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Parker 23: Lady Jane Greystone's Remarkable Experiment

Part 3

                              PARKER23.TXT -- 3/3

                                   By Parker

           WARNING: This story involves a fair bit of non-consensual
           sex, humiliation, domination and - last but not least -
           bestiality. If this sort of fantasy offends you, then read
           no further. That, in case you didn't notice, was a warning.

        Copyright 1994 by Parker (me). Feel free to distribute the story
                    (unaltered, of course), but be discrete.

     Rupert Brooke awoke to a nightmare.

     Bodies littered the camp. 

     Half-apes, the very creatures he had been living among and studying with
Jane, their black fur matted and sticky with gore, shambled about like darkest
Africa made flesh and bone.

     And Jane, the woman he loved, was braced on her hands and knees, her head
thrown back and eyes wild with lust as one of the creatures brutally fucked his
cock in and out of her from behind. The female scientist was emitting high
pitched squeals of lust as the creature pounded away at her, thrusting her hips
back against it in desperate, sluttish heat. As he watched, her squeals began
to come faster and faster... matching the thrusts of her bestial lover...


     A gunshot split the night. The creatures froze in place for a moment and
then melted away into the jungle shadows. As though they had never been.


     The creature fucking Jane had pulled away, to the woman's evident
distress. Brooke watched, helpless with disgust and horror, as the half-ape
gathered the englishwoman under one hairy arm and carried her off into the
pitch darkness. He tried to yell... to do something, anything, but a sudden
wave of pain and nausea pulled him down into his own darkness.



     Then: "My god, man," Buckman muttered drunkenly. "You don't expect us to
believe that, do you? Preposterous!" The other two listeners looked equally

     Reid smiled. "Oh no," he answered. "I certainly wouldn't expect you to
believe it. Not without proof." He reached over to the wall and pulled twice on
a bell rope. "Which," he told them, "is exactly what I've arranged."

     A set of double doors opened on the other side of the room.

     "Good lord!"

     With a quiet rumble, a large cage was wheeled into the dining room by a
group of short, dark men. The men, African pygmies, were dressed in some sort
of traditional finery, complete with brightly coloured loincloths, flashing
jewellery and feathered headdresses. They each carried long sticks, almost
spears, and were chanting quietly as they pushed the cage towards the stunned

     It was, however, the contents of the cage which captured the men's
attention after the first few moments. It contained a woman. A white woman. She
was half-crouched against the back of the enclosure, her white-knuckled hands
gripping the bars, but they could make out her features well enough.

     It was, of course, Lady Jane Greystone. 

     But a much changed Lady Jane Greystone. 

     Gone was the haughty manner and sharp intelligence that had so scandalized
english academia over much of the last decade. Gone was the keen wit and sharp
tongue that had dissected many a preconception. In its place was a scared,
scarred, confused creature, huddling pathetically in its cage.

     And her appearance... 

     Her face still retain much of its former aristocratic beauty, but it had
been fitted with some exotic jewellery. A large, golden ring hung down from her
nose. It was attached by two short, slender chains to what appeared to be a
pair of silver studs fitted halfway up her tongue. As a result of this
arrangement, she was unable to pull her tongue all the way back into her mouth.
It hung out from between her lips, causing a thin line of drool to trickle
permanently down her chin. Two, smaller rings through her lower lip completed
the facial jewellery.

     And that was the least of the changes. Her long, auburn hair had been
weaved into dozens of thick strands, and those strands were threaded through
brightly coloured beads. They stuck out in all directions, giving her a wild,
unearthly look. Her ears had been pierced numerous times, and a number of large
golden hoops dangled down and were themselves attached to long strings of beads
which trailed down her body.

     And she was naked.

     The pygmies pushed the cage into place a few yards away from the table and
stopped chanting. A few of the pygmies left the room as Jane shifted uneasily
in her cage. The men gawked in amazement as the small bells attached to the
golden rings through her nipples tinkled merrily.

     "Gentlemen," Reid said expansively, standing and walking over to the cage,
"I give you Her Ladyship, Jane Greystone, recently returned from a most
successful expedition into Africa to locate proof of Mr. Darwin's theory of
evolution." The creature in the cage - the woman - looked up at Reid as he
spoke. Recognition dawned in her face, but the flash of hope was quickly wiped
away as Reid turned and gestured for another cage to be pulled into the room.

     "Oouuww... oouuwww..." 

     Unable to pull her tongue into her mouth, the woman's cries of protest
were unintelligible howls. Again and again, she threw herself against the bars
of her cage, thrusting her bronzed, naked arms out towards the men sitting at
the table while her nipple bells tinkled.

     Imploring... begging for help.

     None was forthcoming.

