Chapter 4. In which Sarah tours the school
Sarah ran to catch her handler. The short steps the heels forced her to take had her nipples hard well before she caught up to the older girl. Sarah knew that it was inevitable but she still hated that everyone who looked at her would be able to see the stiff little nubs almost breaking through the thin white material of her blouse. Even when she reached her handler she still had to take twice as many steps to keep up the swift pace the prefect was setting. She fell in two steps behind, and a little to the left of Miss Harper and tried to keep up.
Sarah watched her surroundings as they walked down corridors, noting the beautiful decor of the old building. She kept her eye out for a possible toilet as she was dying to pee. After they had moved down a number of halls and back past the headmistresses office, Sarah could wait no longer. She had no idea of the layout of the school and didn't know how far away the toilets were, or, indeed, even if they were getting further away with each step. She screwed up her courage and asked.
"Excuse me Miss Harper but could we go to the toilet please, I really have to go," asked Sarah in a very sweet, pleading voice.
"You should have thought about that when we left the infirmary. There were toilets just around the corner. You can wait until we reach your dorm. Now come on, through here we will be back in the foyer and then we can start the tour. I am only going to show you the main areas, because some parts of the school you won't need to worry about and others you will find in time as your lessons take you."
They were soon back in the foyer, the large wooden doors closed and bolted. This was Sarah's first chance to see the outside since she had looked through the windows in the headmistresses office. She could tell through the large stain-glass windows above the doors that it was now dark outside. It must be close to seven o'clock now. It had been a really long day already, she had hardly any sleep on the plane and though she had dozed in the taxi, the poor girl was tired. The humiliating time she had spent inside the school, which had been almost every single minute, had only exhausted her further, both mentally and physically.
"Porter stand here and face into the school."
Sarah did as she was told, looking down the long hall. To her right was a wide staircase that she could see ended in a landing on the first floor, and obviously continued upwards to a third floor beyond. Straight ahead along the hall were a number of openings through which she could see nothing, despite the well lit interior.
"Upstairs are the dorms of all houses - Medea, Morrigan and Annan. Trinity house dorm is accessed by a different stair as it is in the left wing of the school. The school is in three wings, I guess I should have started with that. We are in the main wing now. Left is your dorm, the gym, the kitchens and food hall and the chem labs, plus I guess most of your classes are held in your own wing. Main wing has all our dorms plus our classrooms and the right wing has the main hall, the library, classrooms and the study rooms. So let’s go right first."
As they moved through the corridors of the school, Sarah marveled at how large it all was, and all in the one building. She peered into the classrooms as they passed, most were darkened but one or two had a light on, she even saw one with a fish tank in it. How wonderful she thought, this was the kind of school she had dreamed of. A real place of learning where there was more to the process than just textbooks and spitballs.
The first place her handler stopped was at the study rooms. These seemed to be small glassed cubicles set around the walls of a large hall. In the middle of the hall were numerous long tables with countless chairs down each side. Sarah was so happy. Here was an entire huge room just devoted to academic endeavours. Study was almost a swearword at her old school and being a good student was the easiest way to become a target for teasing. She just knew that here at Harkwood her talent would be able to shine.
"I thought it best to show you these rooms even though you probably won't be using them much. Trinity house has it's own study hall."
Yes, rejoiced Sarah, giving herself an internal high-five.
They left the large study hall and moved down the corridor. Not far down was the library.
As the pair of young girls entered Sarah's breath caught. The place was huge. She had never seen so many books. She had seen pictures of the huge libraries at Universities and dreamed of the day she could wander down the aisles. The daunted teenager distractedly followed her handler over to the large counter just inside the door, preoccupied by the rows and rows of bookshelves.
BING, Sarah's head snapped around at the sound of Miss Harper ringing the little metal bell on the counter.
"The library is open from seven in the morning until ten at night, seven days a week. The librarian is Mrs Walker. There is no talking in the library, of course, but Mrs Walker is really strict about it."
The prefect was about to ding the bell again when an extremely tall and stately woman emerged with an armful of books. She placed them upon the counter and stared at the two teen girls.
"Hi Mrs Walker, this is a new student for Trinity house that I am showing around."
"Yes, good evening Miss Harper," replied the librarian. "I am aware of who this is as the headmistress has previously informed me of her potential presence tonight. Come here girl," she motioned to Sarah, who was standing at attention the correct two feet behind her handler.
