She would bed with anyone, it seemed. How did that happen and what did that mean about her future?
She finally stood up from the bench. Things were calmer now. The crowds had left her alone for the first time in the day. She started walking again.
She reached her destination and walked down the long hallway with her breasts bouncing beneath her shirt. Thankfully, it was the end of the day and the hallway was empty of students. Posters of her and Dr. Wallings were on the walls that she walked by and she paused to look up one that she had not seen before. It showed Jill during one of the nursing sessions. A girl was suckling at the beautiful bountiful breast as she stroked Jill’s sex. The labia were parted and shiny in the bright tropical sun. And a line of boys with erections waited in line for their turn to nurse on the redhead’s magnificent orbs.
“She must hate that one,” muttered Anna under her breath. Then she turned and continued down the hall. She finally reached the door and opened it, stepping through.
“I’m ready now, Mistress,” Anna said.
“Good, pet,”’ smiled Jill from behind her desk. “So am I. I just finished up. Let’s go home.”
“Yes, Mistress,” smiled Anna. Yes, her life had permanently changed because of anthropology. And she was very happy that she was now the property of Dr. Wallings.
The End
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