Honeymoon Gone Awry Part II Chapter 15
This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex including bestiality. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upsets you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it.
This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2008 by Kirk. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except that it may be posted as part of a review or posted to a free access, noncommercial archive site.
I would like to extend a special thanks to Ted E. Bear. He's always there pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of each chapter as he sees it and offering suggestions for improvement. He also picks up on those little things I miss that gets me scrambling to post a revision before too many of you read it.
All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone either alive or dead is purely coincidental.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.
Email to “Kirk” mobiguard-asstr@yahoo.com
Website: http://www1.asstr.org/~Kirk
Back in Edgar’s motel room, Andrea was hysterical as she poured out her tale of woe. She was distraught as the full realization of what happened to her sunk in. There was a great deal that she couldn’t remember. She remembered arriving and talking to the pastor about her week at school. She also remembered him bringing her a coke, and then things got hazy. She recalled feeling lightheaded, but then she could only remember bits and pieces.
She did remember the lustful thoughts she had when she first saw the pastor’s hard cock. She was so ashamed of herself for thinking like that. Regardless of what he forced her to do, at the very least she had sinned in her mind.
Edgar made her a cup of hot tea laced with a sedative.
“God, how could this happen, Edgar? I only went there to meet with the man. I was looking for guidance and a spiritual home while I attended college in Freehold,” she cried unable to calm herself. Her breath came in short gasps as she grew more and more distraught. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”
“Oh I intend to as soon as I know you’re alright. My first priority is your well being, Andrea,” he said with concern.
“I don’t know what I would do without you, Edgar. I’m so grateful to you. Thank you for being there for me” she said warmly as the sedative started to take affect.
“I’m glad that I am able to help, and be assured I won’t rest until Pastor Edwards pays for what he has done to you,” Edgar said indignantly.
“Edgar, you are so kind and such a wonderful person,” she said groggily. “I’m so tired.”
She closed her eyes while holding her head. The sedative worked quickly.
“It’s no wonder after what you’ve been through, my dear. Let’s get you to bed, and then I’ll make some calls and get to the bottom of this.
“Thank you,” she mumbled.
Edgar helped her into the bedroom and put her to bed. He was tempted to strip her naked and explore her young, nubile body, but no, he would wait. Good things came to those who waited. He wanted her fully awake and aware of what was happening to her. He wanted to see the expression on her face when she realized that she was deceived by him. He wanted to feel her despair. He wanted to see her suffer.
“So you want to be just like your big sister,” Edgar thought to himself as he gazed down upon her lying there sound asleep. I’ll make sure that your dream comes true, dear Andrea. Indeed, you will be like your big sister and more.”
He smiled to himself as he left the room. He knew that he had to get her out of Freehold without her communicating with anyone else. Like her sister, he had to make her simply disappear. He had a great deal to do in order to make that a reality. He had devised a plan to get her to leave Freehold with him and fly north. He had to put all the pieces in place tonight.
Andrea’s dreams or rather nightmares were plagued with visions of her licking and sucking on Pastor Edward’s hard cock. She could feel it entering her throat. She had visions of him ramming his cock in and out of her throat as he gazed upon her naked breasts and drooled over them. She woke up in a cold swept. Her pussy was sopping wet, but then she dozed back off only to be awakened again by the bizarrely sexual nightmares.
She discovered that she was wet down there, and it disgusted her. Here she had sucked on the pastor’s cock and the very thought of it was arousing her. She was so ashamed of herself, and asked God to forgive her. It wasn’t her fault.
“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
She broke down and cried as she remembered the scripture. She couldn’t blame anyone but herself for the arousal she was feeling. It was her sin to bear, and she knew it.
She was a sinner and must repent if she wanted forgiveness.
She lay there in bed and ran her finger over her hard clit and couldn’t get the lustful thoughts of the previous day’s encounter out of her mind. She got wetter as she envisioned the pastor’s cock spewing cum all over her face and breasts.
And then her father’s words came back to her so vividly and clear. “It is our inward thinking which reveals the true focus of our hearts.”
“Oh God, forgive me,” she silently prayed as she struggled to clear her mind of those lustful thoughts, but it was almost as if she was being driven by some outside force. Her nipples were hard, and she recalled how the pastor pulled and tugged on them. She moaned as she remembered the fire that was ignited within her. Why was she remembering all of this now? She had no recollection of any of it yesterday.
“You cannot serve two masters. You cannot pursue selfish sexual desires while seeking to love and serve the Lord.”
More of her father’s teachings from the Bible forced themselves to her conscious mind and condemned her for the very thoughts she was having now. She broke down and cried. She was a mess and so confused.
Edgar knocked on the bedroom door.
“Come in,” she said.
“Good morning, Andrea. Are you feeling any better this morning?” he inquired.
“Not really, Edgar. I keep having these terrible thoughts,” she said as she broke down and cried again.
“Why don’t you take a nice shower, and then get dressed. I’ll take you out to breakfast,” he suggested.
“Did you call the police?” she asked anxiously.
“I called them last night. They picked Pastor Edwards up for questioning and want to see you this morning,” he assured her.
Andrea breathed a sigh of relief. Edgar was being so good to her. He was truly a wonderful man. What would she do without him?
“I convinced the police not to disturb you last night. After what you’ve been through, you needed some rest,” Edgar said warmly.
“I don’t know what happened to me. I was so tired last night, Edgar, I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“Nonsense! You needed the rest. I’m glad you were able to sleep,” he replied.
“Well, I had nightmare’s most of the night that kept waking me up,” she confessed.
“I’m sorry, you poor child, you’ve been through so much,” he said hugging her, feeling the warmth of her massive breasts as they pressed against him.
“I’ll take a shower now,” she replied, feeling so safe and secure with Edgar there to take care of her.
Just then a text message came in on Andrea’s cell phone. She heard the familiar sound, alerting her that a message was waiting.