Sarah moved up to the counter and looked at the librarian. She looked to be around 50, with wisps of grey in her red hair, twirled up in an elaborate bun on the top of her head. She had a very old-fashioned style and Sarah thought that she was the absolute epitome of what a librarian should be. As she closed in on the counter she noticed the librarians gaze flicker to her chest and watched the older woman's face crease into a frown.
Sarah flushed scarlet as she realised the woman had seen her outstandingly erect nipples and obviously disapproved. She was dying to explain it was not her fault but she just cringed inwardly and sighed to herself. Does anyone ever believe that kind of stuff anyway?
"Lean forward," commanded the librarian quite coldly.
Sarah leaned over the counter as the librarian reached out, grabbed the small metal tag dangling from her left ear and scanned the code upon it. The dreaded beep of the scanner right in her ear caused the dejected teen to die a little inside each time. That simple act of scanning the tag brought the whole humiliating process back to the front of her mind. The only piece of jewellery she wore was a tag like those used to identify animals.
The librarian proceeded to work at the computer as Sarah stepped back behind Miss Harper.
"The permissions have been set. Standard Trinity permissions. You are allowed to borrow up to three items from collections 62 to 66 for a duration of 48 hours. You make your selections, come to the desk here where they are processed. You return your items to the desk here to be processed. At no time do you ever just leave borrowed items on this counter for collection. Understand."
"Yes Ma'am."
"And there is no talking in this library apart from at this counter. Not in the shelves and not at the desks. This library is my domain, any infractions earned here are dealt with here. Remember that Sarah Josephine Porter."
"Yes Ma'am," replied the thoroughly cowed young girl. This old woman was frightening. Sarah bet if she let her hair down she would look like a witch. The image almost made her smile but one look at that stern visage stifled any chance of the smile making it onto her face.
"Right let's go, no need to see anything more in here. It's like any other library so I am sure you will find what you need when you need it."
Harper wasn't wasting any time now, she left the room without a backwards glance, safe in the knowledge her charge would follow. As Sarah turned to go she realised she had forgotten to look at the time as she entered the library. She looked around for the clock as she left, it was 7:12. Knowing the time brought back to her how much she needed to pee. Miss Harper had told her that she could go in her dorm and Sarah pondered just how much longer it would take to get there.
She made a quick curtsy to the librarian who barely glanced at her and ran to catch the older girl. It seemed she was always running to catch up, she was always behind. They had only to go around one corner to be confronted by a large open space in front of a wide set of double doors. The corridor had flared open here to create a kind of foyer in front of the doors.
"This is the main hall or great hall," Harper explained. She pushed open the left hand door and entered, followed closely by Sarah. "This is where all assemblies are held. There is an assembly each Friday morning and this is also where we entertain any guest speakers, have concerts and the yearly dance is held here too."
Sarah had only just stepped inside and looked at the massive hall, the stage at the far end and the masses of chairs all lined up against the back walls when her handler began to shut the door on her.
"There's nothing to see in there now. It's an empty room, geez. We are just going to skip middle wing. You don't need to see our dorms anyway," stated Harper as she strode off.
This suited Sarah just fine. She needed to pee and the sooner they made it to her dorm the better. She was sure she didn't to see them anyway. She was sure she would be able to find her way around in time.
Her handler kept up the punishing pace as they moved back through the main foyer and on into the left wing. Sarah was struggling only a little with the high heels now. She had becoming accustomed to walking in them and now understood why so many women wore them. They weren't that hard to move around in and they actually felt quite good, though her legs hurt a little from the strain but she was sure she would get used to that too.
"Left are the labs, we have chemistry and biology practicals in there," Harper stated as they passed a corridor. Sarah only had time to glance down and saw only an empty corridor with rows of closed doors. The tour was kind of disintegrating into just a walkby of various features.
"Now left is the gym, right is food hall and the kitchens. Gym first." And left they headed, Sarah following obediently behind.
The doors to the gym were similar to those of the main hall, only this time made of glass. Sarah was astonished with what lay beyond. She had thought it would be like the gym at her old school, but this looked more like an actual fitness club. The huge room was full of equipment: running machines, exercise bikes, step and weight machines and all manner of apparatus that the young girl did not immediately understand.
