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Review This Story || Author: Karen Kay

Home Coming

Part 1

    Im David. Been up driving all night on my trip back to Michigan from where I was staying in Florida. Ill give you all the details in a nut shell. Been living and working just outside Tampa for the past three years. Got divorced from my high school sweetheart Brook three years ago after seven years of marriage.

  Things have been tough for me the past several months since I got laid off from my construction job. I worked for a large company that built fast food restaurants across the state of Florida. Their work recently went to another company so its been tuff for me during the past few months.

  I kept in contact with my ex-wife Brook during those three years. Im still very much in love with Brook and I know she still has feelings for me as well. Its a long story but you see, Brook is a very successful business person with a large advertising agency. Brook worked her way up the ladder and is now C.E.O and in charge of about one three hundred people.

  I guess you could say I had an eagle problem when Brook started doing so well when we were married. We had almost nightly arguments that finally lead to us getting divorced. I didnt want it but Brook couldnt take no more stress at the time.

  Im only a block away from Brooks new place. God, these homes are huge in this neighborhood. I certainly didnt expect this. Lets see. 8793. There it is on the right. Pulling my car into the long circular driveway. Looking up at the huge brick colonial house. My God! Brook has done well.  Walking up to knock on the door. Decided to ring the door bell. Door opens.

  Its Brook smiling at me. “Come on in. Its been a long time.” Giving me a hug as I walked through the front door. She looks amazing. Thirty-two years old and still looks as fresh and gorgeous as the day we got married. Blonde hair, big tits, nice round ass and still has that narrow waist.

“Look at you David. Your looking good.”

“So are you.” I replied.

“Come in and make yourself at home.” She started to walk toward the front room but stopped and turned around to look at me again and gave me another hug only this time a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt her huge boobs brush against my chest. God. I wanted to fuck Brook right now. Wanted to feel her pussy griping my cock again just like when we were married.

  We sat down in her luxurious living room and talked for over an hour. Getting caught up on things that happened the past three years. We spoke mostly about me. Brook wanted to know all the details. We than took a tour of her house. All fourteen rooms of it including five bedrooms and seven baths of it. I certainly took note at how large Brooks bedroom was and saw myself propped up on a pillow in the center of her bed getting my cock sucked. All in due time.

  We got down at the end of the hallway where my room was going to be. Oh. Did I mention the plan? Brook offered me a place to stay until I got back on my feet. Not only that. She offered me a job at her advertising firm. Not exactly what you think. Im going to be the go to guy. Running errands for all the bigwigs of the company. Brook laughed and said I might even have to wash a few cars.

  I unloaded my luggage which consisted of just five suit cases. I sold everything when I left Florida. We sat down to a nice dinner that Brook cooked for me. How I missed her good cooking these past three years. She looked so hot sitting across from me at the dinning room table. She loved wearing low cut tops that revealed her gorgeous huge breasts. I suppose that was an important asset for moving up the ladder at her company. That was one of the things we always argued about was the way Brook dressed so seductively.

  I remember how Brook use to sit on my cock and let those babies swing freely so I could suck those gorgeous pink nipples. I can still taste the sweetness of her lovely body.

  “So David. Tell me. Have you dated while you were in Florida?”

  Brooks question completely hit me by surprise. I answered honestly. “Yes. I dated a couple woman there. Nothing serious. Just a couple short flings.” I added. I worked a lot of long hours so I didnt have that much time to see anyone.”

  Brook had her legs crossed and was sipping her glass of wine when I decided to ask her the same question.

“You seeing anyone?”

  She slowly put the glass down on the dinning room table. Looked me in the eyes and replied. “His name is Rob. Weve been going out for a little over a year now.”

  My heart sunk when I heard Brook telling me she was dating. Going out with a guy named Rob for over a year. Might as well say she has been fucking him for over a year. I tried to stay calm and cool.

  “Oh. You didnt tell me about anyone whenever we talked.”

  Brook sighed. I didnt want to upset you. I knew you were going through a lot of financial trouble and thought you had enough on your plate.”

  How considerate I thought. I waited a few seconds and asked. “I suppose he works at your advertising firm?”

  Brook replied. “Yes. As a matter of fact he does. Hes one of our department heads.”

Oh fuck. I thought to myself. Someone she can boss around and fuck whenever she is horny. I bet this guy has his nose stuck right up her ass. I tried to picture this guy in my head. Brook liked older men so I pictured him with graying hair. Perhaps a slight potbelly since he worked in an office. I figured he was divorced and trying to make a name for himself at her company.

  We spent the weekend getting reacquainted. Brook got a couple of phone calls from this guy Rob. She later told me they both agreed not seeing each other that weekend while I got settled in Brooks home. I kind of like to read and laid quietly on my bed at night listening to Brook talk on the phone just down the hallway from my room. I heard a little laughter now and than.

  Monday morning came fast and this would be my first day on the job. Brook left the house early that morning so I drove my own car. Pulling into the parking garage and giving the attendant my name as Brook instructed. He told me where to park. I used the elevator up to the fifth floor. I was to report to my new boss. A woman named Kathy. She turned out to be very nice. A good looking redhead around forty. Married since she was wearing a wedding ring and big diamond. Nice ass. I sure would like a chance to fuck her I thought to myself.

  She showed me around as we traveled from each floor pointing out all the important people. We were on the third floor when Kathy pointed out the department managers office. A guy named Rob Mercury. I wondered if it were Brooks Rob? I decided to thru out a hint to Kathy.

  “Oh. I wonder if this is the Rob my ex is dating?”

  Kathy turned and smiled at me. “As a matter of fact it is her boyfriend.”

  I was surly curious to get a look at this guy when Kathy volunteered. “Let me introduce you.”