“I’m sorry, Edgar. I better check that. It might be my dad. He always text’s me because he doesn’t want to bother me if I’m in a meeting or class,” she explained.
Edgar smiled.
Andrea picked up her cell phone from the night stand and stared at the message.
“Oh my God, this can’t be!” she wailed.
“What’s the matter, Andrea?” Edgar asked.
“Someone saw everything that happened in the pastor’s office!” she exclaimed.
“What! That’s impossible!” Edgar feigned surprise.
“It says so right here, and they have pictures!” she whimpered.
“That can’t be possible! Is there anything else?”
“He says that if I don’t do exactly what he says, he’ll send the pictures to my parents and the school.”
Andrea was hysterical. This was her worse nightmare come true. How did she get herself into this mess?
“Oh God, no!” she wailed.
“Let me see that, Andrea,” Edgar said, taking the cell phone.
He studied the message carefully.
“I’ll send further instructions. Do not contact anyone if you want this kept quiet,” Edgar read.
“What am I going to do?” she cried.
“Well, we better wait and see what he wants, Andrea. I don’t think you have a choice especially if he does have pictures like he says he does. We don’t want to be too hasty.”
“I don’t see how he could have pictures. I mean, we were alone,” she reasoned.
Another message came in.
Andrea checked her phone. Her mouth dropped open. She was unable to speak.
Edgar took the phone and looked at the message only it wasn’t a message. It was a picture of Andrea on her knees with the pastor’s cock in her mouth.
“Oh my God! Oh my God! What is happening?” she continued to cry. She was now almost hysterical.
Edgar put his arm around her and comforted her.
“Everything will be all right. I won’t let anything happen to you. Let’s just wait and see what he wants. If he wants money, that’s no problem. I certainly can afford to pay him off,” Edgar said, trying to comfort her.
“Oh Edgar, what would I do if you weren’t here,” she said gratefully.
On the outside Edgar was the model friend, but on the inside he delighted in her distress. He knew that she would soon be receiving another test message.
“Why don’t you take a shower and get dressed, Andrea. You’ll feel much better, and it’ll give me some time to think and figure out what to do,” Edgar suggested, squeezing her arm in a fatherly manner.
Andrea nodded and weakly smiled at him as she headed towards the bathroom.
Edgar sat there smugly, knowing that soon she would be his. She was so naïve, and he planned on taking advantage of her trust in him to bring about her demise.
When Andrea was finally showered and dressed, she joined Edgar in the sitting area of his suite.
She sat there obviously deep in thought for no more than a minute when her phone rang. The ring indicated that she was receiving another text message. She quickly opened her phone and read the message.
Edgar sat there expectantly.
“By now you have received the picture I sent you. Be assured there are many higher quality photos. If you don’t follow my directions to the letter, I will send these pictures to all your family and friends. I want you to take the 10:25 AM Delta flight number 666 to Philadelphia, PA. When you arrive there, I will send further instructions,” she read out loud.
“I’m calling the police,” Andrea said hysterically as she fumbled with her phone.
“Andrea, I don’t think that’s wise,” Edgar said calmly as he closed her phone.
“But Edgar I can’t…”
“Andrea, listen to me,” he said taking her hands in his. “If you call the police, he’ll follow through with his threat and release those pictures. Is that what you want?”
“No,” she cried as she buried her face in her hands. “I don’t believe this is happening. Everything was going so well.”
“Look, Andrea, I’ll go with you. Somehow we’ll get through this together, and everything will be all right. I promise you,” he said sitting next to her. He put his hand around her to reassure her.
“I guess you’re right,” she finally relented, unable to think clearly. Emotionally, she was a mess.
“Good. I’ll call the airlines and make sure we can get tickets for the 10:25 flight. I just hope and pray they aren’t totally booked,” he said.
Edgar pretended to call Delta Airlines, but there wasn’t really necessary. He already had booked the flight last night. He had to use a fake ID for himself otherwise the authorities would be able to trace Andrea back to him. Philadelphia would be a dead end for anyone looking for her. In Philadelphia, she would receive another text message directing her to a car that had been rented for them. In reality it was one of Edgar’s cars that Max, his chauffeur, dropped off.
They pulled up to Edgar’s estate late that evening. Andrea would soon be in for the shock of her life. When they arrived in Philadelphia, Andrea did receive her last text message directing her to Edgar’s car. Everything went like clockwork after that. The long car ride led them here.
They walked into the living room after the rather long drive to this isolated area of the Adirondacks.
“Edgar, I don’t understand?”
“What don’t you understand, Andrea?”
“Well, the blackmailer gave this address, but you walked in here like you own the place.”
“I do own it, my dear!” Edgar smiled.
“What are you saying?” Andrea asked with a hint of fear in her voice.
If she had any idea of what Edgar had in store for her, she would be running for her life.
“There is no blackmailer!”
Edgar walked over and prepared drinks for them. He put an aphrodisiac in her drink that would sexually arouse her, but still allow her to remain completely aware of what was happening.
He handed her the drink as he sat in his favorite chair.
“I planned the whole thing, Andrea.”
“What do you mean?” she asked warily.
“Everything that happened to you with Pastor Edwards was orchestrated by me,” he explained smugly.
Andrea broke down and cried.
“This isn’t funny. What are you talking about? I demand you…”
“You are in no position to demand anything,” he said as he walked up to her and slapped her across the face.
Andrea backed up, her mouth agape as the full realization of what he was saying. She had been duped by this man. He pretended to be her friend.
“Just let me go,” she whimpered. “I won’t tell anyone what you have done, but you must let me go now.”
Edgar laughed.
“I have absolutely no intentions of letting you go now or ever,” he replied. “Why don’t you sit down, relax, and enjoy your drink,” he suggested.