     The men just sat there, stunned into silence as a second, larger cage was
pulled into the room. It contained a creature which could only have been one of
the half-apes they had recently heard described. It was a disturbing sight:
certainly ape-like in general appearance, but without the low sloping forehead
and prominent chin. And its eyes... the englishmen shifted uncomfortably as the
creature's eyes slid over them. Looking at them. There was a strange glint
of... of something.


     The half-ape turned its attention to the imprisoned englishwoman as the
two cages were fitted together and locked in place with large clamps. With the
ease of long practice, the pygmies unfastened the interior walls and pulled out
a section of bars.

     The two cages were now one.  

     "Oouuwww... ouuwww... weeethee..." Panicked, Lady Jane continued to howl
unintelligibly as the half-ape shambled towards her. One of the pygmies shouted
something at her, but she ignored him, still clinging to the bars of her cage.
The man shouted again.    "Oouuwww... oouuwww..."

     When he saw that his words were having no effect, the small man grabbed a
long switch from one of the other pygmies and began whipping the woman through
the bars.

     "I say..." Buckman was halfway to his feet before Reid grabbed his
shoulder and pulled him back down. More than a little intoxicated, the bearded
academic fell back without a struggle.

     "I'll continue my story," Reid said, pouring his friend another drink. The
pygmy continued to whip the sobbing woman while Reid spoke: "After Brooke told
me his tale, I was sceptical, but I began keeping my ear to the ground for any
news, any evidence whatsoever, which would support his story. I had almost
disregarded the entire tale as a feverish delusion when I learned of a new...
'exhibit' making the rounds of certain establishments in the south of France."

     The sobbing woman finally gave in. Letting go of the bars, she crouched
down on all fours and crawled towards the half-ape as her breasts swayed and
tinkled beneath her. While Reid spoke, the men watched, half in horror, half in
lust, as she reached over and, still snuffling, began to stroke the creature's
penis. The half-ape growled menacingly, but she emitted a quiet squeal and it
calmed down. When its penis grew hard, she leaned forward and took it in her
mouth, careful to avoid the slender chains which linked her nose ring to her
tongue. The half-ape let out a quiet cooing sound as the woman sucked...

     "I investigated, and quickly discovered that the exhibit did, indeed,
involve our Lady Jane. A certain Belgian, who shall remain nameless, had
discovered her quite accidentally about a year ago. His hunting party came
across a large pack of these animals in the Congo. His men slaughtered most of
them, and captured the remainder as curiosities. To his surprise, he discovered
a white women living among them as one of them."

     After about thirty seconds of avid sucking, the englishwoman pulled her
mouth from the half-ape's now rigid cock, moaning as a trail of spittle
dribbled down onto her chest. Mortified, she glanced over at the table, but saw
no help there; no sympathy. The men were watching with lust; nothing more.
Letting out a quiet whimper of despair, she turned around on all fours so that
she was facing the table with her ass presented to the half-ape. Tears trickled
down her face as she let out a series of high pitched squeals and wiggled her
ass. The half-ape answered them with a low grunting sound and began pushing his
groin against her proffered ass. Grunting like an animal, the englishwoman
reached down between her legs, grasped the creature's cock and guided it into
her pussy with experienced ease.

     "His expedition was not a success, and our Belgian fell upon hard times
soon afterward. So, immediately upon reaching Marsaillies, he sold the apes to
the circus. I am reliably informed that Jane had been most 'uncooperative' on
the voyage from Africa, so she was included in the transaction. The circus
people put her and the creatures into the care of a group of pygmies that had
been travelling with the circus, and, with a few cosmetic changes, mostly to
stop her from speaking, she quickly became 'The Wild Woman of the Dark
Continent'. By day, she was exhibited in a freak show. By night..." He gestured
at the cage. "She put on a different kind of show."

     One of the pygmies began beating a small drum in time with the half-ape's
crude thrusts. The small Africans began to chant and move slowly around the
cage, half-dancing, half-walking in time with the drum. The three englishmen
look startled, but Reid reassured them: "Oh, it's part of the show." The
half-ape let out a guttural cry and began to pump harder and faster. The tempo
of the dancing and chanting followed his pace, and the pygmies began to move
faster and faster.

