Chapter 2 Remote Control
"You have mail."
Those three tiny words had quickened her pulse and she had almost dropped her phone. Three days. Three damn days. Three long days of anxious waiting and nothing. She had been fearful the first day, frustrated the second and just plain angry on the third. Was Monday afternoon all that it would be? Was all Lauren's talk of being a slave, what a slave should do, blah blah blah, was all that just talk? It had sounded like she had read it from some perverted book. Katie was glad that it might all have ended, she could get on with her life, stop living in constant fear but she couldn’t know for sure. It was all just guesswork at the moment and the uncertainty was making her nervous and uneasy.
And now this. It was an innocent enough text, but the number it had come from had caused her eyes to widen in shock. Her phone had identified the caller as 'My Owner'. When the hell had Lauren managed to do that? Katie deleted the text and threw the phone back in her bag. There were another two classes before she could get home and check her email.
As she sat in math class, she remembered back to that Monday afternoon, back to those nightmarish few hours. She had rushed upstairs, as soon as she got home, stripped off the painful jeans and lost herself in a shower. She huddled on the floor, letting the hot water fall on her like rain, willing it to wash away the pain and humiliation that seemed so deeply ingrained within her. She had scrubbed her body hard and spent almost two minutes looking at the collar in the mirror, trying to devise some way of getting it off. She had always thought that it was rather clichéd when she saw women in movies try to find solace in a shower after they had been defiled, but it had made her feel better. And that is exactly what had happened, Katie thought. She had been defiled.
Luckily her mother had been busy cooking dinner and her father had been engrossed in the news. She had yelled a hello but she would have to come down for dinner soon. She could not hide the collar, but nor had she needed to. Her mother had commented how pretty it looked and that was that. She had been frantic over nothing.
The pattern had continued at school the next day. She got a few looks but no one said a thing. Katie could not dismiss the thought that everyone knew, that they were laughing at her, calling her slut and slave behind her back. She knew she was being paranoid but she couldn't stop it. Innocent, whispering groups of girls in the hall, turned into packs of nasty bitches singling her out for torment with their harsh condemnations and cruel laughter. Boys looked at her as if she was on display in a shop window, ready for sale. She knew it was all imagined but knowing did not stop the feeling.
She had worn the skirts that Lauren had ordered. She was glad to do so, her ass still hurt when she sat down but this morning the pain had all but faded. She could still see the thin bruises left by the cane and they hurt if she touched them but it was a manageable pain. She had fulfilled her owner's other order as well. She kept her bag within reach at all times, ever fearful that it would spill open and her dildo would roll out. It was securely tied up in the little felt bag that it had arrived in but still, the irrational fear that it would be found hovered over her like a dark cloud, making her jumpy and anxious whenever someone approached her.
She checked her phone after every class, afraid of what she might find, but strangely disappointed when there was nothing. She caught herself stealing glances at Lauren in the classes they had together, but the other girl seemed not to even notice her. It was maddening. Had it all been a game after all, just some brief humiliation? But she was still collared, the bright metal band a constant reminder of her situation.
Lauren was sat two rows behind her and it was all Katie could do not to look back at her, hoping to catch her eye and know where they stood. The uncertainty was killing her. She should go up and talk to her, find out herself, but each time she made to approach her owner, her courage failed her and she kept walking, clutching her bag like some crazy lady.
She couldn't focus on her schoolwork, knowing Lauren was so close and yet not knowing what to do. She found her hands straying to her collar without thinking. When she realised what she was doing, she snatched her hand away like a child caught raiding a cookie jar.
The last two periods passed in a daze. Katie soon found herself in her room, the end of school, the bus ride, saying hello to her Mother, it was all somehow blurred together, as if she was dreaming, unable to focus on the details of the world around her. She could think of nothing but getting to her computer. This was what she had been waiting for, dreading, for three days.
She pounced on her computer with an almost manic fervour, tapping the desk frantically as it booted up, her knee bouncing anxiously in time. Was this going to be the end of it? Had Lauren regretted what she had done? Was that why she had not said anything to her, or even acknowledged her for three days? Was it guilt? It had to be. The little bitch had realised how nasty she had been and how wrong it was and she couldn’t even face her, she had to email her apology.