Andrea was distraught. She felt trapped like an animal in a cage. She sipped on the drink and grimaced as she tasted the liquor.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It’s an amaretto sour. It’ll make you feel better,” Edgar said.
“What do you want?” she asked as she sipped her drink.
“I want no more from you than I received from your sister, Julie,” he replied.
“You’re confusing me. You helped Julie and Doug on their wedding night. You had their tire fixed,” she said.
“Well, that’s not entirely true. Julie and Doug spent their wedding night here,” he added.
“Don’t you think it was kind of strange that Julie and Doug just disappeared after their wedding day, never to be heard from again?” Edgar asked smugly.
“What are you implying?” Andrea asked as she gulped down the rest of her drink.
She was nervous and had a right to be. The drink was soothing and relaxed her.
“Here, let me get you another drink,” Edgar offered as he took her glass and mixed her another amaretto sour laced with his favorite aphrodisiac.
“I orchestrated their wedding night,” he explained as he handed her the drink.
“Orchestrated?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“You’re an intelligent girl, Andrea. Are you trying to tell me you haven’t figured it out yet?” he asked mockingly.
Edgar picked up the remote control for the large plasma television mounted on the wall. He pushed several buttons and Julie appeared in living color, hanging by her wrists in Edgar’s dungeon.
“Oh my God!” Andrea exclaimed as she clasped her hands over her mouth.
“Is it becoming clearer to you now?” Edgar asked. “That is Julie on her wedding night!”
“You’re a monster! How could you do that to my sister!” she screamed hysterically.
“Ah Julie. Yes, this is your wedding night, and I want it to be a memorable one for both you and Doug.” blared from the plasma TV.
“Stand up, Andrea. I’ve waited a long time to see what you’re hiding under those matronly clothes you wear. You have absolutely no sense of style. It should be a crime to hide a body like yours.”
“Don’t you dare speak to me in that manner!” she cried.
“You’ll soon find out who’s in charge here,” he warned as he slapped her across the face again. “Now get up!”
“Well, Doug, use your imagination, my boy. First of all, we’re going to unveil your new bride. After all, you haven’t even seen her naked yet, have you? We can share this moment together.”
Andrea fell to her knees and cried hysterically.
“Oh God, this can’t be happening! Dear Lord, please help me,” she prayed.
“Stand up, now!” he ordered.
“Please don’t hit me again. I’ll do what you say,” she stammered as she struggled to get to her feet.
“That’s better. There’s a price to pay for disobedience,” he warned. “Now put your hands behind your neck and watch the TV.”
Andrea obeyed, fearing what he might do to her next. Her cheek hurt from the stinging blow it had received. She could see what he did to her sister on her wedding night. Edgar ran his index finger over her right cheek, capturing a tear that was traveling down her face. His finger traced a line over to her lips and then moved downward to the top of her blouse which was buttoned up almost to her neck.
“My dear, large treasures like yours shouldn’t be hidden. They should be shared with others. Remember, it’s more blessed to give than to receive.”
“Please don’t hurt me!” she begged, whimpering like a baby..
Andrea was feeling the effects of the two drinks. She was lightheaded, and in spite of herself, Edgar’s finger tracing lines from her mouth to her chest was getting her aroused.
“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.”
The scripture came to her with such clarity to condemn her for what she was feeling, but she couldn’t help herself.
“What a shame to hide such a magnificent pair of breasts,” he whispered as he started to slowly unbutton her blouse.
She whimpered, fearing what he might do to her. She thought he was such a nice man. How could she be such a poor judge of character? She thought he wanted to help her.
“You want to be just like your sister, Julie?” he asked.
“Yes, that’s why…”
“Enough! Yes or no is sufficient!” he said as he slapped the side of her left breast.
Andrea had never in her life been treated in this manner. She didn’t know how to react. She was so scared. She was alone and at this maniac’s mercy. Oh my God, what would become of her? Why did she ever get involved with him in the first place?
“Julie, I’m concerned that you’re not enjoying yourself. This should be the happiest and most memorable moment of your life. And I do plan on making it very memorable. I can guarantee you that when this night is over, that you’ll remember it forever. You can’t even begin to imagine the things that I have planned for you and Doug.”
Andrea heard Edgar’s threatening voice on the TV and knew that she had made a fatal mistake in trusting him. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She whimpered pathetically. Her breathing became heavy as the reality of the situation hit her.
“This is what happened to Julie on her wedding night. I slowly removed her blouse and exposed her breasts just like I’m doing to you,” he whispered as he undid the last button and removed her blouse.
Andrea was wearing a large, white support bra that was very plain and matronly. A vast amount of cleavage is what caught Edgar’s eye as he ran his index finger over the tops of her exposed breasts.
The poor girl shivered and was getting aroused in spite of herself. The aphrodisiac was having the desired effect on the unsuspecting girl.
“What size is your bra, Andrea?” he asked.
She trembled as his finger sent shivers up and down her spine.
“I asked you a question!” he hissed as he smacked the side of her right breast.
“It’s… it’s a 34 DD,” she stammered.
“My, my but you are a big girl even a little bit larger than your sister was when she first arrived,” he remarked.
He worked his index finger down deep into her cleavage, and, when he was hindered by the fabric of the bra which joined the huge cups, he yanked violently. The cups fell away exposing her large, luscious breasts.
Andrea was shaking uncontrollably and still whimpering, but she didn’t dare move her arms, fearing what he might do to her.
“This is what happened to my sister. She had trusted him too. She thought he was a kind man that was going to help her and Doug. This is what happened to my …” her mind kept yammering.
Edgar hastily yanked the straps, ripping them from her bra which dropped away onto the floor.
Andrea stood there with her breasts fully exposed to a man for only the second time in her life. She felt so vulnerable as her breasts jutted out proudly with no sag at all as an offering to this fiend.