     Inside the cage, Lady Jane Greystone's aristocratic face was flushed red
and glistening with sweat as she fucked her ass back against the creature. A
thin line of spittle drooled out of her open mouth down to the cage floor as
she braced herself with one hand against the bars of the cage and used the
other to stimulate herself, first by rubbing and scratching her naked breasts
and then sliding it down between her legs. All the while, she kept screeching
and squealing in the guttural tones of the half-ape, matching him thrust for
thrust as her obvious passion grew. Eyes closed, she seemed to forget where she
was - forget *who* she was -and lose herself in lust. Her passion continued to
build along with that of her bestial lover. The pair moved increasingly faster
and the music likewise rose in volume and tempo. Finally, the half-ape grabbed
her hips, ground his crotch against her ass and let out a wild cry of pleasure.
Lady Jane frantically humped her ass back against his hips as best she could
for a few moments and then she too let out a loud scream of pleasure,
grovelling sluttishly on the floor of the cage as she came. The pygmies, who
had stopped dancing when the half-ape stopped moving, let out whoops and cries,
laughing and celebrating as the englishwoman twitched and spasmed in orgasm,
impaled on the half-ape's cock.

     "Ahh... ahh..."

     The men were silent for a few moments, mesmerized as Lady Jane panted and
twitched in the cage,  her orgasm running its course. The half-ape let go of
her hips, and she fell, limp and soaking to the floor of her cage. Using their
long sticks, the pygmies forced the creature into its own cage and inserted the
bars. In moments, the half-ape was being wheeled away.

     Reid looked at his friends.

     "My god..." The men were stunned. "That was..."

     "Perfect!" Lord Fleming burst out, erupting into laughter. "Bloody
perfect." Reid relaxed slightly as Buckman and Warrington joined the fat Lord
in laughter. The pygmies soon joined in, and the whole room rang with mirth. "A
perfect vocation for the little hellcat," Lord Fleming continued, still
chuckling. "She wanted to prove that ape's could be human beings... now she's
proved that human beings, or at least women, can be apes." A fresh wave of
laughter swept the room.

     As it died down, Buckman glanced appraisingly at the caged englishwoman.
"I say, Reid," he ventured, slurring his words. "You don't suppose that we
could... I mean..."

     "But of course," Reid told him, gesturing at the pygmies. "That's what
she's here for. As of last month, that 'service' forms part of her show."

     "Ha..." Lord Fleming got to his feet, heaving his massive bulk out of his
padded chair. "In that case, gentlemen, I'll claim privilege of rank."

     "But of course, your Lordship," Reid laughed. 

     The fat englishman got up and walked towards the cage where the pygmies,
who knew what was coming next, opened the side of the enclosure. Inside, Lady
Jane looked up with a mixture of terror and despair in her eyes, but didn't try
to pull away. She too knew well what was going to happen. Lord Fleming came to
a halt immediately in front of her. Choking back a sob, she reached up with a
trembling hand and began to unfasten the fat Lord's belt.

     "Well trained little monkey, isn't she?" the man bellowed.

     A tear ran down her face, but she didn't flinch. When the man's rigid cock
finally popped free, she immediately swallowed it into her mouth between the
slender chains and started running her pierced lips up and down. Lord Fleming
grabbed the side of the cage, steadying himself as his breathing grew heavier.
"I say," he grunted, "those rings in her lips are... effective." After a few
moments, Jane pulled her mouth off his cock, turned around and presented her
rear end to him, just as she had done for the half-ape. Letting out a groan of
pleasure, the english Lord stepped forward and sank his fat cock into the
waiting pussy. Jane gasped in pain - the man's cock was much larger than that
of the half-ape - but otherwise didn't react. Grunting with effort, he began to
piston his hips.

     Outside the cage, the pygmies began to beat their drums and chant, just as
they had when Lady Jane was being fucked by the half-ape. Fleming looked
surprised for a moment, but then grinned. He threw back his head and let out a
wild cry, imitating that of the creature. The englishmen laughed as the pygmies
began to dance around the cage. "Well," Fleming bellowed, slapping Jane on the
ass, "let's hear it. You were loud enough for the animal." The englishwoman
groaned, but did as ordered: in a few moments, she was grunting and squealing
like a half-ape while the english Lord, also grunting and squealing, fucked her
from behind. The three men watched from the table as Lord Fleming rammed his
cock faster and faster into the woman's pussy until, finally, he stiffened and

     Without ceremony, he stepped back and stuffed his cock back into his
pants. "Capital," he chuckled, walking over to the table and downing a full
glass of whisky, "Absolutely first rate." He looked at the other men. "Who's

     Without a word, William Buckman got to his feet and strode over to the
cage. "Good man," Fleming encouraged him. The academic stumbled drunkenly at
the edge of the cage, but caught himself on the bars. Fleming led the other two
men in laughter and applause as the caged woman reached wearily for Buckman's
pants. They called out encouragement as Buckman's penis received the obligatory
oral attention and then was plunged into the woman's sopping pussy. "I say,"
Fleming laughed as the pygmies began to dance and chant, "that does look like
good fun." The english Lord stumbled drunkenly to his feet and began to dance
with the pygmies, tentatively at first, but then with increasing abandon. Reid
couldn't stop laughing at the sight of the fat, drunken Lord, cavorting wildly
around the cage, crudely imitating the movements of the much smaller, grinning

     In a few moments, Buckman was done. 

