Chapter 28. In which Sarah learns table service.
Sarah enjoyed her lunch immensely. She had hungrily devoured a green salad stuffed with walnuts, a bowl of diced pineapple and the large bottle of water. Not a morsel was left on bowl or plate. She had never really liked pineapple but this tasted heavenly, both sweet and sour at the same time. She ate in silence but as soon as she was finished, and Murphy was finished, the questions exploded out of her.
"Murph, what was it like having a cock in your pussy?"
"Port!" said the pretty Irish teen, genuinely shocked.
"What?" replied Sarah, a little sheepishly.
"Well Port, we are in the dining hall. And..."
"I know Murph but I have another detention this afternoon," Sarah said, a tiny shudder passing through her body at the thought, "and I hardly get a chance to talk to you. And Murph, well you know I have never, that I don't know what it's like and, well...Murph that cock was so amazing and I am just dying to know what it's like to have one in your pussy?"
"I know Port, but..." Murphy trailed off, looking around at the nearby tables. "Ok Port, but you know I didn't know what I know now you know. I had not had any training and he was pretty young too and, well it was ok. I know it would be better now."
It was not exactly what Sarah had wanted to hear but it was honest and she had to accept that. Murphy had not realised she was a slut at the time and that had obviously coloured her recollection of it. It was sad, Sarah thought. But was it worse than not having any experience at all. Sarah realised she had no place to judge.
"Thanks Murph," was all Sarah managed before the service light came on and the students of Trinity house had to make their way to their stations. Sarah moved swiftly and dutifully to her position, making sure her pussy was directly over the number stencilled on the floor. The girls of Trinity house had become part of the normal routine at Harkwood. Their presence at their stations around the room had become just a part of the fixtures, ignored by the other students. Every now and then a girl would look their way, staring with curiosity at their collar or with disdain at their mere presence.
Sarah tried her best to both ignore and focus on the girls from the other houses. She had to be constantly aware of what was going on, to be sure she could commence her clearing as soon as possible. But she also tried to ensure she was not aware of the way these girls felt about her and her classmates, though she was far less successful at this part of the equation.
Once the other girls had finished their lunches, Sarah cleaned her section enthusiastically. She had always enjoyed cleaning, and she realised now that this was an early manifestation of her need to serve. She liked everything to be neat and tidy and she felt a real sense of satisfaction as she cleaned up after the other Harkwood students.
Mrs Lancaster dismissed them without incident and, as the other girls of Trinity house made their way to join their handlers, Sarah headed immediately for her holding cell. She hated the small room, having to lock herself inside, in the dark. Nonetheless she hurried to her destination, eager to be locked in place before Miss Harper came to collect her.
Once she had made it to the corridor that held not only her holding cell, but room seventeen, the sounds of the school all but evaporated. The silence in the corridor was eerie, as if she was the only person for miles around. She knew once she closed the door to her holding cell and locked her collar to the wall, the silence would become complete. The only sounds inside the tiny room, the beating of her heart and the odd clink of the padlock at her collar.
She was at her holding cell before she knew it, feeling the ominous tightening in her chest as she opened the thick metal door. The harsh white light came on immediately, though she knew it would last only 20 seconds once the door was closed. She stepped inside and collected the thick padlock from the floor. Sarah stepped forward, closing the door behind her and swiftly threaded the padlock through the ring in her collar and then through the corresponding ring set into the wall in front of her. The young schoolgirl counted off the seconds until the light was due to go out. Right on cue she was plunged into complete darkness. Now she had only to wait.
It was something a slut needed to learn. Waiting was just as much a part of a slut's life as sucking a cock and she had to learn how to do it just the same. While waiting, a slut had to avoid the danger of being idle. Sarah went over her day so far, reiterating the messages she had learned, reliving the feel of the cock in her mouth, the taste of the cum. She spent far too long remembering the intense, passionate kisses she had shared with Mitchell. She could not help herself. Swapping the mouthful of cum back and forth with Mitchell was one of the most sensual and amazing things she had ever experienced.
Just then the door creaked open and the light above her came on. A wave of happiness surged through Sarah, a huge smile lighting up her face. She was happy to be out of the darkness, to not be alone, but she was excited to see her handler. She had really let Miss Harper down and they had not left on good terms last night. Sarah hoped that she could really turn things around today.
Without a word being spoken Sarah felt her skirt lifted, exposing her buttocks. The hand then felt roughly between her thighs, pushing aside the small cotton triangle of material that barely covered her pussy. Without ceremony, two fingers were inserted inside her. Sarah gasped at the unexpected intrusion but made sure she did not move her body away.
"Sopping wet as I suspected," said Miss Harper.
Sarah was happy to hear her voice, though she was unsure whether her handler was pleased at the state of her pussy. The thoughts of kissing Mitchell had rejuvenated the arousal Gregory's cock had awakened within her. When she put her panties on at the end of biology the crotch had already been well moistened by the morning's activities.
"A slut's cunt should always be wet, why?" Miss Harper asked in her best teacher's voice.
"Miss, a slut's cunt should always be wet to ensure that her cunt is ready to serve whenever a superior requires," Sarah replied confidently.
"And why is your cunt so wet right now spunk?"
"Miss my cunt is wet because I was thinking of kissing and swapping cum with a girl in my class during a lesson this morning."
"Why were you kissing another slut?" asked Harper with genuine curiosity.
"Miss it was a reward for achieving the highest grade in the class for cock-sucking."
"Hmmm, grade?"
"Eight Miss."
"A pass only. How many girls passed?"
"Just two Miss."
"And who had the highest grade?"
"We tied Miss."
In the following silence Sarah was unsure of Miss Harper's feelings. She was still locked to the wall, her face only inches from it. She had stared at the bare grey brick during the entire exchange. Right now Sarah wanted to please her handler more than anything in the world. She hoped her performance in this morning’s class had been able to do so.
"Well spunk, that is not good enough. My slut is to be the top of the class, not equal."
Sarah's heart sank into her belly and the happiness she had felt at her handler's arrival evaporated, leaving a hollow, empty feeling inside her. She would just have to keep trying, not that she had any option but Sarah felt it was just as important to want to try as to try itself.
She felt the heavy padlock being unlocked and removed, only to be replaced with the clasp of her leash. Her handler tugged on the chain and Sarah turned to follow, needing no further instruction. She followed Miss Harper out of the small cell and down the corridor. Sarah was quickly approaching the school proper and she began to worry about the whole school seeing her like this.
The first time she had been leashed there had been almost no students outside of their dorms. This time however, the whole school was at lunch. The whole school would see her being lead around on a leash like a dog being taken for a walk. Sarah felt her face flush with heat at the mere thought of the humiliation to come. How would she react when she was actually seen? Would her face burst into flames?