“You claim to be disgusted, but you are as wet as a two bit whore on a Saturday night. Only a slut would get wet while being felt up by an unwanted stranger. So what does that make you? Tell Doug!”
Edgar ran his hand over the tops of her breasts and then down the sides. The poor girl shivered as he neared her right nipple. He traced circles around her areola and her nipple grew hard. He was teasing her, purposely avoiding the hard, throbbing tip which begged for attention.
“You like this, don’t you,” he remarked as he traced circles around her other areola.
“No, I hate it! You have no right!” she yelled through her tears.
Edgar reared back and punched her in the stomach. She doubled over and fell to the ground.
“Ahhhhhhhhh!” was all that escaped her lips as the very breath was knocked out of her. The pain was intense as she huddled in a ball on the floor, shocked by the sudden and unexpected violent blow.
Andrea struggled to get back up without provoking him any further. She knew she was in deep trouble, and it didn’t take much to set him off. He was so different now than when she first met him. How could she be so gullible?
Edgar resumed tracing circles around her areolas but purposely avoided her nipples. Soon they grew hard again. After many minutes of exploring her glorious breasts, he zeroed in on her nipples. She groaned as his fingers grasped them. He knew that her cunt was dripping wet by now and laughed at the thought of the distress she must be feeling.
“Oooohhhh!” escaped from her lips.
She was so embarrassed. This whole situation was bizarre, but in a strange way it excited her. There was a force working within her that she didn’t understand. Little did she know that Edgar was responsible for the lustful feelings that were slowly overtaking her.
“God did design and create us to be sexual beings.”
Her father’s words came back to her to condemn what she was feeling at the hands of this man.
“Take your skirt off!” he ordered.
Andrea quickly obeyed, fearing that he might hit her again. She automatically locked her hands behind her neck, thrusting her breasts out as a sacrifice to this child of Satan. She had a low threshold for pain and would do anything to avoid further punishment.
Edgar walked around the trembling girl, eyeing her up and down. He loved what he saw. She was absolutely beautiful. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her small frame, and her breasts seemed to defy gravity. What did bother him were the flats she was wearing. They were very unbecoming.
“What size shoes do you wear?” he asked.
“Seven,” she quickly replied.
Edgar walked over to the closet and returned with a pair of red six inch stiletto heels.
“Put these on!”
Andrea looked at them curiously.
“Get use to it. That’s all you’ll be wearing from now on. No more of those matronly flat shoes you’ve been wearing.”
Andrea slipped her shoes off and put on the stiletto heels. She could barely stand in them. They felt so uncomfortable since they forced her to almost stand on her toes.
“Walk around and get use to them while I get us another drink,” he ordered.
“Edgar, why are you doing this to me? I thought you were my friend,” she moaned.
“I am your friend, Andrea,” he replied. “Now, do as you are told.”
Andrea walked awkwardly around the room almost losing her balance and falling on several occasions. The television droned on as Julie and Doug’s honeymoon debacle was displayed on the large screen in living color. She couldn’t help but watch what was happening to her sister with a morbid curiosity that even surprised her. She knew that what she was feeling was wrong.
“Oh God, deliver me from this evil. In Jesus’ name I pray!” she prayed silently.
But her prayers went unanswered as Edgar handed her another drink and ordered her to keep walking. He observed her as she walked clothed only in her panties and six inch heels. The underwear would have to go, but for now he enjoyed watching her large breasts sway seductively with every step she took. What a difference the shoes made. She was a natural beauty.
“It’s time to lose your skirt, slut, and expose that hot, dripping pussy of yours. I can tell that Doug can’t wait to see what it looks like. I don’t think that he’s ever seen a pussy before. Have you, Doug?”
Andrea could feel her own wetness as her private parts betrayed her. She felt warm, and her nipples were hard and throbbing. Her clit was also hard and rubbed against the fabric of her panties, getting her more and more aroused. She had never felt this way before and didn’t know how to deal with these overpowering sensations.
Everything seemed so surreal to her. Here she was wearing only her panties and walking around this strange man’s living room in six inch heels. Never had she imagined that she would be involved in something so bizarre and contrary to everything she believed.
She grew tired of walking, and her feet hurt terribly. She also noticed that her calves were tight and beginning to ache. It was impossible to spend any amount of time in shoes this high.
“I ask You, oh Lord, to completely cleanse me, body, mind, and soul. Make me pure and whole,” she prayed silently.
“Stop! Spread your legs and lock your hands behind your neck,” Edgar ordered.
Andrea obeyed mindlessly. She was now feeling dizzy from the three drinks she consumed not to mention the aphrodisiac that laced each drink. Edgar circled her slowly, drinking in her beauty, knowing that she was his to do with as he pleased.
He stood behind her and ran his hands from the sides of her huge breasts to her hips as he placed kisses along her neck and shoulders. She was on fire as shivers ran up and down her spine. What was wrong with her?
"Whosoever committeth sin practices lawlessness; for sin is lawlessness."
The scripture flooded her mind and condemned her. What she was feeling was so wrong, and she knew it. But the drinks he fed her somewhat numbed her and allowed her to tolerate what he was doing to her.
“Please stop, Edgar. Don’t do this to me!” she pleaded. “I’m begging you!”
“You like what I’m doing to you, Andrea,” he whispered in her ear as his hand moved under the waistband of her panties and felt her wet pussy.
“No! No! No!” she exclaimed as his finger brushed over her hard clit. “Please don’t touch me down there. It’s wrong, Edgar. It’s a sin.”
Edgar laughed.
“You’re wet, you little slut! Don’t deny that you’re not enjoying this!” he taunted her as he grabbed her panties and violently ripped them from her body.
She shook uncontrollably as she stood there totally naked before the man who only a short time ago she befriended and looked upon as her savior.
Edgar backed off and watched her as he undressed.