This was Sarah's first chance to see some of the other students at Harkwood. There were three girls in the room, working out on different machines. They were all quite athletic looking, dressed in small blue exercise shorts and halter tops. They were very cute little outfits thought Sarah. She had never really been a fan of gym, and had always worn the baggiest clothes possible but she felt that it wouldn't be so bad to exercise looking as nice as that.
Her handler waved to one of the girls on a running machine who waved back. "This is the main gym for the school. It is open from six in the morning until eight at night. To use the facilities you have to log in first and log out when you are finished. Trinity house has its own smaller gym upstairs but there you have to log in on each machine as well. Now out the back is the main court."
The older girl led her to a door at the back of the gym. Through it was an immense open court with polished hardwood floors. This was something that was similar to her school back home but this one was much larger and there weren't the standard basketball hoops at each end. The ceiling was extremely high, 30 feet at least. If they didn't play basketball in here, what sports did they play in this country.
Once again the door was closed on her before she really had a chance to get a good look. But from what she had seen, the school was amazingly well equipped. The rich really did give their children a better start in life.
Sarah had been extremely worried about coming so far to go to a new school, no matter how prestigious. But she was beginning to feel that this was her chance to finally get something out of one of her stepdads. She only hoped that this time it lasted long enough with her mother for her to really benefit.
Sarah obediently followed her handler back through the gym and out into the corridors again. She was not taking much notice of where they were going, thinking instead of how fantastic this school seemed to her now. Even though the ever-present hardness of her nipples was a constant reminder of her humiliation since she arrived, Sarah was now trying to fit that into an overall idea of the school. She was even more sure now that it was really nothing to worry about, it was degrading yes but she was beginning to accept that it was just the "new student" treatment and she was sure she would soon fit in and everything would seem more natural to her once she accepted it.
"And this," said Harper, startling the daydreaming teen, "is the music room and studio. Fully functioning AV recording studio and soundproofed practice room."
The room was a marvel of electronic equipment and musical instruments of every shape and size.
"Know any instruments Porter?"
"No Miss Harper," replied the excited teen, wondering what instrument she would like to learn the most.
"Well I am sure you will be fluent in one or two before you graduate," the prefect chuckled to herself.
Sarah wasn't too sure what was funny but she smiled at the older girl anyway, showing off the cute dimples that formed in each cheek when she smiled.
"Priceless," remarked Harper as she observed the reaction on the face of her charge. "One more stop before your dorm, let's leg it."
This time Sarah was ready and kept up with her handler the entire way. Finally she didn't have to chase her. They soon arrived at the food hall. If Sarah hadn't known better she could have sworn it was her old cafeteria. It was just the same: a large room filled with tables and chairs and a long glassed counter at one end. Sarah followed the prefect as she walked up to the counter.
"Mrs Lancaster," yelled Harper, startling Sarah. The echo reverberated around the empty room. Sarah heard a clatter from the kitchen and watched as a pretty young woman in her 30s came out.
"Evening Clarice, I have your supper still warm for you. But I was only told to expect you. I could heat something else up."
"That's ok Mrs Lancaster. This is Porter, she's in Trinity house. She's the reason I missed dinner, she's my new charge."
"Ah I see dear, well it comes with the territory, ok take a seat and I will get your supper. Spaghetti bolognaise and French bread sound fine."
"Sounds delicious Mrs Lancaster. You know Sunday nights are all the girl’s favourites.”
"Porter go and set up one of those chairs so I can have my supper."
Sarah turned around to the empty food hall, went over to the nearest table and took one of the chairs from its upside down position on the table and set it on the floor. She wasn't entirely sure what to do then so she stood at attention and faced into the room, exactly where her finished task had left her.
She was running over in her mind that she was not going to be allowed to eat. Maybe it was just here though and she would get a snack in the dorm. Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall, instantly reminding herself that she had forgotten to check the time in every room since she left the library. Four rooms she had totally forgotten, she was going to have to do better.
It was now 7:40. She realised that not only hadn't she had anything to eat for about six hours but that she had now been needing to pee for almost an hour. And now it seemed like she would have to stand here and wait until Miss Harper had finished a meal before she would get to see her dorm. She soon smelt a wonderful aroma behind her.
"Here you are my dear, and there is today's paper too. Not sure if you had a chance to read it or not, but thought you might like to while you eat."
"Thanks a lot Mrs Lancaster. That's really thoughtful of you, it's not a lot of fun eating alone."