As she was led up the stairs, into the corridor used to access both the dining hall and the gym, she could hear the tell-tale hum of the chatter of teenage girls. Sarah's belly tensed and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she stepped up into the corridor. She immediately saw six girls in the hall, making their way to various destinations. Every single one stopped and looked in her direction. Sarah diligently kept her eyes front as the skin of her face and neck blazed a mottled scarlet.
Miss Harper did not break step so nor did Sarah, for that at least she was grateful. As her handler walked through the halls, the foyer and out into the courtyard Sarah kept the required distance behind her. This allowed the chain leash to dangle somewhat loosely between her collar and Miss Harper's hand, but all it would take was a short tug and Sarah would be pulled forward violently. Even though her hands were not restrained he felt completely helpless and at the mercy of her handler - where she was led, so she would go.
As she stepped out into the bright courtyard Sarah felt a hush fall over the assembled girls, instantly reminding her of those scenes in westerns when someone would step into a saloon and all activity would stop. The courtyard did not go completely silent of course but those girls close to the arched entrance stopped their conversations and stared at her. The pause lasted only a second before the courtyard was filled with an explosion of whispering, followed quickly by the muted titters and giggling of young girls.
Sarah continued forward, toward the large tree under which Miss Harper's friends sat during their lunch period. Halfway there, Sarah felt a tug on her collar pulling her to the right. She had not been paying attention, thinking too much on her demeaning position and the soft laughter of the Harkwood students. She stumbled slightly, her inexperience in heels not allowing her to compensate as well as the shoes she had worn in her old life. The laughter intensified as Sarah's clumsiness contributed to the general mirth.
Harper led her through the columns along the right side of the courtyard and to the thick brick wall of its boundary. As she approached, Sarah noticed a series of rings set high into the wall. These were not like the simple round rings from her dorm or her cell, instead they were small iron plates indented into the wall, across which was a thick metal bar. This would allow a slut to be tethered without leaving any visible protrusion from the wall at other times. Miss Harper unclipped the leash from Sarah's collar and threaded it through the bar before drawing it through the circular metal handle. The chain was reattached to Sarah's collar, who stood at attention, unmoving, as her handler saw to her restraints.
Sarah now stood, chained to the wall, some two feet from the rough brick surface. Her leash was pulled tight, causing a little tension on her collar but not uncomfortably so. She was not sure if being able to see but not hear the other Harkwood students was a benefit or a hazard, but she did her best to keep her eyes focused forward. Her vision was now filled with the thick bricks of the wall, though she could just detect blurred movement out of the corner of her eye. The ubiquitous temptation to look to the side, following the flicker of movement, warred with her self-discipline.
"Don't think you are going to be left here to daydream for the rest of lunch, spunk. Until I collect you I want to see you prancing. Bring those knees up to your waist, nice and high. Not too fast, not too slow. Begin," said Miss Harper in the young girl's ear.
Sarah started walking on the spot, lifting first her right and then her left leg high, knee reaching to her waist with each step. She could feel her pleated skirt lift and fall as she brought each lithe limb high. She was glad she was facing a wall, as her panty-clad pussy could easily be seen from the front with each step.
"Too slow, you are practicing poise and pleasing movements, not taking a Sunday stroll. Better. Now keep that pace, speed up or slow down and you will be punished."
With that ominous statement her handler walked away, leaving Sarah on her own, leashed to a wall, surrounded by schoolgirls who could not help but notice her unusual behaviour. It was only a few minutes before the first curious young students made their approach. Two girls Sarah's age stepped either side of the high-stepping schoolgirl and feigned serious appraisal.
"What are you doing?" said the young blonde to her left.
"Prancing Miss," Sarah croaked, the humiliation of being scrutinised by the normal students of Harkwood affecting her speech. She had known the girls had approached her but had hoped they had just come to look. She was not even sure she was supposed to be talking, she certainly had not been given permission, but Sarah decided not only would it be rude to remain silent but that these girls were deemed to be her superiors, seeing as they were not being trained to be a slut as she was.
"What for?" said the other girl, both curiosity and cruelty evident in the two small words.
"Miss I am prancing because Miss Harper instructed me to."
"Miss Harper is it?" said the other girl.
"Yes Miss, she is my handler," explained Sarah as she tried to focus on keeping her knees stepping high at just the pace she had been set.
"Why do you need a handler" continued the girl to her right. It seemed the girls were taking it in turns to speak, trying to get Sarah to switch her attention between them. By simply behaving as a good slut and keeping her eyes firmly forward Sarah was unwittingly frustrating the two girls, provoking the vindictiveness that lurks in every untrained girl.
"Miss I require a handler because I lack discipline," Sarah replied truthfully.
"Is that why you have a leash like a dog?"
"Yes Miss."
"And is that why you call us Miss?"
"Yes Miss," replied Sarah obediently.
"What's your name?"
"Porter Miss."
"That's not what your handler called you."
"That's right, so what is your real name."
"Spunk Miss," Sarah said almost too quietly to be heard. She could feel the first signs of tears forming and she wanted desperately not to cry.
"Spunk Miss," Sarah said louder, though still quietly, not wanting to draw any more attention to her predicament.
"You do know that lying is extremely rude don't you?"
"Yes Miss."
"So why did you lie to us?"
"I am very sorry Miss I didn't mean to," said Sarah plaintively.
"What did you forget or something? You have to be pretty fucking stupid to forget your own name."
"Stace, if a teacher heard that you could get in trouble," said the blonde to Sarah's left.
"You're right but you know how I hate liars. Right then spunk, you tell your handler that you lied to Stacy Carpenter and Alicia Vance. We will be checking to make sure you don't try and weasel out of it. Later spunk," said the girl Sarah could now identify as Stacey.
As the two girls walked away Sarah was bumped from her right. Stacey had timed the subtle shoulder bump just as her left leg came off the ground. Sarah stumbled, her leash pulling violently against her collar. Sarah gasped at the sharp pain but was silently thankful as the leash allowed her to stay upright and quickly recover her balance. She had missed one, maybe two, steps and the humiliated schoolgirl immediately resumed the prancing walk she had been ordered to maintain, her knees almost brushing against the rough brick to her front as she brought each one waist height in turn.
Two solitary tears trickled down Sarah's cheeks. Being leashed to the wall and made to prance in front of the whole school was bad enough, but being the object of ridicule, being toyed with by teenage girls had been too much for her to take. She was ashamed of her tears, she should be stronger than this, she was a slut now. Sarah could not help it though, she had discovered a weakness early in her training and she would just have to do her best to overcome it.