Katie's fingers flew across the keyboard as she logged in and opened her email. She glanced through her unread messages until she saw one that she instantly recognised. The sender was some obscure hotmail address she had never heard of but the subject line was so very clear: For Kitty.
Katie's breath caught in her throat and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her hands were clammy as she moved the mouse slowly to open the email.
A new account has been created for you. The account name is OwnedKitty. The password is creamypussy. You will be online at 7 PM tonight.
That was it? That was enough. She had to go live on a webcam, back to where it all started. What would she be made to do? What did it matter, it was not like she needed any stronger evidence to be used against her. Katie sat back, the apprehension she had felt for three days melting away as she read the anticlimactic message again. At least now she knew it was not over. Was that knowledge a relief? Katie honestly could not tell how she felt. She would not be resuming her normal life. She couldn’t slip back into her old routine. What had she ever done to deserve this? Well she knew what she had done, brushed the unsettling thought from her mind, but that only explained why she was caught in this harrowing web it didn’t mean she deserved it. She had never hurt anyone, never teased anyone. She was a nice girl. This should have happened to Natasha Chambers, now she was a slut.
Seven o'clock was so far away. How was she going to keep busy until then? The waiting would be too much if she did not keep herself occupied. She knew of one thing she had to do, the sooner it was done the better. She retrieved her bag from where she had unceremoniously dumped it in her haste to check her email.
This was usually the first thing she did each day after school. She reached in and removed the black felt bag that contained her dildo. She shuffled to her desk, knelt down and removed the bottom draw. She popped the dildo in the empty cavity between the drawer above and the floor. The tiny bullet vibrator also rested within her hiding spot. That task completed, the fear of her parents unexpectedly stumbling across the sextoy in her schoolbag was removed for another day.
Katie quickly changed out of her schoolclothes, donning a cute bra and shorts set that she had bought at a little store she had found online. When she saw them she had to have them, but they had sat unused in her drawer for months. The shorts hugged her body tightly and only just came past her buttocks. The bra was tight too, hugging her young breasts like a second skin. She had tried them on once and then been too self-conscious to wear them again, but it wasn't like she did any exercise anyway. She had no idea why she had even bought them.
Yet now here she was. She locked the door but Katie never felt that was enough, always making sure to throw some clothes against the door to give her a few moments if she was surprised and somehow the lock failed. She did so now before lying down on the carpet, raising her body up onto her elbows and beginning the set of exercises Lauren had proscribed for her three days before.
She had not missed a day, both morning and afternoon. She didn't know if Lauren would have a way to know if she had not being doing as she was told but she could not take the risk. Each day with no word had made it harder and harder to make the effort to change and actually do what she had been set but still she had not missed a turn.
One creamy pussy, she counted as her muscles strained to hold the position. Tuesday morning, she had started counting without the lewd addition Lauren had ordered but it had felt wrong to Katie. She assigned that feeling to fear, fear that somehow she would slip up if asked, fear that she would be punished. She wasn't even really sure if it had been an order or just some humiliating joke that Lauren had dreamed up on the spot but she felt it best to take no chances.
The plank was the easiest exercise of the three but it still taxed her young body. She was trembling before she had counted ten and shaking uncontrollably by the time the thirtieth creamy pussy had been silently counted. Katie always gave herself a rest between exercises. She needed it. She could feel a thin sheen of sweat had already formed over her bare skin. Did Lauren sweat like this when she exercised, Katie thought. No doubt she did but Lauren had a slim, toned athlete’s body. She would surely be able to do a lot more before she started breaking a sweat.
Katie wondered, as she always did when performing her morning and afternoon drill, if the exercises were getting any easier. Was she getting any fitter? She thought she could feel an improvement but what did she know. Lauren would judge that.
She had ached that first morning. Her ass of course, after the punishment it had taken the day before it was a wonder she had been able to sleep at all. But it was the rest of her body that surprised her. She could feel muscles she had never known she had. They were a little painful, but it was a good pain. She couldn't quite explain that, it just felt good to stretch and move and feel the tightness in her muscles. She had felt it the entire day: a twinge in her belly when she leaned over to pick up her schoolbag, a stretch in her thighs when she hurried to catch the bus. And when she did the exercises that afternoon, she felt it intensely, as a real pain, not the transient discomfort she had experienced during the day.