Sarah's heart sank. Once again she was being treated as if she didn't exist. Or maybe that wasn't quite right. She was being treated as if she didn't matter. She wasn't even sure which was worse. She felt herself on the verge of tears again, so soon after she had felt like she was getting on top of everything.
Sarah remained standing as Harper sat down and began to eat her dinner, reading the paper as she enjoyed the spaghetti bolognaise and wonderfully crunchy French bread. Sarah could smell each and every aroma and from the contented noises her handler was making she knew it was delicious. She heard the pages of the paper turn as Miss Harper ate and a tightness formed in her chest at the humiliation of being ignored.
Sarah felt terrible that someone would rather read a paper than talk to her. She didn't know if Miss Harper was trying to be mean, or maybe she just didn't want to get to be too close friends seeing she was responsible for her. Hell, Sarah didn't know much of anything right now. Apart from the fact she was very hungry and her bladder was now becoming slightly painful. Standing at attention like this, her legs spread slightly was even worse. The relief to be gained from just putting her legs together was sure to be amazing she thought.
"Are you hungry Porter?"
"Oh yes Miss Harper, I haven't eaten anything since lunch."
"I didn't ask for your life story Porter. A simple yes will do."
"Are you hungry?"
"Yes Miss Harper."
"At your feet Porter, I dropped some bread. You can have that if you want."
Sarah looked down at her feet, thoroughly degraded. There was a small broken piece of bread on the floor. Now Sarah was sure that the older girl was simply being mean. They might have tagged her like an animal but she wasn't eating off the floor like one.
"No thank you Miss Harper."
"Well suit yourself, but don't say I wasn't nice to you."
Sarah knew that the older girl was playing mindgames with her but it didn't stop them from working. She was now in two minds about her motivation.
"Well pick it up and put it in my bowl and then you can take them to Mrs Lancaster. Take them straight through to the kitchen," commanded her handler as she continued to read the paper.
Sarah bent down and retrieved the bread from the floor. She felt like a servant now more than ever, following someone around like a puppy and being made to stand at attention in everyone's presence was something she was finding very difficult to get used to but now being ordered around like this made her more fearful that her time with her handler was going to be a little harder to deal with than just some innocent hazing powerplay.
Sarah dutifully placed the bread in the bowl, collected it, the cutlery and the glass and took them past the counter and into the kitchen. She was a little anxious that she would get in trouble for being back here but she been ordered to come after all. She walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Lancaster sitting at a table with some cookbooks spread out in front of her.
Sarah stood at the entrance to the kitchen and waited to be acknowledged. She waited and waited but Mrs Lancaster did not look up or show any indication she even knew she was there. Sarah was going to stick with her policy of trying to do what she thought right so people would not get angry, so she decided she would have to act.
"Excuse me Ma'am, I have brought Miss Harper’s dirty dishes," Sarah said meekly.
Mrs Lancaster didn't move. Sarah started to worry. She knew she wasn't deaf because she had talked with her handler. Sarah knew she would have to be more bold, after all Miss Harper was waiting for her. The anxious young girl advanced further into the kitchen stepping as loudly as she could on the hard linoleum floor.
That seemed to do the trick. Before Sarah could open her mouth to speak again, the seated woman’s head whipped up and stared at her in shock. Sarah took an involuntary step back.
"What are you doing here?" Mrs Lancaster almost shouted.
"Excuse me Ma'am but I have brought back Miss Harper's dirty dinner dishes," replied the fearful teenager.
It was only then that the woman reached up to her ears and removed the headphones she was wearing. Instantly Sarah could hear the faint tinny music coming from them. No wonder Sarah was able to surprise her.
"What are you doing back hear," Mrs Lancaster repeated, obviously not having heard Sarah's previous response.
"I have brought back Miss Harpers dinner dishes Ma'am."
"Put them in the sink over there and thank Miss Harper for being so thoughtful as to save me going out for them."
Yes, thought Sarah, wasn't Miss Harper thoughtful to have me do this.
"And take a cloth back with you and wipe down the table," directed Mrs Lancaster as she replaced the headphones and continued to peruse her cookbooks.
"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied, even though it was doubtful she could be heard.
She took the cloth and marched quickly back to the food hall, a little fearful that she had taken too long. But Miss Harper was still seated and still happily reading her paper.
"You took your time, did you wash the dishes yourself?' joked the prefect.
"No Miss Harper, Mrs Lancaster was liste..."
"Whatever Porter. You can take the paper back to Mrs Lancaster now and tell her thank you from me. And then replace the chair, we have to be going."