Sarah sighed inwardly when she felt the presence of more girls beside and behind her. She had only been left to her own devices for five minutes. She did not need the distraction. She guessed she had been high-stepping for twenty minutes now and it was becoming harder and harder to keep to the pace set by her handler. It was not that it was fast, it was simply that it was a taxing activity and somewhat difficult not to speed up or slow down. It took just as much effort to prance at just the right speed as it did to perform the action itself.
"We heard your name was spunk. Is it true?"
"Yes Miss."
"So that cow Carpenter was telling the truth. Ok, question two. Your name is spunk, so do you like it then?"
"Yes Miss," replied Sarah. She had not known what spunk was exactly but Murphy had educated her. At least this question she could answer truthfully, she did like cum but she supposed it would not help her cause to admit it to these girls.
"Well Deb, I guess you win. Let's go, I really don't want to have anything to do with that," she said flicking her hand dismissively at the prancing schoolgirl. "Fucking Trinnie deviants," she muttered as she walked away, the small crowd of girls leaving with her.
Despite feeling upset by the derision of the Harkwood girls, Sarah kept her legs moving, knees prancing high. Being ridiculed by a bunch of strangers, girls her own age or not, was no reason to fail a task set by a superior. Sarah hoped she would be left in peace for the remainder of the 'rest' period. She had quickly realised that the 'rest' periods of the day meant something entirely different if you were training to be a slut.
Sarah could sense a change in mood in the courtyard and wondered, as she pranced, as to its cause. There seemed to be more movement than before and the noise level had also risen. A few moments later, the first bell to end lunch sounded, the soft trilling ringing around the courtyard. Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, her lunch ordeal was coming to an end.
The first indication that Harper had come to collect her was a hand unclipping her leash from her collar. The suddenness and silence with which her handler had approached had surprised the preoccupied girl. She jumped but kept high-stepping as her handler slid the chain through the wall bracket and neatly reattached it to her leash.
"Stop," Harper ordered before she turned to lead Sarah back to class.
"Permission to speak Miss," Sarah ventured tentatively.
"What?" snapped Harper, a little annoyed though genuinely curious what this slut would have to say.
"Please Miss, I am to tell you that I told a lie to Miss Stacey Carpenter and Miss Alicia Vance," Sarah said obediently, though a little reluctantly.
"Two infractions. What was the lie?" asked Harper, instantly furious.
"I am very sorry Miss, I said my name was Porter instead of spunk," Sarah said, a catch in her throat as she spoke the last word.
"How unfortunate for you. Carpenter can be a right slag. If anyone but a staff member or prefect approaches you from now on, you are to tell them to direct all questions to me as you are unqualified to answer them. Do you understand?"
"Yes Miss, thank you very much," Sarah said.
Her thanks was deeply heartfelt. She sensed her handler's anger dissipate once she understood the situation but the infractions still stood and she was to receive two cane strokes for being tricked by the two girls. Sarah felt happy that it was the best outcome she could hope for. Miss Harper seemed much more amenable as she led her to the next class.
"Well spunk, did you keep to your pace?"
"Yes Miss, except once Miss when I was bumped and I stumbled."
"So the correct answer would then have been no, would it not. Except? Who the fuck do you think you are. Another infraction for lying and a fourth for failing to learn a lesson. Four infractions during a rest period is atrocious."
Sarah almost cried as the disappointment of failing to please her handler hit her like a punch to the gut. She couldn't believe how her situation had gone so wrong so quickly. She had done everything she had been told and still she had incurred numerous infractions and disappointed her handler. It seemed she could not do anything right. She felt so dejected that she almost failed to follow Miss Harper at the proper distance.
"Well it seems that we will just have to increase your level of restraint. When a slut fails in self-discipline, the discipline must come from an external source. If you are adamant that your path to becoming a good slut requires increasing levels of discipline, control and restraint then so be it. It is not an advisable course to take but it seems apparent that it is necessary."
Sarah continued to follow her handler, navigating her way through the crowd of schoolgirls that was gradually thinning as they neared the Trinity classrooms. She pondered what the older girl had said as she tried to ignore the stares and whispers that were directed at her. Only a small proportion of the school spent their lunchtime in the courtyard and many girls were getting their first sight of a leashed Harkwood student.
"Of course there is the obvious possibility that you enjoy being controlled and that you are in some way seeking additional forms of control and restraint. It is a trait which all sluts develop but it is not all that common until stage four. Do you enjoy being told what to do?"
Sarah had followed her handler's speech intently and now thought seriously about the question posed. Did she enjoy being told what to do? It was often a comfort to follow a direction, to be set strict parameters. She could remember numerous occasions during which she had felt glad that the need to make decisions had been removed and she had been able to simply follow an order. Of course that came with the fear of failure and the corrections and punishments if she did not do well but that was her own deficiencies at play.
"Yes Miss, I enjoy following orders," Sarah replied after the briefest of pauses.
"Yeah, I expected it. No doubt your cunt gets wet when you are put in restraints too. No doubt you started secreting the moment this leash was locked on your collar. And we all know the problems you have with your cunt controlling your actions. You really do need to think about what you're doing. I will punish you if I have to and I will not appreciate that I am sure, but I would much rather you behaved and we could just get on with your training."
Sarah wanted to talk. She wanted to let Miss Harper know that she wanted the exact same thing, but it was not important what a slut wanted. That was a lesson she had learnt. She suffered through her guilt and shame silently, not wanting to disappoint her handler further by talking out of turn. Besides, they had arrived at the gymnasium and it was time for Sarah's next class.
As they approached the two neat lines of schoolgirls, all silent and standing at attention, Harper stepped in front of Sarah and removed the leash from her collar. Maybe Miss Harper was correct. The loss of the leash did make Sarah feel a little less safe, a little less sure. Sarah was mulling over the latest discovery when a brief blur in front of her eyes was followed by an explosion of pain in her left cheek. Her handler had slapped her hard across the face, without warning or provocation.
"Behave," the older girl said and walked down the corridor to her own classes.
Sarah stepped into line behind Murphy, her eyes filled with tears and her face burning not only from the painful blow but also from the humiliation of being disciplined in front of her classmates. Her cheek felt as if a heated brand had been held to her skin. The heat radiating from her abused flesh was amazing.
"Quickly, lazy scrubbers," came the heavily accented voice of Miss Vonn from inside the gym.
The two ranks of teenage girls dutifully marched into the large gymnasium, the gentle clipping of their high heels on the polished wooden floors resounding throughout the large, empty space.
