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Review This Story || Author: Chum

Dare To Grow

Chapter 3

	Chapter 3


	A young woman waved to me as I walked into customs.  She was outside the
railing, but was so enthusiastic she shouted, "Jan, Beth!  I'll wait for you at
the exit gate."  She was wearing a snug, lightweight dress that showed off a
slender, athletic body with well defined legs.  She could have been the image of
a tennis star, but for breasts that would make serious athletic activity an
exercise in self flagellation.  Her face was rather long, with close set blue
eyes, a nose just a bit short for the shape of her face, and an expressive mouth
with a full lower lip.  She wore her auburn hair in soft waves upon her
shoulders.  Her bright disposition offset any minor flaws, leaving the
impression of a very pretty  and outgoing young woman.

	Clearing customs, I walked into an enthusiastic embrace.  We were about
the same height, and up close I realized we had very similar five foot four
builds.  With friendly efficiency she had us in a clinic limo in short order,
chatting happily about how wonderful my skin was and how she could see the
beautiful woman inside me ready to emerge into the world.  I thought any minute
she would start singing I am woman hear me roar."

	I reminded myself I was here to shed my cynicism and reserve.  Her perky
enthusiasm was contagious, finally coaxing laughter from me.  We rode and
talked, with her doing most of the talking, and the ride to the clinic passed
quickly.  It was some distance out of town, and as we drove through guarded
gates set in a tall brick wall, she said, "Isn't it beautiful, we're miles from
our nearest neighbors and our patients and guests love the sense of privacy."

	There was nothing about the two story building we entered to suggest a
mental health facility, save the "Dare To Grow Clinic" sign above the entrance. 
It was more like a posh hotel.  Beth checked me in at a reception desk manned by
a young woman, and in less than ten minutes we were in my spacious room.  It had
a king size bed, a couch, two chairs and a writing desk.  She showed me around,
and when we got to the bathroom I got my first surprise.  There were two
commodes, one regular one, and a second one that had an adjustable pipe sticking
up in the middle, and rising several inches above the level of the seat.

	I asked, "What's that for?"

	She said, "You're jumping the gun a little, but I guess we might as well
get started."  She led me back to the bedroom and we sat at opposite ends of the
couch.  "You know already that our clinic employs intensive therapeutic methods. 
These methods might be deemed extreme, even outrageously deviant, by main stream
practitioners.  But can you argue with a ninety percent success rate?  And bear
in mind that we deal with some very repressed patients, like yourself."  I
blushed and squirmed a bit.  "The fact that you overcame your usual reactions,
and find yourself actually here, demonstrates a solid commitment on your part.


	"The good news is you will break out and become, in just two weeks, the
kind of free, outgoing and joyfully alive woman you always wanted to be.  The
bad news is that some of what you will be experiencing in the next two weeks
will test your resolve to the core.  Especially at the beginning, there will be
times when you want to quit, when you may even scream and threaten in your
determination to stop your therapy.  Most of our patients make such demands at
one time or another during their stay, such is the nature of any intensely
interactive protocol."

	Beth slid next to me on the couch and reached out to take my hands in
hers.  She looked deeply into my eyes and said, "As your recruiter, I now become
your chief therapist.  For reasons that will become more clear at the
appropriate time, you must confirm your commitment to growth by trusting me with
the title of Mistress.  Until further notice you must call me by no other name."

	I felt myself flush, startled by the intimacy of her hands, eyes, and
voice, and my confusion over this new demand.  As if sensing my emotional
retreat she said, "Don't pull back from me, Jan, it will only make things harder
for you, and will basically change nothing.  Remember the medical releases you
signed at home and downstairs when you checked in.  Especially the check in form
spells out that we may employ at our sole discretion, and against your will if
necessary, any therapeutic method we choose, provided it does not result in
permanent physical harm to you, the patient."

	She could see the confusion and fear in my eyes.  Holding my hands
tight, she added, "I hope it will comfort you to know that I am just as
committed to your therapy as you are.  I will be present with you much of the
time, and I will, quite literally, suffer with your failures and share in your


	Her reassuring smile and the tight grip of her hands finally brought a
smile to my lips.  I said, "You have an infectious enthusiasm Be. . I mean
mistress.  As long as you're with me in this I guess I can give it my best.  But
are you serious that I can't choose to quit?"

	"I'm afraid so Jan, and by the way, most of the time during your
training you will be referred to by other people as 'slave.'  We have found that
using this impersonal title helps condition the patient into the receptive and
compliant state of mind necessary to effect the drastic change you came here to

	She studied my face for a long time, then said in a more brisk tone,
"It's two PM.  Your first training session in scheduled for six o'clock.  You
will notice the use of the word 'training' instead of 'therapy.'   At the clinic
we have settled on 'training' as a more useful description, but don't worry, we
start you out gently.  Remember you are here to transform yourself, both
physically and mentally.  So rule number one, no granny bras, panties or panty
hose.  You will find suitable garments in the closet and dresser over there. 
You will wear only what you are told to wear at all times.  Before your
afternoon, and again before evening session, you are required to bathe, douche,
and take a high colon cleansing.  I noticed you giving our special bidet a look,
well do your best this evening before your bath, and you will receive more
complete training in hygiene in the morning.


	"I will come for you at six.  Be bathed and dressed in whatever you
brought in the way of dresses that will look good with black.  For undergarment
you will wear a black garter belt, black stockings and heels.  Also put on a
black bra and panties.  I know a hundred questions are buzzing in your head, but
our training procedures prevent me from answering them at this time.  Trust is
one of the foundations of the 'dare to grow' method, so I'll see you at six."

Review This Story || Author: Chum
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