And yet now, as she lifted her legs off the floor and counted the six creamy pussies of the first rep of her leg lifts, it was a different sensation altogether. She had looked it up on the net and knew all about endorphins and the exercise high but to experience it was nothing like what she had read. It was still hard work and she blushed throughout, acutely aware of what she was doing and why, but she could not deny that it felt good.
Katie rested again between the second and third set of leg lifts. She was breathless and her muscles burned. Lauren had not permitted her this time to rest but Katie knew she needed it, just for a few moments. A few deep breaths later and she lifted her legs for the third time, grunting softly as she did so. She was panting and moaning when her legs dropped to the floor. She lay there for a few seconds to gather her breath. The final exercise was the hardest by far. She knew she would be huffing and puffing once it was complete, her heart pounding for minutes after she had finished.
Just a few moments more, she told herself. Then I'll do it. She did this every time, delaying what she knew she had to do for just a few seconds more as if that would make it any easier. She finally dragged herself to her feet and stood at attention. She always started this exercise like that.
Down and up. "Kitty wants to please." Down and up. "Kitty wants to please."
Katie spoke in a breathy whisper that she hoped could not be heard even if someone was waiting at her door. She knew that saying the words under her breath was not good enough, not like the counts she had to keep, but she made sure she was as quiet as possible. She was sure her parents didn't even know she was exercising. She was adept at keeping things from her parents and she knew she would have to make use of that skill extensively if her predicament was to remain undetected.
"Kitty wants to please," she gasped for the final time. She remained standing at attention, chest heaving wildly as she struggled for breath. She always made sure that she kept to her feet for at least a few seconds after her exercises had ended. She keenly remembered what had happened when she had not.
Her task complete, her obligation fulfilled, Katie collapsed on the ground and lay panting, letting the adrenalin rush wash over her. She ignored her hard nipples and thought instead of how she would spend the next few hours. The tiny pink buds had stiffened the very first time she had exercised on her own. It had disturbed her then, but now it seemed to be part of the drill. Though the reasons why, she was still not willing to face.
Homework. She should do her homework. First though she needed to wash away the sweat. She wet a small washcloth and hurried back to her room, stripped off her clothes, folding them neatly, which was a definite break with tradition for her, and wiped her body. She knew she was imitating the humiliating experience of that afternoon, but she couldn't very well have a shower every time and she hated staying sweaty.
She stood naked in the middle of her room as she dried. Her hands drifted to the collar as they seemed to do so often. She ran her fingers along the hard metal circle, feeling the almost invisible join and the tiny pinlike depression of the lock. She pushed it up her neck until it bumped against her jaw before she let it fall.
There were some moments when she almost forgot she was wearing it, almost, but it was times like this, whenever she was naked or when her thoughts turned to Lauren, that the collar made itself known. It was times like this that she could think of nothing else. Last night she had lost almost an hour staring at herself in the mirror, mesmerised by the band at her throat.
Once she was dry Katie put her schoolclothes back on: skirt, panties, bra and blouse. No one would ever know what she had just done. No one but her and her owner. The thought caused sparks to burst under her skin, as if sudden pins and needles had erupted throughout her entire body. No one but her and Lauren she corrected, blushing at the lapse, and would Lauren even know? Should she come right out and tell her? Would that seem like boasting? Why did she care if Lauren knew or not? If the bitch wanted to know she could ask, decided Katie, dismissing all further thoughts on the matter. She hated these mental gymnastics she had been engaged in ever since Monday afternoon. Her mind seemed to jump chaotically, go sliding off on tangents, all of which seemed designed to upset her. She tried to control it, but it wasn’t until she was well immersed in a particular scenario that she realised and put a stop to it. Exactly what had happened to her during those few hours?
Katie took the homework assignments out of her bag. She had to start work on these, anything to occupy her mind. She had been anxious for contact to be made and she thought she would be calm when it did but her mind was racing: heading down roads that she did not want to travel. She needed occupying. She lost herself in her schoolwork until she was called to dinner. The meal passed in a dreamlike blur for the young girl, hardly tasting the food. She asked to be excused and scurried back to her room as soon as she could, though not so quickly as to arouse suspicion.