     Reid looked over at Arch-Bishop Warrington.

     "Why..." The clergyman looked more than a little drunk, but had a
determined glint in his eye. "I do believe I will have... have a go..."

     "That's the spirit," Fleming called. The Lord had grabbed the sated
Buckman from where he was standing, his softening cock still buried in Lady
Jane's pussy, and had dragged him into the dance circle. "Have at her." The
Arch-Bishop staggered into the cage and the dancing began again. Reid watched,
grinning delightedly, as Jane crawled over the service the tall clergyman while
the pygmies, joined by an enthusiastic Lord Fleming and a drunken, stumbling
William Buckman danced wildly around the cage. The dance picked up momentum as
the clergyman anxiously pumped his bony hips against the englishwoman's naked
ass. Jane kept her eyes downward during the rape, but was obediently squealing
and grunting as she had for the others. Caught up in the spirit of things, the
clergyman began to howl madly as he plunged his penis into the woman's pussy.
The tempo increased... the drum beat and chanting got louder and louder... and
faster and faster... the dancers spun around the cage, yelling and singing in a
wild frenzy... Warrington howled and howled... until, finally, the clergyman
let out a groan and pulled back. His cock sprung free, sending gouts of sticky
white cum all over Jane's lower back and ass. The dancers, exhausted and
sweaty, let out cries of their own and then collapsed to the floor.


     Except for the quiet sobbing of the caged woman...

     "Did I mention," Reid called out a few moments later, breaking the
silence, "that she was pregnant?"

     "Really?" Fleming and Warrington looked up from where they lay, exhausted,
on the floor. "Do you mean..."

     "I do," Reid answered, grinning. "By the creature. It happened before she
began... 'associating' with the clientele."

     "Hah!" The fat Lord let out a bellow of laughter and lowered his head to
the floor. "You did say the experiment was a success."

     Reid grinned. "I did, your Lordship. If these creatures can procreate with
human females..." He left the thought unspoken.

     Warrington frowned...


     "Well, gentlemen." 

     The cage had been closed and wheeled out of the room. The four englishmen,
three of them still pink with sweat and exertion, were walking down the stairs
into the entrance hall. Lord Fleming had his beefy arm around Buckman's
shoulder and was helping the drunken academic navigate the steps. Arch-Bishop
Warrington walked behind them, followed closely by Reid. "I trust the evening's
entertainment made up for my tardiness."

     "Indeed it did," Fleming answered. "More than made up, I should say.
You've been an admirable host."

     At the bottom of the stairs, the servant helped the guests into their
overcoats and then held the door open for them. Fleming and Buckman went out
first, the fat Lord calling goodbye for the both of them.

     The aging clergyman turned as he reached the door and looked back at his
friend. "Gerald," he said, his face clenched with worry and, perhaps, doubt. "I
trust you will see to the destruction of that woman's notebook and all evidence
of her studies. And of her current... condition."

     Reid raised his eyebrows. "Destruction?" he asked. "Whatever for?"

     "I..." Warrington looked away. "If people were to learn of what she found
in Africa... or what has happened to her since... well, it might support those
who espouse Darwin's hateful monkey theory. And Mr. Darwin cannot be correct.
If it becomes common knowledge that she became... pregnant with one of these
creatures..." The clergyman fell silent for a moment, shifting uncomfortably,
and then looked his friend in the eye. "People might think the creature is
human... that it has a soul... it would undermine everything the Church stands
for. It is an animal, and animals do not have souls." He looked away anxiously.
"Human beings," he said simply, "are not animals."

     Reid nodded solemnly. "I understand. You may rest assured that the
notebook will be consigned to the flames before morning; Lady Jane and her
'lover' will soon be on the boat back to Africa, where the circus is booked for
an extended period. You have my word."

     The clergyman smiled briefly and then slipped outside into the night.

     Reid couldn't help but laugh as the Arch-Bishop disappeared from view.
The Church... souls... surely it was all a jest. Still smiling, the englishman
turned and walked swiftly up the stairs. Maybe, he thought to himself, there
was time for one more go with that bitch Jane before she was shipped off for
her next performance.


     Back in the entrance hall, the servant swung the door shut behind the
final guest and threw the heavy, metal bolt. Then, with an ease borne of long
experience, he removed the glass cover from the candle and snuffed out the

                                    THE END
             As usual, I am interested in any comments you may have
               regarding this story, or any of my other stories.

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