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Review This Story || Author: Chum

Dare To Grow

Chapter 8

	Chapter 8


	"I must be a lesbian."  This though ran over and over through my head. 
At that moment I didn't really care.  All I knew was my desire to touch and
explore.  I felt like a flower bulb, long buried in winter ground, finally
bursting through the earth to explore the freedom of air, and eager to grow and

	For the first time in my life passion was overcoming guilt, safety
overcoming danger.  In my sudden freedom I played and teased, using my fingers
to squeeze and gently twist her sore nipple, making her moan, one moment with
discomfort, the next with pleasure.  I had become, in an instant of arousal, a
new person. (Oh, if it were only that simple, I was to discover.)

	I went to the other tit as Beth moved sensuously beneath my hands.  When
neither of us could stand much more she pushed me onto my back and looked down
at me with passion in her eyes.  I shivered with anticipation, wanting her to
kiss me and take me.  Instead, she took the lotion.  Reaching down with her
hand, she urged my legs apart.  I spread for her, eager to please.  She started
at the top of my pubic bone, rubbing the lotion into my inflamed and tender
skin.  Working slowly, with light movements of her palm and fingers, she teased
and stroked.

	I was ready to explode with some nameless ecstacy before she even
touched the top of my crease.  Not a word had been spoken, but now I could no
longer hold back, "I want you. . . Yes, yes, touch me there. . . Teach me what
to do. .. Uh, god, yes, that feels so good."

	Her fingers explored me.  I widened my legs, straining my buttocks and
pelvic muscles to raise my sex to her hand.  As my arousal became almost
unbearable I cried out in wordless passion.  Her fingers settled on my engorged
clit.  I stiffened, but she whispered, "It is magnificent."  Those were her only
words, but they transformed a lifetime of shame, leaving me with a proud little
organ eager to bring me pleasure.

	In the space of a few moments I was going off like a sky rocket, with
vibrating sensations exploding outward from my clitoris, through my groin, then
on to my extremities in a wave of pleasure so intense I started undulating like
a fish out of water. "Oh, YES," I shouted, followed by unintelligible noises.

	When I lay in a sheen of perspiration, my chest heaving to catch my
breath, she looked down at me with a wry smile and said, "What in the world have
we uncovered here?  And all this with only one hand."  She held up her hand, wet
with my juices, and we laughed till our eyes met again.  Our smiles slowly faded
as her mouth came to mine.

Review This Story || Author: Chum
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