For the next hour Katie could not sit still. She changed her clothes three times, though why she could not say. She tried to answer a few emails but could not focus, each time coming back to the short missive from her owner. She had checked her webcam a hundred times and was on the site and ready to log in well before seven o'clock rolled around, her body tense, her stomach tight and fluttery.
At five to seven she logged in. There it was, her new account - OwnedKitty. Katie had felt her cheeks burn when she had entered the details, especially the password. She checked the webcam again, centred it and checked out the profile details that had been set up for her. Her mood had been set to happy and her profile picture was a pretty little black cat that seemed awfully familiar to her. That was all she had time for. She was streaming live and someone was viewing. It felt as if molten lava was flowing through her veins and she realised that she was holding her breath. She breathed in deeply and checked the chat.
"Hello Kitty."
Katie went to type but was stopped by the next message.
"No typing Kitty."
"Hello Miss," Katie said softly into the microphone that sat on the desk in front of her.
"Show me what you are wearing."
Katie stood up and turned around slowly, showing Lauren the short pleated tartan skirt she wore and the white singlet top. "Everything Kitty," was the message waiting for her when she turned back to the screen.
Katie swallowed and lifted up her skirt, exposing the plain white cotton panties that she wore underneath. She dropped the skirt and lifted her tight top to display the plain white bra she wore. Katie could see the bright pink colour of her cheeks as she sat back down. The memories of Monday crashed back upon her. She had almost forgotten the terrible humiliation she had experienced as she had been tormented and treated at times like an animal and at others like an object.
"Panties off Kitty, they are hideous. You are not to wear them again."
Katie cringed at the comment but stood up and obediently removed her undergarments, hooking her thumbs in the waistband and sliding them down her legs. She folded them neatly and placed them on the desk.
"Throw them in the bin Kitty. You won't be wearing them again and the sight of something so ugly offends me."
Katie did not know what was so wrong with her panties. They were just ordinary white cotton panties. She did as she was told and dutifully threw them in the bin, already thrown off-balance by the very first exchange of the session.
"Show me your dildo Kitty."
Katie flew off her chair and retrieved the dildo from her hiding place. She fumbled with the drawstring but soon had the seven inch glass dildo free. She lay the glass shaft on her upturned palms, offering it the camera. The dildo was a series of small spheres, joined together creating a shaft of transparent ridges that had served the teenager well. The curved glass warped her vision, creating weird shapes when she looked through it, like some strange fairground attraction.
“Tuck your skirt into your top Kitty. Shuffle that cute butt to the edge of the chair and show me how you like to use that dildo.”
Katie did as she was told, hesitating only when the tip of the dildo, the smallest glass sphere, pushed past her thick bush of black curls and touched her lips. She was following the orders almost without thought. They were only words on a screen, typed by someone called Redvelvetlines. How did she even know it was Lauren? She knew. How she knew she couldn’t say, but she knew. The young girl had never been more sure of anything in her life.
Before Lauren had a chance to berate her for hesitating, Katie plunged the dildo inside her. She sighed as the smooth glass shaft bumped past her plump lips, each inch growing wider and wider. The clear shaft slid inside her sleek tunnel, teasing the silky folds of her sex. Katie had guessed she was wet even before the dildo had entered her, but the ease with which her intimate cleft was penetrated removed all doubt. With each gentle stroke the panting teenager forced more of the dildo inside her, moaning as the glassy intruder slithered ever deeper.
Katie kept her eyes glued to the screen as she pleasured herself at her owner’s command. She could see the picture that Lauren would see: her skirt tucked roughly into her top, exposing her belly and the intimate space between her thighs, her face flushed with arousal, the glass dildo sliding in and out of her pussy. She watched and waited for Lauren to write. Without a visual cue Katie felt lost. She could feel the pleasure mounting, her hand thrusting faster to match the speed of her pounding heart. She couldn’t close her eyes, though she desperately wanted to. If she missed a command she would be in trouble.
“Show me the dildo.”
