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Review This Story || Author: Tor Melati

Gradual Decline

Part 1

Gradual decline.

By Tor Melati.

Chapter one.

     My name is Katie Blood and I was born in a small town in Hertfordshire 22 years ago. I am an only child and I suppose whilst I lived in England I had been spoilt incessantly. I had a very sporty upbringing which helped me to develop into an extremely fit and healthy young person.  Always tall for my age, slim, attractive, and naturally blond I could well have become a fashion model, but my Father steered me clear of that profession.  When I heard that he had a new job and we were to move abroad, I was quite horrified as I loved the school that I had been attending in Hertfordshire and all the advantages that it afforded me. However, to ease my worries my father had made all the arrangements before we moved to South Africa, so I was able to attend my new school in Cape Town from virtually the day we arrived.

     Burfield Girls Academy is an imposing institution but didnt really impress me when I first arrived. I was only 18 at the time and it was quite a change from the school that I had attended in England. The first year though, passed very smoothly and by the end of the semester I had settled happily into my new life. My Father had chosen a boarding school for me as he travelled the world with the oil company that he worked for. Daddy was a kind man and had taken on the responsibility of bringing me up after my mother died when I was only five years old. We were very close, even though several thousand miles usually separated us for most of the year.

     I settled into the school quite easily as my academic record was very strong and they slotted me into the top sets  of all the subjects in my year. My year class was made up with mostly black students from the wealthy political elite and a few white girls from various European countries. Throughout the school, we, the white girls, were outnumbered on a ratio of about ten to one, but somehow we seemed to dominate the black girls in the classrooms and dormitories

      However that began to change on the day that Eleanor Quail arrived at the school. It was over six years ago but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was there when she emerged from a black Rolls Royce dressed in an amazing white mini dress that contrasted vividly with her mahogany black skin tone. Five inch heals took her height to nearly six feet and with the afro hairstyle that she sported she looked every inch the Zulu princess that she turned out to be. Although Eleanor was tall and slim she had a strong muscular frame and she strode into the school in the manner of an extremely fit athlete.

     I was amazed to find out that she was a year younger than myself as she had an amazing body. She appeared to be extremely mature for a 18 year old girl. From the outset the girls in her year flocked to her side and she always had an admiring group surrounding her as she strutted around the school.  For a whole term our paths never crossed, and during that time the many questions raised about her disappeared, and were replaced with a series of strange rumours. The most worrying of these and the hardest to believe was that she practiced voodoo and had cast several spells on girls that had upset her. I had scoffed at these stories and as I mixed with my own friends I hardly gave it much thought.

     However, we were well into the second term of my second year when my friend Lucy came to me one morning with an anxious look on her face. She was one of three black South African girls who had recently joined our little clique due to some bullying from her fellow black students. She was a top student and excelled in the school and I therefore assumed she was the subject of racial jealousy.  Her father was a member of the government and one of the governors of the school. Lucy, who was the same age as me was 59” tall and very slim. Her long slender legs and narrow hips made her a natural runner and the school had high hopes for her athletic future.  She wore her black hair short in a page boy style, never wore make up but liked strong perfumes.

     Long eyelashes above her huge brown eyes fluttered at me as we sat quietly that morning in the corner of the library. “Katie” she said earnestly “Mary is in trouble!” Mary was Lucys younger sister and attended a class in the year below ours. “She has become involved with Eleanor Quails group and since she has been mixing with them she has completely changed and I am now really worried that something may happen to her!”

     “Oh come now Lucy,” I replied trying to sooth her “Im sure you must be exaggerating. I know Mary can be mischievous but generally she is a good hearted girl and she must be just going through a phase. The Quail girl seems to attract a lot of attention and Mary has probably just joined in the fun.”

     “No Katie, its much more serious than that. She returned to the dorm late last night. Her clothing was in a terrible state and she seemed to be high on drugs. When I tried to speak to her she hissed back at me, calling me a white loving bitch! I was horrified but I couldnt get her to talk any further. And ,” she continued “when she changed last night Katie, I witnessed for myself marks on her body that can only have been caused by pinching, scratching and biting! Im sure she has been fighting!  What can we do?” she wailed.

     For a moment I was speechless and tried to imaging what on earth Lucys 18 year old sister had been up to. Lucy had chosen to sleep in her sisters dorm so that they could be together. They were very close and I found it difficult to believe that her sister had behaved so badly towards her. After a little more discussion I agreed to meet her and her sister in their dorm after Lunch in the hope that I could influence her to stay away from the bad group that she was now become involved with. Lucy seemed relieved and disappeared off to a lesson leaving me alone to study.