Once inside the room, the girls broke ranks and began to remove their uniform and, once they were completely naked, replace it with the much briefer gym uniform. First on were the small ankle socks, replete with the tiny pompoms that bobbed at their heel. Then the soft soled gym shoes, followed by the tight halter top that cupped and pushed each pair of young breasts together, in some cases creating cleavage where there was none. Finally the small pair of gym panties, skin tight and barely six inches in height, with the devilish seam that split each pair of delicate pussy lips in twain.
Once they were dressed for the coming lesson each girl made her way to her position along the red line, ready to begin their most strenuous class of the day. Gym was a subject in which Sarah did not excel and she was not looking forward to the next hour and a half.
"You know the drill. Begin," shouted Miss Vonn, her right hand absently fingering the shock wand that rested in the holster at her right hip.
Eighteen scantily clad girls began their introductory exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, squats and shuttle runs. They had done the same routine every day for four days and still Sarah struggled to finish, always coming last. She had endured the baleful glare of Miss Vonn everyday and she knew she was a disappointment. Today however she felt just that little but more confident, she felt just a little less puffed when she completed her last rep.
"Three laps, then retrieve your mats and we will begin stretching those slut bodies."
Olsen sprang into action, following the yellow line that curved in a large oval around the outer edges of the gym. Olsen had set a cracking pace that may have been just a little too fast, thought Sarah. Then again, if she was the first girl she thought she most likely would have erred on the side of caution as well. Sarah passed the time watching Murphy's ponytail bounce in front of her, the beautiful red hair flicking from side to side.
When they began their circuit away from Miss Vonn, Sarah flicked her eyes a little lower and watched her friends small buttocks bounce beneath their flimsy covering. Murphy was quite simply the most beautiful girl Sarah had ever seen and she was understandably in love with her.
At the end of the third lap, Sarah was breathing heavily and sweat was already soaking into her clothes. She wondered if other girls had beads of sweat trickle between their breasts and whether it was as maddening for them as it was for her. She followed the herd and collected her yoga mat, unrolled it and placed it in her spot, the edge of the mat perfectly aligned with one edge of the thick red line.
Miss Vonn called out the positions and each girl contorted her body in the required manner, with varying degrees of success. Sarah had quickly discovered that her body may not have been made for strenuous cardiac exercise, at least not yet anyways, but her ability to stretch seemed well developed. She was almost the best in the class, though Murphy's dancer's body seemed to complete each position with ease.
Sarah almost received a correcting shock when her leg had not been pointed as severely as it should have been. She had quickly corrected her error before Miss Vonn reached her, and despite a stern look she avoided the painful wand. Even though her proclivity for the stretching exercises was evident, she was left near breathless at the end of the fifteen minutes. It may not be overly dynamic, she thought, but it is just as hard as running laps.
"Olsen, Cox, Murphy, Porter, collect the hurdles from the far end of the room. The rest of you sluts roll up these mats and return them, then back in position."
Sarah followed the other three girls to the far end of the room where a large pile of small wooden hurdles were stacked. They weren't like the ones they used in track and field, these small hurdles were only about one foot in height. They each grabbed as many as they could and carried them back to Miss Vonn.
"Line them up in the middle of the room. Two rows, four feet apart, each hurdle four feet apart. Clark, Hinka, retrieve the urns at the far end of the room. Hinka set yours against that wall, Clark, yours against the other. Sluts, once the hurdles have been set you will each stand next to one."
Sarah hurried to space out the small planks she had collected. Each one consisted of a wooden board, four inches tall, from which protruded two T shaped plastic legs. The entire thing only came to a foot off the ground and Sarah wondered just what they would be doing. Not only that but she watched Hinka and Clark struggle back with the obviously heavy metal urns.
"Positions," bellowed Miss Vonn as the last hurdle was put into place.
The eighteen bewildered schoolgirls scrambled to take their place beside a hurdle, each instinctively moving to the board corresponding to their place in line.
"You will begin a series of exercises that you will continue until the whistle sounds, at which time you will change. First, stand to the right side of the hurdle and jump to the other side, lifting your feet and knees high. Practice now."
Sarah braced herself and jumped to the other side of her small hurdle, kicking her feet up behind her. It was not difficult, as the hurdle was so low. Her breasts bounced hard when she landed despite the support of the tight gym bra she wore.
"Shah, Casta, Taylor, Manning, one infraction. Eyes front you silly bitches," bellowed Miss Vonn.
Sarah was thankful that her extra training had kept her looking straight ahead, she had not even thought of looking down to make sure she did not hit the hurdle, though she could understand how a girl not thinking properly would do so.
"That is the first exercise. Step in front of the hurdle. Place your hand on the floor, step your feet back to the right side of the hurdle until they are in the middle. Hands a little further forward. No Porter, you shift yours back. Jump your feet to the other side of the bar. This is exercise two."
Sarah's feet once again cleared the bar with ease. Her body had arched high into the air, her ass prominently displayed. She was beginning to see how, while not hard once or twice, the longer an activity went the harder it would get, her muscles would tire and she would struggle to lift her legs higher and higher.
"Each time you touch the hurdle you will race to an urn, remove a ball and insert it into your cunt. Then return and resume the exercise. Dawdling will attract motivation," said Miss Vonn, patting the shock wand at her hip. "Far line, about face. Begin."
Sarah began jumping, doing her best to keep her feet as high as her first jump. She was sure she was clearing the hurdle by a wide margin but she wanted to make sure of it. She could guess that having to put a ball inside her each time she touched the hurdle would not be the end of it. There was sure to be a punishment at the conclusion of the class.
It was only on her fourth jump over the small hurdle that Sarah heard a clang from behind her. Someone had knocked over their hurdle, the noise reverberating throughout the hall, making each young girl cringe. She hoped it was not Mitchell. It was as if that mistake was the beginning of a chain reaction as hurdle after hurdle fell, clattering to the polished wooden floor. Sarah kept her eyes forward and her mind on the task. She jumped her hurdle flawlessly until Miss Vonn blew the whistle to herald a change.
Sarah leant forward and put her hands on the ground, arched her back and immediately began bouncing her legs over the small bar at her feet. Only three jumps into the second exercise, she didn't lift her feet high enough, her toes just clipping the top of the hurdle. Sarah's already flushed face turned a deeper shade of red at her failure. She straightened up, righted her hurdle and sprinted forward to the urn.
Ozawa was just removing her hand from the front of her pants as Sarah reached the urn. Sarah felt as if Miss Vonn had eyes only for her, despite not even being able to see the imposing gym teacher. She wasted no time. The young girl reached in and drew out a large glass globe from the urn. It was about half the size of a golf ball and cool to the touch. Sarah slid her fingers and the ball between the sweat-slick skin of her belly and the thick waistband of her gym pants. She pushed the ball down towards her pussy with her fingertips. Her hole was moist and accepted the smooth sphere as if it was a hungry mouth devouring a delicacy. The tight seam that split her plump labia also helped to push the ball deeper inside her, ensuring it would stay put during the strenuous exercises to come.