"Yes Miss Harper. Mrs Lancaster wanted to thank you for being thoughtful and having the dishes returned and she also wanted me to wipe the table down."
"Well hurry up. I won't wait all night."
Sarah folded the paper and wiped the table down as her handler walked towards the exit. She lifted the chair back on the table and ran back into the kitchen, slowing down just as she entered the doors, put the dishcloth back into the sink and placed the paper on the table. Sarah looked to Mrs Lancaster for guidance but the cook didn't even look up.
"Miss Harper says thank you for the paper," said Sarah hesitantly.
She waited a few seconds, wondering whether she needed to be heard for it to count but was desperate not to be left behind. She decided that was good enough and walked out of the kitchen. As soon as she was around the corner she began to run again, through the serving area, out through the food hall and into the corridor, tiny mincing steps that had her breasts bouncing in the half cups of her bra and her skirt swirling out around her. If she had lost Miss Harper she was doomed, she had no idea where she was. But to her relief the prefect was waiting for her in the corridor, lounging casually against the wall.
"Time to drop you off Porter."
The staircase leading to the first floor was not far away and all Sarah could think of on the way was finally being able to relieve herself. Her need to pee had become a dull throb in her bladder. Needing to pee made her realise that once again she didn't know what the time was. How could she keep forgetting this one simple thing, and forgetting almost every time. It was one of those things that she needed to become a habit she realised so she didn't have to consciously focus on it all the time as there were just too many distractions for her to keep her head straight.
"Now your dorm is on the second floor. First floor are your classrooms and some other boring stuff," intoned the prefect as she started up the stairs.
With her first step on the carpeted stairs, Sarah realised that there was more to walking in heels than she thought. She seemed to have almost mastered walking, and even running, kind of, on flat surfaces but stairs required a little more concentration. She wobbled slightly but kept her balance and managed to be walking normally by the time she reached the second floor landing.
"Once you are logged in to your dorm you are off my hands. I won't see you until lunch tomorrow where I need to supervise you during that free period, so you can wait for me outside the food hall," continued her handler as they ascended the last flight of stairs to the second floor.
The stairs terminated on a landing that had only one exit. A wide corridor led off down the left, a number of doorways leading off both sides. The hallway was a little gloomier than the rest of the school had been, with only every second set of lights turned on. It gave this particular corridor a kind of creepy feeling.
As she followed Miss Harper down the hall she noticed that the ceiling actually alternated sets of lights with large domed skylights. There was almost nothing to see tonight as it was overcast but it must look lovely when the stars and moon are out.
The corridor terminated in an open doorway that led into a brightly lit room filled with girls. Sarah was eager to enter and meet her new schoolmates, girls among whom she was sure to find a great affinity and hopefully make some friends for life. The subdued murmurs from the room quieted as the two girls neared the end of the corridor. Sarah was prevented from seeing fully into the room as Miss Harper ushered her into the doorway closest to the corridor’s end, knocking on the opened door as she did so.
"Hi Miss Peach. I have your last girl for you."
"Finally," sighed a clearly annoyed woman. She was lounging back on a couch on one side of the room reading a novel. The first thing Sarah noticed was that she was the first person she had seen at Harkwood that was even a little chubby. She wasn't fat she just... filled out her clothes Sarah finished the thought rather kindly.
"Her kit’s already installed. Her bed is the fourth on the left, name's on the cupboard anyway," continued the reclining woman dismissively.
"Um Miss Peach, I was hoping to leave her with you. Only I have to get back to my own dorm."
Miss Peach looked at the prefect over the top of her book, then at Sarah who was staring at the window on the other side of the room, only barely aware of the movement in her periphery.
"Alright Harper but we better see another maths award out of you this term. Got to keep up the record you know. You toddle off and I will see this one the rest of the way."
"Thanks Miss Peach, and Porter don't forget. Tomorrow lunchtime."
With that her handler literally skipped out of the room and down the corridor. Leaving Sarah with another strange woman, and one which didn't seem to be too happy that her reading had been interrupted.
"This way," Miss Peach snapped as she swayed past Sarah.
The bewildered teen only had time to turn around and take two steps when she was rudely yanked by the ear into the Trinity lounge. Miss Peach had reached out and grabbed the tag hanging from her left ear and dragged Sarah to a small scanner on the wall inside the door. The young girl stumbled forward leaning her head as far forward as she could to prevent the ring being ripped out of her ear.