“And there you have it folks. By her own admission, our newlywed, Julie Matthews Adams, admits to being a cock sucking slut, and, Julie, I’ll hold you to that later on.”
Andrea listened in horror as she saw firsthand what her sister suffered on her wedding night. She struggled with her own predicament as her heart and mind battled the flesh. The lust boiling within her persisted and would not leave her alone. No matter how fervently she prayed for God’s deliverance, the fire raged on unabated.
“God, please give me the strength to resist. I claim the victory over this evil in the name of Jesus,” she prayed silently.
Edgar approached the tormented woman and grabbed her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He applied pressure and she moaned. He continued to apply more pressure as she shook her head to the right and left as waves of euphoria flooded her very being. She was on fire. The combination of liquor and drugs were adding to her arousal.
“No! No! This isn’t happening!” she groaned. “It’s all a bad dream!”
He then leaned in and kissed her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. His tongue explored every nook and cranny as she finally relented and kissed him back, overcome with lust. Their tongues were intertwined as she rubbed her pussy against his leg.
“OK baby, now it’s time to take the head of Edgar’s cock in your mouth and suck on it. Be sure to look at him while you do it. Try to convey with your eyes how much you enjoy sucking on his cock, and remember to run your tongue over his piss hole to further excite him.”
Edgar broke the kiss and stood back, seeing the lust blazing in her eyes. The slut was on fire. She was easier than Julie.
“Get down on your knees. Keep your hands behind your neck and stick your tongue out!” he ordered.
In a daze Andrea obeyed. She wanted to resist but the flesh was winning the battle as she fought to resist this Satanic creature and rely on God.
“God, please give me strength,” she pleaded silently to herself as she dropped to her knees.
Edgar waved his long, hard cock in front of her face. She watched him intently as he took his tool and slapped her tongue with it.
“You like that, slut?” he asked as he wedged his foot between her legs.
Andrea moaned.
“Please don’t call me a slut!” she wailed.
Edgar slapped her.
“Don’t speak unless you’re given permission. I’ll call you anything I like. No one is going to help you tonight. No one helped Julie and Doug,” he laughed.
She felt so alone and abandoned, but the fire in her loins told a different story. She couldn’t think clearly.
“Lick my cock!” he ordered.
Andrea obeyed, fearing what he might do to her otherwise. She licked every inch of the long shaft.
“Look at me when you lick my cock!”
She looked up at him while her tongue traveled up and down the length of his shaft.
“Now suck on my balls!” he ordered.
She reluctantly took each ball into her mouth and sucked gently. Edgar groaned as her tongue traveled all over the surface of his balls.
He couldn’t wait any longer as he ordered her to suck his cock. She took the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked on it. He then took control and held her head as he pushed deeper into her mouth. He reached the back of her mouth and she gagged. He already knew what she was capable of doing. It was only yesterday that she had taken the pastor’s cock deep into her throat.
He withdrew his cock so that only the head was engulfed by her warm lips.
Andrea panicked. She didn’t want to go through this again after what the pastor did to her yesterday. It was like reliving a nightmare. Acting impulsively, she bit down on the head of his cock.
“Oooooowowwwwwww!” Edgar screamed as he pushed her away.
He grabbed his groin and doubled over in pain. He rubbed his injured cock never expecting the damn girl to try something like that.
Andrea cowered away from him. She eyed the front door and quickly made a decision to run for it. This might be her only chance for escape. She got up off the floor awkwardly and moved as quickly as she could in the stiletto heels towards the foyer.
Edgar still nursing his injured cock saw her make a break for the door. He ran after her easily overtaking her and dragging her to the floor by her hair.
“OOOooowwwwww!” she screamed as he practically ripped her hair out by the roots.
“You’ll pay for that, you bitch. I’ll make sure you never have the opportunity to do that to anyone ever again.”
“Please don’t hurt me!” she begged as Edgar dragged her by the hair to the couch.
“You’ll pay dearly for daring to do that to me,” he said angrily as he sat on the couch nursing his sore cock.
Upon further examination he could see her teeth marks on his cock, but she didn’t break through the skin, and it was a damn good thing that she didn’t. She would have lived to regret it.
“See what you did to me,” he yelled as he held his limp cock.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she babbled, now regretting the poor choice she made. What was she thinking? Did she really think she could get away from him out here in this desolate area wearing nothing but six inch heels?
“You better hope and pray that you can make it feel better real soon!” he warned her.
Andrea whimpered as she delicately grasped his wilted cock and licked his wounds. She sat on the floor between his legs like a puppy.
“If you so much as think about biting me again, I’ll personally remove your teeth,” he hissed.
Andrea was filled with dread at the very thought of something like that happening and worked even harder to make him feel better.
After licking and nursing his injured cock for many minutes, it started to show signs of life as it twitched in her hand. She was encouraged and glad to see that there was no permanent damage as she gently took the head of his cock back in her mouth and sucked tenderly.
Edgar groaned as he felt her warm lips wrapped around the head of his cock. For a novice, she was doing quite well, and now he knew that there was no serious damage to his tool. Actually he was feeling no pain at all.
Andrea’s nature was sweet and loving. She was never a belligerent child and always obedient. Rev. and Mrs. Matthews trusted her inherently and never had to worry about her getting into trouble. They would be very upset if they could see her now, and to think that she was less than a hundred miles away from her own home in Lake Placid.
By now Edgar’s cock was rock hard thanks to Andrea’s attentiveness. Still upset with her, he grabbed her by the head and pushed forward, ramming all eleven inches of his cock down her throat.
Andrea went wide eyed as she felt the monster cock violating her throat. Her nose was brushing against his pubic hair, and she gagged unable to get air into her lungs. Her throat was contracting around his fat cock when he finally decided to withdraw his weapon and allow her to get some air.
“You need to breathe through your nose,” he ordered.