Katie moaned as she slid the glass shaft from her wet pussy and held it close to the camera, adjusting the distance so the image was crisp and clear. She could see the juices from her pussy smeared along the ridged length of the sex-toy, the thick white cream gathered in the valleys between the ridged spheres. How was she so wet so fast? If she had been given a little more time, a few more thrusts, she would have been unable to control her orgasm.
“Clean it.”
Katie lifted the dildo to her mouth, instantly popping the end of the shaft past her other lips. She tasted herself, the deep musky cream sending a wave of pleasure rushing down her neck as if someone had breathed in her ear. The tiny bumps of gooseflesh rippled her entire left side as she worked the dildo in and out of her mouth, savouring the flavour of her own arousal. Once the tip was clean, Katie took it out of her mouth and licked the shaft with her outstretched tongue, eagerly cleaning her cream as she twisted the glass rod.
“Put the dildo on your chair and go downstairs. Make sure your parents agree to me sleeping over your house tomorrow night. You have five minutes.”
Katie felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over her. She carefully rested the glass shaft on her chair, wrenched her skirt down before flattening it carefully, and headed towards the door. How had she let herself get so carried away? Was it because Lauren was not there, not in person? Had she been able to trick herself into thinking she was on her own, pleasuring herself because of her own desire? Or was it because…
Holy shit, what if they smell my pussy? Katie stopped just outside her door. She had been almost about to come, she hadn’t even touched her clit. The young girl could feel the wetness seeping from her sex, sopping the black curls that covered her nether lips. Was the smell of her sex on her breath? Did she have time to get some toothpaste? Would it make any difference with her pussy still juicing so heavily? Was that a squelching sound she had heard as she walked to the door? Could her pussy really make that sound?
Now you are just being stupid, she chided. And now you have only four minutes to convince Mom and Dad to let Lauren stay overnight. She hadn’t had a sleepover since she was twelve. Surely she was long overdue, her parents could not deny her. But what if they wanted to ask her a million questions? They had never heard of Lauren. She had told them she had been studying at Ayla’s on Monday afternoon. She had to have a strategy. She couldn’t just go blundering in and hope for the best. Why did she always feel stupid and frantic when performing a task? That question would take a lot more time to answer than she had, if she could answer it at all. Katie straightened her skirt once more.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The tight singlet top she had chosen for the night’s event clung tightly to her body. Even with the bra underneath, her hard nipples could clearly be seen as two stiff circles in the tight white material. She couldn’t go back in her room and get a top, Lauren would see her and besides she had no time. And besides, she had not been told she could. And besides- shut the fuck up and move, she all but screamed. She would have to hope for the best, maybe she could just pop her head around the corner.
Katie rushed down the stairs, her breasts bouncing with each hurried step. Great, like that is going to help them go down, she thought. She squeezed her hands across her breasts in a feeble attempt to keep them in place as she descended the twisting stair. She paused for a moment at the bottom, took a deep breath, pulled her skirt down once more, straightening the pleats and sauntered into the lounge room where her parents sat together on the couch, watching some insanely boring renovation show on TV.
“Mom? Dad? Can I have a friend sleepover tomorrow night. Her name is Lauren. Lauren Harper. She’s really lovely and she’s on the lacrosse team and she gets really good grades.”
And how about you shut the fuck up for a minute, your babbling. Katie stood in the doorway, breathless after her outburst. Once the words had started flowing, she couldn’t get them to stop. She must have sounded mental.
Her parents looked at each other quizzically, then looked back at their young daughter. Katie was instantly self-conscious. She crossed her arms across her chest, but instantly flung them back at her sides when she realised all she had done was accentuate her young breasts, pushing her stiff nipples even tighter against her top, pointing them at her parents like tiny, sensual missiles. Katie blushed furiously, shuffling her feet and fidgeting with the pleats of her skirt as her parents looked on in bewilderment. They were staring at her nipples, she knew it. They knew what she had been doing. Could they smell her arousal from the couch? Please don’t ask me to come closer, she pleaded silently. She pulled her skirt down a little, irrationally afraid that somehow the act of not wearing any panties made her skirt unable to cover her intimate areas.
“Sure hon,” her mother said, the amused confusion evident even to the apprehensive teen.