She was about to cry out when she heard the loud beep in her ear that let her know her location had once again been scanned. That small humiliating sound was enough to keep her mouth shut.
"97817402," stated Miss Peach as she let go of Sarah's tag, allowing the young girl to straighten up to full attention. Sarah stared at the small computer readout on the wall under the scanner. It looked a lot like a security alarm but there weren't any buttons to speak of, just the scanner embedded in the wall and the lit display.
"That's you Porter. 97817402. I know your induction has been severely lacking but that is your fault. You should have been here five days ago. You had better remember your student number and you better provide the correct response."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Close Porter. I am the Housemistress. So to show me the proper respect you refer to me as Mistress. Now try again."
"Yes Mistress." Sarah hoped she could keep all these different terms straight in her mind.
"This is the lounge for Trinity house. Each time you enter or leave you check in by scanning yourself. If there is ever a problem and your correct number is not shown you are to report to my office immediately. Do you know where my office is?"
"Yes Mistress."
"When you leave the lounge out of school hours you are to report your destination and estimated duration of absence. All this information is logged to ensure you are not wandering aimlessly or sitting idle somewhere in the grounds. Your patron is not paying for your tutelage here to be wasted on frivolity or laziness is he?"
"No Mistress," replied Sarah, thinking of her 'patron'. She still wasn't sure how she should feel towards her stepfather for sending her here. She was sure she would be grateful when she graduated though.
"This area is where you will spend a lot of your time. When class ends for the day you are to come here and complete any homework assignments or work on any projects you may have. Turn around so you can get acquainted."
Sarah turned around and saw the room filled with her housemates. They were all dressed identically to her: in the cute school uniform of Harkwood. The girls were of all shapes and sizes and nationalities but universally pretty and they were all standing at attention. They must have instantly sprung up when Miss Peach entered the room thought Sarah, as she could see little clusters next to small raised platforms around the room and single girls over by a bank of computer terminals against one wall.
"As you can see this room contains everything you will need to continue your education outside of class. We have a number of showing platforms here, computers and plenty of space for special apparatus. Anything you need can be brought in here from other rooms and installed without a problem either at your request or that of a teacher."
Sarah looked around the room, noting the platforms that the housemistress had mentioned; they were raised off the floor about two feet and these were obviously what a lot of the girls had been sitting on. There were two in the far corners of the room that had shiny metal poles in their centre which went all the way to the ceiling.
"Doorway to the left are the toilets and showers. Doorway to the right is the house gym."
At these words Sarah's eyes zoomed in on the left doorway. She was frantic to pee now. She had been waiting desperately ever since she had to provide the sample for the nurse. Starting to pee and then having to stop so quickly afterwards had heightened her need terribly.
"Excuse me Mistress may I go to the toilet," Sarah asked boldly.
"Don't interrupt Porter. Straight ahead is your dorm. Your bed is the fourth on the left. There is a scanner on each doorway just as there is on the main lounge door. You are to scan each time you move between rooms. The computer login is also run by the same system so you login each time by scanning your eartag. Can you imagine how much work it was keeping track of all this before we had the scanners. These last four years have been brilliant."
Sarah was saddened at how easily her request had been dismissed. If she didn't get to go soon, she thought, she would just march off and go anyway and damn the consequences. Sarah laughed scornfully at herself. She knew she wouldn't. She hated getting in trouble, even from her mom, and she hated people being angry at her. She guessed it was what made her such a good student and made all her old teachers like her.
"You can find your bed and kit later, the hot water will be on in two minutes," observed Miss Peach as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Damn thought Sarah, again she hadn't checked the time, it was starting to become a personal peeve with herself.
"Hot water is on for ten minutes. Lights out at nine. Wakeup is six. I don't have anymore time to waste on you tonight, the other girls can fill you in."
And with that the housemistress walked out of the lounge, leaving Sarah standing there unsure of what to do. When she saw all the other girls visibly relax and look at her, she began to relax too. She looked around at the gathered girls. It was a strange mexican standoff with no one moving. Sarah decided that as she was the new girl she would make the first move. These girls were going to be her new best friends for the next 18 months.
"Hi I'm Sar..."
BEEP. A muted bell sounded from the door to the left and every girl moved quickly towards the doorway, leaving a confused Sarah standing on her own in an empty room.
Well that went well, she said to herself dejectedly.
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