Her mouth was wide open as she filled her lungs with air. She panted like a dog as her breasts rose and fell deliciously on her chest. Flashbacks of the day before flooded her tormented mind as she remembered the pastor’s cock violating her.
He gave her several minutes to recover before driving his cock back down her throat. He then began to take long deep strokes in and out of her mouth. She could feel every inch of his cock as it traveled in and out of her. He picked up his pace and went faster and faster. Her chest was heaving as she struggled to get air into her lungs. Her nostrils flared as she remembered what he told her. This was the only way she could get any air. He went faster and faster.
“Mmmmmmmmmm” was the only sound she could make while her mouth and throat were stuffed with cock.
Her breasts flopped up and down on her chest with his violent strokes. He was punishing her for her indiscretion.
In spite of everything that was happening to her, she knew that her nipples were hard and aching, begging for attention. Her pussy was sopping wet, and this disturbed her since she couldn’t account for her reaction to the mistreatment she was receiving. She was always treated with the utmost respect by everyone and conducted herself like a lady at all times. Now, these conflicting feelings forced her to question her own beliefs and values.
Edgar looked forward to seeing the replay of this little episode. Cameras were strategically located throughout the room capturing all the action from every angle. They employed the latest motion detection technology.
He finally tensed, and held her head close to him while his cock swelled in her throat.
“Aaaaaaagggghhh!” he screamed as the first blast of hot cum hit the back of her throat and slid down into her belly.
He wanted to humiliate her. He withdrew his cock from her mouth and the next spurt hit her in the face. He aimed lower and the next spurts covered her heaving breasts in white, sticky cum.
Finally sated, he rested his cock on her tongue.
“Clean up your mess!” he ordered.
With tears in her eyes she licked him clean, He was satisfied, but the fire raged on within her.
Edgar left her kneeling there and went to make another round of drinks.
“God, he’s still cumming. You’re tummy must be filling up fast, baby.”
Andrea was just like her big sister. She, like her sister, had just finished deepthroating Edgar. She felt ashamed of herself. She should have been stronger, but there was something more powerful working within her right now that drove her to do the things that she was doing, things that were forbidden, things that were a sin in the eyes of God, things that would separate her from God forever.
Edgar returned and handed Andrea another drink. Her mouth was dry from the pounding that it had just taken so she welcomed it.
Instead of the drink quenching her thirst, it fanned the fires that were already blazing in her loins. Edgar sat on the couch, observing the turmoil the young slut was experiencing. He knew the shame she felt. He knew the conflict that was tearing her apart. She had free will. She could choose good or evil, but the lust was running rampant within her.
The problem with lust is that it is a sexual sin. It is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Sexual sin is strongly condemned throughout scripture.
Andrea knew all this but had no control over her body. This was the one thing that could separate her from God – the unabated lust that was now consuming her. Why was she so aroused by the abuse she was receiving?
Edgar left her for a moment and went out back to retrieve Duke. There was no fear that Andrea would attempt to escape. She knew that the consequences for another indiscretion would be far worse than she had experienced thus far.
Duke followed his master into the living room and picked up the scent. He sniffed the air and saw the human female kneeling on the floor. He sniffed the floor as he made his way over to her. He sniffed her inner thigh and licked it tentatively.
Andrea jumped.
“Andrea, don’t move. He’s very temperamental and might nip you if you make any sudden moves. Be sure to keep your hands locked behind your neck.”
“What is he doing here?” she wailed.
Andrea quaked in fear as the large beast sniffed her, looking for something. It picked up the scent of its master’s cum and licked her belly. Then the dog worked its way up to the large gob of cum that covered her left breast. It lapped away greedily at her left tit with its long, rough tongue.
Andrea was horror-struck and aroused at the same time. A dog was licking her! She groaned. She never felt anything like this before. It disgusted her that the beast was licking her, but, at the same time, his rough tongue felt good. She tried to remain focused and rebuked the beast for touching her in such an intimate and unnatural way.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh!” a moan escaped her lips when the dog’s long, rough tongue lapped away at her hard nipple. It sent chills up and down her spine. The dog growled and nipped lightly at her hard nub, and then it attacked her other breast, picking up the scent of more cum. It covered every inch of her large mammary before focusing once again on the center of her massive breast. Her nipple tingled with the touch of his rough tongue as it communicated with her clit. Her cunt was gushing. There was an itch in her cunt that needed to be satisfied.
His tongue licked her face as it picked up the scent of cum on her cheeks. It then pushed its tongue in her mouth wanting more of its master’s cum. Andrea was shocked as the dog growled and nipped at her mouth when she tried to close it. She was forced to open her mouth and let the dog explore her with its tongue. She felt degraded and humiliated. This beast was actually having its way with her.
Finally Duke abandoned her mouth and picked up another far stronger scent. It sniffed the air and then looked down as it found the source of the sweet smell. It sniffed Andrea’s crotch and then started licking her pussy lips with its long, rough tongue.
“Oh my!” Andrea exclaimed as the dog’s tongue passed over her hard, throbbing clit. “He shouldn’t be doing that!”
“Why not?” Edgar asked. “Does it bother you?”
“It’s not normal,” she moaned. “Dogs aren’t supposed to lick people like that. It’s sick and perverted!”
In spite of what she was saying, she spread her legs wider to give the dog better access. The animal went crazy as it licked her sloppy pussy at a frantic pace. The more he licked, the more her sweet nectar poured out of her.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Andrea moaned loudly as the fires raged on within her. She never felt so aroused and on fire in her entire life.
“You’re quite nasty, Andrea. You obviously like what Duke is doing to you,” commented Edgar.
Andrea looked at him with glazed eyes. She didn’t care what he thought. All she cared about was quenching the fire burning in her loins. She urged the dog on even though she was disgusted with herself.
“That’s not very becoming for a young Christian girl about to enter Bible school,” Edgar abased her.