“Thanks Mom,” Katie said, spinning on her heel and rushing back up the stairs. She flew into her room, threw the door shut and locked it. She leaned against the closed panel for a moment to collect her wits. She was panting as if she had run a mile, though whether that was from masturbating, the confrontation with her parents or the rush up the stairs she could not tell.
When she scurried back to her seat she noticed that Lauren had counted out the minutes she had been gone. She was down to thirty seconds. “They said yes Miss,” Katie said breathlessly as she sat down on the chair. She gripped the dildo tightly as she waited for Lauren’s response, the surface still slick and a little warm. She stared at the screen, waiting attentively for a word, anything to tell her that she had made it back in time, that she hadn’t failed, that Lauren wasn’t mad with her.
“Show me how wet your cunt is.”
Katie hesitated, unsure what to do with the dildo. Should she use the dildo or her fingers? Surely she couldn’t just shove her pussy right up to the camera. Or could she? If she angled the camera right and she spread her lips, maybe Lauren could see. She hated that word: cunt. It sounded so harsh and aggressive. Why was Lauren using it now? Was she upset with her? Had she done something wrong?
“Put the dildo in your mouth Kitty. Then get some of those petite little fingers in that slit and show me how wet you are.”
Katie did as she was told, sliding the glass dildo three ridges in. Her tongue pushed the ridged shaft against the roof of her mouth to keep it in place as she lifted up her skirt and plunged two fingers of her left hand inside her. She moaned softly as her fingers wriggled within her moistness, her fingertips playing across the sensitive folds she was still discovering.
The gasping teen withdrew her fingers, her plump wet lips staying open long after the questing fingers had been extracted. She lifted her cream smeared fingers to the camera. Katie parted the two glistening fingers, showing thin slimy ropes of cream slung between them, stretching to breaking point as the gap grew. Had she ever been this wet? Had she even been this wet when…
“Clean them Kitty. Tell me how your cunt tastes.”
Katie removed the dildo and obediently slipped her fingers inside her mouth. Her tongue flickered and swirled over her cream covered fingers, cleaning them of all trace of her arousal in a matter of seconds. The second part of the order was harder for the young girl to face. She had tasted herself a few times, even before Lauren had ordered her to. She had always felt so rebellious, sexy and naughty when she did so. But to describe her taste? It was something she hadn’t thought of until now.
“My pussy tastes a little bit sour, a little bit musky and a little but sweet Miss,” Katie blurted out in a rush. She hadn’t really known what to say and even when she started speaking she wasn’t entirely sure what would come out.
“I do like the taste of my own pussy Miss,” Katie said in answer to Lauren’s next typed question.
“You may dip again Kitty, slut’s don’t need to worry about double-dipping.”
Katie could almost see the smile on Lauren’s face as she made the joke. A small grin fluttered on Katie’s lips, threatening to bloom into one of her devastating smiles but held back by the uncertainty and confusion the meek teen felt so keenly. Her fingers slid back inside the warmth of her pussy all too eagerly. Katie kept them together, curling them forwards to press on the front of her vagina as she withdrew them languidly.
In one swift motion her wet fingers were once again in her mouth, then in her pussy once more. Katie lost track of the number of times she licked her cream from her fingers, but with each plunge into her hot, moist depths she came closer and closer to climax.
“Enough. Sit up straight.”
Katie almost missed the command. She was moaning and panting like an animal as she felt her orgasm grow, all inhibitions destroyed by the imminent climax. Her hand paused halfway to her pussy before she let it fall shyly to her side. The sudden awareness of where she was and what she was doing made her feel like a slut, a huge slut. A massive, gargantuan mammoth sized slut. A… God stop it please, she pleaded with herself, trying to reign in her unruly brain. She had never felt like this. She had never come without paying a lot of attention to her clit. She had felt her knees begin to go weak, the first sign that she was losing control and yet her tiny button had remained untapped.
“Kitty. You will never touch your pussy without permission, except for ablutions. Do you understand?”
“Yes Miss,” Katie whimpered, knowing that meant she would not be permitted to finish off this high on which she was currently coasting. “Um Miss, what are ablutions?”
“When you clean yourself Kitty, you know how to clean yourself don’t you?”
“Yes Miss,” Katie mumbled, mortified at her stupidity. She hadn’t heard the word before but it didn’t stop her from feeling dumb.