Kathy knocked on his door. Heard a deep voice say, “Come in.”

  Hello Rob. Id like to introduce you to Brooks ex-husband. David.” I was stunned when I saw the man behind the desk getting ready to stand up. I tall muscular black man with the largest hands I think I ever saw. He extended his hand out to me as we shook hands.

  “Its finally nice to meet you David. Brook told me all about you.”

  He must have stood around 610” as I looked up at his smiling face. At least I had one thing right. He was in his forties.  The look at this guy the way his muscular body was bulging out around his dress shirt told me he must work out regularly. Perhaps even lifting weights.

  A little small talk hoping I would enjoy my employment and he was back to work behind his desk. Kathy escorted me out of his office. I couldnt forget the size of this black man. Brooks boyfriend! Kathy completed our tour and invited me down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. We sat across from each other. I couldnt help staring at Kathys cleavage. She had a nice set of knockers.

  Kathy started asking questions. On a personal note. “Brook told me you were going through some hard financial times.”

I replied. “Yeah. She was nice enough to let me stay at her place.”

Kathy giggled. “Well if that doesnt work out perhaps we can make better arrangements for you.”

  I didnt expect this woman to flirt with me this morning. I asked. “Tell me what you know about Brook and her boyfriend if you dont mind me asking.”

  Kathy sighed as she tilted her head back. Her long red hair flowed down her shoulders as she replied. “They been seeing each other for several months. I think Brook likes the fact that Rob is so dominating with his women.”

  “Dominating?” I asked.

“Well. I dont know all the details but I understand your ex is rather kinky.”

I laughed. “How exactly is she kinky?”

“Oh. She loves it all. Loves to be slapped around, spanked and even chained to the wall from what I understand. Rob has complete control of your ex these days.”

  “I never knew any of this. Brook was never that way when we were married.”

Kathy laughed. “Perhaps she was hiding a much darker side you never knew.”

Kathy and I talked for about half an hour before we returned to her floor and I started my job. Kathys comments took me completely by surprise. I dont know how I plan on doing it but I have intentions of fucking Brook before the week is over.

  The week had been great. Brook and I talked every evening after a long day of work I usually got home about two hours earlier than Brook which gave me time to make dinner for the both of us. She really enjoyed that very much. I learned how to cook while living on my own the past three years.

  We somehow stayed away from the subject of Brooks boyfriend Rob until that Thursday when we somehow started talking about sex. We got on the subject of what men liked and Brook started spilling her guts after a few glasses of wine after dinner that night.

  Brook told me everything that Rob liked to do including the fact that he was very dominant. With Rob being black. I just had to know about his cock size and thought Id as and see if I got an answer from Brook.

  “How big is his cock?”

Brook though a little tipsy just giggled and shook her head back and forth.

“Come on Brook. Tell me about Robs cock. Is it that big? I always heard black men had these huge thick cocks.”

  Brook kept giggling but shook her head up and down replying. “Oh yeah. Its nice and thick.”

That was a start I thought. When I asked her how long and thick she started rubbing her wrist saying. “About as thick as my wrist and 11” long.”

I laughed. “11” long!”

Brook laughed. “I measured it.”

I was amazed. Here I was living at my ex wifes house and shes telling me how big her black boyfriends cock was. My dick was getting hard as I imagined Robs black cock slicing in and out of Brooks pink pussy lips.

I started wondering about everything. Did she swallow his cum? She never did that with me so I asked.

“I know this is a little personal but did you ever start um….. Swallowing cum?”

Brook sighed and turned her head away for a second. I didnt think she was going to answer that question until she turned and looked back at me and replied.

  “David. I……..made a lot of changes since we divorced. Robs very open about sex and hes taught me things that he likes me to do for him. I guess you could say Im not as prudish  as I once was when we were together.”

  Well. I didnt get a straight answer but without pushing my luck I added. “Does it taste anything like you expected?”

  Brook made a face puckering her lips and replied. “Salty.”

Oh my God I thought! She swallows cum now! I started wondering about what positions they liked to fuck in but I didnt want to prey too much tonight. I figured Id learn those answers as time went on. All I knew at the moment was that my dick was poking straight out of my thin pants. Brook noticed my hard-on and giggled.

  “This is turning you on isnt it David?”

  I felt embarrassed but couldnt hide the fact that I was excited so I replied. “I guess I never thought of you as being so……..”

  “A black cock loving slut David?”

  My eyes just got twice as big when Brook finished my sentence for me. I just laughed slightly as I sipped on the glass of wine.  Wow. That wine was making Brook open up like I never imagined.

  Brook playfully added while peeking up at me as she sipped her wine. “Im on birth control pills just in case you were wondering.”

  I nervously laughed saying. “Yeah. Guess you wouldnt want a mixed baby in the house.”

Brook faintly replied as she sat her empty glass down on the end table. “Not yet.”

  I had chills running up my spine as I heard her say that but my dick got even harder. Brook stood up and unexpectedly leaned down in front of my face planting her warm wet lips over mine and gave me one of the hottest open mouth kisses I think I ever received from her. Even when we were married.  She looked straight into my eyes after finishing that kiss saying.

  “Excuse me while I use the bathroom.”

  I watched Brook as she walked out of the room wiggling her gorgeous round ass while still wearing her work skirt. Those 5” heels made her legs look a mile long as I watched her disappear around the corner.

This evening was turning out as the best so far.

My cock was still rock solid hard. I wanted to make my move on Brook. Would she respond to my advances? I started wondering about the size of my cock. I was only 5” long. Perhaps shed laugh at the thought of fucking me now. Especially after getting accustomed to Robs huge black cock. I was determined to give it a try anyhow.

  This is also an illustrated story

Review This Story || Author: Karen Kay
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