The sensation of the hard ball moving inside her pussy was a distraction for the young girl, the smooth sphere slipping across the moist folds of her vagina with each hurried step she took back to her hurdle. She resumed the position with her palms flat on the ground and her ass up in the air and went back to swinging her feet over the small board. Her sex had already been wet from the mornings activities, and of course from the exercise. Sarah had not thought about it before, well she had not done much exercise before, but when Miss Rice had said that a slut's body equates exercise with sexual activity and responded in kind she had not quite believed it. Now, of course, she knew better.
Whenever she began exercising, her nipples hardened and her pussy moistened. She thought back to the sports she had watched in her old life. The female tennis players had hard nipples most of the time. The fact that she had never really thought about that before, even though she had noticed it, just drove home how closed off and uneducated her life had been before coming to Harkwood.
As Sarah jumped over her hurdle it seemed a rep did not go by without the sound of a hurdle hitting the floor. Sarah managed to keep her control until after the change back to the first exercise. For some reason the change in activity threw off her rhythm and focus. She sprinted as fast as she could to the urn and slipped a second glass ball inside her. As she ran back she could feel it clink against the first sphere, each one pushing against the other and, in turn, the delicate walls of her sex. She had only just returned to her place when on the very next jump she once again clipped the hurdle and sent it skidding to one side.
Sarah retraced her steps to the far wall and chose another glass ball from the urn. She slid it down her panties and guided it inside, her pussy sucking it in as it had the first two. When she withdrew her fingers she could see smears of her cream on the tips. She resisted the temptation to lick them and instead ran as fast as she could back to her place.
Each time Sarah jumped over the foot high hurdle she experienced two quite different sensations inside her pussy, each impinging equally upon her attempts to stay focused on her task. As she lifted off from the ground the balls shifted against each other and the soft walls of her sex. It was as her feet came down on the hard floor that she gasped, the heavy balls jarring inside her, pushing against the delicate pink walls of her pussy. Sarah was having a hard time keeping her mind on the exercise.
She used her mantra to help get her focus back where it should be. My owner's cunt exists to serve. What she was feeling was irrelevant. She had yet another detention that afternoon because she had been letting her pussy hold too much sway with the way she thought and acted. She knew she could not completely shut out the pleasure that was growing between her legs, and a slut shouldn't because if she was feeling pleasure it was because her superiors wanted her to. What she did try to do was to put it in its right place, which was at the very bottom of the list of priorities for a slut.
Once she began silently reciting her mantra each time she jumped and landed the petite schoolgirl did not miss one further repetition as Miss Vonn blew her whistle twice more before ending that particular phase of the lesson.
"Drink," Miss Vonn yelled.
The class hurried to the bench at the far end of the room and collected their drink bottles, the nipple fitted to the top of each making them look like a row of large baby bottles. Every girl was breathing heavily, noisily exhaling through their noses as they drew the precious liquid from the bottles. Most of the girls had become used to drinking this way but Sarah was sure she was still able to extract more liquid than any other slut. Her body was slick with sweat, her bra and panties both soaked with the moisture. Sarah had not known she could sweat like this and the cold water from the bottle rejuvenated her and gave her new reserves of energy. In fact she had not known her body could produce half as much liquid as she had done since coming to Harkwood.
"Enough," bellowed Miss Vonn. "Ok sluts, panties off. Turn them inside out. Crotch in your mouth."
Sarah put her bottle back on the bench and dutifully slid her panties down her legs. She knew the insertion of the balls inside them would not be all Miss Vonn had in store. Sarah flicked her pants inside out and popped the cream-stained crotch into her mouth. The burst of flavour, her essence, filled her mouth and her eyelids fluttered for just a moment.
"Turn. Olsen, forward."
Sarah turned, seeing as she did so, a strange apparatus next to Miss Vonn. It was a metal pole around two feet in height. It had a round metal base and was topped by a shiny, silver bowl, shallow in depth.
"Over the bowl. Deposit the evidence of your lack of commitment."
Olsen stepped gingerly over the bowl. She had to adopt a wide stance to keep from touching the side of the polished receptacle, something she was sure was not a wise thing to do. Sarah watched as she squatted lower over the shallow bowl, her blue gym panties hanging loosely from her mouth. Olsen had her eyes forward, as was proper, but Sarah could see the pretty young girl was struggling with what she had been asked to do. As first girl, Olsen always had to bear the brunt of interpreting new activities. Sarah was firmly entrenched in the 'follower' camp. She knew it and she was happy to be there.
Without warning, a loud clang echoed in the gymnasium. Sarah had watched the glass ball shoot out of Olsen's pussy. The pretty schoolgirl’s face turned a deep shade of red as she was humiliated in front of her classmates. Sarah felt bad for her but knew that every girl in the class would soon be in the demeaning position of pushing the glass balls out of their pussy into a bowl. There was a pause of ten seconds before a second ball fell into the bowl, followed immediately by a third. Olsen stepped away from the contraption and stood at attention.
"Clean and return them," snapped Miss Vonn.
Olsen bent down and lifted one ball with her hand. Sarah winced, knowing that Olsen should have collected the glass ball with her mouth. That is how a slut cleans, she doesn't dirty her hands first.
"Infraction, you silly girl. Five laps. Go. Carew, come and clean these," snapped Miss Vonn.
The girl at the far end of the line hurried out to stand beside Miss Vonn. Sarah smiled as the skinny brunette bent delicately at the waist and retrieved one ball with her mouth. A few moments later she spat the ball into her hand and retrieved the second and then repeated the process with the third. Once they were all clean, Carew walked quickly to the nearest urn and dropped the balls inside.
"Cox. Move slut. As soon as the slut before you moves off you take her place."
Cox strode forward, spread her legs to straddle the bowl and quickly deposited two balls. Murphy followed the pretty blonde and Sarah was not surprised when only one glass ball pushed past the slim labia of her friends pretty pink pussy. Even the way Murphy's skin blended from the purest of whites to the most delicate of pinks was exquisite.
Then it was Sarah's turn. She strode confidently forward. It was a confidence she did not feel. She was tired and dishevelled from the exhausting lesson and she was now to begin expelling balls from her pussy into a bowl in front of her classmates and a teacher. It was not a situation in which she felt confident but she knew it was better than reluctance.
Being shorter than her classmates, Sarah had to rise onto her toes to properly straddle the bowl. Only a moment later, and without her control, all three balls burst from her pussy, hitting the metal bowl like a machine gun. The three girls before her had released their balls with at least the semblance of control. It looked to her classmates, and to Miss Vonn, as if she had no control over her pussy and the balls simply fell out. Sarah hid the humiliating flush of colour by leaning down and closing her mouth over one of the balls so recently expelled from her pussy.