Her face became a mask of horror as the reality of the situation became crystal clear in her mind. This was a disgusting act, and she was allowing it to continue. No matter how sickened she felt, she was too aroused to put up any resistance.
“Heel, Duke!” Edgar ordered.
Duke immediate backed off and sat with its tongue lolling out of its mouth.
“No!” Andrea screamed.
“I’m quite disappointed in you, young lady. I expected more. Your sister never gave in this easily,” Edgar commented.
“I’m not my sister,” she retorted.
“That’s quite obvious,” he replied.
Edgar was sowing more bad seed and trying to drive a wedge between Andrea and Julie.
“Thank you, Lord, for watching over us. Guide me and give me strength.”
Andrea heard her sister praying even after all the abuse she had taken. She felt ashamed that she was so weak and couldn’t resist temptation.
“Duke will continue if you wish, but you’ll have to ask him nicely,” Edgar said.
A pained expression masked Andrea’s face as she fought an internal battle. She could say no and salvage some semblance of self-respect. That’s what she wanted more than anything.
“Help me to be strong, dear Lord, and resist temptation. Give me your strength,” she prayed.
The fire raged on and wouldn’t go away. It was like a bad itch that needed to be scratched.
She tried reaching down to touch herself but Edgar kicked her hand away.
“Try that again, and I’ll use handcuffs on you!” he warned.
Andrea placed her hands back behind her neck. Her tits jutted out seductively as every nerve in her body was alive and begging for attention.
“Come here, boy,” she called to the dog.
“That’s not the way you call him, Andrea.”
“Here, boy,” she called again.
“I told you that won’t work.”
“Then what does work?” she finally relented and asked petulantly
“You must give him the proper command,” he replied amused.
“What is the command?” she asked with a hint of desperation in her voice. Her breasts were swaying enticingly on her chest as she moved her hips trying to squelch the itch in her cunt that was driving her insane.
“The command is ‘Eat me!’ and you must say it nice and loud.”
Andrea bit her lip as she looked at Edgar sitting there, taking great joy in her misery.
“Eat me,” she said.
“That’s not good enough. You must be louder and more commanding.”
“Eat me!”
“That’s better but still not good enough! Duke needs to know that you really want him to eat you.”
“Eat me! Please Duke, eat my pussy! Eat me!” she screamed.
That was good enough for Duke as he lapped away at her gash. She offered up her snatch to the beast, and he buried his tongue in her hole. She didn’t care. It’s what she needed. He could only go so far before he was stopped by her hymen which was in tact, but he was happy doing what he was doing.
“Oh God, that feels so good. Keep eating me, boy,” she moaned as all the pent up emotions in her body came to a head.
She was incredibly close now as the dog lapped and growled, savoring the juices that were filling his belly. He loved cunt juice.
“Oh God, I’m cuuuummmming!” she screamed as the climax began deep in her belly and consumed her. She shook uncontrollably as she peaked. The dog continued lapping greedily at her gushing hole.
“Heel, Duke,” Edgar ordered after several minutes.
The dog immediately backed off, leaving Andrea sitting there panting.
She was drained but the fire wasn’t dead.
“I’m so ashamed of myself. What have I done? God, please forgive me,” she prayed openly. “Oh God no, I let a dog lick me. What’s the matter with me?”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Andrea,” Edgar said.
“I have sinned in the worst possible way!” she cried.
She was almost hysterical as she rocked back and forth unable to accept the fact that she willingly allowed a dog to do those things to her.
“You’re discovering your true nature, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Andrea, did you enjoy what Duke did to you?”
“I don’t know,” she stammered.
“Did you cum?”
“Well, I would say you enjoyed yourself.”
Andrea hung her head in shame, knowing that Edgar watched her as she climaxed like a common whore.
“The first time I saw you, I knew what you were,” Edgar said.
“What do you mean?”
“You had the same look your sister had. It’s in your eyes. I could see the slut in you.”
“Don’t say that. I’ve always been a good girl who lived by God’s word,” she protested through her sobbing.
“This has nothing to do with how you were brought up, or how you’ve lived your life up until now. This deals with what you truly are on the inside. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you are a slut!”
Andrea cried even harder.
“Don’t call me that!” she wailed.
“I’m not saying it in a demeaning manner, Andrea, regardless of what you may think. It’s good to know your true nature and to realize your full potential. You’re a slut, and I’m going to help you realize your full potential as a slut so that you may be fulfilled.”
He was confusing the poor girl. What he was saying almost made sense to her. How could she explain her behavior any other way?
“Come here, Andrea, and sit on my lap,” Edgar insisted.
She got up from the floor and walked over to him unsteadily in her six inch stiletto heels. She was dizzy, and the room was spinning. She sat on his lap. She remembered as a child sitting on her father’s lap, and he would talk to her and make her feel better. She closed her eyes, pretending that she was safely at home sitting on her father’s lap. She put her arm around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder.
Edgar’s hands explored her body, feeling her magnificent breasts and tweaking her nipples. He was fanning the flame that still burned within her into a raging inferno. Soon it would again burn out of control . She parted her legs, showing no resistance, as his hand slipped down between them, and he found her hard, throbbing clit and stroked it.
Andrea moaned, knowing that the safety of her childhood thoughts were shattered as Edgar used her body for his own gratification. His finger slipped up inside of her, and he could feel her hymen still intact. His cock grew harder at the thought of taking the virginity of this innocent one. He would defile her, and then turn her into a slut like her sister. His cock grew harder as he thought about the plans he already made for her.
“Andrea, straddle my legs,” he ordered.
Andrea opened her eyes now fully aroused and obeyed him. She straddled his legs while placing both arms around his neck. He buried his face in her massive tits and feasted upon them.
If you truly have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you should not still be ruled by your flesh! Your motto should not be "if it feels good, do it." Instead, you should be doing all you can to avoid those people and things that will cause you to stumble and give in to sexual temptations.