“I will be the judge of that Kitty. You are so severely lacking in so many areas. It is part of a slave’s duty to keep herself clean and healthy for her owner.”
“Yes Miss,” Katie whispered, deeply regretting asking the question. Why couldn’t she have just shut up?
“Tomorrow, during second period you will excuse yourself to go to use the restroom. You will enter the third stall from the door. You will take out your dildo and you will pleasure yourself for four minutes exactly. You will clean the dildo and return to class. You will be gone no more than six minutes. You are to follow these instructions exactly. Any deviation will punished.”
“Yes Miss,” Katie said meekly.
“Kitty, you are to remain logged in to this account until you leave for school each morning. Each afternoon your first task after entering your house will be to log in. Indicate your understanding.”
“Yes Miss, I understand.”
“You will now shower, floss and brush your teeth. You will then return and brush your hair. Sixty-six strokes exactly Kitty. From this day forward you will remain naked after your evening shower. If you are called downstairs you are permitted to wear an outfit I shall choose for you. That is all.”
Katie sat in front of her computer, staring at the screen for long moments after the last word appeared in the chat box. Was that it? How would she know if Lauren was still there, on the other end of the connection, watching her. Katie jumped, her hand clutching her heart when another message popped onto the screen. She could just imagine Lauren laughing at her skittishness.
“You have nothing to say Kitty?”
What was she supposed to say? Katie’s brain whirled into action. She had been sitting there like a rabbit in the headlights, unable, or unwilling, to move and begin fulfilling the orders she had been given. She had just pleasured herself at the remote command of her owner, a 16 year old girl. That was enough to leave anyone a little flustered. What was she suppose- You are so fucking dumb!
“Thank you Miss,” Katie said sincerely, relieved that her brain had not entirely failed her. She leaned in close to the cam and blew a kiss to her unseen owner.
“Goodnight Kitty.”
“Goodnight Miss.”
With that Katie scurried to the bathroom and stripped. She turned the water on and looked at herself in the large mirror as the water heated up. She could still see the signs of her arousal on her body. Her nipples were rock hard, Katie smiled wryly at the way they had popped free when she removed her bra, as if they were trying to launch themselves from her chest. Her face was flushed, arousal or shame? Her eyes sparkled as they always did when she bated. It was her pussy, however, that drew her attention. She could see the small dollop of cream that hovered in the tight bush of curls between her legs. It shined in the bright lights, like a rich jewel that begged to be plucked.
She had been forbidden to touch her pussy without permission. She could still feel the desire deep within her. She could feel it pulsing down her vagina, bursting at the entrance like a shower of sexual electricity. Her intimate lips tingled, begging to be touched, begging for release. She dared not. Would Lauren know? Was it possible to tell? What if she asked? Katie had always been a horrid liar and now that there was something real, something serious, at stake she knew she would be instantly discovered.
The naked teen reached for her collar, sliding a finger along its smooth flat edge. It was rounded at the top and bottom, for comfort she supposed. Katie shifted the collar up her neck as she leaned her chin in towards her throat. She knew she could not slip the collar over her chin, she had tried many times, but it was a game she played with herself. She had done the same thing with every necklace she had ever worn, sometimes even taking the thin metal links in her mouth and sucking on them, revelling in their metallic tang. But not with this collar. The young girl sighed and turned to the shower. She could touch her pussy while she washed, but that was hardly the same. She sighed again and stepped into the hot shower and let the soothing rain wash away her frustrations.
* * * * *
Katie eased herself into the chair. She looked inquisitively at the computer. She still had one viewer – Redvelvetlines. Was Lauren there? Had she waited patiently for Katie to return? Or had she found something more important to do. What had she been doing while Katie had been plunging the dildo into her pussy? What had her owner been doing when she had been thrusting her fingers deep inside her and tasting the cream she found within? Had she been pleasuring herself as well? Katie blushed at the thought and flashed a guilty look at the webcam.
She had a task to complete though, so she had better get on with it. If Lauren was watching she didn’t want to disappoint her or be accused of laziness or disobedience. Katie reached for her brush, aware of how her breasts moved with each movement. Being naked caused such a jumble of emotions for the young girl, feelings she had never before contemplated. Each time she was without clothes, she now felt exposed and vulnerable yet strangely liberated as well. Even when she was alone she often felt herself blushing. She laid the blame firmly on the rigid band of metal that encircled her throat.