All three of her globes were liberally coated in the ubiquitous smears of white cream. The silver bowl contained streaks of moisture, the remnants of the three girls who went before and Sarah more than added her fair share of liquid to the bowl. As her lips closed around her first glass ball, the sweet flavour of her own pussy almost put a smile on her face and all but made her forget about her recent humiliation. She rolled her tongue around the smooth surface of the marble, thoroughly cleaning it of all traces of her arousal. She was mindful that she should not get caught up in the pleasure of tasting her pussyjuice and promptly spat that glass ball into her hand and bent to retrieve her second and third balls.
Once clean, the taste of her pussy still lingering on her tastebuds, Sarah strode to the urn and deposited the three clean marbles. The sight of her classmates standing at attention, naked but for the brief bra made Sarah realise how attractive a group of sluts could be, and these girls were only beginning their training. They all had much to learn in posture, attitude and grace and their bodies had long way to go before they would be able to withstand the rigours of a slut's existence but the potential astounded Sarah. She felt lucky to be a part of this group of girls, where she was easily the least attractive. She knew everyone said she was cute, but no one ever said 'beautiful' and that is what the other girls in her class were. Their beauty would only be enhanced by the training they would receive, Sarah only hoped that she would benefit in the same way. Of course their small gym panties hanging loosely from their mouths did not add a great deal to the poise of the young girls.
She took her place as Hinka was collecting her second ball. Olsen ran past on her third lap as Sarah faced Miss Vonn and watched as Ozawa squatted over the bowl. The parade of squatting girls continued until Carew dropped two glass balls into the bowl, then cleaned and returned them. Olsen had long ago joined the line, panting raggedly.
"A poor showing. For each ball you sluts harboured inside, you will give me ten squats and ten shuttle runs. When you have finished these you are to finish your bottle. You will then continue with squats until the last slut finishes. Begin."
All eighteen girls immediately began their low squats, spreading their knees widely as they lowered their buttocks to the floor. Sarah had three balls, luckily there were two girls with four so she would not be the last to finish, she would not be the reason why the class had to do extra squats. Three balls inside her pussy, moving and bumping had felt amazing, she wondered what four, or even five would have felt like. Surely there was a number when it went from being pleasurable to uncomfortable and then to painful.
Thirty squats was a lot. Her thighs were burning after ten. After twenty her legs were quivering. When she had completed thirty she was groaning softly into her panties. Apart from the small moment when she removed them to clean the marbles from her pussy, she had now been sucking on her panties for a good ten minutes. The crotch was by now soaked by her saliva though the barest hint of her flavour still remained.
As soon as she straightened up from her last squat she immediately sprinted to the red line against the far wall. Her legs were a little unsteady and she was slow on her first run, which earnt her a motivating shock from Miss Vonn when she returned to the starting line. She had 29 more of these to go. Sarah did not want to admit it, as it felt like failure, but she would be receiving more motivation from her teacher by the time her exercises had finished.
She may have been disappointed in her prediction but Sarah had not been inaccurate. She received a further six shocks by the time she staggered onto the line for her thirtieth shuttle run. Her breathing was ragged and shallow and it was all Sarah could do to stand up straight. She may only have had to do thirty shuttle runs but she finished only moments before Manning, one of the girls who had been required to squat and run ten more times than her.
"Correct Porter, your performance was pitiful. I will have a word with your handler and work up a regime to complete out of class. You are lagging well behind even the unfit sluts like Hinka. What do you think that says for you?"
Sarah took the rebuke in silence, busy as she was suckling her drink bottle for the refreshingly cold water within. Her knees were shaking as she stood at attention, bottle to her mouth in one hand and crotch-soaked panties in the other. At least she would not be wearing these for the rest of the day, though her regular uniform panties were not a great improvement. Sarah had become resigned to the fact that if she had only the one pair of panties to wear during the day then her pussy would be covered in damp material for the rest of her life. The way her pussy became wet, and stayed wet, had been a revelation for her. The way it had begun so suddenly had been no less a surprise.
"Bottles down. About face. Cool down lunges. Left. Cox, dumkopf. Elbows straight, head up. You are not at one of your trailer trash fuckdowns now. Yes I have heard about what your people get up to. Nine and Ten. Panties on. In line."
Miss Vonn walked down the file of heavy breathing girls, chests heaving, nostrils flaring. Each teen’s face was flushed and dripping with sweat. Small strings of hair had come loose from their pontyails and clung to the sides of their sweat-drenched faces.
"The grooming standard in this class is lax. It is no better than your levels of fitness. At the end of tomorrow's lesson each slut that has hair on her face like some wild prostitute will earn an infraction. I understand that Porter impressed a number of the students with her prancing in the quad at lunchtime. Porter, front. Show these girls."
Sarah moved to stand beside Miss Vonn and commenced prancing, lifting her legs high with each step. She was sure to lift her knees to waist height, thigh parallel to the ground each time. Her classmates were watching her and despite her demeaning position she was aware that her movements were to be used to inform her classmates and she had a serious responsibility.
"I will be incorporating this into the next lesson. Very pretty, yes. Off now sluts, freshen those filthy bodies for class," said Miss Vonn as she continued to admire Sarah's lithe form prancing obediently.
Sarah watched her classmates file out of the gym. She had remained in position, high-stepping as correctly as she could. She was struggling a little with her balance, her tired legs strained to keep her upright as her weight shifted from side to side. As Carew disappeared through the wooden doors Sarah began to worry about being kept behind. She could not afford to be late for her classes, nor could she afford to be inappropriately dirty.
"I will be watching you Porter. You are the worst slut in the class and you lack motivation. Batting your eyes and pouting those pretty lips will get you nowhere. A slut's ability to perform any task at any time is of paramount importance. Being cute means nothing. You are the bottom of the class, but this just means you have a better opportunity to improve and after all a slut never stops trying to improve. Every day a slut asks herself how can she be better. You are lucky Porter, you are told how to be better. All you have to do is listen and follow orders. It is quite an easy life for a slut. Dismissed."
Sarah stopped prancing and curtsied daintily to her gym teacher. She was grateful she was being allowed to leave. She was only a minute or two behind the other girls and if she hurried she could get to the dorm and shower without a problem. She walked as fast as she could while maintaining the correct posture and without appearing to run. A slut who was walking briskly was eager to seek further service, a slut who was running had not planned her time well.