Memories of her father’s words of wisdom tried to surface, but she repressed them as she was driven by the lust that was unleashed within her.
“Oh, yes, Edgar, kiss my breasts. That feels so good,” she moaned.
Edgar looked at her.
“Don’t call them breasts, Andrea. Call them tits. You are a slut. Sluts have tits,” he instructed her.
“I don’t care,” she slurred. “Just kiss my tits.”
He caught her nipple between his teeth and pulled hard, eliciting a lustful groan from her. He abused her nipples with his teeth as she became more aroused with each passing moment. She was so hot as she held his face tightly to her heaving tits.
He lifted her slightly and positioned his long, thick eleven inch cock at the entrance of her pussy. Did she have any idea what was about to happen? Momentarily her virginity, which she had protected for eighteen years, would be gone; and he planned to make her a willing participant as she took her own virginity.
“Push down, Andrea, and bury my cock in your cunt. This is what you need,” he whispered to her as he nibbled on her ear lobe.
“But I’m a virgin! I can’t do that!” she groaned. Her face was a mask of horror.
“No one is forcing you to do anything, Andrea. If you don’t want my cock in your cunt, then simply get off. However, if you want to satisfy that fire that is burning deep in your loins, then you know what to do,” he said.
The conflict within her was tearing her apart. She had so many dreams and aspirations. She wanted to follow in her sister’s footsteps and attend Landover, but now she watched her sister on the large screen as she was being sexual abused and loving it. She wasn’t like that! She was a good girl that always kept her emotions in check, but her throbbing clit and the fire in her loins demanded attention.
She was naked and straddling this stranger’s lap with her pussy mere inches from his long, hard cock. What should she do? Was Edgar right? Was she nothing but a slut who needed sexual gratification?
Overcome with so many new feelings, she pushed down burying the head of her violator’s fat cock in her wet gaping hole. Her pussy lips clung to the hard piece of flesh as she lowered herself even more, and then she met with resistance. His cock’s forward progress was impeded.
“Push harder, slut, you know you want it!” Edgar whispered as he squeezed her long, hard nipples, sending ripples of pleasure up and down her spine.
This was the turning point for her, and she knew it. This one act was irreversible, but she didn’t care. She needed to extinguish the fire that was consuming her.
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to that yet small voice within her. She withdrew his cock from her pussy but only an inch, and then dropped herself down, destroying her hymen which marked the beginning of her mental, physical, and spiritual decline. His cock was buried to the hilt, pushing against her cervix.
She felt excruciating pain and a sense of loss when her hymen was destroyed, but as Edgar worked his hard cock in and out of her virgin cunt, the pain faded and was replaced by sensations that were new and exciting to her. The girl went wild as she rode his cock up and down at a frantic pace. She impaled herself on his massive shaft with no concern at all for her own pussy which was just recently violated for the first time. Her breasts bounced wildly on her chest with every thrust, and Edgar was mesmerized as he tried to contain them.
Then suddenly she tensed and all hell broke loose as she bucked up and down out of control on his pole in the throes of yet another climax. Chills ran up and down her spine as she climbed higher and higher.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me!” she screamed as she crested.
Edgar rode her hard until she could take no more. His cock went limp, and Andrea slipped off of his lap onto the floor in front of him.
“Yea, you have chosen your own way, and your soul delighteth in your abominations.”
Andrea broke down in tears at the realization of what she had just done.
Edgar languished in her misery but gave her no time to think and meditate upon what had occurred. She was no longer a virgin, and she aided in destroying her own virginity. Could it be called rape? How could it be when she was a willing participant? She would have to live with that reality for the rest of her life.
“Look at the mess you made,” he said as he pointed to his cock which was coated with a disgusting combination of blood and both of their secretions. “You need to clean it up!”
“Where is the bathroom? I’ll get a wash cloth,” she whimpered.
“No! A washcloth isn’t necessary. You need to clean the mess you made yourself,” he stated.
Her mouth dropped open as the full realization of what he was asking her to do.
“You can’t expect me to…”
“I not only expect it. I demand it. Sluts always clean up their mess,” he said menacingly.
Andrea sobbed pathetically as she looked upon his disgusting cock.
“Do it!” he ordered, raising his hand.
She knew there was no choice involved. She could do it without argument and that would be the end of it, or she could protest and suffer for it and still end up cleaning up the mess. Disgusted with herself, she leaned forward and gingerly flicked her tongue out capturing some of the vile mixture. She almost lost it right there as her stomach began to heave, but she was able to gain control and continue. She licked every inch of his shaft and then worked on his balls, taking the mixture of blood and cum into her mouth, down her throat, and into her belly. Her stomach rumbled in protest but she continued.
Edgar was finally satisfied.
“Any time someone uses you, Andrea, you must always clean up your mess. It doesn’t make any difference where that cock has been,” he explained.
Andrea didn’t feel very well, and Edgar allowed her to use the bathroom. She washed up, and then he could hear her retching as her stomach finally revolted. He smiled to himself. Life was good!
Edgar was exhausted after the long day and evening. He took Andrea to her suite. She was a mess. After a long hot shower, he shackled her to the bed as a precaution.
“Edgar, this is all a game, isn’t it?” Andrea asked. “You don’t really intend to keep me here captive, do you? You took my virginity and now you’ll let me go.”
Edgar chuckled.
“Andrea, you are so naïve. I marvel at your innocence, or is it ignorance. You will find that I mean what I say. Your new life has begun. In all probability you will never see your family and friends again.
“You can’t do this! You can’t just hold me captive against my will!” she screamed hysterically as her eyes flooded with tears.
“I can do anything I please,” he snickered as he turned out the lights and left her alone to her own thoughts to contemplate the magnitude of the situation.
Needless to say, it was a long, long night for Andrea, and the following day would be even longer.
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