As she brushed her long black hair, long slow sinuous strokes, she watched herself on the screen using it as a mirror to follow her actions. Her collar provided a sparkling counterpoint to her jet black hair. In the soft light of her bedroom it looked as if it was almost radiating its own light, like a tiny sliver of the moon itself. She watched her breasts move, flattening slightly each time she reached up with the brush to begin a new stroke, swaying gently as the brush left her hair at the end of the downward movement. She was more aware of her body than she had ever been. She had never realised how much her pert breasts moved, how the hard pink nipples tightened the skin, the tiny bumps of her areola raised like sensuous gooseflesh. She looked at herself on the cam, surprised to see that her nipples were hard once again. How the hell had that happened? When had that happened? How could she possibly have been turned on by simply brushing her hair.
She knew of course, but she shied away from the truth. Try as she might she could not deny it. She was still feeling horny from her earlier dalliance. She didn’t think her pussy was creaming exactly but she knew she was a little wet. If only she had been allowed to come. The frustration was always there in the background, like some annoying hum from some unseen machine. She could fix all that so quickly. She knew it would not take long, two or three minutes.
Before she knew it her task was complete. Her hair shined and fell in smooth cascades about her pretty face, like a very slice of midnight itself. Her hair had once been much longer, almost halfway down her back, but she had it cut on a whim. She liked the shorter look, though it still hung well past her shoulders. Katie reached down and pinched her nipples. It was just a gentle squeeze but it sent jolts of pleasure shooting into her chest, radiating out through her breasts and sinking deeper into her body. Holy fuck, she thought, what is happening to me? What is this? Katie pushed her chair away from the table and threw herself down on her bed. She lay there for a long time, breathing heavily, doing her best to figure out just what was going on with her body.
Katie was frustrated and tired and she needed sleep. She dragged herself out of bed, turned off the light and scooched under the covers. She lay in the darkness for a long time. She stared at the ceiling of her room, her mind a whirling maelstrom from which she was unable to pluck a single cohesive thought.
* * * * *
Lauren lay back in her bed, unable to see anything more from the live feed of Katie’s bedroom. Her Kitty had gone to bed and darkness would be her only reward for continued vigilance. She knew her girl had to be frustrated, it was clear to see: her face and her body betrayed her equally. Lauren slipped a hand under the sheets. The soft warm hand slid under the band of the pink panties she wore and delved between her smooth bare lips into the moist warmth that waited for her.
Lauren thought back to the first night, to the primal uncontrollable orgasm that overwhelmed her as she held those same pink panties tight to her face and she rubbed her hard clit with an almost animal ferocity. The taste of Katie’s pussy, the intoxicating aroma of the young girl’s sweet snatch had elevated her orgasm to a level she had not imagined possible. She had lost control, barely able to hold on to her identity as orgasm after orgasm crashed through her body. She had felt weak after that, so weak. And thirsty. She had fallen out of bed the first time she tried to get a drink.
She had laughed then, an exhausted, contented laugh. Her little Kitty was going to make her life a living nirvana. Katie’s panties had been washed and Lauren wore them to bed each night. They were almost the right size, a little too small, but the way they cupped her bare pussy was so delicious it made her shiver each time she thought about it.
Tonight had gone better than she had hoped. She thought about Katie as she pleasured herself with long even strokes. Her girl had been prepared to do anything, there didn’t seem a hint of resistance. The control she had, even at a distance, conversing through text, had left her breathless. There was no doubt left in Lauren’s mind: Kitty was a truly submissive slut. She didn’t know it of course, she still thought she had some choice in the matter, her delightful flushes of modesty were proof enough of that.
The little slut had almost come, there and then. She would have if she had not been stopped. Lauren would have to lay that law down the next time they met. The thought of what was going to happen tomorrow caused her own orgasm to crest and Lauren was carried away on a wave of bliss that rose and fell twice more before she was sated.
Lauren stretched languidly, pulled Katie’s panties tighter and drifted off into a deep, contented sleep.
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