     Mary was a beautiful girl but completely opposite to her sister in every way imaginable. Only 56” tall, she probably weighed 60kg to her sisters 50kg. Her heavier figure suited her naughty  personality and she had quite a reputation for practical jokes around the school. I could imagine her being attracted to Eleanor Quail

     I had never been in their dormitory before and was not surprised by the low murmurs of the small groups of black girls as I strode down to the alcove that contained my friends twin beds and easy chairs. There was a small measure of privacy to the 20 foot square room that each pair of girls were granted in the dormitories as three walls shielded their activities from the others. However the end wall was open and anyone passing by would witness any undesirable activity that was happening within. The sisters were lucky though, as their room was at the end of the dorm and they therefore enjoyed a little bit more privacy. The building was about 100 years old and most of the walls were clad in brown wooden panels that were decorated with paintings that depicted scenes of rural South Africa.

     Their room contained four easy chairs and I was surprised to find Lucy on her own reading a book. She seemed distant and explained that Mary would be back in a short while. We had been chatting for about ten minutes when her sister strode in followed by the unmistakable figure of Eleanor Quail. I was about to get to my feet when Eleanor waved her hand signalling for me to remain seated. Both girls were dressed in the smart dress uniform of the school which consisted of white blouse over a red tartan pleated skirt, long black socks and flat black shoes.

     Mary looked smart whilst Eleanor looked amazing! Because she was taller, her skirt appeared much shorter and thus revealed her long solid shapely legs to mid thigh. Neither girl wore a bra which broke the school rules but I was not about to say anything as I too had broken this rule on many occasions due to the stifling heat.  Lucy and Mary had quite modest breasts and their nipples just teased the cotton material of their blouses, whereas Eleanors appeared to be straining to burst through the thin material. Her hard nubs looked like live bullet tips aimed directly towards me.

     I had never been so close to this black beauty and immediately realized why so many of the girls had become besotted with her. At that time I was sure that I did not have a Sapphic bone in my body, but her sexual aura affected me intensely.  Her huge dark eyes returned my gaze and I found that I could not easily look away. Her wide mouth, high cheek bones and gorgeous mesmerizing eyes all smiled down on me and I swallowed hard desperately trying to find my voice.

     “Well,  hello Katie”, she broke the silence “My name is Eleanor , but all my friends call me Ellie. Do you want to be my friend?” She asked in a soft lilting tone.

     I was surprised by her gentle voice and by her question, and only managed to stammer a short reply, “Oh, er, Yes of course, er Ellie.” I wasnt sure if she was giving me permission to call her Ellie or not.

     “O.K. Katie, but first you are going to have to relax a little and decide if you want a place in our little group.” She had bent forward and I thought she was going to shake my hand, but instead raised both hands, and resting her fingers on my temples, began to massage the area just above my eyebrows with her thumbs.

       “Wha... what do you mean?” I stammered. I had started to raise my arms to push her hands away but dropped them back into my lap as a gentle sensation seemed to relax my apprehension.

     Katie, stand up and come here,” she cooed as she carefully stepped backwards towards the nearest bed. I got to my feet, and as she continued to rub my forehead, I followed her slowly until she had sat down on the bed. Gradually she worked her way back onto the mattress so that her knees were bent over the edge of the bed. Eleanor Quail now parted her knees so that I could stand closer, right up against the side of the high mattress.

      “Katie I have noticed you around the school and I am pleased that you want to serve me in my little group!”

     “S..S...Serve you Ellie...... What do you mean?  Please take your hands away. I.. I... I... I dont like it........” my voice trailed away.

      “Now Katie dont be bashful!” she chided me. “Kneel before be so that we can be closer”. She had dropped her voice to a lower, gravelly  tone, and to my absolute horror my knees began to bend and I allowed her to guide me into a kneeling position so that my elbows  were level with her knees. All this time her thumbs had been gently rubbing away, but now she dropped them to my shoulders and turned towards the two sisters. “Girls I want you to fetch me some coffee from the canteen and the green box from the cupboard next to my bed.” She ordered in the same low guttural voice.

      “Yes Mistress!” they answered in unison, and as they disappeared to carry out their orders Eleanor turned her attention back to me. My head had begun to clear a little but as her eyes locked back onto mine her fingers returned to my head and continued their massage. The electric tingle that had been surging through my body returned, and I waited to hear her next comment.

Review This Story || Author: Tor Melati
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