Sarah thanked her lucky stars that she met no one in the corridors leading to her dorm. As she approached the doorway to the lounge she could hear the sound of running water and muted conversation. Once through, her eartag safely scanned, Sarah ran across the room to the showers. She scanned her tag again as she entered the shower room and peeled off her wet gym clothes in record time. Her wash bag hung from her hook and she thanked her friends for collecting it for her, it would give her that little extra time in the showers.
"Port, thank god," exclaimed Murphy as Sarah entered the showers. Murphy stepped to one side and let Sarah stand directly under the showerhead. "We were getting a little worried."
"It's ok Murph, Miss Vonn just wanted to let me know that I have a lot of work to do on my fitness. I know, but it is good to have a superior make sure that you know where you can improve. She is going to work with Miss Harper on an out of class regimen so I can get up to the standard of the rest of you guys. I hate being so far behind," Sarah pouted.
"You aren't that far behind Port," Mitchell chimed in, attempting to cheer Sarah up.
"Yeah I am Mitch. At the end of the warm-up I was already panting. No other girl was. Fitness is really important for a slut, how can I serve properly if I’m tired from easy things. I know Miss Vonn will make sure my new schedule makes me better."
Sarah arched her back as Mitchell stepped in behind her and began to scrub her aching muscles. She loved the attention but she was also grateful for the help as she was still washing her hair. She kept lathering as Mitchell stepped in closer, pressing her large, soft breasts into Sarah's soapy back, and reached around to wash Sarah's chest and belly. Sarah closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as Murphy watched, a bemused expression on her face.
All too soon the shower was over. Sarah's freshly scrubbed skin felt amazing. After the strenuous gym lesson the cool shower had been refreshing and pleasurable. Her pussy had a hint of moisture, no doubt from Mitchell's ministrations, but her body felt good and she was ready for her afternoon classes.
Trinity house knew the routine and smartly finished washing and dressing and waited silently in ranks for Miss Peach to send them on their way to the next class. The housemistress walked along the two neat lines of teenagers, struck Ness once on the thigh with her crop for being the last in line and dismissed them. As she walked to class, keeping in step with the girls around her, Sarah could not help but wonder if the afternoon would bring as unexpected delights as her morning classes had afforded her.
"Enter," called Miss Watson, prompting the eighteen girls of Trinity house to move briskly to their seats. Sarah was still not entirely used to scanning the metal tag that hung from her left ear every time she entered and exited a room. Maybe in another week she would bend down and dangle her tag in front of the scanners without any thought at all, but for now the tiny beep still made her feel like an animal on a farm.
"Sit. Today’s lesson, as you can see, will be focusing on table service," said Miss Watson indicating the table and chairs that sat atop the platform at the front of the class. "A slut will often be called upon to serve her owner, or another superior, a meal. This table has been set correctly. Each of you will have a chance to inspect it during the lesson. Porter, front."
Sarah bounced to her feet and came forward. Miss Watson handed her a silver platter and ordered her to stand on the far corner of the platform facing the class. "There are two ways for a slut to serve a tray. One is to balance the tray on her left hand, leaving her right hand free to serve from the tray. Porter, palm face up in the centre of the tray, then to attention."
Sarah followed the order and shifted her left palm under the silver tray and balanced it before returning her right hand to the small of her back.
"No matter the technique, the tray is to be kept level, with the forearm parallel with the floor. The second technique is to hold the tray with a hand under each side, the thumb running along the rim. Porter, do so now. Do not hook your thumbs onto the tray. Food is to be served from this tray and no one wishes a slut's fingers all over it."
Miss Watson collected two tall wine glasses and placed them on the tray and then turned back to the class. "Now each one of you come up and take note of the way the table is set. This information is in your school manuals for you to study but the real thing is always preferable."
Sarah stood at the corner of the platform as each girl came up in turn and scrutinised the place setting. Sarah had been allowed only the briefest of glimpses as she came forward. She could see the table now, out of the corner of her eye but her focus had remained on the far wall. The tray she was holding was polished silver and was not insubstantial in weight. She had no problems holding the tray up for now, but if she was to be here for a prolonged period, well she just hoped she would have no trouble. She could not look down at the tray and had to rely on her innate sense of balance to be sure that it was not changing angle and endangering the delicate wine glasses that rested upon it.
"Olsen, you will be the server. Cox and Shah you each take a seat at the table. To prevent you feeling too precocious the seats have been altered for your needs."
Cox and Shah stepped forward and each pulled a chair out from under the small square table. Instead of a flat wooden seat, which anyone would have expected from the innocuous chairs, the surface was instead covered in a mass of tiny plastic spikes, each only measuring a fraction of an inch in length. The two girls eased themselves down onto the chairs and gently pulled themselves into the table. Sarah was not sure what was going on but she heard the soft gasps from the two girls and wondered.
"Now Olsen, the first course for this meal is to be a soup. Collect one bowl at a time from the serving table and place it before each girl. Now sluts, once you have been served you can begin eating. Olsen, you lean in from the side when serving a superior. You never make contact while serving. You place the plate or bowl gently on the table, ensuring the place setting is even and correct. Now sluts, you can begin your meals."
Cox and Shah looked at the empty bowl that Olsen had placed in front of them and were at a loss. Shah panicked and darted her eyes around the room, looking for inspiration. It was not until Cox tentatively reached for the rounded soup spoon and began scooping the non-existent liquid from the bowl and bringing the empty spoon to her mouth that Shah realised what they were to do. After a minute of pretending to eat the soup, each girl feeling like an idiot, Miss Watson called for the second course.
For the next thirty minutes Olsen, under the command of Miss Watson, served five courses of imaginary food and Cox and Shah did their best impression of consuming it. Sarah felt as if she was a mere ornament. Since the teacher had placed the glasses upon the tray she had not been referred to, or even looked at, or so she presumed. She had not seen anything that had happened and so had learned nothing of the lesson. She had remained still as a statue, eyes forward and arms straight supporting the silver tray.
"Now girls, if you are lucky and serve well your superiors just may just reward you with a morsel or two from the table. If this is so you are to receive your reward on your knees. Olsen kneel beside Cox. Head up. Cox place a piece of food in Olsen's mouth."
Cox pretended to take something from her plate and offered it to the kneeling girl. Olsen opened her mouth to receive the imaginary food, thoroughly humiliated, she felt as if she was at a little girl's tea party.
"A slut may also receive a reward by having it thrown to the floor, if the food is appropriate. If the slut has performed her other duties properly the floor should be clean enough to eat off but as always this is the decision of your superiors. A slut simply does as she is told, such a freedom is one of the benefits of being a slut. Cox, throw a piece of bread to the floor for Olsen."
