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Review This Story || Author: Maria Proco

Sex Slaves Testimonies

Part 1

How beautifull Tutsi women survived the Hutu massacre in Rwanda.

(for illustrated storie go to my website )

In Rwanda, sexual violence was a weapon of genocide as brutal as the machete. Girls witnessed their families being massacred before being taken as sex slaves; Testimonies from survivors confirm that young Tutsi woman were held in sexual slavery either collectively or through forced "marriage". after they had witnessed the torture and killings of their relatives and the destruction and looting of their homes. Many of them regarded it as miracle that they had survived months as chained and caged sex toys for Hutu soldiers or members of the interahamwe militias. According to witnesses these Tutsi women and girls were subjected to the full range of sexual atrocities.All were gang-raped and even pregnant women were not spared. Often it was committed in plain view of others, at sites such as schools, churches, roadblocks and government buildings. Frequently, they were spread-eagled in public view, as a reminder of the brutality and power of the genocides perpetrators.

Sexual slavery did occur inside perpetrators houses, testimonies from survivors confirm that sexual slavery was extremely widespread and that thousands of beautifull Tutsi women were individually kept as personal sex slave of some brute Hutu farmer . Survivors have recounted statements of their violators such as:We want to see how sweet Tutsi women are.'You Tutsi women think that you are too good for us.'We want to see if a Tutsi woman is like a Hutu woman. Some women were collectively detained so that they could provide sexual services to a whole village.The Hutu, comprising the vast majority of the population, were peasants. As most of these women and girls were highly educated and belonged to the upperclasse of what constituted an ethnic hierarchy before the uprise.The link between the gender-based hate and sexual violence is clear,these sex slaves describe life as a living death.

This sexual violence was a result of a widespread campaign that taught Hutus to hate Tutsi women. Tutsi women were depicted as being arrogant, devious and dangerously beautiful women who steal Hutu husbands and Hutu jobs. They were called “KIZUNGEREZI” which means “the woman who makes men fall in love”. They were accused of being bad mothers and bad wives. The deliberate portrayal of Tutsi women as beautiful and arrogant bred hatred and jealousy against them. The propaganda often contained pornographic and violent images which served to legitimate sexual violence against Tutsi women.

All military commanders ordering, and directly participating in the, rapes, enslavement and other sexual violence against Tutsi women. They specialy took care that the genocidal massacres would be accompanied by sexual violence. The Tutsi women were presented as sexual objects ... by forcing them to pose on a provocatif way as a whore who could be used whenever and as many as they liked.

In addition to the sexual violence they endured, many women were used as prostituees by their owners .Their sons and daughters are a constant reminder of the interahamwe Hutu militiamen who used them in their soldiers brothels.The violation and humiliation of Tutsi women was not a casualty of war, but "a step in the process of deconstruction of the Tutsi group--Turning the Tutsi women into whores heighten the suffering of their victims .

Forced impregnation was the rule and a way to make more hutu babies as their tormentors said ,nearly 95 procent of the sex slaves got pregnand and it has had deep psychological effects on Tutsi women .They suffered intense shame and ostracization .Tutsi women were violated on multiple levels: as Tutsis, as women, and as Tutsi survivor expressed: "After the war, I found out that I was pregnant just like my sister.

All women were held for the duration of the genocide and some were forced to move to neighboring countries with the militia once the genocide ended..While some termed the arrangement "forced marriage" and called the women "wives," in reality, the militia hold these women captive.They still provide sexual service to the soldiers 17 years after the genocide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review This Story || Author: Maria Proco
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