Cox reached again for her plate, grabbed an imaginary piece of bread and threw it to the floor between Olsen's knees. The humiliating charade continued with Olsen prostrating herself and pretending to eat the piece of bread thrown to her. If they were being shown this in class, then they were to be fed like this once they had returned to their owners. Sarah thought back to her first night when she had stood by as her handler ate a late supper. Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly as she remembered how she had turned down a piece of bread that had fallen to the floor. A slut would have accepted the scrap of food with gratitude but she had refused it like a stuck-up bitch. Sarah was beginning to see why she had accrued so many infractions that first day.
"This lesson contained two important lessons for table service. One slut actively served the diners, serving the meals and seeing to the needs of those present. A second slut served in a different manner. A slut will often be called upon to provide a service should it be wished for. Her services may very well never be utilised. A slut is always willing to serve, in fact yearns to do so, but she must be careful to feel no disappointment if she is not used. A slut that stands ready to serve takes solace from the opportunity."
Sarah had been struggling with her tray for the past 10 minutes. Her arms were burning and she had caught herself dipping the tray on a number of occasions. She had quickly adjusted, keeping the heavy object level but the fear that she would drop the glasses was growing by the moment. Miss Watson's speech had only made this fear worse. If she failed while the attention was on her it would be disastrous.
"Now girls, this has only been an introduction. Table service can take many different forms and we will be exploring these in the weeks to come. It will also behoove you to familiarise yourself with chapters 11 and 12 of your student manual that deals with the topic. Cox and Shah, take your seats. Olsen, pack the dinner service back onto the trolley. You will find each piece has an appropriate place. Now class, does anyone have any questions about today's lesson."
Sarah stood still as a statue as Olsen packed away the plates and cutlery used during the class. She had not been included in any instructions. She remained holding her silver tray, trying desperately to keep it balanced and keep the two glasses from tumbling to the floor. Being ignored like this was not something Sarah was dealing with particularly well. She had never liked being the centre of attention, in fact she still did not like being the focus of scrutiny, but being completely ignored as if she was nothing but a hatrack was difficult for the sensitive teenager.
"Well then, I expect a perfect performance from each and every one of you during our next lesson on table service," said Miss Watson, surveying the rows of silent schoolgirls. "Mitchell, with which hand should a slut serve food and drink to a table?"
"The right hand Ma'am," replied Mitchell, as confident as Sarah had ever heard her.
"What is the reasoning?"
"A slut serves from the right and to give the most room Ma'am."
"And," Miss Watson prompted, tapping the cane against her thigh.
"And so that she provides the most pleasing aspect as she serves Ma'am."
"Half answers are as useful as a wrong answer Mitchell, remember that. A slut serves in such a manner as to show her tits as she serves. With those udders of yours you will have to be extra careful Mitchell. Ness, what is tongue technique two?" shot Miss Watson.
The pretty scandinavian sat there stunned. She had not expected to be called upon and the abrupt change in topic left her flustered. She panicked and looked around the room at her classmates, frantically looking for an answer.
"Two infractions, failure to answer a superior and breaking position. Eyes front. Ozawa maybe you have been paying better attention."
"Ma'am, tongue technique two is running your tongue around the head of the cock Ma'am."
"My tongue, Ozawa? Infraction for insubordiantion. Clark?"
"Ma'am, tongue technique two is when a slut runs her tongue around the head of the cock Ma'am," replied the timid girl, frightened by the failures of her classmates.
Sarah felt sorry for the class, but it had become clear to her that if Miss Watson asked for questions on a lesson and no one had any then the resulting few minutes would be much harder on them. Sarah needed to talk to Mitchell and Murphy tonight and pass her insight along. She would ask a question but she was still part of the demonstration and she wasn't sure if she had permission to speak. In a room full of girls, she felt left out and alone but drawing attention to herself now would be the worst thing she could do.
"Now that Olsen has replaced the settings, you will now reset the table. Hinka, set the plates. Manning the knives and forks. Clark set the glasses. Not all at once like a pack of scared cats. In order."
Minutes passed as Miss Watson constantly corrected the three girls. Each earned an infraction for not knowing the correct place settings. For once Sarah was not grateful to be left out of the class. She knew she would have done a better job. She was feeling her segregation from the other students even more keenly. She was only four feet away from her nearest classmate but she may as well have not been in the room. Standing at the front of the class, holding her tray still, made her feel more isolated than if she was alone on a desert island.
Once the table was set to Miss Watson's satisfaction, she had Olsen clear it away again and then three other girls reset it. By the third time the table was being cleared, Sarah's arms had gone numb. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead and upper lip and she could feel the material of her blouse moisten under her arms. The tray remained level and at the appropriate height but a deep ache had now developed between the stressed schoolgirl’s shoulderblades. An ache that rapidly turned into a constant series of sharp, stabbing pains.
She tried to control her breathing, slow it down and make sure each breath was slow. Sarah tried her best to pay attention to what was being taught but with only being able to see flickers of movement in her peripheral vision it was next to impossible. She gained some knowledge as she listened to Miss Watson berate each girl and she paid attention to what they were doing wrong, but without a reference point it was difficult to make sense of the situation. It seemed that here was yet another lesson she would need to catch up on in her own time. With her detentions, her extra physical education regime and the attentions of her handler, Sarah was really worried about how she would be able to fit all her study in.
"Now class, I hope you have learned something for these basic tenets will be revisited only in test format. Carew pack up the setting, including the slut."
Sarah almost audibly sighed in relief. After nearly an hour she had not only been recognised as still being present but she was finally going to be able to release the tray. She had not realised how much pain could be caused simply by standing still. When Carew took the tray out of her hands, Sarah's arms involuntarily raised two inches into the air before she recovered herself and moved to attention.
She grimaced as she moved her hands behind her. The pain in her shoulders intensified and her arms became an inferno of pins and needles. She desperately wanted to rub her arms, or at the very least, flex her hands to get some feeling back into them but she dared not. Instead she suffered in silence.
"Sit," snapped Miss Watson and Sarah wasted no time in scurrying to her seat. She had been on her feet for a very long time and it was not only the muscles in her arms and shoulders that burned. She glanced at the clock as she sat down. The class had less than five minutes to go. One class to go, biology with Miss Rice, and then it was time for her third detention. The very thought of spending another session in room seventeen sent a shiver down her spine. She was benefiting from the brutal detentions, there was no doubt of that but she still dreaded every minute spent down there.
"Tonight you will read the first fifteen pages of Chapter 6. Our lessons tomorrow will revolve around the concepts therein. Dismissed," said Miss Watson barely a second before the bell rang.
Sarah waited her turn to thank Miss Watson for the lesson and to perform her most dainty curtsy. The teacher did not even look in her direction and Sarah left the class with a heavy heart.
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